• Published 5th Jun 2015
  • 1,646 Views, 161 Comments

Seattle Seapony - dNihil

Cala woke up in the middle of the night, stuck within a limbless body. Her skin burned horribly.

  • ...

[1-1] Crawl

Part 1

Thunder boomed. A filly woke with a jolt. Listening to the deluge of rain outside, and feeling quite wet herself, she was fully awake in moments.

She screamed.

While the piercing squeal rang throughout the room, she jumped out of bed and fell to the floor with a thud. She craned her neck around to look back up at her bed. She swore the rain was pouring right on her bed for it to be so wet. The light from the window created a silhouette. She would have to get up and take a better look.

She didn't move. She looked down at herself, trying to re-orient with the ground. Lightning flashed. She caught a glimpse of a scaly spiral, the twisted image burned into her retina for a moment. Thunder boomed. The pattering of rain was noticed once again. It wasn't drowned out by the sounds of cars moving around on the street below.


From where she was on the floor, the filly was staring at her sister's bed. The sheets were pulled down and it was empty. Not unusual; her older sister would often stay out late at night. All the more excuse for her to call out, and she was becoming very scared.


She tried getting up again. She flopped on the floor. Her skin rubbed against the carpet and started to hurt real bad — like when, as a child, her sister had shoved her and she fell over, sticking out her elbow to catch herself. Only this was much worse. The pain was spread over half her body, and it was getting more and more irritated the longer she lay there. She began to wiggle back and forth, but instead of getting anywhere she only managed to scratch herself all over. Her breathing and heart rate increased and tears ran down her cheeks.

She bawled. She had no idea what kind of nightmare was overtaking her but it hurt and it itched terribly on her wet body and she just wanted to curl up and surrender to the pain.

Her mom still hadn't responded to her cries for help.

Lightning flashed. She glimpsed the grotesquery her body had become. She looked like a slimy reptile, her lower body tapered into a noodle that wound up against her belly. She saw no arms or legs to speak of. Thunder boomed. She felt the tears running down her face, the salty fluid doing nothing to soothe the burning she felt all over.

She flopped around some more. Her tail unwound and thrashed a bit, bumping into something. She could feel around the object, and wrapped her tail over a hard metal pole. It wasn't easy; the object felt all kinds of wrong to the touch. There were parts sticking out in places. Some of it was cold and smooth to the touch, some bumpy and abrasive. Still she grasped it. And then she pulled.

Her body dragged over the scratchy carpet as she slowly pulled herself across the floor. Her skin burned. She cried out at a point and quit moving, catching her breath. And then she went on. She pulled, and then she had made it to...

Lightning flashed. She saw the corner of her bed. Under the corner of the bed frame was a wheel that her tail wound tightly around. Thunder boomed. The sound of rain splashing above and below the apartment she was in and the flow of water running down a gutter wafted into the room. She hated how dry it felt in there, longing to feel the sweet touch of water on her skin to cool the burns she had all over one side of her body.

She looked around her room. It was hard to see anything in the dim light coming through the window. She oriented herself. Craning her neck, she was able to make out both her and her sister's beds in two corners of the room. There was a closet full of dressers and shelves in the other corner nearest her own bed, and the door to the room was in the corner opposite her bed.

She faced the door, twisting her body and turning towards it. She pulled her tail under her body and wound it up tight. After a few moments of crouching there, heaving deep breaths, she pushed forward with all her might, uncoiling her tail to spring forward. She pounced and she landed on her face. Her snout hurt and her tail ached from the odd position and the exertion it took to make the leap.

She rolled on her other side and looked down at her bed to see her progress. It looked like she'd made it a couple feet away from the bed. She could stretch out her tail and touch the corner post of the bed she had latched onto before. The window continued to shine a steady, dim light down on her from above her bed.

She looked up at the door still far across on the other side of the room. It almost seemed to be farther away than before.


Lightning flashed. Thunder boomed. Rain poured.