• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 4,488 Views, 74 Comments

Return Of The Showmare - Horizon Spark

Through some unfortunate events, Trixie is forced to stay with her eternal enemy; Twilight Sparkle. But, why does she hate her so much?

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Chapter 16: Future of the Showmare

Chapter 16: Future of the Showmare

On the outskirts of Ponyville, a bright and shiny new caravan stood proudly on the hill as the sun started to rise. The wagon was large, having many colorful shades of blue, pink and purple, and judging by the way it looked it was built to last for years to come.

Inside the caravan was the one resident of the home. Trixie took a glance around the inside of her new place. She just wanted to stop and admire the new furniture and trinkets that she never had before. Gone were the days of sleeping on the floor with a worn out blanket, or seeing herself in a cracked mirror on a run-down nightstand. Now everything was all brand new and ready to travel thousands of miles with her.

After a minute of admiring her new stuff, she went towards her nightstand and looked at her new picture frames. Along with the old ones from before, she now had pictures of her best friends, her grand performance in Ponyville, and her dearly beloved.

She sighed heavenly. It has been a week and a half since they confessed their love for each other, and they had a wonderful time spending time together. They eventually told their friends and, especially Rarity, they were excited to see them happy together as a couple, even if they expressed their happiness with a snide remarks and teasing.

The two also spent the last few days slowly building up their new relationship as marefriends. The first date was a huge success, and the five more casual ones after that were even better. They even had some more…intimate nights than before…

A knock at the door interrupted Trixie’s lewd thoughts. She went to open the door and was bombarded by a barrage of confetti and streamers. She heard a shrill screech of party horns that was followed by a chorus of ponies yelling, “SURPRISE!”

She took a moment to compose herself and saw her friends and her marefriend standing right outside her wagon. Each carried a different set of objects with them and a large smile on them. Trixie was glad to see her friends one last time before she had to leave but was curious on why they were here.

“I certainly hope you weren’t planning on leaving us without saying goodbye.” Twilight said first. “That would just be plain rude.”

Trixie gave a small giggle. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I was just admiring the beautiful craftsmanship of my new wagon. Thank you again for the offer Applejack.”

“No problem Sugarcube, anything for a friend like ya. Just be sure to your careful with that there lever, it still gets a little stuck from time to time. Nothing a little elbow grease can fix though.”

“Will do, but enough about the wagon since I’m sure you would want to say your goodbyes to me. To give yourself closure as say your goodbyes and see me leave this town for a whole year. This could be quite the treacherous journey I’m going on and this could be the last time you witness this lovely face of mine, you might even want to even beg for me not to leave. So if you have any last words for me I suggest you share with me your woeful cries of despair.”

Trixie stood there proudly as she waited for what she expected to be cries and pleads of her stay. But what she heard instead was the laughter of six ponies and a dragon. Trixie shrugged. “Well at least I tried.”

Twilight shook her head and went up to her marefriend giving her a big hug, which Trixie accepted without any complaints. “Well even if we’re not showing it, we are all happy and sad to see you moving on to bigger things. We are all going to miss you.”

“Yeah some of us way more than others. Isn’t that right Twi?”

Twilight turned around and blushed as she saw her giggling friend. “Wh-what is THAT supposed to mean Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow and Applejack started to giggle harder at the…implications Rainbow was implying. Rarity huffed as she went up to the couple. “Ladies, behave yourselves. This is a very touching moment for these two. We should take this more seriously.”

“Why thank you Rarity, at least somepony is acting her age.”

“Besides darling, how in Equestria will these two go on without her new favorite pillow to sleep on? Or should I say sleep with?”

“RARITY!” The couple yelled in unison at the chortling Unicorn.

“Do you two know what she means by that?” Pinkie asked the remaining Dragon and Pegasus. Fluttershy and Spike only responded with a blush.

Rarity tried to stop as she coughed in her hoof. “Oh calm now you two we only jest.”

“Yeah jokes aside, we’re all wishing ya luck. I know you’re gonna blow that audience away.”

“And to make sure ya don’t forget us all, each of us got a little somethin’ for you to take on the road.”

On cue, each of the friends came up to Trixie and offered her their gifts. A basket of freshly picked apples from Applejack. A Wonderbolts poster from Rainbow Dash. Two baker’s dozen of cupcakes from Pinkie Pie. An extra outfit for performing from Rarity. Packages of green tea powder from Fluttershy. And due to her new interest, the first ten issues of Power Ponies from Spike.

“I’ll start you off with the first arc.” Spike said as he gave Trixie his gift. “Trust me, you’re gonna love them.”

“Thank very much Spike, and a big thank you to the rest of my best of friends.” Trixie said happily towards her friends. “I truly couldn’t ask for better friends. I promise to return a champion, as the greatest magician in Equestria!”

“Oh Trixie…” Twilight whispered as she suddenly went right up to her marefriend and gave her the biggest hug she could muster. “You’re already the greatest magician in the world to me!”

“Twi...you're...choking me...”

Applejack started to chuckle rather loudly. “Hoo boy, give these two lovebirds some room here folks.”

Spike groaned inwardly. “Come on Twilight, I’ve dealt with enough of this at the castle for the past week. We get it you love each other.”

Twilight blushed furiously. “Alright fine I’ll stop. Besides you should be heading out anyways.”

Trixie sighed. Her marefriend had a tendency to be a bit clingy, even more than she was. But despite any differences she has towards her she still adores her Twilight. She shook her head and smiled. “How about we walk and talk Twilight? I have a small thing to discuss.”

Twilight’s ears perked up as she turned towards Trixie with a wide smile. “Really!?”

“Ooh…sounds like you two wants some alone time!”

Twilight’s cheeks angrily flared red as she faced her giggling friends, utterly annoyed at Pinkie’s comment. She knew Pinkie and Rainbow can be rather childish, but she expected more from the others. At least Spike had the decency to look away. “Do you guys mind?”

Rarity laughed as she turned back to Ponyville. “Come on ladies, let’s give them some privacy. Best of luck on your journey Trixie!”

The rest of them said their goodbyes as they made their exit, making a few more lewd jokes between them along the way. Twilight groaned loudly when they were out of sight, the effects of her friend’s comments finally washing over her. “You know, I’m starting to wish we never told them about us.”

Trixie grinned. “Strange, that sounds like something I would say. Besides, we both know that at the end of the day they mean the best for us.”

“I know they’re just joking and are really happy we’re together, but they could at least tone it down a bit. Seriously at this point they’re just…” The alicorn was cut off by the lips of her lover, giving her that feeling of warmth that never gets old to her. As they parted she smiled when the negative emotions from earlier was replaced with a sense of ecstasy. “Thank you, I needed that.”

Trixie went to the front of the wagon and put on the harness. Facing her destination miles down the path, she whistled for her partner. “Care to follow Twilight?”

The Alicorn followed behind her eagerly. The two started to walk down the beaten path as they talked about Trixie’s plan to start her tour. She’ll start at Appleloosa and work her way around towards the other major cities in Equestria. “And if everything goes according to plan assuming there are no setbacks, I’ll hit all my destinations within the year.”

“Wow, that’s quite the field trip you’re going on.” Twilight said impressed at the Unicorn.

“Well traveling long distances is nothing new to me, especially since I’ve grown used to lugging my wagon around years ago. But…”

Twilight noticed the sudden melancholic tone in Trixie’s voice. She looked to see her head drooping towards the ground, kicking a small pebble out the way. “Trixie…was there something else you wanted to tell me?”

Trixie sighed sadly. “I’m just going miss being with you my love. I always left Cities without much care, I come in, I perform and then I leave moving on to the next town and the next. Never have I left a town wishing I could just stay with a pony that matters to me. Especially with a pony I love more than anything.”

Twilight wanted to intervene and tell her that everything would be alright like she usually would before. But for the first time in a long time, she was stopped by Trixie’s voice.

“It’s alright Twilight, this is something I need to do by myself. I’ll perform to the best of my ability, never putting anypony down with my powers. I’ll be the magician ponies will look up to, the magician that will continue the legacy left by her mother, and I’ll do it alone. That is…if it’s alright with you.”

Twilight smiled, relieved at the words of the Unicorn. “Sounds good to me love. But even if you’re doing this by yourself, I expect a letter from you every month no matter what happens. Even if all you write is ‘Hey Twilight just writing to say I love you, k’ bye!’ I still want to see it.”

Trixie sighed happily. “Don’t worry your majesty; I won’t forget to write at all.”

“You better not, unless you want your next performance to be interrupted by an angry Princess of Friendship.”

“Of course, Celestia forbid that happens and all of Equestria knows how much of a jealous and obsessive you are.”

Twilight locked her eyes on Trixie angrily. “I’m not obsessive; I’m just very concerned for the safety and well-being of the mare I’m in love with. It’s totally different and justifiable.”

“Making threats of annoyance for a letter isn’t being obsessive? Sounds like our royal nerd is quite the desperate mare.”

Twilight made a face that defined frustration. “I love you Trixie, but you can be the worst.”

“And you can be the best Twilight.”

The teasing ended with them chuckling, the serious worries from before completely forgotten. Minutes later they reached they’re stop, the Ponyville city limits. One hundred and eighty-seven miles away was Appleloosa, the first step of Trixie’s tour. She would stay there for a while then make her way to Dodge Junction, stay then move to Baltimare and so on.

Trixie took a deep breath then turned to her lover who looked upon the horizon with great optimism. She looked ready to see the magician being sent off to greater adventures. She could tell how much she believed in her, no matter what happened in the past or will happen in the future.

She laughed. “Before I go Twilight, I just want to thank you once more for everything. Nothing I could do or say can compare to the kindness you given me. I just wish there really was some way I could make up for all of it.”

Twilight gave her a tight hug as she kissed her on the cheek. “All I want is to see you succeed above anything else. You mean more to me than anything else in the world, and I’ll be damned if I see you go down that dark path once more. I love you my beautiful magician”

“And as long as I have ponies like you who believe in me that’ll never happen again. I love you too my sexy bookworm.”

They shared one last kiss together, a kiss that lasted longer than necessary. Not that they were complaining. With much reluctance, they said their last goodbyes as Twilight launched herself in the air flying back towards Ponyville. Trixie watched her soar in the distance once more before turning her attention to the path. With a confident sigh she took her first step towards her destination.


1 year later…

Trixie listened to the creaking of wheels as she went down a familiar path she went down over a year ago. She remembered that this was the same path where Twilight found her injured from the fall of her wrecked caravan. The afternoon sun did make it easier to see, so she can just focus on the road back to the castle.

‘This place is still the same.’ She thought to herself.

Her travels led her all over the farthest sides of Equestria, touching the hearts of thousands of ponies both young and old. She met ponies who loved her performances, she met ponies who were always huge fans of her, and made new fans. She learned so much from on her journey, made a friend or two from the strangers she came across, and even helped those who needed her wandering advice that would make Twilight proud.

She encountered many roadblocks that got in her way, but she managed to pass by them all, determined to get to the next performance on time. Using all she learned from her lessons along with her own personal flair, every single show was a complete success from Appleloosa to Las Pegasus huge praises were said by many who attended. Her last performance on her tour in Canterlot was said to be her best one yet. Being held in the grand theater of the capital, attended by hundreds who now saw her as a powerful spell caster and amazing entertainer.

Even the Princess was floored by her last show…

“Never have I seen spells like those performed so perfectly by somepony so young in ages. Not even Silver could pull that off so flawlessly.”

“Well what can I say Princess, I am the Great and Powerful Trixie after all! But…do you really think I was that amazing?”

“Of course I do. You have grown up into a beautiful and talented young mare, your mother would be proud of what you’ve become. As am I.”

“Thank you very much Princess, I’m quite proud what I am now too.”

“Speaking of being proud, I’m quite pleased that you somehow enraptured the heart of my personal student. Quite the accomplishment if I do say so myself.”


Trixie remembered the chill she got when Celestia mentioned her love for Twilight. She felt relieved that she was just teasing her and in actuality, was ecstatic that Twilight finally found a special somepony. A little too ecstatic she realized. Nevertheless she was glad that she gave the two her blessings towards a loving future together.

Suddenly she felt a random feeling that halted her own thoughts. She took off her harness and stopped to feel the magic in the air. It was a powerful magical aura that she faintly recalled belonged to one of the most powerful ponies in the world. Once upon a time this aura would’ve made her groan in disgust and anger, but now it served as a beacon of happiness and love towards the owner.

The Princess rushed at the magician at lightning speeds, tackling her to the ground as she constantly kissed and caressed her face. This made Trixie laugh uncontrollably as she returned the favor, enjoying the long-awaited warmth of her lover’s embrace.

After much time and reluctance the two separated and got up from the ground. Twilight then gave her a much larger hug making Trixie giggle in response. “Wow Twilight, you must’ve been a total wreck without me. How in Equestria did you survive?”

“I’m sorry, but I just missed you so much, I’ve been waiting to see you after so long.”

“Me too Twilight. Truth be told I could hardly stand not being by your side, I almost wanted to come back early. Despite how I felt however I stayed on my journey, and it was worth it to come back to my wonderful marefriend. I have so much to tell you.”

“Well that’s great, things been quite busy since you’ve been gone. I can’t wait for you to meet my new student; Starlight Glimmer.”

“Starlight Glimmer?” Trixie asked curiously.

“It’s a long story, but after some rather crazy events I now have my own personal student to teach the magic of friendship.”

“Well for her sake I certainly hope she knows that you belong to me.”

“Oh relax Trixie she’s just a student and nothing else. Besides you really should meet her, her magic is just a powerful as the both of us and I think you’ll like her.”

“I suppose I should, but I’m rather tired from my adventure and would rather spend my time with my beautiful little bookworm.”

Twilight giggled at the mention of alone time. “Glad that you mentioned that. I asked a favor from our friends that they don’t disturb us for the rest of the day. I also convinced Spike and Starlight to spend the night at the Crystal Empire. Now we have the whole castle to ourselves.”

As Twilight was explaining, Trixie was giving her a rather love-struck stare as she thought of her plans she already made for tonight. “Well that’s great to know Twilight, so now we can just talk and cuddle as long as we like. Honestly after a whole year of traveling I can’t wait to just relax and…”

Trixie was just caught off guard as her face was caressed by Twilight’s tail. Her nose assaulted by the soft and gentle feeling and the scent of lilacs, making her redder than a strawberry. “Uh…Twi…I um…”

Twilight laughed a little at Trixie’s speechless state. “We have a whole year’s worth of time to catch up on. So we should really get to them.”

Trixie soon got her bearings and smiled back at her. “That is a wonderful idea, we should get right to that.” Trixie placed her caravan’s harness back and set her sights at the castle. Before she moved however she used her magic to levitate the Alicorn straight towards her and gave her one more massive hug. “I’m glad to finally be by your side once again. I love you Twilight Sparkle.”

“And I love you too Trixie Lulamoon.”

The two mares headed straight to the castle, smiling all the way ready to enjoy a magical night alone. After a year separated, the two lovers are ready to have Great and Powerful future together.

Author's Note:

And at long last after a year and a half of writing, my longest story yet has finally come to an end. I thank everyone who stuck around this long and for reading the entire story. Despite how the actual relationship between Trixie and Twilight is in the show, this is still one of my favorite ships and I am very proud of this story and how it turned out. Hopefully next time I write a story as long as this it won't take as long. I might return to this someday, but until then tell me what you liked about this one and whatever else you want to know.

With all that said thank you for reading, don't forget to tell me what you think and I'll see you next time.

Comments ( 10 )

Can I hope for a sequel? this was sadly shorter than I thought.

1 year later…

nnnnnnnoooooooooooooo well....we didn't had to knew about the whole year that's right

While I like Starlight, for a moment it was odd to suddenly have her there.

However that was a nice story and I would really like a sequel for this story. I mean it is never nice for a story to end, but I kind of epected around 40 chapters anyway.

I guess I would like something with adoption and hopefully without any foalnapping tha goes over two chapters which would only interrupt the bonding time.

Yeah I really love adoption/romance and psychology storys if they are written good.

Good story, not much I say anything else about it. Well done.

P.S I would also be interested in reading a sequel. :twilightsmile:

That ending was adorable!
Ohhhhhh I can't even right now.
Just :yay:

Well I’m certainly glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for reading! :)

Personally i would like to read a spin-off of trixies 1 year tour from the hardships she went thru ,includding triumphs. Still amazing story

Will there ever be a sequel?

There will be...eventually...
Same goes with some of my other stories that needs sequels.

Comment posted by DH Lightning Bolt deleted Jul 26th, 2019

Is the sequel still happening someday in the future?

Well, that was nice. A lot of spelling issues, but it was sweet, and hit them feels just right.

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