• Published 17th May 2015
  • 4,171 Views, 129 Comments

My Glory - Eclipse Guardian

Within the mare known as Twilight Sparkle, there is a darkness that wishes to raise her up high as Empress of Equestria. But where did this darkness come from and why is it so set upon Twilight?

  • ...

Crystal Alicorn and the Lingering Dark

-Canterlot, Later that Night-

Twilight cringed as she slept, the pain in her chest returned in full force. It felt like someone was digging a knife into her, and turning it slowly. How she remained asleep was anypony's guess.

Deep within her psyche, a nightmare...or more likely, a memory ran itself in silence. She couldn't make out the blurry scene before her, specks of white and dark blue swam in her vision. 'Wha...who is that? Ugh, it hurts...' Her sense of vision improved somewhat, Twilight could make out translucent object of some sort below her neck. She squinted her eyes. 'C-crystal?...wait it's not on me it's...' Her vision cleared. 'It...It's stabbed inside of me!' The pain she felt doubled in intensity. 'Ma-make it stop! It hurts so much!!'

She heard somepony scream in horror. “PENNY!!” Twilight turned her head the best she could, Luna was hovering in front of her. “My love, no! Please don't die on me!” The lunar princess sobbed uncontrollably as she held Twilight's head up with her hooves.

Twilight felt her mouth move on its own. “Luwa, d-don't cry...I implore you.” She saw a jet-black hoof, reach up and rub Luna's cheek. 'T-that's not mine...it's Penumbra's.'

“Th-that's not how y-you say my n-name, Penny. Don't move, I can still save y-you.” Luna stomped weakly on the crystal spike that had impaled the darker alicorn. “Co-come on, break. Break! BREAK!!” The crystalline spike didn't even chip.

'This is...' Penumbra coughed as blood poured down her lips. “I-it's no use, Luwa. Dia's magic is too powerful for you alone to overcome. I'm a-afriad it's the end for me.” Twilight felt her gaze meet Luna's own. “I-I wasn't myself...” The dark-grey chest armor Penumbra wore, split in two as blood flowed down the magical crystal.

“Sister she's not going to make it!” Twilight couldn't see the solar alicorn, but she could easily make out the heartbroken tone in her voice from afar. “...Luna-wait Diamanda come back!” She could hear the sound of wings flapping in the distance as her vision became blurry once more.

Hooves wrapped around her neck as Luna came closer. “You can't leave me, please!”

-Luna's Chamber-

Princess Luna wailed as she slept in her queen-sized mattress. The soundproof wards of her bedroom kept the guard posted outside from barging in as she wept. “Oh, oh Penny, you can't die!”

Before her was Penumbra's impaled form, her life blood seeping slowly out. “Too late for me...my Moon. Please just accept one request...before I-” The darker alicorn coughed up more blood as Luna held her tight.

“Don't speak. I can, no, I WILL save you.” She lit horn, as she let the full force of her moon flow through her body. “This won't be the end for you!” Her tears flowed down her face as she felt the moon's magic within her fail. “No! Please no!”

Penumbra smiled wryly. “You have exhausted your magic, Luwa.” She shut her eyes as a look of anger crossed her shuddering form. “I...I wasn't strong enough against that...that-” Another bloody coughing fit racked her throat. “Forget it then. Luwa, listen.”

Luna desperately kissed Penumbra, not caring if her coat was covered in her blood. “Don't leave me. Please. We had so much planned...” She whispered.

Penumbra rested her forehead on Luna's. “I hate this too Luna.” She looked into Luna's eyes. “But, don't forget me okay? Th-that's all I ask...” Her voice became quiet.

“Penny?...Penny!?” Luna nuzzled her lover's neck.

“Stop yelling, stupid filly.” Penumbra whispered. “Don't you ever forget about me, alright?” She asked softly. Her wings lost their strength and fell to her sides. “Time's up...Luwa.”


Twilight tensed as foreign feelings overpowered her sense of pain. “Time's up, Luwa.” She whimpered in Penumbra's voice.

She could feel Luna continue her efforts at shattering the crystal, pointless as it was. “We. Promised. To. Never. Be. Apart!!” Luna screamed, as she fell to face to face with Twilight/Penumbra. “Penny...”

Penumbra grunted as Twilight felt her body grow cold. “I-I said to not c-cry, Luna.” Her eyes closed.


Luna stood finally, her face covered with tears. “I-I promise.” Penumbra let out a small smile as she went limp, her eyes closed forever. The lunar mare screamed her beloved's name as Penumbra's body vanished into nothing. Troops of dark creatures hurried out of the castle as they heard her primal scream, their armor glinting in the moonlight as they passed below. Luna's head dropped in pain, her windpipe aching from the strain. “Curse that crystal witch. How dare she take my beloved from me?”

She clenched her eyes shut, as she flew into the Everfree Palace. “...”




“Luna?” She heard a voice call out.

Luna snapped her head up and glared furiously at the foolish pony who had dared call her by her first name. 'Only Penny may call me by that na-' She paused staring at the pacing purple mare. “Tw-Twilight?”

-The Holy Church of Crystal-

Crysta Feather trotted merrily down the beautifully decorated corridor. Pony statues made of finely carved crystal doted the white marble hallway, their robed heads bowed in reverence. Glowing blue crystal markings lined the walls as the white mare made her way across the threshold and into a grand circular chamber filled to the brim with ponies of all hues. Crysta chuckled lightly. 'The Elder Counsel. These old folks never seem to lighten up, even with all of the Matriarch's attempts.' She coughed politely which caught the attention of the elder mares and stallions. “My duty is complete, Elder Counsel.” She raised a hoof in prayer.

Each of them also raised their hooves in prayer, none more so than the Matriarch herself. “Well done my apprentice.” Her voice was like wind chimes and as soft as silk. “I take it Princess Mi Amore Cadenza accepted our offer than?” Beneath her white hood and robe, a very light blue muzzle smiled gently.

Crysta smiled broadly. “Oh yes, Matriarch. It took some convincing on my part, but the young princess eventually came around.” Around her, the most of the Elders sighed in relief. “We have a mutual bond between us and the Crystal Empire, at last.”

There were cheers all around, every pony in the chamber -besides the Matriarch and Crysta- exchanged pats on the back and friendly hugs, until the Matriarch lifted a hoof for silence. “This is very good news, Crysta.” The white unicorn trotted around the table and sat on the Matriarch's right. “Now, is everypony aware of the next phase in our plan?” The Elders nodded, as the Matriarch's smile grew. “Great. Since the Crystal Heart has been secured, we can begin our own search for our missing Crystal Goddess.” Many of the ponies grinned in excitement. “We have one piece already, as I'm sure you're aware.” She gestured to Crysta with a golden shoe.

Crysta giggled quietly as the Matriarch went on. 'I still can't believe they chose me as the Goddess's personal Acolyte. A year in, and already they're praising me...' She sighed inwardly. 'I wish they didn't though, we're supposed to be equal here after all. Maybe Matriarch Lulamoon, could convince them. Hmm.' Her internal musing was cut short at the sound of the Elders leaving, their many hooves literally shaking the ground with their steps.

The Matriarch's robe flowed seamlessly as she helped Crysta to her hooves. “You really shouldn't fall asleep during meeting hours, my apprentice. It's very rude.” Her face was stern, but her tone betrayed her as a friendly chuckle escaped. “Excuse my manners, Crysta. But did you enjoy your stay in the Crystal Empire?”

“I did! Our crystal cousins weren't doing so well after they returned. So I used my Blessing a bit to help them feel better.” She frowned, her hoof scrapped along the floor. “We're alone right?” Crysta asked, as a concerned look joined her frown.

The Matriarch closed her eyes for a moment, before looking directly at Crysta. “We are. What is it Crysta? Did you mean report something else?” She placed a blue hoof over Crysta's shoulders as they made their way down another hall and toward her chamber.

“I did not want the Elders to panic, but...” The Matriarch brought her closer. “I saw it, Matriarch. With my own two eyes, Twilight Sparkle took on the likeness of Penumbra.” She shuddered at the memory of the purple mare reigning Tartarus over King Sombra.

Entering the Matriarch's room, both mares sat next to each other on a velvet couch placed behind a circular wooden table. Matriarch Lulamoon was silent for a good five minutes before speaking in a hushed whisper. “I suspected as much. The cult's dark goddess is regaining her power faster than I had anticipated. It won't be much longer until she fully revives.” She summoned a paper and quill from her night stand. “I want you to deliver a message to the Sun Princess.” Matriarch Lulamoon began writing.

Crysta looked apprehensive. She had met Princess Celestia on multiple occasions, the first was for a Blessing the Church wanted to give her, the second was...less than friendly. Despite her good intentions, she said the wrong thing about the recently returned Princess Luna and earned herself a near death glare from the evening Alicorn's elder sister. Crysta loathed to return to the palace so soon, but the faith in her beliefs overpowered her fear. “If that's what you need of me, Matriarch.” She bowed her head.

“Oh, don't look so serious, Crysta. I only want you to give this letter to Princess Celestia.” The Matriarch snorted dismissively. Crysta looked up with a confused expression. “What's in this missive is private, for Princess Celestia's eyes only.” She folded the parchment and slipped it delicately into an envelope, then sealed it with a wax stamp. “Here, you might want to hurry. It's rather urgent.”

Crysta gathered her wits, than lit her horn to grab the mysterious letter. “Right. Well, I'll see you later, Matriarch.” Crysta smiled the best she could as she left, closing the door behind her.

Matriarch Lulamoon sighed gustily. “We're running out of time. I can only hope Crysta realizes her true role in all of this.”

-Deep Beneath Canterlot-

Countless numbers of crystals moved about the cavern as a gigantic crystal embedded in the wall glowed softly. The blue crystal itself attached several long strands of energy among the hoard, like a spider's web.

“Time is straining, my sister. Like a well oiled machine, it continues to tick on for their kind. But time never seems to touch us, for we are Alicorns of the highest caliber, ageless as the green earth we trot on.” An elegant voice spoke from within the crystal, its tone warm but calculating. “My children suffered at the hooves of a mad usurper, while I attended to other matters. My first daughter blown to pieces. My Empire banished into nothing.” A white equine head broke through the crystalline surface with nary a crack. “My own sister lost to madness. For all of my great power, she was lost to me. Death called to her like a sick fledgling, wanting her presence.” Her eye lids opened to reveal a pair of mournful blue draconic eyes.

“The world is unfair to all, even to us immortals. Time takes away many things; loved ones, places, feelings lost to eternity, a being's own sanity. Only crystal ever remains flawless, its shining brilliance, opaque, translucent...ever beautiful.” Signs of madness infected her tone as she went on. “And I am its Mistress, ever remaining here to spread its beauty. Unfortunately, it seems I'm missing pieces of myself.”

Crystal haphazardly fell to the ground as a tall white form landed gracefully. Her maneless head glanced around slowly. “My sister is out there, somewhere. She needs me, as all living things do.” Diamanda stretched her overly large crystalline wings with a contented sigh. “My Pegasus magic has returned to me, but it will take time before I am whole once again.” She gazed up at her currently useless crystal horn which sat upon her forehead. “It has either been stolen, or has had itself reincarnated into a host body. Either way, I need it back in order for my-” A tremor interrupted her thoughts as the cave shook, causing a stalactite to fall towards the mare. “Tch.”

She easily side-stepped the pointed rock as it loudly impacted the ground, which in turn kicked up debris and shattered crystal. “A short time back, and already the world is attempting to kill me.” Diamanda chuckled briefly as she stepped around her would-be assassin. “Hmm. Must be an omen.”




She stopped before an ornate door made completely of wood. “Now who would have left a door all the way down here?” She went to twist the door knob with her magic, but she felt nothing in her horn. “Oh right, no Unicorn magick. With my current abilities, I would be hard pressed to open it.” Diamanda thought for a moment, before a devious grin crept onto her muzzle. “The door looks well used, due to the fresh hoof prints upon its surface. I'll have to wait til someone comes by, then I'll 'convince' them to help me.” Despite her warm tone, one could have easily made out the almost predatory glint that passed her eyes.

-Luna's Chamber-

Twilight shifted nervously. Princess Luna had brought her to her chambers abruptly after their rather...awkward encounter in the dreamscape. The sharp pain in her chest returned in full force. Twilight regretfully forced herself to realize that the phantom pain was caused by that crystal spike that had pierced her body back when she was Penumbra. Even the white scar from her last encounter with Echo, had actually appeared on her chest and down her abdomen. 'I'm doomed, aren't I?'

The last few days were something almost out a nightmare for Twilight. Her building anxiety, crossed with a feeling of dread, and a strange warm sensation in her chest whenever Luna was near, terrified the young alicorn. 'At least nopony -besides the princesses- know about my recent ascension.' “The nobility would certainly be in an uproar about a new Empress in their midst...the vermin.” Her thought process grinded to a halt. “What did I just-” Her wings sprung up. Twilight whipped her head around as her primary feathers darkened to a jet black. “N-no, it can't be breaking so soon!”

In her panic, Twilight gripped several of the offending feathers in her mouth and ripped them out with a tug of her neck. 'OW!' She screamed internally, while spitting the black feathers out. Twilight bit her lip, holding back a loud wail.

Luna witnessed her charge's desperate attempts at ridding the dark feathers with a demure frown. 'Twilight is Penny. Albeit in a new body and personality, but even those are being over-shadowed by Penny's aggressive nature.' She shook her head. 'So, this is the reason for my infatuation with her, ever since we first met that day in the old castle.' Luna calmly strode over to Twilight, gifting her with a fond smile. “It's alright Twilight. You know, I'm rather relieved that it was you who was the reincarnation of Penumbra, and not some random pony I've never met.”

Twilight for her part, sighed as she watched her removed primaries regrow almost immediately. She caught Luna's gaze and felt that warm feeling again. “I feel lost Luna. Like I'm not supposed to be here, and this Penumbra mare is. Every day is becoming a challenge for me, from my random bouts of anger, to my increasing obsession with making armor. There's an overly large helmet under my mattress, and some metal greaves.” Twilight relished in Luna's presence as both mares trotted onto the balcony.

The moon princess giggled for a moment as she sat beside the younger alicorn. “Yes, that was one of Penny's hobbies back then. She hoof-made her own armor, even though her many blacksmiths begged of her to let them do the dirty work.” Luna closed her eyes as the memories came back to her, despite the surge of pain in her heart. 'No Luna, Twilight is not Penny...yet...oh what am I doing?! It's been so many centuries since we last embraced, and my heart belongs to Her and Her alone.' For all intents and purposes, Luna wanted nothing more than to hold Twilight in her wings, like when they were just Penny and Luwa. Her wing opened as her eyes wavered in the moonlight. She felt a familiar tug on her psyche.

Twilight tensed as Luna's wings wrapped around her shoulders. Her breathing hitched and became laboured. 'The Dark Magic it's...it's breaking out. I can't stop myself!' Her horn grew three times its normal length as her wings spread out into gigantic draconic ones. “Luwa...” She breathed in a voice not her own. With half-lidded eyes, she drew closer to Luna's muzzle as her mind screamed at her. 'Stop! You must stop... You don't know what you're doing!' The voice faded away into the recesses of her mind.

Luna pushed Twilight down onto the floor of the balcony, her own pupils narrowing into slits. “You're back...Penny.”


The white mare startled as she felt a massive burst of dark energy cast through her bed chamber. She recognized it immediately. “But that was our strongest seal! Not even Sombra would have been able to break it so easily in such a short amount of time!”

The princess sprang to her hooves and busted down her doors, which startled the poor guards outside. “To my sister's chambers, quickly!” The guards nodded as they rushed head long into the corridor.


“You understand, don't you? Why this has to be done?” Avec asked with a large smile on his face.

“Oh, I understand perfectly. You want the non-believers removed, including the princesses who imprisoned me here.” A raspy voice answered back with a weak cough. “With my powers, they would be nothing to me.”

Avec rubbed his scaly chin. “Quite so. You just need steal their magic and hand it over to us for Our Goddess.”




Tirek grinned with malice. “A fine bargain for freedom. Fine Cultist, the Alicorn Magick shall be yours. But Equestria is mine. I'm going to show those fools, just who they imprisoned.” Avec removed the lock from his cell freeing Tirek at last. “I will make them pay dearly, and make them watch as their precious kingdom burns.”