• Published 27th May 2015
  • 604 Views, 44 Comments

Rise of the New Lunar Republic - Reddened Chaos

a Star wars X MLP Crossover!!! Nightmare has created her own faction and is rebelling against Celestia! Luna is nowhere to be found, and to top it off, Nightmare's side has an advantage. Follow Zero 'Red' Star and the NLR as they fight against the SE

  • ...

Chapter 11: Fillydelphia Falls, Rise of Star City

A week has passed since the realization that Red is still alive, though he has yet to return. Just the fact he is alive ha helped to boost the morale of Alpha team, all of whom are in the war room, going over the plan on how to take over Fillydelphia.

"If we come in from the south with the few mechs the recovery teams were able to recover from Manehattan, and air units from the north," Luna said, "we will be able to take the city with few causalities."

"That's assuming," Chrysalis said, "that the intel's up to date."

Nightmare spoke up "I assume, considering I just did a fly by on the Rogue Shadow and everything checks out." She explained, showing a Holo-Map of the town and it's defenses.

Aurora entered along with Barb, smiling as they looked over the map. "That area here to the south would likely be the best possible entrance for us."

Barb then spoke up "Now what about my job to try and get into Ponyville to both check it out as a recon, but also to try and get Spike out?"

"That will be going on as we're taking Fillydelphia," Lone said. "Hopefully, the distraction to Celestia and her forces will allow you two to get a message to Spike." At the same time, Shadow and Nightengale were watching and listening to this, both of them being concealed by Lone's spell.

"I still can't believe that we're letting them go through with this," Nightengale said.

"You and me both," Shadow said.

Barb looked to Aurora "What are we going to do for Spike?"

"Well," Aurora said, bringing her hand up to her chin, "we could try to send him a letter. I write it, you send it, and I say that we are prisoners, and that only he could get us out."

"I don't know...Hmmm...I don't really want to lie to him..."

"It's the only way to get him here, Barb," Aurora said, putting a hand on Barb's shoulder.

"I know, but still."

Aurora gave Barb a hug. "It'll be okay. I'm sure it will..." She said, as she held her close.

Barb nodded. "Right. Let's get that letter written."

Aurora nodded. "Right."

A few minutes later, the letter was written, saying that Aurora, as Twilight, was taken prisoner, and said that the NLR only thought of ponies as a threat to keeping her.


Spike was having a miserable day. He hadn't heard from Twilight or the others in two weeks. Though it was true he had a good position in the army, he wasn't old enough to be able to have access to most of the files that weren't kept in Ponyville, which was a fair portion of intel.

It was at this point, he finally received a letter from Twilight!


I've been captured and am being held by the NLR. They said they would release me, but only to YOU, and only if YOU come ALONE...enclosed is the address.
Twilight Sparkle

It read, Spike saw the address and quickly went after her.

Fortunately for Spike, it was nearby. Unfortunately, he had to go through the Everfree. At night. By himself. Oh, joy.

The message appeared like a typical ransom message, and it also mentioned that they had taken another dragon captive, a Dragoness, named Barb...

He exited Twilight's castle as carefully as possible, as that's where the general, who's name was Shadow Specter, and his officers, stayed. Once he made it out, with his blaster pistol on his waist, he himself wearing light scout armor, which was basically heat resistant armor that resembled the standard armor of the guard from before the war.

It did not take long for him to arrive at the indicated location marked on the letter. Twilight waited for him, looking tied up.

She looked up and, upon seeing Spike, she smiled and said, "Spike! Thank Celestia you're here." Unbeknownst to Spike, saying that made Aurora want to wash her mouth with acid.

"Twilight," Spike said, running to Aurora/Twilight and giving her a large hug. "I'm so glad to see you." He pulled out of the hug, not noticing that the mare he just hugged didn't have any rope on her. "What happened?"

She sighed. "Celestial had lied to us....our entire life.....for example....my name...was never Twilight Sparkle....I was actually Aurora Nebula.....The daughter of Princess Luna..." She said changing forms.

Spike stood in awe, looking at her true form. "That....explains a lot actually...but...what else is there?" He asked, as Aurora explained everything to Spike, and how she switched sides.

Barb then enters the scene and speaks up. "Its because of all of that...that we ask you to join us .....please...

Spike looked back at both. "Twi.....umm...Aurora...please understand...I would never betray you....your like my mother....but I need some time to think.....you have my word of honor I won't tell Celestia but...I'd like some time alone to think...."

Though she was hurt that he hadn't decided to join them, she nodded and said, "Right."
Spike gave her one more hug. He made his way back to Ponyville, leaving the mare and dragoness where they stood.

"Come on, Barb," Aurora said, heading in the opposite direction Spike had left, towards where the Shadow was waiting. "The others are waiting for us to get back so we can go after Fillydelphia."

Barb simply nodded, then followed.

Aurora smiled at Barb "I've got a feeling he'll join us....but, what did you think of him?" She asked, looking at her.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I may not be the best pony to ask if somepony's interested in another, Barb, but it's obvious with you. You become fidgety when we talk about Spike, for one."

"Fine," Barb said, sighing, "I think he's handsome."

"That it?"

A familar voice speaks up and quickly disappears "NOPE!" Barb ends up blushing due to the fact that Red had spoke up saying there's more to it than just thinking Spike's handsome.

This got a laugh from Aurora, who then said, "Soooo, what else?"

If Barb's scales weren't red before, they most certainly were now. "Well, he's obviously brave if he came here into the Everfree, which also shows how much he cares about those he calls a friend, or considers family."

Aurora smiled, hugging barb "Aww...well your right about that..." She said with a small giggle at how Barb had a crush.

They ended the hug and again walked to the Shadow.

Once they arrived, they entered the ship, activated it, and lifted off, heading to the base.

Aurora smiled at her, before speaking. "He'll do what he feels is right....I just hope he'll join us....but just think, Uncle will be back soon enough..."

One day later-NLR headquarters War Room

Alpha team was in the war room, waiting for when the NLR would move for the attack on Fillydelphia, as they would be the first wave, with Lone being in the hanger making sure his ship was ready.

"Still can't believe we're going after another city," Aurora said.

"You better believe it Aurora..." Barb said, as she smiled a bit. "Because we're gonna need you to help us out too after all, so that we can do this....and remember, we're also doing this, for Dad." She explained, smiling.

The mare nodded. "Right."

Lone then came over the team's radio. "Falcon's ready, guys. If we're going to get there before the army, we need to leave asap."

Those of Alpha that were in the war room, which was just about everypony save Lone, and included Cadence, as she had decided it would be safer to lead her forces from here, instead of the Empire, began to head to the hanger bay.

"What's the plan, Lone," Fluttershy said.

"We go in on the Shadow and Falcon. Once we're there, we land and get off, with Barb giving us up-to-date intel from the air on any hostile movements."

Nightmare nodded "Understood. We are to take control of this City...in honor of Red..." She said, eager for the day when her beloved would return to her.

Luckily for her, it was closer than she thought.


"Artemis, make sure my helmet's camera is functional and is ready to transmit," Lone said, performing maintenance checks on his armor.

A second later, Artemis replied, "It's good, Lone, and Nightengale has his receiver ready for it."

Lone nodded, putting on his helmet as he did so. "Right. Let's hope this will help end the war."

"I'm certain it will, Lone," Artemis said. "After all, you're involved here."

"Artemis," Lone said, annoyed, "how many times do I have to tell you to not brag for me? If I wanted to brag, I'd do it myself."

"Yes, and we all know your MUCH too vague to brag about how badass you are...Meh. I'm more so than you...and I'm still gonna kick your ass when I get back...just for not only slapping my betrothed, but also for being such a vague asshole." A certain voice said before fading away just as quick.

"He is really set on that, isn't he?" Artemis said.

Lone just shrugged. "It's not like I'm worried. I've been in worse situations."


"And what's the status of project: Gateway?"

"It's coming along nicely, though it won't be done for another year at least."

"Well, it's progress."

"That it is, Lone. That it is."

Red appeared before Nightmare, and hugged her from behind. "Just wait for me my love...don't you dare die....I'll be back here with you soon enough..."

"And when you do, you shall have your own city."

"Moony, please don't flatter me with that large a gift. You know I don't like large presents."

Red then smirked "Well...except maybe for these." he jiggled her large chest a bit, to get a blush out of her, and to just play with her for the time being, snickering himself just to show he was being playful.

And yet again, he started to fade. "Well, I guess I'll see you later," he said before he disappeared completely.

"Well," Chrysalis said, "Let's get moving. Fillydelphia isn't going to capture itself."

Nightmare Nodded "Agreed!" she said as she headed out, equipped with His lightsaber like she chose to do.

The group arrived in the hanger just as Lone was finishing up his checks.

Lone heard them and looked at them, saying, "Good to see that you guys are ready, seeing as how we won't have much prep time en route."

They nodded, as the girls looked particularly serious about this.

The team separated into two groups, the Elements in the Falcon, and the others on the Shadow. Once everypony was on, the ships took off, heading for Fillydelphia.


Nightengale was in the Canterlot war room with Celestia and the Elements who were still with her.

Really, he was just waiting for the footage Lone was going to be sending from Fillydelphia, while Celestia and the others were talking about defending said city,

Celestia looked over the maps. "So....how can we best defend the city?" she looked to them all "Any suggestions?"

"Well," Nightengale said, "why not position our mechs at the southern and western edges. Those are the most vulnerable positions to attack the city from."

"Agreed....put more on West edge, it's the most vulnerable point..."

It's a good thing it'll take an hour for them to mobilize all of them, and another to get there, and that Lone's coming in from the north, which looks inaccessible, even though Artemis is the best AI pilot I know, Nightengale thought.

Celestia smiled, "Then it's decided? Nopony has any other suggestions?" she asked of them.

It was then a voice that hadn't been heard sine Manehattan spoke up.

"Yeah, Celestia," Shadow Strike said, opening the doors to the war room. "How about we go out?"

Celestia instantly broke into tears and tackled Shadow Strike out of the door. The rest of the elements present began to laugh happily.

"So I assume that's a yes?" Strike asked as he was getting back up, as Celestia's hug had knocked him to the ground.

Crying in joy, Celestia replied, "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Strike smiled and left with Celestia to go out on a date with her beloved stallion "I admit...Zero appeared to me in a ghostly form and told me you were alive like he was, and that you'd be back soon...he made me promise something before he left...so I'm glad your back." She said hugging him close.

"And I'm glad to be back, Tia," he said, smiling as he embraced the hug.

As this was going on, Artemis was relaying this to Lone and Shadow.

"Then why don't we take break from this war, and go to Doughnut Joe's. I've heard he makes the best doughnuts on the planet"

"Oh trust me, he does." She said as she practically was skipping along with him.

"That went better than expected," Artemis whispered into Nightengale's ear.

Nightengale simply nodded.

Millennium Falcon- outer border of Fillydelphia- thirty minutes later

The ship lands, along with the Rogue Shadow as they quickly move to put the plan into action, and take control of Fillydelphia, to be renamed 'Star City'.

Even though a fair portion of the team hated Lone, they had agreed that they would follow his lead with this mission.

Once they had all disembarked and Barb taking off and activating her ship's stealth features, then went toward the city, they did final checks on their gear. Once they were done with that, with the gear checking out, they made their way to the city.

The city was guarded, as expected, but it appears that they wouldn't have to deal with many guards on the south edge of town where they chose to enter. As it was, there were numerous guards, who were out cold, and there weren't any Mechs to be seen. It was very strange, considering the fact that they were planning on it...

Lone, out of all of them, seemed worried. He made sure his armors external speakers were off before saying, "Artemis?"

"Already sending to Nightengale. You don't think it's them, do you?"

"Has to be," Lone said, just before the group came across a group of dead civilians.

"What the Tarturus," Aurora said before Lone spoke.

"Keep your eyes peeled people. We're dealing with something worse then anything you can think of."

Luna nodded as she began to look around, as did Nightmare, who soon after contacted Barb "Barb, do you see ANYTHING on the radar?" she asked the dragoness.

"No, and that 's the weird thing. I'm picking up civilians, mechs and everything, but the civilians are dropping off thermals, as well as mechs. And I mean that. Nothing around them except other civilians and the city. No heat from a blaster. Nothing."

Luna and Nightmare shared worried looks at the delivery of this news, but did not have much time to do much else as they saw a plasma bolt rush past their heads, and they heard a scream of pain from behind Luna, and they both saw a pony wearing standard armor from Celestia's military falling dead, when Nightmare could have sworn they weren't there a second before. They then turned to see Lone pointing on of his rifles in the same direction the plasma bolt had gone. "Barb," he said in a serious tone, "switch to electromagnetic scanners."

Nightmare spoke as well "I'd also recommend Thermal Scanners." She said, as Barb did so "Multiple, comin from north of you. Be careful everypony!" She said, worried about them.

Lone simply laughed, saying, "They really think they can take me out, when I have four alicorns with me? Not to mention one of them is an Element of Harmony. Oh this is going to be easy." He then activated his radio. "Artemis, we have multiple Brotherhood contacts inbound. Alert code names 'Rookie' and 'Unity' that we have one huge issue."

"Already on it, Lone."

Nightmare looked at Lone "What the heck is going on then?"

"Classified," was all Lone said before turning to his left and firing off two shots from his rifles each. "Morons, just like last time."

Nightmare, and Luna were both growling in complete annoyance, being fed up with Lone and his 'Classified' bullshit. He makes a habit out of being vague, so bad that Red already intended to kick his ass, now they were about to join in the fun.

Before they could do so, however, he fired his rifles to the left and right of them, while saying, "I know how much you hate I'm being vauge, but I'm doing it because I was told to do so unless there is no other option." He then holstered his rifles and pulled a knife from his fore arm and threw it, with it hitting with an audible Thump behind them.

"Well," Nightmare said, "would you mind at least telling us who these ponies are, as hey are obviously not Celestia's military." "Short version? They're members of a group called 'The Brotherhood of Plasma', and they want to revive an old king by killing royalty. Long story is filled with other classified shit, so I won't be able to tell it to you."

"Hmm...." Nightmare said, as they began to assist him somewhat.

Back in Canterlot, Nightengale had gone to Celestia and Strike who were relaxing, and he was showing them footage given by Lone of the ponies in HER armor, killing civillians.

"What is this private," Strike asked.

"This is the group that framed us for Trottingham getting their plots handed to them by the NLR."

"Who are they, specifically?"

"Nopony you would know, Celestia," Nightengale responded.

Back in Fillydelphia, Alpha team had gotten into a formation that would allow them to hold off the Brotherhood army.

"Fifty seconds," Barb said over the radio.

"Fifty Seconds till what Barb?" Nightmare asked, as they were continuing to hold it off.

"What do you think," a feminine voice that had to be Artemis spoke up. "A shit load of hostiles arrive."

Before anypony could say anything, they heard a stallion cry out, "KILL THEM, SO THAT PLASMA MAY BE REBORN."

As the mass of ponies charged their location, an old bank, they opened fire with either Nightbringers, magic, or, in Pinkie's case, party cannons. Lone, through it all, only fired two Plasma bolts for each victim, whereas the others were having trouble, as their Nightbringers wouldn't switch to high explosive rounds. This eventually led to them being over run.

The first casualty was Aurora, who was knocked out by a grenade, though she was alive. This made Luna mad, and led to her being careless, which led to her rushing the mass of enemies, which only allowed them to knock her out.

From there, the others were all knocked by either pressure waves, or by rushing blindly due to rage from their friends or family being knocked out.

The last standing was Lone, who had not budged throughout the entire thing. He lowered his rifles and pressed the buttons that made them go to Energy sword. He then got a song playing for the mood.

He activated them and waited for them to arrive. Once they were close enough, he began to slice and dice them methodically and calmly. He sliced many of them in half with practiced ease, and beheaded others with the same ease. He never once budged from his position, even as enemies wielding swords of their own came after him.

He was like this for ten minutes before his swords ran out of charge, and a lucky swordsman was able to knock him out.

When they all come to, they find themselves inside a warehouse of some kind, or it could have been another room in that bank, all tied up, and restrained, and sealed tightly by the thick, armored door that lead there as the only way out.

Lone had the most imprisonment objects on him. Handcuffs, a magic nullification ring, which was also on all the alicorns, and collar that removed earth pony strength.

"Looks like I spoke too soon," he said once he woke up, which was after the others, "theses morons are better than last time." They also noticed he didn't have his armor on, and only wore a black BDU.

"Obviously," Nightmare said before a pony wearing a black cloak that covered his whole body came in.

"So, these are the infidels who do not believe in our master," he said in a smooth, silk like voice that didn't sound like it came from a member of an organization who kills innocent civilians.

"But the greatest prize," he said, "even with a fair portion of the royalty, Is you, Lone shadow," he said as he stood in front of Lone. "You have been a thorn in our sides for five years, and it pleases me greatly that you have been captured. But tell me, where are your teammates?"

"Go fuck yourself!" Lone said with calm anger.

"Are you sure you wish to use that language. Your comrades do not know of it well."

"So? Even if you kill us, which I know you intend to do, there are others who will fight."

The cloaked pony laughed, much to the confusion of all but Lone. "Did you truly think we didn't know you came with others. Already, our brothers are keeping us informed of them, and I must say, I'm surprised you said your brother is dead, when he is actively helping you."

The look on the rest of Alpha's face was one of surprise at the fact Lone's brother was alive, and rage on Nightmares due to him lying. "Of course," the pony said, "in a certain sense, Unity is dead, killed when we took him from you and your parents. It's only a shame the both of you share the same values. Otherwise, he would have stayed with us." He pulled out a sleek, small handgun that didn't look like it used blaster bolts as projectiles. "And because of your crimes against us, Lone Shadow, you will die first."

Before he could do anything, the thick steel door began to groan, and sounds came from it, as dents soon appear, as though someone, or something, was physically attacking it, as the dents continued to appear, growing larger and larger, as the door itself begins to buckle, and physically fall apart, before after some time, the door is physically launched, slamming into the cloaked pony before falling onto the ground with a loud THUD it was at this point, that a hooded figure appeared, stepping through the smoke filled opening slowly. His robes and cloak where clearly those of an adventurer, and a fighter of some form, However, they were colored Dark Blue, Purple, and black, with Yellow trim detailing Lightning bolt designs. He steps inside the room, as he looks up, his eyes covered by the Darkness inside the hood, as a small red light on the left side flashed, as he looked up. He took a few more steps entering the room proper, as he punched his left palm and spoke.

"You have no idea, what kind of trouble you're in." He said, as the hood fell down from a small breeze, revealing to everyone who it was, None other than Red himself.

"Shadowbolts, Red," Lone asked. "Nice."

Instead of replying, Red walked over to Lone and punched him in the gut. It didn't really hurt, Lone had been hit by worse, but he doubled over any way, saying, "And that, I deserved."

"However, that's not the end of your punishment..." He said with a laugh, before he quickly grabbed Lone's ankle, and swung him like a ragdoll, slamming him into the other figures of the enemy, as well as tossing him aside, causing him to be physically stuck in the wall, with the wall being dented in perfect match to his shape. This, actually DID hurt.

He had been hit harder, but this was the fourth hardest he'd ever been hit.

He was able to work himself out of it. The throw had broken the handcuffs, which made it easier to get out. He made his way to where the cloaked pony was standing in shock. Once Lone was over there, he reached with his right hand behind the head, and grasped the chin with his left, and twisted the pony's neck, resulting in a crack, and he fell to the ground dead, his neck snapped. "That's why you always have people you trust in the same room," he said before turning to the others, who Red had freed. "Red," he said, nodding his head in greeting.

Red promptly kicked him right BACK into the wall, with another imprint, this time face first, and even harder. It was so fast, barely anyone noticed him move, much less kick Lone square in the chest. "Hello."

Red then walked over towards Nightmare, smiling as he locked eyes with her, and soon knelt down before her, and the others, and slowly began to untie them all, Aurora, Fleur, Luna, Cadence, and then, finally, Nightmare herself, and kissed Nightmare when he finished.

Still not the worst, Lone thought as he worked himself out if the wall again. "Can his wait further until after we get back to base?" Lone asked. "After all, we have an army after us that 's not afraid to waste lives when it comes to completing objectives."

"I have to agree with him, Red. He obviously knows who they are, and having him with us will at least help," Luna said.

Red smirked, kissing Luna "Then how about you girls go ahead and get out of here? I'll cover the escape and meet you back at base." He said with a smirk

"I'll stay back here too," Lone said. "Need to get my armor and weapons, after all."

Before the mares could object, Red said, Fair enough."

Nightmare hugged Red, and kissed him. "Come back this time."

Red laughed and kissed her back, stroking her spine and her wings "Don't worry, I ain't dying this time." He told her with a smile, as he motioned to the door "Now get out of here, all of you. the Liar and I can finish things up here and meet you back at base. By the way...don't tell Barb" He said with a wink "Or Dawn or Chestnut. The three of them can see when I get home." He said to Nightmare, winking to make it a surprise.

The mares left the room, leaving the two stallions behind. "So," Lone said, looking to Red, "Time to go badass again?"

Red laughed, and kicked Lone out of the room into another, the door was broken open and went WITH Lone. "Yeah! For ME. You've had PLENTY of time in the spotlight." He said laughing.