• Published 12th May 2012
  • 1,852 Views, 48 Comments

There is a Season - ArdanBlade

Equestria is at war, Twilight struggles with boys, and a terrible power returns from the dead!

  • ...

Blank Flank!

Chapter 4
Blank Flank!

The sun peeked over the horizon with the dawning of a new morning, and the barn of Sweet Apple Acres glowed warm, cheery reds in the soft light. Apple Bloom quietly nudged the barn door open, peering into the dimly lit enclosure for some sign of their guest.

"Ah wonder what sorta pony he is." The filly whispered to herself as she crept in.

Spotting something oddly blue and red in the hay, her expression brightened. Drawing closer, she tried to keep from making a ruckus, lest she waken the sleeping unicorn. She peered up over his flank, taking in his off-blue coat and red mane, along with his cutie mar…

"What!?" Apple Bloom exclaimed suddenly. She stared openmouthed, unable to vocalize the stabbing sensation deep within her. "Where's yore cutie mark!?"

Boldheart, feeling his heart leap up his throat as wakefulness flooded his senses, sprang to his feet as he whipped about to face the newcomer. He was a bit quicker than his balance however, and he went tumbling back into the hay as his hooves twisted under him.

"WhaAAaah- oof!" Boldheart felt mortified. Here he was, a stranger in someone's home, and he couldn't even get up right. He glanced bashfully up at the unmoving foal, her shout slowly taking shape in his mind. He felt that old pain start to well up inside of him, memories of laughing fillies and colts, repeating that call like an echo flooding his mind… Blank flank! Blank flank! Blank flank!

Summoning his nerve, he buried the cruel laughter and rose to face the little yellow pony. Straw stuck from his messy red mane at comical angles, making him feel utterly foalish. He rubbed furiously at it with his forehoof, trying to clear the mess away.

"I ah… um… good morning?" Boldheart tried, hoping to take the conversation away from his bare flank.

"You don't have wun, do you?" Apple Bloom's expression grew worried. She tilted her head to one side, still watching the new pony.

"No." Boldheart answered, his head hanging. How could he explain why he had never gotten one when he didn't know why himself? He squeezed his eyes, waiting for the little filly to laugh at him. Everypony else did.

Apple Bloom didn't. She didn't understand why, but this poor stallion needed her help. Determination welled up, wiping away her anxiety. She walked up and sat next to Boldheart. "It's okay. Ah don't have mine either."

He looked up at her in surprise. They sat there for several long moments, then both burst out laughing, falling back into the piles of hay. Boldheart rolled up onto his belly again, facing Apple Bloom. "I guess it is something silly to worry about isn't it."

"It's not silly," Apple Bloom chided, then smiled as she righted herself as well, "it jus' hasn't been yore time yet. Mah name's Apple Bloom by the way."

"I'm Boldheart, pleased to meet you." He replied, smiling in return. "You must live here."

"Yep, along with mah big sister Applejack, mah bruther Big Macintosh, an' Granny Smith! Do ya wanna see the farm?" Apple Bloom said excitedly. Having somepony new would be a real adventure!

"Okay, I guess." Boldheart answered, glancing up at the ceiling. "Lieutenant Thundercloud won't be calling us together for a while, so it should be okay."

"Hooray!" Apple Bloom called, bounding out of the hay. "Then maybe later ah can introduce you to the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"The Cutie Mark what?" Boldheart looked at the little filly curiously.

"Oh, you'll see." Apple Bloom grinned knowingly.

* * *

Pinkie Pie's eyes popped open with a start! It was morning, and she had a wonderful, superfantabulous idea for today! She would get all her friends together, then she could start getting ready for the really big party! She was so excited she wriggled free of her bed, plopping to the floor in a fit of giggles. Looking up over at her roommate, she was surprised to see his bed empty, though neatly made.

"Huh," Pinkie said to no one in particular, "I wonder where he got off to so early? Oh well!"

The pink pony bounded happily from the room, down the stairs, and out the door. Seeing Sgt. Ramrod out front, she skidded to a stop, watching him curiously. He had his hind legs stretched out, his forehooves pushing him up and down. His entire body was covered in a sheen of sweat, and he seemed to be reciting something under his breath.

"Oooh!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Is this some kind of neat new game!? Is it fun!? I've seen Rainbow Dash doing it, so it must be! Can I join in!?"

"You should." Ramrod turned one critical, intense yellow eye up at her. "It will help you work off some of that flank fat."

Pinkie looked back at her rump. Was it really that fat? She didn't think so, but why not play the game anyway? It looked like fun! Darting over to the working Sergeant, she got down next to him, and started pushing herself up and down. This was too easy!

"No!" Sgt. Ramrod snorted at her, pushing himself up. "Your hind legs need to be straight! Don't bend your back so much! Now lower yourself so you don't touch the ground! That's better!"

"Heeheehee! This makes the game a lot harder! Can we play some more!?" Pinkie giggled up at the stern pony.

"Yes." He answered, lowering himself back to the ground. He began counting under his breath again.

Pinkie Pie listened with an outstretched ear, watching his motions as they pushed up and went down. Maybe this was like some kind of song? Should she sing too? Maybe it would make the game more fun! She cleared her throat and began to sing.

"One and two! One and two!

A push-up song for me and you!

Three and four! Three and four!

I push harder, you push more!

C'mon! Push-ups is really fun!

Maybe later we all can run!

One and two! One and two!

Keep on pushing 'till we're through!

Pinkie continued singing the song as she pushed, adding her own little ring to the melody. A gruff, almost grinding sound quickly caught her attention. She glanced over to see that Sgt. Ramrod had taken up the tune as well! She had gotten him to sing! Her plan was already paying off! It was a plan, right?

Soon she was covered in sweat, huffing out gasping breaths and trying to keep pace with her song. Unable to go any further, she let out an exasperated gasp, then flopped over in a heap, her curly mess of a mane and tail stuck to her from all the perspiration.

Sgt. Ramrod looked over at her, his expression almost cracking a smile. Pinkie suddenly forgot her weariness, springing to her feet and watching the stern pony, her eyes wide. The beginning of an expression disappeared.

"Aww! I almost had it!" She squeaked.

"Had what?" The Sergeant asked, looking confused.

"A smile!" Pinkie practically yelled.

"A smile?" Sgt. Ramrod suddenly burst out laughing. "Is that all you've been bothering me for!?"

It was Pinkie Pie's turn to be confused, though she quickly got over the feeling and joined in, her merry laugh mingling with his gruff, toneless one. "Yep, all I wanted was a smile!"

The burly Sergeant shook his head, unable to rid himself of the half-grin he'd developed. "You're a strange one, filly."

"Yeah, I get that a lot!" Pinkie answered proudly, then promptly leaned forward as a river of words cascaded out of her mouth. "So I was really excited to throw this superfun party for everypony in town so that your Guard ponies could meet everypony! And there would be games and cake and dancing and music and everypony would be invited! Doesn't that sound like fun!?"

Sgt. Ramrod was about to reply when another voice intruded upon the pair's conversation. "I think it would be an excellent idea."

The two earth ponies looked over to see Lieutenant Thundercloud approaching. "So you must be Pinkie Pie."

"How'd you guess!?" She asked cheerfully.

"Haha, I think it was the pink." His remark elicited a giggle from the filly. "Your idea for a grand party would be a great way for the Ironhoof Guard ponies to get to know the locals of Ponyville."

"Indeed, sir." Sgt. Ramrod had taken on his characteristic precision stance.

"I do have one special request for the party though." Thundercloud smiled.

"Sure! I love doing requests!" Pinkie Pie said, her bouncy energy returning.

"I want all of the Guard to bring a companion from Ponyville along. It will help encourage our Guard ponies to make friends." He turned to Sgt. Ramrod, his voice growing more stern. "We need to conduct ourselves better after last night's… mishap."

"Yes sir!" The Guard Sergeant trotted off to pass word of their orders.

Thundercloud looked back to Pinkie Pie, softening his features again. "Considering what happened, I'd like it if you would encourage your friends to accept our invitations. We don't want to have hard feelings just because of a misunderstanding."

"Oh yes! We would never want that to happen! I'll go tell them right away!" Pinkie practically sprang off to share the news with her friends. Thundercloud nodded approvingly to himself. All was as it should be.

* * *

Apple Bloom hurried into her house, followed more slowly by Boldheart. "Applejack, Big Mac! You two awake yet!?"

She burst into Applejack's bedroom, bounding onto her bed, and waking the orange pony with a start! "Whut in tarnation!? WoouuOoof!" She exclaimed, tumbling from her bed. "Apple Bloom! What's the meaning of all the ruckus!?"

"Ah wanted ta ask you about our guest! You nev'r told me a pony could grow up without a cutie mark!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, having landed nose to nose with her big sister.

"That's jus' silly talk." Applejack replied, rolling Apple Bloom from her chest. "Everypony get's a cutie mark when they're growin' up."

"Well he doesn't!" Apple Bloom pointed back at Boldheart, who had stepped to the door. "He's a blank flank!"

"Apple Bloom! What have ah told ya about tellin' lies!" Applejack scolded.

"It's not a lie! He really is!" Apple Bloom argued back.

"Yore jus' pullin mah hay wagon around now." Applejack pushed herself up, still looking at her sister as she approached Boldheart. Growing nervous, the blue Guard pony started backing away. Applejack, noticing his slow retreat, faced him. "What's got you so upset, hayseed?"

"She's not lying." Boldheart tried to hide his shame in front of the earth pony, but she saw through it.

"Now don't you go puttin' ideas in her lil ol' head! You'll scare her!" Applejack approached, glancing around at his flank.

"See, y- wait… where's yore cutie mark!?" Applejack's mind started turning for a loop. "That ain't possible!"

Boldheart barely registered what happened next. Applejack lunged onto him, knocking both of them over. He tried to squirm away as she attempted to spit-shine his flank. Apple Bloom hurried over to Big Macintosh's room, yelling for help. Boldheart's struggle brought them to the stairs, where they both promptly slipped, tumbled, and crashed down to the living room. Big Mac came running with Apple Bloom, and both rushed down the stairs. Apple Bloom, who hurried a bit faster, found herself under Big Mac's hooves. He lost his balance, and both tumbled into the fray. Soon there was just a big ball of flailing limbs and heads writhing about, each pony trying to fight their way free of the tangle.

"What's all the bamboozlin' about down there!?" Granny Smith hollered down at the combatants as she wobbled her frail green body carefully down each step.

The fight broke almost immediately, with each pony pointing hooves and yelling accusations.

"You Guard ponies should know better than to scare an innocent filly with a mean prank like that!"


"But there ain't no cutie mark! Ah looked!"

"I told you I don't have one!"

"You musta covered it with somethin'! Ya can't jus' not have a cutie mark!"

"Why not! What if I'm just different!"

"Can ya be diff'rent like that!?"


"Aside from that, y'all was fightin' in our house!"

"You jumped on me!"


"Who's side are ya on, Big Mac!?"

"Alright, that's enough the lot of ya!" Granny Smith hollered again, plodding up between the angry ponies. "Now, who is sayin' what?"

They were all about to start yelling again when she held up a hoof. With silence returned, she pointed at Boldheart. "Now young'un what's all this about."

"I- I- I don't have a cutie mark!" Boldheart admitted, pulling his red mane over his face.

"Hmm… ya don't, do ya." Granny Smith stated, looking back at Boldheart's flank.

"But Granny Smith, how's that possible?" Applejack asked, a bit whinier than she would have liked.

"Hmm… I don't rightly know, but I've heard of stranger things in my day." She replied, rubbing her chin with a wrinkly hoof.

"Ah'm sorry, um…" Applejack began.

"Boldheart." The Guard pony offered, the beginnings of a smile appearing.

"…Boldheart then. Ah shouldn't 'ave jumped ta conclusions." She finished, looking embarrassed.

"It's okay. You're not the first pony to think I was lying." Boldheart's voice was soft. He glanced back at his bare flank. "Sometimes I wish I was."

Apple Bloom looked up at her new friend, distress written all over her face. Then her expression brightened as an idea dawned upon her. "Hey, why don't you come an' spend the day with mah friends an' I. We're the best cutie mark findin' group in all of Equestria!"

Applejack and Big Mac brightened, seeing Apple Bloom's determination to help her new friend. "Well, go on y'all. It'll be good fer ya ta get out some anyways."

"Okay," Boldheart finally conceded, following the excited little filly out. "I guess it couldn't hurt."

"Odd mornin'" Big Mac said as he watched the two ponies head off.

"You said it, Big Mac." Applejack replied, shaking her head. "Ah hope he keeps outta trouble with mah sister."

Granny Smith just smiled, then turned away. She didn't say it, but there was more to this simple blue pony. Boldheart would understand someday, so for now, the old green pony kept her peace.

"So how many cutie marks have you and your friends found?"

"Ah well, ya see…"

* * *

Rainbow Dash woke up in a heap. She was so thoroughly tangled up within her sheets that she could barely move. Wildfire was laying on her wing, she was using his belly for a pillow, and one of his hooves sat squarely across her chest.

Shoving her way free of the mess, she noticed that he'd kicked her favorite Daring Do books all over the floor. At that moment, the splotched pony started to wake up, looking at her with sleepy eyes. "Well good morning, girl. Where's my breakfast?"

Rainbow Dash felt her temper rising. So this was how he was going to behave? He knocked her stuff over, made a mess of her bed (even though she often did that on her own), and then boss her around like she was some kind of maid!? Gritting her teeth, she shoved the cheeky pegasus off the side of the bed.

"Hey! Oof!" He yelled before impacting the floor, too tangled up in the sheets to keep from falling.

"Get your own breakfast, boy!" Rainbow smirked, looking down at him. "This is my house, and that means MY rules, got it?"

Unraveling himself from the blankets, Wildfire got up, shoving his nose into Rainbow Dash's. "You're not the boss of me, girlie! I do what I want, when I want, and how I want! Now get me some breakfast!"

"No!" Rainbow yelled back, determined not to be pushed around in her own house.

"Why I aught to-" Wildfire's riposte was cut short by a knocking at the front door. They both looked over, watching the door to see if the newcomer would stick around.

A second knock finally came, bringing with it the sound of a very soft voice. "Hello? Rainbow Dash, is anypony home?"

"Stay here!" Rainbow Dash emphasized, glaring at Wildfire as she headed for the door. Despite being angry, she was alarmed. What a time for Fluttershy to show up! Hadn't somepony said she would be gone for a few more days? No matter, Rainbow didn't want to mix innocent Fluttershy up with a jerk like Wildfire.

Rainbow opened the door, revealing a pastel yellow pegasus with a soft pink mane that draped about her. Hurrying out the door, Rainbow shut it behind her, hoping that Wildfire wouldn't come to find out what she was up to.

"Oh, good morning Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said, flapping her wings slowly. "I hope I'm not bothering you."

"Oh no, everything's fine. Nothing interesting going on here!" Rainbow said, failing horribly to hide her anxiety.

"Oh okay, that's good. I thought I heard yelling, and I was worried that you were in trouble." Fluttershy practically whispered.

"Yeah, I yell at myself sometimes when I wake up. Helps me get ready for the day." Rainbow glanced around, beads of sweat crawling down her face.

"Oh really? I didn't know that." Fluttershy was just so innocent. She just took whatever her friend said at face value. Rainbow hated herself for lying, but it was for Fluttershy's own good.

"Hey, who's your friend, girl?"

"Wildfire! I thought I told you to stay inside!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, glaring up at Wildfire.

He laid back in the air, tucking his hooves under his head. "I don't listen to you. Besides, your friend is kinda cute."

"Oh that is it!" Rainbow Dash went red! Now he was going to flirt around with her friend!? She flew up, grabbed Wildfire by his tail, and dragged him back inside.

Fluttershy tried to peek in, only to hear yelling and crashing. "Um… Maybe I'll just come back later…" With that, the quiet pegasus glided away, leaving her friend and the newcomer to quarrel with each other.