• Published 17th May 2012
  • 3,592 Views, 244 Comments

Sketchy Salad Serenata - Sketchy Sounds

A direct sequel to Sketchy Salad Symphony. Picks up not long after it left off.

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The days were beginning to shorten in the royal city of Canterlot. Autumn was most certainly on its way as the year crept slowly on through August, though the daylight hours were still sunny and warm. The capital of Equestria was, however, still a delightfully colourful place; although the floral hues of spring had long since faded, and the bright tones of assorted ponies in fashionable summer wear were beginning to become less common, the city was still painted with a veritable smorgasbord. The leaves of the assorted trees that dotted the city were beginning to turn, thus coating the town with an array of golden browns and yellows.

It was one of the most beautiful times of year to be a resident of Canterlot - and as the sun began its lazy descent into the afternoon of the day, two of its residents were sat outside enjoying the weather. One of them was a large earth pony stallion with a light brown mane and tail, contrasted by a grey-white coat. His ocean green eyes were currently roving back and forth over a few sheets of paper laid on the little bistro table before him. He reached over and picked up the glass of iced tea sat atop one of the sheets, taking a small draught from the temporary paperweight before setting it back down.

“How is it going there, dear?”

His attention moved from the letter in front of him to the pony sat opposite him. He smiled, as her face was something that was always a pleasure to behold for him. It was easy to see why; the stone grey coated earth pony filling his vision was one of refined beauty. Her ebony mane was thick and lustrous, immaculately combed, and styled in a very understated fashion. It was a perfect contrast to her eyes, which were of a striking violet hue. She smiled in turn and tilted her head slightly to the side, silently prompting him for an answer.

“I think I’ve covered everything, Tavy.” he smiled. This was the nickname he had adopted for the pony in his company, though her proper name was in fact Octavia. It was a name that was known far beyond the boundaries of the capital city, for she had travelled far and wide with the Canterlot Royal Symphony Orchestra as one of its star performers. Her capabilities with the cello were held in great renown by those in classical circles; she was one whose name you only had to speak to such ponies for them to know exactly whom you were referring to.

“Excellent, Sketchy. Perhaps we may even catch the afternoon collection, then.”

That was his name, or part of it: Sketchy Sounds. Up until recently, he had not been a pony of any particular renown, save for having had his work exhibited a scant few times in some smaller galleries on occasion. As per his name and the mark upon his flank, he was a pony skilled in both the arts of music and visual media. He could not compare to the level of exceptional skill possessed by the pony sat opposite him in terms of music, of course - although he would not want to have been compared to her, either.

Still, he had become much more well known just around half a month ago. That had been due to Octavia, or to put it more precisely, it had been because he and the famed cellist had fallen for each other and started to see each other in a romantic context. It had made the local newspapers when Octavia had chosen to make her feelings toward him known through nothing less than a beautiful composition she had written of their relationship. That on its own would not have been newsworthy, but the cellist had chosen to perform the piece as an addendum to the Summer Equinox Celebration - hence most of Canterlot had heard it, including Princess Luna herself. He had been left speechless by it, but nevertheless thoroughly delighted.

“We might just! I’m just gonna finish checking this over before I send it off.”

Octavia nodded, taking a sip of her own favoured beverage, a contented smile on her face.

“Very well, dear. Take your time.”

Sketchy grinned, flashed her a wink, and dropped his gaze back to the paper. He resumed mentally reading where he had left off.

So, besides that big news, I’ve had other things going on too. I had probably the most exciting client ever for a commission. I can’t even tell you who thanks to being more or less sworn to secrecy, though I’ll be happy to show you the references when you’re next in town.

Speaking of, when do you reckon you’ll stop by? I remember you saying you’d probably have time and money to hoof later this year. I’d love to see you, and Octavia’s rather anxious to meet you too. Perhaps a little too anxious: when I told her you might come to town some time this month or next, she went a bit pale. You’ll have to drop by soon and let her see you’re nothing to be scared of. And besides, I miss you.

Oh also, Freezy’s been getting pretty close to a guy from Cape Sunrise. Last I heard, he’d headed back there for a spell - but I figure it won’t be long ‘fore we see him around town again. I sure hope so anyway, I can tell she misses him more than she’s letting on.

He paused, thinking over that with a smile. “Freezy” was the shorthand name he had for one of his closest friends; a pegasus by the name of Freeze Pop. She was one of the finest examples of a Royal Guard he had ever met: devoted, dedicated, unswervingly loyal and utterly dependable. She was also very sturdily built, and naught but a few inches or so shorter than himself. The two had been friends since foalhood, and been by turns an ever-present confidante and rival.

During the weeks that had led to the Equinox concert, the pegasus mare had met a slightly shy and retiring pegasus named Blacklight. She had taken to addressing him by the nickname of “Blackie”, and unlike her relationships with other pegasi around Canterlot, she had indeed become somewhat fond of him. Sketchy still didn’t fully understand it himself; in many ways the two were polar opposites, after all. His friend was quite large, strong-willed, somewhat extroverted and self-assured, and she wasn’t afraid to “call a spade a bloody shovel”, as she would put it. Her potential suitor, by contrast, was of average stature, somewhat shy and quiet, and generally only spoke up if spoken to in the first place.

He shrugged to himself and kept reading.

Seems like maybe some time soon she won’t be flying solo any more. Well OK, they’re pretty much already dating. I dunno if she’s really fallen for him though. Guess we’ll see in due course.

Oh and of course I can’t really go sending you word from here without making mention of Sally. She’s the same as ever she was - well, apart from her having grown, of course. These past several months she’s really matured, too. You’ll really have to see her yourself to believe it.

Ah yes, Sally. Yet another nickname, for his culinarily gifted unicorn friend Salad Sandwich. The filly was a living ray of sunshine, always cheerful and hospitable. That was probably why it was that she now worked in her parents’ sandwich bar, where she spent all day engaging her culinary talents and chattering to patrons. Of all the ponies he knew, Sally was his oldest and closest friend. The two had been neighbours during his foalhood, and their relationship was closer to that of brother and sister than just simply best friends. This was probably due to the fact that neither one had siblings of their own, and hence had found in each other something they had not been naturally blessed with. It helped that Salad’s parents were as welcoming as she herself was, and they had welcomed the young colt almost like a member of their family even from early on.

It had helped as well that, being neighbours, his parents had become closely acquainted with Salad’s. It had meant that it was very easy for the young foals to call on each other, and it was not uncommon for them to come and go from each others’ homes with nigh-on free rein.

I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you too - and I know you’ll want to call on her folks. I expect you’ve a lot of catching up to do as per always.

Anyways, I think that’s all there is to report. Do let me know when you expect to be in town soon as you can, I’m really looking forward to seeing you.

All my love and hope to see you soon,


“Hmmm. I think it’s ready.” he smiled, carefully folding up the pieces of paper. He tucked them into an envelope before him, sealing it shut.

“Excellent. I am sure your mother will be delighted to receive news from you, especially with her living so very far away these days. The journey from the Amareicas is not one to be taken lightly.”

“It’s not, no. She said in her last letter that she’d undertake it soon, though. I really am looking forward to it, I’ve not seen her in absolutely ages.”

“As am I, dear.” Octavia nodded, though there was a tone of apprehension in her voice. “Though I confess, I am slightly unnerved by the prospect. It is imperative I make a good impression on her.”

Sketchy smiled fondly to her at that. “Octavia my love, I can tell you now she is going to love you. You’re every inch a proper lady, yet you have all four hooves planted firmly on the ground. My mum’s sure to recognise that, and she’ll love you for it.”

“I suppose I shall simply have to see when the time comes.” Octavia nodded, though she smiled in turn at his reassurance. “Well then, you had better get that letter posted.”

“I better had.” the stallion agreed. He then noticed a distracted look on his lady friend’s face. “...uh, something up?”

“It is nothing, dear. I just have this nagging feeling that I am forgetting something. Something important...” the cellist replied. Her eyes then widened in abject horror. “Oh... oh no! Oh goodness me, how could I have forgotten!?”

“What, what is it?” Sketchy inquired alarmedly, a little unnerved by her sudden upset. The cellist looked back to him with dinner plate sized eyes.

“Tonight is lesson night!”

Sketchy’s mouth fell open at that, and he winced as he drew in a sharp breath. “Oh gosh... we should tidy things up a bit. Oh, I should go get this letter posted first though. I’ll be back soon as possible!”

“Yes yes my dear, do so!” Octavia nodded, rising hastily from her seat. The two were sat outside the front of her home, which was a modest sized cottage close to the outskirts of Canterlot. It was far enough removed from the city centre to be in a quiet neighbourhood, yet still close enough to be in walking distance of most of the amenities. Nestled back among trees and hedges, it was quite the idyllic dwelling. It was here that Octavia had spent her time when she had been composing the music that was later played for the Summer Equinox.

Most of the time, her home was a delightful haven where she was able to shut out the outside world and focus on the joys of her life - but right now it was a hive of frenzied activity as she hurried inside to make her home presentable. That wasn’t to say that she didn’t already keep it very tidy most of the time anyway, but it had to be said that whenever she had her stallion companion round, tending to the upkeep of her home’s tidy appearance tended to lapse on her list of priorities. That would not do, for she was to tend to the tuition of a fellow musician tonight. That on its own would be cause enough for her to need to tidy, but what made her activity all the more frantic was that her student was no ordinary student.

Some months back, at about the same time as Octavia had been approached by Princess Luna for the task of composing music for the Summer Equinox, the alicorn had submitted another more personal request. She still remembered the letter even now that had arrived, requesting that she, a mere mortal earth pony musician, assist the elegant and immortal Princess of the Moon in re-acquiring her former talent for music - a talent which, the Princess had stated, was “ever so slightly dusty”.

Naturally, she had agreed to it. To even be considered for such a task was an unfathomable honour for any musician, and she would not have dreamed of turning down a request from one of the royal sisters themselves. There had, however, been a few conditions placed upon her agreement. Luna had insisted on almost total secrecy: she wanted no-one to know of her undertaking Octavia’s tuition, lest word get back to her sister. She had explained this as due to a desire to surprise the Sun Princess with her re-kindled skill at an appropriate moment, and it would ruin said surprise if word were to get out.

With that said, she had decided to trust her stallion suitor with the information roughly a week after the concert that brought them into a deeper relationship had passed. It was a far easier thing than having to make up some reason as to why she would not have time to spend with him on certain nights of the week when he knew full well she currently had no composition or rehearsal commitments currently. As she had expected, of course, he had made her a solemn promise to keep her secret.

Nevertheless, Octavia was still somewhat frazzled as she scurried around her home, dusting surfaces, righting books, arranging everything just so. There was one other additional factor to her stress over the lesson she was to give, and that was the fact that, as opposed to previous visits from Her Highness, Octavia had decided to allow Sketchy to remain at her home whilst the Princess called round. It made sense to do so, after all: if the alicorn would be comfortable with his presence during her lessons, it would mean not having to turn him away on a regular basis - which was something she didn’t like having to do.

Strange how much one’s perceptions change when they no longer have simply themselves to think of.

She heard the sound of Sketchy returning from posting off his letter. His voice sounded from the vicinity of the hall, as she continued to scurry around picking up the already well organised home.

“D’you need any help, lass?”

“I am doing just fine, dear! I just need to hurry--OOF!” she replied, as she tripped over the carpet leading towards where his voice had come from. It took only a moment for him to arrive where she had fallen and help her back up to her feet.

“You sure you’re alright?”

“Oh, I am fine. Dumb rug...” she replied huffily. “I simply feel as though I am forgetting something, however! Violin is prepared, tea is ready to be made, home is cleaned, the gardener has been round, everything is in its place.” she stated, rattling off her mental checklist of all that was needed.

“Hmm...” the stallion nodded, his eyes turning to the side as he thought over all she’d just mentioned. His eyes then lit up as he looked back to her with a smile. If he had been blessed with fingers, he would have snapped them. “I know!”

Octvaia glanced frantically from the view of the slowly setting sun to her stallion companion. “What, what is it? Quickly!”


A loud gasp escaped the cellist’s throat at that. Of course! She had promised the Princess that on her next visit, she would ensure that she had one of her favourite snacks on hand - and there was no-one better suited to the task of providing that on short notice and high quality than the unicorn chef she and Sketchy were acquainted with.

“Oh... my... gosh...” she nodded, taking deep breaths. “You are right! Dear, do you think you can--”

“--run on down to Graze and pick some eats up? I’ll be back before you know it!” Sketchy cut in with a smile. The cellist gave him a grateful nod and hastily rummaged in one of her bags, tossing him a small bag of bits.

“Here, this is more than enough - and make sure to get something for yourself. Oh! And one more thing, if you return and the guards are outside, do not just rush in! Make sure to tell them who you are, I shall tell them to expect you!”

“Will do! Oh and as for you...” he replied, pausing to lean his head down and kiss her affectionately, albeit briefly. “Settle down and stop panicking. You’re a professional after all - and you know Her Highness is very appreciative of you. Everything’s gonna be fine.”

“You are right, of course you are right--oh dear, please do hurry though! I shall be fine!”

The stallion nodded, turning tail and bolting out the door with the bag she had tossed him held securely in his teeth. Rather than open the front gate for himself when he reached the end of the path, he simply vaulted over it like a racehorse in a steeplechase before clattering off down the road.

Octavia watched him go, then turned back to look over her home once more. After a few moments’ careful inspection, she realised she had left the front door ajar. She moved to close it properly, but it refused to go all the way. She pulled it open a bit to inspect the step for blockages - and she let out a slight gasp when she found one.

Stood on the doorstep was a Royal Guard, silent and stony-faced as was the usual expression to be found on the stoic soldiers’ faces. The cellist’s eyes widened and she stepped back and to one side to let him pass. This was, after all, a ritual she had become used to by now: prior to the arrival of Princess Luna, her bodyguard would show up to perform a sweep of the house to ensure there were no lurking ne’er-do-wells present. It was something that took only a minute or so, and the Guard she had found at her door wordlessly marched past her to carry out that very task.

It wasn’t long before the armoured pegasus returned, and Octavia cleared her throat to get his attention. “Do pardon me, sir... there will be another pony joining us tonight. His name is Sketchy, Sketchy Sounds... when he returns, please allow him safe passage.”

The Guard listened quietly, his expression unchanging, and then gave a single nod of his head as he strode back outside to stand at attention in the front garden. Octavia ran back through to the living room of her house, peering out the window as the sun vanished beyond the horizon. She strained her ears, listening out for even the faintest sound of galloping hooves coming back in this direction before she would hear the sound of descending wings. However, after what felt like a short eternity spent standing in silence, she heard the latter sound first. She initially thought that perhaps she imagined it, but she then heard the telltale sound of the Moon Princess’s glassy slippered hooves touching the cobblestone. She knew then that her mind was not playing tricks, and she hurried to the entranceway to make her guest welcome, taking a few deep breaths en route to settle her demeanour.

Equestria’s Princess of the Moon was a picture of regal elegance and grace, stood as she was before Octavia’s door. Her teal eyes sparkled as she smiled upon her host as the door was opened to her.

“Good evening, Miss Octavia.” she began. She was about to say something further, when the both of them caught the sound of clattering hooves on cobblestone approaching the house. “My dear, are you expecting company, by any chance?”