• Published 16th May 2015
  • 1,244 Views, 58 Comments

Changeling War Reenactment - Teal

Welcome to Ponyville's first Changeling War Reenactment. Everpony is welcome to join in the festivities, just as long as you don't forget to bring your costume.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Reaching a tent and hiding behind it, Chrysalis found her journey towards it unmolested. With nopony noticing her, the journey towards the cluster of tents proved to be an easier task than she thought. In fact, it seemed a little too, leaving her to grow suspicious as to why that was so.

As she took cover behind the tent, the sound of buzzing activities on the other side reached her. Although she couldn’t see what was going on, from the amount of sound she was hearing, she could tell that there were a lot of ponies on the other side. It was as if somepony relocated the town center to this group of tents and decided to throw a party.

Moving off to the side, the Changeling Queen decided to risk more of her luck by leaning over and taking a peak on the activities on the other side. Gazing towards her front, she saw a flurry of activity inside the place which she presumed was a camp.

What she saw was something she didn’t quite expect, as she was confused to what it was.

In the camp, were dozens upon dozens of ponies, gathered around and enjoying some kind of festivity that she didn’t know about. They trotted around with happy faces, as some gathered in one corner to chat with one another. It was like a fair, where ponies gathered and enjoyed the day.

Thinking about it, Chrysalis concluded that the small festive fair didn’t seem to cause any problems to her plan. In fact, it might actually prove to be a helpful thing for her and her Changelings.

With her first scan of the camp, it seemed that a large portion of the town was inside this makeshift camp. This meant that it would actually be easier for her and her Changelings to collect victims, as they were gathered in one area, instead of a town where ponies can find refuge and hid inside the attics of houses. Here, the only refuge the ponies could find where flimsy tents that brought little to no protection.

Thinking the plan over, she nodded to herself as a grin formed on her face. Yes, she thought, a perfect area to round this little ponies and collect their love. All they had to do is surround them then tighten the noose.

Since crossing the small field proved to be an easy to her, with the clueless ponies too busy with their activities to not notice her, then a couple dozen Changelings sneaking through the field in intervals might prove to be an easier task than most would think.

But as she rearranged her plan, to fit the new strategy she had wanted to apply, a small sparkle caught her eyes, causing her to squint towards it. It was a quick flash that caught her eyes, but she only had a vague image as to what it was.

Hoping to get a better view by moving up, she moved away from her position towards a stock of crates that was pilled between two tents. Studying it as a suitable place to take cover, she nodded as she saw that the crates were piled high enough to shroud her from sight.

Moving up towards it, she lifted her head to look out towards the earlier direction that had caught her attention.

Now with a better position, she had a clear view of what it was. But as she looked towards it, she began to stand stiff as she felt her heart sink. What she saw was something she didn’t like.

With wide eyes, she looked towards a parade that was marching by, but it wasn’t just any ordinary parade, for the ponies who marched by
wore bright golden armor that reflected the sun’s light, making them shine as they moved up.

Making their way through a make shift path within the camp, the line of armored ponies marched to the beat of the drums, as they were led by their magnificent colors, which moved like silk in the air. The clanking of metal mixed with the music and the sound of hooves on the ground, creating a sound that Chrysalis was very familiar with.

The Royal Guard!

There was no doubt about that, those ponies there were the Royal Guard. With their vibrant uniforms and strong armor, Chrysalis knew that these were the ponies they had fought time and time against during the past war.

Continuing he gaze towards them, she noticed that the line of marching Guards were about to pass in front of her small barricade of crates. Acting quickly, she immediately hid behind the boxes, as she felt the ground beneath her shake as they passed near her.

Her mind screamed at the thought of them being here, as she found it difficult to believe. They weren’t supposed to know of their presence here, yet the Royal Guard was here, seemingly prepared to wage was once more. They must have also arrived here recently, for her scouts didn’t see them in their earlier mission.

Somehow, the ponies must have tracked their movements and called the Guard to protect themselves against them. Now it made sense on why there was a camp her and why there were so much ponies gathered. They must be throwing a party to celebrate before the battle. Gathering the local ponies, they invited them to celebrate for a last feast before the confrontation.

With their presence in Ponyville, her plan was totally ruined. Now, her only goal was to escape, to get out and lead her Changelings away from possible distraction.

She needed to get back and inform her Changelings. She must sneak away and get her hive away from this place before it was too late.
Once the line passed, she would make her move. She would race back to them and get them out.

So she waited for them to pass by.

When she felt the beat of the hooves lessens and hearing the sound of the drums fading, she knew that it was the perfect time to make her get away.

She was prepared to make her move and race back towards the forest when suddenly, as she stood up, she felt a hoof grab her by the neck and hold her still where she stood. Whether the pony behind the hoof was strong or that she was too weak to escape, she didn’t care, for she now knew that she was caught.

Feeling a sense of dread overtake her, she brought more worry towards her Changelings then towards herself. With nopony to warn them, then her Changelings were left vulnerable towards the trap. They could get slaughtered in the upcoming battle and it would be her fault, her failure to warn them.

Annoyed at herself, she also felt great anger to the pony who caught her, If this pony didn’t notice her, then she could right now be with her Changelings, making their escape.

Slowly turning her head, she made an effort to see her captor, wanting to confront him or her.

But as she turned to face the pony, she began to feel her anger bring swept away and replaced by fear, as she met the pair of glowing teal orbs that were staring at her with all the anger that could be found in Equestria.

Right there, holding her in place, was Princess Luna, co ruler of Equestria and the Guardian of the Night. Staring at the alicorn in front of her,
Chrysalis’s eyes wondered towards the odd and weird paint and cardboard wings that she displayed. With all those accessories, Princess Luna looked more of a fool than a menacing captor. She found it as an interesting and slightly funny sight, as the Changeling Queen tried to prevent a stifle of laughter from emerging, knowing that insulting her captor would do her no good.

“So…” Luna began, anger clear in her voice as she continued to glare at her with her cold stare. “…you think you can hide from me? You also probably think that you have a better costume than me, don’t you?”

“Excuse me?” Chrysalis asked with confusion, as she stared at the alicorn with a lost expression on her face.

Chrysalis expected the anger in the greeting, but what she didn’t expect was the context of the sentence. She didn’t understand what it meant and was totally baffled by the meaning. What did she mean by, ‘better costume’?

“Oh, don’t play games with me.” Luna said, as she gave a powerful tug, bringing Chrysalis up to eye level. “You and I both know what I mean. Obviously you came here to challenge my position as the reenactment’s Changeling Queen. Look around you…” She said, as she waved her free hoof towards the center of the camp. “…there is no other pony dressed as the Changeling Queen. It’s only you and me. But guess what, there can only be one!” She said slamming the hood on the ground, huffing with anger as she considered her as a threat to her role in today’s reenactment. “So, I’ll cut you a deal, either you change your costume or challenge me for the position.”

“B…but…but…” Chrysalis stammered, not knowing how to respond to all of this. The crazy pony in front of her wasn’t making any sense. “I can’t just change from…well from this!”

Gritting her teeth, she shook her head. “So, you want to do it the hard way then, very well.”

With her great strength and Chrysalis’s weak state, Luna managed to pull the changeling out of her cover and drag her away from there. Feeling the dirt scrape against her skin, Chrysalis groaned in pain, helpless to change anything about her current situation.

“W…where are you taking me?” Chrysalis managed to say, as she tried to get up, only to fail as she was dragged across the camp.

“To the stall that sells cider, hard cider.” Luna responded. “You dare challenge me for my title, so I shall honor this challenge with a proper contest, a drinking contest, just like in the old days. This will be a fight for honor and rights. A fight that will decide who which one of us has the rightful title as Queen of the Changelings!”