• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,247 Views, 136 Comments

Fanning Our Flames - Evowizard25

Sunset wanted some time to relax after the Nightmare Moon fiasco. The return of an old rival changes her plans.

  • ...

Prelude to a Fire Fight

Thunderlane resisted the urge to groan as he made his rounds of Ponyville. The town had to be under constant vigilance. They couldn’t have another incident like with Nightmare Moon. Normally, he wouldn’t be out so late. Oh yes, he did his fair share of the work, but he was more of a day pony. It was that with the battle and ponies moving away, his forces had been depleted considerably. Add in several of them were helping the Apples clean up the burned patch of the farm and he was forced to do the night rounds.

‘I wish the Princess would just go home,’ he secretly dared to think. If he ever muttered that aloud, he could get charged of ‘offending the crown’ and executed. Well, if there were any ponies here really serious about the whole executing thing. Time Turner was a rather laid back Inquisitor and understanding. Bon Bon was uptight, but she was never cruel. She was even smiling again these days. Perhaps that event with one of the Element bearers and their kid helped her get through her troubles.

So he didn’t have to fear saying it as long as Princess Sunset didn’t hear about it. Thunderlane didn’t want to think about that happening. He even shivered slightly at the mere mention of it. Thankfully, the Apples wouldn’t really face any real loss this year. They’d collected enough of their stock to get by and their orchard is massive. They were hardy Earths, so they’d make due.

He yawned, using his wing to cover his mouth. ‘Maybe I should grab a cup of coffee. Yeah, that sounds nice. Nothing’s happening tonight anyways.’ There hadn’t been any signs of Nightmare cults or that chaos rumor going around. The native loyalist chaos worshipers found it a bit offensive, but they weren’t that numerous in Ponyville so nothing came of it. Ponyville was going to receive a shipment of soldiers soon to secure the town, so Thunderlane didn’t have anything to fear. As long as he could remain in charge, it was all good.

That’s when he heard it. Resounding beats that sounded like the start of a hurricane. Thunderlane didn’t think much about it. It was obviously coming from the Everfree Forest. That place was far too strange. Yet the sounds kept getting more and more fierce and closer.

‘What the hay is going on?’ Thunderlane couldn’t help but fluff up his wings in anxiety. He had to make his way to the Weather Team. They might know what was going on. Before he could however, a shout carried its way around town:


Thunderlane’s eyes widened, “Dragon? There aren’t any dragons around here except Spike and… Oh no.” He remembered the tales of the green drake of the Everfree, but he thought the dragon was long gone. ‘I guess I was wrong.’

The wing beats kept growing stronger. Several ponies had gone outside to see what was the noise and at the shout, many of them fled screaming. Thunderlane had to take off to get out of the way of several ponies. When he did, his jaw dropped. In the distance and closing in on the town, was a green fire drake.

“Sir,” one of three town militia that had run up to him and saluted. “Your orders.”

Thunderlane could hear the fear in the soldier’s voice. The way it quivered. Dragons weren’t something regular militia handle. That was something for dragon slayers or the Equestrian Guard. They were too spread out and didn’t have any substantial numbers. He didn’t know what to do.

“Sir, orders.” The soldier said again.

“I...I…” Thunderlane stuttered.

“What are you standing around for?” Cloud Kicker, a recently promoted member of his militia for her actions against Nightmare Moon’s forces, shouted. “Get your asses in gear and get everypony out of town.”

“Yes, sir.” They said before taking off.

Cloud Kicker smirked as she looked at Thunderlane, “So captain, how’d I do?”

Thunderlane shook himself and glared at her, “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Saving the town, mister grump.” Cloud Kicker rolled her eyes.

“How dare you address a superior officer like that.” Thunderlane scowled.

“What can I say?” Cloud Kicker shrugged, grinning from ear to ear. “I grew up in a family of merchants. We’re known for our skilled tongues.” She lightly licked her lips.

Thunderlane rolled his eyes, “If you keep that up, you’re luck’s going to run out one day.”

“Oooh~” Cloud Kicker smirked. “What are you going to do? Hold me down and teach me a lesson?” She leaned closer to him. “Because I’m all for that.”

Thunderlane blushed and kept his glare centered, “Get to your post, now.”

Cloud Kicker rolled her eyes, “Fine, but I’ll get you one day.” She took off.

Thunderlane sighed and shook his head. ‘What am I going to do with her?’ A roar shook the air so much that many of the nearby windows shattered. “Oh right, dragon. Almost forgot about that.”


Spike stood in front of the door, hesitant to enter. He could hear his sister’s muffled sobs from inside and it ate away at him. Sunset was always so strong and to hear her cry was too much. He wanted to barge in and pull her into a hug, telling her it was okay. She’d probably chuck him out the window, which is why he hesitated. ‘Oh, don’t be such a wimp. She needs me.’ He told himself.

Carefully, he opened the door and poked his head inside. The sight before him wasn’t one he could stand. Sunset had her head buried in a pillow, sobbing almost continuously. Spike wouldn’t stand idly by while she cried. He pushed the door open further, “Sunset?”

“Leave me alone, Spike.” Sunset moaned into her pillow. Her voice sounded so broken.

“Can’t do that,” Spike softly smiled and walked in. He knew she wasn’t going to throw him out. At least, not right now. He climbed into bed, making sure not to disturb her. “A dragon has to watch over his princess after all.”

He could hear Sunset snort and then sniffle. “Your Princess?” She raised her head to look at him. Her eyes were puffy and red from all the crying, just adding to how pitiful this all was. “I’m the one who’s supposed to watch over you, you idiot.”

Spike chuckled and pulled her into a comforting hug, “Well, it’s my turn now.”

“You don’t get turns. I’m older.”

“Well I’m bigger,” Spike shot back with a smirk, earning him a snort and nuzzle.

“I miss the days when I could scoop you up in my arms,” Sunset giggled. “It made me feel so big, holding a dragon all on my own.”

“Look on the bright side,” Spike smiled down at her, gently wiping away the tears on her cheek. “How many ponies have a big, handsome dragon as a brother?”

“I don’t know,” Sunset sniffed. “There aren’t any handsome dragons in my life.”

“Ouch,” Spike feigned hurt and put a hand to his chest. “That hurt, you know.”

Sunset laughed and nuzzled him, “You can take it you big baby.” She frowned, “Does Fiddlesticks hate me?”

Spike quickly shook his head, “She told me to tell you that you two were still friends.”

“Why?” Sunset looked confused. “I burned some of her crops. I made her cry. She should hate me. She should want to break my face or something. Why would she forgive me?”

“Because that’s what friends do,” Spike explained. “They forgive each other.” He booped her nose, causing her to scrunch it. “Now you just need to forgive yourself.”

Before Sunset could respond, a shout carried through one of the open windows. She had forgotten to close it after chucking out Shade earlier that day. After what he did for Pizzelle, she thought it was fair to not throw him through glass.


She narrowed her eyes at Spike, “Who did you sleep with?”

Spike rolled his eyes, “No, that wasn’t an angry shout, Sunset. That was a shout of panic...Panic?” His eyes widened before the whole place started to shake.

Sunset sighed, “I feel like we’re never going to have any peace around here.” She stood up. “Come on, Spike. Let’s go kick some dragon tail.”

“Wait,” Spike spoke up, standing with her. “Are you sure? I mean, you don’t have to do anything. You spent way too much energy on Gingersnap. The local guard can take care of this.” Sunset gave him a deadpan look. “...Right, let’s go.”


Ragnok slammed into the ground, causing the whole of Ponyville to shake. He loved hearing the screams of equines. It had been far too long since he had last gone on a rampage. He cast his gaze at the fleeing ponies. A few guards shakingly stood their ground. He grinned, then he roared. The ear splitting roar caused them to turn tail and run.

He laughed, “Oh this is too easy. I had forgotten how pathetic you ponies are.” He gently put the two mares down. “Stay out of my way and you’ll survive this.”

“You can’t do this,” Giddilee spoke up. “Please, they haven’t done anything to you.”

“Did you forget that I am a Fire Drake?” Ragnok growled, narrowing his eyes. “You dared to disturb my lair. You dared to challenge me. I will show you all what happens when you dare upset a dragon.”

“Maybe if you weren’t such an idiot,” Gingersnap snarled and pointed her horn at him. “You’d have just killed me and went back to sleep. Did you not think of that?”

“Kill you?” He laughed. ‘These ponies are so laughably strange.’ “SO brave. You’re willing to die for them?”

“No,” Gingersnap said. “I just said that’d be the smart thing to do. The army is going to kill you.”

“Let them try,” Ragnok snorted, blowing them back with a plume of smoke. “I grow tired of this conversation. My vengeance will be known now.” His tail smashed into the small buildings. Given a dragon’s strength, it was so easy for him to smash through the stone and enchantments. He just needed a few guards to chew on and his night would be complete.

“HALT!” A stallion’s voice called out. He looked on over to see over twenty guardponies standing in formation. He smirked. “Dragon, you are trespassing on Equestrian territory and damaging Equestrian property. You are to leave immediately.”

Ragnok blinked in confusion before he tilted his head and belted out a laugh, “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more stupid, you ponies surprise me.” He took a step forward. “I will not leave this town until it is burned to the ground. If you were smart, you would leave. If not, then I will gladly swallow you whole.”

“Then come on then,” the stallion smirked and drew his sword. “Try it.”

Ragnok narrowed his eyes. ‘Does this pony think he can fight a dragon? Does he truly think he can fight me?!! He dares to think I am weak?’ He growled. It was no secret that dragons took challenges very seriously. He started to walk towards them. Running wasn’t necessary. He would find them no matter what. “What is your name, pony.”

“Thunderlane, Captain of the Local Militia.” The pony still smirked at the drake. He raised his arm, “And your doom, FIRE!”

Ragnok quirked and eyebrow before he felt two cannon balls smack into the left side of his face. They didn’t do any lasting harm, other then annoying him. Dragon scales were amongst the toughest hides in the world after all. He turned to see a few cannon crews working to reload. He wasn’t going to give them a chance. He let loose a blazing inferno. Unfortunately, the ponies were able to get out of the way. Their cannons weren’t and the nearby buildings were set ablaze. “Do you think this is a joke, Captain?”

“Partially,” Thunderlane said. “I might have actually been scared if Nightmare Moon hadn’t shown up not long ago. You aren’t as scary as her.”

Ragonk blinked in surprise, “The dark one has returned?” Even dragons knew of Nightmare Moon. The name held a sense of dread and a shiver of fear went down the drake’s back. He wouldn’t admit it, of course. Still, she slew the strongest family of drakes in existence. Perhaps after he was done, he’d find a new cave far from here.

“Returned and best by us,” Thunderlane pointed his sword at the drake. “So leave and this can end peacefully.”

Ragnok couldn’t believe that. He chuckled, “You? You best the dark one? Oh this is certainly rich.” He took a step forward. “I think I’ll give you a quick death for that.”

“Try it.”

“Such courage,” Ragnok snorted. “Such bravado in the face of death. Why…” He smirked. “You’re distracting me. This is just to buy time for the rest of this pathetic town to escape. Bravo, Captain. It almost worked. You just forgot one thing.”

“What’s that?” Thunderlane tensed.

“I’m a dragon,” Ragnok’s maw opened and a torrent of fire was unleashed. After a few seconds he stopped. His smirk fell the moment he saw a bubble of magic surrounding the soldiers. Noticing the mare who performed the spell, he snorted. “You ponies are pathetic, willing to sacrifice yourself for each other.”

The mare known as Giddilee panted as her shield fell. Dragon fire had a negative effect on magic. It destabilized it and made enchantments useless over time. “I… won’t let you hurt anyone.”

Ragnok reared up and clapped his hands, “Bravo, but it’s all for naught. No pony can stand against a dragon, alone.”

“She’s not alone,” Thunderlane took a step forward, putting himself beside her. The rest of the soldiers did the same. “Ponies never fight alone.”

Ragnok smirked, “That’s what makes it so fun. The more soldiers you send, the more I get to burn. The delicious aroma of burnt pony is something I haven’t smelt in ages. I miss it so.”

“You really think we’re going to go down that easy?” Thunderlane scowled. “You have no idea who you’re messing with. We are the militia, standing forces of Princess Celestia herself. No matter what you do. No matter if I’m squashed, burnt, or swallowed whole, I will fight and my soldiers will follow. You can take on one pony, but you’ll drown in a hundred.” He raised his sword up to the air. “Soldiers of the Sun Goddess, will you fight with me?”

“Yes, sir!” Was the collective answer. Swords, spears, and muskets pointed at the great fire drake.

“Will you show this dragon the might of Celestia?”


“Then make her proud!” Thunderlane called out, pointing his sword at the great fire drake. "Attack!"

Author's Note:

Phew, finally finished. I'm sorry for the wait. College and whatnot. I hope it was worth it and I'll try not to take so long next time. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please leave a comment. They really do help me. :twilightsmile: