• Published 26th May 2012
  • 1,435 Views, 45 Comments

The Shadow Guard - Theatre Pony 66

A secret organization that protects equestria from evil gets a new member

  • ...

Chapter Five

Spike watched, as one of the pair of glowing eyes slowly grew closer to them until the Timberwolf stepped out giving him a better understanding of how they got their name. Spike watched in horror at the wolf as it slowly circled them, as several other members of its pack soon joined it as they encircled the pair.

“Now what?” Spike asked as he looked at Cedar.

“Simple we fight, don’t take your eyes off them.” Cedar responded as he placed his axe in his mouth. As Spike saw this he tightened his grip on his sword. Spike turned his head and stared into the eyes of one of the wolves. Spike watched in what seemed like slow motion as the wolf broke into a charge as it bounded towards him as he watched it grow closer and closer until it was inches from him. Spike suddenly swung his sword upward colliding with its jaw as he heard a large cracking sound sending the wolf inches back before it slowly got up and limped away.

Spike quickly turned his head to see Cedar taking one of the wolves heads clean off with one swing from his axe as the earth pony turned to face another of the charging wolves. Spike watched as Cedar quickly turned and used his back legs to deliver as strong kick to the face of the charging wolf before quickly turning around and burying the head of his axe into the Timberwolf’s neck.

Suddenly Spike felt a shadow come over him as he turned to see one of the wolves staring at him growling as it swung its paw at the dragon. Spike quickly raised his sword to block the oncoming attack colliding his blade as the wolf quickly steps away and circles the purple dragon.

Spike watched as the Timberwolf circles him before it broke into a charge and jumped. Spike swung his sword and felt it chop into the wolves legs. While it hits the ground spike turns along with the blade and drove it through the wolfs head.

Spike pulled the sword out of the wolfs head as he stared at the dead wolf laying on the ground, the sudden realization that he had just killed a living creature caused him, to freeze as he turned to see a wolf in charge just inches away from him the dragon froze as the Timberwolf grew closer when suddenly an axe flew into the wolf neck causing it to fall to the ground and Spike turned his head to see Cedar galloping in his direction and quickly pulled the axe out of the wolf and then delivered a final chop to the next causing the wolf’s wooden head to fall off.

Cedar then turned to look at spike and the dead wolf he stood over. “First Kill?” He asked the dragon who in turn gave him a nod. “Well, the first kill can always be the hardest and hopefully you won’t get in another fight with a living creature again so buck up and let’s get moving.”

“What about the other Timberwolves?” Spike asked as he looked at the brown earth pony, Cedar then pointed his hoof at spike who in turned looked around to see a large number of Timberwolves laying on the ground dead.

“I see.” Spike said as he looked at the wooden carnage in shock before turning to Cedar. When he saw something charging out of the forest, and then what happened next seamed to happen in slow motion. Spike watched a Timberwolf jump on Cedar and sink it’s teeth into the pony’s neck as Spike screamed and ran with his sword in hand and ran to Cedar and drove his sword through the wolfs neck and watched as it unclenched it’s teeth around Cedars neck and fell to the ground. Spike then turned to look at the shocked Cedar who was standing there with blood dripping down his neck as he then slowly fell to the ground.

Spike then ran over to Cedar and bent down to see if there was anything he could do as he watched Cedar slowly losing conciseness when suddenly he heard a twig snap.

Spike looked up to see the outline of what appeared to be a hooded pony off in the distance. Spike looked at the pony with curiosity before the pony started to move towards them. Once the pony steeped out of the forest Spike was able to see that the figure was in fact not a pony but what appeared to be a zebra.

“Hello, who ever you are, this pony needs help!” Spike shouted as he watched the Zebra approach them and bent down to look at the Cedar as it lowered her hood and Spike started at the zebra before she reached into her pouch and pulled out a bottle, uncorked it and pouted it contents down Cedars mouth.

Spike watched as Cedar’s eyes suddenly shot open and he sat up in a heavy pant and started to look around in a panic.

“What is going on, last thing I remember is a wolf charging at-” Cedar suddenly moved his hoof to his neck and took it away to see the red blood that covered it. “Holy Celestia that my blood isn't it. This is not good... wait who’s the zebra and why is she here. Wait am I dead I mean your her dragon to be honest your not the best fighter so I would not be surprised if a wolf offed you as well. “ Cedar said as he pointed his hoof to Spike.

“No, you’re not dead.” Spike said as he glared at the pony. “As for her, I don’t know she just appeared and gave you a potion that caused you to wake up.”

“The potion of energy does will not heal your blood loss. We must hurry to my hut or your life will be at loss. For there are potions of healing and life, and we must act soon to save his hide.” The zebra said as she started at the dragon and the wound pony.

“Okay lead the way.” Cedar said as he slowly stood up on his legs and watched as the Zebra turned and erupted into a gallop and speed of into the forest as Cedar quickly followed her leaving Spike standing there in confusion as he sheathed his sword and then picked up Cedar’s discarded axe and he then ran as fast as his legs could go in the direction that Cedar and the mysterious zebra ran off in.


Spike stopped to catch his breath as he started at the small hut in front of him as he approached to door and slowly opened it to see the zebra standing over Cedar who was in turn laying on the ground in a light slumber.

“What happened to him?” Spike asked as he walked over to the zebra who turned to look at him.

“A brew of healing he was given... but be warned the pain that he feels will be unforgiving.” She responded.

“Aha, well I just wanted to say thanks for helping, I have no idea where we would both be if you did not show up. I don’t even know your name.” Spike said as he looked at the zebra.

“Zecora.” She responded.

“Nice to meet you Zecora, my name is Spike” The dragon said as he stuck out his claw and watched as Zecora take it in her hoof and gave it a shake.

“Nice to meet you Spike the dragon.” Zecora responded as she moved her hoof out of Spike’s claw.

“How long is he going to be out?” Spike asked as he turned and looked at Cedar’s resting form.

“Asleep all day he will be, for all his fears he will soon see” Zecora responded as she moved to the large cauldron in her shack.

“I see.” Spike said as Cedar started to toss and turn in his sleep as well as talk in his sleep.

“Firestorm” The young dragon heard the earth pony mutter as Spike looked at the constantly shifting earth pony as the dragon let out a sigh.

“I wonder what the other guards are up to right now.” Spike thought to himself as he stared at Cedar.


Mach looked up and down at his map and he and Blaze stood in the middle of the San Palomino Desert just on the outskirts of Appleloosa.

“Wow, I have never seen this much sand in my life, holy Celestia it’s everywhere” Blaze said as he looked around.

“Yea I know, come on let’s focus this desert is huge and we have only just started to scratch the surface of our of our search for the shadows.” The purple Pegasus said as he looked at the unicorn.

“So, where are we going to be headed next” Blaze asked staring at Mach who was still looking at the map.

“Let’s start out in this direction.” Mach said as started to walk forward into the distance of the desert. As Blaze let out a sigh as he walked behind the pegasus pulling the cart.

The pair walked through the dessert enduring the heat of Celestia’s sun as they continued their walk through the desert.

“Should we be looking for some shade or cover?” Blaze asked as he looked at his partner.

Mach stopped for a second and turned to look at Blaze before he gave him a nod and turned his head around and looked for possible areas to take a break from the hot sun. “How about there.” Mach said as he motioned to a rock formation in the distance as both of them started to trot over to it.

Once they reached the shaded area Blaze released the cart and joined Mach who had already sat down.

“So how long do you think this whole scout mission is going to take?” Blaze asked as he looked at Mach.

“Well with the size of San Palomino Desert I would have to say at least a week at the most.” Mach reasoned as he looked at the questioning unicorn.

“This is going to be so boring” Blaze responded as he fell backwards into the sand.

“No one ever said this was going to be a fun mission. We are simply gathering information to make sure that the Shadows have in no way returned.” The pegasus responded as he glared at Blaze.

“I mean we’re suppose to be training to protect Equestria not be sent on a long scout mission.” The unicorn said.

“You do complain too much.” Mach responded with a snort.

“What do you mean by that.” Blaze said as he sat back up.

“That you whine to much. I mean look at the fight you had with Cedar if you just did not open your big mouth that fight would have likely never even happened.” Mach responded as he glared at the unicorn.

“I would have won.” Blaze responded with a smile as he watched Mach roll his eyes and look away. “What you don’t think I would have won.”

“No I do not.” The purple pegasus responded as he looked at Blaze. “Cedar is one of our best members and he would have won that fight. You see the problem with you is that you just get so aggravated so easily, and then you feel you have to solve all of your problems by challenging people to fights just to prove that you are the best. That attitude is not how a guard member should be acting.”

“Yea, well what about you and your actions?” Blaze responded with a smirk.

“What are you talking about?” Mach responded.

“The situation you are in, that if I were to tell people could cause some problems for you.” The orange unicorn said.

“What are you talking about, I’m not in any situation.” Mach said as he shot Blaze a glare.

“Well then that means I know something you don’t.” Blaze responded.

“Yea, and what’s that.” Mach said as he looked at Blaze

“My room is next to Citrine’s” Blaze said with a smirk as he watched as the color seminally faded from Mach’s face.

“What!” Mach responded in shock.

“You heard me, and from what I can tell you really don’t want anyone to finds out about you and Citrine’s nightly activities would you.”

“Do you think I’m scared of you?” Mach responded as he got up of the ground and slowly made his way over to Blaze.

“No, but you’re defiantly scared of what would happen if Greycoat found out about what you and his daughter are doing together.” The unicorn said as he got off the ground and looked at Mach.

“What are you getting at?” The pegasus asked as he looked into the eyes of the unicorn.

“Well if you can keep your opinions about me to yourself, the I guess I can do the same.” Blaze said as he stared right back at Mach.

“Fine, but don’t think this is over. I will find a way to get you back for using threats against me.” Mach said as he turned and walked away, when he then turned his head around and stared at Blaze. “Well, come on. We have got a lot of desert to cover and we have wasted enough time talking as it is.” Mach said as he glared at Blaze.

Blaze glared right back at Mach as he slowly started to follow behind the purple pegasus into the large and vast desert.


“Where am I?” Cedar though as he looked out into what seemed to be never ending darkness. The pony looked around in confusion before he slowly started to walk around to see if there was any sign as to where he was and how he could get out of there. As Cedar walked through the seemingly endless darkness he saw something out of the corner of his eye as he turned to see what it was. His eyes widened as he started directly at a wooden door. Cedar looked at in confusion as he slowly made his way towards to door and placed his hoof on the door and slowly pushed it open.

Cedar carefully walked through the doorway to see that he was standing in what appeared to be a blank white room. The earth pony looked around when his eyes rested on a hooded pony like figures whose back was turned to him.

“Hello.” Cedar said as he moved to the pony that said nothing in return. Cedar continued to slowly make his way to the hooded pony. “Do you know were we are, and how I can get out of this place?” the brown earth pony asked still not getting any response from the cloaked pony. As Cedar stood just inches away from the pony he heard the low wisping sound of a unicorns horn activating.

Suddenly the whole room burst into blue flame as Cedar looked around in confusion as the realization suddenly hit him. “No, no, no, no.” Cedar thought to himself as he watched the pony turn to face him as the room became fully engulfed in flame. Cedar looked at the hooded figure as it lowered its hood, and cedar let out a scream when he saw the unicorns face.


Cedar quickly shot upwards as he awoke in a sweat and looked around to see his surroundings. As he looked around the hut the events of what lead him there the day before came back to him as he suddenly felt pain travel through his body. Cedar let out a loud groan as he heard the hut door open as he turned his head to see Spike standing in the doorway.

“Water.” Cedar groaned as he watched the dragon quickly nod and scurry over to a table on the other side of the hut and grabbed a jug and poured water out of it into a cup and walked over to Cedar. Who then grabbed the cup and drank the water in one chug.

“How are you feeling?” Spike asked as he looked at the earth pony.

“I’ve been better, but at least I’m alive.” Cedar responded as he laid back down on the bed and turned his head to look at Spike. “How long have I been out?” the earth pony asked as he looked at the dragon.

“About two days.” Spike responded as looked at Cedar in confusion.

“Damn, that sets us back in both he scouting we will need to do as well as the fact hat I need to train you.” Cedar said as he slowly looked around in silence trying to think of what would be the next choice of action for him and Spike’s scouting mission when suddenly his eyes shot open as he looked at Spike and said. “I have an idea.”

“What is it?” Spike asked as he looked at the brown earth pony.

Spike watched as Cedar gave him a smile. “Well I will be going out and scouting the rest of the forest with the aid of Zecora, since she lives here she can held guide me through this place. You however will be staying here and you will be during the training exercises that I will be giving your for obvious reasons.” The earth pony said as he watched Spike’s face slowly go into a frown.

“WHAT?” Spike screamed as he started at Cedar in shock.

“Yes, one we need to get you more in shape as you need to be able to have more energy and strength if your going to want to be an active member in the guard.” Cedar said as he looked at the purple dragon.

“This is not even fair, you were the one that got mauled by the wolf.” Spike shouted as he pointed at the earth pony.

“Well thanks for the reminder, and you know what for that let’s start your training right now. So I am commanding you to run twenty laps around this hut. So go.” Cedar said as he looked at Spike who just shook his head.

“What makes you think that I am going to do any of that.” Spike said as he shot Cedar a glare.

“Well, you could do that, but then I would have to tell Greycoat that you did not help in anyway shape or form during this mission and I wonder how he’s going to take that out on you. Cause let’s be honest who do you think he is going to listen to. You, the baby dragon who stowed away on a dangerous mission, or me one of the best member of the guard. Think about that for a second will you.” Cedar stated as he looked at the purple dragon to see how he would react.

Spike stood there staring at the injured pony in shock and silence as he thought about what Cedar had said.

“So, are your going to start you training?” Cedar asked as the looked at the young dragon who just stood there for a second before he slowly nodded his head. “I mean let’s be honest here. This whole Timberwolf incident is hopefully the only major set back we have during this mission I mean lets be honest what else could happen.” Cedar said as he watched the young dragon give a nod before he slowly turned around to start his training.


Through the dead of night a small boat slowly moved its way across a large lake as it made it’s way towards the entrance of a vane in the distance. The two hooded pony’s keep absolutely silent as they made their way across the lake, making sure that there where no other pony’s around as there boat moved into the dark and forgotten cave.

The boat traveled through a pitch-black cave as it slowly creaked through the pathway of water as they went deeper into the cave.

“Are you sure this is the right way.” One of the hood ponies said in a male voice.

“You doubt my magic and knowledge Lord Nuru.” the hooded pony said as she looked at the male pony and lowered her hood revealing her Amethyst cot and black mane along with the unicorn horn on the top of her head.

“No, I just wanted to make sure that we’re on track.” The pony said as he lowered his hood reveling his green coat and dark blue man as he started at the unicorn in the front of the boat.

“Everything is going as it should be.” The uniron responded as she turned to the earth pony and gave him a smile.

The pair then grew silent as their boat continued its path deeper into the cave until they felt the boat hit something. The female unicorn got out of the boat and turned to look at the earth pony and motioned for him to follow her. The pair moved through the dark cavers of the cave in silence with each step they moved farther into the cave. Before Nuru turned his head to the unicorn as they walked.

“Nerezza, where is your brother?” The earth pony asked as they walked.

“He is not needed for this ritual to work so I felt it would be best not to bring him with us.” The mare responded as she continued to walk down the cave pathway.

The pair continued to walk through the cave for several more minutes until they came to a large stone door. Lord Nuru turned to Nerezza as he watched her horn glow with a dark black aura that soon caused the large doors to slowly open, and the pair slowly walked through the doorway into the dark room.

The pair stood in the darkness when suddenly Nerezza ignited her magic once again and the room was suddenly filled with several small black and purple flames, which slowly grew in size and started to illuminate that large circular room.

“So what happens now?” Nuru asked in curiosity as he stared at the flames.

“Watch, and you will see.” She responded with a large smile as her horn seamed to glow with more intensity.

Nuru turned his head and continued to stare at the purple and black flames as he watched them seam to grow bigger as the shadows of the flames seamed to dance on the ground as if there were slowly coming to life.

“It’s beautiful.” Lord Nuru said as he stared in shock and wonder at the magic that was taking place in front of him, as the first part of their plan was truly coming into fruition.

Author's Note:

I am So sorry it has been a while since I updated, I have been busy with college. Good news is I have three more weeks till I am down with my first year so after that I will be on summer break so i will have much more free time to write.

Comments ( 1 )

I mean lets be honest what else could happen.”

Murphy hears it and grins and says what doomsday event should happen today

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