• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 7,485 Views, 604 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - Hotspot the 626th

The World. What a glorious place. Seek friendship, and it'll lie stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit. Seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall with your friends!

  • ...

Thousand Sunny Go!

Author's Note:

Just one more...

Last time on My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic

Now confused and angry, Akainu asked out loudly, “What is the meaning of this?!”

Phlegmatic, Iceberg answered, “Mwell, I just decided that Water 7 could no longer remain neutral after my attempted assassination from the Black Empire.” He then glared at the fleet admiral, showing his contempt and distrust.

“Thus,” Iceberg continued calmly, “I felt it necessary to join along with many other kingdoms and countries and join in an alliance with Equestria.”

“Once those pirates leave Water 7, they are completely free game.” Akainu stated with all seriousness. “You may have saved Water 7 from its fate, but those pirates are still criminals in the eyes of the Empire and will not be allowed to roam freely.”

Celestia attempted to argue back. “You can’t--”

“Of course we can.” Akainu stated assuredly. “Pirates are pirates, and all pirates must be brought to justice.”


“Hey! Franky!” Hearing ‘Straw Hat’ Luffy’s shout, Franky turned towards him looking disgruntled. His mood though changed as he soon beheld his master creation and the group of ponies and creatures that he entrusted her with.

“Thanks for the ship!” Luffy continued as he waved Franky’s trunks. “It’s the best ship I’ve ever seen! We’ll take good care of it!”

“Hey, Franky!” Luffy’s shout attracted Franky’s attention. He looked back to the ship to see the red pony grinning at him enthusiastically. “Here, take ‘em back…”

Luffy then threw the speedos towards the Minotaur. As Franky caught them, the pony told him confidently, “Get on, Franky! Get on my ship!”

Franky chuckled and smirked. “Think you’re hot stuff, huh?” He asked out rhetorically.

“You’re all a bunch of amateurs who can only do makeshift repairs. You have this great ship, but you don’t even have one shipwright. I feel sorry for the ship.”

Despite how insulting it sounded, none of the crew looked offended. They all actually looked happy; impressed even. Luffy was especially. They knew as well where the Minotaur was going with his act, and they couldn’t be happier for it.

“Alright!” Franky roared out eagerly. “Just leave taking care of the ship to me! Franky will be your shipwright!”

Instantly, Luffy cheered out with his hooves in the air, “All right! We got a new crewmate!”


Now, there is only one pony left to wait for. We he make it in time?

(Line Break)

In the empty streets of Water 7, a lone unicorn galloped in all haste to his destination. What he had witnessed today was nothing short of shocking; but luckily, nothing bad seem to come from it. As far as he knew anyway. Usopp had gone straight to the temporary headquarters of the Galley-La Company to see his friends. He had plans to graciously join back with his crew once they had shown how much they missed him. Much to his discouragement, they were not there. He then recalled the new ship that Franky was building for them and immediately made for a beeline to the scrap island he had seen them – Franky, Iceberg, and the Galley-La foreman – working on. Despite this slight setback, Usopp remained optimistic over the prospect of his crew letting him join again. That they would be waiting for him. So much so, he began practicing the various situations he believed to be how it would be done. Proudly believing that these would be the key to returning again.

Usopp stated confidently to himself, “Yeah, the best thing to say is probably this… ‘If you’re gonna beg and cry like that, I don’t mind coming back as the first mate!’”

Thus the reply, which he had planned out in his head, was as followed, “’Thank you! First Mate Usopp! Yay!’”

“’We’ll do anything you ask, so please comeback!’” He continued until he started giddily laughing triumphantly.

“Yeah, something like that!” He stated assuredly. “I’m such a genius! I may fall down, but I just get back up!”

With his ego boosted, the yellow unicorn then happily declared to himself, “This little rough patch will just make me more popular, and I’ll live happily ever after!” He then laughed arrogantly, completely making a fool out of himself. Good thing no pony or creature was around to see it.

He then shouted out with conviction, “All right! I better hurry! I hate to leave this place, but goodbye, city of water, Water 7! Yahoo!” With a kick in his step and pride intact, Usopp hurriedly made his way through the city. As sure as ever, he felt that he was important.

Be careful, Usopp. Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

My Little Pony
My Little Pony
Aah, aah, aah, ahh

My Little Pony!

Twilight Sparkle: I used to wonder what friendship could be?

Straw Hat 8: My Little Pony!

Twilight Sparkle: Until you all shared its magic with me!

Rainbow Dash: Big adventure!

Pinkie Pie: Tons of fun!

Rarity: A beautiful heart.

Applejack: Faithful and strong.

Fluttershy: Sharing kindness.

Twilight Sparkle: It's an easy feat!

Luffy: And magic makes it all complete~!

All: You have my little ponies

Twilight: Do you know you're all my very best friends~?

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

Thousand Sunny go!
Sailing, Flying Onwards Together on this
Never-ending Adventure

After Franky’s tearful send-off, the Straw Hat pirates were ready to set sail along with their new crewmate, Franky. Before they could do so though, Princess Celestia had willfully flown aboard to greet everyone. It was surprising, shocking to some, but mostly surprising. This was especially for Twilight Sparkle, who was near hyperventilating as she had not expected to see her teacher so soon.

“Hmm, Twilight…”

“Y-Y-Yes, Princess!”

Smiling, Celestia then revealed Twilight’s wanted poster. “Nice picture.” She stated pleasantly.

Instantly, Twilight’s eye began to twitch. Her logical brain could not comprehend how casual of a response her teacher – nay, the princess of her home kingdom – was giving her. It was simply too much; she nearly fell over except Applejack and Spike were nearby to catch her. The sight of which had amused Celestia much.

“I’m glad to see that you all are doing well.” Celestia told the group contently. As she looked at each member, she stopped when she reached Robin.

“Robin…” Celestia spoke respectfully.

“Yes, princess.” Robin replied courteously.

“I hope you do not feel that Equestria is like the Empire. It has never been mine intention to use you or hamper your work into the ‘Void Century’. I hope that you may see Equestria and all her citizens as your support in any further endeavors.”

Hearing this, Robin smiled warmly. “Thank you, Celestia,” she spoke familiarly and kindly, “I would love to go back to Equestria someday.”

Celestia smiled as well. “I would like that too.”

“But now, if I may ask you freely,” Robin said brazenly, “why is it that neither you, Roger, nor the royal library have nothing on the Void Century?”

Surprisingly, Celestia frowned at the question. Not that she was displeased by being asked, but that she seem to have trouble figuring an answer. As if she was not sure herself. Thus, she replied, “There are some things in this world even more powerful than Alicorns.”

Robin reacted visibly astounded by the Alicorn’s message. Yet, no sooner after, she began smiling with intrigue. The mystery of the Void Century was deeper than you had thought it to be. It thus made it all the more thrilling for her to discover it herself.

“Well,” Franky spoke up suddenly having had enough of being quiet. “I figured you guys were special with the whole bearers of the harmony and such, but I didn’t figure you guys knew an actual princess. And an Alicorn at that.”

Chopper nodded, then raised his hoof up showing the number two with his cloven hand. “We know two princess, actually.”

Franky jerked back in shock. “Wow! You guys really are something.” He stated impressed.

“Oi!” shouted Zoro from near the forward of the ship. “Are we sailing soon or what, Luffy?”

Luffy grinned. “Yeah!” He replied, “Let’s set sail!”

“Aye-aye!” shouted most of the crew. Immediately, they all took off to do their duties around the ship; tightening the riggings, maintaining the helm, and climbing the mast to securing the sails.

As he watched his crew go about their tasks, Luffy looked to Celestia with an excited grin. “You gonna come along with us, Tia?”

Immediately, Celestia giggled. “Perhaps another time, Luffy. I have an important task here in Water 7 to work on with Mr. Iceberg.”

While they did their tasks, Spike quickly spoke up. “Wait! Aren’t we gonna wait for Usopp a little longer?”

Still keeping his chipper attitude, Luffy now smiled as he explained to the baby dragon, “Sorry, Spike. We’ve waited long enough for him. If this is his answer then I’m sure we’ll meet again someday.”

Despite the assurance, Spike still frowned in disappointment. Not just him but most of the Mane Six as well.

“Oh?” Celestia spoke up intrigued. “I thought you were missing somepony? The bearer of Courage isn’t here.”

“We had a bit of fight.” Luffy told her nonchalantly.

Twilight now once again voice her opposition. “I still think this whole idea of waiting for Usopp to apologize is ridiculous. It shouldn’t matter who apologize firsts.”

“We’ve been over this, Twilight.” Luffy stated sternly but calmly. “If he wants to come back, he must be the one to apologize for going against his captain’s decision.”

“But you both had done wrong.” Twilight stated pressingly.

“Twilight,” spoke Celestia suddenly, “if I may teach you something.”

Surprised, Twilight nodded nervously. “Y-Yes.”

“Every good leader must have the respect and trust of those they leads. They cannot allow insubordination to take hold within their ranks or they and their company will fail at their task. This is true even for sailors, who must battle against sea and storm at a moment’s notice. Their captain is their lifeline. Friends or not, you must be able to trust those you risk your life with every day. Thus, I hope you will trust in Luffy’s judgement, and hope for the best with the bearer of Courage.”

Stunned silent, Twilight found it hard to counter her beloved mentor and idol. Despite her own feelings about the situation, and the lessons on friendship that she had learned, the logic was indeed sound. Growing up around Garp and Shining Armor had taught her that when they received orders, they did them without question. So, despite being so conflicted, Twilight nodded in reluctance to her mentor. “Okay.”

Celestia immediately smiled; understanding how tough it was for her student to accept such a hard fact. Thus, as a way of comforting her, she nuzzled the young mare’s head as she told her conflicted student, “Things will work out. I’m sure of it.”

Feeling slightly better, Twilight smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Princess.”

After lifting her head, Celestia soon took flight as the ship began to moving away from the coast. Before they got too far though, the Alicorn quickly warned them. “Be careful.” She told them. “Even though the number of Black Navy warships have diminished, there are still a few in the area that will attempt to capture you.”

“Heh,” chuckled Sanji bravely. “Nothing new for us.”

Yet, some were still concerned. “Shouldn’t we be more worried that we may have those gruesome vessels firing upon us at any moment?” asked Rarity.

Franky laughed out confidently. He then told the group while grinning proudly, “Don’t worry about it. This ship has a few tricks up her sleeve that’ll make those navy goons completely dumbfounded.”

“Cool!” cheered out the enthusiastic members of the crew – Luffy, Chopper, Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.

Less enthused, Rarity nevertheless believed in the Minotaur’s claim. “Very well,” she sighed out almost regrettably.

“Hey!” Franky suddenly shouted to Zoro and Sanji. “Now that we’re sailing with the current, tie up the sails!”

“Eh?!” Both stallions replied confused.

Celestia at that moment took her leave of the group. She felt assured that the crew her student and friends aboard would do fine with the relatively small number of warships in the area. Her only worry left was in what their next destination would be. “Fair winds and following seas, my little ponies.” She called out graciously before heading back to the city.

“Bye Tia!” Luffy shouted back, waving his hoof.

Before he headed down below, through a hatch on the deck, Franky couldn’t help comment on something. “’My little ponies’?” He repeated confused before chuckling teasingly. “What, no love for us oddballs?”

Robin immediately chuckled with amusement. “It’s just a phrase she likes to add on.” She told her new crewmate nonchalantly.

“Eh, whatever.” Franky said uncaringly. He then lowered further down the hole while leaving the hatch open.

As the crew prepared for whatever Franky was preparing, a few of them were keeping an eye on the coast. Nami and Chopper were especially observant. There was still some time before they were out of reach of the city. Every second ticking away was another stretch of distance adding against Usopp’s return. But then, they saw him. Galloping out of the city and down the broken stairs came Usopp. He hollered and shouted towards the group of his arrival but the ship was not stopping yet. Seeing this, and short on time, Usopp jumped off the large, stone stairway and landed hard onto the scrap island. Surprisingly, he was fine despite his recovering wounds. He would not give up though; not until the accepted him back.

“Hey, guys!” Usopp shouted with all his might. “Rejoice! It’s me!”

Then, several explosions occurred around the ship. Everyone was surprised by it and looked out to see the remaining Black Navy battleships circling around Water 7 on both sides. Though few in number – numbering at about five – there superior fire power and tactics would sink the ship of the Straw Hats if they did nothing. Thus immediately, the Straw Hats took up defenses. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji caught, cut, and kicked back as many of the cannonballs that were sent their way. Even Chopper did his work thanks to the Rumble Ball and his Guard Point. Not only them, Pinkie Pie too was able to defend the ship by countering each cannonball with her own ammunition and her party cannon. The rest aided by simply pointing out the incoming cannonballs for the others to block. All the while, Usopp kept shouting. Still trying to get them to accept him back into the crew.

“I got some good news for you! Now that I’m back I’ll be your first mate! What do you think?! Hey!” Usopp shouted this and many more things that were more or less condescending.

“Hey! Luffy! Everybody! I know that you’re crying with joy over there!”

Still, no one replied back to the stallion. Not even the Mane Six or Spike, who had been more than forgiving of Usopp. Now that he was here, spouting his prideful nonsense, it was all the more clear that they were wrong. No one though attempted to rub in the fact; they simply continued supporting each other as best each could.

As he saw that none of them were paying attention to him, Usopp started to get worried. Were they really not going to accept him back? ‘I can’t follow you anymore. Sorry to have been such a burden.’ The unicorn recalled that time before his duel with Luffy, and how serious he was then. It had been foolish, but he wouldn’t let his pride be shattered over it.

“Come on, guys!” Usopp shouted out again desperately. “Don’t tell me you believed I was leaving! It was a joke!”

“Do you really think I was serious?! We go way back, don’t we?! I know we argue a lot, but we’re still crewmates, right?! I’ll let a couple of things slide!”

Seeing that they were still ignoring him, he became in even more desperate to reach them. He shouted, “Come on! Say something! Cut it out! Talk to me!”

Still, no one replied back to the stallion. As the onslaught of cannonballs flew at the ship, the Straw Hats repelled them. Now though, they also had Franky back up on deck and with his cyborg weaponry was easing the burden of protecting the boat. Nevertheless, some were still trying to help Usopp.

“Luffy!” shouted Chopper, currently in Heavy Point form. “Usopp is calling us!”

The pirate captain didn’t reply at first. Luffy quickly disposed of one of a cannonball, then he replied back to Chopper with an apathetic tone. “I can’t hear anything.”

Chopper gawked at Luffy with shock. Quickly, he then turned to the nearest crewmate. “Zoro!” He shouted.

Sternly, the swordspony replied, “I don’t hear anything!”

“Don’t lie! I know you do!” Chopper shouted incensed.

Back on the coast, Usopp had stopped yelling momentarily to catch his breath. He had yelled at the top of his lungs and still they paid him little attention. He knew they heard them, but in his opinion they were being completely stubborn. And yet, he still felt hurt. They were his friends and they were going to leave him behind. Has their fight really been that bad?

“Fine then! See if I care!” Usopp said angrily. “If you’re going to be like that then let me say just one last thing.”

Finally, as tears fell from his eyes, Usopp let out one last shout with all his might. “I’M SORRY!”

Immediately, everyone looked back to the coast shocked.


“Usopp…” muttered Luffy astonished.





To everyone still on the coast; Celestia, Iceberg and his employees, the Franky Family, Kokoro and her group, they were struck with sheer amazement of the pony. Before, they had held the unicorn in some contempt despite his otherwise relationship with the Straw Hats. Though no one but the Straw Hats knew of their situation, how boastful and prideful the yellow pony behaved just made many of them hold him with some contempt. By no means did they blame the Straw Hats for not responding back. But then, the prideful unicorn finally gave in. They hadn’t expected him to be so tearful about either. Now, they could see that his prideful attitude was but an act. Finally, he was speaking from his heart and for that they forgave him.

As for Celestia, as never one to judge too quickly, she smiled happily as the following scene played out. Commenting subtly, “Even apologizing can take courage…”

Back with Usopp, the unicorn began wiping the tears off his face; close to believing his friends really had given him up. But then, he heard his named shouted out, “Usopp!” The unicorn instantly looked up, recognizing the voice as Luffy’s. He immediately found a red hoof in front of him, stretched all the way from the fleeing ship by of course Luffy himself; smiling.

“Luffy…” Usopp said hopeful.

From smiling, Luffy’s mood changed to blubbering like a child. “YOU IDIOT!” He shouted out overjoyed. “HURRY UP AND GRAB ON!”

Now crying with joy, blubbering just as much as Luffy, Usopp nodded acceptingly. Without hesitation, he grabbed the hoof. Immediately, he was reeled in and heading to the ship.

Despite the onslaught of cannonballs, all conveniently missing them, the crew rejoiced. At long last, the Straw Hat crew was finally complete with their last member. Though still busy defending the ship, everyone happily welcomed back their friend. And once Usopp was brought aboard, Luffy, Chopper, Spike, and Pinkie Pie danced with the unicorn in joy of his wondrous return. The other simply laugh out with the same notion of joy and happiness. It was as if the event that had originally torn them a part had never happened. Now, with everyone together, it was time now to escape.

“We got the sails up!” Rainbow Dash called down from the sails.

Immediately, Franky grinned. “Alright! Time for her maiden voyage!” The Minotaur shouted out in cheer, enticing many others to cheer as well.

“But before we do so,” Franky suddenly said while still grinning, “we need to name our ship.”

“Huh? She doesn’t have a name yet?” Usopp questioned with surprised.

As the crew gathered around Franky, they too questioned the need to immediately name their ship. Especially since, they were still under attack. Thus, Twilight stated, “Shouldn’t we worry about that later? After we escape…”

“No way.” Franky stated confidently. “The ship of the King of the Pirates has to have a name or else its maiden voyage will have no significance.”

“Seems a bit silly.” Rarity commented offhandedly.

Luffy answered, “Well, it’s gotta be ‘something lion’, right? How ‘bout ‘Bear! Polar Bear! Lion!’”

“Who ever heard of such a weird name for a ship?!” Usopp retorted in disbelief.

“Then how about ‘Tiger! Wolf! Lion!’?”

Again astounded by the name, Usopp retorted, “Stop listing animals like that! It sounds like some kind of curse!”

“’Squid! Octopus! Chimpanzee!’”

“What happened to the lion?!” shouted Usopp confounded.

“Ooh! Ooh!” Pinkie Pie soon spoke up excitedly. “What about ‘Party Animal’?”

Soon, Franky stepped in. “Guys, guys,” he spoke coolly, “we’ve already got a name for the ship.”

“We do?” replied Luffy and Pinkie Pie.

Franky nodded. “Yeah. Though, Iceberg had his own suggestion…”

“He said he knew that this was going to be the ship for the ‘King of the Pirates’. Of course, he missed the point of it being the ‘King of the Beasts’, but he made a pretty good point for his suggestion. A ship ‘sailing through the dangers of a thousand seas, shining happily like a sun.’ That name he suggested for this ship was…”

“…the Thousand Sunny!”

Instantly, the whole group was impressed with the name. The name just clicked for everyone’s opinion save for Franky, who was just waiting to reveal the “true” name of the ship. Its meaning combined with its appearance just seemed like a natural fit.

“That sounds cool!” Luffy stated instantly amazed. “That’s much better than my ‘Dumpling! Gorilla! Lion!’”

Quickly, Usopp again retorted with irritation, “Are you playing some kind of word game?!”

Zoro too spoke up, “Sounds better than my idea, ‘Big Boss Lionel’…”

Robin also had thought of one, “It’s better than my ‘Ankokumaru*’…”

*Little Darkness, in the FUNimation dub the name was ‘Creature of Darkness’.

Sanji…“I was going suggest ‘Monsieur Sunflower’…”

Now, Usopp shouted at them in disbelief, “Have you guys gone insane?!”

More still released their own suggestions. Like Spike… “Actually, I thought ‘King of Beasts’ sounded pretty good…”

Rainbow Dash… “Aw, man. I wanted to call it the ‘Wonderbolt Cloud Lion’…”

And even Fluttershy… “Oh, um, I thought ‘Mr. Lion’ would be nice…”

Usopp face-hoofed. “Not you guys too…”

To all their suggestions, Franky just chuckled. “All right, guys. Some of those were fine, but I’ve got the name that’ll make this the most legendary ship.”

“Its name will be the New Battle--”

“So let’s go with Ice Guy’s suggestion! I like it!” Luffy stated confidently, having little regard for whatever name Franky had come up with. Thus, he proclaimed to the crew, “The Thousand Sunny it is!”

“Agreed!” shouted all the crew happily.

“That name sure does make this voyage feel special.” Applejack replied pleasant.

Chopper also cheered out, “I hope we’ll get along Sunny!”

Everyone was happy with the name; except Franky, who immediately began pouting and booing the declaration. Thus, just to get the grown creature to stop, Sanji and Zoro hurried the bull to tell them why they had folded the sails in. To this, the Minotaur grinned proudly. “You guys better take one last look at the beautiful city of water. You won’t be able to see it much longer.”

“Frankly, my dear crewmate,” Rarity said to the Minotaur tiredly, “I’ve had all my fill of Water 7 beautiful as it is.”

“Oh, in that case…” Luffy then walked over to the side of ship. He then began shouting out, “Hey! Ice Guy! Thanks for the ship and the name! Thanks for everything, everybody! We’re going now!”

Being already far away, Luffy’s shout was met with confusion for those on the coast. Confusion but also joy as well. For though they couldn’t hear what the pony, they could make out his waving and his cheerfulness. So, in spite of the distance, they received stallion’s message clearly.

Back on the Thousand Sunny, Franky walked up to the helm. As he took his position, he called out, “Okay everyone! Hang on to something!”

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked confused, while floating up next to the Minotaur.

“And you flyers better stick to the deck,” Franky told the Pegasus warningly, “because I don’t want any of you getting knocked off.”

“How?” Rainbow Dash asked out again.

Franky grinned cunningly. “Because we’re going to fly!”

With everyone overhearing him, they all shouted in surprise, “What?!”

Laughing out in pride, Franky explain to the group, “By combining a massive air cannon and the durability of the Adams wood, and fueling with my special super coal-powered engine, I’ve created an amazing emergency acceleration device using a similar method to me Coup de Vent attack!”

Without hesitation, the Minotaur grabbed the lever next to the helm. Franky then shouted, “Here we go! Coup…”

Quickly, everyone hurried around to grab something for support. The mast, the railing, and anything else secured to the ship. Heading his warning, Rainbow Dash settled on the deck and readily braced herself like the rest of them did.

“…de…” Meanwhile at Sunny’s stern, something amazing was happening. The cannon like structure began to glow with energy. In mere moments, as the engine inside compressed and expanded at an accelerating rate, it would be ready to burst.

Excited, Luffy shouted out, “Let’s go!”

Immediately, Franky pulled the lever. “Burst!”

Then, all at once, the energy produced in the engine released in one air blast. It instantly shot the ship into the air, avoiding the incoming cannonballs as well. The Thousand Sunny was launched angularly up into the air; almost like flying. Behind them, the Black Navy ships nearly stopped in the track, and all soldiers with their mouths agape in disbelief. The Straw Hat pirates had escaped.

“I remember this!” Usopp shouted in joy against the wind rushing by him. “I remember this feeling!”

Franky laughed out in pride after hearing the excited sniper. He then explained out loud for all, “The engine takes up three barrels of cola, but it can fly one kilometer or about half a mile for you nonmetric users. If the Merry could fly, then there’s no reason the Sunny can’t either! Though it may be better in every aspect, the soul of that ship will be carried by the Thousand Sunny!”

On the coast, watching the big ship fly suddenly had astonished all. Not even Iceberg, despite having working on the ship, could have expected this maneuver. Even Celestia, despite her long lifespan, had never seen such a feat. Much to her own, and everyone else’s, surprise, she laughed out in joy. A right good one at that; one that one would reserve for perhaps the best joke. The sensation of being caught off guard was thrilling for her. It was all the more joyous knowing that it because of her own student and the pony she called “brother” had lead such an interesting lifestyle. She expected great things to come of them; it was only a matter of time, she thought for sure.

As the Thousand Sunny began to steadily descend, Franky continued his proclamation. “If anything breaks, I’ll fix it completely! I’m the one to ask about the ship and her weapons! Starting today, this is your ship!”

“Ya-hoo!” cheered Luffy and many others in joy.

Soon enough, this “flying” ship touched down onto the sea. Despite crashing into the sea, just as Franky told them, the ship withstood the impact with nary a scratch on its hull. Once steady, everyone was able to move around. A quick head count showed everyone was here and safe. This could only mean one thing; it was time to celebrate! By Luffy’s call, Sanji immediately broke out the drinks and cooked up some food, all having been provided graciously by Iceberg. Alcoholic drinks like rum, sake, and even hard cider made from water-water apples. Once the mugs and liquids were passed around, with the exception of Spike who was given cola on Franky’s behalf, the raised a toast.

Being the captain, Luffy loudly toasted, “Let’s make it official! To the return of our crewmates, Robin and Usopp! To our new ship, the Thousand Sunny! And to all our new crewmates!”

“CHEERS!” Everyone shouted together, raising their mugs up and clanging them together causing some mess.

Luffy continued to shout out, “To our next adventure!” Then, he and everyone downed their drinks; some more with gusto than others.

As she finished her drink, Applejack first licked off the cider residue off her lips before hollering, “Not bad stuff, these ‘Water-Water Apples’. Though, they don’t beat my family’s cider by a mile.”

“Heh,” Franky chuckled out. “I don’t know about any Equestrian hard cider, but nothing beats my city’s home brew.”

Applejack scoffed at the claim, then smirked boastfully. “If we had any of my family’s cider left, I’d prove you wrong.”

Grinning, Franky responded back, “You’re on, Apples.”

Now, having been completely enamored by Applejack’s confidence, Sanji proclaimed out in devotion, “Even when you are bragging, you’re still so beautiful, Apple-chan~!”

Disapproving of the attention the stallion was giving her friend, Rarity quickly intervened. “Sanji~” she whined out overdramatically, “come sit by me, and tell me what you’ve prepared for us.”

Instantly, Sanji changed targets. “Of course, Rarity-swan~!” He said, clearly bewitched by her act. The stallion then twirled over to the unicorn and proceeded to gentlemanly explain the dishes he prepared; much to Rarity content and Applejack’s chagrin.

After sipping some of her drink, Nami lightheartedly told the Earth pony mare, “Yeah, get used to that.” Then, just to prove her point further.

“Sanji~!” Nami called out cheerily as she raised her mug. “I need more cider please.”

Enchanted once again by the wily mares on board, Sanji stopped his task and turned to Nami still enamored. “Right away, Nami-swan~!” He the dashed off to fetch the mare her drink.

“Sanji~” Rarity whined out again in woe. Out of luck with Sanji, she instead turned to Nami looking mad. “Nami!”

Immediately, both Nami and Applejack laughed out. They were soon followed by the rest of the crew in laughing. Except Sanji and Rarity; the former too enraptured to care and the latter being none too happy being played.

As the laughter died down, Twilight soon felt the need to speak. “Everyone,” as she spoke loudly she gained everyone’s attention, “I just wanted to say that, though this adventure has been full of ups and downs, I’m thankful that I could be part of my brother’s adventure.”

Immediately, Spike raised his mug in cheer. “Here, here!”

“It sure was amazin’ though.” Applejack commented proudly. “A rip roaring adventure.”

Rainbow Dash shouted, “Hell yeah!” She then began punching and kicking like she was in a fight, demonstrating the excitement she had. “And we kicked major ass on Enies Lobby too!”

As she patted Funkfreed, Fluttershy too happily spoke up, “And we’ve made so many new friends.”

Pinkie Pie nodded in agreement. “Learned a lot too.” She stated proudly.

“Truly unforgettable.” Rarity commented pleasantly.

Luffy snickered with joy. “I’m happy you and everyone came along too, Twi.”

After he finished chugging his drink, Zoro gasped out in relief and contentment before remarking in a snarky manner to the group. “Enough of the mushy stuff,” he told them, “its ruining the alcohol.”

“Hey!” shouted Sanji angrily. “Respect the ladies’ gratitude, you shitty Mosshead.”

“Guys! Guys!” Pinkie Pie hollered out quickly to gain everyone’s attention.

“What is it Ms. Pie?” Sanji asked concernedly.

“I know we could talk about what happened the last week all day long like some sort of recap…” Pinkie said cheerfully cryptic.

Zoro arched his brow. “But?” He asked out.

“But~” Pinkie Pie said elongating the word gleefully before finally stating, “We already know that stuff, so let’s sing instead!”

“Sing?” repeated the group.

“Yeah! We haven’t done so since chapter 4!” Pinkie Pie pointed out jauntily.

The idea immediately sparked an interest in Luffy. “Yeah! Let’s sing!” He stated enthusiastically.

“Seriously?” Nami said in disbelief.

“Yeah! Come on! Everyone join in!” shouted Pinkie Pie enthusiastically.

“Yeah!” shouted everyone excitedly together. Except Zoro, who was more are less forced to join in by Rainbow Dash.

All: Ichi! (One!)

Juu! (Ten!)

Hyaku! (Hundred!)


Luffy: Sayonara no namida, deai no ureshii sa,
(Tears of farewell, the happiness of meeting)

Baton no you ni, tsunaide kore-kara,
(Like a baton, it'll unite us from now on,)

Tabi wa tsuzukun'da atarashii nakama to
(The journey continues with new friends)

Twilight: Kimi ni dekiru koto ore tokui na koto,
(The things you're able to do, are the things I'm proud of)

Utage mitai ni, mochiyotta nara,
(Like in a banquet, if we come together,)

Sekai shinkiroku mainichi koushin da
(We would break a new world record every day)

Females: Tobu. Fune ga tobu
(Fly. The ship flies)

Franky: It’s an unheard-of wonder! Being successful everywhere, unmatched, it sounds nice!

Males: Kaze tsukamaette aozora
(Catching the wind)

All: Hitorijime sa kimi mo oide yo
(Going to the blue sky monopoly with you!)

Ichi! Juu! Hyaku!
(One! Ten! Hundred!)


Males: Yukan na
(The gallant ship's)

Females: Fune no tamashii

All: Hikitsugi

(Brand-new ship, now let's get it on!)

Twilight: Arashi mo norikoete
(Sailing through the storms)

Luffy: Sen no umi wo koete
(Crossing a thousand seas)

Males: Mihatenu yume no sono hate made mo
(Until the end of our unfulfilled dream)

All: Tobe! FLY HIGH,
(Fly! Fly high,)


All: Ichi! Juu! Hyaku! THOUSAND!!
(One! Ten! Hundred! Thousand!!)

“She’s all charge up!” Franky stated assuredly; referring the cola engine-powered Coup de Burst. He then shouted to whoever was at the helm, “Pull the lever!”

“Aye-aye!” Sanji replied, then did so.

Ichi! Juu! Hyaku!
(One! Ten! Hundred!)


Males: Yukan na
(The gallant ship's)

Females: Fune no tamashii

All: Hikitsugi

(Brand-new ship, now let's get it on!)

Robin: Arashi mo norikoete
(Sailing through the storms)

Luffy: Sen no umi wo koete
(Crossing a thousand seas)

Males: Mihatenu yume no sono hate made mo
(Until the end of our unfulfilled dream)

All: Tobe! FLY HIGH,
(Fly! Fly high,)

Franky then shouted, “Coup…”






The Thousand Sunny again went flying into the air, heading for who knows where. It did not matter to the Straw Hat pirates. Anywhere is an adventure for them. Never knowing what awaits them on the next horizon, the excitement of seeing new places and meeting new creatures, and the thrill of new discoveries. The world is a big place with many mysteries yet undiscovered, and new challenges to conquer. What will they find though going forward? Only the fates can tell. So…