• Published 12th May 2012
  • 1,853 Views, 48 Comments

There is a Season - ArdanBlade

Equestria is at war, Twilight struggles with boys, and a terrible power returns from the dead!

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Chapter 11

Deep within the recesses of his fevered dreams, Boldheart struggled against the luring pull of death. Looming before him, all about him a great laughing form of smoke and darkness, sending fear tearing at his sanity with every turn. He would run one way, then another, his eyes searching for any escape from the terror that dogged his every step, outguessed his every move. He wasn't even sure how long he had been running from the dark shadow that sought to consume him.

Suddenly, a vast chasm seemed to open before him, rending the earth and cutting off his escape. Skidding to a stop right at the edge of the new abyss, he turned to look back at the darkness as it swelled about him like a tide. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the looming face, that seemed to form, like a wolf's, all fangs and blazing, cruel eyes. Scooting back as close to the edge of the cliff as he could, Boldheart screamed out, utter terror seizing his soul.

"There is no escape for you now, Boldheart!" The monstrous countenance laughed, the looming fangs of smoke drawing about him.

"Somepony help me! Please!" Tears streamed down his face as he squeezed his eyes shut, his entire body quaking with fear.

"Boldheart." A new voice, faint as a whisper emerged.

Looking up, the young Guard pony began looking about, hoping beyond hope that he had indeed heard somepony calling to him. As he turned about, his mouth slowly dropped open. The chasm was gone, and in it's place, a simple tan pony, weathered by years stood before him. The vast emptiness behind him was now full of ponies, countless stallions and mares, their eyes shining.

"You're not alone, Boldheart." The old pony said, his smile lighting a spark within the frightened pony's heart. "We are the line of Everbold, your family."

"My… family?"

"For countless generations, since my time, we have stood brave against the dangers of the world, protecting all we love, even enough to give our lives for those we cherish. Everypony here has selflessly cast aside their life and freedom to save another." Everbold explained calmly. "You're stronger than you know, my little colt. Do not fear the darkness, nor run from that which frightens you. Be courageous, and let go of your fears."

"But I'm so afraid…" Boldheart tried to explain, feeling ashamed of his fear.

"We've all been afraid sometimes." Everbold rested a hoof upon Boldheart's shoulder. "Courage isn't what you feel, but what you do even though you're afraid. Somepony needs you right now, will you abandon them?"

"No, no I won't…" Pushing himself back to his hooves, Boldheart turned to face the monster. He felt his instincts try to overwhelm him, as if ice were trying to freeze him from the inside. Shoving back the feeling, he braced his hooves, meeting the terrible eyes with his own gaze. "My name is Boldheart! I will not give in to you!"

"Bold words for such a little thing, but what are words compared to true might!?" The vast darkness laughed back at him. "I will drown out your world! There will be nothing left for you, all consumed, all cast into the abyss! You are mine!"

Fighting back his fear, Boldheart lowered his horn, and with a cry, he charged at the monster! His heart pounded in his chest, his eyes filled with tears, yet onward he pressed, and into the heart of darkness the brave pony vanished.

"Hahahahaha! What a foal!" The shadow laughed as it fed upon the hopes and dreams of the hapless Guard pony. "To think one simple pony could stand against me."

Suddenly the darkness' laughter stopped as a tiny ray of light pierced it's form. "What is this!?"

A second beam followed the first, cutting through the smoke and shadow like a blade! Another followed, and another! Within moments, the creature's form was coming apart from within. "NO! This can not be!"

"My heart will not give in!" The tiny voice of Boldheart called out from within the monster's crumbling form. "I am Boldheart, and I do not fear you!" Surrounded by light, the unicorn stallion felt the magic locked away within him surge outward like the sun shattering the darkness as it peered over the horizon. With a terrible scream, the creature was torn asunder, it's dark form cast out of his heart. Standing there with his eyes wide, Boldheart looked about him. Everbold and the ponies who had stood behind him now surrounded his shaking form, smiles upon their faces.

"I… I did it!" He gasped cheerfully, a smile warming his features.

"You were brave in the face of your fears, and you overcame them. I'm proud of you." Everbold said. "Now arise, for another needs your help!"

"What? Who needs my help? What do I do?" Caught off guard, the young pony looked to his elder.

"Don't worry, Boldheart. Do what you know is right, never lose your courage, and protect all that you love! Now awaken!"

* * *

The razor sharp blade moved like lightning, slicing into Twilight's back, it's deadly point seeking to silence her heart forever! The assassin felt glorying self adulation filling his senses as he relished the death he was bringing to this unicorn filly. He did not see the stallion until far too late.

Boldheart had risen up, his eyes fixing on the ponies entering, and the shadow beyond. Perhaps it was Twilight's surprised reaction to seeing the Guard pony, or him shoving her aside, but as the blade bit cruelly into her back, it's course was shifted, sending the point deep into her shoulder instead.

With a sharp cry of pain and confusion, the lavender unicorn twisted and fell. The assassin drew back his blade, but failed to bring it against the charging stallion before he had crashed into the dark pony, knocking him back out through the doorway.

"Aaaiieee!" Apple Bloom screamed, her eyes wide as she saw Twilight fall, a trickle of blood making it's way from her friend's back to the floor. Rushing up, the filly nudged her friend, trying to help her up. "Twilight! Are you okay!?"

"Aaaah, it… it hurts…" Twilight struggled to answer as she rose, limping on her right foreleg. "What was that!?"

"Ah think somepony attacked you!" Apple Bloom blurted out, her heart still racing.

"Attacked!?" Struggling over to the door, Twilight tried to make sense of the scene happening outside.

The dark, nearly formless assassin was locked in a deadly dance with Boldheart, their blades flashing back and forth as each sought to find a weakness in the other's defenses! The fighting ponies crashed into each other, swept about, their hooves digging into the dirt as they sought purchase! Boldheart lunged, was nearly impaled upon his foe's blade, only to evade the deadly strike by twisting himself about, hitting the ground hard!

The assassin lunged, his narrow blade poised to kill! Boldheart threw his head around, using his own blade to parry the killing blow! The assassin's dagger buried itself to the hilt next to the Guard pony's head, it's edge disappearing right next to his eye! He lashed out with a double hoofed kick, sending the dark pony reeling back!

Focusing as best she could, Twilight summoned a burst of pure force. The bolt of pure magical energy leapt from her horn, slamming into the assassin like a moving wall, sending him crashing through trees and underbrush. Exhausted from the effort, Twilight slumped against the doorframe, gritting her teeth against the pain in her back.

Boldheart managed to get his feet under him, his chest heaving as he fought for breath against his own exertions. Sweat poured into numerous slashes and cuts that now marred his body, sending stinging pains shooting through his body. He stumbled over to Twilight, who's breaths had grown more shallow.

"Twilight!? Don't worry… get… for you… Hang on…" Boldheart's words seemed to blend into each other as the wounded mare's gaze started to swim. Her eyes fluttered as she fought a losing battle to keep them open. Weariness and blood loss sapped her strength, and merciful sleep swept over her.

* * *

"Hey Big Macintosh, 'ave you seen Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked her brother worriedly as she trotted up to him in the orchard.

"Nnnope." Big Mac replied, looking over at her.

"A haven't seen 'er since yesterday, an' I got a funny feelin' she mighta got herself into some trouble. Will you help me look fer her?"

"Eeyup." Letting go of his work harness, the big pony turned and headed off through the orchard.

"Ah sure hope she's okay." Applejack said to nopony in particular, following the path to Ponyville.

* * *

Applejack seemed to have arrived right in the middle of a madhouse! Lines of ponies were standing about, as unicorns tapped their horns to the waiting ponies' heads, while Guard ponies went through houses and shops, searching them from top to bottom.

Spotting Rarity, Applejack trotted over. "What in the hay is goin' on here!?"

"Apparently somepony saw changelings in town yesterday, and the Guard has turned out in full force to find any intruders. They're certainly making a mess of things, if you ask me." Rarity answered, just a little flustered from being forced to stand in line.

"I know, right!" Pinkie Pie commented, seeming to have sprung up from nowhere. "It's all been really crazy! Nopony's seen Twilight or Rainbow Dash since yesterday, and this line is seriously cutting into that party I had planned for today!"

"Pinkie, you try to have a party every day." Rarity retorted flatly.

"Wait, Twilight an' Rainbow have gone missin' too?" Applejack frowned. "Ah can't seem ta find Apple Bloom anywhere, an' I'm startin' ta get real worried."

"Ooh, ooh! I'll bet the changelings got 'em!" Pinkie Pie said, bouncing with energy. "They probably took them to an evil fortress where they're gonna chop off their horns, just like they did to Zephyr!"

"What a terrible idea, Pinkie! Why wou- wait. Who's Zephyr?" Applejack asked.

"It's Pinkie Pie's imaginary friend. " Rarity explained, looking irritated.

"She's not imaginary! See!" Pinkie seemed to have picked up a bundle of air, which she was presenting to her friends. "Fluttershy saw her!"

"Of course she did." Rarity tried to reassure her, then she leaned back over to Applejack. "I think this whole Guard business has gotten to her head."

Unsure of what to think, Applejack looked back and forth between her two friends. Sure Pinkie was acting weird, but she always did that, and had a knack for being right about stuff nopony else even understood. Then again, she was trying to tell them that the invisible object she was holding was a pony… Deciding not to decide, she tried redirecting the conversation.

"That's all good an' fine, but we really ought ta go lookin' for our friends."

"You're quite right, Applejack. As soon as we're done here, we'll go find them." Rarity agreed.

"Attention everypony!" Standing before the crowd, Sgt. Ramrod stepped up, his voice carrying across the mumbling mass of ponies. "Due to the threat of the changeling presence, we are no longer permitting ponies to enter or leave Ponyville. You will remain within city limits until we can confirm the presence of the enemy has been removed. Failure to comply with these orders will result in detainment."

"Questions and exception requests must be made at the Mayor's Office. This is for your own safety and for the safety of everypony in Ponyville. Thank you for your cooperation."

Turning back to her friends, Applejack frowned. "Ah don't like this one bit! Somethin's up, an' ah aim ta find out what it is!"

"Don't forget finding our friends!" Pinkie added.

"Yeah, that too." Applejack agreed.

"Hey, you two! Get in line!" One of the Guard ponies demanded to Applejack and Pinkie Pie, who had yet to actually join the line. Grudgingly, the orange earth pony went, grumbling as her pink companion bounded happily after her.

* * *

Little did anypony know that high above their heads, another pony was watching. Having constructed a fortress of slow moving clouds, Rainbow Dash peered down at the lineups below. Carefully watching, she saw Sgt. Ramrod weaving his way through the streets to the library, which she had determined Thundercloud was using as his headquarters.

As the Guard pony entered the door, Rainbow decided to make her move. Burying herself in another tuft of cloud, she pushed the stray clump slowly down to the balcony. Slipping free of it in her black stealth suit, she nudged Twilight's telescope aside, creeping quietly up to the door. She nudged it open slowly, peering into the gallery below.

"Sgt. Ramrod, you've something to report?" Thundercloud looked back at his second-in-command.

"Yes sir. The check is still underway, with over half of the populace inspected already." The burly earth pony replied.

"Excellent! You've done well. Any news of Twilight Sparkle's whereabouts?" The white stallion asked, insincere worry in his voice.

"No sir. It seems she is no longer in Ponyville, but nopony can confirm her departure." Ramrod continued his toneless explanation.

Sighing regretfully, Thundercloud shook his head. "I understand. Keep your patrols up, and let the civilians return home once they're done with the inspection."

"Understood sir." With that, the Guard Sergeant departed.

"Curse that Twilight Sparkle!" Thundercloud shouted to himself. "Why did this happen!? I had her in my hooves, and now all of my plans are in jeopardy because she went missing!"

"Hmm… So he doesn't know where Twilight is? I wonder what plans he's talking about." Rainbow Dash whispered to herself, squinting suspiciously at Thundercloud.

"Hey Rainbow Dash. What're you doing up here?" Spike's voice nearly sent Rainbow Dash flying. She whirled on Spike, who had somehow gotten behind her.

"Shh! I can't let anypony know I'm here!" She hissed, trying to keep her voice as quiet as possible.

"Oh, is something wrong?" Spike whispered back.

"Yes something's wrong! I'm a spy now, and I need to find out what Thundercloud is up to! Twilight's missing, Ponyville is a mess, and I think this Guard Lieutenant is up to no good!" Rainbow explained hoarsely.

"Cool! Can I be a spy too?" Spike asked, his eyes lighting up. "I've even got a great disguise and everything!" He promptly pulled out a false mustache and a white hat with a phoenix feather in it, placing the items on himself.

"Well, how about it?" He asked, twirling his mustache.

"I don't know, what kind of skills can you bring to the team?" Rainbow Dash asked, raising her eyebrows.

"I uh… I can, uhh… Oh! I can send and receive secret messages! That way, you don't have to carry information over long distances!" Spike grinned.

"Well, that is a pretty useful skill! I suppose you could help me out." Rainbow Dash conceded. "Alright, meet me outside of my house in two days. We can't let the Guards know what we're up to. Anybody could be a changeling, so keep your eyes peeled and don't let anypony see you!"

"Got it!"

"Oh, and Spike."


"Welcome to the Eyes of the Guard!"

* * *

It had been three days since Rainbow Dash had left the camp at the foothills of the Mountain of Misery, and the moon was slowly climbing up over mountain. A Royal Guard named Iron Spear watched the great amber light rise into the sky dreamily, when his mind started nagging him. What was he forgetting? After several long moments of pondering, he recalled what it was that had troubled his mind. The sun and moon always rose in the east!

Surprised by his own recollection, the startled Iron Spear looked back over his shoulder, seeing the moon clearly peeking over the mountains where Canterlot sat in the west. "Wait, if that's the moon over there, then what is…"

Turning his gaze slowly at the massive amber light, the hapless Guard pony's lip began to quiver as he watched the enormous form of the Walking Stone rise up to tower over the mountainside. For several seconds, he stood frozen, watching the colossal titan take step after lumbering step down towards the camp. Training overrode reason, and clutching his beloved spear, he raced into the camp, shouting out the alarm!

"Enemies approaching! Enemies approaching! Awaken! Awaken! Enemies approaching!"

Upon hearing the warning cry, Shining Armor burst from the command tent, his eyes searching for the trouble. He didn't take long to find it. "Dear Celestia, what is that!?"

The Walking Stone began thundering into the camp, Guard ponies' spells hammering uselessly against the colossus' granite hide. Shining Armor began shouting orders, gathering the Guard ponies, to him. "Take formation! Everypony, get in formation! We can beat this thing!"

Silently he prayed they could…

* * *

Twilight's eyes flickered as consciousness returned to her. The first thing she noticed was the stabbing pain in her back, though it had dulled to an irritating throb. Slowly she peered about herself, taking stock of her surroundings. She was laid out on her belly, some soft mats tucked comfortably underneath her. The masks hanging upon the walls and bottles lining wooden shelves told her that she was still at Zecora's.

Looking to her left, she saw another mat laid beside hers. Boldheart was laying there, sword still close at hoof. Apple Bloom had sequestered herself on the Guard pony's back, her head rested upon his mane like a pillow. The pair were fast asleep, keeping a vigil over their wounded friend. Twilight couldn't suppress a happy smile.

"Ah I see that you are awake! Here, I have some medicine for you to take." Zecora approached, having picked up a bowl in her teeth. She set it gently before Twilight. "Thank the spirits yours is still here. Please tell me, how are you feeling my dear?"

"Like I slept on a nail, but I think I'll be okay." Twilight answered, looking back over to the sleeping pair as she lifted the bowl to her lips. "What happened?"

"Asleep you have been for three days. Mumbling words in a lost haze." Zecora explained as Twilight drank the odd tasting brew. "Boldheart and Apple Bloom refused to go home. Not even for a moment would they leave you alone."

"All that time, and they didn't leave?" Twilight asked in surprise as she set down the bowl.

"Love is a funny thing. It never gives up, and hope it brings." Zecora replied with a smile. "Faithful and true these friends are. When worried for another, they will never be far."

Twilight was touched. Happy tears began to crawl down her cheeks. "I'm lucky to have them. True friends…" A tune rose unbidden to the happy pony's lips as Zecora went back to her work.

"You stayed by my side,

Now I no longer hide.

This is what love should be,

And now I can see,

You're true friends to me."