• Published 27th May 2015
  • 604 Views, 44 Comments

Rise of the New Lunar Republic - Reddened Chaos

a Star wars X MLP Crossover!!! Nightmare has created her own faction and is rebelling against Celestia! Luna is nowhere to be found, and to top it off, Nightmare's side has an advantage. Follow Zero 'Red' Star and the NLR as they fight against the SE

  • ...

Chapter 13

It's been six months since the events of Fillydelphia, which had been renamed 'Star City', and the return of Zero 'Red' Star, and the two factions were at a stalemate. Really, the only interesting thing that happened in those six months was that Alpha team had learned Shadow Strike had been placed in charge of Ponyville after the last general there stepped down, Spike had joined the NLR, though not in a combat role, and the technology of both sides had sky rocketed through anonymous donations of tech, though nothing huge, in terms of jump length, had happened.

Red was wandering the halls to go check on Fleur for a while, as he had Night Shade with him for the time being, he was holding her hand smiling.

"I truly do like ya Nighty, your a great friend and partner." He said to the AI turned mare.

"Oh," a voice they both recognized as Artemis said, "and what about me?"

Red and Night Shade both turned to see a mare with a silver coat, wearing organic-looking silver armor that resembled the old armor of the royal guard.

"Artemis?" Night Shade said.

"Yep," she said before looking at Red. "You like," she said with a wink, which got Red blushing.

"B-b--but I didn't m-m-mean it like that," he stammered out.

This got a laugh out of Artemis, who reverted back to her AI form as she was when Red first saw her. "Oh, I know. This was just my way of getting back at you for Lone."

"Plus," Lone said, walking up from behind Artemis, "I asked the others if they wanted in, and they said yes, so long as you weren't harmed."

"Wait what?" he asked. "And for the record Arty, Yes, I did like. You seem to be a nice friend who also looks nice. the only reason I keep attacking your partner is cause he's a lying prick who doesn't know when to stop being vague. regardless of whatever reason he has being good or not." He said, defending himself.

"It's not lying," Lone said, "just telling part of the truth. And besides, if I had told you the truth, would you have believed me?"

"And the others? Do you not remember me telling you how my friends reacted to that?"

"What friends do you even have other than the dirt they all want to pound you into?! With your constant lying, vagueness and half truths, It's a wonder you even have somepony ON YOUR FREAKING SIDE." He told him.

Lone rolled his eyes and turned back to the hanger, with Artemis going into his armor. "Simple. I was told to keep the truth from you guys, not them, as I met them before this started. And besides, everypony has secrets. Some just have more."

"Oh shut the hay up." He said. "i've been sick of your shtick the moment you came here and started."

"Then you should get a hospital room, 'cause I have more secrets, all of which I'm keeping that way for your guys' safety."

Red rolled his eyes and just continued to walk away with Night Shade.

"You do know if what Harmony told us is true," Night Shade said, "he's right."

"Your taking his side?"

"Just looking at things from a logical perspective like him is all."

"I don't even care any more I just wanna punch his face in for acting like he's all high and mighty." Red said.

"You also realize that, of the two things that would actually hurt, one is related to his wife, and even though you don't know her, you wouldn't do anything, and the physical one is being torn apart molecule by molecule while being conscience for it. It's going to be hard for you to beat those," Night Shade said. "Plus, he has earned the right to act that way. We know what he's done, even if it's just the two of us. Besides, he has eased up in the past month."

Red sighs "I guess your right...he could...just afford to ease up a bit more..." Red said as they continued, with Red hugging her a bit, before they went to Fleur's room.

"He is trying," Night Shade said as they arrived at Fleur's room.

Red smiled and knocked on the door.

The door opened a few seconds later, with said mare saying, "Red. Night Shade. It's good to see you both."

Red smiles, as he enters with Night shade, and kisses Fleur. "I know, it's good to see you too, How've you been hmm? I believe, I might be owing you a date don't I? A dinner date I mean." Red said smiling.

"I suppose, but only if Moony, Lulu, and Nighty join us."

"Well I suppose they could, if they wished." He said smiling.

"Oh, I am certain they will," Fleur said before Nightmare's voice came over the intercom.

"All members of Alpha team, report to the war room asap."

The three shrugged and rushed down.

As they arrived, they saw Lone arguing with Nightmare.

"How can you be certain it's them, Lone?"

"Look at their tactics," he said, pointing to one of the active screens. "They're wearing our armor, but they're using the same tactics as six months ago. A group like the Brotherhood is never limited to just one city."

"He's right," Luna said. "Their tactics resemble the Brotherhood ones, and Lone has proven that we can trust him in this regard, at the very least."

"But how can we be certain he isn't with them?" Chrysalis said.

"Because I could have tried to kill all of you in your sleep when you let me in, but I didn't."

"What's going on?" He asked, as he looked to them looking over the screens.

"We've had reports coming in from Lone's contacts of our forces trying to kill civilians in cities allied with Celestia," Aurora said, "and it might be the Brotherhood."

"Well, it is the brotherhood...trust me." He said to them looking towards Lone.

Lone raised an eyebrow, thinking, Now I see why she chose him for it.

Red smiled, holding that medal that Nightmare had given him in his hand, as it hung around his neck "So, what's our plan? other than stop the 'Traitors'? anypony know?" he asked them.

"Well," Aurora said, "we could try to get Celestia's attention abouth this, but I doubt she'd leave Canterlot to meet with us."

"So what do you propose," Nightmare said.

"We attack Ponyville."


"They what now!?" Celestia asked of her generals, along with Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

The general, a mare with a beige coat, with a mane of navy blue with highlights of pink, said, "We've received word that the NLR is planning on both attacking Ponyville and is already attacking another city."

"Who tipped us off, General Sweetie Drops?"

"It was Anonymous Ma'am." She said simply, as she saluted having reported in.

"Of course it was," she mumbled to herself. "And what do you think, Sergeant Nightengale?"

"Well, Ma'am," he said, saluting, "I'd say those attacking the city are the impostors, as the NLR has never shown an inclination toward killing innocents that don't attack them."

"I agree....I recommend we focus on the group that plans to attack Ponyville."

"Then what do we do, Princess?" Shining asked.

"We move our best troops here in Canterlot to Ponyville, as well as a few of our prototype walkers."

They all nod and head out to prepare.

Millennium Falcon- NLR base hanger- three hours later

Lone, Artemis, Red, Night Shade, in her flesh and blood form, Shadow, and Nightengale were discussing the plan for Ponyville.

"Okay," Shadow said, "let me get this straight: You want to attack Ponyvlle to draw Celestia out, just to get peace talks going? That is the stupidest plan I've heard."

"Maybe," Nightengale said, "but, at the same time, it'll bring out the Brotherhood, maybe cause them to attack, which would allow us to show we're telling the truth."

"Very likely...but tell me this why the shock would you even attempt peace with the Brotherhood?" Red asked looking to Lone.

"Not the Brotherhood, but with Celestia and her forces. The NLR can't win against the Brotherhood by itself, and neither can Celestia's forces. Besides, with Nightengale being a personal guard for Celestia, and Shadow being one for the Elements, we do have a way for it to work."

"And I imagine we won't find out what it is until then?" Artemis asked.

"Heh...Maybe...if you asked REALLY nicely I might show ya...."

"I'd rather you make sure it won't kill all of us," Lone said, "yourself included, before showing us."

Red smirked "Oh don't worry. it shouldn't...well....might kill You..."

"And you're saying this after you died and came back?"

"When all of us know he's had worse situations before meeting you," Artemis added

"I never even died to begin with. Plus why should he care? He pulled the same stunt I did with that."

"Yeah, maybe. But I didn't try to kill my team mates, even ones I found and still find annoying to this day, and they can be worse then me."

"Your mocking me aren't you?" Red asked with an unamused face.

"Depends: do you think I'm mocking you, or just joking with you?"

"I'm going to enjoy watching you leave."

"Then you will need to be lucky, as standard protocol says I stay here for a year after everything is done to help with transitioning, not to mention convergence."

"Whatever..." Red said, as he sighed, relaxing for the moment anyway.

"That's definitely going to be interesting," Nightshade said.

"Agreed," Artemis said.

Red simply pulled Night Shade to him, and smiled "Well At least I'll have you by my side, along with the other mares I've fallen for..."

Lone just rolled his eyes at this. "I'll never understand why some ponies like having more than one spouse," he mumbled.

"Personal preference bantha fodder." Red said not even looking at Lone.

"Whose ship are we on, again? With said ship having automated internal defense system that Artemis can control," Lone said as turrets popped out from the ceiling.

"Hmph. No need to be rude." Red countered not afraid at all.

"Just so we're clear. And who insulted who first here?"

"You. To me." He said.

"I was doing friendly joking. You're the one who decided to call me 'Bantha Fodder'."

"I was joking too you twit."

"Well, how about, then, if we do something that looks like an insult, we say it isn't after it's done. Deal," Lone said, holding out his hand to shake.

"Hmm...sure. I suppose so." Red said, as he took Lone's hand, and squeezed. his immense strength that he had gotten after being revived practically crushed Lone's hand.

"Anyway," Lone said, bringing his hand back, "Nghtengale, what did Celestia decide?"

"To defend Ponyville, and It's safe to assume she will be going there, as well as Rainbow and Applejack, and Ii know for a fact me and Shadow are going to be there."

"And does Celestia know about your other talents that she would look down on?"

"Nope. Not even my signature one."

"And what would that talent be I wonder?" Red asked Nightengale.

"Not going to find out until after this, Red."

"AH, Nothing at all. Okay then." He smirked, trying to goad Nightengale into telling him."

"You can't goad me, Red. I've dealt with subtler attempts at it, and they all failed."

"Ah now I see. Your real talent is being a kiss up eh?" He asked smirking again.

"Not going to work. You'll need to get creative."

Red laughed either way, it was fun to him.

"Okay, guys. That's enough for now. I'll let you know when it's time for an update," Lone said before he turned off the communicator.

"Whatever." Red said as he and Nightshade got up to leave "Somepony wake me when we get ready to go or when we get there." he said as he went to go sleep in a nearby set of quarters for passengers.

"He does realize we're going to intentionally delay this for another six months for Gateway, right?" Artemis asked Lone.

"No. He'd try to stop it, and we need it complete for our plan to work."

"Should I inform home base, then?"

Lone nodded. "Yeah."

Red walked off to sleep with Night Shade.