• Published 17th May 2012
  • 3,593 Views, 244 Comments

Sketchy Salad Serenata - Sketchy Sounds

A direct sequel to Sketchy Salad Symphony. Picks up not long after it left off.

  • ...

Recitativo 10 –Reflections and Resolve

“The security will have to be stepped up. Of that, there is no question.”

The statement that had issued forth from the Princess of the Sun’s lips gained an assenting nod and murmurs from the other ponies gathered in one of her palace’s larger meeting rooms. Lining the table on either side were assorted ponies, nobles and soldiers alike, all of whom wore grim expressions.

“Do we know the full scale of this threat?” a large stallion clad in armour rumbled.

“Not entirely, yet.” a small and lithe-looking earth pony piped up. “I mean, I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled back and both ears to the ground, but I’ve not been able to gather as much as I’d like. All I’ve been able to confirm is that ponies have turned up missing, or in some cases have gone missing and then turned up again, but have been really out of sorts.”

“...out of sorts? Prithee, mine Eye, tell us how?” Luna queried of the one she had addressed as her Eye. All attention fell on him in an instant, making him shuffle in his seat a bit.

“Well… the reports say they come back with this empty look in their eyes, almost like they’ve lost something of themselves, wherever they went.” he began. “None of them have been able to talk about what happened to them. But it’s been the same thing each time.”

A concerned glance was exchanged between the two alicorns in the room, one that did not go unmissed by the unicorn who was seated close to the two of them.

“Your Highnesses… do you know something we don’t…?” he asked. It was Celestia that met his gaze first.

“No more than a hunch at this point, Captain, but one worth acting on.”

“Look, all I’m saying is, he coulda picked someone a bit less… high profile.” Freeze Pop said to her companions as they sat round a table, working their way through an assortment of freshly made sandwiches.

“Well yes, Freeze, but you and I both know that the heart does not choose based on status.” Octavia said, a small smile on her features as she regarded the large pegasus. “Besides, is it honestly that bad?”

“It’s bad enough.” the white pegasus replied with a slight sigh. “It’s meaning a lot of extra work… which is meaning a lot less time I get to spend with you guys.”

“And this guy in particular, right?” Sketchy grinned, nodding his head to Blacklight. The diminutive pegasus blushed a little at that, as the mare next to him simply nodded.

“Exactly. That’s what bums me out a bit about it. But, well, it can’t be helped. If there’s the slightest risk of danger to our citizens, it can’t be ignored.”

“Do yuh really think there’s gunna be some kinda danger goin’ down?” Salad put in, a slightly concerned look on her features.

“What, here in Canterlot? Pfft, you serious?” Freeze smiled. “Nah, you’d have to be pretty damned audacious to try anything on in this city. I mean, d’you think either of the Princess’d just sit there and let you?”

“Ah guess not.” Salad agreed, shaking her head thoughtfully. “Right enough, yuh’d have tuh be pretty danged dumb tuh try somethin’ like that.”

“Well… that, or really well prepared.” Blacklight offered. “I mean, if you had a good enough plan…”

“You make a good point, Blacklight. Though I doubt there are many who do have such a plan.” Octavia stated. “Personally, my only peeve with regards to this whole event is the particular choice they made regarding the entertainment. I would have been delighted to play for a royal wedding!”

“Oh, you and goodness knows how many other talented musicians, my love.” Sketchy said to her with a fond grin.

“He’s not wrong.” Freeze added as she swallowed down a good-sized chunk of her somewhat huge sandwich. “I didn’t take part in dealing with the mail that came in about that, following the public announcement, but I sure as heck heard about it.”

“You did? I wouldn’t have thought you had much dealing with mailponies.”

“Oh, I don’t, but I know some of the Clerical Corps well enough, and Paper Clip was in a pretty foul mood the other day when I caught up with her. I believe her exact words were ‘If I see just one more unsolicited service offer from some full-of-themself musician or entertainer or what have you, I swear to Celestia’s almighty rump I will find out where they live and deliver the refusal myself. With a large blunt object’.”

“...would she actually…?” Octavia said, a mix of curiosity and consternation on her face.

“Oh, probably not, no. Paper Clip’s got her head screwed on right. No worry about that from her.”

“...remind me never to get on her bad side, regardless.” Blacklight put in.

“Oh, she’s more patient than she lets on.” Freeze assured her companion. “Though that’s not a bad plan.”

“Well, I suppose when it comes down to it, it’s up to the happy couple who they pick.” Sketchy mused. “There’s no accounting for taste, in the end.”

“Very true. Oh well, I suppose I should not concern myself too greatly – after all, a major event like this is sure to inspire other ponies to also see about tying the knot, as it were. No doubt I shall have requests to play for them flooding in soon enough.” Octavia said, putting a thoughtful hoof to her chin.

“Yer right there. Hay, maybe yerself and Sketchy should take some inspiration, huh?” Salad piped up, a very mischievous grin on her features. It took a second or two for her friends to twig on what she was getting at.

“Wha—?! Sally!” Sketchy blurted, his cheeks burning. “First Luna, now you as well?”

“I-indeed!” Octavia put in, her face having also turned a lovely shade of red. “Why this sudden obsession with our status? At the very least, give him the chance to actually raise the question to me first!”

Salad, of course, had by this point burst out giggling, and she gave her two friends the best of her apologetic smiles. “Gosh you two, Ah’m sorry, really. Y’know Ah’m just teasin’. In all honesty Ah’m just happy the both of yuh are happy.”

“Getting back to what I was saying before, though.” Freeze Pop cut in, “While I don’t think anyone is dumb enough to try something stupid, there’re obviously some ponies involved in planning and so on that do. I’m not saying you need to worry unduly… but, keep your ears and eyes open, alright?”

“We will, Freezy. You can be sure of that.” Sketchy affirmed. “Have you been given any idea of who or what might be planning something?”

Freeze shook her head. “Nope, nothing yet. That either means they don’t want us to panic unduly, or they just simply don’t have anything we need to know. I’m guessing it’s probably a lack of info right now.”

“Hmm… I’m not sure how to feel about that…” Blacklight said, after swallowing thoughtfully. “I mean… I’m glad they’re not taking any chances, of course, but it still makes me a bit uneasy thinking that we might come under some sort of unforeseen attack.”

“Hey, don’t you worry yourself about that.” Freeze reassured him, wrapping one of her wings over his back. “Us Guards are here to protect everyone. And you can bet I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I certainly feel safer with you around, Freezy.”

“...naturally that goes for the rest of you guys as well.” Freeze Pop added hastily, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks. “You’re all my best friends, after all. If something bad went down, you can bet I’ll personally see to it that you’re all safe.”

“We know, Freezy.” Sketchy said with a smile. “If I was gonna entrust my personal safety to anypony, you’d be top of the list.”

“I know that I, for one, feel a lot safer knowing that you are looking out for us.” Octavia agreed. “I shall take your advice and worry little in the coming days. Whatever heightened security may be deemed necessary shall feel but a small inconvenience. It is a small price to pay in order to enjoy what may well be a once-in-a-lifetime event, is it not?”

The rest of the group nodded at that, before falling into a thoughtful silence as they continued to reduce the afternoon’s provisions. Although none of them spoke further on the matter, it was evident to the more careful observer that it was still something that was clearly on all of their minds. The brief glances exchanged between both the couples present spoke volumes: under no circumstances was either of them going to let anything happen to the other.

It’d be nice if we had a bit more of an idea what’s going on, Sketchy thought to himself. I don’t get the feeling Freezy is hiding anything from us. She’s never been an expert at hiding anything from me at least. Whatever happens, though, I won’t let anything happen to Tavy. Not if I can help it.

Perhaps by coincidence, it was as he was thinking this that his glance sidewards met that of the mare he was thinking of. She smiled briefly at him.

You knew I was worrying, did you not? Octavia thought to herself. But of course I would. Even if Freeze Pop says not to, I cannot help but worry, just a little. Not least because of you, and the nature of you. You are a brave stallion, and I worry that, should some threat present itself to us, you would not even hesitate to throw yourself into its path in order to keep me safe. No, I know this about you. That is certainly what you would do, because you have always thrown yourself into whatever you can, if it will make me happy. I hope that you will remember, should it become necessary, that discretion is the better part of valour.

Across the table, Blacklight was chewing thoughtfully on both a sandwich and his own thoughts.

I hope Freezy’s right. She must be – they wouldn’t keep anything important from her if they knew something serious was on the way, right? Of course they wouldn’t. That’d just be silly. Besides, she’s strong. Really strong. Heck, she’s taken on dragons and won! Yeah, whatever might come, she’ll handle it. I know she will.

He caught the look Freeze Pop gave him and smiled, to reassure her he trusted her. She smiled back.

You’re putting all your trust in me, aren’t you? Freeze thought to herself. Well, of course you are. I’ve given you every reason to, and as I live and breathe, I’m not letting anything happen to you – or to anypony else right here. I just hope the odd murmurings I’ve heard here and there don’t have any weight to them… perhaps I ought to ask Luna about it when I next see her.

Salad, meanwhile, was gazing thoughtfully up at the ceiling.

Gee whiz, a royal weddin’... ya don’t see that every day. Wonder if they sorted out the caterin’ yet? Though, with it bein’ as high profile as it is, can’t help but think maybe they won’t have any room fer the kinda stuff we serve up. Oh but then again, if they’re gonna do a buffet for the guests, then maybe… Ooh but Freezy was sayin’ they’d had loads of unsolicited mail in. P’raps it’d be best not to try to ram our services down their throats. Yeah, that’d be better.

It wasn’t long before both the plate of sandwiches and the pool of conversation had emptied, and so the group of friends bid their farewells and went their separate ways. It wasn’t until they’d gone some distance from Graze that Octavia spoke up to her taller companion.

“Sketchy? I feel there is something I must tell you.”

The particular way in which she said it got his immediate attention, and he turned his head to meet her gaze. “What is it, Tavy?”

“This… could be for naught in the end, so it may not even be needed, but I feel I should say it just in case. Freezy has of course given us every assurance that we shall be safe, when the wedding comes… but, if for any reason we should find ourselves in danger, I do not want you to do anything foolish. Do you understand?”

Sketchy took a moment or two to mull that one over, before he nodded, slowly. “I think so, lass. What you’re saying is that you don’t want me to risk my life for your sake, right?”

Octavia nodded vigorously in turn at that. “Precisely so! Or well, to put it in better terms… if there were to be a situation where the options are that we could both attempt to run for safety, or one of us can run and the other could stay and fight… I do not want you to fight. If you could run, I would want you to run.”

Sketchy smiled, at that. “I understand, Tavy. You’d better be willing to take your own advice, of course. I don’t want to lose you, any more than you want to lose me. Alright?”

“Of course not, mi amor. So long as we are clear, separation in such a manner would be the last and worst option, yes?”

“Naturally.” The larger stallion leaned his head down slightly to affectionately nuzzle his partner’s ears. “If it comes down to it, we stick together. Let’s not worry about it any further, OK?”

“I promise I shall pay it no further mind.” Octavia replied, letting out a small sigh of happiness at the display of affection. “I am sure, in the end, worries such as these will come to nothing. Taking into consideration whom some of the guests are likely to be, I feel we shall be more than adequately prepared, should any situation arise.”

“Oh? Not sure I follow your drift there, Tavy.”

“Ah? Oh, right enough, I suppose it is not really common knowledge… I should clarify, dear, as I had been trying to remember where I had heard the name before myself. Captain Shining Armor, the man Freezy mentioned? He happens to have a little sister, whom I am sure he would not exclude from such an occasion. If she and her five friends are all expected, then there is very little need to be concerned.”

Realisation dawned on Sketchy in that moment. “Hang on, hang on. His little sister is Twilight Sparkle? As in, Element of Magic Twilight Sparkle?”

“Indeed! I only just remembered the connection just now. Their family are hardly strangers to the odd soirée in this city, and I recall having played for a few events where I had seen them. I would expect that, given the circumstances, we should expect all six Element Bearers to be present.”

“...so in other words, if anything bad happens, there’s a whole load of Guards, two Princesses, and the Elements of Harmony in the way of that. Yeah, I think we can relax.” Sketchy chuckled. “Perhaps instead we ought to be on the lookout for ways we can put our talents to good use in the run-up to it. I’m pretty sure I can whip up some good designs for some celebratory flyers and such… I mean, granted they haven’t approached me yet for anything like that, but you never know.”

“Mmm, and even if neither of us has any involvement in the wedding itself, I am sure we both stand to at least gain some use of our services from it, as I mentioned before.” Octavia agreed, a thoughtful look on her face. “I must be honest, however, I am still somewhat put out regarding the choice of entertainment.”

“Aye lass, and I get the feeling you’re going to continue to be peeved about it until well after the wedding’s all said and done.” Sketchy chuckled, nudging her gently. “But you can’t let it bother you too much. I’m sure your name was at the very least brought up during the discussions for that. I guess they just decided they wanted something, well, different.”

“Different!” Octavia snorted, tilting her nose up in mock upset. “Well yes, certainly, I suppose if you have no taste for the sort of sacred and ageless melody that is suited for such a momentous occasion, then different is just fine!” She paused, then looked round at him with a bit of a silly grin on her face. “That was just a trifle snobbish, was it not?”

Sketchy let out a laugh at that, and put a foreleg round her shoulders to hug her to him. “Terribly snobbish, love. It’s a good job I’ve learned to not take you too seriously when you say stuff like that!”

Octavia let out a laugh of her own, leaning into his embrace. “And it is well that I, too, have learned not to take myself seriously in moments such as this. I have you to thank for that, you know.”

“Aye, lass, and I have you to thank for turning my dreams into reality.” Sketchy reminded her, letting go of her as he did. “Not a day goes by that I’m not thankful for it. Perhaps…” he trailed off.

“Perhaps what, dear?” Octavia queried, looking up at him with an inquisitive frown on her features. It was definitely one of her more endearing expressions.

“Ah heh heh… well, I was about to say, perhaps our friends have a point, with the ribbing they’ve been giving us.”


Sketchy grinned sheepishly. “About the kind of long-term commitment we haven’t really discussed properly yet, and probably aren’t really sure either of us is ready for.”

Octavia’s face slowly flushed red as she parsed that statement. “Well! Er… mm. I mean…” she said, fighting to get her suddenly-whirling thoughts into order. She then felt a reassuring hoof touch gently against her cheek, and she looked up once more into the sea-green gaze of her partner.

“Hey, relax. I’m not about to ask you a big life-changing question like that right here and now, Tavy. I mean… yes, I love you, of course I do. But I’m not going to ask you to try to make a decision like that, right here like this.”

“Sketchy… I know.” Octavia said, as she managed to still her thoughts somewhat. “I know you are far more of a gentlecolt than that. I have known you long enough by now to know that you would not ask such of me without lending the occasion the sort of splendour it deserves. That, and it is not something that you would rush into.” She smiled, then, taking a moment to compose herself a bit better. “You also know that I love you, too, and that I trust you to know when the time is right. As much as we may have the occasional teasing from our friends, I know that they respect us enough to not pressure us on this.”

“They do, you’re right – and I couldn’t be more thankful.” Sketchy agreed. “We’re incredibly fortunate to have such a good group of ponies around us. I’m sure they’ll keep us right.”

“Quite.” Octavia agreed, her smile returning. “We should look forward to this forthcoming occasion. After all, who can tell how long it will be until another such momentous occasion should arise? This could well be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for us all.”

“Aye, you’re right on that count.” Sketchy agreed. “After all, I don’t see Celly or Lu-Lu settling down any time soon… both of ‘em seem kinda married to their jobs, so to speak.”

Octavia let out a rather amused giggle at that. “Oh, indeed! Alas, what a shame… can you imagine how beautiful either of them would look, dressed for such an occasion?”

Sketchy pondered that for a moment, and then smirked slightly. “I dunno about how they’d look, but I betcha I know how they’d be feeling. Something along the lines of, ‘can I take this blasted dress off yet?’”

Octavia had to put a hoof to her mouth to prevent a very unladylike snort of laughter escaping from her. “You are not wrong, mi amor. I certainly cannot picture the Princesses we know and love having the patience for such a thing… but then again, perhaps they would do it, if they had found somepony worth committing themselves to? Being in love does seem to grant one a remarkable capacity for doing things which involve some personal sacrifice, if it will make the other pony happy.”

Sketchy turned his head a bit more towards her, a fond smile on his face. “I suppose you’re right, my love. That does make a big difference. I’d go so far as to say it’s impossible to love someone and not find yourself doing things just a bit differently, here and there.”

“Mmhmm? Such as, say, my leaving the Canterlot accent in the closet more, nowadays?”

“Aye, well, that’s one example!” Sketchy grinned, his appreciation of her native tone evident on his features. “But there’s more than that… there’re so many little things that change, when you get close to someone. I mean, you get to know all their foibles and habits, and you learn more about your own ones – especially the kind that get under their skin.”

“Mmhmm? Such as, say, your occasionally relaxed attitude towards keeping the dishes clean?” Octavia offered, a teasing smile on her face.

“Why yes indeed – and your own periodic obsession with ensuring your mane doesn’t have a single hair out of place.” Sketchy teased back, before playfully nuzzling at the top of her head.

“Ah! No! Bestia!” Octavia faux-lamented, shoving back at the larger pony playfully. “Now I shall have to spend the entire afternoon restoring my appearance, how could you be so cruel?”

Sketchy let out a laugh at that, and then brought his mouth close to her ear. “I love you, Tavy.” he said, a happy tone of contentment in his voice.

“I love you too, Sketchy.” she replied, turning her head to look straight up into his eyes. “Sometimes I do wonder to myself, where would we both be, had Sally not invited me to spend time with you and her both.”

“Gosh, yeah… I hope she realises how much we’re both thankful to her for that. Thinking back on that, it was kind of a bold step on her part.”

“It was… but, time has certainly shown it was a good step to take. I have made little of it, Sketchy, but in truth I had been feeling somewhat lonesome prior to that time. I think little of it now, having made so many good friends… but, back then, the very idea that I could have had a circle of close friends, let alone a stallion whom I would call my own… it seemed like an alien concept, if I am frank about it.” Octavia said, a note of melancholy in her voice. It was gone a moment later as she went on further. “Consider me thoroughly grateful to have been proven wrong, of course.”

“Well, me too!” Sketchy smiled. “Back then, had someone told me that not only would I have the chance to spend time with a musician I admired, but also that I’d end up dating her and more… I think I’d have looked at them like they had twa heids, as they say back home.”

“It is all the little things that then lead us to the big ones.” Octavia mused. “An invitation that brought us into each other’s company, and then a further invitation from then on… and look at us now.”

“Yeah. We’ll really have to keep our eyes and ears open.” Sketchy mused, and then, noticing Octavia’s quizzical glance, he explained. “I mean, for Sally’s sake. I’ve said as much before, that lass is pretty much family to me. She deserves as much happiness as we’ve found together, I’d say, so… if we happen to cross paths with any properly good guys, we’ll have to introduce her.”

“I think, mi amor, that it will be more you than I that will be likely to have that occur.” Octavia said, a thoughtful look on her face. She smiled, though as she went on. “I certainly agree with your feelings, though. If we are able to play even a small part in her finding somepony with whom she can find the same sort of happiness, I shall be only too grateful to participate in that. Unless I am misreading her, I get the feeling that, perhaps, being the only pony among our circle who is unspoken for is beginning to gnaw at her, a little.”

“You’re not misreading her, no.” Sketchy said, a hint of admiration in his tone. “In fact, I’m actually rather impressed you picked up on that. Sally’s always had a knack for hiding certain things. She knows she can’t hide anything from me for all that long, because we’ve been friends long enough that I know how she hides stuff… what gave her away to you?”

“Hmm, have you forgotten, dear, how adept I am at hiding things myself?” Octavia playfully chided him. “When you have grown so accustomed to wearing so many masks depending on whom you are with, you learn the tell-tale signs when you see such a mask slipping. With Salad, it is the look I see in her eyes for the briefest of moments when she believes I have stopped paying her attention. She looks upon me, she looks upon you, and for a moment I see the most fleeting hint of sadness. But then she will brush it aside with her usual demeanour, and pretend that all is well.”

Sketchy nodded slowly at that, his expression thoughtful. “She does, at that. I think I’ll probably have to take some time to talk with her, some time soon. You might need to as well, maybe. Maybe just to reassure her that just because we’re together, it doesn’t mean she’s lost me.”

“I think she does know this already - or at least, she knows it logically. Emotionally, however… well, that is sometimes a harder thing to convince a lady of.” Octavia stated, shaking her head a little. “I can certainly speak from experience on that front.”

“True, on both counts.” Sketchy smiled, leaning his head down to hers to nuzzle at the top of her head affectionately. “I think if we work together, though, we can help her overcome those feelings.”

Octavia smiled at both the verbal and physical reassurance, and she moved over to brush up against the larger pony’s side. “I think you are right. For now, however, perhaps we should take some time for the rest of the afternoon to consider how best to capitalise on the upcoming events, hmm? I believe you said something about designing some memorabilia… and I am sure it would not hurt my chances of attracting some business in the wake of it to perhaps remind prospective clients that I am, in fact, available to provide suitable music for their special occasions.”

“I did, aye.”

It was some time later that the two of them were happily engaged in the throes of artistry in the comfortable confines of Octavia’s house. In Sketchy’s case, this meant being ensconced on the couch with a sheaf of drawing paper close by, and a pencil clutched in his mouth while he scribbled away at the latest of a number of potential designs he had come up with. Octavia, meanwhile, was happily filling the air with music from her preferred cello. Occasionally the two ponies exchanged a glance and a smile, each appreciating the other’s work as they took pleasure in their own.

For Sketchy’s part, he’d had the good idea on the way home to make a few inquiries about the soon-to-be sister-in-law of the Element of Magic, so he now had some reference materials to work from in regards to the Princess herself – and as for her husband-to-be, he’d heard enough from Freeze Pop about him before to know how the Captain looked. As such, the few promotional poster ideas he’d sketched out were coming along nicely. There were of course some rough edges: he’d had to simply leave a blank box for the date, because nopony had clearly announced when that was going to be as of yet, and he also had no idea exactly what either pony was going to wear for the wedding itself. Still, he hadn’t let that get in the way of pulling together some designs, and he was confident that, at the very least, he might be able to convince some of the local printers to run one or two of them to help advertise the event – or perhaps sell them as a small commemorative token of it.

Still, with those ideas committed to paper, the thought now struck him that, perhaps, he could possibly also help Octavia attract some business. While the prim cellist hadn’t made too great of an issue out of it, it was somewhat clear that she was still somewhat vexed by the snubbing she’d had from the soon-to-be-weds. It was understandable, of course: as one of the greatest living musicians in Canterlot, if not all of Equestria, there was a certain amount of prestige attached to her name, and therefore to any event she would perform at simply by association. Clearly she was bothered by the fact that, by not being chosen to play at the upcoming royal wedding, it could potentially impact her standing. It wasn’t the effect on her reputation that she was bothered about, of course.

After all, if she was purely concerned about just her reputation, both of us would still be single.

No, the issue that was a bother to Octavia in light of all this was simply the potential reduction in business coming her way - though, as she had already asserted earlier that day, there was almost certainly going to be an influx of demand in the wake of an event such as this.

Slightly preoccupied as she was with this particular thought, the cellist didn’t initially realise how much closer attention Sketchy was paying to her. It was only when she glanced in his direction and noticed the intense look of focus in his eyes as he looked up at her, his gaze studying her carefully, that she then realised what he was now up to. Her eyes darted briefly to the page he was working on and then back up to look into the artist’s. Despite how often he’d looked her way like this on many an occasion, she still couldn’t stop a blush reddening her cheeks a little. There was, after all, something inherently thrilling about being the sole object of his focus, and knowing that she was the centre of his attention. The old performers’ axiom still held true: being perfect for an audience of one was far harder than doing it for an audience of hundreds; though she knew this particular audience wouldn’t take offence if she slipped up in front of him. She noticed a small smile spreading on his face.

“Have I told you how beautiful you are, Tavy?” he said round his pencil, a warm note in his voice. She smiled back at him.

“Well, you would have to be more specific than that, dear. If you mean, have you told me more recently than within the last hour, I do not believe that you have.”

Sketchy’s pencil dropped out of his mouth as he let out a laugh. “Goodness, that long? I’m getting lax!”

Octavia couldn’t stop from laughing herself, causing her bow to stutter across the strings a little. “Indeed! Well, perhaps now that you have thoroughly distracted me, you can make it up by reminding me.” she offered, an expectant and affectionate look on her face.

Sketchy pulled himself up from where he had been resting and moved towards her. He lowered his head slightly to look her right in the eyes, and he felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest the way it always did whenever he looked into those deeply violet pools.

“You are beautiful, Octavia.” he said. “You’re the most beautiful mare alive. I could lose an entire day gazing into these pretty eyes of yours. And also…” and with that, he gently nuzzled at the top of her head, “your mane is always so soft - and it’s a gorgeous colour.”

Octavia had by now dropped her bow, as she was too thoroughly distracted by her mate’s attentions to keep playing. “Is it, now?” she mused happily. “You wouldn’t prefer if, say, it was a brighter colour?”

Sketchy brought his head back around to look her in the eyes, one eyebrow slightly raised. “You’d probably have to dye your entire coat a different colour for anything else to work, my dear. But why would you meddle with perfection?”

“Charmer!” Octavia chuckled, even as she felt her cheeks burn a little more. “Although if you are going to call me perfect, I reserve the right to refer to you as such also.”

Sketchy let out a chuckle. “I guess this is what ponies mean when they say they are perfect for each other, hmm?” he mused.

“I suppose you are right. Now that you put it that way, that does make a certain amount of sense… I would never consider myself as perfect, of course, but... “

“But you think I am, when it comes to being your mate. Right?” Sketchy smiled.

“Indeed, and I know you are going to say the same is true of you.” Octavia pointed out. The artist pony simply nodded, at that.

“I am indeed, cos you are.” he said, and let out a contented sigh. “I’ll be quite happy if that never changes.”

“As will I. You know, my dear, even though we may have only been together for a comparatively short time, sometimes I feel as though I have known you my whole life. Do you feel that, sometimes?”

“Quite often, love.” Sketchy affirmed. “In the best possible way. Being around you, spending time with you… it just feels inherently right, like this is what we were made for. If I’m completely honest… I don’t think I could really picture my life without you as a part of it any more.”

Octavia set her instrument to the side at that, and promptly threw her limbs around him in as tight an embrace as she could manage. “You know I feel the same, Sketchy, dear.” she sighed, drawing a deep contentment from being so close - and feeling him return her embrace as he did so. “It is a remarkable thing… had anypony told me a year or so ago that I would within such a short time from then have found somepony I could fall in love with, and so very deeply so? I believe I would have considered them a lunatic, or beset by some form of madness, were they somepony I knew.”

“I know what you mean.” Sketchy agreed, as he shifted his weight around to slide down onto the nearby easy chair, pulling Octavia down on top of him. “If anyone’d told me that, within a short space of time, I’d be in a committed relationship - let alone one with you specifically? I think I would have had some difficulty believing it as well. Honestly, back then? I was having a hard time I’d ever find anyone, really.” He let out a long, contented sigh at that, as he felt Octavia’s weight settle up against him. “But, I’m very happy to have been proven wrong, on that count.”

“You and I both.” the grey mare agreed, making herself more comfortable in his embrace. She brought her nose forward to press against his. “You know, I was beginning to feel the same… that is, as though I would never find this sort of happiness. As I believe I told you before, while I may have felt an attraction to others before, I simply did not ever find the time, nor the courage, to voice those feelings, I suppose that I was too afraid of the potential rejection I would face.”

Sketchy pondered that for a moment, as he happily gazed into his companion’s eyes. “I think, my love, that was maybe down to you not having so many ponies around you that you’d call friends. I mean… when I first asked you out, and you turned me down? I don’t think I’d have gotten over that as well as I did, had I not had Freezy and Sally around.”

Octavia let out a small sigh at that particular memory. “I could hardly forget that. In truth, when that happened… I feared that I would lose the new friendships I had begun to build. I knew I had hurt you, and I also knew it would take little time for the news to reach your other friends – our other friends. I honestly worried, with that knowledge, that I would quite soon be back to square one, so to speak.”

“Well, I’m glad we were all able to prove you wrong, on that count.” Sketchy said with a smile, squeezing her gently. “That, and I’m also glad that, even though you were scared of that, you didn’t back down from being honest with me. Thinking on it, of course, if you hadn’t been honest with me on that particular count, I don’t think we would all still be friends.”

“No, indeed!” Octavia agreed, her mood lifting again as she thought over the events since. “We can only speculate how things would have ended up after all of that… I doubt things would have ended up as they are now. I am very much glad that none of you gave up on me. To be able to say that I am considered a friend of both our Princesses, and to count Sally and Freezy both as friends as well… to say nothing of all the happy memories we have had over the past many months. It almost feels as though, after we all became friends, that I began a new life.” Her eyes narrowed slightly as a broader smile overtook her features, her gaze fixating firmly on the stallion’s. “A life that I am very grateful to be sharing with you, especially.”

“Just as I am.” Sketchy agreed. One of his front hooves reached gently around the back of her head, and gently pulled her just the little bit closer needed for their lips to meet. She offered him no resistance to this, happily reciprocating his affection as her eyes slid closed. The rest of the world seemed to recede into nothingness as they allowed themselves to succumb to each others’ gentle and loving ministrations.

There would be challenges ahead for them, certainly - but what could life throw at them now, which they couldn’t pull through together?

Comments ( 15 )

That's better. :twilightsmile:

Of course! These are a couple of my most favorite stories of all time. They've shaped my head canon ideas for Luna and Octavia forever more. I've downloaded both to my eReader for perusal later tonight. I'm so excited! :pinkiehappy:

Hey, an update :). Won't lie, I'm going to have to reread both stories to remember what this story is all about. No punishment though, after rereading several chapters I'm enjoying myself and things are coming back to me. I remember really enjoying this story and these characters so it's good to go on that journey again.

It also brings me back to a time when I was still active in the brony community. Didn't you host a fanfiction writing competition at either Galacon or Buck? If so, I was a participant in one of them. It was great fun :).

So glad to see these characters again, it's been a long time.

I did! Definitely at BUCK, I don't recall whether or not I did at GalaCon, but I definitely did so ^^

Too long! I'm glad to be breathing some life back into this tale once more :)

There, all caught up again. Now I can look forward to the next chapter.


“You are not wrong, mi amor. I certainly cannot picture the Princesses we know and love having the patience for such a thing… but then again, perhaps they would do it, if they had found somepony worth committing themselves to?"

This made me chuckle, for I know if at least one world (story) where she gets together with Octavia. Undoubtedly there are more then one.

I got a little teary eyed re-reading again to refresh my memory. I'm so happy to see the storying coming back to life. Here's to the next update!🍺

The poems are very good I say 8/10. For the story however, I still give it an 8/10 I like what you did for Octavia.

Claro de Luna, by any chance?

Any particular part, or just generally? :)

Funny story: I'm RL friends with the guy who wrote that story. And I didn't even realise who he was until some time after meeting him! XD


Haha, that's cool. Small world ey?

Now this was a pleasant surprise to see on my feed, but now I have to go reread the other chapters, its only been what, 5 years since I asked "rip story" and got it placed on hiatus?

Just about that, yeah lol

So glad to see this back! Just have to re-read everything to remember what was going all those years ago (as if that is a bad thing)

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