• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,242 Views, 136 Comments

Fanning Our Flames - Evowizard25

Sunset wanted some time to relax after the Nightmare Moon fiasco. The return of an old rival changes her plans.

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Gingersnap's Show

There were many things you could call or say about Gingersnap: Mean, Tribalist, and vain. Yes, Gingersnap is many things. She’d never admit them. That wasn’t her, for she believed herself to be the best. That’s how she was raised and that’s just how she lived. She is many things, but one of the few she will admit to is her talent.

Her talent is what drew in the crowds. Her talent was what made them love her. At the end of the day, her talent was one of the few things she had to herself. It’s what got her into Celestia’s own private school for the gifted. ‘I earned my spot there and I’m going to get it back.’

The mist enveloped the stage. The audience couldn’t see anything at first, until a sun halo appeared in the mist.

“You’ll never believe the things that you’ll see~” That’s when Gingersnap struck. Her golden cap swept aside the smoke, revealing her to be standing dramatically before the sun.

“You say it’s fake-” Gingersnap’s form pops like a balloon, revealing the real her behind with a pin in hoof. “-but it’s real to me~”

And now you all will get to see~”

Gingersnap could see the sparkle of wonder in their eyes. It made her feel so good. So perfect. For a moment, that’s all that mattered. She was the center of the world. There was no Sunset Shimmer here.

“Some real magic~

You will believe it, my talent tops~” She waved her hoof and the front row found themselves holding bouquets of yellow roses.

“You will believe it, I am the star~” She tapped the stage with her backhoof, causing a giant star to explode into being behind her.

“What's this all about?

Follow me and don’t you doubt~”

“I can do magic,” Gingersnap reared up on her back legs and the star behind her exploded in a shower of harmless sparks. “None can do better than I~

Magic, the Stupendous Gingersnap will blow your mind~

You know darned well when I cast my spell~” The sparkles circled around her, her horn lit up in her excitement.

“I will get my way when I leave you all in a daze~” The sparks lit up in several colors, causing the audience to mutter words of wonder.

“Now let’s start off this show in a blaze~” The show mare reared back. The sparks shot out, swirling into one orb before exploding once more in a show of fire. In its place was a sun, engraved with the words ‘The Stupendous Gingersnap’ inside.

The audience went wild. Of course they did, she told herself. They always loved her magic. She took off her hat with her front hoof and bowed. “Thank you. Thank you. The Stupendous Gingersnap is humbled by your praise.” She straightened herself up and placed her hat back on her head. “It is an honor to perform before such brave ponies. This first performance will be free of charge. A gift to those who fought bravely against the night in honor of the sun.”

“Praise the sun!” Several ponies cheered. They stomped their hooves again, shouting for her to continue.This was what she wanted. Their love and attention and she was going to keep it.

‘Sunset, I hope you’re watching. You’re seeing how a true unicorn works her magic.’


“Who does she think she is?” Sunset sneered. She hated this. She hated keeping herself out of sight from that wannabe magician. She hated not being able to roast Gingersnap to a crisp. She just wanted to relax. ‘Guess I can’t do that anymore’.

“Just some magician,” Quickfix snorted and crossed her forelegs. “Don’t see what the big deal is. It’s just a bit of a light show.” It is no secret that Northerners pride themselves with their magic and talents. All ponies do, but to the North, showing off was wasting said talent. You had to be tough and use it to survive. Anything less and you were dead meat. Everything had a purpose and the only time magic was used in a showy way was bards when reciting tales of the Northern glory.

“Ah think it’s great,” Fiddlesticks spoke up. “Ya got to admit she’s got style.”

“Style nothin’,” Quickfix said. “If’n yer good at magic, ye don’t waste it goin’ about it showin’ off. Ye southern ponies are weird, wastin’ talent like this.”

Sunset blocked them out. Her friends senseless bickering didn’t matter. They could argue however they wanted. What mattered was the mare on the stage. ‘After all this time, why now Gingersnap? What’s your game?’

“I know you all are quivering in anticipation over what’s to come,” Gingersnap smirked. “I know I am. The Stupendous Gingersnap aims to please, but be gentle with me. I have travelled long and hard over the country to visit such a prestigious town. I may not be up to par.”

“That’s not true,” a blue earth filly, Archer as Fiddlesticks called her, ran up to the stage with Twist in hoof. “You’re awesome. I mean, you took down a dragon singlehoofedly.”

Sunset could see Gingersnap’s smirk widened ever so slightly. “That is true. I could not let that vicious monster destroy the fair citizens of Springfield.” Her horn lit up and a spectral version of a drake appeared, swooping over the crowd. Some of which cried out in surprise. The drake flew up over the stage and roared. It was three times the stage itself in size. “Many ponies would run in the face of a dragon. I didn’t. I knew I had to step in, for only my magic could defeat the beast.”

“You’re awesome,” Twist cheered.

“Yes, I am.” Gingersnap chuckled and the spectral dragon roared. It charge, only to be pushed back by a blast from her horn. “I fought the dragon to a standstill until it was sent running with it’s tail between its legs.” The drake charged once more and she teleported out of the way. A whip formed from magic formed around her horn. With one flourished lash, it wrapped around the drake’s midsection and pulled back. The drake was thrown about in the air, until she forced it to crash into the stage.

Of course, given its spectral nature, the stage was unharmed. “It was inevitable. I am the Stupendous Gingersnap. My magic tops all.” The drake raised its head and tried to lunge at the audience with a massive roar. Gingersnap smashed it to pieces with a single spell to the head, causing a bright and splendid shower of red sparkles about. “That is a fact.” The audience went wild with applause.

“The Stupendous Gingersnap’s the best unicorn ever!” Archer shouted.

“If’n ye really as great as ye say,” Quickfix spoke up, pushing her way through the crowd. “Then why are ye wastin’ it on these shows?”

“Quickfix,” Fiddlesticks pushed on after her. “I’m sorry, Miss. She’s from the North and, well…”

Gingersnap raised her hoof. “Oh I know. I could tell by the way she holds herself. The North is a great place, but they don’t hold to the values that make us all so great.”

“What did ye say?!!” Quickfix growled, trying to move closer only to be held back by Fiddlesticks.

“I mean what I say,” Gingersnap said. “There is no offense meant, but to question my livelihood? I would call you rather mean spirited, amongst other things not to be heard by the young ones if I was petty. Perhaps I will one day visit the North and show them the true worth of talents.”

“Ah’ll show ye some worth right here,” Quickfix broke out of her friend’s hold and jumped onto the stage.

Sunset quirked an eyebrow as the Northerner’s horn lit up. ‘What is she doing?’ She had to give it to Quickfix for taking this series of actions. She was a bit jealous. ‘I wanted to show her up.’

Several pieces of steel formed around Quickfix. She muttered to the machine god as she quickly got to work. The steel and various other part she was using bent and molded the pieces until they made a large fan. “See? Simple and practical. No nonsense.”

“So fitting with its simplicity,” Gingersnap laughed and her horn flashed. The fan turned on Quickfix and turned on, blowing her off the stage. Given how tough she was, and how Fiddlesticks caught her even if they tumbled a bit, some ponies good naturedly chuckled at the display.

“Whoa,” Lightning sped onto the stage and poked Gingersnaps in the chest. “That was uncool.”

“And you must be Lightning Dust,” Gingersnap quirked an eyebrow. “I heard you’re captain of the local weather team.”

“Of course,” Lightning puffed out her chest. “The best that ever was.”

“Then that’s why there’s a bunch of clouds hanging about,” Gingersnap shot a single spell into the sky, clearing all the clouds around the town square. “Fixed that for you. Free of charge.”

Lightning growled. “Is that how it’s going to be?” She didn’t give the other mare a chance to answer, before she sped off. Quick as Lightning, leaving her signature trail in her wake, she performed several loop-de-loops, speeding around a windmill, zipping about the town. Eventually, she came to a stop before Gingersnap, hoofing her a daisy bouquet. “A treat to the lower.”

“Sorry, I think these daisies suit you more.” Just as she said that, her horn flickered. The daisies shot out, wrapping themselves around Lightning. “Now is anyone else going to rudely interrupt my performance?”

Nopony said anything. They just murmured amongst each other.

“This is getting out of hoof fast.”

“Those mares are ruining the show.”

“She’s a bit snooty, but this is fun.”

Sunset growled. ‘How dare she mess with my friends? I know I shouldn’t be so attached, but I can’t fail mother. I have to stop this. Rubbing victory in that smug mare’s face is an added bonus.’ “I do.” Sunset stood up.

“Sunset, no.” Spike spoke up, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t do this.”

“I have to,” Sunset hissed at him. She promised herself she’d get him an extra bucket of ice-cream after this. Something for dragging him to see this.

For an instant, Gingersnap’s face was stretched in a terrible scowl. That was gone in a flash, when she smiled and bowed. “Princess Sunset Shimmer,” the word princess, while spoken so lovingly, had an icy feel to it. “A pleasure to see you again. However, I think that this wouldn’t be prudent. I don’t want to embarrass you in front of everypony.”

“She won’t be,” Pipsqueak spoke up. “She’s super strong and talented and she’s the bestest unicorn ever.”

“Is that so?” Gingersnap’s eyes narrowed as she straightened herself upwards. “I know you are the supposed Element of Magic, but that is a rather large claim, Sunset.”

“Hello kettle, you’re looking rather black today.” Sunset snarked.

Gingersnap snorted. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

“Neither have you,” Sunset growled. “What are you doing here?”

“Performing for these good ponies, of course.” Gingersnap snickered.

“And messing with my friends.”

“Friends?” Gingersnap looked confused, which made Sunset even angrier. “You have friends? I’m astonished, but of course a princess has many friends.”

“Give me one excuse not to burn you,” Sunset’s horn lit up. She could almost see Gingersnap’s burning corpse now. ‘So beautiful. Fire brings out the best in anyone.’

“I am here on peaceful terms,” Gingersnap held up a hoof to try and quell her anger. “I am a magician now. So let’s not bring up the past. This is the present.”

“Yeah,” Twist spoke up. “She’s super duper. She’s great with magic.”

“Princess Sunset’s better,” Pipsqueak spoke up.

“Gingersnap,” the two fillies said.




“I think my fans outnumber yours,” Gingersnap giggled.

“Maybe,” Sunset snorted. “Perhaps we should settle this once and for all. Let’s show this town who the real magician is.”

“That is I,” Gingersnap put a hoof to her chest and smirked. “A duel?”

“An hour from now,” Sunset’s glare almost pierced the other’s hide. Gingersnap did a good show of not flinching under it. “Be there or I’ll find you and burn you where you dare to hide from me.”

“I’m shaking in my cape,” Gingersnap said. “Now, shall I continue my show?”

“Do whatever,” Sunset got up and moved away.

As they made it some distance, Spike finally said something. “This is too reckless. You know she’s strong.”

“I’m stronger,” Sunset spoke up.

“Maybe,” Spike sighed. “But you could get hurt. Hurt over something so stupid as the past.”

“You know what she’s like,” Sunset growled.

“I know,” Spike shivered. That movement made her want to kill Gingersnap even moreso. “But this duel isn’t going to help anyone.”

“Pfft, says you.” Sunset snorted. “I think it will be plenty helpful.”

“Well, what about checking on Lightning and Quickfix?” Spike asked. “They are your friends.”

“They don’t matter right now,” Sunset said. “Besides they’re fine.”

Spike rubbed a claw onto his forehead and sighed. “If you say so.”

Author's Note:

I'm sorry this took so long to publish. College and trying to get this song to work took it's time. It's a bit of a parody of 'You Can Do Magic' and I decided to cut the rest of the song both because I wanted to get this chapter out sooner and because I felt like it was dragging on for too long.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. Your support and thoughts really do help. :twilightsmile: