• Published 17th May 2012
  • 6,279 Views, 138 Comments

My Little Twilight - unleashedtwilight

My Little Twilight Pony Friendship Is Magic

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The Explanation

The next morning, I woke up, thinking that the whole experience was a dream. But there she was... the Filly Unicorn lying right next to me. When she woke up I said "Good morning Twilight..." She let out a small smile and got up. Her mane was all messed up from her sleep. Everyone was still asleep so I made breakfast for me and Twilight. We had cereal... ironically the cereal was Applejacks, but I didn't worry about the name too much considering Twilight doesn't even know who Applejack is. She really liked the cereal but then crossed a problem... how was I going to bring her to school with me? I mean seriously, I couldn’t just leave her at home; my mom would find her and freak out! So me and Twilight got in my car and drove to school. I can’t imagine what kind of things might happen if they find Twilight… So I stopped. Then I drove the other direction… the same direction as the park I used to play at. I brought Twilight there so that she could have some fun outside. Nobody really came to that park anymore so there’s a very unlikely chance that anyone would spot her.

Not too long after, Twilight hurt herself falling off the swing. “Twilight!” I screamed. “Are you ok?” she started to cry softly and she pointed out her cut knee. I kissed her knee and put a bandage on her. “It’s ok Twilight… I’m here…I will never leave your side.” After I said that, she started to calm down. I decided to drive home but then my phone rang. I was worried because nobody usually called around this time. When I answered the phone, the first thing I heard was my mother yelling at me. The school must’ve called home… She wanted me to go to school but I couldn’t go when Twilight’s with me. So I called the school and posed as my brother saying: “Hey, this is Levi’s brother. Yeah he can’t come to school today because he isn’t feeling well”. The main office actually believed it… or so I thought. The office called my brother’s cell phone than he called me and got pissed that I tried pretending to be him to stay out of school. “Levi, I want you to come home right now! You have a lot of explaining to do!” he said before he hung up the phone.

I had nowhere else to turn to… I’m trapped! I guess I have no choice… I have to tell them the truth about Twilight… I drove home, practically crying, not knowing what they would do if I told them about her. Twilight saw me crying and tried to comfort me… but it didn’t help me that much. When I got home, I saw my mom and my brother inside staring out the window at me. When I walked inside, I tried to hide Twilight for as long as I could… but then… “Daddy?” said the purple unicorn behind me. My mom and my brother stood there confused when they heard the voice… I was standing there shocked that she called me daddy… “Levi…? Where did that come from?” mom asked nervously. “Umm… Well…” I had had no idea what to say to them. I didn’t want to lose my little Twilight… No! I WON’T let them take her away from me! She’s my daughter and I love her! “Alright Twilight… you don’t have to hide anymore.” I said. She walks from behind me, “is something wrong daddy?” she said puzzled. My mom and my brother were completely shocked at what they saw. “Everything is fine Twilight… don’t worry.” I said to her. “W-what is that?” my brother said still surprised. “Her name is Twilight Sparkle… She’s a unicorn… and my daughter that I love with all my heart. “Your… daughter…?” mom said frozen. “Yes… I found her the other night in the shed while I was closing my window during a storm… when I was about to go inside, I saw a glow coming from the shed… and when I came inside… there she was… her horn glowing.” I said. “She was all alone out there so I couldn’t just leave her… I care about Twilight… She’s my daughter and I will always love her… that’s why I didn’t go to school today… I was afraid of what the other students would think… So if you’re going to ground me for skipping school… then go ahead… but I will never give Twilight up… I love her too much to let her go, and I don’t care if you disagree!” I said with rage and tears. My mom and my brother stood there speechless. “Daddy… please don’t cry… I want to see you happy…” Twilight said reassuring me. I give a slight grin. “Okay Twilight… I’ll be happier for you… I promise.” I say to her. “You aren’t going to be punished…” my mom said. “Huh…?” I said confused. “Because I want you to take good care of your daughter…” she said finally. My heart was so full of joy at that moment after she said that… I didn’t have to hide Twilight at home anymore. “Thank you, Mom! Thank you!” I said hugging her. Twilight was jumping trying to get a hug in too, so I picked her up and we hugged together.

When it was the afternoon and I got on with my friend as always, I explained everything to him that I told my mom. At first he thought I was crazy, but I proved it to him by going on Skype and putting Twilight in the video chat with me. “Hi!” she waved. My friend was sitting there, mouth agape, not believing what he was seeing. He tried talking to Twilight, but she still had some words to learn. My friend never calmed down the entire time he was talking to her… I was trying not to laugh at this… Then the time came that me and Twilight had to get some sleep… It felt like an entire weight was lifted off of me knowing that I don’t have to hide my daughter from my family anymore… My life with Twilight was sure to get better… So I hoped…