• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,485 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

'Twas Beauty that Tamed the Beast

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

"Say Butterfly," Kokoro called out identifying her by her cutie mark.

Fluttershy turned to the elder pony. "Hmm?"

"If you're worried about me, don't worry. I'll be fine, go help your friends."

"Oh, um…" Fluttershy stuttered nervously. "It's okay. I can't imagine being very useful to anyone. I'm not fighter, and I couldn't harm anyone even if I tried."

Chapapa…" laughed Fukuro arrogantly amused. "Oh come on. It's not like anything is going to change because you drank some cola."

Franky remained stoic. He raised his fists up in boxing style as he continued walking slowly towards the ogre. "Get ready." He said in a low tone.

"Chapa? For what?" Fukuro asked mockingly. "Another round of your flimsy punches. Give me a break."

"Strong…" Franky said as he stood before his opponent. He reeled his fist back as he readied to punch the ogre. "Hammer!" The Minotaur threw his punch directly to his opponent's stomach.

The CP9 agent was wrong. This punch was nothing like the Minotaur's previous attacks. It had far more power to it. Fukuro could not withstand the strength. He soon was sent flying back crashing though not one, not two, but three walls until being stopped by the castle wall outside. In that moment, the storm of manliness cleared revealing the sunlight upon the bloody mess that is Fukuro.

"Whoa!" screamed Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper shocked and amazed. "Amazing!"


"Cloven…" Neither of the two fighters had noticed that Chopper, bleeding and injured, had been forming an attack. He had formed a cross like shape with his hooves. He had kept it up even through the barrage of attacks.

"Tekkai Strength!" shouted Kumadori as he hardened his body to the max in preparation of the reindeer's attack.

"…Roseo Metel!" Chopper stuck the ogre in a similar cross shape, but did so much more. Within the attack, the opponent felt as if he were being attacked many times over. And it was strong enough to hurt even through the ogre's defense.

"Don't!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp towards his friend, Chopper.


Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it through them everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

"'Twas Beauty that Tamed the Beast"


A roar echoed throughout the Tower of Law. It was so powerful it seem to shake the very foundation of the building. Any pony outside a room or far above could hear this beastly howl clearly. Even below ground in front of the steel door to the underwater passageway, Nami and Chimney could hear the roar.

"Ms. Pirate Lady," Chimney spoke sounding scared, "what is that?"

Nami gulped worried. "I don't have a clue."

"Nya." Gonbe the rabbit said scared.

Elsewhere, Rainbow Dash was flying up towards the top of the tower. She stopped as she too heard the roar. She looked back down towards the bottom. She couldn't see anything, but she was still worried.

"What the hay was that?"

And now for those on the first floor. The roar in its fullest could be clearly heard and felt from even as far away as the front gate. Kokoro, Fluttershy, and Spike were scared stun. None of them had ever heard a roar like this which was even more frightening, especially to one well known with animals as Fluttershy. It was beyond beastly.

"What is that?!" Spike said as he stepped back frightened.

Still smiling though shocked beyond compare, Kokoro was worried. "Is that not a dragon?"

"I've never heard a dragon's roar like that!" Spike said dumbfounded.

By this time, Fluttershy was completely frightened out of her mind. She laid on the ground and covered her head with as much of her hat and forelegs as possible. She knew that whatever was making that sound wasn't nearby, but she still felt like hiding. As she continued to hear the terrifying roar, she suddenly began listening to it. In the way that Fluttershy was best known for; listening and communicating with animals. And what she heard surprised her.


"Huh?" Fluttershy spoke confused opening her eyes in surprise.

Outside the Tower of Law, one fight was finished. It was a grueling fight that took them from in the sea to in the air, but the winner was the indomitable and super Franky. With his opponent, Fukuro, laying in a deep crater, the cyborg Minotaur was hurrying to help out Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper recalling that they were facing another one. After scaling up the wall, he quickly ran over towards the hole that he had made with Fukuro. As he approached the hole, he heard an ungodly roar that had already made many shiver in fear.


Franky immediately stopped just nearly by the hole. "What the…?" He said concerned and confused.

"Run!" Franky heard Sogeking/Usopp's voice full of fear and panic. He then saw the unicorn running out of the room and over towards him, with his weapon in magical tow. He shouted again now towards the Minotaur, "Get out of here, Franky! He's coming!"

"Huh?" Franky said even more confused. "Who's coming?"

"Chopper!" The unicorn shouted in fear. "He's on a rampage!"

"What?" The cyborg Minotaur looked even more confounded towards the sniper that now hid behind him. Before he could say anything however, he soon felt the ground beneath him shake. He looked back towards the giant hole in the wall realizing something was walking out.

Lumbering through the hole was what Sogeking/Usopp feared. Chopper, now a monster, walked out into the daylight and out of the burning room. He seemed rather mindless as after stepping out he looked up towards the sky like embracing freedom. In his right hand, he was holding a bloody and beaten pulp that was known as Kumadori. Despite being an ogre, and thus being large, the monstrous Chopper was able to carry him in one hand.

"Who…" Franky said in disbelief. "Who is that?!"

"It's Chopper!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp frighten.

Franky raised his sunglasses looking at Sogeking/Usopp shocked. "What?!"

"He has these pills that allow him to transform, but he ate too many and became that!"

"Geesh," Franky said after hearing that and looking at the ragged CP9 agent, "and he took out that guy in that form? Must be super powerful."

"But he's gone totally wild!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp panicking. "He even tried attacking me!"

The cyborg Minotaur didn't pay much attention as he looked at Chopper in shock. He watched as the beast just tossed the ogre and not just to the side, but all the way across from the Tower of Law over the pit and to the island and town. A feat most impressive if the one who had done the feat weren't so scary.

"He just tossed that guy like a wad of paper!" said Franky freaking out.

Monster Chopper moaned as he noticed Sogeking/Usopp and Franky, freaking them both now. He began to walking towards them with one of his hands raised up high. As he neared them, he swung his raised hand down towards them.

"Ahhhh!" screamed both males before jumping out of the way.

Chopper's large hand crashed into the stone path, but he did not stop. As he lumbered forward, he swung the other hand down towards his friends only for them to dodge it by running. Now, the monster gave chase as he tried destroying the two males at the same time. As he did, he let another terrifying howl in rage.


Though the roar was loud, it failed to reach the highest point of the tower where two Straw Hats remained for just a few minutes. After all, Twilight Sparkle had finished her calculations. Now was the time to catch up to Robin and anyone with her. With his hooves holding onto the back balcony's railing, Luffy had been stretched almost all the way to the front balcony, where they had initially seen Robin with CP9. As Luffy held position, Twilight was moving around making some technical adjustments.

"Twilight," said Luffy slightly strained and mostly whining, "hurry up."

"Almost…" Twilight said as she pulled her brother a few inches to the left. She then smiled as now everything was set. "Perfect!" She said before ducking under Luffy's stretched out forelegs. She then positioned herself in front of the stallion ready for what was to come next. "Okay," she said smiling proudly, "we can go now."

"Finally!" shouted Luffy before grinning determinedly. "Gum-Gum…!"

On cue, Twilight's horn began glowing with magic. Her magic encompassed the both of them, though only at Luffy's body as not to exert too much magic. "Star…"

At the same time, Rainbow Dash popped up from the stairway just outside the CP9 meeting room. "Hello?" She said wondering if anyone was up in this room.

"Rocket!" Luffy and Twilight shouted together as stretchy Earth pony slung forward. At the same time, he scooped up his sister. Now both were flying forward.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash said hearing the two voices. In seeing the glowing Twilight and Luffy coming at her, the Pegasus pony screamed out, "Whoa!" and quickly flew up to dodge the two ponies. She quickly flew lower to double-check what she just saw.


Having only just barely saw their friend, they of course had no time to say hello or goodbye. They had a friend to rescue after all. Having whizzed pass the stairs, and Rainbow Dash, the two ponies soon left the Tower of Law. They flew through the air over the bit of sea with whirlpools heading towards the Bridge of Hesitation. They were like a bright purple star shooting across the sky thanks to Twilight's magic aura glowing around them.

The sensation felt by both ponies has amazing, especially for Twilight who had remembered this feeling from years past. And she thought with glee, 'I've missed this!'

Unfortunately, this ride would have to end. At nearly three-fourths of the way there, they began losing momentum in there flight. They soon began descending noticeably. It would look like the two would fall into the sea, most likely to drown for various reasons. But that magic aura around them was important for good reason. Right when it looked like they would not make it and fall into the ocean, they both disappeared in a flash. Immediately after, the reappeared on the room of the entrance to the Bridge of Hesitation.

Twilight released a sigh in relief. "We made it…"

Immediately, Luffy stomped his hoof down breaking the tile. He was full of determination and ready for action. "Let's get Robin back."

Back at the Tower of Law, some fights were still taking place. At least, one real fight. The other one was more a game of cat and mouse. Still in the Japanese garden room and still trapped together, Zoro and Pinkie Pie were still running from CP9 agents Kaku and Jabra. The two Zoan-type users were still in their hybrid forms attacking with their claws and nose. These two assassins would have probably finished these two sooner if they could only work together.

"Hey!" Kaku shouted as he and Jabra stopped looking angry at the wolf-pony hybrid. "You almost hit me!"

"Then get out of my way, Square Head!" shouted Jabra back at his fellow CP9 agent.

Seeing that their opponents had stopped, once they were far enough the two ponies stopped. The swordspony looked back at his opponents looking annoyed. "Dammit." He grunted angrily. "Where is that idiot with the damn key already?"

Pinkie Pie on the other hand was having a blast. "This is fun though!" She said happily. "It's like a seven-leg race!"

"Pinkie," spoke Zoro serious, "we need to fight back."

"How do we do that?" asked Pinkie Pie.

Zoro's horn glowed and his magic wrapped around one of his swords. "I'll just cut off my leg."

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" shouted Pinkie Pie quickly concerned. "I don't want you missing a leg over this. Don't you use your swords with magic anyway? So, can't you fight?"

"It's not the simple. Santoryu, all sword styles, require the sword wielder's whole body. This is even truer for equines like us. I could fight with Ittoryu, but I won't be able to perform the motions with you attached to me like this."

"So~, cutting your leg off won't ruin that?" Pinkie Pie said poking holes into Zoro's suggestion.

"I'll be fine." Zoro said stubbornly.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no." Pinkie Pie said immediately disapproving the idea. She even crossed her forelegs together forming an X, for incorrect.

"Then do you have any ideas?"

"Ummm." Pinkie Pie said as she began looking around to figure out a plan of attack. She looked at first that she couldn't figure anything until she notice the rocks around them. She smiled as an idea formed. "Ooh! I do have one."

Having completely missed their opponents' conversation, the CP9 agents were still arguing. In fact, they looked to be ready to fight each other now, just for the pleasure of fighting the two pirates. So, it was too late for them to notice as their opponents readied to strike.

"You guys ready to rock!" shouted Pinkie Pie towards the hybrids.

Both CP9 agents looked over at Pinkie Pie and Zoro, confused. "Huh?"

"Party Cannon…" Pinkie Pie shouted as she stood by her famous party favor.

"What? More cupcakes?" Jabra said with a mocking grin.

"Rock n'!" Pinkie Pie pulled the string on her cannon. The cannon instantly fired out a big rock hurdling towards the wolf-pony hybrid.

Completely caught off guard, Jabra has hit directly at the stomach. It was powerful enough to knock the large hybrid several feet back. When he stopped, he let the rock drop and he clutched his stomach in pain. "Dammit…"

"Ha!" Kaku said smirking in mockery. "Looks like I'll be the one who'll…" The giraffe-satyr was caught off as well when a rock hit him directly to his head. The resulting smashing caused the giraffe-satyr to fall over and crash.

Zoro smirked seeing how effective Pinkie Pie's idea was being. "Now that's what I'm talking about."

"Yeah, they got lots of good rocks here." Pinkie Pie said joyfully.

Quickly, both CP9 agents recovered from the attack. They were also very angry having been caught off guard like that. "You're dead!" shouted both of them enraged.

"Uh-oh." Pinkie Pie said worried.

Zoro was just as worried. He immediately activated his magic and pulled out both of his swords. Though he may not be able to fight to his fullest strength, he could defend to the best of his abilities.

Elsewhere on the same floor in a different, another fight was taking place as well. Though while the first fight was more or less even, this one seemed far more one-sided in favor of CP9. In the room of CP9 agent Kalifa, said agent was oddly relaxing in her large bathtub seemingly taking a bubble bath. As she fiddled and played with the bubbles around her, doing so seductively, while her opponents laid just feet away. Applejack and Rarity were on the floor with soapsuds around them and some even on them. The two mares already looked exhausted, and even slightly in pain.

Kalifa laughed softly. "Now, what was that about 'handling' me? You two seem more in need of handling yourself."

Both Applejack and Rarity glared at the mare, but Applejack was the first to move. She forced herself to stand up. The Earth pony soon stood strong as she spoke back to her opponent, "Don't count yer eggs before the hatch, Ms. CP9 agent. We're far from finished."

"Sounds great. I'm ready when you two are." Kalifa stated with mild enthusiasm. "You don't have to wait for me, you know. The battle has already started after all."

"Applejack, wait." Rarity spoke quickly and quietly. "We mustn't act too hasty. She clearly has an unnatural power beyond just magic."

"One of them Devil Fruit powers, right?" Applejack said recalling briefly an explanation from their friends. "And a mighty slippery one at that."

Kalifa smiled amusedly. "What else do you expect with my Bubble-Bubble Fruit powers?"

"Maybe a snake." Applejack commented wittily.

Rarity groaned as she began forcing herself up. She then spoke determinedly. "I for one will not stand to be defeated by mere bubbles. Of all things! Really, I rather have green hair again."

The unicorn CP9 agent laughed again softly. "The weak don't get to choose how they die." She then stood up in her bath and stepped out. The mare took her eyes off her opponents, feeling utterly confident that she was in no harm. She then began drying off with a towel.

In seeing this, Applejack became angry. "She's mockin' us!"

"Applejack," Rarity said concerned, "don't do anything rash. She's trying to goad us into running head-first into her trap."

"Well, we're not much safer at a distance with her bubble power."

"Haven't you noticed?" asked Rarity curiously. "I'm feeling much better, and I'm sure you are too, which means that the bubbles effects are only temporary."


"So, I also have another idea." Rarity said smiling cunningly.

Applejack looked at her friend surprised. "You do?"

"This is getting boring." Kalifa suddenly spoke as she finished drying off. She tossed the towel to the side. "It's time for you to die."

"Applejack," Rarity said as she activated her magic and her magic aura surrounding her rapier's handle, "I want you to break her bathtub."

"Eh?" said Applejack confused.

"Just make sure you break the plumbing." Rarity stated as she drew her rapier out.

"Okay…" Applejack said though still confused. She then asked concerned with her friend's branding of her weapon, "And what are you goin' to do?"

Rarity smiled showing confidence. "Entertain our host." She then charged forward with her sword held high.

"Finally." Kalifa said eager.

Bravely, Rarity charged towards the other unicorn mare. She moved her blade to be pointing at the CP9 agent. The unicorn then jumped and lunged with her sword forward at her opponent.

"Soru." Kalifa immediately disappeared, and the strike missed. "Geppo." She then began jumping around in the air.

Rarity hardly seemed surprised. She quickly spun around preparing to defend or strike if necessary. She followed her opponent's movements until the moment that the unicorn came straight at her.

"Shigan Spear!"

Quickly, Rarity preformed a beat parry, deflecting the incoming attack with her own quick strike. The resonating sound of metal could be heard as both mares glared at each other; Kalifa smiling with amusement while Rarity was frowning with seriousness. The two separated for only a second before Rarity attacked with a thrust. Kalifa vanished from her sight. Thinking fast, Rarity turned around just as fast to block another Shigan Spear attack unable to deflect it this time. Her magic ability just barely kept her unicorn opponent's horn from piercing her skin similar to what happened to Pinkie Pie. She doubted she could handle a wound like that as well as her friend had.

"You are quite skilled in fencing." Kalifa commented with interest.

"Only the basics. A lady should learn to defend herself after all." Rarity replied elegantly.

"Well then, defend from this. Bubble Master…" Kalifa said when suddenly all the bubbles in the tub moved and flowed out towards her. They wrapped around the mare's whole body leaving only her face and half her legs untouched. She looked kind of like a… "Soap Sheep!"

Rarity stared at her opponent with fascination and confusion. "Dear," she spoke concerned, "please don't give sheep a bad image."

"Mock me if you will, you won't be talking for much longer. Sheep Cloud Relaxing Bubbles!" shouted Kalifa. The bubbles around her suddenly shot forward towards the white coat unicorn.

As the bubbles came at her, Rarity acted fast. She began slashing at the clumps of bubbles separating and missing her. Though with many coming at her, she could only do so for so long. Eventually, one of the bubbles groups hit her at her leg. "Ahh!" She let out a scream as she felt her energy suddenly spent. She immediately collapsed down and her magic disappeared around her rapier.

Having snuck by the two unicorn's fighting, Applejack had spotted her friend in trouble. "Rarity!" She shouted out. Seeing how her friend was in trouble, she thought she would help, and since she was going to destroy the bathtub she knew how to. With her mighty kicking legs, Applejack smashed a part of the bathtub. Much like apple bucking, she bucked the rubble pieces towards the enemy unicorn.

"Tekkai." Kalifa said as he entire body hardened just before being hit by the marble rubble. The block smashed against her body, but she remained unharmed. She then turned and addressed the mare, "Did you really think that would work-" Kalifa was cut off as she dodged to the left, which instantly got her angry.

"I'm sorry, were you saying somethin'?" Applejack said with a wily grin before she bucked another piece of bathtub at the unicorn.

Kalifa was definitely not amused with this retaliation. "You're next now. Soru." The mare then disappeared from view.

Applejack stopped bucking as he opponent disappeared. "Where'd she go?" She said as she looked around for the unicorn. Unfortunately, she had not noticed that her opponent was right behind.

"You seem quite proud of your kicking ability, much like that stallion." Kalifa commented from behind the Earth pony. Before the mare could act, the unicorn wrapped her bubbly forelegs around the mare's back legs and end. "Golden Bubbles." Kalifa stated as she released her victim. In an instant, Applejack's legs were lathered and smoothed to a ridiculous point.

"What the ha-aaaaay!" Applejack shouted as she slipped and fell, both caused by losing a bit of her strength and the slippery nature of the soap on her. This made her immediately angry. "Dagnabbit!"

"Well then, let me show off my kicking prowess. Rankyaku!" Kalifa said as she kicked out an air slash.

Applejack saw the attack coming and immediately pushed off with her forelegs with as much strength as she could muster. She was able to dodge just in time, and the air kick slashed through the bathtub.

"Oh darn," Kalifa said with little interest, "I broke my bathtub. What a shame. Still, I don't see why you found it important to break it."

Suddenly, there came a burst of water spraying out from the broken pipes made by the Rankyaku technique. Water began spraying and producing a mist even creating a rainbow. The misting water covered much of Kalifa and Applejack. Another pipe burst producing a steady stream of water. The water began spreading over the floor towards Rarity, who still laid weakly on the floor. Rarity saw the water and smiled with joy in seeing it. She then rolled around in the water quickly. Immediately after, the white unicorn stood up fully invigorated.

"Thank you, deary, for the wonderful bath. I feel so clean now."

Kalifa stared at the white unicorn, shocked.

Because of the misting effect, Applejack's legs were soon cleaned of the soap returning to normal. She stood back up and bucked her legs out in joy. "Yee-haw! That's more like it!"

Now, Kalifa was even more shocked. "J-Just because there's water around," the mare said clearly flustered and embarrassed at her slip up, "doesn't mean you won or anything."

"Of course not. But now," Rarity said as she activated her magic again and picked up her rapier from off the floor, "we have at least taken care of your pesky bubble powers."

Though angered, Kalifa remained composed. She used her magic to fix her glasses, as they had nearly come off when she had been surprised, and smirked towards the mares. "Well now, since you both seem so serious, I'll have to get serious too."

As every mare in the room prepared for another round of fighting, the water continued to spray and flow even out the room. It began creeping its way out into the tower staircase. He traveled just to the edge before just a tiny drop of water fell down towards the ground floor. Though this drop of water did not land on the floor, but splashed on top of Sanji's head. The poor stallion had been left alone and had moved himself over to the side in hopes of not being caught. The splash of water on his head had been a surprise. Soon, he began feeling a steadier stream of water as it fell on him, and he soon felt his energy returning slowly.

Back in the room at the entrance to the Tower of Law, Fluttershy's group had remained silent for many minutes. The roar they had heard earlier hadn't been heard again in a while. While a little relieved, that also meant they didn't know if the creature that made the roar was moving towards them or not.

Spike was the first to speak, sounding optimistic. "Do you think that whatever made that sound is gone?"

"I sure hope so." Kokoro replied before taking another drink from her bottle.

Fluttershy said nothing to either of her friends. The Pegasus stared towards the larger room ahead filled with worry and concern. Most of which was towards what she had heard earlier. Who was in pain? What animal could make such a roar and be in pain? Was it as scary as it sounded? She did not know nor hoped to run into it anytime soon.

"Ahh! He's still coming!" A familiar shout caught everyone's attention towards the hole in the wall made earlier by Rocket Man. Running into view, Sogeking/Usopp and Franky appeared and looked panicked.

"Quick! Inside!" shouted Franky as he headed immediately inside.

Once both males were inside, Kokoro called out. "Hey, boys. How're we doing?"

"Granny Kokoro?! You're still here?!" shouted Franky shocked. "You guys got to get out of here now!"

"Huh? Why?" Spike asked confused.

Answering Spike's question, a part of the wall on the other side. BUOOOOH! The familiar roar followed by a large figure soon came crashing into the room. Everyone now saw the monster that had obviously made the same roar earlier.

Sogeking/Usopp immediately screamed. "That!" He shouted and pointed hysterically. "That's why!"

"What is that?!" shouted Kokoro freaked.

"Just run!" shouted Franky as he grabbed Kokoro and ran.

"Come on!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp towards Spike and Fluttershy.

The two friends immediately followed with the others. They all left for the stairway room, but Fluttershy stopped just underneath the doorway. She looked back towards the monster. As the dust settles, she could see the large monster form clearly She gazed at it wondering where such a creature came from. The Pegasus then notice the creature's antlers, its blue nose, and finally the pink hat with a white X on it that sat atop his head. She recognized who this beast was, but she couldn't believe.


BUOOOOOOOOH! The monster gave out another deafening roar. Fluttershy wanted to cover her ears, but what she heard within the roar had gained her attention.


It was the same as before, which made it all the more troubling for Fluttershy. Now knowing who was making the noise and whispering in her ear at the same, she was filled with fear. Fear for her friend and what he had become.

"Chopper!" Fluttershy shouted suddenly towards the beast.

Her shout gained Chopper's attention. He turned his head and his glowing, blank-like eyes stared at the pony. The monster groaned softly as he continued to gaze at the yellow Pegasus. He seemed almost captivated by her.

"Fluttershy!" shouted Spike from behind the yellow Pegasus. He came running right up next to her and began pulling the mare's foreleg in an attempt to move her away. "We need to move!"

"But…that's Chopper!" Fluttershy stated in woe.

Spike stopped pulling the moment he heard what his friend said. He looked completely shocked. "That's Chopper!"

BUOOOH! Monster Chopper roared as he suddenly came to life. He began stomping towards the two quickly.

Fluttershy and Spike froze in fear seeing the massive creature coming towards. Just as the monstrous reindeer prepared to strike them, a two hands grabbed both of them. Chopper's cloven hand-hoof smashed the doorway, and it collapsed. Fluttershy, Spike, and their rescuer all made it out before the whole way collapsed. When Fluttershy and Spike looked up to see who it was that rescued them, they both gasped in surprise.

"Mr. Franky?" spoke Fluttershy.

"Geesh, what is with you ponies and getting yourselves into trouble?" Franky stated as he set the Pegasus and baby dragon down.

Once she was down, she looked up at the Minotaur and gave him a genuine smile. "Thank you."

"Hey, no problem." Franky said smiling back.

Spike on the other hand was less than happy. "Yeah, thanks, but I still haven't forgiven you for what your guys did to Usopp and me."

"Yeah, yeah." Franky said dryly having already gone through this earlier. "I understand where you're coming from, and after all this I'll make it up to ya with some gems or something, but…"

"Gems!" said Spike immediately excited. "All is forgiven, buddy!"

"Is it this easy to change your mind?" asked Franky rhetorically in disbelief.

"Hey!" Everyone heard Rainbow Dash's voice and looked up. The cyan Pegasus flew down looking at the group confused and interested. "What's everyone doing here?"

"Huh?" Nami's voice now caught everyone's attention and the looked over to the side. Coming around the corner came Nami, Chimney, and Gonbe. She along with the little ones were surprised to see many of their friends and allies suddenly in the main tower room. Nami asked, "What is everyone doing here?"

Hearing Nami, Rainbow Dash responded. "That's what I was asking about."

"Young lady," Sogeking/Usopp said in his heroic tone towards Nami, "it seems your young friend Chopper has undergone a major transformation that has made him into, for a lack of a better word, a monster."

"What?!" Nami said surprised.

"What the heck does that mean?" asked Rainbow Dash confused. "What happened to Chopper?"

Before anyone could answer, a part of the wall behind them was smashed through by a large hand with brown, sturdy fingers. Everyone jumped back as to avoid the debris and rubble falling. As the hand slid out of the hole, a familiar groan could be heard through the hole that grabbed everyone's attention. They all peered through the hole anxiously. Peering back at the group was Monster Chopper's glowing blue, soulless eyes. BUOOOOH! He gave out another roar and smashed through the wall on the opposite side of the first whole. He was beginning to break through.

Frightened greatly, Sogeking/Usopp raised his shaky hoof pointing to the monster. "That," he stated, "that's what happened."

Rainbow Dash couldn't respond. Her jaw simply dropped in shock.

Immediately, Nami grabbed the sniper. She held him by the collar looking angry "What happened to Chopper?!"

"He ate three of his Rumble Balls. I tried to stop him really, but I was dealing with an enemy."

"Girly! We don't have time for twenty questions! We gotta move!" shouted Franky. He was leading Kokoro and her charges away.

Nami let go of Sogeking/Usopp. She knew that the Minotaur was right, and that it wasn't her friend's fault. Quickly, both of them moved to join the others in evacuating. Just in time too as the wall fell apart letting the monstrous Chopper coming charging in.

"He's here!" shouted Spike in panic.

"Run for it!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp taking the lead.

BUOOOOH! Roared Monster Chopper as it lunged at the fleeing group. With his size, the distance between him and group was instantly covered. His shadow loomed over the group almost spelling out certain doom for them.

"Oh no!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp in fear.

Suddenly, a black blur jumped above the group. It got in between them and Monster Chopper before attacking said monster. "Poitrine Shoot!" The pony sent a powerful kick straight to the reindeer's chest.

The monster was sent backwards, but remained standing. He looked slightly confused and looked down at his bruise. It seemed to resonate in his mind a little though no more than a scratch.

Immediately, Nami and Sogeking/Usopp knew who it was that saved them. "Sanji!"

"Sorry I'm late." Sanji said to his friends and allies while he lit his cigarette. He looked back over at the monster seeing it slowly recover. "I'll take care of this, you guys help everyone above."

"Sanji, that's Chopper." Nami stated worried.

The blue stallion took a breath through his cigarette and released the smoke. "I'll figure something out." He stated calmly.

"Are you going to hurt him?" asked Spike.

"I don't see any way around it." Sanji said regretfully.

BUOOOOOOOOOOH! Chopper gave out another roar. Another terrifying and loud roar that shook the floor. He soon began smashing anything nearby, no longer concerned about who or what he was smashing. Unfortunately, everyone knew this could only last for so long.

Pain! For a third time, Fluttershy heard the true nature of her friend's roar. It had gotten louder since last time, and now even clearer that her friend was suffering. Worst, none of her friends seem to understand that Chopper was in pain. She felt conflicted making tears formed around the edges of her eyes. She knew she had to do something, and fast.

Eventually, Monster Chopper finished up with his destruction. He turned to the group and roared again. BUOOOOOOH! The large creature then stomped towards the group with his hands out at them.

"Sorry Chopper," Sanji said regretfully as he was about to drop his cigarette, "I'm gonna have to…" The stallion was cut off as he caught sight of Fluttershy flying over him. He was shocked to see the usual shy Pegasus take the lead.

'What is she doing?!' Sanji thought worriedly. "Fluttershy stop!"

"What are you doing, Fluttershy?!" shouted Rainbow Dash shocked. "He's gonna kill you!"

Fluttershy ignored shout and flew forward at the monster. She stopped just in front of her friend's face. "I'm sorry that I have to do this Chopper…" She said regretfully before she closed her eyes and began concentrating.

In seeing the Pegasus in front of him, Chopper raised his hand about to strike Fluttershy.

"Fly! Fly away, Fluttershy!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp towards the Pegasus.

Time seem to slow down for everyone watching. Those that would fight – Franky and Sanji – or could move fast enough – Rainbow Dash and Nami – could not move fast enough to reach the mare. Spike covered his eyes not wanting to see his friend be swatted like a fly. Sogeking/Usopp kept screaming out for Fluttershy to flee hoping to get through to her in time. The civilian ponies were far from the action and completely out of the loop.

Just before the large palm could hit her, Fluttershy opened her eyes releasing an intense stare towards her friend; the Stare. "Please stop." She told the reindeer strictly but calmly, unblinking.

Immediately, Chopper froze. His soulless eyes were caught in Fluttershy's gaze and her command.

"Please step back." Fluttershy commanded in the same tone to the reindeer, still not blinking.

Chopper did as commanded. He retracted his arms and stepped back from the Fluttershy and the group.

Nami was just as shocked. "What did she do just do to Chopper?"

"Ah!" Spike said in realization. "She's using her Stare!"

"Stare?" asked Nami confused.

"She has this stare that can freeze animals, and quite a few ponies too. No one is immune to it."

Sogeking/Usopp looked at Spike shocked. "She has a skill like that?!"

The orange mane Pegasus stated at the little dragon dumbfounded. Nami then looked back up at Fluttershy with her expression remaining the same. "That's…incredible."

Fluttershy approached her friend slowly. She broke her Stare on him and now wore a more caring expression. As she came up to the monster-like friend, she began to speak calmly and soothingly. "It's all right, Chopper. No one is going to hurt you anymore."

Chopper's only response was a low growl. It was unclear if he understood or not.

"Everything is going to be okay." Fluttershy said as she reached out with her hoof. Without a hint of fear, her hoof made contact with her friend's muzzle.

The monstrous reindeer was surprised by the sudden contact. It almost seem to freak him out as he began to shake his head moaning confused.

"Fluttershy!" shouted Rainbow Dash worried.

Fluttershy paid no mind to her friend's worry. She remained completely focused on Chopper. "Shh. Shh." The Pegasus hushed the frightened beast trying to calm him by stroking his fur gently. "It's going to be okay Chopper. No one is going to hurt you anymore."

The young Pegasus' soothing voice and gentleness was beginning to calm Chopper down. His rage subsiding and his mind becoming a little bit clearer. He slowly began to actually hum with content. In doing so he closed his eyes for what seemed like the first time since transforming. When he opened them back up, the blue glow was completely gone. Return was the reindeer's regular eyes filled with confusion.

"Fl…" For the first time since transforming, Chopper spoke. It wasn't anything coherent yet, but the large reindeer was trying. "Fl… Fl…"

The Pegasus stopped petting Chopper's fur. She was surprised by his deep voice, but smiled warmly. "You can do it." Fluttershy said to him supportively.

"Fl… Flutter…shy?" Chopper finally said in his new deep tone of voice.

"Yes," Fluttershy then wrapped her forelegs around Chopper's muzzle embracing him in a hug, "I'm right here, and so are all our friends."

"Fr…Friends…" Chopper repeated almost mindlessly.

Unable to believe it, Franky lifted his sunglasses up showing his surprise. He was nearly speechless. "Well I'll be damned…"

"Chopper!" shouted Nami as she took flight only stopping halfway up. "You remember us now, right? We're your nakama."


"Do you remember why we're here?"

"R… R… Robin."

"That's right!" Nami said happily. "And we need your help to get to her!"

"Huh?" said Rainbow Dash to Nami confused. "What do you mean?"

Nami smiled full of optimism. "Chimney showed me the way to get over to Robin. There's just a metal gate in the way. Chopper, as he is now, can easily break that door down."

"That's a good idea." Sogeking/Usopp said in agreement.

"Yeah! Bust the door down!" Spike shouted excitedly.

"Wait!" Fluttershy spoke up no longer hugging Chopper's muzzle. "We shouldn't let Chopper stay like this any longer. It's hurting him."

As if to state Fluttershy's claim further, Chopper began breathing out heavily. He was even beginning to sweat a little. His stature was beginning to slump as well.

In seeing this, Nami immediately regretted her suggestion. "She's right," she said frowning, "Chopper needs to return to his original size."

"But how?" asked Spike worried.

Fluttershy turned back to Chopper as her friends began discussing. She approached her friend carefully not wanting to spook him. "It's okay Chopper." She said softly before she hugged his muzzle again. "We'll figure something out."

Feeling the mare's hug, Chopper began feeling embarrassed. His whole body seemed to heat up. The heat combined with the effects of the three Rumble Balls was completely overloading his brain. Eventually, he couldn't handle it anymore and his body shut down.

The pink mane Pegasus was completely oblivious to what was happening. So she was surprised when she suddenly felt Chopper slip out of her hold. "Huh?" She said as she looked down to find the reindeer shrinking.

Sanji had noticed this as well. "What the…?"

Everyone stopped talking and looked back at Chopper. They were all surprised as the large reindeer monster returned to their cute, small friend. He didn't look much different from before, though definitely still injured from his fight earlier. Once he was done transforming back to normal, he fell over unconscious.

"Chopper!" shouted Sanji worried. He immediately rushed over to the reindeer's side.

"Speak to me, pal!" Sogeking/Usopp said as he followed.

"Is the Reindeer-Gorilla okay?" asked Franky joining them.

All the adult males circled around Chopper, blocking everyone's view. When they saw their friend's look, it nearly shocked them. Chopper, the little reindeer and once the youngest of the crew, had a big, goofy smile plastered on his unconscious face. Not only that, but his cheeks her subconsciously blushing. Instantly upon sight, the males understood what had happened. And they were proud of him.

'Good job, Chopper.' All three males shared the same thought while the smiled and began shedding manly tears of pride. They even gave the knocked-out fellow a thumb up, or at least the equivalent form of one from the ponies.

Of course, none of the mares or Spike could see this, and thus were confused. Nami stepped forward having some concerns and asked the stallions, "Is he okay?"

"Yeah." Sanji said as he and his fellow males turned around, looking proper and no longer crying. The navy blue coated stallion then spoke on, "It's just…our little Chopper is growing up.

Nami raised her brow confused. "What?"

"What happened?" asked Fluttershy as she landed softly on the ground. "How did he return to normal?"

Sogeking/Usopp coughed as if clearing his voice as he approached the innocent mare. "You see, Fluttershy…" He spoke coolly trying to sound sophisticated.

"Hey! We don't have time for any of that!" shouted Rainbow Dash quickly. "We're still missing a few keys. It'll be trouble if we don't get the rest."

Returning to the situation at hand, Sanji nodded towards the Pegasus. "Leave that to me, Ms. Dash." He stated coolly as he moved from Chopper's side. "I left Ms. Rarity and Apple-chan by themselves with another beautiful mare. I must attend to them."

"Right." Franky said understanding and then immediately disbelieving thoughts. Nevertheless, it was important to key him on some key information. "By the way, Curly Bro…"

"Oi!" shouted Sanji irritated instantly.

"…You're sword guy and the pink mare need the number 2 key to unlock their cuffs. That secretary has it so hurry up and help them."

Sanji frowned with annoyance. "Damn moss-headed idiot. Putting Ms. Pinkie Pie in danger."

Immediately, Sogeking/Usopp began sweat nervously. He was silently hoping that either Zoro or Pinkie Pie would mention his involvement. He would have to play innocent.

"Rainbow Dash." Sanji said looking to the cyan Pegasus.


"If you could come with me, you can deliver the keys quickly to Robin. Will you do it?"

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash said confidently. "You can count on me."

"What about getting the door open?" asked Nami concerned.

Franky grinned before giving the mare a thumbs up. "Leave that to me." He said confidently.

"One last thing, guys." Rainbow Dash said to the other group. "I saw Twilight and Luffy earlier. I think they're already on the other side."

"Really?!" said Nami and Sogeking/Usopp surprised.

"How?" Spike asked confused.

"They…" Rainbow Dash said before trying to figure out the best way to explain what she saw."…kinda flew there."

"What?!" shouted the group shocked.

Soon, the group split up after Rainbow Dash explained what she saw. Sanji and Rainbow Dash were heading up the stairs heading for the room where Rarity and Applejack were fighting Kalifa in. The rest of the group was following Nami heading for the undersea passageway to reach Robin. Chopper was placed on Usopp's back with Fluttershy following along keeping check on the unconscious reindeer. Everyone had to hurry or risk losing Robin forever.

At the Bridge of Hesitation, two wooden doors were opened by one Spandam. He wore a greedy grin as he entered followed by Robin and Lucci, the latter of whom was keeping a firm hold of the former. The unicorn carried on his back a long sword with two tusk-like objects on its hilt. On Lucci, his pigeon Hattori continued to sit upon his back comfortably. They walked into what looked like a storage room heading towards another set of doors on the other side. As he felt cocky, the CP9 unicorn began to monologue his supposed victory over the pirate.

"Have you given you given up yet, criminal? We're almost at the Bridge of Hesitation, and we haven't heard a peep from your so-called pirate crew. CP9 probably already has them dead. Of course, they may also be delivering the bearers of the elements of Harmony as we speak. I hope they taught them a good lesson beforehand. Never go against the Empire or CP9."

Robin refused to reply. Though she appeared to be defiant towards the pony, in her mind she was quite worried for her crew.

"Soon, the Gates of Justice will open," said Spandam continuing his monologue, "and we will pass beyond the reach of any worthless pirate. Everything you know will be used for the glory of the Black Empire. And with it, the Empire will become a superpower, the lame Equestria kingdom will fall, and I'll be hailed as the hero that brought it about."

For once, Robin showed interest at the obnoxious pony. Mostly about when he referred to Equestria falling. 'What is the Empire planning?'

"Treasure this moment, Nico Robin. For this will be your last moments breathing fresh air. You'll be locked away in a dark room, chained up as we drain every last bit of knowledge you have on the ancient weapons until you are nothing but a husk. This is the price for you being born, you demon child. I can't wait for you to suffer. Ahahahaha!"

Then, what happened next was almost too fast to process. At least for a normal pony like Spandam. In a flash of light raspberry magic, two ponies suddenly teleported between the two Empire stallions. Spandam had noticed the magic in use, but couldn't react as he was far too shocked to even understand what was happening. Instantly, Hattori took flight as his master disturbed his perch. While having initially been surprised, Lucci immediately reacted to the sudden appearance by attacking those in front of him. Luckily, of the two ponies that had miraculously appeared, one of them had been ready to fight. The red Earth pony had already been in a position to attack as he launched his hoof straight at Rob Lucci.

"Pistol!" shouted the Earth pony just before hitting the other pony.

Lucci could not react in time. The punch soon connected with him and he was sent flying back. He crashed through the crates and smashed into the wall.

Spandam turned around. He looked completely and utterly shocked. "Wha…"

"Luffy." Robin said also shocked. She then turned to the other pony still completely shocked. "Twilight…"

"Hang on." Twilight said before her light raspberry colored magic aura engulf her and Robin. Then in a flash, they both disappeared leaving behind Luffy.

"No." Spandam said as he literally saw his glory disappear before his eyes. "Nooooooooooo!"

Luffy grinned as he noticed that Twilight and Robin had disappeared. He appeared to be okay with them gone; glad even. "Okay, Pigeon Guy!" He shouted towards the where Lucci had crashed. "I'm here to kick your ass!"

As the smoke and dust settled, the Rob Lucci stood back up looking roughly okay. While he wore a neutral expression upon arising, it quickly shifted to eager and bloodthirsty grin as he replied back to his opponent. "It's about time, Straw Hat."


Author's Note:

Last update, guys! Happy Valentine's Day/Hearts and Hooves Day!