• Published 23rd Oct 2015
  • 8,290 Views, 61 Comments

The Displaced - Pen Dragon

People have transformed into fictional characters and are transported to Equestria and turned to stone.

  • ...


New Beginnings

Darkness was all that could be seen. Five statues of creatures never seen before have been waiting patiently in the darkness for four thousand years to be set free and finally…..their time….has come. Soon the statues within the cave began to crack as light shined through them.

Brother what is happening? A female voice asked.

I believe our time has come my brothers and sisters. We are finally….


Soon the statues that stood there shattered, only leaving broken pieces of stone and five other beings lying on the ground. The first one to stand up was a blue beast with diamond spots and a large a hexagonal cerulean crest on it’s head.

“Urgh….Gardevoir are you alright?” It asked

Soon a white bipedal creature with a lower body resembling a slim gown with a green underside stood up and looked towards it with a grin.

“Of course brother….I just can’t believe that we’re finally free. Hey Lopunny can you believe it?” She asked a large bipedal bunny with dark brown fur and a fluffy cream color ears.

“Yes I’m just glad we’re out of there my back is killing me. Uh...when do you think we can leave Suicune?” She asked.

“Soon, but you need to wake Infernape and Torterra if were are going to get out of this place. I don’t think it would be wise to remain in this cave. Who knows what may be hiding in the darkness?” He stated as he walked towards Gardevoir.

“Is this really happening? Are we really getting out of here?”

“Yes but it’s not over yet sister we still need to find a way home. But yes we are finally leaving this wretched cave.” He spatted out. Suicune never did like the cave. It was lonely and depressing. If it wasn’t for Gardevoir’s psychic powers he would have lost his mind long ago.

“Alright.” She said.

With the stone prison gone they were free to roam once again like they did a thousand years ago. For Suicune it was a dream come true and was one step closer to returning home. Soon Infernape and Torterra had finally awakened after after and few attempts to wake them.

“Urg….can’t I just sleep for a few more minutes?” Torterra asked.

“I’m afraid not my brothers we must get moving if we are to finally leave this place.” Suicune stated.

“Or perhaps you’d prefered to stay here.”

“Alright, alright we’re up!!!” Infernape said with a groan as the flames on his head grew dimmer from the lack of rest. All of them walked through the caves to find the exit. But one question sprung up in Torterra’s mind.

“Do you think we’ll be Pokemon forever Suicune?”

Suicune and the others soon stopped in their tracks. None of them had thought about turning back to normal. Due to the fact that they spent over a thousand years as Pokemon. Suicune cleared his throat and turned towards Torterra.

“I don’t know brother?” He answered.

I don’t know?

Everything was peaceful in Equestria for Princess Celestia as she relaxed at her balcony, taking in the cold summer breeze. She shivered a bit as the wind blew through her fur, but she found it relaxing. Ever since Tirek’s defeat she had to deal with the nobles of canterlot on the damages and the injured ponies that were harmed by the centaur and has been busy for the past couple of weeks trying to calm everypony. Now she finally has time to relax peacefully and relieve some stress.

It’s mornings like this that I enjoy the most, it’s calm and peaceful.

Celestia thought as she took a sip from her tea that had been sitting on the side for a while. It was not hot, it was not cold. It was perfectly warm and she loved the flavor as she took another sip from it. Everything was perfect.



Celestia turned to see both Discord and Luna walk onto the balcony with massive grins on their faces. Celestia knew she was gonna regret asking them why they were on her balcony. But she asked anyway.

“Yes Luna….Discord what is it?”

“Celestia don’t tell me you didn’t feel that magic surge moments ago? Did you?” Discord asked, raising a brow.

“I don’t believe I did Discord.” Celestia answered truthfully.

“Tia how couldn’t you feel that strange power earlier?” Luna asked while Celestia took another sip from her tea cup.

“Tell me did you two stay up late again watching those horror movies again?” She asked.

“Yes we did. So what?” Discord said with a yawn.

“I believe that from the lack of sleep you believe that you must have imagined it in some way. Many ponies tend to imagine things when they are sleep deprived.” Celestia said with a giggle.

“You believe that we imagined it. How dare thy Celestia! How could not believe you’re own sister?” Luna asked, pouting while Celestia laughed at her antics.

“It’s not that I don’t want to believe you two. It’s just that I haven’t felt anything unusual this morning.” Celestia stated. “I think you should both get some rest today.”

“Well if you insist Celestia….but are sure you didn’t feel anything at all? Discord asked.

Celestia nodded.

“Anything at all?”

She nodded again.

“Hmm….not even….this?” He said as he snapped his fingers and the next thing they know pie is flying straight at both Celestia and Luna. They were soon covered in pie and the one thing Discord knows is that Celestia and Luna were going to kill.

“Well as much as I’d love to stick around but I have somethings to take care of ta,ta.” Discord said as he snapped his fingers once more and vanished in a flash of light.

“DISCORD!!!” Celestia and Luna both shouted in rage.

An hour has passed since the five Pokemon left the cave. They were tired, hungry and lost. But as they kept traveling Gardevoir starts to recognize where they are.
“Brother I think I may have figured out where we are!” She said with Glee.

“Then by all means please tell us where we are and how to get out of this forest.” Suicune said.

“I think we may be in the Everfree Forest in the….EQUESTRIA!!!” She shouted with joy.

“What makes you say that?” Infernape asks.

“Just look at the details. The trees, and the animals that have been passing by.” She said.

“Now that I think about it I kinda recognize it too.” Lopunny said.

“Listen you two I understand that you two are fans of the show but this could easily be some other forest that looks like the one from that show.” Suicune said.

“Yeah I mean sure the show is cute and all that but I doubt we’re in Equestria.” Torterra said.

“And how do you know that Terra?” Infernape asked with a smirk.

“Uhh….” Was all he could say.

“Now’s not the time to make fun of Torterra for being a fan of that pony show. Right now we need to find some food. So Torterra, Infernape, and Lopunny,you three will search for food while Gardevoir and I will search for a place to stay the night.” Suicune said.

“But stay out of sight I don’t want someone to discover us yet until we regroup with the others. The last thing we need is to start a panic. Tonight when we set up the Psychic link with our fellow displaced members I’ll explain the situation to Yasha.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Lopunny said with a grin.

“Alright We’ll try to find some food because if we don’t I’m afraid I’ll have to eat Terra here.” Infernape gestured Torterra while some sweat Terra’s dripped from his face.

“Let’s go find some food now!!!” Torterra said with a chuckle as he pushed Infernape and Lopunny along.

“Alright then….Just don’t eat him!!” Suicune said with a shout as they disappeared in the woods.

“I just pray nothing bad will happen to them.” Gardevoir said with a sadden expression.

“Don’t worry they are strong and capable of protecting themselves.”

“It’s not just that but those three always tend to get themselves into trouble.” She said with a frown.

“.....Let’s just hope they don’t.”

The last thing I need to deal with is them getting into trouble with the people of this world. Otherwise it’ll be harder to gain their trust and help.

Two hours later.

“Is it too late to eat Torterra because….” Soon Lopunny slaps him at the back of the head before he could finish.

“You can’t be patient can you? We’ll find food and you’re not the only starving here!” Lopunny said with anger.

“Alright, alright fine!” He said with a light red blush on his face, but none of them noticed it.

They kept walking for a bit until Torterra stopped in his place as he spotted something red and round. To him it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen since he broke out of his stone prison. Soon his mouth began to water. Literally. Lopunny was the first to notice his change of mood.

“Terra are you alright?”

“Do you see what I see?” He said as drool dripped from his mouth. Both Lopunny and Infernape looked in his direction and saw apple trees.

“I think I died and gone to apple heaven.” Torterra said as he slowly dashed towards the nearest apple tree.

“Dude this is enough to last us for a hundred years or even more then that. Nice find.” Infernape said as he patted him on his shell while Torterra tried to grab and apple with his mouth.

“Look Terra why don’t you let us get the apples and you help carry them.” Lopunny suggested as she swiftly picked an apple and handed it to Torterra.”

Soon they had gathered more than enough to feed everyone. But they didn’t notice three little fillies standing before them with terrified faces. Infernape was the only one to notice them.

“Um...guys?” He said as he pointed at the three fillies.


“Um….Hi…” Torterra said with a fake grin.

“Ahhhhh!!!” The three fillies screamed in terror and dashed off.

“Dang it Terra!” Infernape shouted as they dashed off after them.

Earlier that morning in Sweet Apple Acres three little fillies who are known as The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Their names were Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were in there treehouse, plotting to gain their cutie marks.

“Alright girls what do you think we can get our cutie marks in?” Applebloom asked with a massive grin.

“I don’t know?” Scootaloo said with disappointment. Sweetie Belle looked the same.

“Yeah we’re running out of idea’s to get our cutie marks.” She said as she stared at the ground.

“Well there has ta be somethin we can do. I mean sure most of our attempts ended in failure….”

“And in tree sap.” Scootaloo interrupted.

“But that doesn’t mean we should give up.” But as soon as she said that they began to hear noises outside.

“What was...that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“It sounded like it came from outside.” Scootaloo said.

“Let’s check it out.” Applebloom said as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle followed.

The CMC followed the noise to it’s source. But what stood before them shocked them. Three strange creatures that were taking apples from the trees.

“What do we do Applebloom?” Sweetie Belle whispered.

“I don’t know?”

Soon a monkey with it’s hair on fire saw them and alerted the others. The stood their silently staring at each other until the giant said something.


“Ahhhhh!!!” They began running as fast as they could to get away from the creatures they saw.

End of Chapter.

Author's Note:

Well I hope all of you enjoyed this prologue for this is just the beginning. Criticism is appreciated :pinkiehappy:

Also for those who don't know what Pokemon look like well here's what they look like.





And Finally the leader.
