• Published 22nd May 2012
  • 2,050 Views, 46 Comments

A Screwball Nightmare - Spot Light

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Revenge for Dinner

Location: The Far end of Ponyville at the large manor that Screwball maid appear in the last chapter when she was talking to Pinkie. The Time: 7:00 pm:

Screwball phased herself out side and waited for her "Guests" to arrive. Over at the library Pinkie had rounded up the gang and told them about Screwball.

"Come on everypony it will funtastic," excited the party pony.

"Pinkie don't you find it a little suspicious that somepony who we have never met..." Twilight began.

"never met? I just met her," Pinkie interrupted

"... invited you and 5 other friends to come over to dinner at a place we never seen."

The cyan Pegasus flew over head, "I don't care, as long as I get a free meal."

"Rainbow sit ya plum kester down, it's not about the food,"

"Applejack's right for once," Began Rarity

"For once?" AJ said giving Rarity a look

"It's about being polite, but Pinkie didn't you say she lives in a mansion right here in town?"

"That's right."

"Well it must be new, but I don't recall a mansion anywhere in town," Things weren't adding up to Twilight.

"Well maybe it's just a house, and she thinks its mansion." Rainbow Dash stated. "So are we going or what?"

Twilight thought for a moment, "First Fluttershy, what do you think?"

They all looked at Fluttershy, who was about to speak, but her stomach growled in response.

"Um, I guess it wouldn't be bad to meet a new pony," she blushed.

"Well it looks like we are going to meet a new pony," Twilight said, "Pinkie, just one question, did the pony say what her name was?"

"She said her name was Screwball. She has a flossy mane like mine, only it's purple and white."

"Duly noted," she replied, "Come on girls lets go meet this Screwball," The six of them left and set off to find this mansion.


Screwball paced her self waiting for the ponies to show up.

"Dad," she said to herself, "I'm doing this for you," Music started to play

(This is a poem not a song)
Dad I'm here doing this for you
I have to get you free,
I want you back,
It'll me you and me.
They will pay for what they did
That is why you made me.
Sugar and Spice and a bag full of rice
It's all for you and me
It's not the same with out you
But I hope you will be proud
When I serve revenge for dinner
I'll beat them each, but not too loud.
and I will be the winner
One by one they all will fall
Thanks to my cutie mark
They will know why I' called Screwball Music fade.

"What in Equestria is taking them so long, maybe I should have told them where I lived." she began to ramble, "Aw pony, that was a bad idea, they could be anywhere. If they don't show up my whole plan could go up in smoke and daddy will be disappointed and..."

"Hi Screwball," Pinkie popped up in front of her causing her to jump and stick in midair. "Girls I found her. I found her, I found her, I found her, I... hey I didn't know you could fly."

"No, I jumped up and forgot to come down," Screwball said sarcastically while landing. "Where are your friends?"

"We are right here," Twilight said as the the other five came from around a corner. "So your Screwball?"

"Indeed, You must be Twilight Sparkle," Screwball walked up to Twilight.

"Did Pinkie tell you my name?"

"Nope, It's just something my father told me. For that matter I know all of you. Rarity who dreams to be a top notch dress maker,"
"How do you know?" Rarity asked.

"Fluttershy who wants a master vet and have a family,"

Fluttershy blushed.

"Applejack, who wants to take charge of the family business

"I do not, I'm already in charge,"

"Oh really and Rainbow Dash, the Wonderbolts want-a-be and local lesbian."

"I am not a lesbian!"

"We will see."

"Why are you being like this to us?" Twilight asked

"So sorry, you wouldn't believe what fans want,"


"That's a story for another time. Now why don't you girls come on in. My dear maid has prepared dinner for all of us."

As she showed the them in Rainbow Dash asked, "You have a maid, that's so rad. If only I had a maid." She looked at Twilight then Screwball. Screwball pulled her aside.

The inside of the mansion was large, mostly the walls were purple and white. In the center of the room stood a large dinner table with fancy plating set around it. Above hung a large gold chandler. And there was a set of stairs that led to the second floor, that was alined with six rooms. At the foot of the steps was a fire place with a large covered painting above it.

"The rest of you feel free to look around, I want to talk with Dashie," She then grinned and whispered "You can't hide the truth Rainbow, You see I can tell when somepony is lying through their teeth. Makes me wonder how loyal you relay are to your friends. Not a word of this to your friends. Now go have a look around." she ended in a cheery voice and hopping over to Twilight, who was looking at a weird staff looking item over on a desk. "So Twilight, I see you are interested in the Claw of Essence."

"It looks ancient, I've never seen something like this before." Twilight's adorkable side was starting to show, "I must know what does it do?"

"Well, from what I know it is said to capture the true self of anypony and trap it in it."

"Why do you have it? I mean it could be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hooves,"

"Relax, it belonged to my daddy and after he was locked up it stopped working, so it's harmless," Screwball calmly answered. "Now everypony, head to the table it's dinner time," The six did just that. "Screw Loose!" She called, "Bring out the platters," The light blue pony, but now wearing a maid uniform, came out pushing a large cart with six platters.

"Isn't that the same pony we saw chasing you after you tried to steal the Daring Doo book?" Rarity whispered to Rainbow.

"It is, but what is she doing here?"

"And now this is where the magic begins," Screwball said as her hooves lit up and each platter was placed in front of the ponies. "I took the liberty to make all your favorites. Fluttershy, I made you a black forest salad. Rarity, you have a clover pot pie. Dash, Golden Grass Bacon. Applejack, you have apple cider pancakes. Pinkie, I made you a party platter, I didn't know what to make you. And Twilight, two daffodil and rose sandwiches."

"Hey, Screwball, how did ya do that when you are an earth pony?" Applejack asked, "And where your dinner?"

"Simple minded Applejack, it's fake magic, I used string. My dinner will be out in a moment. As for drinks Chocolate Milk."

"This seems strangely familiar," muttered Fluttershy.

"Now go ahead and dig in." Screwball said with a creepy smile.

As the Girls ate, Twilight asked, "Screwball, what's the painting of?"

"Painting? Oh the one above the fire place. What about it"

"Why is it covered?"

"I... I want it to stay in good shape."

"What's a painting of?"

"It's... it's... a painting of Discord." Cue Pinkie Pie spit take.

"Discord, that meanie who turned this town into a one pony circus act. He did bad things to us and nearly broke apart our friendship. He was a vary bad guy." Pinkie ranted.

Come on when is it going to kick in? Screwball thought, "He wasn't a bad guy! He was just trying to have some fun, but apparently no pony liked his seance of humor!"

Rainbow spoke up, "Why are you defending someone like Discord?"

"Are ya a worshiper of him?" asked Applejack.

"He made me fall in love with a rock!" yelled Rarity

"And he made me..." Thud Fluttershy fell face first into her salad and was asleep.

"Fluttershy are you okay?" Thud Dash collapsed, fallowed by Rarity collapsing than Applejack and Pinkie.

"Screwball what did you put in our food? Why are you doing this." Twilight yelled trying to stay awake.

"Oh, was I not supposed to put coma pills in them."

"You monster!"

"Well you should stay a while and I'm not the monster, you are. Consider this payback for my father." She said in a dark tone.

"Father?" It was then Twilight collapsed and fell out cold.

"Perfect. Screw Loose!" she called, the light blue earth pony came to her on command. "Take our guests to their rooms, It's time I give them there just deserts. This is where the magic of chaos begins." She got up, walked over to the desk and grabbed the Claw of Essence. "Soon you'll be free daddy and Equestria will return to it's natural chaos state. Looks like I have work to do. Fun time."


Author's Note: As a heads up the next five or so chapters are going to be dark, not cupcakes dark, but very dark. But Screwball will get hers but it will be a while.