• Published 17th May 2012
  • 6,279 Views, 138 Comments

My Little Twilight - unleashedtwilight

My Little Twilight Pony Friendship Is Magic

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“Dad… I know you feel really upset right now… but I just want to let you know I’m really sorry for how I acted towards you…”I say with tears in my eyes. "I’m sorry for saying that you didn’t love me and I don’t know how I can ever make it up to…” before I could finish, he grabbed me and hugged me crying… hugging me more than he has ever done in years…

“How can you just forgive me like that…? I thought you would be mad at me…” I said.

“I was never mad at you…” dad said. “I was sad because I thought you would never want to speak to me again… You mean everything to me, Twilight… Can you please forgive me for not telling you the truth sooner...?” he said.

“I already have… I love you so much Dad…” I said crying on him.

“And I love you, Twilight… I will always love you…” he says.

A whole year has passed since that moment… It was the biggest argument that we had ever been in. But after she found out the truth to her past, things got a lot easier. I never wanted to have an argument like that again… Since that day though… our relationship as a father and daughter couldn’t have been any closer… well… I should say father, daughter, and mother… yeah… Kayla and I started going out and after 7 months… I popped the question to marry her and of course she said yes. We were now a family together. Twilight was especially happy having both a mother and father now. We’ve been happy together for about five months now. Twilight is still learning something new every day.

“Hey dad, come here. Look at this.” Twilight said to me.

She called me to the computer to show me something. She was reading a fan fiction online and you could probably guess what it was… yup… “My Little Dashie.” After finding out about “MLP: FIM”, Twilight has been interested in learning more about it. It just so happens, she finds this story.

“Hey… I remember this story… wow… I can’t believe it’s still on here.” I said.

“Dashie and her dad is just like us, right dad?” she asked.

“Yes Twilight… but it’s even better… you have both a mother and a father to take care of you now” I say hugging her. “But like Dashie and Brian… we had our share of arguments like they did.” I said.

“I was crying when Dashie said; “Dad, do… do you still love me?”” she said.

“Yeah… I actually cried at that moment too to be honest…” I said.

“So… does that mean this has happened before…? A pony coming into this world?” she asked.

I hadn’t really thought of it much… maybe if this happened to me… probably the story in “My Little Dashie” was true too… heh, and I’m glad it’s true… I just hope that not every part of the story is true… I couldn’t bear to stand it if Twilight was taken away from us… from our family… but then I remembered… In one of the sequels, Princess Celestia accepted Brian to stay with Dashie… So maybe she would do the same for me with Twilight.

I smile, “yes Twilight, it’s true. And they were both living happy lives together, no matter what challenges they faced.” I say to her.

Twilight smiled at me with a slight tear in her eye and continued reading the story. It didn’t take her long to finish it. She walked up to me with tears in her eyes… but they were sad. Then I realized… I never told her about Celestia taking Dashie away.

“D-daddy… they aren’t going to take me away from you, are they?” she asks crying a little.

I go to her eye level and say, “hey, don’t worry. Plus you need to read the sequels.”

“Sequels…?” she asked. She didn’t know about them until I just mentioned it.

“Yeah, there’s a sequel to the story, and I promise you that everything turns out better for Dashie and Brian.” I said reassuring her.

She went back on the computer and started reading the sequel to the story. When she was finished, she ran up to me hugging me and smiling more than before.

“So did you like the story?” I ask.

“Yeah, It was great!” she said happily.

“Well I’m glad you feel better now…” I said still hugging her.

“Levi! Twilight! Time for dinner!” Kayla called out.

“Coming!” we both say.

After we had our dinner, Twilight asked if we could all go to the park. We both agreed and decided to visit the old park that we used to go to when Twilight was just a little filly. But there was something wrong… While we walked up to the park, we noticed it was full of people and their kids playing. I was both confused and in shock. Nobody has come to this park in years! What makes it so much different from before? Then I got a good look and saw that all the equipment looked new… they rebuilt the park. We turned around to go home but just as we were walking away…

“Look! A pony!” a kid called out.

The next thing that came to my mind was; “Shoot! We’re screwed!” The kids got a closer look at Twilight and then the next shriek came from a girl.

“OH MY GOD!! It’s Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony!!” the girl shrieked.

All the kids and their parents looked at us. Some kids shrieking and trying to get close to Twilight. Other kids were getting scared because they are seeing a character from a cartoon right in front of them. Their parents stood and stared in disbelief. The kids and their parents were crowding around us, just staring at us. Then, unexpectedly, Twilight broke the silence.

“Yes… I am Twilight Sparkle from the show My Little Pony, but I am here with my mother and my father and I would really appreciate it if you would just leave us alone!” She said frustrated.

“So you’re saying that those two are your… parents?” a woman asks pointing at me and Kayla.

“Yes. Why? Is there problem?” Twilight says as her horn glows.

“N-no, go ahead and play.” The woman said nervously.

“Thank you…” Said Twilight as her horn stopped glowing.

Damn! I’ve never seen Twilight talk that way before. She surprised both me and Kayla. It looked like she was really about to use her magic on that woman. Twilight finally got to play at the park and for the first time, she was able to play with other kids. I decided to play with Twilight for a little bit. The other kids gave me weird looks, but I didn’t care, I was just having fun with my daughter. What’s wrong with that? While I was with Twilight, my phone rang. Kayla answered it.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Is Levi there?” the voice asked.

“He’s a little busy right now, can I leave him a message?” Kayla asked.

“I’m sorry to say this but… his mother and father have passed away.” The voice said.

“What…?” Kayla said wide-eyed. “H-how? How did this happen??”

“It was a car accident… the doctors did all they could but they couldn’t save them.” The voice said.

“Oh my god…” Kayla said holding her chest, hanging up the phone.

Twilight and I saw Kayla crying… we had no idea what just happened. We walked up to see what was wrong. When Kayla explained what happened… I fell to my knees crying. Twilight was crying more than me though… she’s never had to experience a death from a loved one before. I cried for about an hour before I calmed down… It took Twilight longer though… God, I’ve never seen her this upset…

After a few days, we finally calmed down for a bit. We went on with our lives and just accepted the fact that it’s part of life… anything… no matter how sad or unexpected it may be… it can happen.