• Published 5th Jun 2015
  • 1,647 Views, 161 Comments

Seattle Seapony - dNihil

Cala woke up in the middle of the night, stuck within a limbless body. Her skin burned horribly.

  • ...

[1-6] Hurt


Ejection of the poisons in the system.

All Cala knew was horrible, terrible pain and it frightened her. She didn't know what was happening. She didn't know which way was up. She could only feel her body convulsing as it expelled the nastiness that had invaded her. She felt like someone had thrown her into a furnace, poured acid down her throat and left her to burn. Nothing could free her from this hell as she coughed and retched and squirmed, all without feeling it.

She tried to find some sense in the world. Her eyes only showed her brightness, an image too skewed and blurry to make any sense of. Her dizziness threatened to force her to clench them shut again as the tilted her head this way and that.

And then she blinked, and she saw a clear image. It was the image of the green unicorn, Harper, standing in front of her — sideways because the world had no right-side up. Its piercing yellow eyes bore into her own and she fought the urge to retch as it demanded every ounce of her attention.

It was quiet for a minute — just staring at Cala — and then it said, "you were always the stupider of the two of you. You and your sister, I mean." It looked thoughtful for a moment, finally tearing its sick eyes from the filly. "Brooke knew things you couldn't understand, even at your age. She was more cautious and observant."

"That's not to say you didn't have your own good traits though," it laughed, "you were definitely quite the doer. But you just didn't really understand the world like she did. Even though your mother allowed her to use the high-dive, she still found no interest in using the pool for anything. A shame, really. She probably could've been real fun to swim with," it said.

Cala closed her eyes and sighed. She did think of Brooke quite fondly, even if she could be a bit of a prude. The world resumed swimming around her and she curled up, losing track of the thoughts to fight the torrent of torment that the world sent her way.

Cala woke to find herself lying on her side on a concrete floor. Lights buzzed softly above her. Faintly she could hear the sound of rain pattering along outside. She opened her eyes and looked around herself. Her vision was blurry and it was hard to make out what was around her, but she could see that she was in the corner of a large gray room. Her skin burned terribly where it rubbed softly against the pavement under her, so she laid her head back down and tried to stop moving. It was hard to do because suddenly her chest caught aflame and she went up in a coughing fit, writhing and irritating the burns on her skin.

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, finally settling down. It felt like she had gone through a meat grinder and she just wanted to rest it off.

Her eyes opened again and she slowly looked around the room, trying to make sense of anything she saw. Her sight failed her and she still couldn't make anything out. So she thought back. She recalled everything she had done yesterday. That morning she had found herself in a conundrum, and she remembered having to get used to the body while hating the itchiness of moving along the carpet. Hah... that was nothing compared to what she felt now. After sleeping in the bathtub, she had gone to get something to eat for breakfast, but something had distracted her and sent her into the ventilation ducts. What a strange way to spend the morning. She ate a bunch of cat food. Played some games. Then she went downstairs, and she jumped into the pool... and then...

She gasped as she made out a horizontal blue blur. The pool. It had gnawed on her body and spat her out, and now she lay in the corner of the room, injured and helpless.

That water. The water in the pool. It was evil, and she had fallen into its trap.

A little while later, she had finally been able to get some rest and she felt a bit better, though certainly nowhere near the ability to move again.

She heard a scraping noise and angled her head down to see an orange blur slowly getting bigger. It stopped in front of her and she thought she could make out what the cat brought. Red and brown. She took a breath, and instead smelled what it was: it was delicious! The cat brought her a meal in his own red dish!

She immediately dug in, not caring about the pain of moving her head up to the bowl. But she stopped after a moment because her mouth was dry, and she took longer than normal to chew it up. She finally swallowed, and it felt like a handful of thumbtacks was scraping their way down her throat. She started coughing again and felt lightheaded, dizziness kicking in and overwhelming her.

After a minute and some deep breaths, she continued eating in very small bites. The cat had wandered off while she continued. After a few minutes, she had eaten what she felt was enough for the moment and laid back to let her throat rest.

She heard the cat coming back, scraping something else across the floor. She peered down at him and saw he was bringing over another red thing. He put it next to the other dish; it was the same, but she couldn't see anything inside.

She leaned over and sniffed it.

Oh no! She recognized that smell! That was water. That was water and water was evil and she wasn't going to drink it because it had hurt her and she didn't want to be hurt again. She could vividly remember the feel of it all burning at her skin, invading her gills with an unspeakable terribleness.

No, she rejected the water and she laid back so she wouldn't have to think about it. She didn't know how long it would be before she could move again.