• Published 17th May 2012
  • 6,279 Views, 138 Comments

My Little Twilight - unleashedtwilight

My Little Twilight Pony Friendship Is Magic

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Return of Harmony part 2

I noticed a slight glow coming from my father’s shed. At first I thought it was nothing so I continued walking. But then the glow got even brighter… Curiosity got the best of me… I went to my fathers shed to inspect the glowing light. I noticed that it’s coming from inside. I opened the door to the shed… and when I saw what was there… I couldn’t believe my eyes… Sitting right there… a little Filly Twilight Sparkle with her horn glowing sort of dimly, most likely to the fact she didn’t know the full potential of her power. She saw me and looked totally confused. “T-Twilight?” I said nervously. She looked up at me as soon as I said her name. She looked like she was at least 2 years old… but… why was she here… in my father’s shed of all places (It’s a good thing my dad didn’t find her before I did. He wouldn’t have known what the hell it was considering how much he hates cartoons). I try to pick her up, but she was hesitant, as to be expected… this is the first time she has ever seen a human… or anyone for that matter. Heck this is the first time I’ve ever seen a cartoon like pony! “Don’t worry… I only want to help you.” I said. After hearing this, she understood and felt a little more comfortable with me picking her up. She fell asleep in my arms and I brought her inside, taking her out of the rain.

I snuck into my room with Filly Twilight so that none of my parents would see her. What do you think they would do if they saw a purple Unicorn? I was afraid to find out. When I was safely in my room, door locked, I noticed Twilight awake again. I put her down so she could take in the surroundings. She walked around, climbed on my bed and all I could do was just smile and watch her. I still couldn’t believe it… there she is… a Filly Twilight Sparkle in my home… I don’t know how she got here… but I didn’t care. I knew that I would have a responsibility to take care of her… Twilight… my daughter…

“Dad… I know you feel really upset right now… but I just want to let you know I’m really sorry for how I acted towards you…”Twilight says with tears in her eyes. "I’m sorry for saying that you didn’t love me and I don’t know how I can ever make it up to…” before I could finish, Dad grabbed me and hugged me crying… hugging me more than he has ever done in years…

“How can you just forgive me like that…? I thought you would be mad at me…” Twilight said.

“I was never mad at you…” dad said. “I was sad because I thought you would never want to speak to me again… You mean everything to me, Twilight… Can you please forgive me for not telling you the truth sooner...?” he said.

“I already have… I love you so much Dad…” Twilight said crying on him.

“And I love you, Twilight… I will always love you…” he says.

“Hello?” Kayla Said answering Levi’s phone.

“Is Levi there?” the voice asked.

“He’s a little busy right now; can I leave him a message?” Kayla asked.

“I’m sorry to say this but… his mother and father have passed away.” The voice said.

“What…?” Kayla said wide-eyed. “H-how? How did this happen??”

“It was a car accident… the doctors did all they could but they couldn’t save them.” The voice said.

“Oh my god…” Kayla said holding her chest, hanging up the phone.

Twilight and I saw Kayla crying… we had no idea what just happened. We walked up to see what was wrong. When Kayla explained what happened… I fell to my knees crying. Twilight was crying more than me though… she’s never had to experience a death from a loved one before. I cried for about an hour before I calmed down… It took Twilight longer though… God, I’ve never seen her so upset…

After a few days, we finally calmed down for a bit. We went on with our lives and just accepted the fact that it’s part of life… anything… no matter how sad or unexpected it may be… it can happen.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing… Levi was completely in cased in stone… Discord… that monster; how could he do this!? To Levi and to Twilight!

“Hey freak show!” I said to Discord.

He went up to me and said; “Do you really want to go the same way he did?” Discord says pointing at Levi as a statue. Twilight still crying over him.

All of a sudden Dashie flew as fast as she could toward me.

“Stay away from my dad!” Dashie screamed.

“hm hm hm… another human father…” Discord said.

“Dad took care of me since I was a filly, and I’m protecting him now!” Dashie said.

“I see…” Discord start. “That must’ve been the same for the other human…”

Discord flew off for some reason… What was he planning…? I couldn’t just sit here… We had to get moving… but Twilight didn’t budge… she stayed behind with the statue of her father.

“Where… Where am I…? Everything is white… am I dead…?” I say to myself.

“No, you are still alive.” A voice called out.

“I must admit, I am surprised you were able to come here… I thought that traveling to this world from your world would be impossible… but it must’ve been possible again after Twilight was sent to your world.” A voice somewhat deeper stated.

“Who’s there? Where are you??” I said.

All of a sudden, two figures appeared to me… I couldn’t see who it was at first but then I saw what they were; two alicorns walking toward me… But… is it possible? How could I be seeing them right now?

“Princess… Celestia? And Princess Luna?” I said.

“Yes…” said Celestia.

“Wait… how are you talking to me? And how did you know I was here in Equestria?” I ask.

“We knew you were here the moment you arrived in Ponyville.” Luna said. “It didn’t take too long to cause trouble now did it?”

“Luna, do not blame this on him. He is new here…” Celestia said. “Oh I’m sorry… I never caught your name.”

“My… my name is Levi… and… I’m terribly sorry for what I did… I should’ve just stayed away from that statue… and now Discord is free because of me…” I say in an ashamed tone.

“Blaming yourself is not going to help stop Discord, Levi…” Celestia said.

“Well, what can I do…?” I started. “I’m just a human… I don’t have magic and I can’t fly… Discord turned me into stone so easily…”

“They need your help, Levi…” Luna said.

“Why on Equestria would they need my help?” I said.

“Because without you… your ‘daughter’ is distraught.” Celestia said.

Celestia and Luna then showed me what was happening… Twilight was crying over my statue and Rainbow Dash was trying to protect Brian from Discord…

“Without Twilight, the elements of harmony cannot be used.” Celestia said.

“… Alright… but what can I do? I still can’t use magic or fly.” I said.

“Which is why we are giving you a choice, Levi…” Luna said.

“What choice…?” I ask.

“We can change you into a pony so that you may help fight off Discord… however the effects would be permanent.” Luna said.

“We gave this same offer to Brian… but he refused…” Celestia said.

“So what shall it be?” Luna started. “Will you accept?”

If I changed into a pony… I would be able to fight Discord and help the others… but like she said; the effects are permanent… I have no choice though… I have to do whatever I can to help!

“Alright… I’ll do it” I say finally.

“Excellent.” Luna said.

“So what kind of pony will I be?” I ask.

“What pony you become depends on your heart…” Luna said.

Now this is really risky... What if I just turn into an Earth pony…? I wouldn’t be much help if that happens… but I have to take the risk.

“Are you ready?” Celestia asked.

“Yes... make it happen” I said.

Celestia and Luna then put their horns together; increasing their power… soon a beam of light was fired at me from them… I could feel myself changing… After it was over… I definitely felt a difference. I looked at my hands… but instead saw hooves. I was a white pony with a brown mane and tail. I looked behind me but I saw no wings… Feeling nervous I put a hoof on my head… and felt something sticking out… it was a horn! I became a unicorn… But even though I was happy about this… I had no idea how to use this power.

“Princesses… I thank you for changing me into a unicorn pony but… I still don’t know how to use magic.” I said.

Princess Celestia gave a slight grin and walked toward me. She put her horn on my head and her horn started glowing. I had no idea what she was doing… but after a few seconds, my eyes were wide open. I suddenly knew things I didn’t before. She finally finished and took her horn off of me.

“P-Princess Celestia…! How is this even possible… also, how come you never did this to anypony else?” I ask still surprised.

“Nopony else can do this because they are naturally born ponies… You are not however.” Celestia said.

I was still kind of confused on what that meant… but I didn’t have time to question… I had to get back to Twilight and the others.

“Alright, so how do I get back?” I ask.

Both Alicorns raised their horns. There was a huge flash that was nearly blinding… I’m coming Twilight… hang on…

“Dad…” I started “It was a mistake for me to come here… We should’ve stayed on Earth… You would probably still be here if we did…”

I was just staring at the statue of what used to be my father… tears still flowing from my eyes… He can’t be gone… he just can’t…! I know! Maybe if I get to Princess Celestia, she can help us! I was about to run toward the castle… until I saw a bright light behind me… It was coming from Dad’s statue... Then the statue started cracking… There was a flash of light that was blinding… when the light died down… I saw a white Unicorn pony where my father was… with a brown mane and tail.

“Wh-who are you…? And where’s my dad!” I said.

“Heh…” the unicorn started. “You’re looking at him” he said smiling.

I immediately went wide-eyed… is that really my dad…?? How is it even possible?? I guess I’ll have to test him…

“Alright…” I started “If you’re my dad, then where did you find me when I was just a Filly?” I asked.

“My father’s shed.” the unicorn said.

“When did I get my cutie mark?” I ask.

“On one of your birthdays during the fireworks.” The unicorn said.

“One more question…” I started. “What is mom’s name?” I ask.

“Kayla.” The unicorn said. “And If you still don’t believe me; I still remember the day when we had a huge argument… the time you found out the truth… you were so angry with me… but something Kayla said helped you… and when you came up to me… these were your exact words… ‘Dad… I know you feel really upset right now… but I just want to let you know I’m really sorry for how I acted towards you… I’m sorry for saying that you didn’t love me and I don’t know how I can ever make it up to…’ but before you finished what you were gonna say… that’s when I hugged you... ‘I love you, Twilight… I will always love you.’”

I was completely in shock… it really was him… Without even thinking, I ran up to him with tears in my eyes.

“It really is you…” I said crying. “But… how?? How are you a unicorn??”

“Heh… I had a little help from the Princesses…” he said.

“You say Princess Celestia and Luna…?” I ask.

“Yeah, and they changed me into a unicorn… to help you and the others fight Discord… if you need my help that is.” He said.

“So… how long does this last…; you being a unicorn?” I ask.

“It’s permanent…” he said with a slight grin. “They gave me the choice… and I accepted it.”

“So you gave up your human life… to help me?” I ask.

“Of course… I would do whatever it takes to help.” He said

I still couldn’t believe it… Dad is a unicorn now! But we didn’t have time to celebrate right now… there is still work to be done…

“Alright… we have to find the Elements of Harmony.” I say.

“Wait!” Dad started. “Where did the others go?”

“They went ahead to gather the other ponies and go to Canterlot to meet up the Princess.” I said.

“Then we should head to Canterlot too.” Dad said.

“Right, let’s go.” I said.

“Wait.” Dad said stopping me. “Hold onto me, I can get us there quicker.”

Having a little doubt in my mind that he could actually teleport us, I held onto him anyway. Within seconds we appeared in Celestia’s castle. How does he know how to use his magic already?? I’ll have to ask him later… When we arrived we noticed we were the first ones there. But Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were in the castle waiting for us.

“Princess Celestia!” I called.

“Twilight… it’s good to see you again.” Celestia said.

“And it’s good to see you so used to your unicorn body, Levi.” Princess Luna said to my dad.

“So… you really did see them.” I said.

“Of course; how else would I be a pony right now?” Dad said.

Suddenly we heard the door crash open; the others finally came.

“What the- how did you get here so fast?” Brian asked. “… and who’s that with you, Twilight?”

I gave a slight giggle “It’s my dad.”

“Levi??” everyone shouted… well everyone but me, dad and the Princesses.

“Yeah…” dad started. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna gave me the choice to become a pony and help you.”

“But…” mom started. “How would this work with us…? I mean you’re a pony now… and I’m still human.”

“We’ll figure things out later, but for now we need the elements.” Dad started. “Now… what I was thinking is where Discord could have possibly hidden them… He said he wouldn’t give us any hints on their location… he probably hid them where we would least expect it… Everyone put a hoof and hand on me… I think I might have an idea on where they are… Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, stay here incase Discord comes.”

“Right.” said the two princesses.

With that, Dad teleported all of us, except the princesses out of the castle… and into my library for some reason.

“Dad, what are we doing here?” I ask.

He levitates a book off its shelf and opened it.

“Looks like I was right… Discord isn’t that smart after all.” He said as he shows us the book, which held the elements.

“Alright, Levi!” Rainbow yelled.

“How did you know they would be in the same place as they were before?” I asked.

“Well… call it a hunch I guess… heheh…” he said blushing.

“Are you saying you merely guessed on their location?” Rarity asked.

“Pretty much.” He said getting more red.

“So what woulda happened if ya didn’t find em here?” AJ asked.

“…No idea” Dad said.

Mom face palmed… she knew that was a sort of stupid thing to do since things could’ve gotten a lot worse if dad was wrong… We’re just lucky that Discord was dumb enough to hide the elements in the same place as last time. Dad headed outside first but then we heard screaming coming from him. When we went outside we saw that the library was floating about 15-20 feet in the air… and we saw Dad on the ground after falling off.

“Dad!” I called out. “Are you okay?”

“Finland!!” he called out.

I was confused when he said that but Brian and Rainbow Dash just started laughing… Then I remembered the ‘My Little Dashie’ story saying that Spongebob was Rainbow’s favorite show. I teleported everyone down to the ground and also made sure that dad was ok… but when we went down… everything was in chaos…

“Alright, we’ve got to find Discord, and fast!” Dad said.

“Found him!” Pinkie said pointing at Discord in the distance.

…I’ll never understand how Pinkie does that… When we run up to Discord, he doesn’t recognize me at first.

“Well who do we have here…?”Discord started. “A Colt with no cutie mark?”

“Look more closely at me… you ugly moron!” I said.

This immediately caught Discords attention… but his expression was in disbelief.

“You… you’re the human but… how? I turned you into stone!” Discord said

“I had a little help from the Princesses.” I said.

“Hmph… it doesn’t matter… unless you actually thought you could defeat me…” Discord said.

“Nope” I started. “They are” I said pointing at the mane six holding the elements of harmony.

“But… how could you find them so easily??” Discord said.

“Dude…” I started “You hid them in the same place as you did last time… it wasn’t that hard”

Twilight and the others then used the power of the elements of harmony to once again seal Discord in stone.

“It’s over…” Twilight said.

“No… it’s not…” I said.

“Huh?” everyone said confused.

“It’s not over until he’s gone for good…” I say as my horn starts glowing.

“Dad! No, don’t!” Twilight yelled. “If you try something he might be set free again!”

“…Alright… sorry about that.” I said as my horn stops glowing.

Soon everything went back to its normal state in Equestria, and Discord was sealed again… hopefully for the last time… After the events that took place, Kayla was asked if she wanted to be a pony, and of course she accepted it… well what did you expect; a pony married to a human? Kayla was then changed into an Alicorn… I sure wish I could’ve been an Alicorn too... but... a unicorn is still good too. After Kayla was changed into a pony, Celestia offered the same thing to Brian again, but he still refused… I’m ok with it; he seems happy. We’ve been living happily in Equestria ever since… and we hope to have a great future ahead of us… All of us… Me… Kayla… and my little Twilight…


Okay Everypony, I hoped you liked it. Now; even though this story is over. I’m gonna post a vote… If you want me to post a sequel to this story telling the adventures Levi, Kayla and Twilight have in equestria, Post ‘Yes’. If you want me to just move onto something new, post ‘no’. Thank you for reading my first fanfic everypony.