• Published 27th May 2015
  • 604 Views, 44 Comments

Rise of the New Lunar Republic - Reddened Chaos

a Star wars X MLP Crossover!!! Nightmare has created her own faction and is rebelling against Celestia! Luna is nowhere to be found, and to top it off, Nightmare's side has an advantage. Follow Zero 'Red' Star and the NLR as they fight against the SE

  • ...

Chapter 4

It has been a day since Lone Shadow revealed himself to the leaders of the NLR, and he was waiting in the war room for the three mares to physically arrive and for Red to connect from his ship. He was checking over his armor for a third time when Luna, Nightmare, and Chrysalis walked in.

"Ladies," he said, giving a respectful nod, which they returned. Red came on a second later. "Captain."

"Lone." Red responded.

"Now, for the plan," Lone said. "As you are all aware, there is a magical force field around Canterlot," he said as he brought up a holographic display of the city. "Right now, the NLR hasn't been able to get agents inside the city due to some part of the spell. My plan is thus: By using a spell I learned, I can make it to where me and the captain are able to infiltrate the city. That is the easy part. The hard part is getting to the three Elements, or at least it would be, if I wasn't able to turn into shadows." He held up his hand to stop the questions before they started. "I will use it to not only find the Elements, but to take them and leave duplicates of them, while also planting a seed of the spell that, when combined with the logic we plan on using, will turn then to our side. As for where we'll take them and hold them until they are with us, I don't know."

It was here that Red spoke up. "What kind of Spell is this that you plan to use? On top of that, what is to say that the duplicates won't be noticed to be somewhat different from the others?" He asked, bringing up the obvious problem that could effectively bring the whole plan down. Though there was also somepony else Red wanted to try and go see whilst they were at Canterlot. An old friend he was fairly worried about, and wanted to try and help, by getting her to their side.

"The spell I will be using is just one that will make them more . . . open to suggestions. Doesn't mean that if we tell them to jump into a volcano with as many explosive they can carry, they'd do it, but rather they would think about it more so. As for the duplicates, I'll be using a spell that I'll be casting as I take them. It will analyze what they are wearing, and, as I use the mind spell, it will also analyze memories, leading to a duplicate loyal to the one who made it, but not the real thing, so we would need to find a place to hide the Elements once I get them." Lone looked to Red and said, "Captain, when's the soonest you and your ship can get here? I want us to land here," he said, pointing to a patch of land just outside of Canterlot, far enough away so that only those with binoculars in the city could see it, but close enough that ponies wouldn't have to walk for a long time, "by the end of the day. Once we're in the city, we find a place to hide, which will also be where we take the Elements once we get them."

Red smiled "Won't take me long to get there to you. My ship's very fast, in addition, I actually have an idea for where we can hide out, and where we can take the girls once we get them. An old friend of mine lives in Canterlot. Her name's Fleur de lis. I've been hoping to try and go talk to her, to see if I could convince her to join our side too. So, this plan of yours could potentially let me kill two birds with one stone, as the expression goes. Her home, is right here." He said, in his Shadow Trooper armor, which was a full black set of armor, but had blue sections on the eyes, mouth, And along various undersections of the armor. He points to a spot in Canterlot, which shows a dot, and details a fairly nice house. It would be the perfect place to hide, both themselves and the girls once they were captured.

Lone nodded. "Good. I'll see you in a few hours."

"Of course," Red said before cutting the connection. Lone then looked to the mares. "And what do you three think of the plan? None of you spoke up."

Nightmare spoke up first "Well, I for one, believe it to be a fairly good plan." She said, as Luna and Chrysalis both nodded in agreement, both stating that none of the three had any problem with the plan at all.

A Few Hours later

Red lands with the Rogue Shadow to pick up Lone and once he boarded and the took off for Canterlot, Red spoke.

"Here's my only statement here. When we approach Fleur about joining our side and letting us stay at her house, do NOT use your little suggestion spell on her. She's an old friend of mine. I'm positive that she'll agree to help us, if I talk to her." He stated, explaining that if Fleur decides to help them, it's of her own free will. Not because Lone uses a suggestive spell to make her agree because of the magical suggestion. Red also wanted to be the one to talk to her due to their history of being old friends.

"Fine, but if I even get a hint of something going on regarding her, I can do what I want," Lone said, crossing his arms. "Deal?"

"Red growled for a moment, as he truly didn't want to agree to it, but relented "Fine. Fine..." He said.

Lone raised his hands in a "I'm just saying" gesture, and said, "No need to get hostile, captain. I 'll do that only, and only if, it is obvious she intends to report us to Celestia. Think stuff out entirely before getting mad, would ya?"

"Hmph. I don't think she'll do that...but either way, whatever." After a short time, they land at the specified spot, and disembarked from the ship, having changed into some civilian clothing with Red leading the way to Fleur's home. They made their way through town, using back alleys, and occasionally dodging a few patrol guards, whom were easy to avoid. When they arrived, he knocked on the door.

The two, wearing civilian clothes, waited for a few seconds before they heard a mare with a prench accent say, "Coming!" A second later, the door opened to reveal a tall, white mare with shoulder length pink mane and a similarly colored tail. She wore a knee length white dress with accents of pink. Though the dress was beautiful, it, for lack of a better way of saying it, was trying to cover a lot of surface with relatively little fabric. When she saw the two of them, her expression became one of shock. "Red?" was the first thing she said in the minute since she had opened the door.

Red smiled, as he hugged his old friend, her fur being soft to the touch, which was understandable, given her career as a model. Happy to see her old friend, she hugged him back just as much, as she opened it completely "Please do come in! It's so good to see you again Red. Allow me to get you boys a drink of some kind, so we can talk and catch up on how things have been!" She said with a smile, as she turned and went to walk to her kitchen, her hips swaying with each step she took.

"What would you boys like to drink if anything at all?" She asked, as Red and Lone entered the house, shutting, and locking the door for good measure, and relaxed on her couch infront of a coffee table.

"I'll have a nice cup of Coffee please Fleur." Red asked, as he could easily smell the coffee brewing in the kitchen.

"Sir? What do you want?" She called, referring to Lone Shadow.

"Please," Lone said, "Just call me Lone. And what do you have?"

"I have tea, coffee, water, and that new drink type called 'soda'."

"I'll take a soda."

"Of, course."

It was another minute before she came back and handed the two their drinks. She sat down and said, "So, Red, what brings you here?" She asked

Red smiled, taking his drink as he looked to his old friend. "It's....very important Fleur...please.....listen carefully...we...are a part of the New Lunar Republic. the 'rebel faction' who are fighting against Celestia, to give the Night it's proper due...at current we would like to hide out here, to be able to put in motion a plan to help us get an edge on Celestia and her empire of the Sun...We'd...like you to join us." He mentioned nervous that she'd say something that neither wanted to hear.

"I'm not asking this as a member of the NLR trying to find more ponies to join our cause..I'm asking this as an old friend who wants to avoid fighting against a beautiful mare like you...much less, one of his oldest friends..." He said, knowing about how the two of them grew up together, being very close. "So...will you join us?" He asked her as she took a sip of her drink before speaking, looking them both in the eyes, particularly Red.

"Yes, I will join you. I admit I've always fancied the Night more than the day, so I will happily join your cause. Plus, it'll allow me to stay close to you again, darling Red~" She said with a playful giggle in her voice.

As long as their room is sound proofed, Lone thought. "So," Lone said, sitting in a more relaxed position, "I imagine you're curious as to why we came here?"

She nodded lightly as she too was relaxed "Yes, I'm curious as to what your plan is if your coming here to hide out for the time being." She said, as she wanted to hear about it from Lone, and Red.

"Well," Lone started, we came here to bring the Elements of Generosity, Kindness, and Laughter on our side."

Fleur actually perked up a little here. "Well, if you wish to bring Rarity into the fold, I could help."

"How?" Lone asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Me and Rarity are actually close friends, and she often comes over to discuss fashion."

"Well, that might work," Lone said. "When is she supposed to come over next?"

"Sometime in the next hour."

"Right. Red, you get the speech ready, I'll prep the spell. Fleur," Lone said, looking at Fleur, "think you'll be able to keep her busy for a few minutes once she arrives?"

"Yes," Fleur said confidently.


Red nodded, as he relaxed, beginning to plan out the speech, as Fleur moved to relax by her old friend, even giving him a quick kiss to his cheek, before she took their empty drinks, and went to put them away.

The three had finished preparing in less then three minutes. Once that was done, Lone cast a modified invisibility spell on him and Red, making it to where they could see each other, but others couldn't. They waited for forty five minutes before a knock was heard on the door and a fake Canterlot voice that could only belong to Rarity said, "Fleur, it's me."

"Coming, Rarity," Fleur said. She opened the door, and Rarity, wearing an outfit that was both functional for combat but also fashionable, walked in. Her out fit was comprised of a purple top shirt that was form fitting and left much of her back bare. It also had a small, purple skirt with leggings with a diamond pattern down the sides (Think Ashoka's second outfit).

As the fashionista made her way to the couch, Fleur mad a small signal to Lone and Red, telling them it was time. The two looked at one another and nodded.

Thanks to his magical talent, Lone was able to cast three spells at once, and that is what he did. First was a silencing spell that would prevent Rarity from screaming for help. The second was a mix of two other spells. It prevented Rarity from moving, while also preventing her from using magic. The third was the suggestion spell. All three of these were cast at the same time, essentially making Rarity helpless. Lone then released the invisibility spell, making him and Red visible to the rest of the world again.

Even though she couldn't move, it was obvious from looking at her eyes that Rarity was afraid. "Don't worry, Rarity," Fleur said. "Soon, you will know the truth," she said, nodding to Red as she did.

Red nodded and moved to speak as well, approaching Rarity, and beginning to gently massage her shoulders, to help further relax her, which visibly assisted in doing so.

"Rarity, my dear friend...Surely you can see that Celestia's in the wrong...The Lunar Republic isn't the enemy, Celestia is...after all...You remember when those horrid Diamond Dogs captured you, because you had access to a spell that enabled you to locate gems under the surface? Well...Celestia KNEW of them being in the area.....AND of your capture, and she COULD have done something to stop them from taking you, and for that matter, she COULD have sent in some guards to save you from them.....BUT she didn't do a single thing...Instead, she left you to rot there...until Spike and the others saved you...but the far more important thing here is that our dear Celestia COULD have prevented the entire capture, but did no such thing...What do you think about that? Makes you want to turn against her to make her pay, doesn't it?" he asked the lovely unicorn, who was quite well endowed, though in his opinion, not as much as Fleur or definitely not Nightmare Moon, but he had told her the speech to try and get her to their side, and looked at her, looking into her beautiful, sapphire blue eyes to see what she had hought and would do, as he also looked to Lone for him to help Rarity be able to speak... "I should also mention that, I believe that Celestia also got a few of those Diamond Dogs on her side too..."

Red then nodded to Lone to remove the silencing spell, which he did. "So, Rarity," Lone said as he kneeled down so he was at eye level with her. "Do you want to help us?"

Rarity answered almost immediately. "Yes," was all she said.

Lone grinned, while also releasing the other spells. "In that case," he said, getting up and reaching down to Rarity with his right hand, which she took. "Welcome to the New Lunar Republic."

"Victory for the Night," Red said in a chant like voice, pumping his fist in the air.

"Defeat for the Day," Fleur chanted, doing the same motion.

"May the night rule over all," Lone chanted, doing the same.

"And may the sun fall before our might," Rarity said, the chant having been put in her mind with the suggestion spell.

Red smiled, before hugging Rarity. "Welcome to the team, my dear friend." He said, Fleur joining in as well, as she also returned it, before Red smiled to her "Tell us Rarity, as Lone and I plan to try and sway Fluttershy and Pinkie to our side...where can we find them? Would you perhaps know where they are located at?" He asked, knowing that, now that she was on their side, she would no doubt gladly tell them where her friends were located.

"Of course, Darling. Fluttershy is in the royal gardens.

"No surprise there," Lone mumbled.

"As for Pinkie," Rarity said, "I have no idea."

It was then Pinkie appeared in an outfit that hugged her body and was colored white. "Well, duh. I'm right here, silly" Everypony but Lone jumped at this. "And you don't have to do anything to me," she said with a smile. "I've already seen the points Redding and Lone were going to have you guys use, and they're right."

Lone was the only one not confused by this statement. "Then welcome to the New Lunar Republic, Pinkie," Lone said, holding his hand out to shake, which she took.

Red smiled "Well then. perhaps Lone and I should go get Fluttershy..." He said, looking to Pinkie "Unless somehow you can get her here within an second or two.." He said smirking a bit, Not expecting Pinkie to do so at all, much less be able to, even considering what she had just done.

"Let it happen, Pinkie." Lone said. Pinkie then turned around, with Lone holding up five fingers for a countdown.






As Lone closed his last finger, Pinkie spun around, with Fluttershy bound and gagged, terror in her eyes. The look on everyponies face, Red's especially, was priceless. Lone then cast the suggestion spell on Fluttershy, as well as a spell that would allow her ot change between her normal form and her bat pony form at will. "Show's all yours, Red," Lone said, breaking Red out of his surprise.

Red shook his head a bit, as he gently approached her, and untied her, even ungagging her, as he stroked her mane, behind her ears, being extra relaxing to her "Now just relax Fluttershy...after all, we aren't your enemies at all here...all we want is to help you..especially for you to join us in the New Lunar Republic...we aren't your enemies at all. Celestia is...See, we know about your little incident in Sweet Apple Acres, where you were turned into a bat pony...and what ended up happening, was that when you wanted to simply TRY and talk to the vampire fruit bats to make them leave the farm, or at least, move to a different part, But, instead, Twilight decided to try and use her magic in combination with your special STARE, to force those poor defenseless bats into leaving...rather than give them a choice in the matter, she was going to force them to, and in doing so, she caused you to be turned into a bat pony...Which might I add, looked beautiful as...you looked much more beautiful as that bat pony...than you do normally but that's just me..but in addition to what I've explained for why that went wrong...you see, in the Lunar Republic, we have all the bat ponies at our command, since they all swore loyalty to Luna and Nightmare Moon long ago...." He motioned for Lone to free her from the silence.

"So...will you join us?" He asked, looking into her cyan eyes, as they slowly turned to a shade of ruby red, her fur dulled, and changed, to look a small bit more madded, rough even, as fangs grew from her mouth, small, but sharp, her fur also looked much more madded, and her wings changed from normal furry wings, to Bat wings, She smiled, with a small purr from Red stroking behind her ears, which had grown more furry, and her mane, she then spoke up.

"Yes...I will join you, Master Red..." She said, showing her bat side's utter loyalty to the Night, and their cause.

Red smiled, scratching behind Flutter's Mane, as she had turned to her bat form to outwardly show her new allegiance to the NLR. "Well Lone...I'd say this is going to be Mission Accomplished for the time being...Should we get back to the Rogue Shadow to be able to Get us some rest, along with getting back to the base of leaders to let them meet our new recruits?" he asked, as he walked over to Fleur, and hugged her, as Flutterbat ended up following him just to get him to continue scratching her...it was kind of adorable.

"Tomorrow. We might as well pull some recon while we're here. And besides," Lone said, shrugging, "It's been a while since I've been here, and I want to see how the place has changed."

"You've been here before?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah. About two years, just before the war started."

"I must agree with Lone," Fleur said. "Plus, I would like to see the city one last time, because I doubt It'll be the same when I come back."

"Wait," Lone said. "You're coming with us?"

"Of course. Where Red goes, I go."

"Aww, gee, I wonder if that means you'll want to sleep with me tonight..." Red spoke jokingly.

"Of course I do. it's been years since we last saw each other, and I intend to spend as much time as I can with you today...much less tonight!" She said playfully as she hugged him.

"Well Fluttershy, I think for the sake of our cover and everything, you should change back to your normal pony form....don't worry, if you like this bat form, you can change into it once we board the ship to go and leave, and go back to base." He said, as she nodded, changing back to the pony form, as a disguise of sorts now.

"Other than these four, Your the only one of us who can move freely Lone...so, unless I go with Fleur, as a sort of Escort, I'll have to put on a cloak like disguise....."

"Actually, there is one thing I can think of that would let you walk around freely," Lone said.

"And what's that?" Red asked.

Lone shrugged. "A simple illusion spell that's been modified to allow those that saw you as it was being cast to see the real you. Others would see somepony else. What do you say?"

"Possibly....What 'alternate pony' would this be though?" He asked, skeptical of this, as Fleur smiled, holding his arm, to possibly have him be her escort anyway.

"Perhaps I should also report into Moony and the others before I begin my own side of this Recon, just to let them know...I did want to check out that base you were talking about when you shown up...you wouldn't happen to know about exactly WHAT weapon it is would you?" Red asked, recalling his intel warning the previous day when he had appeared to them.

"You can look like any pony you want to. As for the base, we could probably do a fly-by while we're heading back to the base. I only have a few schematics my net work gave me, and they are probably outdated by now.," Lone said. "You want me to cast the spell or not?"

"Yes sure, may as well." He said nodding, standing away from Fleur so that she wouldn't get caught in the spell. "I'll report in shortly after. Perhaps take Fleur with me anyway to let her see the ship..."

Lone nodded. He began to charge his spell, which took but a second. Once it was charged, Red was enveloped in a green aura. When it faded a few seconds later, there were no changes to Red physically, but whenever the others didn't focus on him, they saw a pony that looked like Fancy Pants. "It'll last while we're still here in the city. Now if you all will excuse me," Lone said, "I'm heading out." He walked over to the door, opened it, and left.

Red smirked, as he had the appearance of a pony similar to Fancy Pants. He quickly took Fleur's arm, looking to her "So, darling, shall we go then? perhaps I should also have a cane just to complete the facade?" He asked, reacing into Pinkie's mane, and removed a long, slender cane, perfectly complimenting the look, but could be removed anyway.

Early the next morning

Lone was the only one of the group up, with the others either on the floor, couch, or in one of the beds. He was thinking about just how more difficult his mission was, now that three of the Elements were with the NLR. This complicates things, he thought. At least Twilight wasn't turned. We would not survive that. He was brought out of his thoughts as he heard something from outside the house.
It sounded like armored ponies.

Crap, Lone thought.

He went to wake the others up, but he was stopped when he heard Celestia, using the Royal Canterlot Voice, say, "WE KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE. RELEASE THE ELEMENTS YOU'VE KIDNAPPED, COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP, AND I SHALL GRANT YOU MERCY. IF YOU DO NOT, YOU WILL BE BRANDED A TRAITOR, AND TREATED AS SUCH!!"

This woke the others up instantly, with Rarity, who was on the couch, falling down to the floor. Red rushed out of the room he and Fleur were in. Fleur came out behind him, wearing a black combat outfit, which left her midsection open for view. Her right arm was bare from the shoulder down. The outfit showed off her chest, which was slightly larger than Fluttershy's, and accented her other curves.

Red was already dressed as well, in his own combat outfit, He wasn't in armor, but instead was in an outfit, similar to the Corellian Flight Suits, and was ready to fight alongside Fleur as he whispered to her and the others "it seems we have two options....A: Feign a surrender....and escape...or, B: possibly release the elements back to them, on the condition they allow us to leave peacefully..." He suggested to them, looking to Lone, as if referring to the duplicate ony plan that he had detailed earlier.

Red decided to do something chancy, and spoke up at the door "Hold on Celestia...If I come out and surrender, You let the others go...or if we release the girls to you....You let us go free with no trouble..." He said, trying to reason with her to buy them some time.

Lone was silent for a moment, considering the options. He then thought of something he knew Red wouldn't like. He pulled out his holo-disk and contacted Barb. "Barb, how fast will you be able to get the Shadow here by yourself?"

"About ten minutes. Why?"

"Just make sure your ready for a 22-pick up."

Barb's eyes widened at this. She then nodded. "I'll get there as soon as possible."

Lone nodded and cut the connection just as Celestia spoke up again. "NO. THERE IS NO WAY ANY OF YOU ARE GETTING OUT OF THIS WITH OUT REPURCUSIONS!!"

Lone smiled, as this meant they could, had to, do things his favorite way. The fun way. "Red, get your saber out. The rest of you: whatever weapons you got, get 'em out. We need to hold out for ten minutes."

"Why?" Rarity asked.

"Because we're doing a combat pick up."

"Lone, are you crazy," Red said as he walked away from the door. "The shield dome will stop the Shadow cold."

"Just cover me," Lone said as he was engulfed in shadows. When they receded five seconds later, Lone was wearing the armor he had worn when he first met Red. He grabbed a thermal detonator from his ammo pouch and primed it. "Let the fun commence," he said as he threw the detonator out the window. "Pinkie, blaster pistols," he said.

Pinkie reached for her mane and pulled out two pistols with long barrels and tossed them to Lone. He caught them and faced the door, the pistols held up by his sides. He got just in front of the door when the detonator he threw out the window detonated.

(0:08) Lone kicked the door off it hinges with enough strength, it hit three ponies hard enough to kill them. He saw Celestia was at the very back of the mob of guards, which were probably all of the guard in Canterlot. He brought the pistols down and began to fire at the guards. Every single shot was a kill. He went through the packs on both weapons, which held fifty shots each, in about twenty seconds.

By this time, the others had joined in the fight, Red using his saber to kill the guards he engaged with ease. Fluttershy had an old fashioned sword, which she used to lop off guards heads as she flew over them. Pinkie was using her party cannon like it was an artillery gun, blasting away groups of guards, with vey little being left over. Rarity had her own saber, which had a purple blade, and she deflected blaster bolts back at the ones who had fired them. Fleur was a demon, using a dual-bladed saber with a blue blade to kill the guards that came after her.

When Lone was out of ammo, he dropped the pistols and reached down to where his energy sword were, as he had created a second one so he could dual wield them. He drew them and ignited them. He then began to carve his way through the sea of guards to Celestia, walking at a good pace as he did so. Once he was out of the mob, with Celestia still a good fifty feet away, he sprinted at her. She tried to stop him with magic blasts, but he either dodged them or deflected them.

Once she was in his reach, Lone slashed with his swords.

Celestia brought her hands up, as if to protect herself.

Lone's blades hit their mark.

Celestia screamed as her left hand was cut off. This caused the remaining guard to falter. Many were killed as they looked to Celestia, those that weren't ran to her to get her to the castle for medical attention. Lone did not stop them.

As they were retreating, Lone deactivated his swords and placed them back on his thighs.

"Well," Rarity said, "That was certainly interesting, but how do we get out if here."

"Haven't you learned yet, Rarity," Lone asked smugly. "I have many skills." At this Lone began to charge his magic, and concentrate it in his left hand, only it was a purplish color, instead of green. He was like this for nearly two minutes, in which time, no more guards came.
When it had finished charging, he brought his left hand across his chest and clenched his hand. Fleur's house was near the outskirts of the dome, so Lone turned to it. He then brought his arm across his chest quickly, opening his hand as he did so.

Three violet orbs of magic came from his hand and made their way to the dome. When they impacted, the dome began to crack where the orbs hit, and the crack expanded outward from those points. The dome eventually collapsed, just as the Shadow made it's way to their location. It came down, it's ramp lowered. The group made their way to it and boarded. As Lone, who was the last, got on, the ramp rose, and the ship rose, then flew off, away from Canterlot.

Red said nothing as he was making sure the others were alright, before he took over the controls, to make a quick fly-by of the base that Lone's intel had mentioned was going to be making a new weapon for the war.

"Hmm...is that the base your intel had mentioned?" He asked, pointing it out to them, as they began to approach, slowing down, staying cloaked, as Red quickly put on his armor, Checking over his lightsaber, and getting three extra weapons. Two Submachine guns, and a combat shotgun, along with some extra thermal detonators.

"Yeah, that's it. Good luck, Red," Lone said.

"Take the Shadow back to base with the girls." He said, being loaded up. "I'll handle this one on my own." He said as he approached the loading ramp, which opened up, as he stood at the top of it. Fleur approached him, worried.

"Be safe, my love..." she said as she kissed his cheek hugging him, as he had his helmet off. Red smiled, and held her gently, returning the kiss to her own forehead.

"Just who the hell do you think I am?" He asked with a playful smirk, oozing with confidence, and put his helmet on, preparing to jump out.

As Red jumped out of the ship, Barb sent a holographic message to Nightmare and the others that they were en route to the base.

Red was performing a free fall, down to the large base below. His helmet had given him the base readout, to allow him to see what was somewhat the same, including the giant hanger made for the weapon. He also notices a vehicle set nearby it, and decides to effectively take two birds with one stone. His armor, was black as the night was, and his helmet looked like a dragon ninja headpiece, and mouth covering, clearly showing he's a combat stallion. His visor was crimson red, as though covered in blood, with his two shoulder pads, which seemed like three plates stacked together for protection, were golden in color, as was the section of his helmet on the top, behind the forehead. All in all, it was a very intimidating appearance. As he approached his destination, he positioned himself perfectly, and landed, with his fist pounding the ground below, along with landing in a kneeling position. He wasted no time and dashed right ahead, entering the stair well, sliding down planting some thermal detonators along the walls, and the stairs as he slid down the railing, even tossing a few extra grendades down the hall, which detonated soon after they landed, bouncing a bit as well, as he got closer to the ground floor, and was close to the final destination. They had all finished preparations, it was the final stages, and their great weapon was ready to lauch. Their weapon was a Giant Walker Mech When the grenades detonated, announcing his presence, the base went into lockdown, with the main hanger doors being shut and locked, to prevent him from escaping, as he reached the bottom, the red siren warning lights were flashing as the Alarm went off, Red smirked, knocking on the door, his Shotgun ready.

"Knock Knock..." He said softly as someone on the other side opened it up answering.

"Who's there?" He said before screaming.

"SHOTGUN!" He cried as he blasted him point blank with a shotgun to the face. After kicking away the now headless body, he proceeded to massacre the rest of the guards inside, using his lightsaber, he even began to attack them with what appeared to be blasts of magical force, almost as though it was a gust of wind, or being electrocuted with lightning that had went from his fingertips into them. He had even infused his lightsaber with Lightning for added damage in his combo attacks with his saber.

The attack was long, and powerful as Red was easily holding out with very little trouble, being the best fighter of the force, having only lost a single match, being with Lone when they met. Shortly before he could board the new walker to steal it, it's blueprints, and torch the base, he was surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands of guards. All primed to kill him, as Red began to reach out with the magical force he had used earlier, and before they knew what had happened, their weapons were floating away from them, and soon, they began to do the same, all rotating around Red as though he were a tiny Sun...as this happened an orb surrounded him, appearing cloudy, and sparking with electricity, as though a hurricane...He brought his hands together, and spread them out wide, as he sent everyone flying away into the walls of the base, and into the ceiling and upper catwalks, causing everyone that was 'orbiting' him to either be killed from the injuries, or knocked out.

Red rushed up to the walker and boarded it, turning it on, as it began to walk away from it's post. He activated it's turrets and blasted the door, and walked out, finding a set of a few vehicles inside it's armored cargo hold on the back of it. including A Motorcycle which he would put on his ship, a four wheeled ATV which also appeared to have an attatchment for guns to be placed on the front of it if desired, along with numerous other ATVs, and some jeep looking vehicles. Red smirked, as he just won them not only a weapon, but some extra ground vehicles. After blasting out of the base with it's turrets, and walking away the safe distance, he pushed the button on the hand held detonator, causing the base to explode, completely and totally, burying any who were left there, and eliminating any trace of the base that he had attacked.

When the ship landed back at the base, Nightmare approached them, to meet the elements, and Fleur, when shortly after, they could hear a mechanical whirring, and large steps, as Red appeared, driving the walker.

"Hey guys. Mission accomplished Moony. We got us the weapon that Lone had told us about earlier, plus some extra goodies." He said as he approached.

Author's Note:

Rarity's outfit = Ashoka Tano's second outfit from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Pinkie's Outfit = Padme Amidala's outfit from the Geonosis Arena in Star Wars Episode 2, before she got scratched.
Fluttershy's Outfit = Leia Organa's outfit in the Endor DLC of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2
Fleur's combat outfit = Aayla Secura's outfit.