• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,485 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

From Darkness to Light

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

"You saw Robin!" said Twilight nearly gasping.

"Ooh! Ooh! Maybe it's like a spy story!" said Pinkie Pie excitedly.

"Why are we doing this again?" asked Applejack seeming less than pleased about their situation. "Seriously, Twi, why are we doing this especially after what happened earlier today?"

"Because Robin's here." Twilight stated quietly.

"Sorry, Paulie." Lucci said to his former colleague in a neutral tone. There was no point in hiding their identities now. "We are actually government agents working directly under the Emperor's Council; Cipher Pol number 9, CP9."

"How can you do that?!" shouted Twilight towards the CP9 group. "Why are you all betraying your friends?! Aren't they important to you?"

"A moment ago, yes. But it's different now." Lucci stated uncaring.

"You're not going to touch them." Luffy stated threateningly.

"Like you could stop us…" stated Lucci threatening back at the pirate.

"How dare you hurt my friends?!"

"N-No…Rarity…" Twilight said trying to stop her friend.

"We are CP9." Lucci stated to everyone. "We have been prepared to give our lives for the Empire for justice. The fruits of our training since youth has granted us six super human strengths…Rokushiki. Hopefully, this experience has sunk into your minds. You lowly pirates and naïve mares, do you see the huge difference in our combat power!"

Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it throughthem everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

"From Darkness to Light"

As the wind strongly blew across the city Water 7, it fanned the flames increasing the blaze on the Galley-La Headquarters. If anyone was outside, they would surely see it from even afar. In fact, there was someone out. Kokoro, Chimeny, and Gonbe were watching the fire burn from on top of Blueno's Bar, which was closed. Old Kokoro watched slightly worried for Iceberg. She understood what happened as well as what their goal was.

Outside the inferno, the Galley-La carpenters were trying desperately to put out the fire to no avail. They all knew that their most important people – Iceberg, Paulie, Lucci, Kaki, and Kalifa – were still in there. They hoped beyond hope that they were still alive. None of them knew the actually truth. That they had been betrayed by three of the most trusted workers in the company for they were really Empire agents searching for something dangerous; the blueprints for a weapon of mass destruction. But they would never know, for if their plan worked out well they would be declared dead due to the fire. And the Straw Hat pirates, one of whom the carpenters had courtesy of Lucci unknowingly, would take the blame. Everything would go as planned for CP9.

Inside the burning building in Iceberg's room, the fire had reached this room as well. Everyone was still in the room and still tied up. Most of them were too weak to move, but there was one who could do something. Fluttershy struggled in her rope trying to get free. She was trying to cute her rope on some debris, but it would not cut in time.

"Oh, Fluttershy…" said the Pegasus to herself worriedly, "how will you get out of this…?"

Fluttershy then had a thought. There was fire in the room already and fire could weaken the rope. It was dangerous, but she had to try. Fluttershy scooted over to the closest flame and got her rope as close as possible. As the fire began burning the rope, she could feel the heat from it. It was slowly beginning seer her skin. She whimpered in pain, but did the best she could to withstand. Finally, the rope broke and Fluttershy was free.

"Chopper!" That was the first thing she shouted as she dashed over to the rubble. Immediately, she began to move the rubble. Though much of it was heavy, she preserved. After moving a few more pieces of rubble, Fluttershy soon found her friend.

"Chopper!" shouted Fluttershy worried as she pulled the reindeer – still in Walk Point – out from underneath the rubble. She did her best to check over the reindeer for any severe injuries. He appeared to be okay to which Fluttershy was relieved for.

"Oh, Chopper. I'm so sorry." Fluttershy said to the unconscious reindeer crying. She then began trying to shake Chopper awake. "Please wake up."

Suddenly, there came a glow different from the fire's glow. Fluttershy turned around and saw a square doorway of light. Then, within the square, the light was replaced with a scene of a deck. Then, some pony walked through the doorway completely unfazed by the fire. Fluttershy knew immediately who it was as she wiped her tears away.

"Jack Silver!"

"Captain Jack Silver." The old unicorn said attempting to correct the mare. He then whistled back through the portal bringing forth some of his crew. Some bringing in buckets of water (Shimmer, Big Rummy, and Slash) and a few hurrying over to the wounded (Gem La Stone and Marina).

"Get those fires back." Jack ordered to those with buckets.

"Aye-aye!" shouted Big Rummy and Shimmer.

"Seriously? Now we're firefighters?" commented Slash displeased slightly.

"Shut up and keep the fire back, Shrimpy." Shimmer stated as she dumped her bucket.

Big Rummy walked back over to the portal. "We need more water!" He shouted out to the rest of the crew.

Back at the Golden Alicorn, all of Jack's crew was working together. They formed a fire line and was passing water down into the portal for the others to grab. T-Cog stayed at the helm as they were now out at sea. He was also overseeing the line making sure no one falters. Spike stood by his side looking worried.

Back inside the burning room, Jack nodded in approval of his crew's actions. He then looked over to Gem La Stone and Marina. "How are they?" He asked concerned.

"Various, but they are still alive." Marina said examining Pinkie Pie from her side. She then moved to her front and gasped. "This one needs to attention state!"

"Zis one too!" Gem La Sone stated having looked over Rainbow Dash.

"Okay." Jack nodded and then gave another whistle, long then short.

Immediately, Shimmer, Big Rummy, and Slash stopped dumping water. They then quickly came over to the captain. "Yes/Yeah, captain?" They all said together.

"Hurry and take all the mares to the medical room."

"Aye, captain!" said the group quickly. They then proceeded to help Marine and Gem La Stone

"Gently now." Marina stated to the group as the placed Rarity one Big Rummy.

Seeing that everything was mostly taken care of, Jack approached Fluttershy. "Are you alright?" He asked concerned.

"Yes…" Fluttershy said rubbing her few burns from the fire and the rope. She then looked pass Jack watching as his crew took her friends through the portal. "How did you know to come?"

"Call it 'intuition'." Jack stated grinning slyly. He then looked to see the reindeer. "Is he one of the Straw Hats?"

Fluttershy nodded. "His name is Tony Tony Chopper, he's their doctor." She then looked over and noticed that the group wasn't touching either Iceberg or Paulie. This immediately concerned her.

"Can you help them, too?"


"Don't worry…" A weak voice spoke interrupting Jack. Both Jack and Fluttershy turned their attention back. Both were surprised as Chopper, now awake, forced himself to stand up. He looked badly hurt, but he still stood strong. "I'll get them out of here."

"You sure?" asked Jack concerned.

"Yeah…" Chopper said nodding. "Maybe if I rescue them, it will shed some light to everyone about us."

"Chopper!" Fluttershy shouted as she wrapped the reindeer in a hug relieved that he was awake. "You're all right. Thank Celestia."

"Fluttershy?" Chopper said surprised.

"I'm so sorry." Fluttershy said as she kept hugging the reindeer though now crying. "I'm sorry you got hurt because of me."

"It's alright, Fluttershy." Chopper said smiling proudly. "I don't regret it."

Fluttershy was a little surprised by Chopper's comment, but seeing her friend smile it made her feel a little better. Though she still couldn't help but feel guilty.

Jack smiled understanding the young reindeer's determination. "Alright then…" He said before turning and untying the two ponies. He used his magic to place the two stallions on Chopper's back. He noticed the reindeer's legs begin to shake, but he didn't falter. This impressed the old stallion.

"Thanks…" Chopper said sounding exhausted.

"Good luck." Fluttershy said before giving him a chaste kiss to his cheek. Immediately, her cheeks grew a light blush.

Chopper immediately blushed as well. Suddenly, his shaky legs remained still and strong. He looked away from Fluttershy hiding his expression of joy and embarrassment. He did manage a nod though.

Jack chuckled seeing the interaction. He then remembered something. "Oh, one last thing." He said as his horn began glowing even brighter. Suddenly, another portal doorway opened, this one leading directly outside near the Galley-La employees. Jack smirked. "Mind your step."

"Thank you." Chopper said to Jack in gratitude. He then looked at Fluttershy, gave her a proud smile, and then dashed through the portal. Once he was through the portal, Jack immediately closed it.

"Bye…" Fluttershy said despite no longer being in range for Chopper to hear.

"Come on now, missy." Jack said to Fluttershy giving her a hoof (hand).

Fluttershy nodded and took the hoof. She was then lead through the portal just as the room began to collapse. Immediately, the portal closed.

Meanwhile outside, the Galley-La carpenters had caught sight of Chopper as well as the two stallions he was carrying on his back. As soon as they reached him, the poor reindeer collapsed out of exhaustion. He barely had enough energy to carry both full-grown ponies, but a little incentive had given him the strength to make it. The carpenters of Galley-La were surprised, but grateful for the reindeer's action. Their heroes were saved.

The Golden Alicorn battled the rough waves and high winds. With Water 7 to her back, she sailed forward to Equestria by request of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. All around the deck, the crew was relentless in keeping their ship from succumbing to the might of this storm and Agua Laguna. T-Cog stood at the helm giving orders out in place of the captain. Along with the misfits of various ponies, zebras, and Diamond Dogs, the officers of Jack's crew were helping as well. Most of them, at least.

For down inside, Marina, Shimmer, and Jack were in the infirmary along with Spike and their injured guests. It had been an hour or so since the incident at Galley-La Company Headquarters with CP9. The Mane Six had been tended to by Marina, especially Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. All were covered in bandages. Thanks to Marina's intensive care and skill, the group had awoken soon after arriving. They were all surprised to find themselves in the Golden Alicorn's infirmary. Spike had been completely overjoyed that his friends had recovered. On the other hand, Jack was furious.

"Reckless! Stubborn! Suicidal! You mares have got to be some of the stupidest ponies I've ever met!"

None of the Mane Six replied nor argued against the harsh comments. They all had their heads down ashamed. Each for different reasons; unable to fulfill a promise, unable to fight back, unable to do anything at all. These were what made them all feel useless making them more depressed.

"I mean, seriously, if there was a recorded history of stupid things ponies did then you would be the triumph of that entire history. By Celestia, I thought you mares had enough brains between the six of you since you took down not only Nightmare Moon, but Discord as well."

"Dad, settle down already." Shimmer spoke out glaring at her father. "They've experienced enough tonight."

Jack was about to speak back, but then his daughter sent him an even more furious glare. Jack quickly faltered on his reply. He released a sigh as he calmed himself down. "Right, alight." He said now calm as he took a seat. "Right, so how about one of you tell me what happened."

Twilight was the one to tell Jack everything; about how they snuck into Galley-La Headquarters and how they got wrapped up with their friends to finally reach Robin. Only, she had others with her. Former members of Galley-La's staff and one Minotaur from a group called CP9 was there, and they defeated them without breaking a sweat. They were then left to die in the fire. Of course, Fluttershy filled them in on some details they didn't see.

"I see," Jack said looking grim. "CP9. I'd heard rumors about a group like that. I never put much thought into it, but I guess this group is very real. You mares were lucky they didn't kill you."

"Yeah…" Twilight said numbly.

Jack sighed becoming slightly depressed by the mood. "Well, I guess this will be an interesting experience to take back to Equestria with." He said smiling trying to lighten the mood. No one laughed or even smiled, but he knew that it was a long-shot to begin with. Again, Jack sighed.

"Are they good to move?" asked Jack to Marina. "We're gonna need you up top."

"Yeah, they can."

"Alright," Jack then looked at his guests, "please follow me to your quarters."

The Mane Six and Spike agreed and followed Jack as he led them to their quarters. Marina and Shimmer then went outside. He stated that he was allowing them to stay his captain quarters, as there was not enough room in the mares' quarters. Once inside, they were amazed by the room. It was a well-decorated and big room ornate with wood carvings with a bed and desk. On the rest was a number of books and maps along with a quill and ink. There was also a small little wristband with a shell on it. Hanging on the walls, pictures hung, one of Shimmer – being his daughter – and another picture of a mare they did not recognize. She had a green mane similar to Shimmer's hair, but her coat was a goldenrod yellow.

"What an elegant mare." Rarity said as she marveled at the mare in the picture. "Who is she?"

"My wife." Jack said smiling at the picture.

"She's quite lovely." Rarity commented admiring the picture. "Is she not a part of the crew?"

"She was, but not anymore." Jack said before frowning.

Rarity immediately got the hint. "Oh, I'm sorry, captain." She apologized immediately.

Jack's frown was quickly replaced with a small smile. "Don't worry about it, it's all in the past." He said before turning around to the rest of the group. "Okay. This will be your room until we reach Equestria. Make yourself at home. Just leave the desk alone."

"Thank you…" Applejack said to the pirate captain appreciative. "For everythin' that you've done for us."

"It's no problem at all." Jack said giving the group a small and polite bowing gesture. He then took his leave of the room, but not without saying one last thing. "Rest well." He then left shutting the door.

The room remained silent after Jack left. There seem to be some awkwardness between the mares. They normally unified group sat separately from Twilight and by association, Spike. Though only Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity seem to actually separate themselves from her. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were in the middle looking worried for both sides. Twilight just kept her head down still depressed and feeling ashamed.

"I'm sorry…" Twilight said sadly.

"Shut it, Twilight!" snapped Applejack suddenly.

This outburst shocked the rest of the group, even the ones sitting around her had to step back in shock. Twilight barely reacted besides flinching as if her friend's harsh statement was a punch. Not like she didn't believe she didn't deserve one. On the other hand, Spike was horrified.

"Applejack! She's just trying to…"

"Well, it don't matter now!" shouted Applejack as she approached the sad, purple unicorn. "What happened to that promise of yours, Twilight? The one where you would teleport us out if this got dangerous. It was plenty dangerous! Look at us!"

Twilight looked over at her friends. She could see how all of them were hurt. Rainbow Dash's body was nearly covered in bandages. Applejack and Pinkie Pie were the same except their wounds weren't has numerous. Rarity was trying to cover the bruising she had on her face thanks to taking a direct punch to her face. She too had bandages on her body having taken some damage. And of course, they all were covered some burns from both the fire and the rope. Most of them looked less than pleased about their wounds with Applejack being completely angry.

"We could've lost our lives!" Applejack continued to shout in anger.

"I just wanted Robin…"

"You were being selfish!" shouted Applejack interrupting the unicorn. "You couldn't just leave well enough alone. You had to go back to find a criminal that could care less about you or your brother and his crew. Did you ever once think that maybe she wasn't as good a pony as you thought she was?"

"Of course I did!" Twilight said finally finding her voice, though angry. "But I know she's good!"

"I think we've seen otherwise, Twilight." Rarity stated with a frown.

"Face it, Twilight." Rainbow Dash spoke frowning as well. "She's nothing but a traitor, a backstabber, and a murderer."

"She's not!" shouted Twilight back.

"Guys…" Spike said sounding worried.

"Girls! Please calm down." Fluttershy said as she tried to calm the situation.

"Yeah!" said Pinkie Pie as she joined Fluttershy. "There's no need to shout and fight."

"How can neither of you not be angry with her?" asked Applejack still mad. "Pinkie, you were the closest one of us to dying and Fluttershy…" The Earth pony mare went quiet. She knew what she was about to say, and knew that it would probably hurt the easily emotional Pegasus.

Despite Applejack not saying anything, Fluttershy clearly knew what she was going to say. She frowned in sadness knowing full well her actions, or lack of, had been cowardly. "I'm sorry."

"Wait, hold on now, sweetie." Applejack said calming down. "I wasn't trying to insult ya. You were probably the smartest one of us."

"No, I wasn't." Fluttershy said lowering her head. "You all were willing to go help Twilight, but I couldn't even move. I even got Chopper hurt. I was so scared. I was completely useless."

"Well, you probably shouldn't have been there in the first place." Rainbow Dash said not meaning any harm by her comment. She then sent a glare at Twilight.

"None of us should have." Rarity stated.

This made the purple unicorn angrier. "You all could've left!"

"Like we could've escaped!" shouted Applejack. "You were our escape!"

"I needed to see Robin!"

"Were you going to sacrifice your friends like she did?!"


"Stop it!" shouted Spike desperately.

With Spike's shout, everyone went silent. Twilight and Applejack were still glaring at each other as if the conversation they were having previously was still going one between them mentally. For everyone else, they were simply shocked by the little dragon's sudden shout. As the room remained silent for what seemed like forever, a little sound was made...


...followed by a familiar voice.

"Nami? Nami! Can you hear me?"

Everyone stopped shouting when they heard a new voice, but familiar voice. Immediately, Rarity recognized the voice. "Sanji-kun?"

"He's here?" said Applejack surprised as she looked around frantically.

"There's no else here but us?" said Rainbow Dash.

"It's coming from over there." Spike said pointing to Jack's desk.

What exactly the little dragon was pointing to was a little dial with a black snail head popped out. It was seated on the right side of the desk next to some quills and ink. Everyone gathered around the table completely forgetting their earlier tasks. They all stared at the little snail surprised.

"Yes! Is that you, Sanji?"

"That's Nami." Fluttershy said being the first to recognize the voice. Along with Nami's voice, there came a number of shouts and explosions going on in the background being transmitted through the snail.

"What is this thing?" asked Applejack eyeing the snail suspiciously.

"It's a Transponder Snail." Twilight said informatively. "They're a type of animal used as a way of communication in certain places of the world. Mostly within the Black Empire's jurisdiction."

"Then, we can talk through this cute, little guy to the others?" asked Pinkie Pie optimistically.

"Not with this one. This one is a Black Transponder Snail. It's used to eavesdrop on conversations nearby."

"They're not…hurt by this, are they?" asked Fluttershy looking worried.

Twilight smiled and shook their head. "No, because of how important they are, ponies are certain to take care of them."

Fluttershy smiled softly. "That's good."

"So, what we're hearing right now…" said Rarity as she pointed to the little snail, "is a conversation between Sanji-kun and Nami?"

"Yes." Twilight nodded.

"Wait, why are they talking through these snail things?" asked Rainbow Dash confused.

"Let's listen and find out." Spike said enthusiastically.

And everyone listened in on the conversion. Nami explained to Sanjii what had happened and what they had learned. She had explained to him about what they did breaking into Galley-La Headquarters to catch Robin, the appearance of their friends (them), and the fight with CP9. Though Sanji was worried for them, Nami told him that they were all rescued, which he was relieved for. She then spoke the most important information.

From Iceberg, she had learned of Robin's true motive. She had joined CP9 to protect both the crew and their friends that had joined them. She turned herself in and let them use her to keep the Navy from enacting a terrible plan to use on them; the Buster Call. An act where five vice admirals of the Black Navy attack with ten battleships destroying whatever the target is without discrimination or mercy. It sounded completely horrible to the group. With this plan, they would destroy the Straw Hats and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

Now, from what they could gather, Sanji had already went ahead to rescue Robin picking up Franky and Usopp, both having been captured, along the way. As for Nami, she was with the rest of the crew along with the entire Franky Family, the rest of the top foremen of Galley-La (Paulie, Tilestone, and Lulu), and Granny Kokoro plus Chimney and Gonbe were in a second sea train going to a place called Enies Lobby. They were going to fight back to rescue Robin, and Franky by request of the Franky Family.

"Unfortunately," spoke Sanji sounding surprising serious, "now that I've heard about Robin's reason's, there is no living force that is gonna stop me." Then, there came a crunching sound. Instantly, the Transponder Snail fell back into its dial falling asleep. The conversation was over.

None of the Mane Six or Spike spoke completely shocked by the new information they had conveniently been given. Suddenly, looking back, their argument earlier seemed somewhat irrelevant.

"I can't believe…" Applejack said astonished.

Suddenly, there came muffled sniff. Everyone looked over at Twilight and were surprised. Their unicorn friend was covering her mouth as she began shedding tears. Though, one could make out a smile or sorts. Her current emotional state was completely mixed.

"Twilight?" spoke Fluttershy surprised

"She's protecting us…" said Twilight through her leg and tears. "She was protecting us again, and I didn't see it. And now, she's going to sacrifice herself.

"Twi…" said Pinkie Pie frowning.

"Luffy and everyone are going to rescue her…" Twilight said as she went quiet. She had looked to have had a thought. "Spike!"

"Yes!" said Spike quickly.

"I would like to write a letter." Twilight said to her number one assistant.

"Okay." Spike said as he looked around. Spying the parchment and quill, Spike dashed over to get it.

"What are you thinking, Twilight?" asked Applejack concerned.

"I'm going to ask for some advice, and maybe some help." Twilight said sounding hopeful.

Spike soon returned with quill and paper in his claws. He was ready to write. "Alright, I'm ready."

Before speaking, Twilight cleared her voice as so to make her words clearer. She then spoke out loud her letter. "Dear Princess Celestia, it has been some time since I've written to you. I apologize if I worried you. Much has happened to me and my friends. Everything outside of Equestria is amazing, but also dangerous. I'm not sure if we were ready for it. But there is another matter at hoof, Robin is in trouble. She was captured by the Empire and Luffy and his crew are trying to rescue her. We are currently not with them as they thought it best for us to return home. In some ways, I feel that they were right in that decision, but now they are in trouble. Robin is throwing away her life so I, Luffy, and our friends can survive. If there is any way you could help, I would greatly appreciate it. Signed, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Spike scribbled across the paper making sure he got Twilight's every word. He was soon done and knowing what to do, he rolled the parchment up and he breathed out his magic fire to send the letter to Princess Celestia. The smoke then traveled out of the room.

"What are you doing, Twilight?" Applejack asked concerned.

"I don't know, maybe the princess can do something about the situation."

"Don't get your hopes up." Everyone turned around hearing someone different speak. At the doorway was Jack along with a few others (Big Rummy and Slash included) from his crew peering in looking interested. The old captain looked serious as he entered the room. "Whatever reply is sent, it probably won't be the answer you're looking for."

"Jack?" spoke Twilight confused.

"Sorry, Big Rummy called me to come check on you."

Big Rummy nodded. "It sounded scary." He said before shivering.

"You crybaby." Slash said deadpanned.

"We overheard a bit." Jack said continuing the conversation with the Equestria group. "But let me tell you fillies something. Enies Lobby is dangerous. There isn't a pirate alive that doesn't fear that place."

"What is it?" asked Spike.

"Enies Lobby is an Empire-controlled, judicial island where the Empire's criminals go to be trialed and sentenced to be imprisoned at the world's second most secured prison, Impel Down. Though, the trial is just a formality. Everyone sent there is immediately declared guilty and never seen again."

"That's awful." Rarity said shocked.

"It is." Jack said with a frown and nod. "I'm surprised that your friends are actually trying to bust into that place."

"They're going to rescue Robin!" Twilight said smiling happily.

"And they will die." Jack countered unsavory.

Twilight looked at Jack shocked. "What?"

"That island is an Empire facility. It is crawling with Navy soldiers and Empire officials like a fortress. I heard about their small force, but they are outnumbered and outgunned. If they somehow make it through that, then there is still the CP9 to face. They were defeated once by them, they will probably be defeated again. They will die."

"No!" shouted Twilight angrily. "They won't die. I know Luffy, he won't give up until Robin's back."

Twilight then had a thought. "Wait, Jack!" She said inspired looking the pirate captain. "What if you and us go to Enies Lobby and help them?!"

"We're not doing that." Jack said calmly before Applejack could finish speaking.

Twilight looked at Jack as her excitement melted away. It was then replaced with hurt and confusion as she replied, "What?"

"Ms. Sparkle, I will not risk my crew for a bunch of rookie pirates we don't know." Jack stated with more clarity so the purple unicorn could understand. He then went on to say, "You only hired us to take you to a destination, not fight a war."


"But don't get me wrong, Ms. Sparkle," Jack said smiling, "I'm actually quite impressed with the feat the Straw Hats are doing. Most pirates aren't as dedicated to their crewmates as they. I and my crew would do the same in a heartbeat for one of our own."

"Yeah!" said Jack's crew in the doorway.

"But you won't help Luffy and rescue Robin?" said Twilight sad.

"No." Jack stated. "But," he began grinning cunningly, "I can certainly deliver you to Enies Lobby and you can help them."

Twilight, along with her friends, looked at the pirate captain shocked. "What?"

"What?!" shouted Slash shocked along with the others of the crew. The little dragon then ran up to his captain as he tried to speak reason to him. "But didn't you just say that Enies Lobby is dangerous?!"

"Only if we land on it." Jack said countering smartly. He then looked back at the Mane Six and Spike. "I'm just saying, if you feel so strongly that Straw Hat needs help. Go help him yourselves."

"You're asking us to go risk our lives again?!" Applejack said in disbelief.

Jack shrugged. "That's up to you folks."

Suddenly, there came a gurgling sound from Spike. The little dragon belched a mixture of green fire and smoke. The smoke then turned into a scroll wrapped with a red ribbon. The letter landed directly into Spike's claws. He then looked up to the group nervous. "Should I read it?" He asked.

"Only if you want to." Twilight replied evenly.

Spike nodded. He then untied the ribbon and unrolled the scroll. He then read aloud. "'My faithful student Twilight, your letter is very concerning. It seems that you and your friends have quite an ordeal. For that, I am sorry. I thought I had prepared you for it, but I seem to have forgotten just how dangerous it was out there…'"

"Princess…" said Twilight sadly.

"…'The situation you're currently in is serious. The Black Empire has every right to capture Robin as they were the ones to issue her bounty. Luffy and his crew are labeled 'pirates' by their account as well. If I interfere, it may just cause an international incident that may lead to war. This news if very troubling. As one of the rulers over Equestria, I advise for you all to come home immediately and let the Straw Hats be.'"

"No…" Twilight said heartbroken.

"So, that's it then." Applejack said frowning. "We return to Equestria."

"That's curious…" Jack said surprised to see the dragon's trick. He then looked over at Slash.

Slash caught his captain's sight. He noticed how inquisitive he looked. "Oh no! You're not making me you're messenger dragon!"

"Hey, guys." shouted Spike breaking the group's conversation. "There's still more to read in the princess' letter."

"Really?" said Twilight surprised.

Spike nodded and then continued reading. "'But as your teacher, and someone who cares deeply for both you, Luffy, Robin, and your friends, I have but one piece of advice to give. You may find it familiar in a sense. Do what you want to do, and follow it through to the end without regrets. Best of luck returning home, Princess Celestia'. And that's it."

"That was interesting." Jack said amused.

"What do you mean?" asked Rarity.

"It seems to me…" said Jack while looking at the group, "that it's time for you all to make a choice. You must decide right here and right now. Do you go to your friends to aid them or do you return home."

"Right now?" Rainbow Dash said nervously.

"It must be now, but it's only fair to warn you all. There is no guarantee you will succeed in your task if you go to Enies Lobby. Once you land on that island and your intentions known, you will be considered pirates. All the Navy forces will be on you. The CP9 will be against you, and they will kill you this time for sure. You'll be out of your league."

The Mane Six and Spike were spooked by what Jack told them. The old pirate captain had made some clear points to them. If they went, it would be the Galley-La Headquarters incident all over again only worst. Returning home would mean safety for them, but abandoning their friends to their deaths. It would seem that they were stuck in a conundrum.

Twilight felt the most conflicted. She had already gotten her and her friends hurt trying to help. Could she really put them through it all again? Twilight felt that this situation and decision was hopeless. Then, she recalled an old memory from long ago.

It was the day that Sabo's father had first come to retrieve his son back. He had brought with him a number of big, tough Earth ponies (she also recalled him being potentially racist) to detain them. To Twilight, they had no hope, but she had seen Ace and Luffy beat back the ponies despite how much bigger they were comparatively. She recalled when he told her of his adventures and fights with ponies like Crocodile and Eneru, and how immensely strong he made them out to be. And finally, he and his crew – their friends – fought Discord nearly to point where he may have actually become serious. Then, collecting all these events in her mind, Twilight realized something about each one.

"Luffy's always been out of his league…"

"Beg pardon?" said Jack surprised.

"Luffy has always fought against high odds. He took on full grown Earth pony stallions as a colt, fought enemies that were like the elements themselves, and he even came to fight Discord with his crew. He's always protected me, and they have protected us. And I feel like if I don't at least try to do everything in my power to help them, then what much good am I as Luffy's sister and Straw Hat's friend."

"Jack…" Twilight spoke suddenly before turning to the pirate captain. "Please…take me to Enies Lobby."

"Well then," Spike said as he quickly waddled up next to Twilight smiling with confidence, "you're gonna need your number one assistance to assist you in helping Big Bro Luffy and everyone in the crew."

"No, Spike." Twilight said looking at the baby dragon concerned. "You can't…"

"I know I can." Spike stated determinedly. "Because I want to as well."

"Twilight," Fluttershy said as she walked forward, "I'm coming too."

Twilight looked at her friend surprised. "Really?"

"Yes." Fluttershy said nodding. "I know I'm not strong or a fighter or even that brave, but I want to be able to help Chopper and them in any way I can. I don't want our friends to…d-d-die."

"Fluttershy…" Twilight said dumbfounded.

"I wanna help too!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully as she bounced next to Twilight.

Twilight looked at Pinkie Pie surprised. "But you got hurt…" She stated sadly.

Pinkie Pie heard Twilight's concern and stopped bouncing. "Yeah, I did." She said smiling before looking at her chest. Then, she looked back up at Twilight grinning. "But it'll hurt more if we lose so many of our friends. I want to help the best I can, too, like in the Davy Back Fight!"

Twilight frown was quickly replaced with a small smile as she looked at her friend. Her little assistant was being brave even though he had already been faced with danger. She had been worried for the Pegasus pony the most out of her group, but she saw that Fluttershy's kind heart hadn't been destroyed. The same went for Pinkie Pie's optimistic nature had not been lost during this incident. Twilight couldn't be happier.

"Don't think that you all will be going without me." Applejack said as she stepped forward as well. As she approached Twilight, she took off her hat, holding it to her chest, and apologized. "I'm sorry for earlier, Twi. I guess that whole situation just had me spooked."

"I'm sorry, too. I was being reckless." Twilight said smiling.

"We both acted a little foolish." Applejack said smiling humorously. She then placed her hat back onto her head now looking confident. "But our friends are gonna need some extra muscle, so I'll come along to provide some."

"Well then," Rarity said joining the group smiling, "if we're bringing along muscle, I guess a little style is required as well."

"Seriously." Applejack said with a raised brow in suspicion.

"Of course. After all, when facing adversity one's outfit should show that they will not be defeated."

"The ladies have some spare clothing around if you're asking." Jack commented.

"Perfect." Rarity said happily towards Jack.

"You're really gonna do this?" asked Applejack surprised.

"Of course. We work well as a team, and adding to a bigger team can only help further our goal." Rarity said proudly. Then, she began blushing as she swooned. "Plus, I'll be able to see Sanji-kun again."

"Right…" Applejack said nervously. She herself was blushing as well.

Twilight smiled seeing nearly all her friends joining her. She then looked over at Rainbow Dash, wondering if she was going to join them; however, she wasn't at her spot. She was confused, but she soon felt someone brush against her. She turned and saw Rainbow Dash next to her, but looking in the opposite direction of her.

"I'm coming too…" Rainbow Dash said stubbornly.

Twilight was a little caught off guard by Rainbow Dash's attitude, but she was still happy she was joining them all the same. So, she nodded her head to her cyan Pegasus friend. "Okay." Twilight then looked back at Jack. "Let's go."

Jack smiled. He was impressed how the group recollected itself and now united in this effort to help their friends. "Very well, we'll make for Enies Lobby immediately." He said before turning and walking out the room. He then shouted out to his crew, "Come on, boys! Time to get to work!"

"Aye-aye!" shouted Jack's crew as they hurried topside.

"Yippee/Yes!" cheered Pinkie Pie and Spike as they followed.

Quickly, most of the Mane Six and Spike rushed out of the room. Surprisingly, Rainbow Dash had actually fallen behind. She had her hoof over her bandages. She wasn't in pain, but she looked fearful and worried. This didn't last long though. She gave herself a face slap to psyche herself up. She then charged outside with the rest of her friends. She joined them outside just as Twilight shouted out to Jack.

Everyone was soon on deck and was immediately pelted with rain. The Mane Six and Spike looked around as they saw Jack's crew all around the ship maintaining the ship. Jack immediately walked up to the helm where T-Cog and Shimmer stood dutifully.

"Captain?" spoke T-Cop curious.

"We have a new heading." Jack said as he took over the helm.

"Really? Where to?" asked Shimmer curious.

Jack smirked. "Enies Lobby."

"What?!" shouted both crewmates.

"Marina!" shouted Jack ignoring the two crewmates.

Helping to pull rope, Marina heard her name over the thunder, rain, and crashing waves. She looked back over to the helm seeing her captain. "Yes, captain?!" She shouted back.

"We're gonna need a boost." Jack told Marina hinting with a grin.

Marina nodded her head understanding completely. "Very well." She said as she moved out of line. Her spot was quickly replaced with another; a zebra.

"What is she doing?" asked Twilight to Jack curious.

"Something amazing." Jack said grinning.

Marina walked over to the side of the ship. She closed her eyes, and her liquid-like body began to glow. In moments, the once rocking ship began to steady itself. To Twilight, this was odd as the storm had not let up nor had the waves decrease in their fury with it. The young curious unicorn walked over to side of the ship to see what Marina was doing to cause their smooth sailing. She looked over the edge if the ship and what she saw amazed her. The water around the ship, within a few feet, was glowing slightly. Though not just glowing, the water was actually pulling and moving the ship forward. It was an amazing display of water magic, and very powerful at that.

"Prepare yourselves!" shouted Jack to everyone as he turned the wheel. "We're heading towards the light!"


MLP: NiM Omake Theater

"The Weasel and the Centaur"

On Puffing Tom sea train, two fighters stood on top of one of the cabins while it stormed. The Puffing Tom was heading for Enies Lobby, the Empire's judicial island, to deliver Nico Robin and Franky to justice. Along for the ride was Sanji and Usopp, the latter now known as Sogeking for pride's sake. The three of them were working together to rescue Robin, but there came a hitch. Franky, a Minotaur, was facing off against a new member of the Empire's assassin group CP9.

Nero "the Sea Weasel", a Kamaitachi, was a large weasel creature – about half the size of a Minotaur – with pale grey fur with black markings on his head. He wore a large hat with a red plume as well gold earrings. His tail was something of note as he appeared almost like a scythe. It that was dangerous enough, being a CP9 member, he had mastered a few Rokushiki techniques that were definitely giving the Minotaur a hard time. Luckily, Franky had a plan.

"Hey, Weasel Freak." Franky said as he laid flat on top of the cabin. His only weakness was his unprotected back so he laid on the roof with his back down; however, he understood that it wouldn't do to defeat his opponent. He soon stood back up while speaking to his opponent.

"Have you ever heard of a centaur?"

"Yeah, the race with the lower body of a horse." Nero stated knowingly.

Franky smirked. "Good. Transform!" He shouted as he posed in front of Nero.

Nero stood on his guard as he watched his opponent change. The Minotaur's lower half split and then extended outward. At the same time, it revealed some wheels within Franky's hooves. This shocked the weasel immensely. "This guy…!"

"Franky Centaur!" shouted Franky. However, when the legs separated they did not extend from the back. They extended forward. Roughly putting it…

"It's backwards, you idiot!" shouted Nero annoyed.

And, to make a long story short, the centaur mode actually proved useful. Franky used the form to hold down Nero while he delivered a punishing iron punch collapsing the roof. He ended up landing in the rest of CP9's cabin along with Sanji having defeated his opponent, a goblin member of CP5 that could make noodles from his nose (Gross!), in the cabin before. Unfortunately for Nero, he was deemed useless by Lucci and disposed of by him as well.


"Yes, Lucci."

"On the report, put 'The new guy was too weak. He was worthless.'"
