• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,242 Views, 136 Comments

Fanning Our Flames - Evowizard25

Sunset wanted some time to relax after the Nightmare Moon fiasco. The return of an old rival changes her plans.

  • ...

Are You Ready For the Duel?

Gingersnap was not a morning pony. She preferred to sleep in and get her daily dose of beauty sleep. She had to keep up her beautiful appearance, after all. So when she was roused from her slumber by somepony knocking at the door, she was infuriated. Her mane was a bit of a mess and her eyes bloodshot. She trotted over to the door and answered it herself. Normally, she would have kicked Giddilee and forced her to do it. This morning she was too lazy, so she did it herself. GIngersnap had a strange definition of lazy.

“Who dares wake the Stupendous Gingersnap?” She looked about and couldn’t see anyone. ‘Was this some sort of prank?’

“Down here,” she tilted her head down to see a little, skinny pegasus colt. He was tan with brown hair and had buck teeth. All in all, she thought he was ugly. He held out a letter in his hoof. “I have a message from Princess Sunset Shimmer for you.”

Gingersnap scowled. Normally, she would show restraint. The more anger and conceit she showed for bumpkins, the less money she got. However, this was anything but normal. She grabbed the letter out from his grasp and ripped it open. Reading it to herself, she scowled. “A farm? She wants to fight on a filthy farm?” ‘Fitting for her.’

“Umm,” the little colt spoke up. “Could I have my bit now?”

“Get lost, feather brain.” She shouted in his face before slamming the door behind her.

“Wha?” Giddilee was jolted awake by the noise. “What’s going on?” She drearily rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “Was it about Sunset?”

“Who else could it be?” Gingersnap snorted, tossing the letter into her ‘friend’s’ face. “Santa Hooves?”

“It’s not nice to use his name in vain,” Giddilee pouted as she gave the letter a quick read through. “Oh this is nice. I always did like going to my aunt’s farm.”

“Good for you,” Gingersnap scoffed as she got in front of the mirror and combed her hair with her magic. “I’m sure you can wallow in the mud with the pigs and all that while I put Sunset in her place.”

“You know,” Giddilee frowned. “The more we talk about it. The more I think this is a bad idea.” At Gingersnap’s scowl, she gulped. “I mean, she’s a princess, daughter of Celestia herself. She has a lot of magic and if you did beat her, well, stuff could happen to us.”

“Nothing will happen to us,” Gingersnap scowled. “We’ll be fine. Just trust me on this, Giddilee. I’ve always kept us safe."

Giddilee nodded. "I know. You're my friend and that'll never change."

"And don't you forget that," Gingersnap smiled, before it turned wicked. "Now go get me my cape and hat. I have a duel to win.” A low giggle bubbled in her throat before it grew into full blown maniacal laughter. Said laughter was halted by the knocking at the door. “Who the blazes is that?” She teleported over to the door and opened it.

“Hello,” the armor clad stallion nodded. She noted he was rather cute. “I’m Private Shade. I just so happened to be passing by when I heard some evil laughter on the premises. I’m not sure if you knew, but this town can only have so much evil laughter. I’m afraid you’re going to have to pay up.”

Gingersnap blinked in confusion. “Um...what?”

Shade roguishly grinned, which caused her to blush slightly. “Don’t worry. I think we can work something out.”

‘Is he asking me out on a date?’ Gingersnap thought and immediately her mind went into a state of panic. She rarely got asked out these days and here was a perfectly good looking unicorn on her doorstep doing just that. Blushing, she stuttered, “Ummm...well…I suppose-”

“SHADE!” The Captain of the local guard, Thunderlane, marched on over. “What did I tell you about using that uniform? I already kicked you out of the guard. You have no right to wear that.”

“Well, I was just making sure this lady felt comfortable in town.” Shade’s ears fell back and his head lowered in submission and fear.

Thunderlane stopped before Shade. His larger, muscular frame was a tad bit overbearing. “You’re lucky you were given a royal pardon by her royal majesty, Princess Celestia, or I’d have you executed for disrespecting the guard. I want that set of armor back in the barracks by sundown, or so help me, I’ll mount your head on my wall. Am I understood?”

The now shaking Shade nodded. “Y-yes sir.”

“Good,” Thunderlane snorted, before trotting off.

Shade sighed and then smiled as he turned to her. “So, about later?”

Gingersnap’s horn lit up.

Sunset had only been on a farm once in her life. That once was around a week ago when she first met Fiddlesticks. She really didn’t want to go back, but, as was typical of magic duels, it was standard procedure to take them outside of towns and such. There was always the risk of something going wrong. Still, she wanted an audience. Plenty of ponies were bound to show up later.

She’s have to endure. No matter how disgusting farms were. No matter how degrading it was for a princess to be found practicing her magic around pig styes. She would endure. ‘But if a single beast even thinks of slinging their excrement my way, I’m going to burn this place to the ground. I’m sure I can reimburse the Apple family later.’

Some of said beasts were a domesticated herd of Placerias. The brown and green mottled mammal-like reptiles waddled about as Winona, the family’s small pet sheepdog, and the Apples herded them away from the field. Placerias were a common farm animal, kept because of their meat which pegasi adored. Pigs were still common as well, more so because they bred faster.

“Sorry ‘bout them, Sunset.” Fiddlesticks spoke up as she watched the herd trek on. “They like to roam about and since ya didn’t say which field ya wanted….”

“It’s fine,” Sunset rolled her eyes, though she made sure to steal a few glances to the firm hunk that was Big Macintosh. Given his form, it was only natural. “It was last minute. Hopefully, that idiot will get my message.”

Fiddlesticks frowned. “Why’d ya have to call her an idiot? She seemed well enough on stage.”

“Maybe on stage,” Sunset said. Her mind flickered to dozens of instances between her and Gingersnap that left a bad taste in her mouth. “But in real life? I’ll tell you this. She’s no saint.”

“If’n ya say so,” Fiddlesticks sighed. “Just go easy on her. Maybe she’s changed.”

“Pfft, as if.” Sunset scoffed. She watched Quickfix trot over. The scientist mare was holding up some strange kind of rod that had a fluorescent blue light at the end. ‘I will never understand that mare.’ “So, are you done doing...whatever it is you’re doing?”

Quickfix nodded. “Just about done, Sunset.” She tapped the rod and the light went out. “Area seems safe. No excess spells or crystal stuff that’ll mess up yer duel.”

Sunset shrugged. “If you say so.” ‘It’s Quickfix. Don’t question it. Besides, it’s very much likely she just tweaked a specialized crystal to work inside the metallic rod,’ she reasoned with herself. She felt something bump into her and glanced back to see a young Placerias. “Beat it.”

“Aww, he’s just tryin’ to be friendly.” Fiddlesticks cooed, walking over to the young beast. Nuzzling it, she guided it back to its herd.

“Yer mighty high-strung aboot this,” Quickfix quirked an eyebrow. “How far does this whole feud go?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Sunset snapped at her friend. “I’m going to show that upstart who’s in charge and that’ll be the end of it. Besides, I’m not high strung. I’m perfectly collected.” Something smashed into the ground. “DIE!” She wheeled around and let loose a powerful fireball.

“Yipe!” Shade shouted as part of his tail caught fire. He quickly used a spell to blow it out. “Don’t do that.”

“Shade?” Sunset’s eyes widened. “What are you doing here?”

“Let’s just say,” Shade deadpanned. “Today’s just not my day, sweet cheeks.”

“...And then I remember you’re a damned heretic,” Sunset’s left eye twitched, readying another blast of fire. “I told you not to call me that.”

Shade grinned. “I know,” he jumped to his hooves. “So, what’s happening?”

“She’s duelin’ some new unicorn in town,” Quickfix summed up. “Seems like she and Sunset don’t rightly get along. Ah ain’t one to blether aboot others, but that’s what ah gathered.”

“That’s none of your business,” Sunset growled. She was one step away from roasting the two of them. She didn’t need them prying or anything like that, friend or not.

“Easy now,” Quickfix held up a hoof in defense. “Don’t mean anythin’ by it.”

Just then, thankfully for their sakes, Lightning Dust touched down next to Quickfix. She gave a little mock salute and smirked. “Skies are clear, Sunset. There isn’t a flier for miles that is going to miss this beating.” She snickered.

“Good work,” Sunset huffed, cutting off power to the spell she was charging. ‘It would seem my friends can be of some use.’ “Now we just have to wait for that witch to appear.”

“Speak it’s name,” a familiar voice chuckled, before Gingersnap and Giddille ‘winked’ into being right before their eyes in a shower of sparks and stars. “And it will appear. Don’t you remember that old saying, Sunset?” The unicorn had an ever confident smirk on her face. She turned, smacking her tail in Sunset’s face. “Of course you didn’t. You were always poor in spoken incantations. Why should you be any better now?”

“Can I shoot her?” A bolt of electricity sparked across Lightning’s wing. She lifted it up and pointed a single feather Gingersnap’s way.

“It won’t do nothin’,” Fiddlesticks called over, having noticed Lightning’s action.

“I’ll make me feel better,” Lightning muttered.

Gingersnap laughed. “What interesting friends you have, Sunset? So rude, crass, and barbaric. They fit you oh so well.”

Sunset grit her teeth. That ticked her off worse than she thought it would. ‘I really shouldn’t let this get to me. They’re my friends, but I don’t know them all that well. Is this what friendship means? You get defensive of them?’ She pondered thought to herself, but stored it for later. “It’s Princess Sunset Shimmer to you.”

“You are not a princess,” Gingersnap scoffed. “Not by birth and that’s what matters. I intend to prove that today.” She clapped her hooves, her horn shimmered, and her stage appeared a ways off. “When I best you, the whole of Equestria will know that I truly am The Stupendous Gingersnap, heir to the Razorsharp lineage.”

“Razorsharp?” Quickfix scowled. “Shoulda known. Ye no good tribalist scabby bassa.”

“I very much don’t care for your northern slang, Miss Quickfix.” Gingersnap snorted. “Just because my family has had such luck up north doesn’t mean we don’t share it.”

“Ye take our gems and sell it to us fer double what they’re worth,” Quickfix’s horn lit up as she lowered her head. “Tell me why ah don’t just beat the tar out o’ ye?”

“Poor form,” Gingersnap looked at her hoof as if it was much more fascinating. “That and your father’s experiments might get put on indefinite hold. A few choice words and he might even get thrown out of his little village, or said village won’t be getting any supplies in the coming future.” She grinned. “And whose fault will that be?”

“I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen,” Sunset held up an accusing hoof. “Your family may have power, a lot of power, but you forget I can overrule any decision they make.”

“Actually, that would be your mother.” Gingersnap smirked. “Such things on that magnitude must be brought to Princess Celestia’s attention. By that time, I don’t know what will happen.”

Quickfix lunged and both Lightning and Fiddlesticks caught hold of her. “Let me go. Just let me go. It’ll be over quick.”

“Temper, temper.” Gingersnap waggled her hoof.

Giddilee gently touched the hoof and brought it down. “I think that’s enough, Gingersnap.”

Gingersnap sent her a withering glare that had Giddilee quivering, before she sighed. “You’re right. Time to put my bits were my mouth is.” She grinned. “It looks like our audience has arrived.” Sunset turned her head to see a bunch of the townsfolk trotting up to the farm. Some of them even had picnic baskets. “Do you wish to withdraw now? Nopony will think less of you, Sunset.”

Sunset grinned and sent her a challenging stare. “No, this is perfect. I’m going to rip that mask of yours off and show the world how horrible you are. They’ll throw you out of town, just like you were thrown out of your family, Miss Razorsharp.”

“Oh dear,” Giddilee shrunk back.

Gingersnap scowled. “How dare you, you little orphan brat?”

“It’s not nice making fun of other pony’s like that, is it?” Sunset smirked. “It’s not fun being an ‘orphan’ now is it?”

“At least I can go talk to my birth parents,” Gingersnap snorted in pure rage, pawing at the ground. “They’ll take me back. They know better. That’s more than I can say for you and your little reptile.”

Sunset froze in place. “Did you just call my brother a reptile? A cold blooded beast?” She was thankful that her brother was off helping Rarity and Coco with some dresses. She didn’t want him here to see what was going to happen.

“Maybe I did,” Gingersnap twirled around on the tips of her hooves and sauntered off. “See you in a few, Sunset.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. If you looked closely, you could see faint flames of absolute rage within them. “Yes, see you soon.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for making you all wait. I thought this would be a good place to stop. {As well, sorry for making you wait for this chapter. Been sick and college. Pretty busy.}

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They really do help.