• Published 16th May 2015
  • 1,245 Views, 58 Comments

Changeling War Reenactment - Teal

Welcome to Ponyville's first Changeling War Reenactment. Everpony is welcome to join in the festivities, just as long as you don't forget to bring your costume.

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Now this is what I call a re-enactment!” Spike exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice.

Standing with Big Mac in an open field and gazing at their surroundings, Spike stared with awe at the sight before him, marveling at their bright pieces of armor, blazing battle flags and banners, and the realistic props and materials. To him, and to most ponies who attended the event, this was the highlight of the day, the reason why most of them came here. Re-enacting the famous Battle of Bedrock Plateau, re-enactors and staff gathered around the large open field and began transforming the area to a battlefield that resembled the actual site were the battle was fought.

Carpeting the field with a magical spell, event officials managed to temporarily turn the grassy field into a barren rocky area, with red sand and large boulders that were strategically placed in certain areas. Basing out of pictures of the actual battle site, the teams in charge of recreating the battlefield did their best to create an accurate copy of Bedrock Plateau.

And what a job they did! Spike thought, as they moved around the site, touring the area.

Actually feeling the sand beneath his scaly feet, Spike was amazed on how the spell worked. Not only was it able to change the look of the area, but it was also able to make it feel that they were actually at Bedrock Plateau. Even a veteran who had served at the actual battle would have most likely mistaken the area as the actual place, for it looked far too real.

The key to any good re-enactment was to actually feel what the actual ponies who were there felt, to immerse oneself to the actual event. And with these amazing effects and props, Spike was sure that he would be having a great time through the entire thing.

Making their way towards their assigned area, where the re-enactment group was gathered, Spike looked out and stared at the ponies that represented the Equestrian forces. Grouping the re-enactors according to their uniform, the event officials managed to form decent size groups to represent the units that were present in the actual battle.

“Oh, look over there!” He said, pointing his claw towards a group of ponies dressed in silver armor. “It’s Noteworthy and his group. And it looks like their playing as the 20th Volunteer Battalion. The Silver Warriors!”

“Eyup.” Big Mac said, nodding in reply.

“And look over there!” Spike exclaimed, pointing towards another direction. “Isn’t that Bulk Biceps, with the ponies from the local gym? Seems like they’re dressed as grenadiers from the 3rd Solar Guard. Very fitting if you ask me.”


“And there’s you’re unit over there!” Spike said, pointing toward kilted ponies, who were joined by a couple of Griffons. “Just next to mine.” He added, as he looked towards the golden armored ponies that represented the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Solar Guard.

Stopping by a large cannon that acted as a prop, the two decided to take a short break, as they shared their thoughts on how the re-enactment would turn out.

Patting the metal prop, Spike smiled and shook his head in excitement. “With props like this-“ He said, before tapping his golden armor. “-and armor like this, it’s hard to imagine why ponies won’t sign up to re-enact in the Equestrian side. This force is just awesome!”

“Don’t you think that with all the ponies favoring the Equestrian side and re-enacting as them, there would be a high lack of Changeling re-enactors?” Big Mac questioned.

“Nah, I doubt it.” Spike said, shrugging it off. “Just look over there.” He said as he gestured towards the far end of the field, where a large crowd of dark figures gathered. “I bet those are the Changeling re-enactors.”

“Well I’ll be...” Big Mac said in surprise, not really expecting to see that many Changeling re-enactors. When they were roaming the event earlier, he saw little to no Changeling re-enactors. To be honest, the only ponies he saw dressed as Changelings were Princess Luna and that weird friend she was dragging around. So he was quite worried that the re-enactment would be cancelled due to lack of re-enactors on the other side.

But now, as he watched the crowd of dark figures form on the opposite side of the field, Big Mac found that his fears were wrong.

“See, what did I say?” Spike said. “There are plenty of re-enactors on the other side, well, slightly smaller than our numbers, but still a decent size for a re-enactment, I guess.”


Smiling and rubbing his hands together, he then looked up towards his friend with an excited look in his eyes. As if all the waiting and
anticipation were sealed within him, waiting to be released.

“Now, we better get to our groups. The re-enactment would probably be starting at any moment and we best be ready.”

“Are you sure our Queen is here?” The lead Changeling drone asked, not liking where they were going.

Following the pink mare, the drone and the rest of the Changelings made their way out of their hidden spot and into the open, hoping to regroup with their Queen. But rather than going towards the clusters of tents, which their Queen said she would be inspecting, they instead headed towards an open field, a field which was starting to differ with each step they took.

At first, the field was green and grassy, nothing odd with it for it was a common looking field for the area, but as they got further the texture of the ground beneath them began to change, turning into a sandy like composition, uncommon for a place like this. Not liking this at all, the lead drone was beginning to have doubts what they were doing, feeling that there was something wrong.

“Of course she is.” The pink mare chipped as she bounced up and down. “Look, there she is right now!”

Folowing the direction the mare was pointing at, the drones gazed out to see a tall dark figure standing on the sandy field, gazing out in the distance. Immediately recognizing this figure, the drones wasted no time, as they excitedly made their way towards their Queen.

“My Queen!” The lead Changeling called out as they got nearer. “My Queen, we are here! What is wrong, why did you call us so urgently? And why did you use a pony to do so.”

“Ah, my subjects…” Their Queen said, in a voice that seemed off and different. But most of them just shrugged it off, believing that it was only the effect of lack of nourishment in these tiring times. “Is see the pink one has found you all.”

“Yes, my Queen.” The lead drone said, doing all the talking for the rest. “But why did you summon us. Did you find something troubling in your scouting mission, my Queen?”

“Hmm…already in character, I see…” Their Queen mumbled, but before any of them question it, their Queen suddenly burst out in loud booming voice, addressing all, near and far.

“Loyal subject, I have called you all here because we face grave circumstances!”

“Grave circumstances?” One drone questioned.

“Yes, subject, grave circumstances.” The Queen replied with a nod. “Our faith now lies on the balance, us we have a problem that will determine whether we live or die.”

“Live or die?” The lead drone exclaimed, gulping in obvious fear. “My Queen, what threat do you mean.”

“Why, the ponies of course! The enemy!” Then, lifting her hoof, she turned around to point towards the distance, where dozens upon dozens of armored ponies gathered, setting up their positions and seemingly preparing their weapons of war.

Changeling drones all around gasped at the sight, not believing what they were seeing. The plan was supposed to be a simple raid on a defenseless town, but now it seemed that the town wasn’t as defenseless as they originally thought. They didn’t how the ponies managed know that they were going here or learn when they would arrive, but somehow they did and now they were hear in full force.

Terrible memories of the battles of the past flashed before the eyes of the drones, as many began to cower in fear. They didn’t want to fight, they couldn’t. All of them were too tired and had no energy at all to do battle, none were in any condition to battle an enemy force. These scared thoughts were soon reinforced, when the Changelings began recognizing the enemy right in front of them.

Seeing the armor and banners, most Changelings suddenly turned stiff and numb, as they identified old rivals they had fought against with.

They saw the golden armored 3rd Battalion, of the 2nd Solar Guard, the ones who fought hard and brought battered the Changelings during the Battle of Canterlot. They saw the shining silver plates of the “Silver Warriors”, the infamous unit that nearly shattered their force at the Battle of Bedrock Plateau, when they made the nearly suicidal charge on their flank, shattering the Changeling line and encircling most of their force. They even saw the some grenadiers of the 3rd Solar Guard, the merciless force that stopped at nothing till every Changeling in front of them were eradicated.

And that was only a portion of the enemy force gathered before them, for there were even more infamous enemy units gathered at them. Not to mention the fact that they also had cannons emplaced and ready to fire. Weapons that wreaked havoc to the Changelings many times before, because of its sheer power and range.

Seeing the sight, many Changelings began to understand why their Queen had gathered them. But they soon began to wonder, why bring them here, in front of the enemy where they can be seen? Why not retreat now before the enemy could catch them?

“My Queen, I think we should fall back.” The lead Changeling said, attracting the attention of their leader. “We have lost the element of surprise…. The enemy is here now in strength and I doubt we can fight them in our current state.”

“You doubt our capability?” Their Queen asked, making the drone flinch in terror. “Do you doubt our ability to do battle with the enemy? Who do you think we are? All of you, what are we?”

“Changelings…” The crowd of drones mumbled.

“What was that, I didn’t quite hear that.”

“Changelings.” The crowd said, slightly louder this time.

“One more time, what are we?”

“Changelings!” The crowd screamed, as their voices echoed in the air.

“There we go, much better.” Their Queen said, determination now plastered on her face. “We are Changelings! And let us not forget about that. And let us also make sure that the enemy does not forget about it also. They might look though, but that is only because they’re trying to compensate. They wear their armor because they knew that their fur cannot match the strength of our exoskeletons! They use their cannons because they know they cannot compete with our battle spells. They are here because they fear us, so let us show them something to be feared about!”

The crowd of Changelings cheered after hearing their Queen’s speech, as they felt the fire within them being reignited. Despite the suffering and the seemingly powerful enemy before them, their suddenly burst up to a new time high. For some, they haven’t felt this excited and determined for battle since they were at Bedrock Plateau.

“Let us follow the Queen to battle! We’ll follow you my Queen, lead us and we shall be there!” The lead Changeling shouted, to the roaring agreement of all the other Changelings.

“Good, good.” Their Queen said with a smile. “Now we shall do battle and show the enemy who we are.” With that, she then stared at the enemy force and struck a dramatic pose.

Most of the Changelings stared at her with awe, admiring this sudden determined spirit their Queen now had. But as they stared, one Changelings notice something odd lying on the ground beside their Queen.

“Uhh…my Queen, your left wing has fallen off.” The Changeling said.

“Hmmm?” Their Queen reacted, before looking towards the fallen object. “Ah, you’re right, my subject. Thank you.” With that, their Queen levitated the fallen piece, engulfing it with a blue hue, before attaching it on her side once more.

“Now then, to battle!” She shouted, which was followed by cheer from the Changelings, who, with all their hype, didn’t seem to find anything odd about the fallen wing.

Author's Note:

So...uhhh...it's been a long time... :twilightsheepish: Again, I'm sorry for the long delay, I've been quite busy with life and other stories. I would also like to apologize for not informing any of you about the state of the story, that was completely my fault. But now, with summer vacation finally here, I can finally get back to the story. :twilightsmile: