• Published 16th May 2015
  • 1,244 Views, 58 Comments

Changeling War Reenactment - Teal

Welcome to Ponyville's first Changeling War Reenactment. Everpony is welcome to join in the festivities, just as long as you don't forget to bring your costume.

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Chapter 12

Chapter 12

“Here they come!” Somepony shouted, as the clatter of armor and swords echoed in the air.

Staring across the open field, Spike could see their enemy moving up, a black mass of Changelings all galloping through the sandy ground. Looking fierce and angry, the Changeling forces charged up towards them as if they were real Changelings who were hungry for battle. Seeing the site, Spike couldn’t help but feel his heart rate race and muscles tense, as the site was very fearsome and threatening.

Props go to those Changeling re-enactors. He thought to himself, noting how realistic their costumes looked. Aside from their Queen, who was wearing an obviously fake Changeling costume, all the others had a very impressive and life like look.

Seeing the approaching enemy and hearing the preparations of the Equestrian lines before him, Spike couldn’t help but feel a sense of thrill overcome him. It felt like he was in an actual battle or at least what Spike thought a real battle would feel like. With surrounding that looked like a battlefield, props, uniforms, and costumes that made each player of this complex act, the re-enactment felt like a complete immersion of the real battle.

“Alright, everypony, if you pay attention to the center of the field, you can see the Changeling forces advance through the open field and towards the Equestrian.

Well, almost a complete immersion… Spike thought as he sighed.

Glancing towards his left, Spike got a clear view of ponies gathered in bleachers, as they sat to the side of the field and watched the re-enactment. Viewing the event from the sidelines and guided by moderators, who spoke on loud speakers, on the happenings of the battle, Spike found their presence as a distracting one.

With every word that emitted from the speakers, Spike felt the immersion disappear. But, not wanting this slight nuisance to ruin his fun, he did his best to blot them out and ignore their voices, concentrating solely on the nearby ponies.

“Okay, everypony, remember what we practiced.” The pony who acted as the commander of his group said. “Just wait for the cues and do your best.”

“Roger that.” Spike said excitedly, as the other ponies of the group acknowledge what they were told.

Returning his attention towards the cluster of Changelings which were now a lot closer than they were before. Getting a closer look of them,

Spike noted that most of the members on the Changeling side looked a little tired. He also noticed that they were moving slower as they went on, which puzzled him at first.

But remembering how Changeling costumes were basically rubber suits, he concluded that the reason for their tired and slow state was merely because of the inconvenience of what they were wearing. Being in a rubber suit, under the hot sun, he presumed that the ponies were just getting tired.

Those ponies must have good endurance to carry on like that. He thought, impressed at how far they already have gone.
Spike continued to watch the advancing enemy when suddenly, from behind him, a loud voice boomed, making him turn around to look.

“I want all regiments to close up! No gaps, no spaces, I want one straight line.” Called our Mr. Cake who was adorned in a special type of armor, that was a mixture of gold and silver plate with a brilliant red cape on the back.

As the head of the re-enactment organization of Ponyville, Mr. Cake had the honor of playing as the commander of the army, which was Major General Rook, the unicorn general who led the Equestrian Army of the Badlands. Although the pony he was playing was a unicorn, while Mr. Cake was an earth pony, the small problem was quickly resolved by adding a fake horn on his forehead.

Despite getting the role because he was the head of the organization, Spike believed that it was only proper for him to receive the role. Remembering how Mr. Cake was during their practice sessions and watching him now as he gave orders, Spike had to admit that he was the perfect pony for the role. It must have something to do with his managerial skills in the bakery, for Mr. Cake gave commands as smoothly as a real officer.

Following his orders and shuffling around so that all groups were formed up as one line, with only one group, which were the Silver Warriors, who were held back as a reserve for the later part of the re-enactment.

Placed in the second row of his group’s section, Spike was still able to see a portion of the approaching horde through the gap between the ponies in front of him. From what he could see now, he easily tell that the Changelings were close, really, really close.

As they got closer, Spike began to hear the sounds of their hooves as the galloped on the ground, as well as their shouts and cheers as the force urged themselves forward.

“Go, my Changelings! Let us show Tia…I mean, Celestia, what we Changelings are made off!”

“My Queen, your wing fell off again.”

“Thank you once more, loyal servant.”

These fellows are really into it. Spike internally said as he grinned, thinking that he too should show as much eagerness to counter theirs.

Feeling excitement rush through him as they got nearer, for not only was he going to have a front row seat view of the battle, but he was also going to be a part of it. Sure, it may have been a re-enactment, but for him it was just all too real. Ignoring the moderators and focusing on the field, he had somehow immersed himself.

“This is going to be so epic!” He exclaimed to himself as he tried to control his excitement.

Getting himself ready, he flexed his muscles as a show of strength, hoping to intimidate the Changelings actors. Although he very much doubted any of them saw this, as he was only a small sight behind the ponies in front of him.

“Shields!” His group commander then shouted.

Immediately a response was conducted after this order, as the ponies in the front row drew their shields and slammed them in front of them, locking it with the shields on their sides and ultimately creating a wall of steel. Viewing it from the front, it was an impressive sight, as it created a blocking force against the rushing Changelings. But from the rear, it was nothing but an obstruction that hindered the view of the front. Especially for Spike, who, lacking in height, was unable to see what was happening in front of them.

“Aw, come on! Really?”

From his excitement to finally start the re-enactment, he had totally forgotten this phase of the battle, where the Equestrian forces created a wall of shields to hold off the enemy. Now, as it was performed in front of him, the view of the battle he once had was now destroyed as he tried to peer through the shields, but to no avail.

Hopping up and down, he tried his best to see. He thought of leaving his position to go and search for a box or crate to step on, for surely such an object would give him proper elevation. But he decided against this, since he knew anypony who moved away from their respected positions would be reprimanded.

With all his attempts failing and with no other choice but to wait, Spike just stood there in disappointment as the battle unfolded away from his view.

“Go forward my Changelings, go forward!” The cries of their Queen urged them onwards and, despite their weak state, the Changeling drones followed the order and pressed on.

Like the loyal drones they were they went on without question, but as they got closer to their target, some Changelings began to realize that they might be heading for the jaws of death and into complete annihilation. Charging head on towards a well-defended position, soe even began to question the sanity of their Queen.

Had their Queen finally gone insane after all these weeks of deprivation? Surely the lack of nourishment was getting to her and making her act rashly. Or was she making a last stand, a last valiant charge? Maybe she knew that they were somehow doomed either way and decided to fight one last time, instead of running away again. Whatever the reason maybe, she was doing it and she was taking them with her.

Staring at what lay ahead of them, the Changelings could clearly see the shimmering wall of shields that blocked their path. Interlocking and formidable, the Changelings who moved forward felt an increasing sense of fear, as they knew from first hoof experience that suck formations could not easily be broken.

During the Battle of Bedrock Plateau, the Changelings had encountered this type of formation for the first time. On that terrible day, they learned that a wall of shields could not be easily broken, no matter how thin in may be. The ponies during that they had found a war winning tactic and right now, as the Changelings charge to war once more, it was clear that the ponies were reverting to their old yet effective tactic.

Yet it seemed their Queen had forgotten or chose to ignore what they learned during that day, for they now repeated the same course of action they did before, charging head on towards the center. They couldn’t break that wall when they were at full strength, so what made them think that they could do it when they had barely any strength at all?

Getting closer to the shields, the Changelings feklt that they were hanging on their last string, their nerves ready to break as it was only held together by their Queen relentless coaxing.

But their thin nerves where soon about to break, as a loud and monstrous roar echoed throughout the field, shattering the momentum that had been built up within the Changelings.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

These and many more explosions echoed from the pony side, as thick white smoke created a heavy fog in that vicinity. Immediately realizing what it was, a good portion of the Changelings stood still in fear, realizing that not only were the enemy formed in a wall of shield, but also wielded cannons that could lob shots at them.

Having bad memories of cannons through previous encounters, thee frightened Changelings just stood still and stared, not wanting to get nearer to the cannons, even when their Queen was shouting and scolding them.

With a large portion of the Changelings halting, the attack began to flounder, as Changelings stopped in their tracks while other began to back away from the awful sounds of the cannons. As they did so, they began to receive taunts and jeers from the enemy, who called out from their shields.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“Aren’t you all supposed to slam into our shields first before halting?”

“You know, this is what happens when you trust a foreign re-enactment group.”

“Come on, stick to the script!”

But the taunts and jeers didn’t come from the ponies alone, as their Queen trotted each one of them and began shouting, hoping to entice them to move once more.

“Come on you coward, keep moving! You’re embarrassing me and my ability to handle you all!”

“My Queen, it’s too dangerous to continue!” Cried out the closest Changeling. “We’ll be massacred if we do so.”

“I’ll massacre you all myself if you don’t do so…” Their Queen mumbled under her breath before facing this Changeling. “Who are you to question my judgment? You are a mere drone, while I am your Queen! Now as your Queen, I order you to attack. Can’t you see, the enemy fears us and we must press this advantage.”

Hearing this, the Changeling just stared at his Queen in disbelief. From his perspective, the enemy didn’t seem to be disheartened by their presence. Nor did it seem that the Changelings were in any advantage.

Convinced that their Queen was delusional and not wanting to risk her safety and the safety of the remaining members of the hive, the Changeling motioned nearby drones to help him and together they grabbed their Queen and began pulling her back. For a Changeling who had been weak from weeks of starvation, they were surprised at how strong she was as she tried to resist their efforts.

“Stop this, go back to the battle!” She would yell, as she tried to pull herself free.

But trying their best, they managed to keep her in their grips, as they slowly moved away from the sight of the ponies. Screened by the remaining Changelings, they withdrew from the battle, as the ponies shouted at them to return.

“Go back you fools, go back!” Their Queen shouted. “Also, somepony get my wing; it fell off again.”

“I’m on it my Queen!” A Changeling shouted, picking up the piece of cardboard before stumbling back to the rest of the group as they disappeared from sight.

Author's Note:

Sorry if the re-enactment battle seems a little anti-climatic. But at least it finally happened, right? :twilightblush: This was how I envisioned the battle to end up when I planned out this story all those months ago. So the result was this.

Speaking of all those months ago, has it really been one year since I first published this story? Wow, time really flies! Well, this story would have reached this chapter earlier if I didn't take my very very very long hiatus. How long was I gone back then, four months? Five months? Six months? Well, it doesn't matter now I guess, cause I returned and the story is finally coming to a conclusion.