• Published 17th May 2012
  • 3,593 Views, 244 Comments

Sketchy Salad Serenata - Sketchy Sounds

A direct sequel to Sketchy Salad Symphony. Picks up not long after it left off.

  • ...

Recitativo 8 — Friends in High Places

Sketchy was roused from a restful sleep by a rhythmic knocking from downstairs. He groaned in the back of his throat as his eyes unwillingly slid open, squinting towards the blinds.

“Ungh… what time is it?” he pondered aloud, trying to judge the time of day by the light trying to peek in through the blinds. Considering how dim it was, it couldn’t have been later than eight o'clock in the morning. Nevertheless, whoever was knocking at the door was quite insistent, and so he reluctantly dragged himself free of the bedclothes and his companion.

Octavia made a quiet moan as she in turn was woken, sitting up a bit to rub at her eyes.

“Mmm… Sketchy? What is that racket?” she asked groggily, her unfocused eyes trying to make out the details around her and ascertain what time it was. She yawned widely and fell back against the bed, her head hitting the pillow with a soft thwump. A quiet sigh of relaxation came from her as she caught the familiar scent of her mate from the pillow.

Sketchy had in the mean time made his way downstairs. He was rather surprised, yet also pleased, to find a familiar face awaiting him on the other side of the door.

“Good morning, Sketchy. Did I wake you?” Freeze Pop inquired, a smile on her face beneath her distinctive helm.

“You did, but it’s fine.” Sketchy informed her. “What’s up? You wanna come in?”

The pegasus nodded, making her way past him as he stood aside to let her in. “I can’t stay for long, mind you. For once I’m actually here on official business, by order of Her Highness, Princess Celestia.”

Sketchy paused, the back hoof he’d pushed the door closed with still halfway off the floor, and tilted his head at his friend.

“...you are? Really? Er, we’re not—I mean, I’m… not in trouble, am I?” he asked, catching himself mid-sentence. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed about having Octavia around. It was just that, well… he didn’t think his pegasus friend needed to know the cellist was here just now. It was still something they were both furtive about, even if it was unnecessary.

As if on cue, however, Octavia’s voice chimed from overhead. “Is everything okay, Sketchy? Who is it?”

Freeze Pop smirked slightly, a small giggle escaping her throat as she caught the sheepish expression on Sketchy’s face at that. “No, neither of you are in trouble.” she replied, pulling an alabaster coloured envelope with a golden seal from somewhere under her armour. “Here you go. And good morning to you, miss Octavia!” she added, turning her head up towards the balcony as she set the envelope down on the coffee table.

The cellist’s ears perked up. Despite what troubles she had sometimes with her hearing, she couldn’t fail to recognise that particular mare’s voice now that she was more awake.

“Good morning, Freezy! A bit…” she paused, a wide yawn interrupting her sentence. “...excuse me. A bit early, is it not?” she called, stretching out and then rolling off the bed onto her hooves.

“Oh come now, it’s well past eight o’clock! Positively late in the day for some of us.” the sturdy guard chuckled. “I’m on the dawn patrol this morning, so I got up when Celestia did. Which was about 4:30 today, give or take a few minutes.”

“I’ve no idea how you manage it, Freezy. You’re something else.” Sketchy commented with a shake of his head.

“I would have to say that I, personally, am more on Luna’s schedule.” Octavia commented as she descended the stairs slowly.

Sketchy gave a nod of agreement at that, then his eyes moved to the envelope Freeze Pop had brought. “I’m very curious as to what this is about, I have to say. Uhm, she doesn’t mind you knowing about the contents, does she?” he inquired of the robust pegasus, who shook her head.

“Nope, I already know the gist of it. Go ahead and read it.” she said, a small smile playing around her features.

“A letter from Celestia, is it? Yes, do go on and open it, dear. This should be interesting.” Octavia encouraged him, a note of laughter in her tone as she was reminded of the various letters she had received in the past from the younger princess.

“Alright, let’s see then…” Sketchy nodded, pulling the envelope open. He unfolded the neatly written letter and cleared his throat.

Good morning, Octavia. And good morning to you too, Sketchy; I trust that the two of you are together still. Well, she’s got us pegged there, heh heh.”

A hint of pink lit up Octavia’s cheeks, and she quietly nodded, prompting him to read on.

Do pardon me for waking you both so early in the day. However, such is the nature of planning for little surprises, and I have one planned for my little sister.” Sketchy read on, his eyes widening a little at the latter part.

His expression was mirrored by Octavia, who simply commented with an “Oh my.”

Today is going to be a wonderfully sunny day, and it would be my pleasure if the two of you would join us. It has been many a long year since the two of us were able to spend time in each other’s company and that of our mutual friends. I therefore would like to cordially invite you to join us for tea, this afternoon, around two o’clock. If you are able to attend, please make sure to arrive at least half an hour before. That way, my conspirators in this little surprise may guide you to where we will sit, and your attendance will come as a lovely surprise for Luna, and we can all enjoy seeing the look on her face.

A snort of laughter escaped Octavia’s throat at that, accompanied by a chuckle from Freeze Pop.

“I bet Celestia was grinning when she wrote that bit.” Sketchy laughed, a similar expression spreading in his own face. “Let’s see, there’s a little bit left. Please send word at your earliest convenience—and I beg of you not to labour under the assumption that your attendance is mandatory. I understand that the both of you can be quite busy sometimes, with your respective talents. Still, I shall hope to see you both later today. Your friend, Celestia.

“Those two!” Octavia smiled, raising a hoof to her mouth briefly as she let out another chuckle. She was soon raising her other hoof to clap them together as a slightly giddy feeling rose in her chest. “Ah, is it not adorable? And such a fantastic idea! They must really want us to come, yes? I am not dreaming? I really want to attend! Do you?” she went on, trotting over to the stallion’s side and hugging close to him.

Sketchy’s gaze met with hers, and he saw in her wide eyes a look of childlike excitement and delight that he couldn’t have refused even if he’d wanted to.

“Of course!” he replied, a big smile enveloping his face. “Heck, even if I’d made plans already, I’d drop them in a jiffy. It’ll be great!”

“So I’ll report to Her Highness that you’ll both be attending then, shall I?” Freeze Pop inquired, an amused tone creeping into her otherwise completely professional-sounding voice.

“Most definitely, Freezy! We are both ecstatic!” Octavia exclaimed, her excitement almost causing her to twirl in place.

“I’d noticed that.” the armour-clad pegasus chuckled, her amusement getting the better of her for a moment. “I’m sure Celestia will be just as delighted.” she added, flashing the two a wink. “You don’t mind if I use the pegasus exit, do you? Those stairs are a pain.”

Sketchy shook his head. “Not at all, lass. go right ahead. Sooner you get word back, the better, after all.”

“Alright then. Catch you later, you two!” the guard smiled, clanking her way up the stairs. There came the sound of the window opening and shutting again, followed by a slightly muffled sound of pegasus wings unfurling and flapping as she made her exit.

“...so. We are having a garden party… with the Princesses… today.” Octavia stated, her eyes still wide with excitement and disbelief. She then let out a giddy laugh, the reality of the situation setting in making her heart flutter. “Oh my goodness! In all my time, I have never imagined this would happen to me.”

“Aye? Then try to picture for a moment how unlikely I thought it was for me!” Sketchy grinned, shaking his head. “I mean, in your case you’ve at least been acquainted with Luna for a while. And y’know, you’ve your reputation and all. Me, I’m just some schmuck!”

Octavia laughed merrily at his declaration, before bringing her face close to his own and kissing him firmly on the lips. There was a warm smile on her face as she then broke from it, looking up to him with an expression of understated adoration.

“Nonsense, dear. You are fantastic; it is simply that you have gone undiscovered… up until recently.” she told him, reaching up to stroke a hoof across the back of his neck as she gently rubbed noses with him.

The stallion let out a sigh of contentment, returning her affections. “You’re right, lass. And I couldn’t have asked for a better discoverer, either.” he replied, a similar smile on his face. “Breakfast? Seeing as we’re already wide awake and all.”

Octavia’s ears perked back up and she nodded. “You know, if Freezy had not said anything, I would have thought it was 5am!” she said, yawning a bit more as she stretched herself out one leg at a time, and then the realisation hit her waking mind that her mane was quite likely a wreck from being slept on. “Breakfast sounds great, just let me… ugh, mane!”

Sketchy chuckled and let the fastidious mare dash around him towards the washroom, turning towards the kitchenette himself. I wonder how long she’ll take to realise Freezy saw her with bedhead? he idly wondered to himself as he set to gathering together some food.

“This is going to be a great day, I can see it now!” Octavia’s voice sang from the bathroom, accompanied by the sound of her rigorously working a brush and comb through her hair. “And we get to spring a surprise on Luna! I cannot wait, usually it is her that surprises us!”

“In the gardens as well, no less.” Sketchy called back, clattering about the kitchen a little.

“Mmhmm! One of my favourite places! Oh! Oh! Do you think there will be music? Or perhaps mrrrfrrmm…” Octavia continued, her words fading into a mumble as she vainly attempted to continue talking whilst brushing her teeth.

“Empty your mouth before you talk, dear!” Sketchy called back to her with a chuckle and a shake of his head. “Honestly, I don’t really know what to expect; although I imagine she wants us to just come as we are.”

“Sorry! Excited!” Octavia called back as she finished brushing her teeth. She leaned closer to the mirror, casting a critical eye over the finer details of her appearance, then took in a breath and let it out in a satisfied sigh. Much better.

Sketchy flicked an ear as he heard the sound of the smaller mare’s approaching hoofsteps, then smiled to himself as she cleared her throat and spoke up.

“Pardon me, sir.” she said in her most proper tones, ducking her recently revealed accent for a more typical Canterlot one momentarily as she peeped into the kitchenette. She then let out a small giggle as she walked over and gently pressed her side to his, leaning her head to the side of his neck affectionately.

Sketchy glanced down to her, smiling at her restored appearance. “Beautiful as ever, my love.” he commented, taking his eyes off her again to keep watch over the pan he now had on the cooking range. “I hope you’re in the mood for a proper Shetland-style breakfast.”

“Aha? And what, may I ask, does that entail?” Octavia asked, her violet-hued gaze moving to the cooking range in turn.

“A guid-sized bowl o’ porridge, a coupla tattie scanes tae tide ye over, an’ a helpin’ o’ oatcakes wi’ a wee bit o’ cheese fer the stomach.” Sketchy replied, deliberately playing up his homeland’s dialect and earning him a laugh from his companion.

Suoni delizioso~!” she proclaimed in an equally thick accent. “I cannot wait; it smells wonderful. And do you know how long it has been since I have eaten anything home-cooked? Probably it would have been the last time I was home with my family.”

“That I can believe, considering what you’ve told me about your own culinary experiments.” Sketchy chuckled, turning his head briefly to give the top of her head an affectionate nuzzle. “By the by, did I mention how much I love your native accent? Because if I didn’t, let me just say—oh, hang on a tic here.” he said, cutting himself off to pour out the freshly prepared oatmeal into a pair of bowls sat on a nearby tray, which were accompanied by some cutlery and condiments. Picking it up, he carefully walked over to the table and set it down.

Octavia found herself a seat opposite him, giving an appreciative smile as he slid one of the bowls over to her. “You were saying?”

“Heh heh. I was about to say, it really rubs me the right way.” the stallion grinned, flashing her a wink. “Now then, d’you want anything in your porridge? I usually just drop a glob of jam or something else with some sweetness in there.”

“Jam sounds good to me.” the cellist replied, inhaling a good breath of the bowl’s scent. It was enough to stir her appetite, as her stomach seemed to realise that for one it was now morning, and for another thing she hadn’t yet eaten anything. “I am glad you like the way I speak, it is freeing to let it out. Oh, and can you imagine later, when we meet with the Princesses? I do not think they have a clue.”

“I get that impression as well.” Sketchy agreed, tipping a generous helping of sweet and sticky preserve into his breakfast before passing the jar over to his companion. “It should be quite interesting to see how they react. Bon appetit, dear!”

Octavia smiled, giving a nod of thanks to the stallion as he passed her the jam. She tipped some into her own food, letting it sink in before stirring it a little, then took a good-sized mouthful. A pleased “mmm” left her mouth as she swallowed it down, her smile growing. “Definitely wonderful comfort food.”

“Back in Shetland, this is what’s for breakfast most days. We do like our oats… helps us grow up big and strong!” Sketchy informed her with a grin. Octavia leaned back a bit in her seat, eyeing his sizeable stature for a few moments.

“Seems to have worked.” she said, flashing him a wink. “I have mostly heard it called oatmeal around here. I used to eat it quite a bit before school, though usually with a few cubes of brown sugar stirred in. This is quite to my tastes as well, though.”

“Aye, I’ve heard it called that too. I think I prefer our term for it, though.” Sketchy noted as he polished off the last of his helping. He sat back, licking his lips clean of his meal. “I’m gonna go sort the scones out. Take your time, me lass.” he told Octavia as he rose from the table and headed back into the kitchen.

The cellist smiled to herself as she continued her meal at a leisurely pace, idly watching the object of her affections as he tended to more cooking. The pleasant ambience of breakfast in the morning with someone she loved was still a new thing to her, though certainly it was something she enjoyed. A thought then struck her, as she remembered something which she’d discussed recently with a number of her fellow orchestral performers.

“Sketchy dear, do you think you would be up for some travel in the future? We will be starting practice again soon, and then after a few weeks of that we are going to be going on tour.”

“I could be up for that, aye!” Sketchy called back from the kitchen.

“I should warn you, it may be difficult! You know, staying in exotic and luxurious surroundings, and attending free concerts every night...” Octavia went on, giggling a bit at her own facetiousness.

Sketchy in turn let out a laugh, putting a hoof to his forehead in mock lament. “Oh! It will be so terribly difficult, my love, but for you I shall persevere!”

Octavia laughed openly at that, shaking her head slightly as she neatly wiped her muzzle with a napkin. Picking up her bowl, she made her way through to the kitchenette to set it down in the sink. She then turned to appreciate the sight of her stallion, sat with a watchful eye on the cooking range once more, a patient smile on his face.

Sketchy felt a pair of hooves slide over his shoulders and then up to his neck, ruffling his mane before the cellist’s forelegs squeezed snugly around him. “You are so handsome, however did I get so lucky?” her voice intoned softly. He let out a contented sigh, turning his head to look at her.

“Probably by the same means that I was lucky enough to end up with such a beautiful and talented mare.” he replied, leaning his head down to nuzzle gently at the top of her head. “Give me a mo, scones are about done.” he added, turning to deftly shift the aforementioned food out of the frying pan and onto a waiting plate. Octavia let go of him as he did so, but was pleasantly surprised as he then turned his attention back to her and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Her ears turned back as she blushed faintly, smiling to him at the show of affection.

“They smell great.” she said, taking an appreciative sniff of the freshly prepared food as she ducked her head to pick up the plate. Setting it down on the table, she turned to look back at Sketchy as she parked herself once more. “I really enjoy times such as these, the quiet with just us. It is so… pleasant, you know?” she smiled, scooping up a scone from the plate to take a bite. She quickly realised her mistake, however, and her eyes grew wide as she dropped the still rather hot food back on the plate, sticking her tongue out and waving her hooves at it in a rather comedic attempt to cool the burning feeling. She heard an amused though apologetic chuckle from her companion as he took amusement in her slight misfortune.

“Lass, you gotta let them cool down before you eat them!” he grinned, shaking his head slightly as he seated himself. “You alright there?”

Octavia nodded, swallowing down her mouthful. “Uhf… madre always said I was too anxious.” she stated, a bit of an awkward look on her face as she carefully poked at the still-hot food she had dropped on her plate. “A good thing I have you to help me relax.” she added, casting an alluring glance at the stallion opposite her.

Sketchy leaned forward over the table slightly, planting a soft kiss on her lips. “Couldn’t agree more.” he intoned warmly, before leaning back again to help himself to some of the scones and oatcakes. He garnished the latter with some cheese, then glanced back up to the violet-eyed mare. “A good thing Celly sent advance notice. Mind you, I wouldn’t expect any less from her, as far as organisation’s concerned.”

“Considering how full her days must be, I cannot help but wonder at how she manages it all. Even if she is a princess, it must be difficult fulfilling so many obligations.” Octavia mused, her gaze wandering off to one side.

“True, true. Waking up to raise the sun, then spending nearly all day on your feet making appearances and putting your name on things… and all the other stuff she does. If I was in her shoes I’d have been real glad when Lu-Lu came back. Someone to take some of the work off my back, y’know?”

“If you were in her shoes, dear, I believe you would stumble over your own hooves.” Octavia giggled, earning her a roll of Sketchy’s eyes and a mirthful groan. “But yes, I expect that is but one of many reasons they are happy to have each other. The weight of an entire kingdom should not be borne on a single pony’s shoulders, even if she is a Princess.”

“Mmm… a single pony taking a massive responsibility all on her own shoulders… now, who does that remind me of…?” Sketchy pondered, casting a sidelong look at Octavia with a teasing grin on his face.

“Hmph!” she snorted, shaking her head at him – though the tell-tale hint of a grin on her face gave away her lack of genuine upset at the remark. “A good thing for you that you are not lacking in charm.”

“Good thing indeed! I’d have never managed to capture the heart of such a beautiful, caring, talented mare, otherwise.” Sketchy agreed matter-of-factly. He was inwardly delighted to note the sudden surge of redness around said mare’s face.

“Ah, anyway! We should not tarry too long, dear. We have only so many hours before we are expected for tea.”

As it turned out, those few hours went by more swiftly than expected. Perhaps it was the mix of excitement and nerves that caused the time to fly past, but the two musicians found themselves trotting along the road towards the Royal Gardens after what felt like barely any time at all. The early afternoon sunshine was pleasantly warm, accompanied by the softest hint of a breeze. The few clouds overhead scudded lazily across the sky. It was nothing less than a perfect summer’s afternoon.

“Good afternoon, sirs.” Sketchy spoke up as he and Octavia approached the gates leading into the gardens. He was fairly sure, after all, that neither of the sentries was his childhood friend. “Octavia and I are here by invitation of Princess Celestia.”

One of the armoured ponies scrutinised the two for a moment, before giving a brief nod. “We’ve been expecting you both.” he stated, moving to open the gate, adding “An attendant will receive you, just up the path.”

“Thank you!” Sketchy said, a polite smile on his face as he followed Octavia through the gate. The two of them continued on along the path, the quiet sound of their hooves on the grass accompanied by the twittering ambience of assorted birds nestled happily in the boughs overhead. As they rounded a corner, they were met by one of the palace attendants: a smartly-dressed young mare, with her pastel blue mane styled in tight curls.

“...ah! Good afternoon… Octavia and Sketchy Sounds?” she questioned politely. Seeing Sketchy nod his head, she turned towards the path ahead, keeping her gaze on the two. “Please follow me… and keep as quiet as you can, the Princesses are walking the grounds currently. We wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise!” she whispered, a conspiratorial smile on her face.

Octavia had to suppress a giggle, bowing her head slightly as she did so. “Of course not.” she smiled, flashing a wink to Sketchy, who returned it with a muffled laugh of his own.

The trio of ponies made their way quietly along the garden path, heading deeper into the gardens and up the way along a hedge-lined avenue. The end of the path gave way to a grassy hillock surrounded by trees. There was a deliberate break in the natural border, however, which lent it a view out over the gardens. It was an intimate and yet very welcoming spot, made all the more welcoming by the fact that a blanket had already been spread out, and cups and plates placed for four ponies. There was also a sizeable picnic basket sat at one end of the blanket, the sight of which prompted the young attendant to speak up once more.

“Here we are. Ah, you would not believe the effort it took to avoid Princess Luna cottoning on to our scheme. She knew that Princess Celestia wanted to have lunch outside today, after all, and she has an exceptional eye for numbers. We had to be so very careful that she did not notice the extras we packed!”

“She has a gift for keeping time, also.” Octavia said, a mirthful undercurrent in her voice. Her slightly obscure humour wasn’t lost on her companion, who let out a brief chuckle as well.

“When should we expect their company?” he asked, looking from the setting back to their guide.

“We’ll send word discreetly to Her Highness. I would expect they will arrive shortly thereafter. It will be just the four of you.”

“...and I’ve heard some promising things from the Contessa, as well.”

Princess Celestia arched an eyebrow slightly at her younger sister, an inquisitive look in her eye as the two continued their promenade. “Oh?”

“Yes! She tells me they are making some promising steps towards wider acceptance. Small steps, I will admit, but steps in the right direction, regardless.”

“That is promising.” Celestia smiled, slowing her pace briefly as an attendant approached her. She leaned her head down briefly to listen as the young pony spoke, nodding her head briefly in reply before returning her attention to her sibling. “And speaking of promises, the picnic I promised you is ready and waiting.”

“Ah, and not a moment too soon! I must admit I have quite the appetite. All of this talk does make one hungry!” the deep blue-coated alicorn chuckled, though she tilted her head a bit as a thought struck her. “Are we to collect it from the kitchens then, perchance?”

The tall, pink-white alicorn let out a small chuckle, a teasing smile spreading on her face. “No, Lu-Lu. I arranged for it to be set out for us ahead of time. I do remember, after all, how you always used to practically bounce in place with impatience when waiting for your food. This way, we can get straight to the good part.”

“Ha! Thy ribbing wounds me, sister!” Luna giggled, her face scrunching up with amusement. “And yet I feel a spring in my step, even now.”

Celestia in turn allowed a small chuckle to escape her throat as she playfully nudged her sister’s shoulder with the side of her head. “So I see! Well then, come along. I had them lay it out in one of our favourite spots!”

Luna followed after the larger alicorn, an almost child-like burble of laughter bubbling from her. She calmed herself slightly, though, as her eyes roved around the gardens, and then to the sky overhead. “It is such a nice day, Celly. You really out-do yourself, sometimes. Mother and father would be so proud of you…”

A thoughtful silence pervaded between the two at that, broken only by a small sigh emanating from the younger alicorn.

“Would you… you know, like back when we were still little… help me put up the stars one night?”

Celestia stopped mid-step, turning to look at her sister. There was an earnest look in the night-blue pony’s teal eyes, one that stirred memories in the sun princess’s head that she had long ago laid aside out of necessity. Her heart fluttered for a moment, before an irrepressible smile shone forth on her face. “Why, Lu-Lu… I would love to.” she said, swiftly stepping close to the younger pony and nuzzling at her neck tenderly. It came as no surprise that she soon felt one of Luna’s forelegs wrap itself tightly around her shoulders.

“I missed those moments so much.”

Celestia sighed softly in agreement, leaning into her sister’s affectionate grasp a little before gently pulling away to stand back up to her normal height. “As did I, little sister. As did I.” she said quietly, a warm smile on her face. Her expression then brightened as she raised her voice back to its normal level. “Come now, our food won’t eat itself!”

“I think I hear our hosts…!” Sketchy whispered, twisting an ear in the direction of where he was sure he had just heard Princess Celestia’s voice.

“I believe so. I am so excited!” Octavia agreed in a similarly hushed tone, turning to look towards the same path she and Sketchy had ascended earlier on. Sure enough, the top of a shimmering, pastel-striped mane could just be seen poking up over the top of the hedges. The cellist couldn’t help but let out a quiet “aww!” as the two regal figures emerged from the top of the path, walking side-by-side, and happily chatting away to each other.

Celestia’s gaze flicked from her sister to the picnic site and back, and a mischievous smile spread itself on her face. “Well, my goodness! It seems we have guests for tea, Lu-Lu. I wonder when they got here?” she said, barely suppressing the mirth in her voice.

Luna’s eyes widened as she in turn looked over at the picnic site, before a huge grin rapidly spread on her face. “Tavia! Sketchy!” she exclaimed, the spring in her step becoming all the more apparent as she looked back to her fellow alicorn. “This is your doing, isn’t it Celly? What a wonderful surprise! Thank you!” she added, before bolting the short distance to the blanket with a delighted cry. “It is so good to see you both! It seems like forever since the last time we were together!”

“Likewise, Lu-Lu.” Sketchy grinned in return. It was only the second time in his life that he was having a close encounter with both the Princess of the Night and her older sibling, and it still felt a bit unnatural to refer to either of them familiarly… but, he had to admit, seeing the pony whom they dared to call friend wear her emotions so openly in front of them, it would be even more unnatural to not use a familiar form of address.

“Luna! Celestia! It is so wonderful to see you both, and may I add that you both have done a tremendous job making such beautiful nights and days.” Octavia exclaimed, a bright smile on her features as she let the pure sound of her native tones shine through in her speech. She knew neither one of them had likely ever heard her speak in such a way before, and she wasn’t left wanting for a reaction.

“...my my.” Celestia intoned as she joined her friends and family, tilting her head slightly at Octavia with a mix of curiosity and amusement on her face. “You kept that little secret well hidden. I’d thought you were Canterlot born and bred, dear.” she chuckled, parking her hindquarters on the blanket opposite her sister.

Luna, by comparison, had let out a gasp of surprise on hearing the cellist speak, and she now found herself a place alongside her friend. “Why, Tavia! For what reason would you hide such a lovely accent? I am sure Canterlot could stand some variety!” she exclaimed, the end of her sentence punctuated with a giggle.

“You know this city, it has its influence!” Octavia replied, a blush painting her cheeks. “But you are right, Luna, it could indeed. You may thank Sketchy for this—or his mother, rather. She was able to pick it out in a very short space of time.”

“She must be talented indeed. And I agree with Lu-Lu, dear. You shouldn’t draw a veil over that part of yourself. As much as keeping up appearances may have become a necessary evil in today’s world, there is more to what makes a pony unique than their special talents.” Celestia said, the well-practiced and warm guiding tone she had cultivated through many a year coming to the fore. It raised a giggle from Luna, whose gaze had returned to her sister once more.

“Art thou even aware when thy dost lecture, dear sister?” she giggled, a fond look in her eyes.

“About as aware as you seem to be of your lapsing into olden tongue, Lu-Lu.” the larger alicorn snickered, a similar expression on her own face.

“Touché!” Luna exclaimed, letting out another laugh. “And yet I must say, Celly, today you have certainly outdone yourself. I can hardly remember the last time that we have had the pleasure of the company of friends for lunch like this. It is almost too much to take in all at once!”

“I have to agree, there.” Sketchy chimed in. “This is probably the most beautiful sunny day I’ve ever seen, Celestia.” Comfortable as he might have been calling Luna by her nickname, he still couldn’t bring himself to do the same for the sun Princess he’d looked up to all his life. “Pardon me if I draw a parallel, but as a fellow artist, I have to say you’ve painted a beautiful picture. I’m very moved.”

“As am I!” Octavia added, a warm smile creasing her face. “Without either of you two, my music would be terribly uninspired.”

Celestia raised a front hoof to her mouth as she let out a small chuckle. “Thank you, both of you.” she replied, her tone as warm as ever. “As a fellow artist, I have to say it’s always a joy to have my work appreciated. Allow me to ask, though, putting that aside: who’s hungry?”

Her question was met with a round of enthusiastic replies from the other three ponies, and they soon set to helping themselves to the basket’s contents. There was tea and coffee to drink, a selection of sandwiches, salad, sweet and savoury treats, and fresh fruit as well. It was evident that plenty of thought had gone into ensuring there was something for everyone, and the four ponies were soon sat contentedly munching their way through their assorted snacks.

“This takes me back, you know.”

All eyes turned on Luna, whose utterance had broken the relative calm of the afternoon.

“How long has it been, Celly? Since we last had some quiet time like this, with just a small gathering of friends?”

“Mmm… if memory serves correctly, my dear, the last time would have been that little late night jam session you three had.” Celestia smiled. “Although prior to that… it has certainly been many a year.”

“And you even managed to surprise me with it!” Luna enthused. “You’ve lost none of your touch for the subtle and unexpected.”

“Runs in the family then, does it? Playing pranks and surprising each other, I mean.” Sketchy asked, the expression on his face filled with the kind of curiosity one would expect to find on the face of a foal being told an exciting bedtime story.

“You might say that… Out of the two of us, however, I would have to concede that my little sister has the edge on spur of the moment, spontaneous jokes. I, on the other hoof, prefer to take my time planning my tricks, most of the time… though I have my moments.” Celestia said, her eyes twinkling briefly with mischief.

“Ha! Goodness… you know, if I’d never had the chance to meet you both up-close, I’d have had difficulty believing that either one of you were so… laid-back. So, ordinary, you know?” Sketchy mused aloud. He smiled as he went on. “It’s a good thing, though. I mean, getting this close, seeing you both like this, I can see without a doubt that you can relate to the so-called ordinary ponies of Equestria. That’s both very comforting, and very humbling at the same time.”

“Mmf… we’re all living creatures… nomf…” Luna replied, talking through a partially-full mouth as though to emphasise her ordinary stature. She blushed slightly and grinned apologetically as she went on. “We all have hearts and emotions; we all have wants and needs… and even though we may be in this position, we do enjoy a bit of fun.” she concluded, flashing a mischievous look at her big sister, who smiled back at her.

“Indeed we do. You know, I would be happy to have our friends over to our house again, like last time, whenever you wish. It does belong to us both, after all—and last time was delightful.”

There was a loud clatter of fine china as Octavia nearly dropped her teacup, accompanied by a series of coughs as Sketchy nearly choked on the sandwich he’d just bitten into. It was enough to cause Luna to burst out in a ringing laugh at both her friends’ reactions and her sister’s excellent comedic timing.

“You have earned the prankster crown today, sister, even if it was unintentional!” she exclaimed between giggles. Celestia in turn simply smiled, a warm laugh emanating from her as she gently bowed her head.

“Thank you, thank you, I am here all week!” she said, a large grin creasing her face as she raised her head again.

“Forgive my shock, both of you,” Octavia apologised, carefully setting down her cup, “and please also pardon my gushing, but… that would be stunning!”

“What Tavy said.” Sketchy agreed, having taken the time to properly swallow his sandwich. “I mean… yeah, wow. You’d honestly be fine with that? Really?”

“Oh, Tavia, Sketchy, of course! We’re friends, right?” Luna replied, smiling around the glass of fruit juice she had lifted to her lips in a shimmer of magic.

“...yes. Yes, we are.” Octavia nodded, a similar smile spreading on her face.

“I wouldn’t make such an offer if I wasn’t serious, my little ponies.” Celestia stated. “Luna is clearly fond of the two of you, and I am quickly seeing why. If having you visit will bring more music and happiness to our home, then I am more than happy with the idea of you visiting more often. After all, a part of my duty is to bring happiness to others. I can hardly do well at that if the ponies under my own roof are not as happy as can be… myself included.”

A faint pink tinge had grown on Octavia’s cheeks as she listened to Celestia’s words. She couldn’t help speaking up as well. “I am honoured, Celestia, and obviously you know I am honoured, Luna. And I promise we will try not to keep you up late every night!” she chuckled. Compared to how much she wanted to whoop for joy internally, it was an impressively controlled reaction. “I cannot express in words how happy this makes me. At this very moment, it feels as though my life is complete: I have my friends, my family, my love, and this wonderful day.”

“You… are soooooo sappy, Tavia!” Luna piped up, a mischievous giggle punctuating her words. “Please darling, without you and Sketchy I believe half of our Guard would have quit by now from my boredom!”

Octavia let out a laugh of her own at that, even as she moved over to lean against Sketchy, who welcomed her with a foreleg around her shoulders.

“Oh, I’m not so sure they would have quit, my dear, though I’m sure they would have begun to complain sooner or later. Well, were it not for our own counter-plotting to match your trickery every so often, that is.” Celestia said, a small giggle of recollection accompanying her sentence.

“Ha! Indeed! I am so glad they put up with me and have such a good sense of humour about it.” Luna declared, her tail twitching slightly as she turned her attention once more to the picnic basket, carefully rummaging through its contents with her magic. “Ah! There it is!”

The two earth ponies gave her a curious look, only to be treated shortly thereafter to the rare sight of the Princess of the Night enthusiastically stuffing her face with a generous portion of baklava.

“Mmm! My favourite!” she declared happily through a full mouth, before giving her friends a quizzical look and a “...what?”, prompting them to giggle at her distinct lack of regality.

“Oh Lu-Lu. You grew bigger, but I doubt you’ll ever grow older.” Celestia intoned fondly as she reached a foreleg towards the younger alicorn and drew her into a gentle embrace. Luna in turn leaned into her sister’s figure, a somewhat comical but nevertheless contented smile on her face.

“I will always be your little sister, Celly. Always.”

“You will indeed. I love you, Lu-Lu.”

There was a short pause as the four ponies took a moment to enjoy their surroundings and their company, before Celestia spoke up once more.

“We will have to be prudent about having you visit, however. I expect things are going to become quite hectic around the Palace, soon enough.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“Neither of you have heard?” Luna inquired, raising an eyebrow. “I suppose Freezy has little interest for gossip then… that, or more integrity than some would credit her with.”

“Well, now you have us both intrigued.” Octavia said, cocking her eyebrows at the alicorn pair. “What sort of event is brewing?”

“Well… you didn’t hear this from me,” Celestia began, a sly expression spreading across her face, “but it just so happens that a certain captain of the guard might be getting married, soon. To a certain royal, no less.”

“Oh my, that is quite something, right enough.” Octavia agreed, her eyes widening a little. “I can see why that would cause some commotion. You need not worry, we would not dream of attempting to intrude during such an important time.”

“Well, it would be difficult to intrude very far, regardless.” Luna remarked. “With such a high profile event on the horizon, there are going to be a higher number of patrolling ponies around here. I expect this may be the only decent opportunity we have for a little get together like this for some time.”

“Then I am all the more grateful that we have been able to gather together so.” Octavia smiled. “Forgive me if it is somewhat forward of me, but will my services be required, at all? For the forthcoming event, I mean.”

The younger alicorn let out a slight chuckle at that. “Were it my wedding, Tavia, I would surely enlist your talent. Alas, that detail has already been attended to. I am sorry, their particular tastes do not align with mine.”

The cellist smiled, shrugging her shoulders. “Alas, indeed. But one cannot be blamed for inquiring.” she giggled.

“Indeed, one cannot.” Celestia nodded.

“Speaking of weddings, have you two set a date yet?” Luna inquired, a barely concealed grin on her face. It was still enough to make both her earth pony friends almost choke a second time.

“P… Princess!” Octavia stuttered. “Must you risk our constitution so?”

“What Tavy said!” Sketchy agreed, hastily nodding his head. “I mean, I haven’t even asked her yet—er, I mean, do you not think you’re jumping the gun a bit?” he went on, badly covering his tracks. Mercifully, Luna was quick to quell both their worries.

“Ahahaha! Oh come now, both of you, I was not being completely serious. Such matters are best given time and careful forward thought. I would hardly expect you to be ready so soon.” she said, a reassuring smile gracing her features. “Nay my friends, enjoy the love you have while it is yours to enjoy, along with all that it brings. You will know when you are ready for anything greater.”

“...yeah. You’re right, Luna. Thanks.” Sketchy smiled, internally relieved at the Princess quickly cutting in and drawing attention away from his tripping over his words.

“We shall, you are right.” Octavia agreed casting a fond look at her stallion companion.

“Alas, it seems that duty calls.” Celestia spoke up, casting a glance towards the path up to their picnic spot, where a guardspony had appeared. “Thank you for joining us, Sketchy, Octavia.”

“The pleasure was ours, honestly!” Sketchy grinned, accompanied by Octavia nodding her head in agreement.

“You will certainly see us again, this I promise.”

“So, you guys had lunch with the Princesses, huh?”

A few hours of time and a chance encounter saw the two earth ponies lazing in the early evening sunshine, with a snow-white coated pegasus relaxing just overhead on a cloud she’d appropriated for a sunbed.

“Yep. Though part of me still keeps wondering if we didn’t just hallucinate the last few hours.”

“Heh! You get used to it, eventually.” Freeze Pop chuckled, casting a glance down from her cloud at her friend. “...well OK, you never totally get used to it. It’d be kinda bad if you did, I think. Hanging out with those two always feels special.”

“You can say that again.” Sketchy agreed. “I mean… I can kinda get used to the idea of rubbing shoulders with either one of them, but at the same time I really can’t. Know what I mean?”

“I believe we both do, Sketchy. Myself especially.” Octavia chimed in. “I am still astounded to have Luna refer to either one of us as her friend. In the eyes of many, after all, neither you nor I are anything special.”

“Maybe not in the eyes of many, Tavy, but in the eyes of one…” Sketchy trailed off, turning to look at her lovingly. He got a similar reaction from the cellist, who met his gaze with a smile and a sigh. The moment was slightly soured by Freeze Pop making an exaggerated gagging sound from overhead.

“Jeez, you two. I’m happy for ya both and all, but if you get any more corny you’ll start putting some farmers outta business!” the pegasus smirked. Her expression grew all the more amused as Octavia answered her remark with a “thhpbtpbt!”, accompanied by a good-natured laugh from Sketchy.

“I’d accuse you of jealousy if I didn’t know any better, Freeze.”

“Well it’s a good job you do, then.” the pegasus smiled back, stretching out a bit on her cloud. She kicked an armoured hoof lazily, looking out towards where the sun was very gradually sinking towards the horizon. “Nah, you two have your own thing, and you’re both happy. Us ponies… we’re like pieces of a puzzle, y’know?”

“What do you mean, Freezy?” Octavia questioned, glancing up towards the pegasus’s low-floating cloud. Freeze in turn tilted her head back over its edge.

“Þú getur ekki gert þraut án allra verka.” she replied in her native tongue. “Or, you can’t do a puzzle without all the pieces. It’s pretty rare to find any pony that makes a whole picture just on their own.”

“Ah, I think I see what you mean.” Octavia smiled. “You are referring to the way that we make friends with others, yes?”

“Spot on, Tavy!” Freeze chuckled. “Every pony has a place where they fit in, and make up a bit of a bigger picture. Though most of us never see the whole thing.”

“I guess not. Though I’m glad to’ve found where I seem to fit well.” Sketchy said, shifting closer to Octavia. She glanced round at him with a smile, shifting her weight a bit to lean against him.

“Heh heh. I think I already said as much before, but you two honestly are cute together.” Freeze commented, a note of warmth in her voice. “...kinda makes me wish Blackie wasn’t out of it currently. I’m a little envious.”

“Huh? What happened to him?” Sketchy frowned.

“...bit of a long story, but, well… he broke a wing.” Freeze Pop sighed. “He’s, well, back at mine currently, sleeping. You know how it goes if you opt for some accelerated healing.”

“Well, better a day or two of being knackered then a few weeks of not being able to fly, right?” Sketchy offered cheerfully, though he nevertheless felt a pang of sympathy for his friend. I’d be really upset if something happened to Tavy, after all…

Freeze Pop’s expression brightened though, and she nodded. “Right. And at least he won’t miss me as much when I’m at work the next few days, though I think I’ll ask if I can get time off to help nurse him back to health.”

“Would you not have taken time off anyway, Freezy? Surely you are due for some, after all.” Octavia remarked.

“Well yeah, probably…” Freeze said thoughtfully, averting her gaze to one side. “I am due time off, but I’d still like to save up some of that. For a trip to Cape Sunrise some time, perhaps.”

“Sounds like a plan, lass.” Sketchy chuckled. “...speaking of, I should really take a visit to Obar Dheathain some time. Haven’t been in forever, I’m sure my dad’d welcome a visit.”

“Do you mean that large city in Trotland, Sketchy?” Octavia questioned. “I should not be surprised if my orchestral responsibilities take me there again in the near future. Perhaps you can tag along? That is, if you think you can cope with the hardships of readily-provided travel and accommodation!”

“Oh goodness, how will I survive?” Sketchy exclaimed, putting a hoof to his head in mock lament. “It will be ever so difficult, my love, but for you I shall persevere.” His theatrical display earned him a giggle from Octavia, and a roll of Freeze Pop’s eyes.

“Alright, I think I’ve had my share of your ridiculousness for the day.” she chuckled, rising to her feet. “Well, that and my shift starts soon. I’ll catch you two later, alright?”

“Have a good one, Freezy!” Sketchy smiled.

“Have a lovely evening, Freeze Pop.” Octavia added.

“Will do. Later!” the armoured pegasus nodded, before leaping into the air with a few mighty beats of her wings, setting off towards the palace.