• Published 12th May 2012
  • 1,853 Views, 48 Comments

There is a Season - ArdanBlade

Equestria is at war, Twilight struggles with boys, and a terrible power returns from the dead!

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A Time to Love, A Time to Hate

Chapter 15
A Time to Love, A Time to Hate

"I don't see the point of this." Chrysalis hissed irritably, glaring at the Dream Taker to hide her fear. "Why do you need my possession spell?"

Shaking his head at her doubt, the old stallion frowned. "Have you learned nothing?" He paced away from her, crossing the floor of the rune marked Chamber of Magus.

"But the spell doesn't work unless somepony is willing to listen to you." She retorted, yet felt that she was missing something.

"Exactly! Why do you think it was so important to lure Thundercloud into the fold?" The Dream Taker asked.

Chrysalis stopped to think for a moment. The possession spell had been one of her favorites during the wedding, when she not only used it on her husband to be, but also upon the foolish bridesmaids that had been attending her. Without that loyalty, they would never have listened to her, let alone fallen under the spell. If they brought Thundercloud in, then…

The answer hit Queen Chrysalis like a wall! "He can command anypony in the Guard! With the possession spell, you can give him control of the entire army of Equestria!"

"Bravo." The old pony beat a clap with one hoof against the stone. "Finally, you are beginning to see the brilliance of my design."

"Wait, how would you gain the power you need though? The spell is hardly a simple one, and from here, you would need an enormous amount of power to accomplish it. Your plan will fail!" Chrysalis felt she had finally bested her erstwhile partner! Surely he had no answer for that!

Her pride was short lived, seeing that mocking smile play across his lips. "You were so close, but there is one thing you missed."

Beside herself with fury, Chrysalis was ready to attack the old pony! She only hesitated when instead of answering, he began to change. It started as a small swirl upon his flank, turning the blotch of grey black that was his cutie mark into a vortex that twisted like the heart of a whirlpool. As the Queen watched, curiosity, then surprise widened her eyes at the sight. His cutie mark was changing, turning bright yellow and orange, then taking shape in the form of…

"The sun…" Chrysalis could hardly believe it. "Y-you did it… Celestia's power…"

"…is mine." The Dream Taker finished with a smile. "My agents were on the move even before we approached Thundercloud. A number of changelings happened to join the wounded heading to Canterlot with Shining Armor's Royal Guard. Once there, they dealt with the Princesses Royal Guards, replacing them. Others whipped up a royal dinner for the two of them, each with enough sleeping juice to put a buffalo unconscious. Once Celestia slept, she was unguarded, with nopony warding her dreams. They were… extravagant."

Chrysalis wanted to scream with joy! Her victory was finally at hand! With the help of the Dream Taker, she could conquer Equestria, and all that she had longed for since that fateful wedding day would finally come to pass!

Then a sobering thought began nagging at her from the back of her mind. It hadn't been her victory at all. Despite how much she would have reaped from it, the truth was that without the Dream Taker, there was no victory. She had been used, just like Thundercloud, played like Celestia, and duped like all those foals he had tricked into their hatred. With his victory secure, it was only a matter of time before he cast her aside too. Turning her attention back to the old pony, she resolved to ensure that it would be her that came out on top!

"I think that with all of that power, a pony might forget his place." Chrysalis said, eyeing the Dream Taker.

"Oh yes, she might." He replied.

"Wait-" Chrysalis' eyes went wide with fear! As she had been thinking, the gelding had slowly circled the room, activating runes as he went! He was preparing some kind of spell!

"Goodbye, you've been a wonderful pawn. Hahahahaha." His soft laugh echoed throughout the chamber as the runes glowed bright, sending a terrible light swarming around the changeling Queen!

"No! You can't do this!" Chrysalis cried, feeling her body stiffen as stone slowly engulfed her. "I served you! I was faithful to you! How could you do this to me!?"

"Simply. Your time is done, your purpose served. You are useless to me now." The old pony plodded from the chamber, leaving the petrified Chrysalis in his wake.

* * *

Twilight Sparkle found herself sitting outside of Zecora's house in the growing gloom of the Everfree Forest, unwilling to return to the happy light glowing softly from the windows. Night was settling, blackening what little shreds of the sky could be seen, and casting walls of darkness around her, yet she remained, her mind and emotions locked in a roiling struggle as she kept her vigil, praying that Boldheart would return.

It was all her fault that he'd left, she was sure of it… Rolling a stone back and forth, she continued berating herself silently, until tears began welling up in her eyes. Unable to hold it all in, Twilight opened her mouth, sending soft notes ringing out in the nighttime stillness.

"Oh how lonely I've been,

Not even knowing what I feel,

Lost in feelings so very real,

Yet I denied myself what my heart longed for…"

Far away, wandering the dark paths of the forest, Boldheart stared up at the canopy shrouded night sky, his gaze fixing on six tiny stars that glimmered through the trees above. Despite going off to be alone, the young Guard pony's thoughts continually turned back to Twilight. Closing his eyes, he began to sing out the words that held onto his heart.

"Why'd I leave you behind,

When you live in my every thought?

You are all that I have sought,

And yet so very much more!"

Twilight rose from where she was sitting, her plodding steps taking her into the darkened woods, unknowingly towards her friend. Her voice grew stronger with each step as she began to realize what she'd known all along.

"Though I cannot see,

The path laid out before me,

There is hope in my heart,

I won't remain apart for long!"

She began to trot, her pace carrying her swiftly through the night! Her horn took on it's purple glow, shining like a star through the darkness!

"My heart is yours!

Through every trial,

All I need is your smile,

To brighten my day!"

Boldheart's ear perked, bringing his head up. There amidst the formless shapes looming about him, a tiny sparkle of light pierced the blackness. Feeling his spirit lifting up as if on wings, Boldheart smiled as his own hooves beat a path through the underbrush!

"Now I finally see,

Where my course leads me,

With you drawing near,

I have nothing to fear!"

Abandoning himself to the unbridled joy that filled him, Boldheart cantered towards the light, his own voice echoing out to mingle with Twilight's!

"My heart is yours!

Light shines through,

When I see you,

I know where I belong!"

The two unicorns came to a sudden stop in a small clearing, their eyes meeting as their hearts quickened. Their voices softened as they drew closer, slowly circling each other in the glade. Moonlight cascaded down through the trees, touching dewdrops with it's caress, surrounding Twilight and Boldheart with a thousand radiant stars.

"My heart is yours." Boldheart sang out.

"My heart is yours." Twilight answered.

"It's just the two of us,

In love we trust,

What we've been longing for!" They sang together, drawing closer until their horns touched.

"My heart is yours!" Boldheart smiled.

"My heart is yours!" Twilight blushed.

"Here we've come to see,

our destiny,

All that we need and more!" Again their voices mingled, even as they snuggled their heads together.

"My heart is yours!"

"My heart is yours!"

"Finally we can share,

How much we care!

A love worth living for!"

"My heart is yours."

"My heart is yours."

Twilight felt Boldheart's lips brush hers, igniting a spark deep within her heart. Closing her eyes, the filly pressed herself into the kiss, lost in the beautiful moment. Silence reigned once more, leaving the two unicorns in the glow of each other's love.

* * *

Rarity and Sgt. Ramrod made their way through the darkened streets from the hospital to the library. The burly Sergeant had been quiet on their journey, as if he didn't have the strength to keep carrying himself.

Rarity simply watched for a while, seeing the reaction leaving Pinkie Pie in the doctors' care had left upon him. He was hurt, not physically, but deeper, like a knife had been plunged into his soul. Unable to leave him to his quiet any longer, the mare spoke.

"Don't be so upset with yourself. You were doing your duty."

"My duty…" Ramrod replied, his voice weak. "My duty has been the excuse for many things as of late. I made unreasonable demands upon those I am sworn to protect, I took away the freedom of those I am meant to give freedom to, I took unlawful orders from a traitor, all in the name of duty!"

"I-" He was about to go on, but a choked sob cut his voice off. Rarity looked up at the massive warhorse in surprise. He was crying.

"You were doing what you were supposed to." Rarity replied sympathetically. "How were you supposed to know that Thundercloud would betray your trust? You did what any good friend should, putting your doubts behind you, and doing your best for somepony you thought was right. It isn't your fault. If anything, you have shown just how loyal you are."

Sgt. Ramrod let out a heaving sigh. "But I hurt her..."

"Who? Pinkie Pie?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. She had been nothing but accepting and cheerful since I arrived, and I hurt her needlessly." He looked Rarity squarely in the eyes, tear trails etching his fur alongside deep scars. "Nopony had been as loving to me as her, and I let her down, turned on her."

"I see," Rarity replied, "but Pinkie Pie will forgive you. Of everypony I have ever met, she is the first to let go of what happened, to forget any hurt, and to love unconditionally. You are her friend, and I know even now, she has already forgiven you. Right now, she needs you to set things right, so that we can all be happy and free."

Sgt. Ramrod stopped, staring up at the heavens above. For several moments, he simply remained still, conflict filling his eyes. Setting his jaw, he let his head fall with a sigh, then looked up at Rarity. "You're right. I can't help her right now, but I can make sure that this never happens again."

"That's the spirit! Now let's go take care of that nasty Thundercloud." Rarity smiled grimly.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that." A voice called out from the darkness above.

Looking up, Rarity saw the white pegasus Captain descending from the sky, flanked by a squadron of Royal Guards. The sight would usually have given the mare a smile, had it not been for the mindless green glow that filled the Guards' eyes. Thundercloud stepped forward, grinning as his pegasus minions surrounded the pair.

"So, consorting with the enemy, I see." Thundercloud accused, looking squarely at Ramrod.

"They are not our enemies! What has gotten into you!?" The earth pony demanded back, facing his former friend.

"I have seen the light, that's what!" Thundercloud shot back. "The monarchy is failing, and the time for a new leader has come! I will be that leader!"

"You can't do that!" Rarity cut in, her voice raised. "Princess Celestia would never allow for it!"

"The Princess is already dead! Soon I will be made King, the savior of Equestria! You best learn your place, little peasant!" Thundercloud stared down his nose at her, snorting. "Now I command you to stand down, Sergeant! Take this pony into custody!"

For a moment, the green glow of possession lit within the Sergeant's eyes as his will battled against the magic reaching out through Thundercloud's words. With a shout, he reared up, then slammed his hooves down, shaking the ground!

"No! I am no longer in your service, traitor!" He roared, glaring at the haughty pegasus.

"Very well then! Guards! Take them into custody!" The possessed guards rushed the pair, hooves grasping weapons as they lunged to take Rarity and Ramrod prisoner.

Despite being unarmed, Sgt. Ramrod was far from defenseless. Years of standing as a defender of Equestria had honed his fighting instincts, and as they plunged down upon him, those instincts took over. He twisted swiftly, avoiding a deadly spear thrust, repaying the attack with a blow that knocked the unfortunate Guard clean out! Raising the spear, he parried two more blows, while catching a third strike with his iron shod forehoof.

"Rarity, I need you to run! Get help!" He fixed her with one eye. "I will hold them off!"

He wasn't coming. Realizing the sacrifice Ramrod was making, the unicorn gritted her teeth. As the earth pony battered one of the Guards aside, she rushed out of the fight, running as fast as she could. Behind her, the valiant Sergeant held his ground, roaring a battle cry as he fought for his life against the telling numbers of the Guard.

Watching the fight, Thundercloud shook his head. The possessed Royal Guards were so fixed upon the fight that they couldn't even keep track of one little unicorn. Looking over to his remaining pegasus, the scrawny Wildfire.

"Don't let her get away." He ordered.

"Yes sir!" The cheeky Wildfire's grin widened, despite the green glow filling his eyes. Even mind control couldn't completely repress his foalish personality. He shot off into the air, then dove after the fleeing Rarity.

Thundercloud smiled as he watched Wildfire disappear into the night, then turned back to the fight, where Sgt. Ramrod was now reeling under the cruel blows of his fellow Guard ponies. There would be no stopping the mighty Thundercloud again! Equestria was his!

* * *

Princess Celestia felt life returning to her, or something like it. As her eyes opened, she beheld the dark, ruinous landscape that would have been her kingdom, save for the utter devastation that blanketed everything in a gray pall of despair.

The mighty towers of Canterlot were broken and shattered, much of the glorious city lay collapsed down the mountainside where it had stood. Manehattan was a stark, flooded swamp, where buildings crumbled into the murky waters by the sea. Ponyville had been consumed by fire, leaving only gutted, blackened skeletons of buildings behind. Fillydelphia, Trottingham, Las Pegasus, everywhere she looked, Equestria was in ruins.

"Hello, is anyone there!?" The Princess called out, yet it seemed as if the weight of the very air muted her cries. "Can anypony hear me?"

No answer came to her, sending a chill down her spine. Slowly she made her way from her tower, her eyes darting here and there, searching for any hope of survivors. Through the royal hall she walked, looking sadly at the chamber where Shining Armor and Cadence had said their vows, now marred by the ravages of dust and time, the beautiful windows broken.

The courtyard was little more than a wasteland beyond, the royal gardens had been torn up and ripped apart, filled with countless ruined statues and sad memorials of once lovely monuments, now in ruins. Celestia was about to pass by when she noticed a lone statue still standing amidst the destruction.

A feeling of desperation flooded through the usually confident Princess, and in a most undignified manner she charged across the grounds to the base of the lone statue. There, untouched by the ruination of her lands, the still proud visage of Everbold stood proud, defiant against the nightmare which surrounded her.

Celestia dropped to the ground before the statue, memories of that seemingly distant day when she had comforted Luna before it returning. How she longed to be with her sister again, to know that Equestria was safe and free under their gentle rule.

Suddenly the sky began to swirl, and a massive column of cloud descended before her, forming into the great cloaked shape of the Dream Taker, his pale, moonlike eyes glowing as they fixed upon her.

"There is no hope, Celestia. Your land has fallen to my grasp." The great apparition said, it's voice rumbling like thunder from deep within the murky black cowl. "Everything you ever loved or treasured has been destroyed, all laid to waste."

"So you're the Dream Taker! I have heard much of the pain you caused us all!" The Princess replied imperiously, refusing to be cowed by the sinister form. "Reveal yourself! I will have no more of these games!"

"You wish to see me? To face the doom that you have brought upon all of Equestria? Very well."

Celestia was about to make a second demand, only to stop in surprise. She had not expected the almighty Dream Taker to show his true form. Perhaps it was fear, or merely anticipation of what would come, but she stood there watching, completely enamored as the cloud formed cloak swept away, the massive false visage crumbling before her.

As the dark swaths faded away from the humble silhouette, Celestia felt a terror grip her soul like none she had ever known. The sort of terror a child has when their parents are angry, or a foal feels when they cower before the rolling booms and flashes of a thunderstorm.

The simple grey pony emerged, his old face softly wrinkled, the frailness of his years marking his body. Peeking through the still thick mane upon his head, a tiny nub sat, all that remained of his proud horn.

"Hello, my little dawn star." He spoke softly, yet his voice carried with it the power of a thousand stallions charging down a hill.
