• Published 17th May 2012
  • 3,592 Views, 244 Comments

Sketchy Salad Serenata - Sketchy Sounds

A direct sequel to Sketchy Salad Symphony. Picks up not long after it left off.

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Recitativo 3 - A Moonlit Sonata

A soft summer rain pattered against the stained glass of Octavia’s bedroom windows. It was enough to rouse Octavia from her slumber, but not so much as to make her want to leave the comfort of where she lay. She slowly forced an eye open, taking in the familiar silhouette of the large stallion she rested against. A quiet sigh of contentment escaped her throat, and she kissed him softly on the cheek before laying her head down once more against his shoulder.

The serene nature of her rest was abruptly interrupted, however, by a quiet but distinct “thoomp” from round the corner, causing her to sit up suddenly in bed. She gave her companion a gentle nudge, stirring him to half-consciousness.

“Did you hear that?” she questioned, slipping out of bed before he could answer.

“Hmm?” Sketchy questioned, sitting up with a wide yawn. “Did I hear what?”

A quiet clattering of hooves marked Octavia’s rapid skittering off to where she had left her bag, and then a further sound of horseshoes on floorboards heralded her return with her bag held in her mouth. Curiously, there was a small puff of blue smoke leaking out from it.

“Rr gryt uh mrrsrrge.” she stated.

Sketchy tilted his head curiously at her garbled speech, before realisation dawned on his face with a grin. “You got a message.” It was an amusing yet endearing trait that the cellist had. Thanks to her taking off her usual mask of social airs when he was her only company, she would sometimes forget to empty her mouth before she spoke.

Octavia proceeded to demonstrate one of her other more endearing habits, as she stuck her tongue out at him and playfully blew a raspberry after she’d put down her bag. Turning her attention to it, she reached down inside and fished out a small parchment bearing a silvery-blue seal. Unfurling the letter, she cleared her throat and scanned over the letter.

“Ahem... oh my. This is...”

“What does it say?”

“Tavia and Sketchy, please meet me in the Gardens tonight. Lu-Lu.”

Sketchy blinked in a somewhat dumbstruck fashion, taking in what he’d just heard. A smile crept across his face, followed soon after by a hearty laugh.

“She really signed it that way? How cute!”

Octavia too couldn’t contain her amusement, and she laughed along with him as she read over the letter once more herself, shaking her head. “She... is going to be a hoof-full, is she not?”

“Perhaps so... but in a good way, I think.”

The cellist took in a deep breath, trying to settle her nerves a bit. Even if she was by now used to this means of communication from the lunar princess, it still made her heart flutter a bit every time she got a letter in her bag.

“I... think I shall get myself some tea, I will put something on for you as well.” she stated, tucking the parchment away in a dresser drawer. She set down her bags and trotted off out of the room. The clattering of crockery was soon audible from the kitchen. Octavia’s voice echoed back over the noise.

“The Garden... I wonder what she has in mind?”

“I think I may have some idea, if Freezy’s anecdotes are anything to go by!” Sketchy called back, a note of laughter in his tone. There was a moment of silence from the kitchen as Octavia paused to think on that one, before a giggle was heard and she spoke up once more.

“Oh... oh my!” There came some more clattering, and then the sound of Octavia’s careful footsteps on the floorboards moving back towards the bedroom. Sketchy perked his ears and then blinked in surprise as the black-maned mare returned, a tray balanced perfectly on her back. It was laden with a plate of toast, two bowls of cereal, a pot and tea cup and a tall glass of water.

“Breakfast in bed, dear?” she questioned with a smile, walking back over to the bed and carefully setting the tray down. She proceeded to climb back up on the bed, settling herself next to the larger pony.

Sketchy couldn’t help but show his appreciation, leaning his head down and affectionately nuzzling the top of her head. “You’re spoiling me, honey.” he told her in a half-serious tone. “I think I have some idea what we might be in store for. Freeze tells me Lu-Lu can be quite the prankster when she wants to be. Best advice I can give would be to look out for any statues that look a bit too life-like.”

Octavia laughed at the notion of the Princess of the Night pulling off such a prank. That, and her culinary concoction being termed as spoiling her companion. She leaned into him a bit, taking a sip of her tea. She felt the special brew begin to work its magic on opening her ears up. Already she felt more awake and alive, and she sighed in contentment at the feeling.

“Ah... this is hardly a banquet, you know. It is simply artist food. Were I as versed as well in the culinary arts as I am the musical, it would certainly be far more grand... anyway. Do you expect she is going to try to fool us?”

“With her asking to meet us in the gardens? At night? I’d say it’s practically a given; I’m reliably informed that’s her favourite hiding spot.”

A giggle escaped the cellist’s mouth as she filled it with cereal, and then as she swallowed, her expression slowly grew into one of excitement. “Oh oh oh... oh my, this is going to be grand!” She clapped her front hooves together in excitement, wiggling a little where she sat. Her excitement proved infectious as her stallion companion started to think over the reality of what had been asked of them.

“Yeah... yeah, you’re right! I mean, she did after all promise to show us the music room...” he nodded, images of all kinds of instruments great and small floating through his imagination. “That’s going to be spectacular!”

“Do you think Freezy will be at the gates? My goodness, I shall really have to take a close look at the Guards every time I head there now. My word!”

Sketchy snickered at that, remembering the occasion not too long ago when the stone grey mare by his side had rather unfortunately addressed their mutual friend as a stallion. To be fair, of course, the Royal Guards all looked a lot alike. About the only way one could tell Freeze Pop apart from her peers was by her slightly flamboyantly styled tail, and the occasional bit of poofy mane sticking out from under her helmet. Other than that, though, she was easily as solidly built as any other pegasus guard, and she wore the same expression as any of them when on duty.

“No idea if she’ll be on. I dunno what hours she’s on at all today, if at all. It’s probably about 50-50.” he mused, helping himself to the breakfast spread. He and Octavia both remained quiet for a few minutes, the only sound coming from either being that of them demolishing their breakfast. That was up until a stray thought caught up with Sketchy’s mind.

“...you can’t cook?”

Octavia turned her head towards him with a smile. “Not anything in particular. I can handle making a sandwich or a decent salad, but aside from that? Better call the weather team to put out my burning kitchen.”

The stallion shook his head in mock disappointment. “For shame, Tavy! I’ll have to do something about that one of these days. Not that I’m a spectacular chef either, of course... I’m sure I can expand your palate a bit, though.”

The violet-eyed mare smiled, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. “And this is why I love you.” she whispered to him.

“Because I show you new things?” he replied, returning the gesture before resuming his meal.

“That, among other things.”

“Well, the same goes for you, my love.”

The two exchanged smiles before returning to their meal. Presently, Sketchy moved the mostly emptied tray off the bed and sat up, rolling his neck a bit.

“So, what’s on the agenda for today? Other than stopping by Lu-Lu’s house.” he grinned, still rather amused by the Princess’s manner in her letter.

“Well, let us see... we should certainly stop by your abode and check whether you have received word back from overseas yet.”

“Ah, from my mum, you mean?”

Octavia nodded at that. “Indeed. I shall admit, I am anxious to learn from her when she plans to be here in Canterlot. The main thing that has me unsettled is not knowing when to expect her.”

Sketchy nodded in reply to that. “Well, it’s been a few days... that should have been long enough for the Pony Express to get a letter back, if she’s had the time to pen one.”

The shorter pony glanced towards the stained glass, noting the absence of the pattering background ambience. “Then in that case, we should go and see. It seems to have stopped raining, and I expect the sun will be out now. It would be shameful to waste the warm weather.”

A pleasant breeze was blowing through the air of Canterlot, carrying the refreshing scent of fallen rain drying on the streets and the trees. Although the year was beginning to draw on towards autumn, the weather was still wonderfully warm during the day. Considering that Canterlot was, of course, at the heart of Equestria, it made sense that its residents enjoyed some of the best weather in all the land.

As Octavia and Sketchy made their way at a leisurely pace through the town, they were treated to the assorted sights and sounds of the capital on a typical day. Ponies dressed in all kinds of fashions roamed the streets, moving to the tune of cheerful chatter back and forth and the dull hubbub of hundreds of hooves drumming the pavement. The music was punctuated here and there by the occasional call of greeting from other ponies, as the classical cellist was noticed here and there by appreciative admirers. She responded as she was well used to doing, with a simple nod and an understated smile. Her reputation preceded her, after all, and a part of the image she had built up of herself in the public eye was one that suited her: she was aware of her following and took the time to acknowledge it, but like many things in life, she did not make a big show of it.

Her attitude towards fame was something Sketchy had found one of the most admirable things about her. There were, after all, a good deal of ponies that tended to take fame and run with it. He could think of several he knew of in Canterlot—although, having considered that, it occurred to him that perhaps some of those he thought of as full of themselves may not be what they seemed. Octavia, after all, wore a very well crafted mask in public. The average observer would only ever see how she was on stage, and how she carried herself around town. They never saw her without that facade, which meant that they had no idea that the refined and classy musician had the capacity for being very silly when she so chose. A small grin spread on his face as he recalled the beautiful black-maned mare talking with her mouth full earlier that morning. He felt a slight nudge against his shoulder a few moments later, and he glanced round to see Octavia’s violet eyes peering curiously at him with a similar smile on her own lips.

“I was thinking about this morning.” he said.


“Have I ever told you I get a kick outta the fact I see you do some very non-classy things on a regular basis?”

“Such as talking with my mouth full of letter, perhaps?”

“That would be one example, yeah.” Sketchy chuckled, nodding slightly. Octavia playfully shoved her head against his neck at that, letting out a giggle of her own.

“Well my dear, you know that one has to maintain some semblance of balance in life. I am expected to be so well behaved in public, so it is only fair that I be permitted to be ridiculous when it does not matter who is watching.”

“Very true.” Sketchy agreed. “It’s nice to see you more relaxed these days, though.”

“Why, whatever do you mean?” his companion questioned, her tone only half-serious. She didn’t need to be told, after all, that since she had taken the time to invest a little more of her time in social pursuits, her public image had undergone some metamorphosis. Only a few months back, it would have been a rare thing to see her laughing and smiling with other ponies in view of the public. That wasn’t because she never took the time to do so. Far from it, in fact, as she often indulged her sense of humour with her colleagues. However, since she had made some genuine friends and spent some time with them, she had come to realise something that she had known all along – and that was the fact that there was nothing wrong with having fun outside of your main pursuit in life.

“Oh, you know. Not looking so serious the whole time... that and not caring about being seen in the company of some scallywag like me.” Sketchy joked. He was rewarded with a peal of melodious laughter for his efforts.

“Ahahaha! Oh come now, dear, you are far from being some disreputable figure who would blemish my reputation to be seen with. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

“Oh?” Sketchy blinked. It wasn’t that he was unused to being complimented by her—well, OK, perhaps he was still a little unused to it—but he’d never heard her explicitly say she thought he was good for her image. His slight bewilderment was met with a similar look of surprise on Octavia’s features, though it soon melted into a smile.

“You are surprised to hear that, Sketchy?” she gently teased. “You should not be. You know full well that I love you. I care not what most other ponies would have to say about that. Nevertheless, I will happily say that I am proud to be seen in your company. You are one of the most well-mannered ponies I have ever met, more chivalrous even than some I have known of far higher standing.”

“...wow, really?”

Octavia nodded at that. “Yes, really. If you have one flaw, my dear, it is that you sometimes sell yourself too short. You are allowed some pride. All I would ask is that you hold your head high, and not your nose.”

Sketchy smiled broadly at that. “I think I can manage that.”

They continued on their way up the winding path of Beech Grove, finally turning off near the top onto the driveway leading towards the Old Chapel where Sketchy made his home. The building was so-called as it had, at one time in its history, served as a gathering place for a religious order of ponies. It had then later served as a school, before falling out of use when Canterlot had been founded and subsequently grown to such a size that it had gained a number of schools within its boundaries. Nowadays, it was an out of the way block of apartments. It sat at the top of the winding road that was Beech Grove, surrounded by trees and grass, and overlooking the capital below.

“I’ll just nip up the stairs and check the mail then.” Sketchy told his violet-eyed companion.

“Very well. Perhaps afterwards we should stroll back into town, perhaps say hello to Miss Sandwich?”

Sketchy smiled and nodded at that suggestion. His unicorn friend was an almost constant source of good cheer, to say nothing of her culinary skill.

“Sounds like a plan. If I’ve gotten anything in the post, I can read over it at her place.”

“So, what’s yer mom gotta say?”

“Let’s have a look, Sally.”

Sketchy, Octavia, and Salad were now sat around a table in Graze, the sandwich bar that belonged to Salad’s parents. Both earth ponies had an empty plate in front of them, a testament of the unicorn’s sandwich making skill.

Taking out an envelope he’d retrieved from home, Sketchy carefully pulled it open and retrieved the letter from within. Unfurling the paper, he cleared his throat and began to read.

Dear Sketchy,

thank you so much for taking the time to pen a letter to your poor old mum. It’s always good to hear from you, and especially so on this occasion! I am delighted to hear you have found somepony special, and a fellow musician no less. I hope you are treating her well, with as much respect and courtesy as she is due. As I’m sure you know, not every girl is as tough as Freeze Pop or as forgiving as Sally.

Speaking of them, you can let them know (along with your fillyfriend, who I am looking forward a lot to meeting!) that I will be in town quite soon. As it happens, I am actually writing you this letter before I finish up packing. The forecast is for clear skies and calm weather all this week and next, so I will be catching the first airship out tomorrow morning.

Also, please reassure Octavia that I am far from terrifying. I am sure she is a delightful pony, especially from the way you describe her. The last thing I would want would be for her to be petrified of me – after all, I’m hardly crazy old lady material yet!

I am going to be travelling alone on this occasion. My own special somepony is up to his ears in work, but he insisted I make the trip regardless. I am really looking forward to seeing you, and catching up with Honey, Mustard, Snowdrop and Stormcloud. I’ll most likely be staying over with the Sandwiches while I’m in town. I know you wouldn’t hesitate to put me up, of course, but I really don’t fancy trying to get up and down those stairs of yours every day!

I think that’s all for now. Sorry for the short letter! I’ll be sure to send a telegram from the ship before I reach Canterlot, so you’ll know when to expect me.

Love you to bits, see you soon!

The mad old bum.

Octavia tilted her head at the way the letter had been signed, a puzzled look on her face. “Whatever did she refer to herself as that for?”

“Hmm? Oh! Ahaha, that’s a little family in-joke, Tavy.” Sketchy explained, a grin on his face. “You see, my mum’s special talent is languages. She loves picking them apart and figuring out how they work. Sometimes just for fun, she swaps letters and sounds around. So, that last bit was actually ‘the bad old mum’. You see?”

“Ah, I follow you now, yes.” Octavia nodded.

“So, Trilly’s gonna stay here? That’ll be fun!” Salad piped up, a grin on her face.

“That’s her nickname.” Sketchy explained once more to the black-maned cellist. “Her name’s actually Trillian Tones.”

“Were it not for you mentioning her talent, I would have thought her to perhaps be a musician herself.” Octavia noted.

“That or a singer perhaps?”

“Mmm. That would be the other thought.”

“You wouldn’t be the first to think it. Anyway, I’ll have to keep an eye out for that telegram. Could come any day this week; going by the date on this letter, my mum wrote this and sent it the very same day she must have received my own letter. And that looks like it was three days ago.”

“Hmm. Roughly how long does it take for an airship to cross the ocean?”

“Oh, Ah can answer that!” Salad exclaimed. She had, after all, travelled a lot throughout her life: her extended family was of such a size that there were relatives of hers spread right across the kingdom. “From the Amareicas across tuh Canterlot is about three tuh five days, dependin’ of course on thuh weather conditions an’ all.”

Octavia nodded, smiling to herself on hearing the unicorn’s accented drawl. Salad was a bit of an oddity in some respects. One such quirk that she had was this: ordinarily, her speech and mannerisms were as refined as any member of Canterlot high society, but if she was around her more regular customers or she happened to get excited, her less formal tones tended to seep through.

“Hmm... so it is possible she may even be with us tomorrow?”

“Possible, but unlikely I’d have thought.” Sketchy thought out loud. “Unless they catch a tailwind or something. I’m no expert on airship flight though.”

“I suppose we shall just have to see.”

“So Sketchy, Ah got a question.” Salad informed her long-legged earth pony companion. He turned his gaze in her direction, an inquiring look in his ocean green eyes.

“What’s up, Sally?”

Salad’s features creased into a grin. “Did yuh finish that special commission fer that special customer yet?”

“I assume, Miss Sandwich, that you refer to his portrait of our dear Princess Luna?” Octavia questioned with a small smile.

“Ah, so he let yuh in on that little secret then?” Salad chirped. “Ah was wonderin’ when you’d find out about it. A’ course, that idjit can be a little unnecessarily secretive when the fancy takes him.”

“Guilty as charged.” Sketchy chuckled with a slightly sheepish look. “Yeah, it’s done. And yeah, Tavy found out when Luna let the cat outta the bag.”

“Aha! Well, right enough, Ah guess yuh couldn’t’ve held it in any longer when she let it slip. Speakin’ of which, y’all should remind her to stop by here like she promised—when she’s got time, Ah mean.”

“Oh, we will, we will.” Sketchy assured her with a nod.

“Indeed we shall. I expect she is merely somewhat preoccupied most of the time; the business of running the kingdom leaves little time for social activities.”

“Well, that and Ah expect she’s usually asleep durin’ normal business hours.” Salad giggled.

“Well, for the time being she is, yes.” Octavia agreed. “But we are drawing towards the colder months. When autumn sets in, I expect you will be far more likely to be graced by her presence.”

“Ah sure do hope so.” Salad nodded, her ear twitching as the bell over the shop’s door gave its characteristic tinkle. “Well, Ah’d best get back tuh business!”

Once the unicorn was out of earshot, Octavia leaned forward in her seat, towards Sketchy. A small smile of excitement played around her features.

“So,” she intoned quietly, “are you as excited about tonight as I am?”

The answer to Octavia’s question, as was proven some hours later, was a definite yes. Both she and Sketchy had a spring to their step as they made their way towards the side gate of the Canterlot Royal Gardens. Fireflies flitted to and fro among the trees lining the approach to the gate, and the air was peppered with the scents of assorted night-blooming flowers.

“Do you not just love the night, when everything is lit up like this?” Octavia chimed from alongside the tall stallion accompanying her. “Not to say that the day is any less magical, of course... but, my goodness, just look at how wonderful everything is.”

Sketchy felt a gentle bump against his side, as his companion drew in a deep breath to enjoy the assorted aromas lingering in the air. He glanced down to her with a smile.

“It is, you’re right.” he agreed, chuckling a bit at her antics. “Do contain your excitement a little, we’re not even through the gates yet.” he teased.

“True, we are not. And speaking of the gates...” Octavia replied, turning her gaze to the large gate up ahead, squinting and focusing on the armoured ponies stood to either side. “Whaaat do you think?” she questioned of her mate with a flick of her tail, as she attempted to discern whether either of the gate’s sentinels was their mutual friend. Sketchy was somewhat amused to watch her walk right up to one of the guards, eyeing them very carefully – and so closely that she was practically nose-to-nose with the guard, save for the height difference.

“Tavy, honey? That’s not Freeze.” he grinned, suppressing a snort of laughter as he waved a hoof towards the impressively patient guard’s hindquarters. “See? Wrong tail style.” He glanced between the two guards, and added “Excuse her, sirs.”

“Hmmmm. Well, if you are certain...” she replied, a small smile forming on her face as she stood back a bit from the guards. Standing up properly, her posture as noble-looking as could be, she cleared her throat and addressed the two armoured ponies. “My dear sirs, I am Oc—”

“We have been waiting for you.” the guard on the left stated, his voice carrying a slight huff to it. He then turned and opened the gate, leaving Octavia to blink in surprise. She glanced over at Sketchy, who met her surprised look with one of his own. He was quick to plaster his ordinary easy-going smile and tone over it though, as he nodded to the two guards.

“Our thanks.” he stated politely, glancing to Octavia to prompt her through the gate. She in turn made her way through, bowing her head slightly to the guard she had stared at beforehand.

“I... apologise, sir. Thank you.” she intoned quietly as she passed through, followed shortly by Sketchy.

Any buoyancy Octavia’s excitement might have lost from the encounter was soon returned, however, as the two of them made their way along the path through the gardens. Not more than a few hundred metres off to one side stood the Palace itself, lit brightly by the moon and the lamplight of its decorative lights.

“Breathtaking.” was all Octavia could say of it. She turned her head back towards her companion, her eyes slightly wide. “You do realise where we are.... and what we are doing, right?”

“I sure do!” Sketchy replied, an excited laugh in his voice as they walked along towards the archway that led into the gardens proper. Upon reaching it, though, the two of them stopped short in their tracks.

The garden was not there – or rather, some of it was not there. The trees, the bushes, and the grass were all intact... but everything else had gone missing. The surrounding air was dark and still, as though it was waiting on something – but it was not a cold, chilling darkness. It felt more as though there was an air of anticipation, one which beckoned the two onward and into the clearing.

As they walked onward, the ambient light of the palace, the moon, and the stars seemed to vanish – and yet, there was light, as tiny points of light began to streak by overhead and around them. The flitting fireflies among the bushes and trees were not fireflies, as they had become tiny planets, stars, and circling constellations. Every tiny shooting star made a tinkling chime as it shot past, and the sounds mingled together in a peaceful tune with no particular rhyme or reason.

Sketchy let out a quiet, awed whistle. “Wow...” he breathed. “This certainly beats playing hide and seek...”

“This... is amazing...” Octavia agreed, leaning against him and craning her neck to watch the multitude of passing stars shooting by. It felt almost as though they were stood in the middle of the cosmos itself. All in all, it was quite humbling.

In the blink of an eye, however, the stars, constellations, planets and galaxies vanished, zipping out of sight as though they were nothing but a tablecloth placed over the top of the gardens. It was a little dizzying, but as the two earth ponies’ eyes refocused on their surroundings, they could see that the garden’s regular features had returned. The familiar fountain depicting the Princess of the Night stood in its rightful place, lit by the moon. The trees and hedges stood where they had been, now decorated by normal fireflies flitting among their boughs; and the quiet chirruping of insects punctuated the air.

Another sound echoed through the evening air – a familiar laugh, that rang like the chiming stars. It was unclear where it was coming from, as the voice’s owner spoke.

“I am delighted to see you both!” she declared. “But the question is...”

With a whirl of wind and a plume of blue haze and smoke, Princess Luna appeared a short distance away, facing the two with a mischievous grin on her face. Her sudden appearance caused Octavia to jump, letting out a frightened squeak.

“...ready to have some fun?” the alicorn asked.

“If I wasn’t before, I am now, Lu-Lu.” Sketchy replied, a broad grin on his face. “That was quite the light show you put on!”

“Quite! It was fantastic!” Octavia chimed in, her eyes wide with excitement.

The princess giggled as she bowed her head slightly. “You could say I have had some time to practice...” she stated with a wry smile.

The cellist applauded her, clapping her front hooves together. “Bravo, Luna. You are indeed the most skilled conductor of the stars.”

Luna’s smile broadened as she approached her two friends. “I had the feeling that if anypony could appreciate a good light show, it would be you two. And besides, it has been absolutely ages since I have had guests to entertain – I felt it only fair to pull out the stops, so to speak.”

“Well, you were right about the appreciation.” the stallion nodded. “I’m rather amazed, and somewhat humbled, I have to say, that you laid that on just for us.”

A mischievous twinkle lit the alicorn’s eyes as she leaned her head down a bit to whisper to the two. “Did the guards seem a little upset?”

“They did seem a little fussed about something...” Sketchy nodded, snickering slightly. “You wouldn’t happen to have had something to do with that, now would you?” he enquired with a knowing grin.

“Hmmm... well, you know how they stand perfectly still all the time at those guardposts? It is a little difficult to maintain that stance if one should happen to, say, tickle their noses with a little stardust...”

Octavia giggled aloud at that. “Oh my goodness!”

The princess reared up a bit on her hind legs as she laughed herself. “Ooooh, they were sneezing up a storm!”

“That’s bad!” Sketchy laughed, shaking his head with a grin. The princess dropped back onto all fours, lowering her voice once more.

“So... shall I show you both in?” she asked, tilting her head toward the palace. “Most of the council have left for the day, and the rest are all quartered in guest rooms and likely sleeping. We can enjoy all the house has to offer.”

“Do I ever!” Sketchy whispered back excitedly. “I’ve never even been inside the Palace before!”

“Yes, please!” Octavia agreed. “That would be great! I too have never been inside, barring the Gala and the occasional garden party!”

The princess gave a bit of a snort at Octavia’s declaration. “The Gala? That snoozefest? You haven’t seen anything.” she grinned, eliciting a snicker of laughter from the taller of the two earth ponies.

Octavia made a slightly grumpy-looking face at Luna’s description of the event. “Hey! I was playing there!” she said, though a smile crept back onto her face as she went on. “But, yes, did you hear what they wanted us to play? Ugh!”

“Haha! Well, perhaps this time around we can hire a DJ, liven it up a little!” Luna suggested with a light giggle. “Come on, let’s go. We can sneak in through the side door; I would rather not make a fuss with the guards round the front.”

Having said that, she led the way along a wide path towards the palace itself. She turned off it and walked along the lawn after a small while, making her way towards a large door somewhat out of the way with a single guard posted next to it. She approached the guard and looked him straight in the eye, drawing a look of puzzlement from her two companions. Just as Octavia was about to ask the princess what she was doing, Luna’s face suddenly contorted into a comically silly look as she stuck out her tongue and made a “Nyahnyahnyah!” noise at the guard, who summarily almost fainted.

“Gotcha!” Luna giggled triumphantly, as the guard hastily recovered his composure and moved to open the door. She smiled broadly to him and bowed her head slightly. “Thank you for being a good sport, you are an asset to us all.”

Sketchy and Octavia were barely able to contain their laughter, although for the sake of the poor guard’s dignity they did their best. As such, Octavia crossed over the threshold with a muffled giggle, followed by Sketchy with a broad grin on his face, not daring to look at the guard. He soon found plenty to look at inside, however, as they found themselves in a large pantry just off of a kitchen. There were cupboards and shelves stacked to the ceiling and loaded with carefully arranged ingredients and ready-made foods.

The princess casually snatched a granola bar from a shelf, biting the end off it and munching on it as she walked.

“Yu hav nu ideuh huw buring ut geuhts heurr sumtimes.” she noted, talking with her mouth full as she gnawed on her treat, and then as she emptied her mouth she added “Please, have one if you like.”

“I’m good for now, thank you.” Sketchy replied politely, nudging Octavia’s shoulder lightly with his own and nodding towards Luna in order to check that she had seen that too, and he hadn’t just hallucinated the princess talking with her mouth full. The cellist raised her eyebrows and smiled in response, confirming that neither one of them was dreaming.

“Onward, then!” the princess declared, pushing her way through the doors at the other end of the pantry and straight into the kitchen. A small gathering of cooks and chefs stopped dead in their tracks for a moment on catching sight of the princess herself invading their domain, though they relaxed fairly quickly as she spoke once more.

“Ah, nevermind us, ladies. We are just... touring!” she stated, having had to pause for a few moments to grasp an appropriate term as she chomped thoughtfully on the remains of her snack.

Octavia could no longer hold in her giggles, and she buried her face in a hoof as her laughter escaped her throat. “I cannot put into words how much I should like to keel over and laugh right now!” she managed to say between breaths. There was something so simply comical about the princess acting so very ordinary like this in spite of her position that amused her to no end.

As for Luna, she simply glanced back to her friend with a smile and a giggle of her own. “Wonderful, Tavia! That’s exactly what I would have hoped for, that you have fun!”

“Let it not be said that Princess Luna is out of touch with her subjects.” Sketchy commented quietly, trying hard not burst out laughing himself. The princess glanced round at him, her smile growing.

“Anything either of you may need, simply say so. Now then! We have some places to be. Come along!”

With that, the dark blue alicorn led her earth pony companions through a large set of swinging double doors, which opened out onto the famous ballroom. It was without a doubt the largest dance hall Sketchy had ever set hoof in, with its high ceiling and tall pillars topped with assorted pony statues. It was easy to see why it was a favoured venue for large events here in Canterlot: the decor was quite opulent, the room’s capacity was impressive, and of course it was housed within the palace itself.

“Ahh, a familiar spot, yes Tavia?” Luna spoke up. “Of course, you were assaulted right over there, upon the stage. What a comedic night that turned out to be—though, I was sorry to hear that you had to have your instrument restrung.”

“Hmph.” Octavia replied in a grumbling manner. “Aside from that, the music was drab, the food was mediocre at best, and it was so stuffy it was as though I had a pillow stuck to my face the whole time.”

“Ahahahaha!” the princess giggled aloud, delighted with her friend’s honesty. “Perhaps next year you can bring Sketchy to liven things up?” she suggested with a chuckle, glancing round to the stallion. “Maybe bring your sax with you, let them hear something with some soul to it for a change?”

“It’d be my pleasure!” Sketchy affirmed, wondering to himself whether or not she was actually serious. It was sometimes difficult to tell when the princess was merely playing, and when she was making a serious suggestion. Occasionally, the two tended to intermingle.

“Excellent. Well, let’s get out of this place. I’m sure Tavia doesn’t want to dwell on that catastrophe of a night!” the princess grinned,playfully bumping the smaller pony’s flank with her own. “What would you like to see, dear? I can already take a guess at your answer, but I’d like to be certain.”

The cellist’s ears perked up from her slight brooding, and she looked up at the ruler of the night. “The music chamber?” she questioned, her smile slowly returning. “That would definitely be top of my list... or the carousel room.”

Sketchy had been about to voice his own approval of visiting the music room, but he stopped short and raised an eyebrow at her mention of the latter place. “Carousel room? What’s that, then?” he asked, though he barely managed to utter the question before Luna’s excited voice cut through the air.

“How do you know about that!?” she squealed excitedly, clapping her front hooves together happily as her voice rose loud enough to echo around the ballroom. “Tell me!”

Octavia blushed, her ears turning down partially to block out the princess’s excited squeal, but mostly due to her feeling a bit embarrassed at having gotten such a reaction out of her. She spoke up in a somewhat muted tone.

“Oh... rumours, speculation... and... uh... I heard your sister mention it once in passing. Not from eavesdropping, mind you!” she hastily added.

“Well, this certainly has me curious now.” Sketchy grinned. Luna meanwhile had turned about in a tight circle, looking almost as though she wanted to prance about like a filly.

“We must! We must stop there first, then, even if only for a brief moment!” she declared, turning towards the large set of doors at the end of the ballroom. She then promptly shot off towards them at a gallop, taking her guests somewhat by surprise. They were quick to follow suit, though.

“She sure can move, when the urge takes her!” Octavia commented slightly breathlessly as they chased after the alicorn, who had now started running up a winding staircase beyond the doors. There was little time to appreciate the plush carpet underfoot, which thankfully went a fair way to muting their thudding hooves as they raced after the fleeing princess, or the beautiful stained glass windows overlooking the hallway below. About the only thing that was a consistently visible feature as they made their way up the staircase was the impressive chandelier dominating the ceiling above, which they drew nearer to with every step.

They came to a skidding halt upon reaching the top, where the princess of the night was gazing intently over the railing. She raised a hoof to her mouth in a shushing gesture as the two caught up with her, silencing the question Octavia had been about to ask of what the princess was looking at.

“Just wait.” she instructed quietly. “And watch...”

Looking down over the railing, the two caught sight of a guard marching into the atrium below in a disciplined fashion. He came to a halt at the door guard post, standing stock still. The princess’s horn glimmered for a moment, and the carpet under the guard’s hooves shifted ever so slightly. He tried to keep his stance steady, but another nudge threw him just off balance enough that he dropped a small parchment scroll from a sash he had on, which he hastily scooped back up. Resuming his rigid posture, his eyes scanned the surroundings to see if anyone had seen his brief moment of undisciplined clumsiness. It was then that his eyes fell upon the three ponies watching from the top of the stairs. Although they couldn’t see clearly from up there, Sketchy was certain he saw a brief grin cross the guard’s face as the princess called down to him.

“Please, my good sir, accept my apology for making sport of you!” Her apology was accompanied by her flashing him a smile, a twinkle in her eyes. The guardspony remained stiff as a board, save for a slight, brief nod.

“You were right,” Sketchy whispered to his black-maned companion, “she’s a hoof full alright!”

Octavia giggled quietly at that, looking round at Luna. “You are so terrible! Obviously they have to let you do such things, but do they not get mad?”

The princess smiled as she turned her attention back to her two friends. “Rest assured, I have spoken to them when they are off-duty about such things. They are more than fine with my antics during these quiet hours. I would never dream of playing such tricks on them when they are being evaluated, or if there were something important or critical happening. Dare I say, they have all played a prank or two on me in return as well. It is all in good fun.”

“They have? It must have taken them some time to get up the nerve to even consider pranking you back.” Sketchy mused aloud.

“They do say turnabout is fair play, though, yes?” Octavia pointed out.

“Oh, it took them a little while. They were spurred on by my sister, though.” Luna replied, a happy giggle punctuating her speech. “Picture this, if you will. I am happily lounging in my bathtub, I have one of my favourite records playing for atmosphere – and, critically, I had on an eye mask so that I could more fully indulge my other senses. After lounging for some time, I step out of the tub and remove my mask... and I see that I have been turned an orange as bright as the sun!”

The two earth ponies exchanged glances, and then promptly burst out laughing. The princess was quick to join their mirthful outburst as she continued telling her tale.

“Why, I almost fainted there and then, and I screamed in horror when I saw myself! But then I swiftly began to see the hilarity of it all, and I laughed out loud... I must have laughed for a good half an hour, and I galloped all around the house as I went. I felt like a filly all over again, and when I finally settled down, my big sister was kind enough to simply magic it away as though it had never happened. It was wonderful; the house was filled with laughter that day.”

“I can imagine!” Sketchy nodded as he finally got his laughter under control. “Ah, I would have loved to have seen that for myself. I’ll have to ask Freezy if she was lucky enough to be on duty that day.”

“Can you imagine if somepony had gotten a picture? Ha!” the princess chuckled, turning her attention towards a set of large and rather ancient looking double doors set into the wall at the top of the stairs. The doors had a lock built into them, which she gently touched her horn to. A small spark ran through the lock, and the muffled sound of gears clanking to life sounded from behind the doors as they slowly parted.

“This is something I have only heard of, and only read about once in a book.” Octavia quietly commented to her mate, her eyes wide as she glanced briefly to him and then back to the opening doors.

Sketchy looked back at her with a smile. “Hon, all of this is stuff I’ve only ever heard about before.” he replied, glancing back toward the doors himself.

Beyond the doorway there was very little to be seen, save for a set of stairs illuminated from below by some form of magic. Beyond that, there was little to see save for some vague shapes shrouded by darkness.

“Ladies first.” Sketchy politely commented, noting the princess already stepping through the doorway. His companion smiled, following after the princess, and Sketchy followed shortly thereafter. The three of them made their way down to the bottom of the stairs carefully. It was next to impossible to make out any of the shapes hidden in the dark, but once they reached the bottom, Luna’s horn began to glimmer with magic.

Shapes of ornately sculpted prancing ponies began to emerge from the dark, as the light from the princess’s horn grew in intensity. Unlike an ordinary carousel, this was one where there was no central pillar; instead there was this platform upon which they were now sat, surrounded by the shapes of a few dozen lovingly crafted ponies on the carousel’s poles.

“My... parents built this room, for my sister and me.” Luna told them as the glow from her horn intensified. “We would come up here and ride on the backs of these ponies, and chase each other around the poles as it turned and played music.”

As she spoke, a spark of magic arced from her horn and found its way to a hidden mechanism buried somewhere among the sculpted figures. There came another quiet rumbling of gears as the carousel slowly came to life. The whole assembly began to gently bounce up and down, and music reverberated around the chamber. It was easy to see how two young and rambunctious fillies could have whiled away many happy hours on a toy such as this.

For a few moments there was silence from the room’s three occupants, with naught but a quiet, wistful murmur from the princess as her mind drifted back through the years to a time long since past. Presently, she gave Octavia a gentle nudge.

“Pretty, isn’t it?” she smiled, and then looked over at Sketchy. “If you want to assume maths, this was my seventh birthday present.”

Octavia snapped out of the reverie she had been in, and laughed into her hoof. “Your seventh? Oh, is that all?”

“Woooow... it’s been here some time, then.” Sketchy noted, letting out a low whistle.

“You might even say it has been around a lot of time!” Luna declared with a giggle.

“...ha!” the stallion laughed, taking a moment to notice her pun. “You know, I would never have expected you to be such a... what’s the word... a comedian?”

A warm smile spread across the princess’s face at that. “This is about the only time I really get to just... be a child again. But in truth, all anypony need do is ask. I would be honoured to share such things as this with them.”

“This is certainly far more than I expected, though!” Octavia declared, gesturing at the gently bobbing ponies still circling around them.

“I’d have to agree. Your house is a veritable trove of wonders, Lu-Lu.” Sketchy agreed. The princess bowed her head slightly in reply, a twinkle in her eyes.

“This isn’t even half of it.”

Sketchy laughed at that. “I don’t doubt it. And I still can’t believe we’re trotting about the Royal Palace in the middle of the night, with yourself as our host, and chatting away to you in a completely informal manner... No-one’d believe me for a minute if I told them!”

“Not quite. I would imagine Freeze Pop would believe you.” Luna pointed out with a chuckle. “And I expect Salad would as well. Ah! Perhaps I’ll drop your name when I go to visit her store. I must go and do that soon.”

“Oh, right! With all the excitement, I forgot she’d asked us to remind you to do that.” Sketchy admitted in a slightly sheepish tone. “And you’re right, both of them have gotten a good peek under your mask.”

“They have indeed. So, what more would you like to see?”

“I have heard of all kinds of things, such as the library and... the dungeons.” Octavia chimed in. “Are those things real?”

“The Library? Yes, of course it is real. Dungeons? Not so much, in this day and age.” Luna replied, flashing the cellist a smile. Her horn glimmered brightly, and the carousel around them began to slow as its accompanying music faded out. “I expect what the both of you want to see the most, though, would be the music chamber. Am I right?”

“Yes! Yes, please!” Sketchy replied immediately. “Not that this wasn’t a wonderful sight as well!” he added hastily.

As for Octavia, she let out a squeal of excitement, even hopping up and down for a moment where she stood. “The very idea of it is making me feel as giddy as a foal!”

“Come along, then.” the princess smiled, climbing the stairs back up out of the slowly dimming room. She was followed closely by Octavia and Sketchy, the former of whom spoke up as she followed up the steps.

“My goodness, Luna... this will be a pinnacle moment in our lives, you have no idea!”

A light chuckle came from behind Octavia at that. “I think she might have at least some idea, Tavy, with how bouncy you’re getting!”

The stone-grey mare cast a glance back over her shoulder, a broad grin on her face as she looked back at her companion as though to say “look who’s talking!” – after all, she was not the only one to be somewhat excited by the prospect of where they were going.

They left the carousel room, and its enchanted doors clanked back into place behind them as they descended the winding staircase outside. The princess cast a glance back over her shoulder at her two followers as they went.

“Alright, my friends, here is the thing. We’ll have to keep our voices down as we pass through here. There is a long hallway we’re about to go through, and half-way along it is Celly’s room.” She winked as she said that, as though it was no big deal that they would be walking straight past where the ruler of the day slept.

“She’ll be asleep at the moment, won’t she?” Sketchy questioned. His fellow earth pony’s ears folded back as a look of concern crossed her face.

“That is true, she will be resting will she not? I do not want want to disturb her.”

Luna chuckled a little as she replied “She is asleep, but so long as we tread lightly we won’t bother her. The music chamber is at the end of the hallway, and it is completely soundproofed. We could take the long way around, but I would rather not as those rooms have council members sleeping in them. They’re not as heavy sleepers as Celly is.” She winked at her two friends with that last remark, and then as they passed by the guard whom she’d subjected to her sense of humour earlier on, she bowed her head lightly to him.

“Thank you again, sir. You are wonderful.” she spoke quietly as she passed by him through the doorway he was stood next to. Beyond that was a long hallway, one side of which was entirely dominated by huge windows overlooking the courtyard outside. The other side of the hallway featured statues of assorted named ponies from ages past, and pedestals with busts of more famed figures from history. Interspersed between the sculptures were assorted potted plants and flowers, adding a splash of colour and fragrance to the hall.

Half-way along, as Luna had warned, stood a grand set of double doors. There was no mistaking whose bedchamber lay beyond, as the ornate sun motif emblazoned across them made it quite clear who slept inside.

I guess that beats simply having a sign on the door with your name on it! Sketchy thought to himself.

Luna paused briefly to mouth a “shhh” and “Celestia” as she indicated the door, before quietly walking past it. Octavia and Sketchy both paused for a few moments to admire the beautifully crafted decoration on the doors themselves, before swiftly and quietly following after their host.

As they approached the end of the hallway, Luna picked up the pace, dashing toward a huge set of doors set into the end of the hallway that looked as though they spanned almost two storeys. They were adorned with a decoration of music notes, instruments, time signatures and clefs, leaving absolutely no doubt as to what was inside. The three ponies stopped in front of the imposing doors, and Luna turned to look at Octavia.

“Octavia, this is where you come in.”

The cellist blinked, and stared in a confused manner at the princess for a moment. “I... I am sorry, what?” she questioned, looking from Luna to Sketchy and back again. Her fellow musician looked just as confused as she did.

“I need you to sing a tune for me.” Luna explained. “Think of a song that holds a deep meaning to you, and simply sing its notes.”

Octavia’s violet eyes narrowed as she thought over that for a moment, and then she cleared her throat and stood up straight. She began to softly hum a simple melody, though as she became less self-conscious about doing so before her two friends, she went from humming to openly singing out the notes. They echoed down the hallway, and she found herself momentarily concerned that she may even wake the slumbering alicorn in the room further down the hall. Her worries were unfounded, however, as there was no sign of the taller princess appearing – and as she reached the chorus of her song, the lock on the chamber’s doors began to glimmer with magic. There was a rhythmic clicking from within as it slowly opened up, and as she reached the end of her song, there was a soft click from the lock and the large doors opened slightly.

Princess Luna smiled to her classically-trained friend. “You see? Magic. It knows who can enter.”

“So then, either one of us could have opened it?” Sketchy questioned. Luna nodded in reply to that.

“Sadly, I left my violin behind at Tavia’s place, and she hasn’t brought it with her. I believe there may be a few inside, though.”

A smile spread on the stallion’s face. “We’ll soon see.”

Neither he nor Octavia could have dreamed of what lay beyond, though.

As the doors swung open and the lights inside the chamber came on, their eyes were met with the sight of instruments in their hundreds, of all shapes and sizes. The room was laid out in sections, much like an orchestra. There were instruments sat on stands, carefully hung from racks upon the walls, and even a good number of them suspended from the ceiling. Light reflected off of brass, silver, gem-lined highlights, glass... there was not a single kind of instrument that was not represented in some way or shape in the chamber.

The centre of the room was clear of instruments, containing only a couch of the kind popular with those who were prone to fainting and a few chairs and stools.

“Oh... oh wow...!” was all Sketchy managed to say as he gazed around the large chamber, his eyes widening as he took in the reality of a room filled with more instruments than he had ever seen in one place. “I honestly feel like a foal in a candy shop right now!”

As for Octavia, speech was beyond her for the time being. All she could do was simply gaze around the room in awed silence as she slowly trotted in.

“Welcome to my second home, my friends.” Luna said, making her way in and hopping up on the couch. “Please do be careful; some of these wondrous pieces you see in here are older even than I am – but you have my trust. If there is something you wish to see, please be my guests. I would love to hear something good from either one of you.”

Sketchy trotted forward slowly as though in a daze, his eyes roving all around the room. It was practically impossible to decide where to go first, there was too much to take in at once. However, something glistening off to one side caught his eye, and he turned to look at it.

Sat to one side of the strings section was a large, gilded harp. It was definitely one of the larger specimens he had ever seen, and he slowly approached it as though hypnotised by it. He looked closer at the instrument, taking in the intricately carved decorative linework etched into its frame. Far from being just an instrument, it was clear that the luthier who had built this particular instrument had taken their time to make it something special: spiralling, vine-like lines twisted their way around the instrument’s frame, and it was adorned at the top with the figure of a unicorn – or rather, he corrected himself as he noted its wings, an alicorn.

“...is it alright for me to touch this?” he asked hesitantly.

“Absolutely, my dear.” came the reply, accompanied by a light chuckle from the princess. “Play us some angelic tones.”

The stallion laughed a little in reply to that, as he sat up on his haunches. “I don’t know about angelic. I’ve never touched a harp in my life. I’ll see if I can manage an approximation, though.”

“Give it your best, then!” Luna nodded. She then turned her head as she heard a soft gasp come from elsewhere in the strings section.

Octavia had located a cello, inlaid with deep walnut and cherry tree wood, sat alone on a stand. Having already overheard the princess’s reply to Sketchy’s request for permission, even after she had told them they could touch any of the instruments, she decided permission was likely not necessary to ask for a second time. Nevertheless, she lifted the instrument with the greatest of care. The appreciation she had for her craft meant that she was well aware that this particular cello, ancient as it was, was also the only surviving one of its kind. The luthier who had crafted it had only ever made seven cellos in his time, due to having a preference for the smaller instruments. Nevertheless, he was known as somewhat of a legend among luthiers and musicians alike.

Carrying it with the greatest of care, she brought the instrument to the centre of the room, along with the bow that had been sat with it. The bow too was something special, made from glass and filled with tiny shimmering flecks of light. She stood up on her hind legs, twitching an ear as her fellow musician had already begun to pluck experimentally at the harp’s strings. As he slowly found his way around the instrument, a tune began to emerge.

Octavia smiled to herself. This was a tune she recognised and knew well – it was, after all, the tune she and Sketchy had played together the very first time she had invited him to meet her in the park for a little jam session. She closed her eyes as the harp’s soft tones rung in her ears.

“This... is an amazing instrument...” Sketchy commented quietly from where he sat as his hooves continued to glide over the strings.

Octavia opened her eyes again and glanced over to the alicorn princess resting on the couch. “...I know this cello and this bow. I know who made them.”

The princess responded with a simple small smile. “Play along with your mate, Octavia. I am anxious to hear you both.”

The cellist blushed a little at that, tucking the instrument more comfortably into its playing position. She laid her head against its armature, giving the strings a gentle pluck. Even after so many years sat within this chamber, the musical relic was still in perfect tune. She smiled at that, having expected nothing less. Latching the bow to her specially crafted horseshoe, she dragged it carefully into position. The strings whined softly as she waited for the right moment to join in. She took in a deep breath, hoping that she would do the aged instrument justice.

The bow slid across the strings, singing out with such a vibrant tone that it almost threw her off there and then. She had not expected it to be so easy to play, and she hastily adjusted herself to it. Following her partner’s lead, she echoed every note on the bass end of the scale; her hooves moved so effortlessly over the strings that she almost felt as though the cello was just letting her hold it while it played itself. She closed her eyes, lost in the deep and resonant tone of the centuries-old instrument. She could feel the vibration of its body coursing through her limbs, every note that left its strings like a piece of history filling her ears. In those few minutes, as she played, she became as one with a countless number of other musicians who had gone before her, their love for their craft touching her heart.

Neither of the two musicians noticed that Luna, sat on the couch as she was, had begun waving her forehooves in the air as though she was conducting the two-piece orchestra. As the song came to a close, though, she simply smiled, clapping her hooves together.

Octavia and Sketchy both opened their eyes, the latter looking over towards the princess of the night with a huge smile. He let out a bit of a gasp though, as his gaze was suddenly redirected over her shoulder and towards the door of the room. Octavia was somewhat puzzled by that and she tilted her head in bewilderment at him. Luna, on the other hand, simply smiled to herself.

“Did we wake you?” she asked, turning her head towards the door of the room with a childish grin on her face.

Octavia followed her gaze, and gasped herself. It was now very clear why Sketchy had been surprised.

Stood in the doorway of the music room, with the doors pushed ajar slightly, was the slender and statuesque figure of Princess Celestia herself – devoid of her usual jewelled adornments. In place of her golden slippers, however, was a set of large, fluffy pink ones. She wore nothing else, and her colourful mane was lying flat across her neck and back, rather than gleaming and floating like it usually did. Her tail, however, was quite happily defying physics in its usual manner.

“No, Lu-Lu,” she chuckled, “I was actually just fetching a late night snack, and I happened to hear music.” She briefly tilted her head at the doors, which none of the three ponies who had entered had remembered to close properly. “That, and I also noticed your light show in the garden earlier on. I was simply curious as to what you were up to.”

“I’m simply enjoying the company of friends.” Luna replied with a happy giggle. “Did you try a granola bar? Chef Cherries baked them, they are exquisite!” She sat up and looked over properly at the larger alicorn, a warm smile spreading across her face. “Dear sister, you always look so pretty.” she commented.

To the side of the couch and among the stringed instruments, Octavia and Sketchy both swiftly set aside their instruments and dropped to their knees in the ruler of the day’s presence.

Celestia laughed softly as she entered the room, nudging the doors closed behind her with a rear hoof. “Why thank you, Lu-Lu.” she replied, her tone and her smile evidence of the fact she knew that was a little joke, as she hardly looked her best. She then noticed the two earth ponies, and she shook her head slightly.

“Come now, you two... you don’t have to go doing that.”

Octavia was the first to rise back to her feet, a blush painting her cheeks. “Princess, I apologise. It... it is a little difficult to get used to. I still have to remind myself around Luna, too.”

“Ah, what Tavy said.” Sketchy chimed in as he stood back up. “It... well.. yeah. I’ve only ever known you as ‘Her Highness’ my whole life. So... this is very weird.”

Octavia nodded in agreement. “The same applies to me, Madam.”

Luna, meanwhile, slid off the couch and trotted over to the larger alicorn, wrapping a foreleg over her shoulders and pressing her neck against her sister’s in a warm hug. Celestia wasted no time in reciprocating her actions, hugging her in return.

“You know, she is a bigger prankster than I am.” Luna noted, casting her glance back to her two friends as she let go of her sister. Her comment caused Celestia to laugh melodiously, her voice ringing briefly around the chamber.

“Ahaha! Oh, listen to her boast about her big sister!” she chuckled, casting a fond glance at the midnight blue alicorn. “It’s true, of course... she had to learn from someone. Lu-Lu, do you mind if I stay here a little while with you and your friends?”

There was a moment’s silence, as the eyes of all three of the other ponies widened.

“Most certainly, Celly!” the younger alicorn finally stated, a big smile spreading across her face. “I think we would love nothing more than to give you a song... if these two virtuosos don’t mind me joining them?”

Playing a tune with a princess, for an audience of a princess. Octavia thought, her eyes going wide. Before she could consider raising an objection, though, Sketchy spoke up from where he was next to the harp.

“It... it’d be our pleasure!” he said, his voice a little shaky around the edges.

“Wonderful!” the tall white-pink alicorn smiled, making her way over to the couch and settling comfortably on the floor before it. “Ah, and before I forget... Octavia, and Sketchy Sounds. Correct?” she inquired with a smile and a nod to each of them in turn.

“That, uhm, that’s right, Prin—uh... I mean... Celestia...?” Sketchy ventured. It’s one thing addressing Luna familiarly, but... that’s Princess Celestia there!

Octavia bowed her head politely in response. “Madam, yes, I am Octavia. I played for the previous Grand Gala.” She pulled herself up on the couch, feeling a need to take the weight off her feet for a bit while she took in what was going on. “Your sister has been my... student, for a while... and we have, through that, become... friends.”

It was far more difficult for her to talk without feeling nervous towards the ruler of the day: whilst Luna had only been back in Equestria for perhaps a couple of years at the most, the sun princess had been there for the whole of Octavia’s life. She had grown up knowing Celestia as the all-powerful yet benevolent ruler of the entire kingdom, the highest authority in the land. Sitting there and talking to her like a regular pony with her stood around wearing fluffy pink slippers and all... it was a somewhat surreal experience.

This... is much harder than talking to Luna!

Luna had obviously picked up on her friends’ nervousness, as she trotted back over to the sofa and hopped up on it next to Octavia, waving a hoof for Sketchy to come and join them. He did so, parking his backside on the floor next to the couch.

“Tavia dear, you can be just as casual now as you are with me always. You too, Sketchy. Tell them, Celly!” the younger princess declared.

“What she says is true, I honestly don’t mind.” Celestia smiled, casting her warm gaze on the two somewhat nervous earth ponies. “I mean, look around you, children. The only ponies here are you, my sister, and me. I can tell you for certain that neither me nor Lu-Lu are all that hung up on titles when they aren’t needed. So, please. Don’t call me Princess. I’m just Lu-Lu’s big sister.”

“...so... Celly...?” Octavia ventured, in a small voice. A large smile spread across the princess’s face in answer to that.

“Yes, Tavy?” she inquired. She had obviously gotten wind of the cellist’s nickname from somewhere – and from the sly wink she flashed at her sister, it wasn’t difficult to guess where from.

“Some years ago, I wrote a song for you... uhm, on the off-chance that I would ever get the chance to play for you. There seems no better time than now, and I believe Sketchy and Luna could accompany me. If that is OK with you both?” she asked of the two, glancing from one to the other.

“Sounds like a great idea!” Sketchy replied. To his side, Luna looked into the depths of the strings section, her horn shimmering with magic.

“I think I can follow along just fine.” she stated as a violin floated towards her from somewhere in the back row of instruments. “Do you remember when I used to play for you, Celly? Tavia here has been tutoring me so I can play for you again, just like I used to.”

Celestia’s face lit up on hearing that, and she nodded her head with a smile. “So that’s where you kept sneaking off to! When Octavia said you had become her student, I figured it had perhaps been something like that. I purposely never asked you where you kept vanishing off to, though. I knew you were keeping it a secret for good reason. I’m touched, Lu-Lu.”

“I’ve missed how things were. I want to re-capture that, Celly.”

“Then by all means, go right ahead. I would love that, little sister.”

Octavia shifted herself slightly on the couch, taking up the cello once more where she sat, leaning her cheek to its neck and brushing her hooves gently over its strings. The docile tones it made were naught but a quiet prelude to what the instrument would release when bowed once more, as the cellist readied the glassy implement in her hoof. As she made ready, so too did Luna, bringing the violin up to her chin and readying the bow. Sketchy too decided to take up position again behind the harp, even if it was hardly his forte.

“My dear friends, my wonderful mate, please fill in where you will.” Octavia instructed. She tapped a hoof a few times for a sense of rhythm, and then she bowed the first note.

The song began on a long, high note at the top of the cello’s register. It was a fluttering, sustained note, like a hovering bird in the morning light. Slowly, more notes rolled from the strings with a warmer and lighter sound, giving the feeling of everything coming to life.

Luna soon chimed in on her violin, rolling across the strings of her instrument in matched arpeggios. Between the two instruments, it was as though their notes formed the sound of a sunrise with a dawn chorus of birdsong.

Sketchy, meanwhile, waited and listened for a few bars before finally beginning to softly pluck the harp’s strings, accenting the midtones and high notes as they floated through the air.

Focused as the three musicians were, they didn’t notice at first that their audience had closed her eyes, a relaxed smile gracing her lips.

The voice of the violin rose in volume and complexity as the composition Octavia had put together faded, moving into a different piece. The cello’s voice died down to background accompaniment, as Luna drew out a gently paced yet melodious tune – one which had gone unplayed for over a thousand years.

Celestia’s expression remained unchanged, save for her smile momentarily fading as the initial tune had changed, and then growing wide as she realised what was being played for her now. The cello and harp’s voices now served only to add accompaniment to the violin’s voice, as it sang out the melody of a song once sung by a mother to her two young children years and years ago. Luna’s movements were no less graceful than the last time she had played, and it was clear from both her smile and that on the face of her sister that the song she played held many a memory for the two.

The song’s final note rang sweet and long in the chamber. A tear rolled down the midnight blue alicorn’s cheek as she lowered her violin, looking toward the elegant form of her sister sat before them. She smiled, and her voice came in a quiet whisper as she spoke.

“I wish I had never left you.”

Celestia let out a loud sniffle as she opened her eyes, which it was clear to see were now moist around the edges.

“Oh Lu-Lu...” she replied. “Don’t you see? You never did.”

The violin and bow fell from Luna’s grasp, landing on the couch as she laid them aside and ran the few steps to her sister, hugging her fiercely. “I love you, big sister...!” she exclaimed, her voice muffled somewhat as Celestia in turn embraced her with equal strength and affection. She too could no longer hold her emotions in check, and her tears rolled along her snout and into the smaller alicorn’s mane as the two clung to each other.

Octavia felt a gentle bump against her shoulder as she was joined on the couch by her own loved one. Turning her gaze on him, she carefully set aside the cello and hugged close to his side, lifting her muzzle to whisper quietly to his ear.

“I am so glad to be here. And... can you believe all this?”

“I can... but only just!” he replied in a quiet chuckle. Although he’d known why Luna had been visiting Octavia, he never would have imagined getting to witness her putting her plan in motion firsthoof.

“My friends, thank you. Thank you for helping to make this happen.” the midnight blue alicorn spoke up. “This was not exactly what I had planned, but I am glad it came about this way regardless.”

“As Lu-Lu said, thank you.” Celestia intoned warmly, her chin resting atop her younger sister’s head. “The three of you made some wonderful music. But, more than that, I also want to thank you for accepting her as she is, and extending a hoof in friendship. I had been worried that, outside of our palace staff at least, she may have had difficulty finding some friends. I am pleased to see I needn’t have worried; as capable as I am, this is perhaps one of the only things I could not have done myself.”

A grin slowly spread across Sketchy’s face. He had been trying to find words to say for the situation, but as Celestia finished talking, the simplest thing to say presented itself in his mind.

“Anything for a friend... Celly.”

Both the royal sisters giggled a bit at that, but they quieted down as Octavia then chimed in, bowing her head politely to them both as she spoke.

“Your Highnesses, tonight has been one of the most eye-opening and fulfilling experiences I have had. I could not be happier to be considered your friend, Luna,” she said as she turned her gaze specifically to the younger princess for a moment, “and I am incredibly thankful to have been brought along here tonight. And again, I am most pleased to be considered a friend to the both of you.”

“Oh, Tavia, you are always so proper!” Luna replied with a giggle as she rose to her feet.

“I cannot help it!” Octavia replied. “And if you ever send me a message so early in the morning again, and scare me so, I shall... I shall... something!” she threatened, pointing a hoof at the princess. It was, of course, about as threatening sounding as her ordinary speaking voice – hence her “threat” came out as a docile statement. It was enough to make all three of the other ponies burst out laughing, however.

Octavia laughed along with them, until her laughter was interrupted by a wide yawn. “Oh my, excuse me!”

Celestia rose to her feet, shaking her head with a smile.

“This has been a most enjoyable evening, my little ponies, but I must get my bed rest. I have a sun to raise tomorrow, after all!” she stated in her usual warm tones.

“Rest well, big sister. I’ll see you tomorrow!” Luna chirped happily, and then added in quieter tones, “It looks like Tavia is shortly behind you. I should probably show them home.”

The sun princess glanced over at the yawning earth pony, and nodded slightly as she returned her gaze to Luna. “It does, at that. I believe you should, little sister of mine. Thank you for letting me sit in with you while you played, it was a wonderful thing to see you so happy again. I... have missed this.”

With that, Celestia bowed her head towards her sister’s, kissing her softly on the forehead. “Have a lovely evening, Lu-Lu. I’ll see you in the morning.” She turned, opening the chamber doors with a glimmer of golden magic from her horn, and made her way out. She paused on the threshold, however, to glance back over her shoulder at her younger sister. “Love you, sis.” she added with a smile, before heading out of the room and quietly down the passageway.

The wide smile that etched itself onto Luna’s face remained for several minutes as she watched the form of her older sister disappear off down the corridor. “Love you too!” she called after her, before turning to look over at Octavia with twinkling eyes.

“Tavia... you have helped me so much with this healing heart. Both your tutelage and your friendship... it has helped more than you know.” She then looked to Sketchy and spoke on.

“And you too, Sketchy. Without you inspiring her so, and opening her eyes here and there, I don’t think we would all be here right now enjoying all that has come together these past weeks and days.”

“I can honestly say, Luna, I don’t think I’ll ever forget this day for the rest of my entire life.” the stallion replied with a huge grin. Octavia, meanwhile, trotted over to the princess and wrapped her forelegs around her shoulders, hugging her.

“I have been shown, by him, by you, and by several other ponies now, that love and friendship are two of the most important things in life. I could never trade this for anything.”

Luna simply nodded in reply, returning her tutor’s embrace – shortly before the both of them felt another leg around their shoulders, as Sketchy trotted over and hugged the both of them.

“Thank you, both of you.” the princess of the night intoned softly, her voice a warm whisper.

“You’re more than welcome. It was our pleasure!”

“Absolutely our pleasure.” Octavia agreed.

“Let us get you two home. How do you feel about... flying?” Luna questioned in a whisper, a hint of mischief in her voice. Her two friends released her with a gasp.

“You can’t mean...”

“As in... through the air?” Octavia questioned, a little nervously.

“Ahaha! You will see. Come, let’s go up to the spire. Unless you two are scared of heights!” Luna replied cheerfully, slipping out of the music room’s doors. She was swiftly followed by her earth pony companions, whom shared a look of bewilderment as they made their way after her.

Whatever does she mean? Sketchy thought to himself. Does she honestly mean she’s going to fly us both home!? She can’t! I mean, look at her! She’s nowhere near as big as Freezy, she’d fall out of the sky! The rather glaring fact that, muscular or not, the slender-framed mare leading the way was responsible for raising the moon every night, had for the moment escaped him.

They came to a narrow hallway, and lastly to a long, spiralling set of stairs.

“It’s a bit of a climb, but the view is more than worth the while!” Luna informed them. Her tone became thoughtful as she then added “Perhaps a little too much of a climb...”

As Octavia looked up, and then further up, she felt she had to agree with Luna’s judgement. They were inside a hollow tower, stairs leading up and around the wall, all the way up to the distant top far overhead.

“We’ll take a shortcut!” the princess declared – and before either Sketchy or Octavia could voice a complaint, they found themselves gently lifted aloft with a shimmering blue glow around them. “Be ready for it...” Luna instructed, and then there was a bright flash of midnight blue.

Sketchy blinked a few times as his vision slowly cleared, and he took in his surroundings. He let out a long, low whistle of admiration as he took in the view, as they were now stood atop the tallest spire of the palace itself. For miles around, the distant lights of towns nestled on hills and in valleys could be seen, along with the radiant brilliance of Canterlot itself spread out below. With the moon riding high above, the whole land was bathed in a gentle silvery glow; complemented by the twinkling light of the stars.

“Wow... just look at that!” the artist exclaimed. “Is this where you and Celestia, you know... do your stuff from?” As he spoke, he heard a soft, frightened sounding squeak from his side, and then felt Octavia clinging to him. She was, it seemed, not as good with heights as he was.

“This is where I come whenever I want to properly admire this beautiful land of ours.” Luna replied contentedly, gazing out over the landscape. “Maybe next time I have you two over, you can see Celly and I change the day?”

“Ooooh!” Octavia chimed, feeling slightly less uneasy as she felt one of her stallion companion’s forelegs wrap snugly around her shoulders. “That would be lovely, Luna. As long as we would not be interfering, of course.”

“I wouldn’t be suggesting it otherwise.” Luna replied. She turned her gaze to the two, and an impish grin spread over her face. “So, his place or yours?”

“Yours, dear? Need a change of socks?” Octavia inquired of Sketchy, a smile playing around her features.

“Sounds good to me.” he replied with a small snicker.

“So it will be!” Luna nodded, her horn shimmering with magic. A blue haze spread around her two companions, littered with tiny glittering sparkles. “Be forewarned, this spell will wear off once you touch the ground, so be careful with it.”

With that, she lifted her head slightly. Both earth ponies found their hooves leaving the floor, which was a bit of an unnerving feeling for them. “Have a lovely evening, my friends! This has been one of the happiest days I have had in recent memory.”

“Whoa... whoa!” Octavia exclaimed, flailing her hooves about a bit. She wasn’t sure what to make of the whole floating thing, and her instincts didn’t like it.

Sketchy didn’t appear to be fairing much better, as he looked at the ground under his feet in a slightly panicked fashion.

Seeing this, Luna spoke once more. “Relax, both of you! There is nothing to fear; simply think of where you wish to travel, and the magic will carry you there. Pegasus ponies make it all seem so effortless, but this is actually far more straightforward. Just trust me!” With that, she gave a nod of her head, and the two were sent on their way, floating out gently over the edge of the roof.

Octavia looked from Luna to Sketchy with rather wide eyes, but swiftly decided she should try what she had been told. She pictured the stallion’s top floor apartment, set at the top of one of the Old Chapel’s towers; thought of the familiar scent it carried, and the comfortable surroundings...

There was a pulling feeling in her stomach, and Octavia suddenly accelerated off in the direction of the Old Chapel. Sketchy was rather surprised to see her fly off, but it wasn’t long before he was in hot pursuit as he too pictured his home. As they went rocketing over the city, he called out to his partner with an idea.

“Think of the balcony! It’ll save us the climb up the stairs!”

Moments later, Octavia felt her feet touch solid stone. She opened her eyes, as she had clenched them shut to avoid looking down, and was relieved to see that she had indeed touched down on the very balcony that led into Sketchy’s home. As for Sketchy himself...


The cellist leapt aside just in time to avoid being plowed into by her large stallion companion, as he made a skidding touchdown on the balcony. He steadied himself, shaking his head a little.

“That was a rare experience...!” he exclaimed, looking around. He had barely finished speaking before Octavia pounced on him from behind, almost yelling excitedly.

“That was the most AMAZING THING EVER!”

Sketchy laughed aloud at that, fumbling with the window latch before finally managing to get it open and stumble inside, the excited mare still on his back. “I know, right!?” he agreed, trying to keep his voice down. It was clear by now that Octavia had been containing herself somewhat – a fact made all the more obvious as she let ou a delighted squeal.

“We were... in the Royal House! And the music chamber! ...and with BOTH Princesses!” she exclaimed, panting a bit from her excitement finally getting out. She skipped across the floor, turned, and then flopped over on the bed with a loud sigh.

“We were! Goodness me, what a night!” Sketchy agreed, following her over to the bed and flopping down on it himself, chuckling happily. She rolled over and up on top of him, her long black mane falling around her face as her nose met his.

“I am so worn out, but my mind is going absolutely CRAZY! We... spent the evening.. with the princesses... playing with them... and then we FLEW! Well, floated, but.. we DID!” she continued on, her tiredness starting to show once more on her face.

Sketchy wrapped his forelegs around her and hugged her close. “We sure did.” was all he said, fatigue starting to take its toll on him as well.

Octavia slowly relaxed, as the amazingly magic-filled evening slowly drew to a close.

“So much... I am dreaming, am I not?”

“If this is all a dream, Tavy, I don’t wanna wake up. Not yet, anyway.” Sketchy replied, making himself comfortable where he lay. He felt his companion’s body fall to rest limply on top of him, her head coming to rest on his chest.

“I have never... been so happy in... my entire life...” she murmured as her eyes slid shut.

“Neither have I. Love you, Tavy.”

A small smile briefly graced Octavia’s face. “Love... you too...” she replied, before her consciousness faded completely.

It didn’t take long for Sketchy to succumb to unconsciousness after that.

Of course, neither he nor Octavia were to know that the next day would bring another rude awakening...