• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,247 Views, 136 Comments

Fanning Our Flames - Evowizard25

Sunset wanted some time to relax after the Nightmare Moon fiasco. The return of an old rival changes her plans.

  • ...

Are You Ready For A Show?

Now as anyone can tell you, ponies are a herd species. When they feel threatened, they tend to stick close to others for comfort. Family would seek out each other and never leave the other’s sight. If there was danger about, or they felt threatened in anyway, they’d stick to their loved ones like glue. For this reason, Sunset was walked close to Spike as they made their way through the marketplace. Several guards trotted around them and she had a plethora of spells at the ready. The ponies were giving them a wide berth for good reason.

“Sunset,” Spike spoke up. “I do believe this is a bit excessive.”

“Excessive?” Sunset snorted. “No, definitely not. You want to go out and ‘peruse’ the local market and I’m just keeping an eye on you. You know, like we could have done safely at home with a good book. No, you want to ‘peruse’. So this is fair. It’d be excessive if I put that tracking collar on you.”

“It scares me that you have one my size,” Spike grumbled.

“Helps when I need to find you on our diplomatic missions,” Sunset quipped. “Like when you’re chasing some tail around some city.”

Spike just sighed. He just knew Sunset would be on edge about going in town. He just really thought it would be best for her to get out. “I don’t need you to hold my claw anymore, Sunset. I’m fine and if anything, you’re hurting yourself by pushing everyone away.”

“I’m not pushing,” Sunset huffed, before using her magic to push a stallion that had wandered too close to the group away. At Spike’s accusative stare, she rolled her eyes. “One time, Spike.”

“Uh-huh,” Spike chuckled and nuzzled his sister.

Sunset allowed him that one display of public affection. He deserved a little treat. She’d just make sure he didn’t do it again. So she gave him a little nuzzle of her own. A part of her still couldn’t believe he was larger than her now. ‘When did he grow so big? He used to ride on my back and we’d run around the park together. He used to crawl on my head and nom on my mane. I miss that.’ She may not be the ‘big’ sister anymore, but she was going to still be his older sister no matter what.

“Princess Shimmer” A little colt’s voice yelled out. All the guards tensed, raising their weapons. Ponyville was still under investigation and scrutiny after the attack and there were rumors that a few straggling cultists may have slipped through.

Sunset herself prepared to incinerate whoever that voice belonged to. ‘How dare they? How dare they ruin a moment with my brother? These hayseeds aren’t even supposed to talk to him until this town is safe.’ Then something bumped into her leg. Looking down, she depowered the spell she had in the waiting. “Huh?”

It was a little white and brown splotched colt. He somehow was able to sneak past several guards and herself without anyone noticing. Most likely that was due to his very small stature. “Princess Shimmer, hi.” He waved happily. A small saddlebag at his side.

“...Hello?” Sunset awkwardly waved. Children never just said hello with a warm smile. If they ever did it was because she was Celestia’s daughter and the smiles weren’t that sincere. “Can I help you?”

The colt nodded. “Yep. My name’s Pipsqueak and I wanted to give you something for saving my family.” He had a clear Trottingham accent.

‘That was more of a byproduct than a wanted result,’ Sunset lamented. She did feel a bit bad that she couldn’t care less what happened to Ponyville. A little and that’s only because she had some friends here. “That’s sweet, but…”

“Let him say his thanks, Sunset.” Spike chuckled. “It wouldn’t hurt to accept a few praises.”

Sunset smirked. “Of course not,” she turned to the colt. “You’re very welcome. Though, it was obvious I would save the day. I am the greatest unicorn to have ever lived, daughter of Celestia herself. The outcome was obvious.”

“You’re also best princess!” Pipsqueak squealed and hugged her leg. He sniffed. “Thank you for helping us.”

“Uhh…” Sunset looked to her brother. He was much better with kids than her and...She wasn’t a huggy sort of mare. Her brother, Celestia, and Hikaru. The last one because he was like her, but a boy and fluffier. ‘Curse his cute fluff!’ Spike was just snickering to himself. She made sure to do something to get back at him for that. ‘No sapphires for a week.’

Thankfully for her, Pipsqueak pulled back before she needed to do anything. He pulled out from his saddlebag a necklace. It was just a simple pearl necklace that Sunset had seen worn by middle class mares. “I bought it with my allowance. I was saving up for an arcade, but I thought it looked pretty like you and you’d like it.”

Sunset frowned and was about to say no to the gift, then stopped herself. It was a gift after all, even if it was terrible. “Thank you,” she gently picked it up with her magic. She wouldn’t have to wear it though. “I’ll pay you back for this.”

Pipsqeuak shook his head. “It’s a gift, Princess Shimmer. You don’t have to give me anything. You’re the best and most awesome princess, so you deserve it. You can out magic anything.”

Sunset beamed. As Celestia’s daughter, it was acceptable for others to praise her so. It wasn’t done so much though. The Inquisition was a bit fidgety with anyone being praised more than Celestia herself, even her daughter.

“That’s not true,” a blue earth filly spoke up. A tan, red maned one was beside her. “The Stupendous Gingersnap is the greatest wielder of magic ever!”

“Yeah,” the other filly spoke up with a lisp. “She showed us all sorts of tricks and she’s gonna show everyone how awesome she is.”

“You’re lying,” Pipsqueak spoke up, stomping his little hoof. “Princess Shimmer is the greatest, right princess?” He looked up to see Sunset frozen.

The princess’ irises were pinpricks and she looked stunned for a second. ‘Gingersnap? No, it can’t possibly be that mare.’

“You broke her,” Spike blinked in shock. “You said the ‘g’ word. Tell me, was she a brown unicorn?”

“With a gingersnap cutie mark?” The blue filly asked. At Spike’s nod, she smiled. “Yep and she’s performing right now just a ways ahead. We can take you there if you want and show you how awesome she is.”

“...Oh dear,” Spike gulped.


Gingersnap was smirking as she looked past the curtain at the awaiting audience. She was thankful the town had some cheap wagons perfect for her performance. Of course, she knew they would. Small towns had plenty of cheap, simple stuff. “I bet half the town’s already outside, waiting to see me-” She pulled back from the curtain and put a triumphant hoof on her chest. She currently was wearing her yellow cape and point sun magician hat. “-the Stupendous Gingersnap in action.”

“I’m sure they’re going to love it,” Giddilee was wearing a form fitting green dress. It was low cut so she wouldn’t have any trouble navigating certain tricks and such.

“Of course they are,” Gingersnap snorted. “These backward hicks will eat up anything we throw at ‘em. Trust me, Giddilee. We’re going to be drowning in bits by the end of this.”

“I’m just thankful I don’t have to steal anything this time,” Giddilee sighed in relief.

“We don’t want them suspecting us,” Gingersnap said. “And we made enough from the last town, so we’re good. Besides, this is a small earth pony town. It’s not like they have that much we want anyways.”

Yes it was true that Gingersnap would often have her coworker pickpocket a pony or two during a performance or so. She reasoned that they needed to make a living. ‘They won’t miss a watch or a couple of bits.’ Thinking about stealing made her blood boil. She wasn’t a low class thief. She was a top tier magician. One of the greatest unicorns to have ever lived. That’s what her parents had told her and that’s how her grades from Canterlot’s finest schools had shown her. To be reduced to this. ‘You’ll pay, Sunset Shimmer.’

“You won’t have to do much with the first performance,” Gingersnap spoke up. “Just follow my lead and please don’t get distracted again by something cute or a boy, or both.”

Giddilee blushed in embarrassment and giggled nervously. “I’ll try.”

Gingersnap rolled her eyes. Her friend was certainly the definition of an airhead. A part of her wondered if she really was a pegasus in disguise. Before she could voice an insult or reprimand, her little hummingbird clock dinged. She grinned. “Show time.” ‘I’ll give this town the show of a lifetime. I’d like to see Sunset top this.’


“Why am I here again?” Quickfix groaned. She hated being out in the open. Given that she was a pony of the north, her fur was a tad bit longer and thicker than everypony else’s. She did cut it down to where it wasn’t that noticeable, but still. The sun, blessed that it was, wasn’t being that forgiving as it bared down at her.

“To see the magic show,” Fiddlesticks smiled as she shook with excitement. “Ya really needed to come out of yer cage, Quicky.”

“Fiddlesticks,” Quickfix huffed. “It is not a cage. It’s a laboratory. Just ‘cause it can function as a cage if’n somethin’ goes wrong, doesn’t mean it’s a cage fer me.”

Fiddlesticks rolled her eyes at her friends attitude. The two were the best of friends, given how they were outcasts when they first arrived, but Fiddlesticks honestly felt her friend was still an outcast. She’d been able to make friends with the town around her. Quickfix stuck to her lab and only came out for supplies and when the farmer literally dragged her out to have fun. “Wouldn’t kill ya to come out more often.”

“It could,” Quickfix pointed out. “This is Ponyville. We’ve got a forest of monsters next door. A bunch of zany ponies runnin’ around and now some cultists about. Did ah also mention it’s Tuesday? That’s a cursed day it is.”

Fiddlesticks just chuckled in response. “Wish Sunset was here. She’d love a good magic show.”

“How are ye supposed to know that?” Quickfix asked. “She’s a might uppity, if’n ye ask me.”

“Taint nothin’ uppity about her magic,” Fiddlesticks snorted. “She’s mighty good and that’s cause she loves it so much. Ah may not be a love guardian or whatever, but ah know love when ah see it.”

Quickfix shrugged. “If’n ye say so.”

A quick flap of wings and a ‘boom’ was all the two mares had in warning when Lightning landed beside them. “Okay, what’s up.”

“Magic show,” Quickfix quickly said.

“Oh, neat.” Lightning nodded and got herself comfortable. “So who’s the magician.”

“Some mare called ‘The Stupendous Gingersnap’,” Quickfix spoke.

“Never heard of her,” Lightning said.

“Well ya heard of her now,” Fiddlesticks pointed out with a smile. “Ah bet she’s great.”

“Ye think everypony’s great,” Quickfix deadpanned.

“Everypony deserves a chance to prove themselves,” Fiddlesticks said. She turned to see Sunset and Spike march on over with several guards in hoof. Sunset looked furious, while Spike looked around nervously as he walked. She waved them over. “Hey, we saved ya a few spots.”

Sunset growled as she made her way over. It almost looked like she wanted to blaze everything away with her gaze alone. “Is the show started yet?” Her voice oozed with venom and fiery rage.

Fiddlesticks didn’t notice it, so she kept smiling. “Nope, but it’s about to start. Y’all just made it in time.”

“Good,” Sunset’s eyes locked on to the stage. “I want to see what this ‘Gingersnap’ has to offer.”

“Whoa,” Lightning pointed a hoof at her. “Somepony woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

“I was having a good day until something came up,” Sunset said. “Something long since left in the past.”

“Cryptic,” Fiddlesticks chimed. “Ah like it. A good mystery really gets the blood goin’. Did Shade get the books to ya on time?”

Sunset nodded. “And somehow, he survived.”

“Good to hear,” Quickfix said. “Ah heard he’s kind of resilient to a lot of pain, maybe even fire. Been thinkin’ of givin’ him a job.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Sunset waved her off. She was entirely focused on the stage.

A familiar yellow unicorn mare popped out from the curtain. “Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am Giddilee, The Stupendous Gingersnap’s assistant. I want to thank you for coming here today to witness The Stupendous Gingersnap in action. What you’re about to see will amaze you and blow your minds.” She stepped away and the curtains blew up in green smoke. “I present to you, THE STUPENDOUS GINGERSNAP!”

Fiddlesticks noticed how Sunset and Spike tensed. ‘Is somethin’ wrong?’ She frowned in thought, just wondering what this ‘Gingersnap’ would bring to the town. She just hoped everything would work out well.

Author's Note:

Yes, Gingersnap and Giddilee are from the comics. I felt the need to include some comic centric characters because I really think they deserve some love and attention.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. THey really do help.