• Published 12th May 2012
  • 1,852 Views, 48 Comments

There is a Season - ArdanBlade

Equestria is at war, Twilight struggles with boys, and a terrible power returns from the dead!

  • ...

The Price

Chapter 14
The Price

With all the fury he could muster, the tiny form of Spike came racing down the stairs, brandishing the largest stick he could get his claws around. "Let go of my friends, or else!"

As the Guard ponies looked up to see the source of the disturbance, Rainbow Dash took her chance. Lunging from where she had been resting, she rammed against the big Sergeant's side, knocking the wind out of him! Sweeping his forehoof out, he clipped her chin, sending her reeling away.

One of the Guard ponies, irritated at the intruder, trotted up to Spike, slapping the makeshift weapon out of his claw, then smacked him across the face with his hoof. It proved a far greater mistake than he could have imagined.

"Leave him alone!" Fluttershy's shout seemed to rattle the entire building as she raced over Sgt. Ramrod and Rainbow Dash, throwing herself upon the hapless Guard pony. Blinded by furious tears, she pummeled him viciously, screaming with every blow!

"How dare you! You monster! Don't… you… ever… lay a hoof on him!" Rarity and Pinkie Pie watched in mute silence for a moment, unable to comprehend what they had witnessed.

"Do you think we should help?" Pinkie asked, looking over at Rarity.

"Oh, right!" Rarity looked embarrassed, realizing she'd been staring. "Let's get them!"

Lunging into the fray, the two mares attacked Sgt. Ramrod, shielding the still stunned Rainbow Dash. Spike regained his feet, and with a mighty swing, broke his stick over the second Guard pony's head! For a moment, it looked like they would win, but then that moment passed.

Seeing what she had done, Fluttershy's rage subsided, and she dropped over on the stairs, crying out an apology to the unconscious Guard pony. "Oh… *sob* I am so sorry… I… I… *sniff* I couldn't help myself…"

Spike discovered that without a weapon, he really wasn't all that dangerous as the second Guard advanced upon him. Sweeping blows quickly winded and incapacitated the smaller combatant. Reeling over, he tumbled down upon the floor, his valiant strength spent.

Rainbow Dash pushed herself to her hooves, just in time to see Sgt. Ramrod bull Rarity into the wall with his broad chest, stunning her. Pinkie Pie leapt at his back with a scream, only to be intercepted by one of his massive hind hooves. The blow threw the pink pony back across the room, where she simply stopped moving.

"Rrraaaagh!" Rainbow Dash roared, speeding at Sgt. Ramrod, tears of rage crawling down her face! Instead of meeting the powerful attack, he twisted, throwing her into the wall next to Rarity.

"Oof!" Rainbow Dash slid to the floor, her body battered from the swift impact against the wall. The fight was over.

Hefting the mares one by one over to the far side of the room, Sgt. Ramrod bound them with rope, while his remaining Guard deposited Spike alongside them. Snorting angrily, he looked to his remaining soldier.

"Take Bramble Brush to get some help, then bring four more Guards here. I can handle them until then." He commanded.

"Yessir!" The Guard pony snapped out with a salute, then went about aiding the unconscious Bramble Brush.

As they departed, he turned back to the girls, shaking his head. "Foalishness! Utter foalishness! What did you think you would accomplish!?"

"Had… to save my… friends…" Spike stuttered, still fighting to recover his senses.

"We're trying to protect our home, and each other." Rarity snapped, glaring from where she was laid out on her belly, her usually fine mane and tail frazzled from the brief struggle.

"He hurt my friends… he hurt poor Spike." Fluttershy was still in tears, trying to help Pinkie Pie, who was laid out on her side, coughing hard from the blow to her chest.

The taciturn Sergeant's eyes softened as he looked over the fillies' bruised bodies. This wasn't right. Even if Thundercloud had ordered them brought in, he shouldn't have been so rough with them. Turning his head to one side, he let out a long breath.

"I'm sorry. I should not have been so forceful, but you must understand-"

"No, you need to understand!" Rainbow Dash yelled as best she could, despite how much it hurt. "The Princess is in danger! Thundercloud is gonna help get her killed, and you're just sitting here! I don't know what has gotten into him, and I don't care! This is our home, and we're gonna defend it!"

"Do you really expect me to believe that story about the changelings? Do you think I'm some kind of foal!?"

"Bu-but it's true." Spike managed, looking up at Sgt. Ramrod. "I saw them, and went to get Rainbow Dash so she could report it to-"

Rainbow Dash quickly covered Spike's mouth with a hoof. Despite her attempts, Sgt. Ramrod became alert. "Report it to whom? Who are you working for!?"

"It's not of your business!" Rainbow shot back, glaring at him.

"It is now." Looming closer, Sgt. Ramrod looked ready to get the answer.

"You should tell him. It's the only way." Spike said, pulling her blue hoof from his mouth.

"Rainbow Dash? What's going on here?" Rarity looked curious as well, eyeing her friend worriedly.

Looking about at her friends' concerned faces, Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. "Okay, but nopony else can know about this." Reaching back into her mane, she carefully slipped the two Lieutenant's bars she had hidden there free of her multicolored lochs.

"When I went to the camp with you, Captain Shining Armor took me aside." She said, looking at Sgt. Ramrod. "He said he didn't know what was happening, and that he wanted me to keep an eye out for him. I was supposed to keep it a secret, for everypony's safety, but the truth is that he made me a spy. I'm a Lieutenant, and the commander of the First Eyes of the Guard."

Everypony's eyes went wide at the proclamation, save for Spike, who merely smiled. Taking a step back, Sgt. Ramrod straightened up. "I wish to apologize, ma'am. If it is your wish, I will have my rank stripped, and turn myself over for assaulting an officer."

Shaking her head, Rainbow Dash stood up. "Don't do that. You didn't know, and I wasn't about to tell you. It's not your fault."

"Then please accept my most sincere and humble apologies. I should never have allowed myself to lose control like that."

"It's okay Sergeant. Right now, we have bigger things to worry about! I was telling the truth about Thundercloud, and if we don't hurry, the Princess could be in big trouble!"

"So what do we do?" Rarity asked as she and Fluttershy helped Pinkie Pie sit up.

"What we should have done in the first place!" Rainbow Dash answered. "Spike, I want you to write a warning to Princess Celestia, telling her about the plot against her. Fluttershy and I will go to Canterlot ourselves, just in case. Sgt. Ramrod, you and Rarity go apprehend Thundercloud. He is now an enemy until we can verify otherwise."

"Whu… whashould I do?" Pinkie Pie tried to ask, only to double over in a hacking cough, unable to breathe properly.

"I'm sorry, Pinkie, but you should get to the hospital. I don't want you getting hurt." Rainbow Dash answered, then looked over at Rarity. "Can you help her get there before anything else?"

"Of course, come on Pinkie!" Rarity tried to help her up, but strength failed her. Stepping over, Sgt. Ramrod gently lifted her up.

"My apologies for taking your task, Miss Rarity, but this is my responsibility."

"I understand, Sergeant. Let us go." Rarity replied.

"Come on, Fluttershy! We're going to have to hurry if we're gonna help the Princess!" Rainbow Dash said, hurrying back up the stairs.

"I better get going too." Spike said to himself, limping up after the rest. "Gotta get that message to the Princess before it's too late."

* * *

Zephyr peeked out from under the blanket she'd hidden beneath, frightened breaths heaving from her throat. Fluttershy's house was dark now, and save for the animals within, the pale filly was all alone. She retreated into her hiding place once again, curling up into a little ball. As the last rays of light disappeared from the window, she fell asleep.

"Zephyr." A voice called to her, as if from a great distance. She knew the call well, and felt afraid. "Zephyr."

"No. I don't want to." She squeaked back. The voice had grown closer, until the great yellow eyes of the Dream Taker were over her.

"Now child, if you ever want to stop being afraid, you need to." The old gelding's voice was kindly, like a grandfather she'd never known. "Do you really think that hiding will help you?"

"Hiding makes me safe. I don't want to hurt them." She answered, her reply little more than a sad whine.

"You're not hurting them, just helping them sleep. Don't you like sleeping?" The voice cooed.

"No! I don't want to hurt them!" Zephyr squealed back. "I won't!"

"Don't be silly, child. Your friends are in pain, they need help. Let them sleep, and forget everything."

"Nonononono! I won't make them drink it! I don't want them to go to sleep! They're my friends!" Zephyr cried.

"They are not your friends! They hurt you, made you like this! Now do as I command, you pathetic filly, or I will destroy you too!" The voice suddenly filled with rage, the pale yellow eyes blazing like fire as storm clouds flooded the darkening sky!

"Aaaaaaah!" Zephyr sat up under the blanket with a start, her heart pounding! She had to warn Pinkie Pie! Darting from the safety of her blanket, the little filly raced from the house as fast as her hooves could carry her, tearful determination filling her heart.

* * *

The assassin lay abed, fitful sleep swirling through his mind as he tossed and turned. Within the realm of his dreams, he saw great clouds moving across the sky as if driven by a mighty wind. The dark consuming clouds flooded out the sun as they swept overhead, moving towards a distant Canterlot.

Watching from below, the nameless assassin felt his body tremble at the sight. The Dream Taker was finally coming again, this time to complete his revenge! From out of the clouds, that cold, murderously gentle voice called out to him.

"You have done well, killing Twilight Sparkle. But your work is not yet done. Seek out the holders of the Elements of Harmony, and finish what you started." The Dream Taker commanded, his voice booming like thunder.

Within his heart, the assassin was given pause. He had never worried about killing before, nor did he have any qualms about destroying his master's enemies. Yet this time, there was something different. His thoughts turned to the humble Applejack, who with no reason he could understand, had taken him in, cared for the wounds that marred him, smiled when nopony had ever cared before. Everything he knew, all of his memories, the hatred that had been built up through his long years of suffering seemed a lie in the face of the simple earth pony's honest truth. He knew it was betrayal, that he was casting aside all that the Dream Taker had done for him, but his heart would never rest if he laid a hoof on her.


"What?" The Dream Taker was taken aback. For a moment, all of the clouds stopped their inexorable course. "What did you say to me?"

"I said no!" The assassin replied, his eyes began to shine for the first time he could remember. "I will not hurt her!"

"You dare to defy me, for the sake of some worthless filly!?" The voice boomed from the heavens, threatening to crush the gelding. Standing his ground, he fixed his gaze on the sky.

"She has been kind to me, something you have never done! I will not hurt her!" He shouted into the storm. "Even if the honesty she has shown me is the only good thing I ever know, I would rather die knowing something good still lives in this world! I will not let you touch her!"

For a moment, it seemed that the clouds would spill from the sky to drown the impudent gelding! Thunder raged, sending it's fearsome call as lightning forked from the sky! The Dream Taker's voice echoed from the highest peaks as he cursed in his fury.

"I will return for you, and your precious filly! You will regret defying my will!" The storm began to move again, leaving him standing unscathed before it's might.

Suddenly everything began to shift, fading away as he felt himself moving involuntarily. His eyes snapped open, showing him the room all about him once again. Leaning over him, her hair a mess from sleep, was Applejack's worried face.

Looking up at her, something deep within the gelding's cold heart warmed, melting away the hatred that had ruled his feelings. Tears started forming along the edges of his eyes, and slowly he smiled.

* * *

Princess Luna let out a gasp as she struggled to lift the moon, her horn glowing with the awesome power flooding through her. Usually it was a simple matter to lift the glowing orb into the sky, but tonight something was different. A great storm had moved across the sky as day closed, she suspected because of how much rain they had missed during the crisis that had led them to war. Still, it seemed strange to her that the moon seemed to have grown so much heavier.

Slowly drifting to the ground, she breathed out a sigh of relief. Perhaps she would ask Celestia why it was so hard today. Her big sister always had answers, even with the strangest things. Plodding slowly into the castle tower, she slowly made her way down into the dark chambers where she slept, suddenly feeling the desire to sleep returning.

Shaking her head, she stared out at the gloomy sky through her window. A knock came to her door, announcing somepony's presence. For a long moment, the Princess considered merely ignoring them. No, it would be rude, a habit she had been trying to abandon. Rising from where she had sat, the elegant pony summoned up a burst of magic to open the door.

"Milady, we have your breakfast for you." The Guard announced. He was one of Luna's, a stallion named Night Owl. Luna love to tease him by calling him Hootie, and he would always feign offense, much to the Princess' amusement!

"Why thank you, Hootie! I'm sure it will be delicious!" She waited with a cheerful smile for his tirade as a servant passed her, bringing in a grand bowl of greens and sliced fruit.

"Of course, milady." Night Owl replied curtly, bringing a frown to Luna's face. Why was he not playing along? He always played along!

"Is something wrong?" Luna asked.

"No, everything is perfectly normal." The Guard answered, almost callously. "Good night, Princess."

In a fit of pique, Luna summoned a burst of magic, aiming the blow right at the back of Night Owl's head. The swirling dark energy smashed into him, throwing the Guard pony over. Realizing what a cruel thing she'd done, Luna was about to apologize when a wave of green fire seemed to sweep over her loyal protector, revealing not the pony she expected, but a changeling!

"Wait, you're not-" She cut herself off, looking over at the servant in realization. "Intruders!"

When nopony answered, Luna felt fear grip her. Calling forth her magic, she repelled the now advancing changelings, only to see more turning up in the corridor outside. Racing back up the tower, she felt panic setting in! With the struggle to lift the moon, she didn't feel strong enough to fight so many! How had they gotten all the way to Canterlot!?

Reaching her balcony, Luna was about to fly away when the skittering creatures caught her, dragging her to the ground. Releasing another blast of magic, she threw one of her attackers off, only to have another take it's place. Battered and weakening, the Princess was about to fall when a cry broke the night, drawing the changelings' attention.

"Save the Princess!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she came rocketing into the fray, knocking several of the insect-like beings about! Fluttershy flew in behind her, doing her best to push back the evil looking creatures.

"Rainbow Dash!? Fluttershy!? What are you doing here!?" Luna asked in surprise as she rose to fight again.

"There was a plot to overthrow you and Princess Celestia! We came as soon as we could!" Rainbow Dash answered as she planted a hoof squarely into a chitinous jaw.

"Why did you not simply send us a message of warning?"

"We did, or at least Spike was going to. I'm not sure why it hasn't arrived yet." Rainbow Dash explained as they continued to fight.

"Retreat! Retreat!" One of the changelings shouted, drawing the force back as several Royal Guard pegasi came swooping down upon the tower, quickly encircling the intruders. A few of them tried to change their form, but the effort was useless.

"Thank you all." Luna looked about at her rescuers. "Now let us find out what has happened!"

Lifting the fake Night Owl from the ground by his hind hoof, Luna glared in the changeling's face. "What are you doing here!? Tell me now!"

"Keeheeheehee! You are too late! The master's plan is done!" The changeling laughed. Luna's heart began to sink. Dropping the creature, she took flight, heading for her sister's tower.

"C'mon Fluttershy! She might need help!" Rainbow Dash leapt after the Princess, followed by Fluttershy.

The three ponies landed upon the balcony, then trotted down into the chambers, searching for Celestia. Luna burst through her sister's door and stopped, her eyes filling with tears at the sight before her.

Princess Celestia was there, laid out upon her grand bed, her pastel rainbow mane arrayed neatly where she rested. A half-eaten bowl similar to Luna's was sitting within hoof's reach, next to a scroll still rolled and sealed.

"Sister!" Luna cried out, rushing forward, shaking her elder sibling vigorously. "Wake up, Tia! Wake up! Oh please wake up!"

"Princess…" Rainbow Dash whispered, tears crawling down her cheeks as Fluttershy began to cry.

Princess Celestia was gone…