• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,485 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

Never Mix Drinks with Rumble Balls

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

As he fell, the giraffe spoke sounding shocked. "Oh, shoot! I was gonna stop at the hybrid from but I went full giraffe!"

"A talking giraffe is falling towards us!" shouted Usopp in shock and Pinkie Pie in amazement.

Immediately recognizing the voice, Jabra laughed. "Kaku! That power of yours is too cool!" He stated mockingly before laughing again.

"A wolf?!" shouted Zoro shocked as he saw Jabra below in his hybrid wolf form. "What is this place?! A zoo?!"

"Um, Zoro…" Pinkie Pie said as she lifted up her left front leg; the one with the cuff on it. While one part of the cuff was on Pinkie Pie, the other was now locked on Zoro's right front leg.

Both ponies mouth's dropped as they knew what that meant. They were stuck together hampering either's abilities to do their skills effectively.

And Sogeking saw this as well. "Oh crap..."

The ogre shrieked as electricity surged through his body. He released a cry out in pain. It was a surprise that he did not expect. Eventually, the electricity had run its course through Kumadori. The ogre still stood but was now charred and smoking. At this point, he was only semi-conscious.

"Whoa!" said Rainbow Dash, "That was amazing."

Nami turned to her crewmate smiling. "Thanks…" she then lifted her hoof up revealing a key in it, "and now we also have his key."

"Awesome!" cheered Rainbow Dash. "Let's go and find the others."

"I'm becoming bored," Kalifa said as she straightened her glasses via magic telekinesis before glaring at them dangerously, "time for something fun."

Sanji clenched his teeth. "I'll protect you, girls…" He said towards his nakama determinedly.

"As long as you'll let us fight in your place." Applejack stated equally as determined. She and Rarity stood by Sanji as they readied for whatever their opponent had for them.

"Stop right there you four! I won't let you~ escape from me!" Kumadori then began to hop towards the group on one foot, keeping to his theatrical pose.

"Crap!" Nami shouted worried.

"Nami, Rainbow Dash, you guys go find Franky!" Chopper said as he ran up in front of the others. "Me and Sogeking will do something about this guy!"

"Yeah!" Sogeking said enthusiastic. Then, in the next moment, he realized what he had said and freaked. "Hey, wait!"

"Thanks guys," Nami said not giving the masked sniper a chance to back out.

As the Pegasi took off flying, Sogeking/Usopp tried to stop them desperately. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!"

Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it through them everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

"Never Mix Drinks with Rumble Balls"

Inside the Tower of Law, battles were being waged on many floors. The Straw Hats, now with the addition of seven new members and Franky, faced off against the Black Empire's deadly assassins; CP9. Though despite superior numbers, the pirates were no closer to rescuing Robin much less defeating the remaining CP9 agents. Many were already in battle with these dangerous agents. Everyone was doing their best to fight and win; however, a few characters had been left out since this all started.

"We're back!"


Back at the front gate, the young-blood group (Spike, Chimney, and Gonbe) arrived back where they had started. They reappeared from a different secret entrance in the wall. To that, Kokoro and Fluttershy were surprised to see them again.

"Spike!" Fluttershy called out surprised. "Where have you been?"

"I've been following Chimney and Gonbe around." Spike said as he stepped out of the secret passageway. "And we found all sorts of secret passages."

"We even saw where they took Robin." Chimney stated excitedly.

"You did, huh?" Kokoro said amazed.

"Yeah, they're taking an underground passage, but it's guarded by this massive steel door."

"Oh my." Fluttershy said worried. "We should probably tell everyone, especially Luffy and Twilight."

"Do you know where they are?" asked Spike.

Fluttershy shook her head. "I don't know what's happening with anyone."

"Darn." Spike said disappointed. He then looked over towards the room he had last seen everyone run off into, and looked worried. "Well, I hope everyone's doing all right."

Suddenly, there was an explosion. The room shook slightly dislodging a little dust and dirt from the ceiling. Everyone in the room was surprised with Fluttershy and Spike feeling a little anxious. As another explosion echoed throughout the tower, the group heard the sound of hooves running on stone. The civilians including Gonbe stared in wait to see who was coming. Fluttershy was a bit scared while Spike looked more than ready to fight. Soon, the pony in question came running into the room revealing it to be Nami.

Fluttershy released her breath in relief. "Thank goodness…"

"Nami!" shouted Spike happy to see her.

"Huh?" Nami said before looking to see everyone. "Spike! Fluttershy! Granny Kokoro and kid. You're all right."

"You guys have been keeping the dangerous ones away so of course." Kokoro said before laughing heartily.

"Yeah," Nami said relaxing a bit, "I guess so."

"Is everyone all right?" asked Fluttershy her voice full of worry.

"Well, Sanji's not okay. Though I'm not sure how. Rainbow Dash is okay and out looking for Franky. Usopp and Chopper are facing off against some octopus-hair guy. Applejack and Rarity are taking on one of the CP9 agents. Zoro and Pinkie are stuck together and need a key. I haven't seen Luffy or Twilight."

"Hey pirate lady!" Chimney shouted smiling and waving towards Nami. "Me and your dragon friend found where they took the other pirate lady."

"You did?"

"Yeah!" Spike said verifying further. "There's an underground passage way, though it's blocked by a thick steel door."

"At least it's a start." Nami said with a hopeful smile. "Can you show me the way?"

"Sure!" Chimney said happily.

"Nya-nya!" replied Gonbe happily as well.

"I'll tell the others if they come by." Spike stated determinedly.

"Thanks." Nami said before following the Earth pony and rabbit.

Kokoro just sat by as he granddaughter helped the pirate mare. As she watched the group leave, she glanced over at Fluttershy seeing the young Pegasus contently sit by. "Say Butterfly," she called out identifying her by her cutie mark.

Fluttershy turned to the elder pony. "Hmm?"

"If you're worried about me, don't worry. I'll be fine, go help your friends."

"Oh, um…" Fluttershy stuttered nervously. "It's okay. I can't imagine being very useful to anyone. I'm not fighter, and I couldn't harm anyone even if I tried."

Kokoro laughed. "Aren't you a weird one?"

"I know." Fluttershy said not feeling offended.

'I wonder what kind of duty a non-fightin' pirate can do…' Kokoro wondered to herself but not negatively. She was actually curious to see if this timid Pegasus would need to step up in her own way.

Elsewhere, two fights were about to cross paths. Franky and Fukoro had fought in the corridor, but Franky had eventually ran out of his 'cola-power' indicated by his hair now completely drooping over his face partially. This meant that he could no longer use any of his long-range attacks and his power had decreased marginally. Still, he gave the ogre a good fight. Their fight eventually lead them crashing into the one place that Franky needed to be; the kitchen. While the cyborg Minotaur pinned down the ogre, he was unable to reach the huge refrigerator nearby.

Then, the wall on the other side of the refrigerator began to break and crack. The wall busted open as Chopper, now in Heavy Point form, and Sogeking/Usopp fell back with Kumadori being the one sending them through the wall. Immediately, Franky noticed this but especially the new form of Chopper which he had not seen before. Chopper's Rumble Ball effect had worn off, and the two of them were both in hot water. As Kumadori attempted to attack, Usopp quickly swung open the large refrigerator door blocking the attack. Chopper then helped him in pushing the door and locking the ogre in the refrigerator.

"Yes! We did it!" cheered Chopper.

"My plan went off without a hitch." Sogeking/Usopp boasted clearly lying.

"Ah! No way! That's so cool!" Chopper said amazed, totally believing the lie.

Having seen his fellow agent trapped, Fukuro gasped. "Chapa! Kumadori!"

"Hey!" shouted Franky forgetting Fukuro for the moment. "Hold on a sec! I need that fridge!"

Hearing the shout, both Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper turned to see Franky and his opponent. Immediately, both of them screamed. "Ahh!"

"It's CP9!"

"And that jerk!"

"I'm Franky!" shouted the Minotaur at the gorilla-reindeer. "I'm on your side, remember?!"

"Listen up! Just like Luffy, I haven't forgiven you for what you did to us. We lost a member of our crew…" Chopper said before as tears formed in his eyes despite frowning angrily.

'Chopper…' Sogeking/Usopp thought full of sadness.

"It's all your fault, you bastard!" shouted Chopper pointing at Franky. "Give us back our Usopp!"

"He's standing right next to you!" shouted Franky exasperated.

"That's Sogeking, you idiot!" Chopper shouted arguing back.

"Chopper, Franky, calm down." Sogeking/Usopp said in a heroic tone trying to calm the situation. "We all want to rescue Robin, don't we?"

Immediately, Chopper responded crying pathetically. "I do! Robin!"

"Then we must work together." Sogeking/Usopp said proudly.

"Then help me out!" shouted Franky urgently. "Get me three bottles of cola! That'll bring back to full power! After that, I'll be able to take care of these guys in an instant!"

Immediately, Chopper was suspicious. "What kind of idiot gets stronger with cola?"

"I do! Don't judge me!"

"G-G-Guys!" Sogeking/Usopp stuttered returning to his normal voice pointing over to the side.

Fukuro stepped forward, and he did not look happy. "Just how long are you gonna keep up this comedy act?! You wanna stop for a little tea party in the middle of a fight? That's not only stupid, but it's rude!"

"Secret Technique…" Fukuro suddenly began multiplying before everyone's eyes. They were like clones, but they slightly see-through like after-images. Then all the copies of Fukuro surrounded Franky. "Owl Thrashing!" And they all began punching the cyborg Minotaur.

Franky did his best cover himself, but at most he could only cover his head with his large forearms. Eventually, his opponent stopped and Franky tried attacking. "Beans Left!" He shouted as his turned his left forearm slightly to open up four barrel holes. He immediately tried firing, but all it did was let the iron pellets roll out and drop.

The Fukuro clones soon began decreasing returning to the one and only Fukuro. "You call that an attack?!" shouted the ogre as he charged forward with a punch. He gave the Minotaur a barrage of punches that he could not defend from.

"Ah! Chopper, we gotta hurry and get him his cola!" Sogeking/Usopp said urgently.

Chopper nodded. "Right." He then transformed into his Brain Point form.

The masked unicorn's horn began to glow as his magic aura surrounded the lock and latch. "Okay, I'll open the door, you quickly get the cola, and I'll shut the door. Be as quick as possible."

"All right." Chopper said ready.

Immediately, the unicorn opened the door. "Yoyoi!" said Kumadori surprised whilst laying causally inside. "The door~ has suddenly opened up…"

"Got it!" Chopper said as he grabbed three bottles.

Quickly, the door closed. Sogeking/Usopp then quickly locked the door. "Yes!" the unicorn said seeing his friend have the bottles. He then took the bottles and turned towards the other two fighters. "Franky! Catch!"

Sogeking/Usopp tossed the bottles. In seeing the bottles, Franky kicked Fukuro off him. "You're a lifesaver!" He said before jumping high. He caught all the red bottles in one hand. He then switched out the bottles in his ab compartment. Soon, the liquid energy began filling the cyborg making him roar with energy.

"Feelin'…Fresh!" Franky shouted as he landed. Though now recharged, something was off about the Minotaur cyborg. For starters, his hair had changed into a pineapple-like shape.

"Whoa!" Chopper said amazed.

"What the…?" Fukuro said confused.

"Wait?" Usopp said as he realized something. "What kind of drink was that?"

"Fresh is the best!" Franky said in a sissy tone of voice. "Vegetable punch go!" He then tried to punch Fukuro, but had no effect.

"Solid Beast." Fukuro said calmly before punching Sissy Franky sending him crashing into the kitchen counters.

Immediately, Franky understood what went wrong. "That was vegetable juice, you idiots!" He shouted as he through the vegetable juice bottles towards the two pirates though intentionally missing. In response, Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper screamed in fright. Franky continued to shout.

"How am I supposed to power up on that crap?! Give me cola, dammit!"

"Chopper," Sogeking/Usopp said frantic, "why didn't you get the cola?!"

"Sorry, I just thought he was thirsty."

"Dammit, now we gotta do it again." Sogeking/Usopp said as he readied to open the door again.

The door opened, and again Kumadori was delighted to see it open. "Yoyoi! The do~or…" Only for it to immediately shut again.

"Comin' at ya!" shouted Chopper as he threw the bottles to Franky.

Again, Franky jumped and caught the green bottles. "Thanks bro!" He shouted in gratitude. He then placed the new bottles into his storage compartment. Franky began to roar as the liquid energy flowed through his cyborg body. He shouted again with his hair now styled into three wavy strands and motioning his arms to over his head towards the side.

"My heart is feelin' good!" Franky shouted with a bit of a country accent. "Now…" When he landed, he immediately took a seat with a hoe leaning against his shoulder and a towel in his hand. He spoke as he wiped his brow, "…I'll sit a spell. I've tended to the fields enough for one day, neighbor. Let's stop all this fightin', kick our feet up, and have a cup of tea. Tea does a body good…"

"That's not cola either! Dumbasses!" shouted Franky immediately becoming frustrated. Again, he threw the bottles toward the two clueless pirates out of anger. Also again, missing them.

Both Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper gasped in amazement. They both thought the same idea. 'He's the funniest thing ever.'

"Hey!" shouted Franky becoming even angrier as he noticed the look on the two pirates' faces. "Stop looking at me with that 'I wonder what else would happen if I gave him other drinks' face, you bastards!"

"What?" Usopp said feigning innocence. "We would never…" He then stopped as he covered his mouth from laughing out loud.

"Get it right, you assholes!"

"So," Chopper said still amazed "the change doesn't depend on your mood you're in?"

"Gimme cola now!"

Finally, Chopper grabbed the right drinks. After doing the same thing one last time, Chopper threw the cola drinks towards the cyborg. Franky caught the drinks and quickly placed them inside his compartment. When he landed – crashing actually – the cola energy began empowering his cyborg body. Signaling this was his eyes as they began glowing red.


The Minotaur gave a vigorous shout. Manly energy seem to summon storm clouds as lightning struck towards earth and the thunder light up the sky. Odd that's happening on an island that's always experiencing daytime. Nevertheless, Franky was now up. The Minotaur began walking over towards Fukuro slowly. He was ready to fight again.

"Chapapa…" laughed Fukuro arrogantly amused. "Oh come on. It's not like anything is going to change because you drank some cola."

Franky remained stoic. He raised his fists up in boxing style as he continued walking slowly towards the ogre. "Get ready." He said in a low tone.

"Chapa? For what?" Fukuro asked mockingly. "Another round of your flimsy punches. Give me a break."

"Strong…" Franky said as he stood before his opponent. He reeled his fist back as he readied to punch the ogre. "Hammer!" The Minotaur threw his punch directly to his opponent's stomach.

The CP9 agent was wrong. This punch was nothing like the Minotaur's previous attacks. It had far more power to it. Fukuro could not withstand the strength. He soon was sent flying back crashing though not one, not two, but three walls until being stopped by the castle wall outside. In that moment, the storm of manliness cleared revealing the sunlight upon the bloody mess that is Fukuro.

"Whoa!" screamed Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper shocked and amazed. "Amazing!"

Franky smirked as he talked towards the downed ogre. "Oh you were right. My punches were pretty flimsy, but don't worry that's all gonna change."

"Awesome!" shouted Chopper cheering with excitement.

"Bravo! Bravo! Very…" Sogeking/Usopp said applauded the cyborg Minotaur, but stopped. Seeing that they had time on their hands, he quickly asked Franky a very important question. "Wait! Franky! I've got something important to ask you!"

"Hm?" replied Franky confused.

"The key you took from Rarity. What's the number on the back?"

"Um, okay." Franky said before he took out the key from inside. He looked it over before he found its number on the back. "Mine's number four."

"Dammit, he didn't have it." Sogeking/Usopp said disappointed and frustrated. Though cursing his luck, the king of snipers soon realized something important. "Wait a minute. If that guy had four, the octo-hair guy had three, and the two guys with Zoro and Pinkie had one and five. That would mean the last key is with…"

Chopper gasped. "Applejack and Rarity!"

"Alright!" Franky said grinning proudly. "We've almost got this. We better head to where the girlies are and…"

"Chapa!" A distinctive call of a certain CP9 agent followed by a smashing sound soon gained the groups attention. The all looked back outside to see the ogre standing back up and looking very angry. "You've really got me angry now! Chapapa!"

"Oh no! He's back up!" screamed Sogeking/Usopp frightened.

Franky frowned. "Just stay here and watch." He told the two pirates.

"Franky…" The Minotaur began saying as he pulled his Hawaiian shirt off his shoulders. With the shirt gone, it revealed two holes with a tattoo under both; one saying 'BF' for Battle Franky and the of the model number '36'. The two holes were then elevated to almost Franky's eye-level.

"…Destroyer Cannon!"

"Wow…" gasped both Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper amazed.

"Ow, ow, ow…! I gotta dislocate my shoulders to do this!" whined Franky in slight pain.

The two pirates screamed out in disbelief. Chopper then also shouted, "Maybe you shouldn't do it then!"

"Chapapa! Moron." Fukuro mocked from afar. "That won't work. I'm a Rokushiki master. No bullet can move as quickly as I can!" The ogre then began rushing forward towards Franky.

"It doesn't matter how much you run around or how fast, it's practically impossible for anyone to escape my Franky Destroyer Cannon! Because these aren't just any cannons, they're loaded with tracking cannonballs!"

"Tracking…" said Sogeking/Usopp amazed.

"…cannonballs?!" said Chopper finished and also amazed.

Franky fired on the ogre. As two small missiles flew towards him, Fukuro quickly leapt out of the way. The missiles that exploded somewhere, completely missing their target.

The Minotaur growled with annoyance. "Hey!" he shouted suddenly before chasing after the ogre. "Come back here!"

"You mean all the tracking is done by you?!" shouted the two pirates in disbelief.

While Franky and Fukuro went outside, Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper remained inside. "So," the king of sniper's said to his companion, "should we search for the others or…"

Suddenly, Fukuro was back in the kitchen. Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper went silent thinking he was going to attack them. The ogre did not; instead, he began speaking out towards Franky like a disembodied voice. He was boasting his talent as a silent killer comparable to an owl hunting. Seeing how he was distracted, Chopper quickly transformed into Heavy Point and attacked the ogre with a solid punch to the side.

"Franky!" Sogeking/Usopp shouted towards the outside. "He's in here!"

The cyborg walked over to the hole that lead back inside. He was slightly surprised, but felt embarrassed for his opponent. "Yeah, all that bragging was real stealthy of ya."

"Cocky jerk!" shouted Fukuro as he recovered from Chopper's bunch. He then jumped and flipped back. "How dare you humiliate me like this?! No one humiliates CP9 and lives!"

"Shave!" shouted Fukuro as he disappeared from sight. He briefly passed by the unicorn and reindeer and continued heading straight for Franky. He then reappeared in front of the Minotaur spinning like a ball. "Iron Ball!"

Fukuro collided with Franky. The two of them then flew out crashing through the bricks. They both flew out all the way towards the water, moving as fast as a currents thanks to the waterfall nearby. While Franky was greatly concerned, Fukuro was not. They both then fell into the water.

"Franky!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper worried. Neither one knew what to do with the current being too strong for the meek unicorn and Chopper a Devil Fruit user.

But while they both tried to figure out something, back inside someone had finally decided to come out. The refrigerator door busted open. A familiar call then went out, "Yoyoi!"

Sogeking/Usopp gasped as looked back. "Oh no, that voice." He said scared.

Both pirates looked back inside and saw the refrigerator door, bent and broken off his hinges, falling to the floor. Smoke filled the room as a shadowed figure appeared. They could hear a voice speak out in gratitude.

"Thank you… Thank you… Thank you… Thank you… Thank you…" As the smoke cleared, the pirates could see Kumadori. Only he was a little different. He had apparently eaten all the food in the refrigerator and gotten fat. He did his usual pose as he stated joyfully, "I am so full~!"

"Holy crap, he got fat!" shouted Chopper surprised.

"You can't be serious?!" shouted Usopp angrily. "Did he eat everything in the fridge?!"

Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper soon fought with Kumadori the ogre. Though the ogre was fat now, he had a little trick. A technique known as "Life Return", which gives one the ability to control their bodily functions. It not only allowed him to shed the excess fat and absorbit as energy, but it was also what allowed him to control his hair. Thusly, he attacked them his hair. Both pirates dodged the hair and dashed away quickly with Chopper changing to Walk Point, but it was not over for them. Kumadori continued to send his hair after them. The both did their best dodging the hair jumping off walls and over counters. The ogre also had his Rokushiki techniques that made him even more dangerous. Also adding in his staff combined with the Shigan technique that even pierced stone and he was a force to be reckoned with. Both pirates tried attacking him, but couldn't get through his Iron Body technique.

"Ch-Chopper," Sogeking/Usopp said sounding nervous, "do you think you can eat another Rumble Ball?"

"I could," Chopper said though sounding unsure, "but I won't be able to transform as freely."


"The Rumble Ball is a potent drug. One every six hours is the proper dosage. If I take more than that, it'll be a huge strain on my body."

Though his masked covered it, Sogeking/Usopp was conflicted to ask Chopper go through with eating another. He didn't want his friend to be hurt, but they had to defeat this CP9 ogre. His regular arsenal was not able to phase through the ogre's iron defense, and Chopper's current strength was not enough. He had to think of something. 'Wait,' he thought suddenly in realization, 'only one of us has to make it out to tell the others.'

"Sogeking!" shouted Chopper suddenly. "Look out!"

The unicorn was confused at first by his companion's shout before he turned realizing something was coming at him. It was the ogre's hair, and before he could do anything to avoid it he was immediately caught. He struggled to escape, but the hair would not allow it.

"Yoyoi!" cheered Kumadori as he saw the pony trapped in his hair bind. "I have finally caught one of you."

Chopper growled with determination. "I'm coming Sogeking!" he shouted as he was about to eat another Rumble Ball and attack.

"Wait! Chopper!" Sogeking/Usopp said quickly.

Immediately, Chopper halted. "What?" the young reindeer asked in confusion.

"You must get out of here!" Sogeking/Usopp said maintaining his heroic tone of voice even as he was dragged towards the ogre. "You must go tell the others what we discovered. We have to free Zoro and Pinkie Pie so we can save Robin!"

"But what about you! I can't just leave you behind!" Chopper shouted conflicted.

"I'll be fine." The unicorn said confidently though lying entirely. "I still some tricks up my sleeve."


"Now go!"

Chopper still look conflicted, but obeyed. He took off dashing towards one of the three exits leading out of the kitchen. Soon, he was out of sight.

"How touching." Kumadori stated emotionally. "Such comradery between two dear friends fills my soul with joy."

"So," Sogeking/Usopp began saying while smiling, "maybe you can let me go to keep the comradery alive?"

"No." The ogre stated easily. He then had his hair slam the unicorn into the ground.

Though still conscious, Sogeking/Usopp could no longer focus on his magic. He subconsciously canceled his magic aura dropping his weapon.

"Now~," Kumadori said as he held his staff up horizontally while his hair kept the unicorn in front of him. As he placed his hand on one end, it lit on fire. "I shall skewer you and roast you alive!"

"Crap…" Sogeking/Usopp said weakly.

"Shishi Kabob!" The ogre said as he swung his staff out flashily. He held the flame point up and then swung it down at his opponent.

Sogeking/Usopp screamed as he was smacked with the staff and fire. Immediately, the ogre's hair let go of allowing him to the floor. "Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!" He screamed out as he rolled around trying to put out the flame.

Kumadori immediately went to strike again. "Shishi Kabob!" He shouted as he swung again.

After putting the flame out, Sogeking/Usopp screamed in fright before jumping out of the way. The flame-tipped staff stuck the floor and set it ablaze. The unicorn kept running as the ogre tried hitting him with the flame-tipped staff. As Kumadori kept missing, he began setting more and more of the room on fire. Sogeking/Usopp was beginning to feel the heat.

'Why am I doing this?' Sogeking/Usopp thought panicking while he ran and dodge the ogre's attacks. As he ran around the room, he continued to think in this negative matter. 'Chopper got away. This guy doesn't have a key. I don't need to stay.'

The unicorn tripped over a piece of rubble. He fell and skidded across the floor. As he tried to get up, his thoughts still consumed him. 'Why am I even here? This has nothing to do with me anymore, I left the crew.'

Then, Usopp began recalling the memories he had with his former crew. The fun times he had with Luffy soon joined by Chopper. The moments of intensity as the crew faced against storms and bad guys together. Caring for Robin when she had been frozen. Laughing, crying, and falling with all his friends. The good and bad times. The prospect of new crew members joining (the Mane Six and Spike). The endless adventure on the high seas with everyone, new and old. It was all too much.

"I'm…" Sogeking/Usopp said as he eyed to the side. He spotted his weapon nearby and activated his magic to grab it.

"Shishi…" shouted Kumadori as he prepared to strike.

Sogeking/Usopp turned around while using his magic aura to aim his weapon and pull the string. He shouted quickly, "…doing this for my friends! Special Attack: Special Oil Star!" His weapon fire a pellet towards the flame tip of the ogre's staff. It hit the staff and exploded with oil that immediately caught on fire.

"Ah!" screamed Kumadori as the oil-fire came at him. He immediately dropped his staff in fright and tried moving away. Unfortunately, some of his hair was caught on fire. "Ah! My hair!" He shouted out before he began attempting to stomp out the fire.

Recovering quickly, Sogeking/Usopp readied his weapon to fire. "Now have a taste of my Exploding Star!" He shouted releasing his sling.

Kumadori had finally put out the fire in time to notice the incoming pellet. "Soru." The ogre disappeared and completely dodging the attack.

"Ah!" Sogeking/Usopp gasped with shock. "Where'd he go?!"

"Life Return…" The unicorn froze as he heard Kumadori's voice. He turned around saw the ogre with his hair formed into many pointed hands.

"Crap!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp closing his eyes feeling that his end was near.

"Shishi Shigan!"

"Guard Point!"

Hearing Chopper's voice, Sogeking/Usopp opened his eyes. He was shocked to find the reindeer, transformed and large, taking the attack meant for him. Only he notice something was wrong. He had heard his friend yell for his defensive form, yet he stood before him in Arm Point, the exact opposite. This shocked him even more, and once Kumadori stopped attacking, looking confused as well, he called out to his friend.


"What is this?!" asked Kumadori.

"Cloven…" Neither of the two fighters had noticed that Chopper, bleeding and injured, had been forming an attack. He had formed a cross like shape with his hooves. He had kept it up even through the barrage of attacks.

"Tekkai Strength!" shouted Kumadori as he hardened his body to the max in preparation of the reindeer's attack.

"…Roseo Metel!" Chopper stuck the ogre in a similar cross shape, but did so much more. Within the attack, the opponent felt as if he were being attacked many times over. And it was strong enough to hurt even through the ogre's defense. Unfortunately, he could not stand for much longer and collapsed still in Arm Point.

Kumadori stepped back before falling to his knees. He was still conscious, and felt an over amount of joy from having witnessed that attack. "Splen…did. Beautiful…cherry blossom…blizzard. And yet…"

"Chopper!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp worried as he saw his friend fall down. He crawled to his friend's side and checked him over before speaking to him worried. "Why did you come back? I told to find the others."

"Sorry…Sogeking." Chopper said weakly though smiling proudly. "I couldn't…leave you behind. I wanted…to make sure that you…could find Usopp and tell him…we miss him."

"Chopper…" Sogeking/Usopp said sadly. He felt bad that he was hiding his identity from his friend.

"I'm sorry that I took so long…I was working through my transformation since I took the Rumble Ball again."

"Don't worry, my friend." Sogeking/Usopp said in heroic tone. "You did well, our opponent is…"

Suddenly, the ogre roared interrupting the sniper. Kumadori kicked the unicorn and then proceeded to stomp upon Chopper's head. The ogre was full of rage; his eyes going white in rage and bleeding. He shouted towards his opponents, "You both have awaken the wrath of Heaven! Feel the thunder of the lion's roar!" He then kicked up the reindeer screaming, "Yoyoyoi yoi!" He followed up with a punch sending his opponent towards the unicorn.

"Ch…Chopper!" Sogeking/Usopp shouted as he tried getting up. He watched in horror as his friend changed back to his familiar Brain Point form.

"Rankyaku Lotus!" shouted Kumadori as he sent a flurry of air slashing kicks towards both the reindeer and unicorn.

Sogeking/Usopp and Chopper were completely defenseless. The barrage of attacks battered the two around both hitting and slightly cutting them as well. Neither one had the strength to dodge much less fight. The reindeer more so than the unicorn. Now, both were beginning to lose consciousness. Kumadori soon stopped his technique attack and began simply kicking and punching the two around. Even smashing them into the wall. Then, the ogre finally decided to end this all.

"Li~fe Return~! Hair Bind!" shouted Kumadori as his hair came to life. It shot forward and captured Sogeking/Usopp while leaving Chopper to fall to the ground. The hair wrapped around the unicorn's limbs and neck holding tight and firmly. Even if he could, this pony would not escape.

"You will be the first to suffer, but do not cry." Kumadori said as he raised his hand pinching his fingers and taking aim. As he picked up his staff and took aim, he continued to shout out poetically, "For if you shed a tear, thy name as a stallion will be besmirched."

'Oh Oda, he's going to kill me.' Sogeking/Usopp thought horrified.

"Far behind you," spouted Kumadori beginning another bout of poetry, "is the peaceful mountain village where the cicadas sing. The sweet memory's leafing in your heart have given way to the dancing flames of hell, licking at your feet with every step of your final journey. I give to you, the leaves of a willow tree dyed in crimson to honor your parting."

"S…S…So…" Chopper said weakly, unable to even finish his sentence. He then began weakly pulling his arm towards his mouth. He had something in his hoof-hand.

"Now, take it! Take it! Take it and never look back! See the leaves fluttering in red! Song of the Willow!"

'I'm sorry, Chopper…' Sogeking/Usopp thought silently as he believed this was his end. Believing this would be his last sight, he looked over at his friend. When he did, he saw in shock the reindeer take another of his Rumble Balls.

"Don't!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp towards his friend.

Taken by the sudden shout, and that it wasn't directed at him, Kumadori held his attack and looked over at the other pirate. Both he and Sogeking/Usopp watched as Chopper slowly transformed before their eyes. The little reindeer grew larger and larger even more than the ogre. His fur grew coarse and long. The horns on top of his head grew large and twisted. His hooves became hands though his fingers were each of hoof material. His arms and legs became thick yet lanky. His eyes soulless yet glowing with primal power. Before the ogre and the pony was no longer a reindeer, it was…


…a monster.

Back in the CP9 meeting room, Twilight and Luffy were still in the room. The young unicorn was still at her calculations. The red Earth pony had taken to relaxing on one of the chairs laid out for CP9 agents. He looked completely bored even while upside and hanging off the side of the chair. It had been many minutes since either of them had spoken. At any moment, Luffy was bound to fall asleep.

"Finished!" Twilight exclaimed in joy.

Luffy jolted as he heard his sister exclamation. He sat up and looked over at his sister grinning. "Finally!" He said before jumping out of his seat ready.

Twilight nodded looking over her calculations one last time. She turned to Luffy smiling confidently to him. "Alright, let's do this!"