• Published 26th May 2012
  • 1,435 Views, 45 Comments

The Shadow Guard - Theatre Pony 66

A secret organization that protects equestria from evil gets a new member

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A middle aged, grey coated unicorn with a black mane and tail looked out of the Castle window only to be greeted by the same sight of the frozen wasteland that had been there for centuries. He sighed to himself, before he walked over to his desk and looked at the various papers, scrolls, and books that were spread about it. His eyes reached a framed photo of him with a middle aged female pony that was holding a yellow baby foal.

The unicorn let out a sigh before he heard a knock at the door.

“Come in”

The unicorn turned to watch his door open and a small yellow filly enter.

“Citrine what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be taking your lesson… did you sneak out again”

“No” Citrine quickly said.

“Citrine…” The unicorn said in a stern voice.

“Okay, fine. Yes, I skipped today’s lesson. I mean come on, you’re my dad! Why can’t you teach me this stuff?”

“Listen; this it has been a while since we have had people your age in our organization, and I don’t want you to grow up without knowing anyone your age. I want you to at least have a semi normal childhood, because you know once you reach adulthood everything changes.” The Unicorn said as he trotted over to her and put one of his hooves around her shoulder.

“I know dad. It has just been a little hard to focus since well you know.”

“Yes I know it hasn’t been the easiest time since she passed, but it does not give you an excuse to skip your lessons and not make friends. I know this is not the ideal life, but it is our job to do as it was my father’s, and his father’s before… I am sure you can get the gist of where this is going.”

The filly sighed before looking up at her father. “The stuff just scares me okay.”

“Ah I see.” The grey unicorn said as he tapped his hoof against his chin as if he were thinking.

“Well. the thing you have to remember is everyone is afraid of what we could have to face one day. Even me.”


“Yep, but the thing is the land of Equestria and everywhere else is counting on us to conquer those fears because they are counting on use to protect them.”

“I thought you said people forgot about us?”

“Yes, the knowledge of our organization has faded: now only a few ponies know of our existence. But it is still out job to protect every pony, unicorn, pegasus, and other creatures in this land. Do you understand?” the grey unicorn said as he looked down at his daughter.

“Yes” Citrine said as she gave a week smile to her dad.

‘Okay now let’s get you back to your lesson. shall we?”

“But Dad!” Citrine pouted

“No buts. We will be heading back to the lesson as soon as possible. Do you understand?”

“Fine.” Citrine responded.

“Good.” The unicorn said as he turned to the door only to watch it suddenly swing open. Citrine and her father watched as a pony wearing a black and silver cloaked armor entered, and lowered his head in a bow.

“Commander Greycoat I am here to deliver a message.” the cloaked pony said.

“You may speak.” Greycoat responded.

“I was told to inform you that Azure Glow has returned from his trip to Canterlot and requests you presence immediately.” the cloaked pony responded.

“Thank you very much. I shall go and see him immediately.” Commander Greycoat then walked to the door and was about to exit when then he turned to the other pony.

“Would be so kind to escort my daughter back to her lesson and to make sure she stays there?” Greycoat said exiting the room.

“Yes commander.” the pony said before turning to Citrine who then let out a loud sigh and walked out of the door as the pony guard followed.


The Commander trotted down the hallways of the old castle, as he approached the entrance doors to the castle where he saw a cloaked blue unicorn with a yellow mane and tail standing near the door next to a large crate.

“Glad to have you back, Azure.” Greycoat said with a smile as he approached the unicorn who then lowered his head in a bow upon noticing his commander. “No need to bow, you said you needed to speak with me?”

“Yes Commander, there are thing that we need to discuss.”

“I assume it has to do with your meeting with Princess Celestia?” Greycoat said as he moved closer to Azure.

“Yes it does. The journey was long, and tedious as usual, and it took me a while to get to the palace without being noticed by the civilians of Canterlot. Then I had to wait because, you know, she is the princess.”

“That she is.” The Commander responded with a chuckle.

“As I was saying, it took some time before she was free to see me.”

“And what did you two talk about?” Greycoat asked in a curious manner.

“Well first we made small talk, you know said hi, and I asked how everything was going with ruling Equestria, and what not, but once that was over I started to talk to her about some of our needs.”

“And?” Greycoat asked.

“Well she said that first she could defiantly work on sending us more food and living supplies.” Azure responded.

“What did she say when you asked her about us wanting new recruits?”

“Ah, you see I brought up the fact that our numbers are not what they use to be. I then asked if she had any guards or local orphans that were not getting adopted that she could spare.” The blue unicorn responded nervously.


“She said that she did not see something like that happening at the current time. The Princess stated that her guards are needed for various job not only at the castle, but in Canterlot as well. Princess Celestia also said that she does not want us taking children out of orphanages as she says the times have changed. ” Azure answered with haste.

“I see.” Greycoat responded and he leaned against the door frame “Soon you and me will have to have a proper meeting, so that we can discuss possible ways for us to get more members in the future. If she truly does not have anypony she can spare down the road.”

“I’m not done yet.” Azure said as he moved closer to his Commander.

“What do you mean?” Greycoat responded in curiosity.

“Well. She felt bad that she didn’t have a single pony to help… so she gave me something else” Azure said as he turned his head to look at the crate.

“What is in there?”

“Glad you asked, commander.” Azure said with a smile as he trotted to it. Greycoat then watched with a sense of curiosity as he watched Azure’s horn glowed a shade of dark yellow. The lid of the crate slowly lit up, and watched as it moved to the ground, leaving the crate’s top open.

“Go on take a look!” Azure said smiling.

Greycoat slowly walked towards the open crate and peeked into the open top, then let out a quick gasp.

“Impossible! Is that what I think it is?” Greycoat said in awe as he looked up at Azure.

“Yes.” the unicorn responded as he walked over to the create “She told me that she felt that he would be better suited to help us then anypony she could send”

“What is his name?” Greycoat asked eyes looking back at the crate.

Azure reached the crate, and looked inside to also examine the purple and green baby dragon.

“Spike, his name is Spike.”


(There is the Prologue of my story The Shadow Guard. I would like to thank my Editors V-Pony, and Insane Guy of DOOM. Hope you enjoy the story.)