• Published 17th May 2015
  • 4,171 Views, 129 Comments

My Glory - Eclipse Guardian

Within the mare known as Twilight Sparkle, there is a darkness that wishes to raise her up high as Empress of Equestria. But where did this darkness come from and why is it so set upon Twilight?

  • ...

Diamanda - Part 3

-The Crystal Empire-

Why are we here? I thought we were going after Tirek?

...There's something I need to know.

But you said it yourself, Tirek needed to be dealt with first.



...I was doing just that, but she called to me.


Yes, she said she knew his exact whereabouts and my guards haven't found him yet. Tirek is a major threat I must find him before he grows too strong. And Diamanda is still a dear friend of mine.


Celestia and Cadence, stood before the crystal barrier protecting the empire. “Cadence, your thoughts?”

Cadence looked over to her aunt with a fearful look despite the battalion of guards at their sides. “Not much to say. But...she scares me.”

Celestia wrapped a wing around her. “Be strong. Diamanda is a lot of things but she wouldn't harm anyone.” 'I hope...'

The younger princess wasn't so sure. 'Dainty. That's how most ponies would describe her, but the feeling of her presence has changed so drastically.' Cadence touched the crystal, feeling its intense cold. 'This isn't normal, something is very wrong here.'


An opening appeared as a few of the crystals shifted out of the way as if beckoning the Alicorns. Celestia was the first to step forward.

Cadence hesitated. Celestia who was usually so composed and regal, was acting on impulse more these days. 'Just what did Diamanda do to her in the mines?' She was forced out of her thoughts by Celestia who was giving her a weary look. “Oh sorry!” She said before following the elder alicorn.

The crystal closed behind them as they passed through both barriers with ease. An eerie blue light covered the Empire, the crystal ponies wore smiles as wide as Pinkie's. The Spire was as magnificent as always but the princesses neared where the Heart was they gasped in surprise. “The...The Crystal Heart where is it?” Cadence stammered.

Celestia felt her magic respond to something in the air.

Ah, Celestia you have returned. I await you in the throne room, come take your time I eagerly await your presence.

The door to their side opened up. “This way Cadence, but stay behind me.” Celestia took a deep breath before entering the palace, Cadence not too far behind her.




The halls were empty except for the occasional crystal guard, Celestia's own guard formed a circle around their rulers keeping an eye on their surroundings. Both alicorns were silent the entire time neither of them willing to let their guard down regardless of the peaceful quiet.

Celestia could feel Diamanda's tainted magic from every corner of the building and it only got stronger the further they trotted toward the throne room.

Cadence could feel it too but she refused to let it consume her thoughts. 'Whatever is wrong with my Grandmother, we'll be able to handle it...' Despite her words, Cadence still felt wholly creeped out by the dense magic.

“The Queen is waiting for you, but she insists that your entourage remain here during the meeting.” A Crystal Mare said as she eyed them before the open door leading to the Throne.

Celestia eyed her back, taking in her giddy posture. 'Hmm.' “Alright, Captain.” Her guards saluted as they took positions along the hallway. With a nod Celestia trotted through the door and stared into Diamanda's draconic eyes.

Diamanda grinned as she stood up and raised a hoof slightly. “Welcome fellow Alicorns to MY Crystal Empire.” She said before slamming the door shut with her magic.

Celestia unfurled her wings. “...Diamanda.”

“Celestia.” Diamanda responded.

The solar mare felt her legs tense as she sized up Diamanda. “You haven't changed much.”

Diamanda stepped down from her throne. “As have you, but your power is very different from last we met.”

Celestia stepped closer. “Times change Diamanda.”

Diamanda copied her movements until both mares stood mere inches from each other. “How you have grown, Celestia. I'm surprised truly, when we met in the mines I couldn't actually see your face.” She leaned forward. “Have you come to take up my offer?”

Celestia frowned at Diamanda's grinning face. “No, I am here for the information on Tirek's location. You claimed to know of him.”

Diamanda leaned closer touching her helmeted forehead to Celestia's. “I do. But he is of no actual concern of mine.”

Celestia felt the need to gape but stopped herself. “What do you mean?”

The crystal queen laughed. “The Centaur is a fool Celestia. In his greed for the magic of Equestria he is blind to all...even me.” She stepped back and began circling Celestia like a predator. “I will tell you of his location, but first I want to make sure you're up to the challenge of dealing with him.”

Celestia, sensing danger summoned her magic and glared at Diamanda as she stopped directly in front of her. “And how are you going to do that?” She had a feeling that something was horribly wrong with Diamanda, but her close proximity and the cold aura she gave off proved it.

“Why are you so antagonized by me, Celestia? We're friends aren't we?” Diamanda leaned forward. “...Don't you love me?” She whispered with a enticing grin.

Celestia merely smiled. “You know my answer to that question already, Diamanda.” She gently pushed the other mare away with a hoof.

Both alicorns stared at each other for a long moment neither giving an inch, until Diamanda shook her head and walked back to her throne. “...” She sat down, then removed her helmet. “You sure have changed, little Tia.” Celestia's feathers bristled as the room became suddenly cold. “While our sisters were off gallivanting in their courtship, we were left to our own devices.”

Celestia looked at Cadence for a moment before looking back to the shuddering form of Diamanda. “We are friends, Diamanda.” Celestia said taking a step back.

“Friends...is that right? We couldn't be more? Celestia, my little ones need me, my...home needed me...” Diamanda whimpered as she looked away.

Celestia flinched. 'How fragile is she?'

“My Penumbra had your sister as her mate, I asked you to be mine once as well but you turned me down...” Diamanda turned her head back to the other alicorns. “Tirek was in Las Pegasus...but as I said before you need not worry yourself over him.”

Cadence and Celestia suddenly found themselves trapped within as crystals formed over the doors and windows effectively sealing them within. “What is going on?” Cadence asked alarmingly as she powered up her horn.

Celestia had a similar thought. “Diamanda?”

Diamanda abruptly stood up. “You can feel it can't you? My sister has returned to Tartarus, so I have nothing restricting me now.”

“Restricting?” Celestia surrounded herself and Cadence within a barrier.

“There is always some truth to everything we do as Alicorns, Celly.” Diamanda's horn began to glow. “I failed my own sister as her rage took over, I failed my own little ones.” She gazed up in remembrance.

Cadence glared at her grandmother. “Celestia please tell me you have an escape route.”

The elder alicorn gave her niece a weak grin. “Only one. The staircase leading down below us.” She said as she flared her majestic wings. Cadence looked down.

Diamanda snapped her gaze cold gaze toward Celestia. “I won't fail this time, Celestia. I called you here so we could join together. Tirek won't stand a chance against both of us.” She lunged at Celestia. “Together!”

Celestia teleported herself around Diamanda as Cadence took the air. 'The taint is getting stronger! So this is why.' She thought sadly. She now understood the reason for the taint in Diamanda's magic, some time ago she had compared it to the taint that had corrupted her sister which led to her becoming Nightmare Moon. 'Why did this happen? She was so sweet and kind to everypony.' Flashes of Penumbra's death sprang to her mind as she locked horns with Diamanda. In her eyes, Celestia could see the madness, the cold malice hiding her blue draconic pupils. 'Dia...'

Cadence watched as the two battled for dominance, but something else also caught her attention which were the crystal guards. “They aren't moving at all.”

Diamanda grinned madly at Celestia as she pushed her back. “Be fair Celestia...”

Celestia dodged as a lone spike of crystal nearly impaled her forelegs. “Diamanda how has this happened to you? You knew about the reincarnation of us alicorns! Do you still blame yourself for Penumbra's death!?” Celestia demanded as she locked she horns with Diamanda again.

Diamanda's eyes glossed over for a moment at the mention of her sister's demise before they hardened. “It was unavoidable.” She growled as she forced Celestia onto her side and attempted to bring her hooves down.

Celestia raised another shield stopping Diamanda's armoured hooves from hitting her abdomen. “...Cadence find a way to break a way out! I'll keep her busy!” She ordered as she jumped back to her hooves and tackled Diamanda to the floor.

Cadence snapped out of her stupor and quickly got to work on the crystal blocking the door, she could make out the sounds of fighting outside of the throne room as well. “We need to leave!”

Diamanda grunted as she flapped her wings uselessly against the floor trying to get away from Celestia. “Stop fighting me, Celestia. The true evil is out there! It's everywhere...”

Celestia hit the ceiling when Diamanda blasted her with magic. Thankfully being an alicorn had saved her from any real damage but the pain was still there. She noticed more spikes of crystal rushing toward her, so she teleported again as they hit the roof.

Diamanda felt her left eye twitch as her grin became a frown. “You are stronger.”

“I spent the last thousand years ruling and protecting Equestria by myself.” The white alicorns stood apart from each other both glaring at the other. “Diamanda, what are you doing?”

“Doing what must be done. I can see the sins, all of them. I can see the weight you carry the same one I do.” Diamanda charged once more but Celestia was ready for her this time.

“I will stop you, Diamanda...even if you are a Nightmare.” Celestia breathed deep and lit her horn.

It went terribly. Despite Diamanda being weaker than she once was, her skill with crystals was nothing to scoff at. Celestia found herself trapped within a triangular prison made of four crystals, her horn was also covered with a crystal cone which cut off her magic. 'How could I have underestimated her?' She had been in this situation before when Chrysalis had sealed her within the Crystal Mines, but here before a grinning mad Diamanda...

Diamanda was panting, her magic almost spent due to her fight with the other alicorns. “Powerful, you are something else Celestia. I underestimated your power.” Her sweat froze as her it touched her coat. “You as well, my granddaughter.” Diamanda nuzzled Cadence's unconscious face.

Diamanda trotted over to Celestia's prison. “Your flying skills are greater than mine...” She flexed her great crystal wings. “But enough about that. Why do you fight me, Celestia?” She asked as her chest plate split in two and fell to the floor, revealing multiple scorch marks across her chest due to Celestia's magic.

Celestia stood stoically, her composure not lost even though she was otherwise trapped. “...Nightmare.”

Diamanda raised an eyebrow. “Me?” She grinned. “No, I have not succumbed, if that's what you believe.”


Diamanda reached in her hoof phasing through the crystal as if it wasn't there, and cupped Celestia's cheek. Her cold touch causing the solar mare to shiver. “Tirek is in Canterlot now. My loyal ponies have kept a close eye on him for some time now.” Celestia's eyes widened in panic. “Do not worry, you will be strong enough to face him. Tirek went there to steal your magic.” Diamanda leaned in placing her lips near Celestia's. “I won't let him harm Our little ones any further.”

Backing away, Celestia smacked Diamanda's hoof away. “Stop, Diamanda. You know what we agreed.”

Diamanda chuckled as she set her hoof back on the floor. “I do, even though I wish for us to be one.” She turned away. The room flashed away as they reappeared atop the Spire, looking out into the empire. “...The world is in turmoil, Celestia.”

Celestia put a hoof on the crystal. 'Luna, Twilight...'

“I seek to rectify this...chaos. This impurity that has ravaged Our world.” Diamanda intoned as she stamped a hoof.

Celestia centered herself reaching deep within for her connection with the sun.

“I can see how the ponies have been affected.” Diamanda flared her wings. “They will be cleansed.”

There. The sun was calling out to her, it could feel her warring emotions. Celestia felt a warmth fill her weary body as her strength returned.

“No, not just the ponies, all living things.” Celestia heard the madness in Diamanda's voice. “I spent over a thousand years in a prison of my own making, guilt ridden over killing my own sister. You merely sealed yours within the moon, mine perished.” Diamanda circled back to Celestia. “...My world is dead, Celestia. It never had hope, even with all my power.”

Celestia gazed into Diamanda's crazed eyes. “Your world? What are you talking about?”

“Like your Sun or Luna's Moon even my sister's dark underworld. Mine was a beautiful place, made of flawless crystal, even the very beings it housed...until it fell into decay.” Diamanda's grin widened to an unnatural size. “I won't let it happen here too.”

Celestia had heard enough. Diamanda was clearly no longer her old friend, and had given into her own insanity. But she had something else to do first as she saw Cadence crawling up the stair at the corner of her eye. 'We know where Tirek is, but Diamanda is just as dangerous as Discord.' Her magic radiated out from her body as the heat became too much for the crystal around her.

“With you by my side, We can succeed. We will succeed.” Diamanda's eyes began to glow.“Together.”

Celestia slammed her eyelids together and released her magic blasting the crystal apart and sending Diamanda into a pillar. “No!” She grabbed Cadence in her magic. “The guards!?”

Cadence nodded quickly. “They're waiting near the border!”

With that Celestia launched into the air with a single powerful flap. Diamanda weakly climbed to her feet, the impact making her dizzy. “Celestia!”

The princess ignored her and flew away from the Spire in haste heading for the crystal barrier. “What about that?!” Cadence yelled over the wind.

Celestia's mane burst into flames. “Let me worry about that!” A beam of concentrated plasma hit the barrier melting a large hole through it. “Tirek first! Then we'll gather my sister and Penumbra!” Celestia took notice of her guards heading through the gap she created behind her, right as the crystal reformed.

“Whatever Diamanda is planning...we will be ready.” Celestia declared even as her eyes let out a small bluish glow that went unnoticed.


Penumbra and Luna snuggled in the larger mare's bed chamber upon several plush cushions. Penumbra carefully extracted her fangs from Luna's neck. “Thank you, Luwa.” She nuzzled her neck while licking the blood away.

Luna giggled as her mate's tongue tickled her neck. “I don't mind, love.” She whispered as she watched the flames flicker in the fireplace. The dark mare winced as her scar pulsed. “It still hurts doesn't it?”

“Dia left her mark.” Penumbra put a hoof to her chest over the glowing white scar. “A permanent mark it seems. Even if I have a new body.”

I don't have time for friends, Spike.

'Another flash of memory.' Penumbra leaned more into Luna. “Luwa...just who am I? This Twilight Sparkle they speak of, or Penumbra?”

“I cannot tell you, it's something you must find out for yourself.” Luna held Penumbra's face close so they could look into each other's eyes. “How are your sessions with Fluttershy going?”

Penumbra sighed. “Well enough I suppose. She surely is suited for the Element of Kindness.” She looked out the window. “Memories. Not ones I recognize just...appear from time to time.” She smiled at Luna. “Speaking of which, Luwa. Would you like to visit that place?”

Luna tilted her head before recognition filled her eyes. “Oh...” She blushed. “Where we first...confessed.”

Penumbra stood up and trotted to the open balcony. “Yes, I figured it would clear our heads.” Luna followed her into the air as the pair flew close together. Penumbra lead as they passed over the rolling green hills of the dark mare's world. They grey sky above shone with an otherworldly light, bathing them in a warm glow.

Luna looked up noticing how her sister's sun was visible even in this realm. Then she figured the possibility of her moon shining during the night. 'Nightmare Moon's influence must have extended to here as well, before we were banished.' Luna could feel the moon's current position above Equestria signalling it being night there. Tartarus was clearly of a different time frame than Equestria.

A half hour passed as the pair landed within a open glade. Pink lilies and moon flowers surrounded them. “It hasn't changed at all.” Penumbra whispered as she sniffed a moon flower.

Luna took a few steps forward and sat down. 'This place...' She smiled as she took in the marvellous scent of the meadow.

Penumbra gazed over her shoulder. 'Luna is my one and only. It was her who was pulled me out of that dark pit of despair all those years ago.' She looked up smiling. “This place sure brings back memories.”

Luna started gazing back to her mate. “Yes, it does.” She layed down on her belly. “How did it go again? My minds a little fuzzy.”

Neither mare looked at the other as they gathered their thoughts. Penumbra broke the silence after a peaceful ten minutes had passed. “I was here calling out and cursing if you recall.” She chuckled wistfully.

“Yes, something about 'bone headed imbeciles'.” Luna responded with a soft smile.

“Your use of the Royal We was cute back then.” The dark mare flicked her tail. “You told me of your own troubles, despite my hostility. You even welcomed my grievances.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Mine we're just as bad. By my mother, even my mane was unkempt and unruly at the time.”

Penumbra sat down. “That's an understatement, the wind was horrible that day. You came here and found me yelling to myself, and than started yelling about how ponies weren't paying you enough attention and treating you like a child.”

“Of course. But then you looked at me and told me how childish I was being.”

They both went like this over a time, both recalling memories both sweet and bitter and all without looking at each other even once.




Luna stood and flew onto Penumbra's back, startling the black mare. “Luwa?”

“I missed you. So much.” Luna wrapped her hooves around Penumbra's neck taking in her scent.

Penumbra lowered herself down to her belly and nuzzled Luna. “I am so sorry for leaving you like that.” She whispered.

“I already forgave you, it's not your fault after all. It's...” Luna tightened her grip. “That witch you have for a sister.” She growled hatefully.

Penumbra said nothing for a moment before sighing. “You hate her?”

“I can't help it, Penny. It was her who...killed you.” Luna used her feathers to rub upon Penumbra's wings.

Penumbra frowned. “I...” Her words failed her.

Luna hugged her mate tighter. “I don't wish to lose you again.” She whispered longingly as Penumbra hugged her back.

-The Crystal Spire-

Diamanda gazed out from her spire as the unicorn fidgeted on her hooves beside her. “A world of crystal, a beautiful one , a world free of war, no pain and suffering. A perfect utopia.” The alicorn turned and walked to the center of the spire.

Crysta's face fell in concern as she looked over shoulder. “I-I don't know my queen.” She stuttered.

Diamanda summoned the Crystal Heart levitating it in her magical aura. “Don't be scared my dear Crysta, all will come to light...soon.” She grinned coldly. “Celestia may have turned down my offer, but even she will join me in the end.” She heard the voice within the Heart scream. “Whether she wants to or not.”

A wisp of dark magic caught her attention as ponies in black cloaks started fleeing the spire in a hurry due to one of their number gasping. Diamanda flared her wings. “You lot!” Golden Mural shed her cloak and raised a wall of black crystal similar to Sombra's to block Diamanda's advance. The alicorn lowered her horn and shattered the barrier with ease. “You will not escape me...”

Golden Mural panicked. “Buck!” Diamanda trapped her within a pyramid of crystal so she couldn't escape.

Diamanda flew off after the flying cultists. “Traitors of a false belief!” She yelled as she pelted the pegasi out of the air with her magic.

Golden Mural watched in horror as her fellows were incapacitated one by one. The earth mare gathered up what magic she could and tried forcing the crystal apart but it was no use. “What is this? I feel...weaker.” She looked to find her legs were turning into crystal. “What!?”

The white alicorn's crystal pony guards soon came helping her capture the cultists. “Bring each of them to me.” She herself pinned one the cloaked cultists under her hoof. “I will purify you.” Diamanda grinned before tearing the cloak off. “A Griffon?”

Reaper reached for his scythe and lodged its blade into the alicorn's side causing her to scream. “Nice try, witch!” He kicked her off with force sending the alicorn crashing into a building.

As he stood back up, Diamanda flew back into view with the scythe stuck into her abdomen and blood pouring down her side. She frowned. “...” Using a wing Diamanda ripped the weapon out, her blood splattering on the street.

Reaper gaped. “That should've killed you!” He took a step back when Diamanda's draconic eyes narrowed at him.

“On a normal pony, yes. It would have.” Diamanda flared her large wings. “But I am an Alicorn. You can't kill me with weapons like this.” With a powerful swipe of her wing, Diamanda threw the scythe at Reaper with frightening speed.

The black Griffon barely managed to avoid the weapon gorging his throat by jumping to the side as it embedded itself into a wall. “Damn!”

Diamanda grinned cruelly and stamped a hoof. “I would run, child.”

Before Reaper could react, several extremely sharp crystals burst from the ground. “Whoa!” He flew back but one of the crystals buried itself into his left wing. “Gaahhh!” He fell to the ground in a heap groaning in pain.

Diamanda's horn glowed. “Soon you will feel no pain.” She drew closer.

Reaper glared at her and spat in her direction. “Buck you!”

Diamanda sneered at his tone. “You disgust me...” She raised a crystal above his head. “Atone for your sins in your next life.” The crystal descended...

Only for it to be lodged in someone else. Reaper's eyes went wide as Golden Mural stood above him, the crystal sticking through her chest and back. “R-Run...Reaper...warn the Empress...” She coughed as blood dripped down her throat.

Diamanda stood stock still as Reaper nodded and bolted away. “...” A particularly painful memory flashed through her mind. 'Sister...' She stared at Golden Mural with the crystal pierced through her chest. “...I killed her...”

Golden fell as the crystal retracted back into the ground. She glared up at the alicorn. “Crystal Witch...”

Diamanda began laughing hysterically. “Hahahahahhahaa!!! I killed a pony! Again!” The dying pony looked at her in growing confusion. “Why do you looked so surprised?” The air went cold as her grin widened. “Killing my sister was absolutely horrifying for me, but killing a mortal pony is not something I would have ever done. Not a second time...” Diamanda stood there unmoving for a full minute before shaking her head. “...Hmm, I have an idea...stay still.”

Golden Mural shook in terror as another crystal appeared and stabbed her back. The pain was excruciating, she looked down to her already crystallized hooves as they crystal spread further up her body. “W-What are...y-you...” She croaked.

Diamanda merely laughed as she flew back into the air. “I have not captured all of your fellows, some escaped...”

Golden Mural felt her eyes close as her visioned darkened. “...Twilight Sparkle...you are our only...hope...forgive me my Empress.” She intoned before blacking out.