• Published 26th May 2012
  • 1,434 Views, 45 Comments

The Shadow Guard - Theatre Pony 66

A secret organization that protects equestria from evil gets a new member

  • ...

Chapter Four

Cedar slowly looked down the pathway that lead to the entrance of the Everfree Forest. The earth pony took as deep breath as he slowly entered the forest pulling his cart behind him.

Cedar slowly and carefully walked down the path as he took note of his soundings as he looked around at the tree’s to see if he saw anything out of the ordinary. As he started to travel deeper into the forest he stopped, realizing that he was deep in the forest.

“Lets get this started.” Cedar said as he turned and started to walk off the path and into the unknown territory of the forest: looking for a place were he could possibly set up camp and then work on surveying the surrounding area. He pulled the cart behind him then came to a stop. Cedar looked at the flat and clear area of the forest in front of him.

“Well this is a good place to set up camp.” He though to himself as he undid the reigns to his cart. As went to the back and grabbed the tent form the front and walked to the opening and started to set up the tent as he began to take not of the area around him. “I should probably make a camp fire soon.” He thought to himself as he but on of the tent spikes in the ground. He then pulled on a rope and brought the tent up and made sure that it saw fairly secure. He then started to walk away from his camp site to explore the surrounding area.

Cedar then walked over to a tree that caught his eye. He looked up and down at the tree before he pulled his axe. He looked ah the glowing axe head before he stood up on his back hooves and using the axe in his front hooves began to swing repeatedly at the tree.


Cedar watched as the flames wrapped around the burning pieces of wood as he felt the warmth of the fire reach him. He sat down at his camp site looking at a map of the Everfree forest.

“Okay so tomorrow I will scout out this surrounding area.” The earth pony said to himself as he marked out locations on the map. He then let out a short yawn, causing him to slowly get up and turn in the direction of his tent. “I guess I should get some sleep.” Cedar though to himself as he entered his tent and laid down on his sleeping bag and closed his eyes. He slowly started to drift to sleep when hear something outside that caught his attention.

As he listened he noted that it wasn't something moving, or even flying. Instead it was a loud, unmistakable sound of snoring. Cedar slowly got up and looked outside of his tent to see where it was coming from, and confusion hit him when he saw that it was coming in the direction of his cart.

Cedar slowly stepped out of his tent and began to move as silently as he could towards his cart. As he approached it he realized that the snoring was coming from the back of the cart and made his way around it. Once he was at the back of the cart he listened closely and determined that the snoring was coming from the chest on the back of the cart. So he carefully brought both of his front hooves to the lid of the chest, took a deep breath, and flung the chest open.

the brown earth pony slowly looked inside at the cause of the snoring and could only stare in disbelief at the contents of the chest.

“You!” He said in shock as he looked at the slowly awakening baby purple and green dragon in his chest. “What are you doing in my cart?” He asked in shock at the dragon who in turn just rubbed his eyes and looked up the Cedar, and then fully grasped what was going on.

“Happy, happy birthday from all of us to you! Happy, happy birthday its nice to see you to.” Spike sang as he started at the clearly confused and mad pony.

“It’s not my birthday.” Cedar responded.

“Still get points for trying.” Spike said as awkwardly looked down.

“You still have not answered my question. What were you doing in the chest on my cart?” The earth pony asked at still glaring at the dragon.

“Well, you see, it kinda just happened.” Spike replied.

“What you mean it just happened? Dragons don’t happen to just appear in random chests on cart through out Equestria. Now tell me how you got into that chest.” Cedar asked.

The purple dragon started at the pony for a few seconds before letting out a sigh. “Steel, you know, the blacksmith; he woke me up before you left, gave me supplies, and put me in the chest.” Spike as he slowly stood up and got out of the chest. Cedar watched as the dragon grabbed a bag and a sword out of the chest and hoped down onto the ground.

“Well, thanks for the answer, now get going.” Cedar responded.

“Where?” Spike asked.

“Back to the castle.” Cedar said as he pointed his hoof towards the forest.

“I have no idea where I am and how to get back to the castle. I think I should stay with you.” Spike said as walked closer to Cedar.

“No, not going to happen. I work alone.” Cedar said as he gave a sharp glare to the dragon.

“Well I'm not going back by myself so if you don’t want me here your going to have to take me back yourself.” The dragon said as he glared back at Cedar.

The earth pony let out a sigh as he stood in the clearing, thinking about how he should deal with this situation before he slowly bent down and got to eye level with Spike.

“Fine you can stay... But you can’t bring me down. I need you to swear it.” He said.

“Fine I will not bring you-.”.

“Swear it.” Cedar said cutting Spike off.

Spike looked at the brown pony before he raised his right claw. “I Spike swear that I will not bring you down and will not distract you on your assignment that the shadow guard has given you.” Spike said as he lowered his claw and started at Cedar who nodded his head before turning around and walking back to his tent.

“I advise you get some more rest, we are going to have a very busy day tomorrow.” Cedar said as he looked at the dragon before he entered his tent.

“Wait, where do I sleep?” Spike shouted in confusion.

“You have your chest.” A voice pointed out from inside the tent causing Spike to look at the tent in confusion.

“Really?” Spike thought to himself as he slowly made his way back to the chest and climbed back in it and positioned himself and slowly closed his eyes.

“I wonder what Steel is doing right now?” Spike thought to himself as he slowly drifted to sleep.


“YOU DID WHAT!?” Greycoat screamed as he looked at the white unicorn standing in front of him.

“I sent Spike with Cedar.” Steel responded as he watched his commander walk to his desk and pulled out a bottle of cider. Steel watched as Greycoat lifted the bottle up and took a long drink from it before he set it on the desk and turned back to the unicorn blacksmith.

“Why in Equestria would you do that?” Greycoat asked as he started at Steel.

“Well, the truth is that, I felt as his mentor that he would be better suited out helping the members of the guard.” Steel responded as he started at Greycoat.

“So let me get this straight; you sent and untrained baby dragon stowed away on a cart with one of our highly trained guards, who was going to the Everfree forest to scout on the possibility that the Shadows have returned.” Greycoat said as he took another drink from the bottle.

“We both know The Shadows are gone and are not coming back, and besides I think of this more as a learning experience for Spike and Cedar.” The white unicorn said as he walked closer to his commander.

“What makes you think that?” Greycoat asked in confusion.

“Well as you told me Cedar refused to have a partner, so I thought it would be good to put him in a situation were he would have to work with someone. As for Spike, I thought it would be good for him to get out of castle and, you know, get some real life experience that will help him out in the future. As for the whole not trained aspect, I gave him some basic sword techniques that he can learn on his trip.” Steel said as he learned against Greycoat’s desk.

“Where did he get a sword?” Greycoat asked as he eyed steel.

“I made him one. I mean as you said to me when I started as the blacksmith for the guard. Every member should have a weapon that they are familiar with.” Steel responded as he let out a small smile.

Greycoat looked at Steel before he let out a deep breath and said. “Well, I do not in anyway agree with your decision, but there is nothing I can really do about it now. However I will be speaking with Spike when he returns, as I need to see my self what he has learned for what as you call it... A valuable learning experience.”

Steel looked at his commander before he gave him a nod. “That is understandable. Permission to speak freely?”he asked

“Yes.” Greycoat responded.

“If you do not see the reasoning of me sending Spike out to learn and grow as a dragon; then why did you basically do the same thing for your daughter, as you basically sent her out for the same reason?“ Steel asked as he started at Greycoat

“Two completely different things. I sent her out there because she needs to lean how to fight, as well as lead. Even though she is my daughter and I love her. She is not the best archer or fighter in the guard. One day she is going to take over my position as commander ad she needs to have both the skills to fight as well as the ability to lead. Which she currently does not!” Greycoat said as he took another sip out of the cider bottle. “I need her to at least be able to learn about what's it is like out there so she knows if one day the Shadows do return and I am not here, she will be able to know what to do.” Greycoat said as he looked at Steel.

“I see, just don’t be hard on Spike when he returns.” Steel said before he moved away from the desk and then walked out of Greycoat’s office. Greycoat then lifted the bottle to his lip to his lips to take anther drink, only to see that it was empty, before he sighed and set the bottle on his desk. He looked up when he heard the sound of hooves as they approached his door and he saw Azure enter his office.

“Azure, why are you hear?” Greycoat asked.

“Well, you see I was wondering were Spike was?” Azure responded in a confused voice.

“Ah well you see Steel kinda snuck him on one of the carts and now he is with Cedar in the Everfree forest.”greycoat said as he walked over to Azure.

“Aren't you worried. I mean who knows what could happen? I mean if someone saw a guard member with a baby dragon... questions will be raised and we don’t want to draw to much attention to ourselves!” Azure sated in panic, causing Greycoat to place a hoof on Azure’s shoulder.

“I am sure everything will be fine. Cedar has been with us for five years, and he is very good at keeping a low profile, and not drawing attention to himself. So we will just have to wait till they get back to see if anything of interest happened on the guards search across Equestria. Okay?” Greycoat said as he watched Azure give a low nod of agreement.

“Good, now I need you to make sure that we have enough supplies for when everypony comes back. Got it?” Greycoat asked.

“Yes.” Azure responded with a slight smile.

“You are dismissed.” The grey unicorn said as his second in command nodded, then turned and exited his office.

Greycoat then turned and moved over to his window and looked out at the light snowfall that was covering the mountains. He let out a sigh before he turned to see the photo on his desk.

“Please be carefully, my daughter. I can’t afford to lose you as well.” He thought to himself as looked at his smiling self with the love of his life holding the new born yellow filly, in the old and worn picture that was on his desk.


Citrine looked at the tree she was aiming for as she bought the the arrow back and took a deep breath before she let go and watched as the arrow sailed right past the tree.

“COME ON!” She screamed as she stared at the tree and slowly moved her hooves as she went into the bog and retrieved her arrow and put it back in her quiver. She made her way back to the camp were Albion was sitting reading a book.

Albion looked up as he heard her approached and saw a look of frustration on her face.
“Is everything okay?” He asked as he watched her sit down at the camp site.

“No.” Citrine said as she looked at her bow.

“Well, I see you are still having trouble with the whole archery thing.” Albion said as he watched the yellow earth pony stare in frustration at her bow.

“Really, I hadn't noticed.” She responded as she looked up at the green earth pony and shot him a glare.

“You want some advice?” Albion asked as he looked at the yellow pony.

“Yea, cause all of the advice I have had has certainly made an improvement in my fighting abilities...” Citrine said as she looked back at her bow.

“Then may I tell you a little story then.” Albion said as he looked at Citrine who have hum a nod.

“Well, when you got your archery cutie mark, you knew which weapon you were going to be fighting with. I to received a similar mark.” Albion said as he pointed to the hammer mark on his flank. “When I got this, I started to us the hammer as a weapon. That is what I thought it was; just a hammer that I would use to smash things with. Then when I actually got into a practice fight, I did not do that well to say the least. Then I realized something... I figured out that I should not just treat my hammer as a weapon, but I should also treat it as a tool and a part of me as the hammer is my talent. The same can be said for you. You are trying to hard to hit your target with an arrow then you are at letting the bow be a part of you and using it to your advantage. Do you get what I'm saying.” Albion said as he looked at the yellow mare with a smile.

Citrine sat there thinking to herself before she got up on her hooves and walked back towards to bog.

“Where are you going?” Albion asked.

“To train.” Citrine responded as she walked he walked into the bog.

Albion sat there before he turned his attention back to his book and started to read again. When he heard the sound of a bow being drawn back and then released, and quickly after he a loud and happy scream coming from the bog forest, as a smile appeared on his face.


Cedar walked through the dark forest, hearing the footsteps of Spike as the dragon followed him. The earth pony turned and saw that the purple dragon was looking intensely at a piece of parchment.

“What are you reading?” Cedar asked as he walked forward.

“They are basic sword fighting techniques that Steel gave me before he sent me off.” Spike responded as he looked up.

“I see.” Cedar responded as he continued to walk.

“So what exactly are we looking for again?” Spike asked as he looked around the Everfree Forrest.

“You know, anything out of the ordinary.” Cedar answered as he looked at his map of the forest.

“Like what?” Spike asked as he he followed the earth pony as they walked deeper into the forest.

“You know anything supernatural that would point to the Shadows returning.” Cedar stated with a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice.

“Other than that, the forest is pretty safe right?” The young dragon asked with a hint of fear in his voice.

“The Everfree Forest? Safe?! Oh no, there are numerous dangerous creatures that roam theses woods I mean you have Manticores, Timberwolves, Ursa’s, and numerous other dangerous creatures just waiting in the woods for the opportune moment to present itself so they can strike!” Cedar said with a smile as he turned his head to Spike, and noticed the the dragon had wrapped his right claw around the grip of his sword.

“You scared?” Cedar asked as he looked at Spike.

“No, I’m not scared.” Spike said as he slowly moved closer to Cedar.

“Good, cause you never know what's going to pop out and attack you in this forest.” Cedar said he stopped moving and turned to look at Spike who was behind him and gave him a smile. Spike slowly smiled back and put the piece of paper he was looking at back into his backpack. Spike then looked back to see Cedar charging at him with axe in his hooves.

Spike eyes widened as he ducked out of the way as he felt the axe swing over his head, before he backed away as fast as he could.

“What in Celestia’s name are you doing?” Spike shouted as he started at Cedar in shock and worry.

“What needs to be done.” Cedar shouted as he swung the axe again causing spike to jump out of the way. When the dragon landed on his feet he turned and ran as fast as his legs could take him. Spike ran through the forest as fast as he could as he heard the sound of hooves behind him as he looked for a way out of the forest as he ran.

“Why are you running. A member of the guard does not run!” Spike heard Cedar say, not daring to looking behind him to see were the earth pony was. Spike’s leg then suddenly hit a root and he tripped face first into the ground.

Spike quickly got up oh his feet when he heard a twig snap behind him and he slowly turned around to see Cedar with his axe in his mouth staring at him. Spike took note of the glowing white axe head as it illuminated Cedar’s face. Spike slowly started at Cedar as his claw griped the handle of his sword and the dragon slowly drew it out of his sheath and lifted it up as he wrapped his other claw around it as he held the glowing sword in a defensive stance.

Spike started at the earth pony before Cedar charged at him and swung the axe at Spike causing the dragon to close his eyes and lift his sword up to block the attack.

Spike heard a loud clang as he opened his eyes to see that the sword and the axe had meet as he saw Cedar gave him a glare as the quickly back away as he he swung the axe. Spike quickly lifted blocked the swing and pushed the axe away with his sword. Spike then quickly swung his sword at Cedar who dodged it with easy.

“Is that all you got?” The earth pony asked after he took the axe out of his mouth and then wrapped his front hooves around it as he he stood up on his back ones. Cedar then stared at the Spike, waiting to see what the dragon would do next.

Spike raised the sword over his head and charged as fast as he could as he brought his sword down in a swing, though cedar evaded it with ease as Spike felt the steel axe handle slam into the back of his head causing Spike to fall to the ground. As he lay there he heard the sound of hooves grow closer to him as he saw Cedar in the corner of his eyes. He tightened his grip on his sword as the young dragon suddenly turned around swigging his sword with all the strength he had.

Cedar jumped back as he watched the sword swing past him and then used his front hooves to kick it out of Spike’s claws. He watched as the sword hit the ground with a thud before he turned his attention to the young dragon.

Spike watched in fear as Cedar approached him with his axe in his hooves as the earth pony glared at the dragon. Spike closed his as he waited for Cedar to make his final blow. The dragon kept his eyes closed as he sat there for what seamed like hours when he then realized that he was till breathing. Spike slowly opened his eyes to see Cedar putting away his axe.

“That was absolutely pitiful.” The earth pony said as he looked at the young dragon who was looking at him in utter confusion.

“What are you talking about?” Spike screamed at Cedar.

“Well first thing you did was run away the moment I started to attack you. Members of the Shadow Guard do not run away from danger. There was also the fact that you also have no knowledge on how to use that sword properly; you just swung it around trying to hit me. You had no technique or form of attack. Reading a scroll will not turn you into a master swordsmen, you need to practice and learn.” Cedar said as he approached Spike who was still laying on the ground.

“Wait, your not going to hurt me?” Spike asked in confusion as he started at Cedar.

“You still don’t get it do you. I was never going to hurt you, I was trying to test to see how prepared you were for a fight, and you failed miserably. So get up and grab your sword, because we need to get back on the path and make sure this section is clear. Then we are going to have a long talk about what I truly expect from you while we are out here. Do you understand?” Cedar asked as he started at at the young dragon.

“SO YOU ATTACKED ME JUST TO SEE HOW GOOD I WAS!?” Spike screamed in shock at the earth pony.

“Yes, now stop talking, get your sword and follow me.” Cedar responded as he watched Spike slowly get up in anger and watched as he stomped over to his sword and quickly sheathed it as he turned and sent a glare to Cedar. As the dragon walked to the earth pony and shot him a look.

“Lets go.” Spike said as he saw the pony give him a nod and they both turned when they suddenly heard a loud howl.

Both Spike and Cedar turned and looked behind them into the forest as they saw a pair of yellow eyes looking at them went suddenly another pair appeared, and the another, and another, causing both Spike and Cedar to look around. They noticed that they were surrounded by at least ten pairs of eyes looking at them from the forest.
“What are those things?” Spike asked as fear creped into his voice as he watched Cedar pull his axe out of it’s container.

“Timberwolves.” Cedar responded as Spike quickly pulled his sword out of his sheath looked around. “Listen to me Spike, do not run and follow my lead, and what ever you do , don’t look away from them. Got it.”

“Y-Yes.” Spike said as the eyes slowly came closer in their direction.


(Well there is Chapter Four of the Shadow Guard which is the longest chapter I have wrote for this story. I would like to thanks my editor Insane Guy of DOOM. Hope all you readers enjoy the chapter.)