• Published 17th May 2015
  • 4,171 Views, 129 Comments

My Glory - Eclipse Guardian

Within the mare known as Twilight Sparkle, there is a darkness that wishes to raise her up high as Empress of Equestria. But where did this darkness come from and why is it so set upon Twilight?

  • ...

Diamanda - Part 2


As they left Ponyville, Penumbra felt a sense of loss as she gazed back. '...Hmm.' She tensed as Luna laid a wing across her back. “Luwa...”

Luna gave her a pleasant look. “You seemed sad.” She said nuzzling her mate's cheek.

Penumbra blushed without meaning to. “I-I'm not sad! Just confused.” She muttered quietly. Her wings were slack against her sides as she walked side by side with Luna down the dirt road. They were accompanied by Luna's night guard, half a dozen followed behind and ahead of the pair.

Aphelia, her drones and Echo were out of sight, most likely keeping a watch out for threats. Penumbra wasn't all that concerned about an attack on her person given her close contact with Luna gave her a sense of empowerment. “This era -from what you have told me- isn't the same.”

The lunar princess nodded. “Equestria has changed so much ever since you...passed away.” She looked at Penumbra seeing her wince.

“It's alright.” Penumbra sighed.

“Penny, how are you really?”



“...I'm fine...”


“Alright!” Penumbra huffed stopping in the middle of the road, causing the others to stop also. “The truth is I have been having these flashes of pony's faces and voices in my mind, appearing at random.” She rubbed her forehead with a hoof.

“Must be the memories of when you were Twilight.” Luna looked away for a moment then back to Penumbra who was giving her a rough expression. “What?”

“Luna, I am not Twilight Sparkle.” She said with a stern tone. “Or...” She frowned. “I don't think I am.” She finished in a softer voice before starting down the trail again.

Behind them, Echo came into Fluttershy's view. 'Hello Fluttershy.' The shade greeted.

“Oh...you're Echo right?” Fluttershy asked in a quiet voice.

The shade nodded. 'Yeah, I'm Mistress Penumbra's servant.'

The yellow mare was slightly taken aback by Echo's shadowy form once again, but she held her fear in check. “If I-I may...why do you look that way? I-I mean if it's okay that I ask.”

Echo's pure white eyes seemed to shimmer. 'My Mistress made me this way. To assist in her revival.' She looked ahead over to where Penumbra was chatting with Princess Luna. 'Although I think she hates me now.' Echo lowered her head.

Seeing the shade's distress, Fluttershy hesitantly laid a wing across her back. “I don't think she does.” Echo tilted her head. “I mean she just s-seems confused by everything, Twilight would usually act a little out of it sometimes.”

'...Yeah.' Echo leaned against Fluttershy, much to her surprise. 'Without her I fear I would just vanish.'

“Vanish?” Fluttershy asked.

'I'm not an actual pony. I'm a mere shade created by my Mistress, made from her own darkness. Made to serve her forever.' She cringed. 'But I may have lost even that.'




The day passed much the same as the group trekked their way to the gates of Tartarus. Celestia's sun shone overhead, bathing everything in it's warmth, Penumbra felt her strength wane in the excessive light. 'My home.' She looked back at her mate. “Luna.”

Luna nuzzled her neck. “Hmm?”

“We're here.” Penumbra stood to her full height while raising her wings full mast. The group all stopped before the monolithic gates embedded into the side of a mountain before them. Faded murals stylized after Penumbra were painted on both sides of the doors. “My home...of an era far in the past.”

Luna was about to say something but howl from beside the gates cut her off. “Master!” Cerberus called out as the great dog bounded over to his revived master.

Penumbra smiled. “It has been a long time.” She said petting one of his heads. “...How are things in Tartarus?”

“Not all is well Master. A prisoner escaped the prison the other Alicorns made.” Cerberus growled.

“A Centuar?”

“You know then Master?”

Penumbra looked at Luna then back to Cerberus. “Yes.”

“It was that cult I allowed passage once, they released the one called Tirek, then disappeared shortly after.” All three heads shook side to side. “I'm just happy you have returned.” Cerberus licked her face.

Penumbra nodded as she used her magic to clean her face of slobber. “I am too.” She gestured to the gate with her eyes.

The dog stood back and stepped to the side to allow them passage. With one more look at her loyal beast, Penumbra wrapped her magic around the door.

A loud wind tunnel blasted into their faces making Penumbra shield herself and Luna with her wings. “Home-” A foul smell caught her nose. “Sweet home.” Narrowing her eyes, she glared ahead as she took her first step into depths of Tartarus.


A group of black cloaked ponies moved through the dark alleyways making sure to avoid any of the city guard. “It's not much farther.” One whispered as they neared a slate grey building serving as a prison.

“Cross?” Another asked.

“What is it?”

“I don't see Meadow anywhere.”

Cross looked over from his vantage point studying the prison, until he noticed a green mare trotting to the prison's gate. “There she is, okay wait for the signal.”

The cultists took point in the alley as the mare beckoned the prison guards over for a word. Only one of them took the bait as the others stayed back to keep watch.

Cross grit his teeth. “This way, we're breaking the boss out regardless of what dangers we'll face. For the Dark Goddess!”

“For the Dark Goddess!” They all chanted as snuck along the fence bordering the prison waiting for their opportunity.


The first thing Luna noticed was the heat, Penumbra's realm was always hotter than anywhere in Equestria but it had a certain atmosphere that spoke of her mate's personality. She trotted beside the black alicorn with their group of ponies and Changelings.

The second thing she found was the darkness literally pouring out of Penumbra's shadow and the environment around them. Luna could feel it coiling around her possessively, their special talents were similar despite the difference in their origins. Luna knew for the most part that Penumbra didn't hate her talent but the Aura of Fear she gave off was very unwanted, even if she couldn't help it. Deep within, Luna could feel something reacting to the darkness Penumbra gave off. 'Begone, I want nothing to do with you.'

The Nightmare chuckled. 'I am not here to harm you, Luna.'

Luna narrowed her eyes. 'I have no need of you anymore. Penny has returned.'

'Yes, but what of poor Twilight? Are you just gonna let her vanish forever?'

'What? No! She's my friend and my...love.' She wilted.

Nightmare remained silent for a moment. 'But what are going to do, Luna? They can't remain separate forever, one day you'll have accept that.'

'You are merely a fragment of what you once were Nightmare Moon, born of my hatred and jealousy.'

'Perhaps. But it was you who gave up the memories of your love. I merely exist to bring your true desires to light.' Nightmare purred.

'Enough! Begone!' Luna screamed internally.

Nightmare did as told but not before saying. 'The day you weaken, I will resurface and claim her as my own.'

Luna scowled as the Nightmare went silent. 'No you won't.' Luna's right eye turned draconic without her realizing it, but she noticed Penumbra gazing back at her as they encountered a dead end. “What is it, my love?” Luna asked.

“...Nothing.” Was all Penumbra said as she lit her horn. Around her Changelings were buzzing in excitement, Fluttershy was huddling close to Echo who draped a shadowy wing across her shoulders in comfort. Penumbra herself felt the magic in the rock wall respond by creating a path before them leading to somewhere almost no one expected to find in a place like Tartarus. “Home at last.” The dark mare sighed as she stepped into the open wall.

Luna was broken from her awed look as a great weight fell directly on top of her. “What in mother's name?”

Penumbra looked back at her with a small scowl. “What are you doing here?!”

Luna looked up and saw one of Penumbra's former friends in what looked to be her own guard armour. “You are Rainbow Dash, correct?”

The prismatic Pegasus, smirked with her trademark look. “Aw come on, as if I would leave Fluttershy all alone in a dank place like this...wha!?” Rainbow turned her head over a bit and saw what looked to be a cloudless grey sky overhead. “I thought this was Tartarus!You know the place where evil things are supposed to linger and eat whoever comes down here.”

Penumbra huffed. “It stinks a little near the entrance where Cerberus was, but this IS my home you know.” She said as she continued trotting the direction of huge castle in the distance. Rainbow Dash gaped at her for a split second before shaking her head and flying after the group.

The black alicorn took in her former castle with a forlorn look. 'Exactly how I left it but...something feels alien about it.' She looked back at Fluttershy from the corner of her eye. 'It is my home, but it doesn't feel like home.' The stone and rock beneath their hooves gave way to lush green grass. 'Despite my talent, I never liked bleak and damp places.' Her stomach growled. “Um...”

Luna laughed. “Seems like you're hungry.”

Penumbra gave her a sideways look as she blushed, her black coat not helping conceal it. “If what my followers have told me the castle kitchen should still be intact.” She licked her serrated teeth. “Follow me.” With a flash of her horn Penumbra teleported everyone in front of the castle entrance.

The dark alicorn pushed open the obsidian doors with her magic, causing a loud creaking sound. Luna's ears pushed back against her skull as she followed her mate, but when she took in the inner castle walls she smiled. 'I haven't been here in forever.' The foyer was brightly lit with torches which had purple flames burning merrily.

She heard Penumbra breath in deeply. She turned to her. “Glad to be home Penny?” She asked.

Penumbra fell silent as she trotted through the chamber, she studied the many statues lined along the room each depicting two ponies: Penumbra and Luna embraced in various ways. She blushed lightly. 'I forgot about these.' She looked back at Luna with a bashful grin.

Luna felt her own cheeks flush. “We really should be heading to the dining room, my love.” She ran past Penumbra trotting to one of the staircases on either side of the foyer.

Penumbra shook her head as she followed walking past the marble statues. Fluttershy and Echo stayed together near the entrance as Aphelia's changelings buzzed past them heading for different chambers within the castle. The pegasus hid behind her mane as Aphelia herself passed by. 'There's nothing to be afraid of, Fluttershy. This is the safest place in Tartarus.' Echo told her reassuringly. Fluttershy just nodded as the door closed behind them thanks to Luna's bat ponies.

Meanwhile, Penumbra opened the door to the dinner hall, there was a very long table at which Luna sat with a tray of food stuffs. Penumbra looked left and right. “Where are the servants?”

Luna spoke up as she gestured to the plate beside her. “They're here, just...” She swallowed looking up at Penumbra. “Not among the living.”

A cool breeze shot past Penumbra. “Mistress.” A voice called out as bright red draconic eyes opened in a dark corner.

The dark mare looked around her noticing more ponies emerging from the shadows. 'Vamponies.' She licked her own fangs as they bowed to her.

“Empress Penumbra, welcome back Mistress.” They all said in unison.

“...Rise.” They did as commanded. “You all survived?” Penumbra asked incredulously.

“We looked after the castle until the day you returned to us, Mistress.” The tallest vampony explained as she bowed her head again. “Your cultists also came here some time ago. But we denied them entrance to the castle regardless of their pleads.”

Penumbra watched as Fluttershy, Echo and Aphelia trotted into the room. “I see, what did they say their purpose was?”

The tall vampony rose her head with a small smile. “They said they were here to serve you. Their leader, Avec-” Penumbra felt her hackles rise. “-explained they were going to revive you, and give you the other alicorn magic.”

Luna stopped and placed down her fork, her voice even. “What?”

The vampony mare went on. “Mistress, they wished to make you ruler of all of the land above. Empress of Ponykind. The other Alicorns at your beck and call.”

Penumbra flared her wings in fury as her voice boomed. “AT MY BECK AND CALL!!??” She slammed her hoof down with force causing cracks beneath her. “WAS THAT AVEC'S PLAN!? HE WOULD HARM MY BELOVED AND STEAL HER POWER!?” She yelled using her own version of the Royal Canterlot Voice.

The vampony used to her Mistress' explosive episodes, merely nodded her head. “He was fanatic about the whole affair, he kept going on and on about how you would conquer Equestria for the 'Dark Cause'.”

Penumbra saw Luna come up to her side. “Dark Cause? What is that?” The Lunar Alicorn questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“My takeover of Equestria using the Nightmare.” She heard everyone besides the vamponies gasp. “I...never told you this Luna but I let my Nightmare take control of me before my death.” Luna backed away in shock as Penumbra's eyes shrunk to pinpricks. “It was my fault Starswirl died Luna, you saw me kill him in cold blood. The Nightmare I let out was worse than any evil I have ever encountered...besides the one that destroyed Our home.”

Oh no, Nightmare Moon!

Another flash of memory passed her mind as she turned to Luna whose eyes were now draconic as well. “Luwa...your eyes!” Penumbra whispered as she dropped to her haunches.

You little foal, thinking you could defeat ME!

Crush them, Penumbra! Make them scream!

Two more memories made themselves known as pain throbbed in Penumbra's skull. Luna rushed forward to embrace her with her wings. “I'm a monster Luwa...I let it take over in my rage.”

Luna looked into her eyes. “That's what confuses me, Penny. Why did you attack us in the first place?” She asked softly.

Penumbra tried to look away but Luna's hooves kept her in place. After a moment of hesitation she sighed gustily. “That's the thing, Luna.” She said using Luna's actual name. “I let the Nightmare take me, because I feared for my home.” Penumbra felt Luna's hooves fall to the floor.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked as she stood up and brought Penumbra to her hooves.

Penumbra began pacing as she levitated her plate of greens over. “I never told you this, but Dia's Crystal World is dead.” Luna opened her mouth to say something but Penumbra continued. “It just died, so I believed Tartarus would die out as well. There are many who called this place home, the same as me.” She looked up. “The fear grew with each passing day and night, my Aura of Fear began to affect even myself as I had lost control of it a few times.”

“It wasn't long until my Nightmare spoke to me, it spoke of grandeur and safety in Equestria. And yes I did think about coming to you and Celestia about my fears, but the Nightmare had convinced me that you would not care, since you had not visited in over a year.” Penumbra growled. “What a foal I was! After it tricked me, it took over my body we gathered my force and attacked the Everfree castle! Which ended with me killing poor Starswirl and my own death!” Hot tears dropped from her cheeks. “What's wrong with me, Luwa? The Nightmare is gone now, but I'm still the same monster tha-”

She was cut off by Luna who lunged at her with a kiss right to her muzzle. “Don't finish that sentence! You are not a monster!”

“But I-” Another kiss.

“No! If anyone is it's me, I...I...” Luna bit her lip.

Penumbra frowned as she nuzzled her beloved. “What is it, Luwa?”

Luna placed her muzzle into Penumbra's purple mane and whispered. “I forgot you. I gave Avec my memories of our time together.” Penumbra fell silent. “Th-the pain of losing you was too much, so I also gave into my Nightmare and rid myself of my memories of you.”

Silence fell over the dining room as Penumbra's wings fell to her sides, her expression one of pained shock. “You...you forgot me?” Her was laced with accusation as she backed away from Luna.

Luna braced herself. She dreaded sharing this with her mate, but she had a right to know considering that she bared everything herself. “I'm sorry, Penny...I-I couldn't deal with the pain so I decided to forget altogether. I became Nightmare Moon and tried to shroud the land in Eternal Night. I killed ponies too, Penny.”




Luna expected a number of reactions: Penumbra yelling at her telling her to never come see her again, being hit across the face with a hoof, her staying silent and walking away entirely,and even dissolving their relationship.

What she got though was completely unexpected, as she felt strong, warm forelegs wrapping around her neck as Penumbra also placed her large wings around them both in a cocoon of warmth. Luna gazed up at Penumbra's weak smile. “Luna, you're not to blame for that. I should have been stronger...so you wouldn't have had to experience such pain.” They nuzzled each other.

“Oh, Penny.” Luna whispered in relief as she returned the embrace.

“You're my mate, Luwa. But you are my...” Penumbra hesitated. “My friend first and foremost.” By the entrance, Fluttershy smiled.

“Friend?” Eyes wide, Luna looked up and for just a moment saw not the dark eyes of Penumbra, but the caring, understanding gaze of Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight?”

Penumbra blinked as a warm feeling sprang in her chest, she put a hoof up to the white scar feeling it pulse with a feeling of both warmth and cold. “I-I don't know Luwa. Am I?” She asked quietly.

Luna smiled with joy. 'There's hope, real true hope, Tia.' Suddenly both their stomachs growled again, causing them to chuckle. “Maybe we should finish eating first?”

Penumbra released Luna and stood up. “My servants, start the feast.” The vamponies stood to attention and all of them left for the kitchen.

-Las Pegasus-

Queen Physia stood next to Queen Silence as they witnessed Tirek leaving the city, stronger than when he entered. Their drones buzzed around them making sure to stay clear of the Centaur's sight. “He's cleared out this city, he'll most likely head for Ponyville next.” Silence said as she adjusted the blindfold over her eyes.

Physia yawned. “You would think he would go farther away from the alicorns.”

“He's grown stronger. His pride is his weakness, I foresee his demise.” Silence buzzed her wings.

“Demise, eh?” Physia sat down.

“Yes. I see crystals, blood, a grotesque grin.” She flashed her fangs. “Tirek will not live much longer, even if he doesn't see it himself.” Silence turned to her companion. “We leave.”

Physia sighed as she followed her fellow Queen into the sky.

-Canterlot 3 Days Later-

Celestia ordered guards left and right, and had even called upon the border guards to locate Tirek in haste as there was no time to lose. The centaur was seen heading to Ponyville sometime ago, but he had vanished after he had seen the number of soldiers protecting the town. The solar monarch was getting more worried as the day went by and night fell, courtesy of her sister.

Luna had sent a bat pony to Canterlot with a letter saying that she and Penumbra had checked the catacombs for any clues,but the only clue they found was a dead pony wearing the cloak of Penumbra's cult and a broken lock. Celestia had also put a stop to a failed break-out at the prison that housed the cult's leader, Avec. The Kirin had merely grinned sadistically at Celestia until her view of him was blocked by the iron door to his cell and his fellow cultists placed in other cells.

Celestia hated being cruel to her little ponies, but she had no choice in the matter here. The Cult was much too dangerous.

Currently she was in the throne room talking with the minister of defense. Cadence was off elsewhere, doing her own duties as Princess and also frustrated and afraid of what her Grandmother was doing to the Crystal Ponies.

Tirek was still nowhere to be found, despite the guard's best attempts. Celestia knew he wasn't in any of the towns nearby, although some of them have been drain of their magic by him.

The defense minister bowed as he left, bringing a sigh from Celestia. 'Where could Tirek have gone?'

Ponyville was well guarded, Las Pegasus was recently found hit by the centaur, so she knew Tirek was getting stronger every second that passed.

'He must be stopped or he could take everypony's magic!'




'Hello, Celestia.'

“Hmm?” Celestia looked from her desk as a voice spoke out from somewhere.

'Looking for Tirek are you? I might happen to know where he is.'

Celestia froze at the sound of Diamanda's voice. 'Diamanda.' She steeled her expression.

'If you come to the Crystal Empire I would be happy to tell you where Tirek may be.' Diamanda laughed through their mental link. 'I'm sure you haven't forgotten our little encounter in the mines.'

Celestia stood up from her chair. “You know where he is?”

'Oh yes, but if you wish to know, you come to me first. No exceptions.'

Celestia looked out her window with a narrowed gaze. “...Alright, I'll see you soon.” She said as the link broke leaving the sun princess alone once again.