• Published 27th May 2015
  • 605 Views, 44 Comments

Rise of the New Lunar Republic - Reddened Chaos

a Star wars X MLP Crossover!!! Nightmare has created her own faction and is rebelling against Celestia! Luna is nowhere to be found, and to top it off, Nightmare's side has an advantage. Follow Zero 'Red' Star and the NLR as they fight against the SE

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Chapter 2

It has been a few months since Nightmare had returned and Luna kidnapped. The news had spread like wildfire throughout Equestria and the other countries, most likely due to the New Lunar Republic. Celestia had told Twilight and her friends as soon as she was able to, which was a day after Nightmare had revealed herself. Now, Celestia was getting reports of violent incursions along the border between Equestria and the Griffon lands.

"Who is leading the attack, general?" she asked the general, who was a mare with a pink coat and white mane and tail.

The mare saluted instantly, "We don't know Ma'am. We think it might be that same pony who wrote the note to you." She reported, being prim and proper with her entire uniform.

"Wait...we're receiving reports that it's actually none other than Queen Chrysalis, Ma'am."

"Do we know if she is with the rebels yet?" she asked the general. If Chrysalis is allied with the rebels, Celestia thought, than who knows who may be a spy.

"We don't know Princess...we just know she's leading the attack...she could either be with the rebellion or just acting on her own...as a third party." she responded.

"And what of our troops defending the front?"

"We're lucky we've held out this long...I don't know how much longer we can....those fools on the front are horribly incompetent!" she said being frank.

Celestia rubbed her temples. Though she did not want to admit it, Nightmare was right about the guards. To put it bluntly, the guards were about as valuable as stinking manure in summer time. "And what of the new recruits training?"

"If they fight we might actually win...they are already testing better than ANY of the current guard force fighting."

"Good. When will the first battalion be ready to ship out?" Celestia asked. She wanted to get the new battalions out as soon as possible, and was also hoping that they could turn the tide of the war.

"Within a week, at the very least..." She stated, being truthful, and exact in terms of how long it would take.

"Good. And what is Princess Twilight's progress with the bacta tanks? she asked, referring to Twilight's personal project that would help to heal the injured troops, which were few, as many that were shot died from the various after effects.

"Coming smoothly. We should be able to have them at full working order very soon she said when we last heard from her." She reported, smiling, happy for the good news to give.

"Excellent. And the new Armor?"

"Still under construction...But it should be completed by the end of the year at the latest."

"Good. Let us hope that our forces can hold out that long." A pause ensued before Celestia said, "And what of the towns that have left? Do we know if their governments are controlled by the rebels, or if it was a city wide decision?"

"We believe it is both...a city wide decision to side with the rebels"

"Do you believe they will be a threat should this become an all out war?"

"If I may be honest Princess....I believe that may be the case..."

"Then do you think we should take preemptive efforts, then? Give me your honest opinion, not what you think I want to hear," Celestia asked.

"Hmm...I believe we should not take preemptive efforts....save our resources, for use later ...but should this come to become a full blown war, we let loose our power and slaughter them!"

"Why?" Celestia asked, shocked. "Why would you want to kill civilians?"

"I meant the rebels ma'am...but assuming we had to kill Civillians...it would be sent as a message, to show to them, that we aren't messing around...we won't hesitate to kill them..."

"No," Celestia said, steel in her voice. "We will not kill innocent civilians, not unless they attack us first."

"As you wish Princess." She said with a bow.

"Good. Now, any news on Luna?" she asked, concern in her voice.

"Afraid Not ma'am...some are beginning to believe she ditched us and is actually a member of the rebels..." She had admitted.

"NO!!" Celestia said, angry at the general. "There is no way she would side with Nightmare Moon. She despises her, and she is no longer ignored by the ponies, and she has friends. There is no possibility that would lead her to join the rebels. And don't you bring it up again!!"

"Princess Relax, it is only a Rumor...there's no official word on Luna's location." She said hoping to calm her down.

"Still. Ensure all of those rumors are surpressed. I will not have anypony speaking that way of my sister!" Celestia said, only slightly calmer.

"As you command, Princess." She spoke, nodding, as she went to leave.

One year later- Headquarters of the NLR

The main base for the NLR was appropriately designed for the night, with the halls being as dark as night, the windows having patterns of constellations and the moon. All of the art work was always related to subjects of the night and what it was associated with: secrets, love, and everything else positive. Two guards were standing out side of Nightmares personal chambers when a well built, emerald green Pegasus with red highlights at the edges of his wings, a red mane and tail, with eyes of blue.

He saluted and said "Captain Zero Star, reporting as requested."

One of the guards knocked on the doors and said, "Captain Zero Star to see you, Your Highnesses."

A second passed before, "Send him in," Nightmare said.

"Ma'am," the guard said and opened the door. Zero "Red" Star walked in and saw the three leaders of the NLR.

On his left was Chrysalis, who had recovered from the holes in her body from hunger. On his right was Luna, who Celestia still believed was kidnapped and hadn't come willingly. Directly in front of him was Nightmare Moon. In his opinion, she was the most beautiful of the three mares, with a full chest that some would think were very large overinflated water balloons. Her ass was full, and didn't bounce too much, nor too little. Just right in his opinion.

"You called for me, Ma'ams?" he asked, standing at attention. He wore a set of brown fatigues, holding pockets on the upper arms, chest, and thighs, and had brown boots, with a belt rig equipped with a holster for his personal blaster, And a Lightsaber on his hip as well.

"Yes," Luna said. "You have proven your self to our cause, and we wished to give you a reward."

Before he could ask what, Chrysalis said, "My spies have intercepted plans for a prototype flier craft from Celestias troops and destroyed the original. With our engineers, we have been able to construct it, and we wish for you to be the pilot of it."

"So your giving me a ship eh? Sweet." he looked to both Luna, and Nightmare "Either one of you two care to show me ma'ams?" he asked, a smile clearly shown on his muzzle in excitement to be able to have his own ship to use and pilot, as prior to this, he had been using some slightly customized X-Wing and Arwing.

"That would be me," Nightmare said. "If you would follow me, Captain." With that, Nightmare and Red left the room, and leaving Chrysalis and Luna in talks over the best way to infiltrate the research teams.

"Changelings won't work," Luna said. "Celestia was smart enough to have an anti-changeling shield put up, and even if they could get past that, who knows how many other precautions they have in store."

"Well, you returning won't work, "Chrysalis said. "Don't you remember what happened we tried to get an agent there. They arrested him on sight, even though he was from Ponyville and had no official ties to us. It must be a spell. And they only put research teams on the field after battle, and not for long, so we need to find a way to get into their networks."

Luna brought her hand up to her chin, considering the possibilities. "Then we need to gain the allegiance of at least one of the Elements. No pony would think they betrayed Celestia, and they may think the spell is on the fritz."

"Agreed, but who?"

Meanwhile, Nightmare and Red are on their way to the Hanger of Red's new ship.

Red smirked as he followed Nightmare "I'd follow you in a heartbeat Ma'am. And I'd follow you anywhere, even to the Gates of Tartarus themselves." He spoke, stating his devotion to her and the cause.

Red smiled to her, as he followed her, soon walking beside her "So...what's the specifications of this new ship? Name, capabilities, special equipment? Any news on the cause and our side of the war?" He asked Nightmare, as he truly did have an attraction to the mare who's fur was as black as liquid night. And should the war end, he wanted to be able to go out with her...Heck, He wanted to try and spend more time with her regardless of the war.

"It's called the Rogue Shadow. It's a first, as it has stealth capabilities, meaning it doesn't show up on sensors, even ours. It is what the engineers call a "fighter-bomber." It's just as capable in aerial combat as bombing runs. As for the war, it would seem Celestia has begun to field more advanced armor that's able to provide standard protection from our weapons." As Nightmare said this, she was able to see his body language and was able to tell he was interested in her, but decided to wait until after his first run in his ship. So she was surprised when he asked her something.

Red smiled eager, as he looked to her. "Would you care to accompany me on my first flight with it? just to make things extra special, Your Highness?" he asked, smiling at her.

Nightmare was surprised by this. On one hand, she wanted to watch this from a distance, to be safe. On the other hand, she has an interest in air combat for a while, and had wanted to see what it was like in a fighter. "I do not see why not, Captain," she said in a mostly neutral tone, though the joy on Reds face was evident.

Red was certainly overjoyed, as he took her hand, kissing it. "Then let's go to the hanger and check out my new ship!" He said as he continued to walk with her, very nearly breaking out into a run to hurry on to their hanger to see his new ship.

The two ponies made their way to the hanger at an increased pace. They arrived there ten minutes later. The hanger itself was as clean as a hanger could be, with some small pieces of machinery here and there. But what got the attention of the two ponies was the ship in the middle. It was gray and black, sleek, and was larger than Red expected, though only slightly.

Red smiled eagerly, as his wings even unfurled in a clear sign of approval of the ship "It's amazing....I love it!" He spoke, as he went to approach it with Nightmare Moon

The ramp lowered automatically as they neared it. Even Nightmare was impressed by the engineers and how well they constructed it. The two made their way to the cockpit, which could've easily held a minotaur at full height and a chariot without the rods.

Red smiled, as he moved the Copilot seat, to sit Nightmare, who smiled and sat as he turned it back around. Red then Gently sat into the Pilot seat. Both of them could feel the rich and cozy feeling of the seat as Red began the startup procedure as the Engines on the Rogue Shadow sparked to life, after letting it warm up, and engaging the cloaking device, Red took hold of the controls, and began to take off, as the ship lifted up, the side panels on the side of it rotated, so that the rounded ends pointed back away from it's direction. The ship now hovered in place as Red was taking it as gently and as carefully as possible being his first time using the ship. He soon took a few moments, as he got familiar with it's controls and turned the ship to face the hanger and took off, leaving it, and once they were clear he opened it up, flying faster, and heading out with Nightmare, beaming with joy and excitement, that not only was she there with him, but he had a new ship which was absolutely amazing! he performed a few manuvers such as rolling, loops, and a U-Turn, and even went through their flight training corse, performing a run, testing out it's weapon systems with laser blasts on targets, even a few bombs being tossed, as they completed it very fast, the fastest record at the time. With their joyride of a maiden voyage completed, Red brought it back into the hanger and landed, taking a deep breath "What a rush!" He said with a laugh of excitement. "What did you think Nightmare?" He asked her.

"What a rush indeed," She said, out of breath at the excitement she had just experienced.

"Wow. If I didn't know any better, Moony, I would say you just had a very fun and sweaty night." Red said with a playful smirk, still breathing deeply from the rush.

Nightmare blushed, not knowing what to do or say, only sit there.

Red smiled "Would you...mind at all if I called you 'Moony'?" he asked her, looking, finding her blushing to be very cute....

"Oh. No, I don't mind, Captain. You've earned that right by now," Nightmare said with a smile, gennuily happy that he was happy.

"Thanks...Moony~" he said playful, as he leaned over, and kissed her hand again, as a sign of thanks, for not only allowing him to call her by such a nickname, but also for joining him on the first Flight of the Rogue Shadow

After that, the two disembarked from the ship and went their separate ways, thinking of what else the future held for them.

Canterlot- a few hours later

Celestia was in the second meeting today with her generals and the Elements regarding the NLR.

"Princess," one of her generals said. "Things are getting worse. We just got word that the griffons are allied with the NLR, as well as a few minotaur terrorist groups. What are we going to do?"

Celestia bowed her head in deep thought "I'm not sure...the most we can do is try to get allies of our own, to counter them...because we will Not kneel before them and bow to their whims. We will not surrender until we are thoroughly defeated." She stated with conviction in her heart, to fight this rebellion, and to stop it, or fall trying.

"Well," Twilight said, "we could try the dragons. After all, those migratory dragons can't be the only ones, can they?"

Celestia nodded "I agree...we should try dragons...and pray that the Rebels don't get some dragon helpers of their own." She stated.

"I'll tell Spike," Twilight said with a small smile on her face.

Celestia nodded. "Tell him to send it to Saphira. She is an old friend of mine, and will gladly help us, as well as the dragons that are loyal to her."

"Of course, Princess."

"Good." She then looked at one of her generals and said, "How are our troops holding against the changelings, general?"

"So far so good. Our mages are currently working on a Spell to keep the changelings from being disguised when we fight them." the General reported.

"Good," Celestia said. She then looked to Applejack and said, "And how is your family coping with the demands without your brother, Applejack?" Big Mac' was on the front lines, with the other soldiers, as he was a part of the third class of the now standard soliders.

"Good, Fer now Princess, I'm sure we can make due without 'em for the time being." She said being as honest as possible with the Princess.

At the NLR Base, Zero is looking about for his lovely Dragon assistant, Barb...whom he wanted to show the new ship to, since she'd be helping him with it from time to time.

While all of this was going on, a unicorn stallion, who was as tall as Luna, with a black coat, and had neck length mane and an average, for his size, sized tail, which matched his coat, but had red and orange on the edges to give it a fiery look, was watching using a scrying spell. He stood in an old room that was hidden underground, as was the rest of his allies base, preventing both sides of the war from knowing about it. He deactivated it and went to tell his allies about this.