• Published 22nd May 2012
  • 2,049 Views, 46 Comments

A Screwball Nightmare - Spot Light

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False Thoughts

Author's Note: This is me trying something new. Tell me what you think.


The Location: Canterlot Gardens. The Time: 15mins after the twilight hour.

It has been a few months ever since Discord was locked back in his stone prison and Equestria had been returned to normal for almost everypony... Everypony except one. For this one pony everything since Discord was locked away hadn't been so normal.

A shadow scampers across the grounds and stops in front of a particular statue. The moon light shines down on the statue and the ground in front of it. In the light a bright pink pony with a flossy purple and white mane stood there. She had been sneaking in and out of the Canterlot gardens every night to mourn her father.

"Oh daddy," she said, "Why must you be in stone. I mean what's wrong with a little chaos?" she then buried her face in the grass and sobbed. This had been the same routine every night for the past few months. She then looked up at the statue and wiped the tears from her face, as a strange music started played.

So there you are my Dad, a statue oh so cold so dead
You tore their world apart and ev'rypony lost their head
Now I must carry on making Chaos for you instead
'Cause you are my Daddy Discord and I am a piece of you!

A smile comes to her face when she hears

Please do not cry my dear your daddy is still very here
And when I do bust out we can respread the random fear
Our joy will be their pain as their world drowns in choc'late rain
'Cause I am your Daddy Discord and you are a piece of me!

Her father was speaking to her

Remember that one time you took me to that baseball game?
I got my Cutie mark...

...and things were never quite the same.

My wild pitches flew driving the ponies all insane
'Cause You are My Daddy Discord and I am a piece of You!

Take me out to your mind game!
If Chaos loses it's a real shame!

Oh simple spawn of mine without you I would be so lost
You have stuck by my side...

...No matter what the tragic cost.

Your crazed imagined have given me a new found strength.
'Cause You/I are my/your Daughter Screwball and I'm breaking out of here!

The Statue crumbles as he frees him self
"Daddy Your Alive!"
I'm free, free once again! May Equestria return to its natural chaotic state!
Come My Little Abomination, we have work to do!

I missed you daddy...

The music ended and she looked again. Her father was still trapped in stone, everything that had happened was all in her head. The water works started rushing again. Every night she would have this play in her head thinking what was happening was real. She was living up to her name.

"All I want is to be with you again," she sobbed, "I have no mommy, I need you!" she kept her sobs quite so she wouldn't alert the guards. "You created me to spread chaos every where and I have been doing this, just last week I used a spell on some ponies at the Canterlot Garden party. You should have been there you would have loved it. And I found out that purple unicorns have bad taste in fashion and can't dance." She would always have a story to tell to the statue, even if it was the same story twice or more.

"Time to try this again," she stood on her hind legs, rubbed her hooves together and fired a purple and white spectrum from her hooves at the statue. The blast bounced off and came back at her. She opened her mouth ate the incoming attack. Being the daughter of Discord, it would only make since that she had some of his powers too. She heard wings flapping and dove for cover in the bush again. She peeked out of the bush and saw the Princess of the Night, Luna hovering above the garden.

"Who ever there, I demand thy show thy self." Luna called out. The pink pony shivered in the bush, catching Luna's eye. She flew down to the bush. "Come out and Show thy," The pony, now scared, walked out. "Who are you?"

"S... S... Screwball, your magistracy."

"What are you doing here, don't you know that your not aloud on the castle grounds at night?"

"Yes," she said shyly.

"Why are you here anyway?"

"I'm mourning my father," She and Luna looked at the Discord statue.

"Discord is thy father?"

"Yes, and I miss him, I come here every night to see him. I do miss him."

"I see even though he put Equestria in a chaotic state, you love him."

"I would do any thing to spend one more day with him."

"Is that so?" Luna asked "You are aware that he is too dangerous to keep out?"

"MY FATHER ISN'T DANGEROUS! HE WAS JUST HAVING A LITTLE FUN!" Screwball yelled at the princess and had tears in her eyes. "NOTHING IS WRONG WITH HAVING A LITTLE FUN!"

"You do realize you spoke to me like that. But I get what your getting at. You miss your dad, so your defending him. It is understandable."

"Sorry princess."

"Luna," She said, "Well I can't have you on the grounds at night, but I shall let you go for tonight. Just be off them in one hour." With that Luna flew away. Screwball watched as the princess left. She started to charge up another blast, but she decided agents it.

"This is no use, no matter how many times I try, I can't even put a scratch in your stone prison, Daddy Discord. You were wrongly locked up and I need to set you free. But how?" She paced her self, a guard passed buy so she jumped into the bush again. She waited for the guard to leave and came out. Now normally this was the point where she would leave, but something with her clicked. "That's it, your stone prison is made of magic. It's a spell. If I can break the spell you will be free. But it's no ordinary magic, it's the elements of harmony. To break that I need to break the ponies responsible. That means it's time to return to Ponyville.


Author's Note: All credit goes to the person who wrote the Daddy Discord song. It was thanks to that song that I came up with this Idea. How can Screwball break the elements, just wait and see.