• Published 22nd May 2012
  • 2,049 Views, 46 Comments

A Screwball Nightmare - Spot Light

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The Hurricane Huzzah Havoc

Screwball smiled with glee, as Screwloose carried each one of the main six to a different room. "My plan is working great, as long as they don't wake up. But that shouldn't be the case after what that doctor told me what those coma pills could do." A small tune started to play.

This day has been just perfect
Reason why my father had me born
Because when he was turned to stone
I was left all alone
With a vow it was revenge I soon sworn

"Now somepony has to tell me where that background music is coming from." She said, "Now one question which pony do I start with?" Screwloose just came out of one of the rooms, looked at Screwball and gestured that all six were in their rooms. "Vary good Screwloose, I won't be needing your help any more. Come with me, I want to show you something." She brought Screwloose to a balcony. "Get a load of the view, it's one of the best." Screwloose propped her self on the rail. Not ten seconds passed before the rail gave way causing Screwloose to fall to the ground below. "Oops, that wasn't supposed to happen. Oh well, I don't need her anymore. Time to get things started."

She headed back into the hall, went down stairs and grabbed The Claw of Essence. She then headed back up stairs and stood in front of the six rooms. Now I wonder which one should I start with. Sure wished I paid attention to where Screwloose put them. She walked back and forth thinking. Well lets see who is behind door number one. With one small shove she opened the first door she stopped in front of. She looked over at the bed where she saw Rainbow Dash sound asleep. Wow I winged it and got a Pegasus. He he, I made a joke there. How come I'm the only one who finds my jokes funny? Wait what am I thinking I'm getting off track. Now how do I work this thing. She shook The Claw of Essence. "I swear if this thing is a fraud that blue unicorn who sold it to me is getting their horn snapped off." Screwball was annoyed then saw it, "Oh it says here on the price tag, "Place the end on to the broken pony's head to collect their essence". Broken?" She questioned, "Oh I, It's something I must do." She placed the claw on Dash's head and chanted, "It's time for fun and time to scream, now with this kiss I enter your dream." She tilted Dash's head up, bent over and kissed her. "She doesn't taste like cupcakes," Screwball's body fell to the side of the bed after the kiss and she too was out.


Screwball awoke and looked around. It was dark and there were doors floating every where.

"It's been a while since I have been in somepony's mind," She pulled out a torch, "Now because she represents loyalty I must find the one dream that shows it. And breaking that dream is what I must do. I'll turn her best into a nightmare. First I have to find it." She floated around reading the signs on each door. "Let's see, New Tricks, no. What else, Daring Doo. That's not it, good stories though. What's this door? Secret and Personal Fantasies? I wonder." She opened the door, but as quickly as she opened it, she slammed the door shut with her jaw dropped. "I need to watch my curiosity, that image will forever be branded into my mind. But when I get to little miss smarties pants I'll spill the beans. That is if I remember to. Anyway where is that dream door?" She passed by several doors, but none of them were the door she wanted. "Where is it? If it's going to be this hard I should give up. Wait I can't give up, Daddy is counting on me." As she flouted along a faint sound picked up her ear. "What's that noise. It sound like cheering. Where is it coming from?" She decided to follow the sound. It got louder as she came to another door. This one marked "Living the Dream". Screwball opened the door and on the other side was what appeared to be stadium with a show going on. "This seems to be a Wonderbolt's show." She looked up and saw a Wonderbolt fly over her leaving a rainbow trail. "Oh I see. She dreams of joining them one day. It seems that in this dream she has already joined them. Now how am I going to work with this and break loyalty? Wait I know," She rubbed her hooves together and went after Rainbow Dash. She trotted along over to a crowd where she saw Rainbow Dash land. She heard Dash's voice over the crowd.

"Ok ok, one pony at a time." Dash was saying, "There plenty of autographs to go around. Five bits for a photo. Ten bits for a photo autographed. Fifteen bits for a photo with us and twenty for it autographed." She was with two other ponies Spitfire and Soarin. They to were filling out autographs.

Screwball couldn't believe it. "She drives a bargain harder then an out of control stroller. Well she has to make a liven some how." The crowd started to get smaller until they were all gone. "Now is my chance to talk to her." She walked up to the three of them, "Excuse me?"

Soarin turned to her "I'm sorry but we are all closed up for the day, come back tomorrow."

"It's not that I want to talk with Rainbow Dash, she's a friend."

"Well ok but make it quick. Hey R.D. you have your self a fan."

"I'll be right there." Rainbow Dash walked over to Screwball was, Soarin left. "Now what can I do for... You!"

"Hello Dashie."

"What are you doing here?"

"Me? I just want to watch my favorite Wonderbolt"

"Flattered." she responded in a deadpan tone, "Now tell me the real reason your here."

"Ok fine, the truth is..."

"Only lyres start with "The truth is""

"Ok, listen. I'm here because it's my special talent. The term Screwball, means one is a weirdo. I can go into one's dream and see what is it that they are dreaming about."

"Is that so? Well it works now leave."

"So soon? No I'm here to help you,"


"I want to make your dream better." Screwball said with a smile.

"Again, how?"

"Well tell me if there is any trick you want to try because I can make it happen."

"Well, there is one trick I want to try, but I keep getting told it is to dangerous."

"Is it called the Hurricane Huzzah?"

"How do you know that?"

"Because I told you. Aside from that, it is dangerous for one pony, it requires seven."

"That means I will have get the rest of the Wonderbolts and we will do it."

"That won't be necessary, this is a dream so somepony like you could do it all on your own."

"I always have my friends to back me up, and I'm always loyal to them, but the Wonderbolts don't want to do it because they are the ones who told me it was dangerous."

"Right because your the element is loyalty. Right when my father broke you he almost won. But don't you understand how can you remain loyal to your friends if your friends won't return the favor and remain loyal to you. In a way a simple minded pony will understand. If they say it's to dangerous, they are not your friends and there for not loyal."

"What? Simple minded? Who's your father. I don't think I know another pony with spirals pupils."

"Everypony thinks he is a pony." Screwball said to her self "Anyway your saying you can't do the Hurricane Huzzah by your self."

"No I'm not, I could do them with my eyes close."

That's right time to reel her in "Then prove it. Do it right now, forget about your friends, forget about the danger and do it."

"You know, if I do this you have to leave my dream."

"Good, that's the plan. You could try to cast me out, but only a strong mind can do that. So to do this you need a strong storm." Thunder struck signaled the start of a storm. "Speak of changeling, perfect timing so go to it."

"With pleasure." Rainbow Dash took off into the air. As she did the ground around where she took off started to crack.

Screwball looked at the crack, "Perfect, the more she goes through with it, the more it will crack," She was grinning ear to ear. "Now I just need to pull a few strings, or hair," She yanked a few hairs from her head and through them into the storm. "Now to sit back and watch."

As Dash flew higher into the air the aira around her was starting to crack as well, but she didn't see it. Once at the highest altitude she was ready. She swooped down at the clouds. Starting off the trick, she used her body to split a path in the clouds. She then did a long loop-to-loop to regain hight and speed. "Screwball was right, I don't need help with it, I'm better off alone." The Cracking of the surounding area was getting worse.

"Good going Dashie! Now Finish it!" She called up, "Now lets get some lightning in their."

As Dash swooped, she felt as though something was off. That's when lightning almost hit her. "That was close, but that wasn't supposed to happen, and the wind is getting stronger, what's going on?" She then heard a laugh, Screwball's laugh. She started to shiver and the more she fought against the stronger it got. She then lost her strength and her wings gave out causing the wind to launch her out of the sky. As she fell, the world around her looked as if it was a window after it was hit with a bat. She finally hit the ground and was writhing in pain. "My wings, my back, what happend?"

Screwball walked up to her and in a cold voice she spoke, "Simple you failed, you should have listened to your friends, Dashie,"

"So I failed, I'm hurt I need my friends to help me, where are they?" Dash was in more pain then ever.

"You failed because your friends arn't here." She stood one her hind legs, "Know why? Because you turned them away, you were selfish thinking you could do the trick on your own."

"But this is a dream, I can do it alone in a dream,"

"True, but you can't do something if I made it up,"

"But I came up with the Hurricane Huzzah, so it had to work,"

"I made you think you did. And you were stupid enough to believe you could do it alone. You turned your friends away, now they are not here to help you when you need it the most. That doesn't sound like being loyal to me." The Claw of Essence appeared in her hooves, "Dash what you did wasn't loyal in any terms."

"No, but my friends..."

"Are not here, Rainbow Dash, consider this: You are not loyal." And with those words the area around them shattered. One point on the Claw of Essence lit up clowing red leaving Dash had curled up flouting in the darkness of what was her mind. "Now I'm out of here." With a clap of her hooves she left Dash's mind.


Screwball stood up and looked over at Rainbow Dash. Dash looked like a picture in a brand new coloring book. "Well that was easy. One down, five to go." She held up the claw inspecting it. "Someponies are just so gullible, but I doubt that's going to be the case for the rest of them. I say bring it on." She headed to the door and looked back at an all white Dash, "Such a shame I had to do that, She was a good kisser." She closed door. "Who's next?"


Author's Note: Is it wrong to say that was fun to right, If not strike me down. I was going to call the Chapter A Sonic-Raindoom. Anyway I might take a break for a little bit to work on other things. So tell me what you think

Comments ( 24 )

well I cant say that Rd wasn't an easy start but I must say that was a well played plan

1651723Thank you. What do you like about it?

you played on Rd's obvious weakness's it also works cause I'm a sadist

1653047Well good for you, It's not going to be easy when I get to Fluttershy.

1653071 how would that be hard? just do what the gala did only with her personal pets and expand from there

1653202At the gala she just went crazy not cruel. I'll think of something, she isn't next anyway.

1653378 she may have gone crazy but those were animals she didn't care for personally and remember those closest to the heart make the deepest wounds

1653741I know those closest to the heart make the deepest wounds. but just how is Screwball going to work with that? I was thinking she could dream about having a family one day and Screwball could work with that.

1654139 she has family and screball kills them PURE SADISM:pinkiecrazy:!!!!!!!

1654139 the animals stay with her because they love her all they need do is abandon her then have her friends ignore her that would make anyone cruel

1655073Screwball doesn't kill, only breaks

1655623Who's fic is this? mine or yours?

1657115 alright alright just sayin

1658706 your in the write I'm am just a spectator and you are the author so its all good

I swear, I think Screwball's worse than Pinkie Pie when it comes to breaking the fourth wall. I like it. And, for some reason, I can see the whole thing playing out as if it were straight out of the show, animation and everything.

...Is it strange that I actually want Screwball to win, considering the fact that I don't usually side with the antagonists? :twilightblush:

2027449 Understandable sweet heart

Maybe you should do Rarity next, then Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and finally (because it makes sense for her to be last) Twilight. (notice anything special about the order?)
Anyway, good story so far, I will watch for more.

Are they really the antagonist if the story is about them?

2227417 I don't see the special order. and about what you said to Sugar Coat. Have you ever heard of a Villain Protagonist?

No, I haven't. Oh well, something new every day.

And about the order. When Discord discorded the elements, the order he went in was Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and then Rainbow. The order I put down is the reverse order. Except Twilight, but that's because it makes sense for her to be last.

Comment posted by Spot Light deleted Mar 7th, 2013

2229331 You never heard of a Villain Protagonist? Ever hear of Death Note? And it was Rarity before Fluttershy.

Could have sworn it was Fluttershy first, oh well, nevermind.

ikr same here but alas it cannot be because discord is free and screwball wouldent have a motive (would have been an awesome episode though)

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