• Published 17th May 2015
  • 4,171 Views, 129 Comments

My Glory - Eclipse Guardian

Within the mare known as Twilight Sparkle, there is a darkness that wishes to raise her up high as Empress of Equestria. But where did this darkness come from and why is it so set upon Twilight?

  • ...

The Ritual (Edited)

-Luna's Chamber-

Celestia ran head first into her sister's bedroom to a terrifying sight. Luna sat with look of pure bliss on her face as a much larger mare bit into her neck with long fangs. Both pony's wings were wrapped around the other's shoulders. The larger mare's coat was pitch-black, a spiral-less horn sat upon her head, her two giant wings were those of a dragon. 'P-Penumbra...oh no, I was too late.' The guard ponies behind Celestia galloped into the room and surrounded the couple with their spears.

“V-Vampony! Release Princess Luna at o-once!” One ordered, the others nodding their agreement.

The solar diarch set her jaw, as she lit her horn. 'Must I banish her from this plane, is that my only choice? Twilight's soul is shrouded in Penumbra's darkness.' She flared her wings. “Gentle stallions, keep her from escaping!” Celestia stepped closer to the entangled huddled pair.

Penumbra opened her draconic eyes. “Luwa is mine. She is my mate.” The dark alicorn stood up, softly letting Luna drop to the floor. “Back away from us if you value your lives.” Darkness and magic filled the air as she let her power be known.

The ponies tensed themselves as their sense of danger rose. Celestia felt beads of sweat drop from her brow. She knew if she made any sudden movement to take her sister from Penumbra's wing, it could mean harm for her loyal guards. The dark mare didn't seem to recognize her, if her tense posture was to be believed.

Penumbra nuzzled Luna's cheek, as she levitated Luna onto her back. “I don't know who you ponies are, but you best leave us be.” She swung her head up, her black and rippling purple mane cascading down her shoulders. Baring her fangs, Penumbra raised up on her hind legs and let out a dragon-like roar.

The guards narrowed their eyes with a wince as Princess Celestia stepped between them. “We won't harm you or Luna.” She nodded her head to her guards for them to stand down which the stallions complied with a moment of hesitation. “You have my word.”

The black alicorn glared hatefully. “Lies! All of them!” With that Penumbra and Luna vanished in a burst of violet magic which sent the guard ponies reeling in all directions.

-Canterlot Castle Lobby, the Next Day-

Crysta Feather trotted down the hall leading to the throne room, hoping to get an audience with the sun princess. The castle was almost near empty as Day Court was postponed for unknown reasons. Crysta had a message to deliver and nothing would stand in her way, guard or otherwise.

Crysta could tell something was amiss within the walls of Canterlot Castle. She had yet to see more than one or two of the servant ponies stationed about the palace. She frowned as she passed yet another empty room. 'There's traces of Dark Magic everywhere. Twilight Sparkle...' Shaking her head she let out a tired sigh. “Excuse me, I'm here to see the Sun Goddess. Is Her Majesty in?” She politely asked one of the maids.

Before Crysta was a forest green Earth Pony mare with a pink mane and golden tones mixed in, she had a gold band wrapped around her right ear. “Sorry madam, but the Princess left the palace an hour ago.”

“She did? Do you know where the Princess went exactly?”

“You'll have to ask the Seneschal for that, madam.” The maid said straightening out her clothes.

“Really? Hmm, I'll do just that. Thank you.” Crysta gave her a warm smile before heading to the Seneschal's office directly left of the castle throne room. The hall leading to the office portion of the palace was a bustle of activity. Various petitioners were being hounded by a small platoon of Celestia's Solar Guard. 'Must be due to the Sun Goddess' absence.' She sighed. “The Princess needs this letter from the Matriarch, but I have no idea how I'm supposed to get by this crowd.” Glancing to her left, Crysta noticed a particular red pegasus stallion who seemed very out of place. “Hey, I know him...Flare Wing! Over here! It's me, Crysta!” She called over the loud racket.

Flare flinched at the sound of his name being said and turned around, noticing the tall white mare. “O-Oh, hi Crysta long time no see.” He took wing and landed next to her. “What are you up to? More Acolyte business?” He asked curiously.

“Yeah, I have a letter for the Sun Princess. Matriarch Lulamoon said it was urgent.” Crysta stared at the crowd with an unsure look. “I don't suppose you know where the Princess is currently Flare?” She gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

Despite her being taller then Flare, he couldn't resist those watery eyes of hers. “U-Um I guess I could tell you her location. But this is important info s-so no yapping about it to a-anypony.” He tried sounding stern, but it came out as a stammer.

The white unicorn nodded. “You have my word, Flare.” She gave him a warm look. 'Poor guy, he's been in the guard for a year now, but he's still a nervous wreck.'

Flare blushed as Crysta smiled. 'Gah, she sure is beautiful...' He shook his head to clear away the blush. “The Princess is currently in Ponyville, looking for something...I think. Nopony really knows why Princess Celestia is in the town right now. But we think it might have something to do with the Elements of Harmony.” He gave her the short version, figuring Crysta wouldn't like the news about Penumbra's return. “I could deliver that message to the Princ-” He stopped himself short when he noticed Crysta bolting down the hall. “H-Hey wait up Crysta!!” Not wanting to be left behind, Flare took off after her.

-Dodge City Ruins-

A group of dark-grey Changelings buzzed through the recently evacuated town as their red-maned Queen took a deep calming breath to settle her nerves. Glancing to her left, Queen Aphelia took in the sights of the ruined buildings with a calculating stare. 'Just what was he looking for here? That insipid Cultist.' Much to her frustration, the Kirin named Avec decimated most of the once quiet city in search of ...something ten years ago. Which made her task of finding a long forgotten cave (which had several collapsed buildings covering it by the way) all the more difficult.

There was also a high-level of dark magic polluting the air, making it dangerous for any normal pony to step anywhere near the town. Aphelia sighed as one of her drones sharply flew away from a falling wall. “Anything yet?” She asked through the hivemind.

“No sign of the cavern on the north end, My Queen.”

“Same here.”

“We haven't even found any bones of the deceased, Your Highness.”

“Keep searching.” She ordered out-loud with another sigh. '...Whatever Avec was looking for, did he really need to completely tear down this place?' Aphelia may not care much about the ponies of Equestria as a whole but she was very against brutally murdering innocents unlike the twisted cult leader. Despite her hive's alliance with the Cult of the Dark Arts, she absolutely despised their methods of keeping the Dark Mother's teachings alive. Even though she was no stranger to hurting the more annoying ones. Signs of the group's previous activities laid scattered about the former city in the form of spray painted pentagrams on the walls, followed by an odd symbol which Aphelia wasn't able to make heads or tails of.

The changeling queen trotted up to the strange marking as her drones buzzed around looking for the hidden cave. The symbol depicted two large dragon wings embracing a crescent moon within a black splotch which was most odd. As if to answer her thoughts a piercing ringing sound reverberated through her ears causing them pin against her skull. “Ack! What is that?!”

Several of the drones dropped to the ground in pain as the sound reached a higher pitch and a portal opened above and deposited two ponies to the cold hard ground. Queen Aphelia glared at the portal as it vanished along with the horrible sound. Once the ringing in her ears lowered to a mere throb in her head, the changeling queen opened up the hivemind. “Is everyone okay?” Various murmurs of acknowledgment and 'Yes, My Queen!' reached her mind as she carefully approached the ponies.




Twilight grunted as she sluggishly sat up from prone position on the ground. She opened her eyes and found Luna hugging her as she cried. “Princess L-Luna?”

Luna snapped her head up and looked at Twilight's draconic eyes. “Oh, my love...” The princess whispered as she rubbed a hoof over the side of her neck where Twilight noticed a rather obvious bite mark.

“P-Princess you're bleeding!” Twilight jumped to her hooves in a panic flinging Luna onto her back roughly.


“Oh, sorry Luna!”

“No no, it's quite alright Twilight.”

“Here let me...”

“Twilight my love, I'm fine really.”

“...Princess we really shou-wait your what?” Twilight stopped what she was doing and peered at Luna.

“'My Love', that's what.” Luna smiled gently as she stood up and looked into Twilight's eyes again.

Twilight took a step back as the princess leaned down for a kiss. Luna stumbled forward in confusion watching the lavender mare back away. “Twilight, what's wrong?” She asked with a hurt tone in her voice.

'She tried to kiss me! What's going on?!' Twilight screamed internally. She flapped her wings in fright and bolted away from the concerned princess. 'I have to get away! This can't be real!'

“Come back, Twilight! What did I do!?” She heard Luna take off after her, the princess' much larger wings helping her quickly catch up.

“Stay away, Luna! Please-” She was interrupted by a large dark-grey wall taking up most of her vision. “Gah!” Twilight and the body of grey tumbled into a heap of limbs.

“Get off pony!” Aphelia yelled gripping Twilight with her magic then tossing her aside.

Twilight noisily crashed through a wooden wall as she heard a loud pop in her wing. “Ahhh!” She cried as her wing dislocated.

Luna's eyes widened in alarm as she watched her new-found love get writhe in pain. “Twilight!” The lunar princess dashed over to Twilight and looked her over. Her normally purple wings were tinted black from the tips and almost all the way down to Twilight's back. Unfortunately, the hard landing knocked Twilight's left wing out of its socket so the limb was bent at an odd angle. “Don't worry I'll fix your wing, Twilight.” Summoning her blue magic Luna carefully turned Twilight onto her belly and focused on her injured wing. “This is going to hurt, my love. So please bare with me.” She said nuzzling Twilight's cheek.

Twilight bit back a scream as her wing was enveloped by Luna's magic and forcefully shoved back into its socket.

“Ponies...” Sounds of buzzing filled the air as the mares gazed back toward the gaping hole in the wall. “I'm surprised you aren't being affected by the corrupted magic in the air.” Aphelia grinned. “Well, well, look who it is. The Princess of the Night, Nightmare Moon.” She gave a shallow bow.

Luna stood to her full height and glared at the large changeling queen. “How dare you harm Twilight.” She seethed.

Aphelia's eyes widened as she got a better look at the mare who crashed into her. 'I-It's her. The one Avec spoke of...oh how delightful!' Her eyes narrowed in on Twilight as her drones surrounded them with but a thought through the hivemind. “The Vessel. We found her.”

Luna backed up standing directly over Twilight then used her Mage Sight. 'This changeling Queen isn't like Chrysalis if her magic anything to go by.' Even if she was an Alicorn, Luna knew she couldn't defeat the changeling queen AND her drones in her current state, even worse was the fact that Twilight's magic was very unstable at present. 'She's in no condition to use her powers right now, so what can I do?'

Aphelia chuckled. “You've certainly saved me the trouble of finding her.” Luna's horn lit up in response. “Eh. Sorry for throwing her like that.” She rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. “She surprised me.” She laughed again as Luna stared at the changeling in slight confusion.

“What?” She lowered herself over Twilight protectively.

Aphelia sighed. “Let me try again, Princess Nightmare. Ahem. I am the Changeling Queen, Aphelia of the Burning Wood.” She reached out a holed hoof in greeting.

“You'd better start explaining the reason for your presence here, Changeling.” Luna stated.

As the two sized each other up, Twilight bit her lip in anxiety as her now pointed teeth drew small drops of blood which made her yelp. 'Ow. Now what?' She drew her tongue over her serrated teeth. 'Okay, note to self: don't go biting my upper lip anymore.' She lifted the blackened wing Luna had set back into it's socket and realized the pain was no longer there. 'At least it doesn't hurt anymore.'

The Changeling Queen looked amused. “Again, I apologize for harming the little alicorn. But out of mere curiosity. How did the two of you get here like you did just now?” She tilted her head.

“Obviously we telepor-” Luna stopped herself short when she felt Twilight scramble out from beneath her and glare dangerously at Aphelia.

“Hey! We're not telling anything to the likes of you insect.” The tips of her tail and mane began to darken slightly as her anger rose at the sight of a familiar looking enemy. “Your kind attacked our home, brain washed several of our guards, tried to harm several of my friends.” She stalked toward the much larger changeling. “And worst of all...” She stood almost nose to nose with Aphelia even as the other changelings buzzed in alert. “Impersonated and almost killed my beloved mentor!!! My Mother!!”

Aphelia for her part gaped at Twilight as she hovered directly in front of her. “The one responsible for that invasion was that fool Chrysalis! Not me, Dark Mother! I swear!” She slapped a holed hoof over her mouth as she caught onto what she just called the violet mare. 'Those eyes of hers are just like the Dark Mother's!'

Twilight's voice took on a dark tone as more and more of her mane and tail turned black once more. “I don't care who's fault it was! No one harms my family! EVER!”





Twilight's horn was brimming with uncontrolled magic as her rage slammed each and every changeling into the ground with force. Causing the insectoid equines to cry out painfully, but after hearing that quiet yet soothing voice of Echo's, Twilight let go of her magic in shock. “Echo!?”

'Um, yes?' Echo sounded terribly unsure of herself.

“Where are you!? Why are you here!? I was absolutely sure I destroyed you!” Twilight shouted in disbelief.

'...You did, Mistress Twilight. But as long as you draw breath so shall I. I exist for the sole purpose of serving you...'

Twilight began to shake with anger, but reeled it in before she made another mistake under her previous self's influence. “You lied to me.”

Seeing all of this, Luna sidled up against Twilight's side and wrapped a comforting wing around her. “She's back isn't she, Twilight?” It wasn't a question but a statement as the smaller mare nodded slowly. “Shall I send it away?”

'W-What? Send me away? B-But I...' Echo recoiled as she materialized a meter or so away from the groaning changelings.

Twilight glared hatefully at the shade as Luna looked between them. “I know what you are Echo. You are a construct created by Penumbra in the case of her death. Meant to inhabit the minds of those who were next in line to be the reincarnation of Penumbra. You truly are nothing more than a parasite.” Her anger left her as feelings of betrayal settled in her gut. “I can't believe I trusted you for all of these years. I thought you were my friend, the sister I never had, or...” She trailed off as thoughts of Diamanda entered her mind. “Or at least as a sister who wouldn't betray me. Like Diamanda.”

At the mention of the crystal alicorn's name everyone but Twilight felt a shiver go down their spines. 'N-No! I didn't mean to hurt or lie to you Twilight! Especially not like Her!' Echo sobbed as she took a step forward only to be stopped by the dark grey hoof of Aphelia.

Aphelia despite being bruised in several places narrowed her eyes at the alicorns before turning around and staring directly into the open woods in the distance. “I'd hate to cut our wonderful reunion short ladies, but we have uninvited visitors.” She pointed a holed hoof toward a fast approaching group of black robed beings. Twilight and Luna felt a very familiar presence coming toward them as they also looked to the group with widened eyes.

“There's no escaping this time, Miss Sparkle.” Avec grinned as he pulled back his hood and revealed his scaled face. “Ah yes, good work Queen Aphelia for locating them for us.” He snapped a claw and four imposing armoured cultists stepped forward. “Me and the Dark Knights will take it from here.”

Aphelia glared at him. “You followed me didn't you?”

The Kirin just chuckled. “I know you and the other queens felt that disturbance earlier. It was Our Dark Goddess' magical signature, so I merely followed it but I couldn't quite grasp where it landed. Until now.” The Dark Knights closed in them. “Anyway, capture the Vessel but spare the alicorn, and kill the rest I'm sure the centaur will bring us Luna's magic in due time. We need time to prepare.”

“Centaur?” Luna muttered before her pupils shrank into pinpricks. “Oh no, you released Tirek didn't you?!”

Avec rolled his eyes. “What if I did? It's not like he's on his way to Canterlot as we speak.” He laughed as Luna's expresssion changed from panic into outright terror. “Oh you didn't know that? Too bad, but if you leave now you could possibly stop him from draining everypony dry of their magic...including your precious sister.”

Luna stood shockstock-still as she felt her blood run cold and didn't notice Twilight getting ensnared by magic and pulled away from her side. “LUNA! Let me go!!”


That snapped her out of her stupor. “Release her!” Luna ran toward Twilight as she lit horn. But before she could unleash her wrath upon Avec and his followers, the four Dark Knights surrounded her all sides with their weapons at the ready. She made to fly above them but found herself pinned down by the two largest knights.

“You're facing magical exhaustion at this point, princess.” Avec grinned. “I can feel it, your weakness. It's clear as day, Miss Twilight here drained you last night.” He pointed at the now dry bite mark on Luna's neck. “Did you forget that your lover, Our Goddess, drank blood like a Vampony?”

Luna growled as she forced the two Knights off with her wings sending them hurtling into to opposite buildings. “I did not.” The other two Dark Knights didn't move even as their fellows flew back into formation.

“Good then you're aware that with your current abilities, especially since the moon has long since set, that you couldn't possibly take us all on yourself?” Avec smugly challenged the moon princess.

Twilight watched as Luna begrudgingly nodded her head in defeat. “No! Luna, please don't leave me he-mmhfhff!!” She was cut off by a cultist who gagged her with a piece of cloth who wrapped another around her entire muzzle to keep her quiet. In retaliation, Twilight lit her horn and blasted her assailant's face with a beam of magic, causing them to yell in pain. Avec snapped his claws again as a small band formed around her horn cutting off her magic. “Mmhhhffhhgh!”

Luna grit her teeth in frustration and anger as her wings fluttered in anxiety. 'Celestia needs to be warned, but my Twilight needs my help!' As her horn lit again the Dark Knights formed a line blocking her view of Twilight.

“Not so fast, Nightmare.” Avec taunted as he drew a dagger and placed it under Twilight's neck. “One wrong move and she dies. We don't need her alive to revive Our Dark Goddess.” His grin turned outright malicious. “Well, what's it gonna be?”

Luna drew a shuddering breath. “Celestia, I need my sister for this.” She whispered. “I'll go, but mark my words. If you harm her in any way it's gonna be your head on a stake.” She backed away as Twilight thrashed around her eyes brimming with tears. “I swear Twilight, I'll return! And with my sister behind me!” She turned around blasted into the sky as fast she could in her weakened state. 'I swear I'll save you!'

Aphelia and Echo watched as the princess disappeared into the distance then their hated gazes toward Avec. “Do you realize what you have done, Avec!?” Aphelia screamed.

The cult leader waved a claw dismissively. “By the time she returns it will be too late. Besides, you two should be jumping for joy that Our Goddess will soon be with us once more.”

'Not like this!' Echo looked to the silently sobbing Twilight.

“Hmph.” Snorting, Avec snapped his claws which sent the cultists and Dark Knights into oblivion. “I was bluffing also.”

Aphelia blinked. “Physical Constructs? Those were just made from your magic?!”

Avec grinned. “Of course. The others are currently too busy setting up the ritual, spells like these take time as you know.” He withdrew the blade from Twilight throat and sheathed it within his robe. “Now come, we have business to attend to.” He levitated Twilight over then bound her wings and legs with rope. “Don't worry it will all be over soon, Miss Sparkle.” Avec laughed at Twilight's glistening face.

Echo made to charge at him to make him stop hurting Twilight, but once again Aphelia stopped her with a hoof. “Soon little shade, we just have to stall the ritual until Alicorns get here.” The changeling queen whispered as they briskly followed after the twisted Kirin.


“Avec has Twilight!?”

“Sister we must hurry! They're going to kill her!”

“Not if I have anything to say about it! Gather everypony we can, Lieutenant Flare Wing!”


The palace was in absolute chaos. Princess Luna returned breathing heavily and utterly spent, with the news that Twilight had taken by the cult leader Avec. When Celestia saw her being carried by several guard stallions and to the infirmary, she panicked. Luna was covered in dirt and bruises, suffering from blood loss and magical exhaustion. The blood loss was mostly from the bite mark on her neck from when Penumbra-turned-Twilight bit her the previous night.

Despite her worn out state, Luna told her sister everything that occurred in Dodge City which was why Princess Celestia was currently on her to Ponyville to gather Twilight's friends and the Elements of Harmony.

Luna laid in her bed chambers worrying and praying to her mother for Twilight's and her sister's safety. For she knew just how deceptive and twisted Avec was first hand. Luna despised that Kirin with all her being, she may have created the Nightmare from her own jealousy and hate, but she had it under control until Avec forcefully removed her memories of her time with Penumbra and unleashed the creature. 'It was foalish thought, I never should have even considered having my memories taken away...' She kicked herself mentally.

She looked at the I.V. Drip attached to her left foreleg and the various other beeping machines standing on both sides of her bed with slight irritation. Luna knew they were necessary due to her low blood count but she wanted nothing more right now than to rescue Twilight and destroy Avec. As she was though she couldn't even more a single limb. 'This wouldn't take so long if my Moon was up.'

The lunar mare could feel her anxiety rising every minute she spent in that bed.

If Celestia didn't make it in time...

And if Avec succeeded in reviving Penumbra...

Twilight Sparkle would die.

Her eyes bolted wide open. She couldn't let that happen. She couldn't let her love perish like she did before...


Blackness filled the chamber as a harrowing screech echoed.

The moon rose.


Princesses Celestia and Cadence stood on the outskirts of the town Twilight now called home. A firm, grim line adorned Celestia's muzzle as she watched her guards batter fruitlessly against a Dark Magic barrier surrounding the center of Ponyville. Their weapons and magic harmlessly bouncing off the dark purple shell. She could make out several cultists within the barrier. 'Channelers...perfect.' To her right sat Cadence as she attempted to calm Twilight's friends, while Spike was assisting the Solar guard with his fire breath.

They had arrived as soon as that barrier went up and engulfed the entirety of center Ponyville. The ponies who could not escape were soon captured by the Cult and locked up in Town Hall. From what Celestia had gathered from the Bearers and the local guard; was that the cult had shown up out of nowhere and started attacking ponies then had set the barrier up soon after. There was no big announcement by the cult's leader or by his various races of followers.

By how fast everything had been set up Celestia could of easily gathered that Cult had been here in Ponyville for far longer than she had previously speculated. “Right under my nose this whole time.” She snorted with a grimace. “How careless of me.”

Avec grinned as his fellow cultists tied a struggling Twilight to an sacrificial altar. “Please, stop making a fuss Miss Sparkle, your body will soon be the vessel for our Beloved Dark Goddess.”

“Buck you!” Twilight yelled as she glared daggers at the Kirin. At first she was terrified and in the pits of despair when Luna left as the cultists took her away. But now she felt a familiar anger well up inside her scarred chest.

“Hmph.” He snorted as two more ropes were wrapped Twilight's fore-hooves and tied to the base of the altar. “It'll be a painful experience yes, but by the end you'll be in a painless slumber.” He stroked Twilight's cheek with a claw. “Don't worry the process is quite simple. Once the circle is complete, we'll open a portal to the spirit realm and draw our Goddess' soul back here.” Twilight stopped glaring. “See this mark on your chest? We're going to slice it open and let your blood pour into each of the pools below you.” Her eyes widened in terror as he circled her. “Once you're on your death rows, we'll draw Empress Penumbra's soul into your body and the ritual will be complete.”

Twilight felt her blood freeze in her veins. Avec laughed uproariously at her expression. “Yes, you'll die but our Goddess will live once again. You're just a mere vessel for our Goddess' magic after all, you're expendable. Hehhehehaahahahaaaa!!!” He continued laughing.




“SOMEPONY! ANYPONY!! HELP ME!!!” Twilight screamed.

Author's Note:

-EclipseGuardian- Typos corrected

Editor’s Comment: Hi there everypony, if this doesn’t get posted then I think I’ve wasted my time writing this but there we go. I’m rather new to this editing thing, but I am so glad that Eclipse let me edit I’m sure that I missed a few things. See you in the next chapter! -eddie howell-