• Published 16th May 2015
  • 1,245 Views, 58 Comments

Changeling War Reenactment - Teal

Welcome to Ponyville's first Changeling War Reenactment. Everpony is welcome to join in the festivities, just as long as you don't forget to bring your costume.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“Wait; tell me again how many bits did you spend on that?” Twilight growled, staring at Spike, who could only give a sheepish reply as he tried to cower under his metal suit.

“It wasn’t my fault that it all cost a hundred fifty bits!” Spike replied, trying his best to defend himself. “Well, the armor itself only cost a hundred bits, but I still had to pay the shipping fee which added fifty more bits to the expense. Shipping stuff from Manehattan isn’t cheap you know.”

“Yes, I know.” Twilight huffed. “But if it was so expensive, then why didn’t you just ask Rarity to make you one, instead of buying one from Manehattan. She would have made you a uniform for half the price, if not lesser. Where did you even get the bits to pay for all that?”

“Twilight, Rarity is a fashion designer not a blacksmith.” Spike said, rolling her eyes. “She would never be able to make a piece of armor that is as fine as this. As for the bits…” A nervous smile soon came upon his face, as he decided to look away from her and break eye contact. “…let’s
just say that I found a jar somewhere inside the castle.”

“Spike!” Twilight exclaimed, staring dagger at the young dragon. The frustration she was feeling right now was indescribable, as she was shocked that he would do such a thing. Huffing and trying her best to go all out with her anger, she glared at him as he shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. “Those bits were reserved for a rainy day.”

“Well…uhhh…there was a light drizzle in the weather when I took the bits.” Spike said, trying to remember. “Does that count?”

Twilight planted a hoof on her face the moment she heard that, not knowing whether he was joking or completely serious with the remark. Despite the fact that Spike was a helpful dragon who was there when she needed, there were still times that she gets really angry at him because of his careless actions.

“Spike, you have no idea how frustrated and angry I am at you right now.” She said, sighing. “If we weren’t out in public right now, I would have most likely drowned you in the wave of my anger.”

“Awww…come on Twilight, don’t tell me that this armor isn’t worth the bits I spent on it? He said, desperately trying to save himself as he gestured to their surroundings. “Just look around, nopony who is going to the reenactment has armor as good as mine.”

By now, the amount of ponies who were wearing Royal Guard uniforms had increased. Passing by the town market, they made their way through town, heading towards the area of the reenactment as they wore their uniforms proudly. Wearing different types of armor, from golden plates to silver, all of them worn by ponies who wanted to attend the event.

There were many good looking pieces that shone under the sun and there were bad ones that were rusty and bent. Some sported homemade plates of armor, while other wore fine and expensive ones that were bought from afar. And although it could be said that Spike’s armor is one of the best looking ones, it surely wasn’t the best of the best.

Glancing around before bringing her attention back to Spike, she was about to tell him that having one of the best set of armor wasn’t a valid excuse to use their rainy day funds. But before she could say a word, a certain pink pony bounced towards them, giving them both a warm and cheerful greeting.

“Hi, Twilight. Hey, Spike.” Pinkie said in her ever cheerful tone, as she stopped in front of them. “Nice armor by the way, it’s so shiny.” She then began looking down towards him, as she used his shiny helmet to play a game of silly faces with against her own reflection.

“Hi, Pinkie.” Twilight replied, trying her best to dissipate the anger she had built up earlier. Looking towards her friend, she noted the saddlebag she was carrying and grew curious towards it.

“Hey, uh, what’s with the saddle bag? Planning to go somewhere?” She asked.

“Oh, this.” She said, turning her attention from the helmet. “Yeah, I’m planning to bring some treats to today’s Changeling War reenactment. I decided to bring some cupcakes and muffins for everypony, because no event would be complete without sweets.” She said, with a genuine smile on her face.

“Wait, but if you’re planning to go to the reenactment, then where is your uniform? You know that they won’t allow anypony enter without a uniform or costume.” Spike informed her.

“Oh, don’t be silly Spike, I do have a costume.” She said bouncing up and down. “Can’t you see, I’m playing as myself!”

“Wait, you’re playing as yourself?” Spike said, raising his eyebrows.

“Yup!” She chirped. “Why should I bother buying a costume, if I can just play myself? With that, I can not only enter the event without wasting money on a costume, but I can also enter the look-alike contest and win the award. I heard that the best Pinkie Pie look-alike would win a cake and I’m determined to be that winner.”

“But isn’t that technically cheating?” Spike asked.

“Of course not.” She said, pulling out a flyer from her saddlebag. “The rules never said anything against it, so I think I should be fine.” She then threw away the paper and started bouncing up and down once more. “Now, if you two excuse me, I have to go and register. See you later!”

With that, the pink pony bounced away, heading towards the same direction the uniformed ponies were heading.

Picking up the flyer that Pinkie tossed away, Twilight levitated it in front of her and read the text.

‘Elements of Harmony Look-alike Contest’ it read in capital letters. Reading the flyer, she learned that it was just like any look-alike contest ever made. The only thing that seemed interesting was the fact that the ponies who would join were going to try their best to look like her and her friends. At least that explains why she ran into a Twilight Sparkle look-alike.

Continuing her scan, she found nothing else interesting about the flyer until her eyes fell upon the awards that were listed for each pony look-alike. Once she glanced over it, she found it impossible to move her eyes away as she was shocked and amazed at what she saw.
She read it over and over again, mentally at first, but verbally later on. Reading it out loud, she made sure that she was not dreaming as she found it too good to be through.

“The award for the best Twilight Sparkle look-alike would be the rare and one of a kind Book of Arcane Magic: Spells and Rituals!”

Eyes widening, she stared at it and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. When her brain finally processed what it mean, she threw away the flyer and snapped her head towards the young dragon with her.

“Spike, I need to join this contest!” She told him.

“Huh, wait, you want to join the contest?” He asked, confused at her sudden enthusiasm. “But why?”

“Because I need that book!” She told him. “It’s says it the only one in Equestria and if that is so, then shouldn't I, the Element of Magic, have it?”

“Well, I guess that makes sense.” Spike said, scratching the back of his head. He found it surprising that Pinkie had somehow unintentionally influenced Twilight to joining the contest. “But what makes you think that you’ll win.”

“Because I’m Twilight Sparkle.” She said, putting a hoof on her chest in a pose. “Who better to play me than myself?”