• Published 23rd Oct 2015
  • 8,290 Views, 61 Comments

The Displaced - Pen Dragon

People have transformed into fictional characters and are transported to Equestria and turned to stone.

  • ...

Chapter Three

Unexpected Visitors Part Three

Everypony and Displaced took a sit in Twilight’s dining room. There was only silence in the room, but Celestia wanted answers.

“I believe it is time for you to explain yourselves?” Celestia asked.

“Very well what is it that you want to know?” Suicune asked.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“Very well since we are in the presence of royalty I should introduce myself properly. I am Lord Suicune, one of the three leaders of The Displaced and third member of The Elder Siblings.” Suicune stated which only caused everypony in the room to look in confusion.

“I’ll explain but introductions first. This here is my sister, Gardevoir. She’s a Psychic Pokemon and is a big fan of your world.”

“It’s truly an honor to finally meet all of you…..eeeehh!!” She said, which only caused Suicune to move on.

“This here is Torterra, he’s one of the strongest warriors I’ve come to know, but he also has a kind heart.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” Torterra said with a sheepish grin.

“And finally these two are Infernape and Lopunny. Both of them were friends before I even met them and might I add are nothing but trouble makers.” Suicune stated as he threw a glare at them.

“Hey I actually stayed out of trouble for once and it was hot head here that screwed up everything from the get go.” Lopunny answered.

“Oh come on! This wasn’t my fault entirely….” Infernape argued but both him and Lopunny quickly looked down in shame as Suicune look at them with disappointment.

“Now that we have that settled perhaps it’s best we continued where we left off?” Suicune offered and Celestia nodded in response.

“I would like to know what is the Displaced you mentioned as well as The Elder Siblings?” She asked.

“Ah….Well it’s quite a long story so I ask for you to hear all of it before any of you ask questions. I will also keep it brief for there are some…..things that are best left forgotten. Do I make myself clear?” Suicune asked in a deeper tone and Everypony in the room could only nod.

“I suppose I should start with our origin. You see we weren’t always like this…” Suicune gestured to both himself and his fellow Displaced. “We were all humans once living a good life, doing what we love. I was only eighteen while my sister was only fifteen before we came to this world. Back on our home you were part of a TV show.” As soon as he said that everypony gasped except for the Displaced.

“You mean we’re being watched?!” Rarity panicked as she looked around, while Rainbow Dash and Applejack glared at them.

“So you mean you guys are Spies!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“First of all no I didn’t even think this world could actually exist. I was never a fan of your show but I know enough to think it was the imagination of Lauren Faust. The creator of the show, but I’m not wrong on that account.” Suicune said.

“I believe she may have saw visions of your world and turned it into a kids show called My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Still is an awesome show even if the title is a bit girly.” Gardevoir answered with a grin which left some comfort for the ponies in the room.

“Wait you mean in your world we’re just fictional characters?” Twilight asked.

“Yes but our forms are based off other fictional characters from another show. Pokemon, that’s what some of us are. But I’m getting side tracked again. As I was saying before the day everything went wrong was when I was ordering rare Pokemon cards for Gardevoir here online. That was when I received an email from someone of unknown origin.” Suicune said as his thoughts were soon elsewhere.

“We lost him for a bit, but don’t worry he does that alot. Anyways like he said we received an email from some stranger. I don’t remember whose name it was or what it said. The Only part we remember is where it said (you will remain on this new world forever!!!)” Gardevoir said in an evil voice for dramatic affect.

“Yeah that’s literally what everyone in the Displace remembers.” Infernape said loudly.

“Not only that but we were transformed and turned to stone immediately when we arrived here.” Gardevoir added.

“How many?”

“Hmm?...” Was all Gardevoir said.

“How many have been trapped here?” Celestia rephrased the question which caught Suicune’s attention.

“Well I lost track around sixteen thousand about 100 years ago. But Lord Yasha believes there are more then that here in Equis.” Suicune answered.

“Those people have been taken from their homes and transformed against their wills and forced to live a life of imprisonment and YOU DID NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!” Celestia cried out in rage, everyone was shocked by her sudden outburst all but Suicune as he kept his composure.

“You think I wanted any of this? For over three thousand years I have done nothing but help my fellow displaced!!! We have been trying to break free from our imprisonment and return home safely. But sadly we haven’t even come close until now!!” Suicune said with passion as he bowed down before them.

“Please help us to return home your majesties?” Suicune begged as Twilight, Celestia and Luna looked at each other all thinking the same thing.

“We shall aid thee to return to your home.” Luna said with with a smile while Suicune and the other displaced smiled in return.

“Lord Suicune we will do everything in our power to help you and your fellow Displaced and please forgive me for my outburst. It’s just that I can’t believe someone would do this to you….all of you. It’s just so….

“Frustrating.” Suicune answered for her.

“Yes…” Was all Celestia could say.

“But first we need to know more in order for us to help thee.” Luna said.

“Very well what else would you like to know?” Suicune asked.

“Who are the Elder Siblings?” Twilight asked.

“The Elder Siblings are the founders of The Displaced and are the most Powerful among us. There are three in total, and they watch over all the Displaced and maintain order. The first one is Lord Yasha and he's by far the most powerful among them, next is Princess Zelda she's his second in command and is by far the most reasonable among them…..” Suicune was about to continue until Gardevoir interrupted him.

“That and my brother has a major crush on her hahahaha!!!” Gardevoir said as she bursted into laughter, causing Suicune to blush from embarrassment.

“That isn’t true in the slightest bit Gardevoir.” Suicune protested as everyone in the room started laughing all but Celestia.

“So who is the third member of The Elder Siblings?” Celestia asked.

“You're looking at him.” Suicune said with a smirk causing everyone to stop laughing, except Gardevoir who was still giggling a bit as she tried to listen, but was failing. Poor girl.

“I maintain order and peace within the Displaced, I also have full control over all security. Everyone in the Displaced looks up to us. As the most powerful we must protect those who need help.” Suicune said.

“Some of them though see as us gods which isn’t really true. Demi-gods maybe, but we are no gods. We have our flaws and no matter what we’ll make mistakes from time to time hehehehe.” When Suicune finished his tale more questions were going through Celestia’s mind.

Demi-gods? Mistakes? What does he mean?

“I believe it is time for us too take our leave.” Suicune said, snapping Celestia from her thoughts.

“We aren’t done with thee yet Lord Suicune. We still have questions!” Luna shouted.

“They can wait till tomorrow but all of us must regroup with the other Displaced within the forest. We do have a meeting after all.” Suicune said with a bit of irritation.

“I’m afraid that’s not the case Suicune, you agreed to answer all of our questions.” Celestia said as she stood up.

“And I told you I will...just not now.”

“Maybe you should listen my lord.” Torterra suggested but Suicune only glared at him.

“I think it’s for the best.” Lopunny said in a cheerful mood.

“You do realize Gardevoir is getting weaker due to her using her powers of telepathy.” Suicune said as he pointed to his dear little sister.

“No no it’s….fine!” Gardevoir said as she breathed heavily.

“Maybe we can help with that part.” Twilight suggested.

“Really?!” Suicune asked.

“Yes I can use Starswirl the Bearded’s ‘All for One’ translation spell. It’s a permanent spell allowing all of you to speak Equestrian without the use of Telepathy. If you guys don’t mind I’m going to cast my spell right now?” Twilight asked.

“No we don’t mind.” Suicune and the others answered.

“Okay all you need to do is hold still and I’ll take care of the rest.” Soon all of the Displaced did as they were told and held perfectly still as Twilight’s horn lit up with a bright glow, her arcane prowess tapping into magic around her and focusing it on the spell she was attempting cast. Soon a bright light enveloped around all the Displaced and soon dissipated as Twilight and the Displaced fell to their knees breathing heavily.

“I think….. that should do it.” Twilight said with a tired smile.

“What...did you do to us!” Infernape shouted as he rubbed his head.

“My head hurts.” Lopunny said.

“Would ya look at that? They spoke perfect Equestrian.” Applejack said smiling.

“Oh that was so Cool. Now can I through them a Glad you can talk and welcome to ponyville Surprise party now?” Pinkie Pie asked with a large grin.

“It was pretty cool!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh I hope they aren’t hurt.” Fluttershy said with a worried expression.

“Urgh well seeing that you can understand us now means it worked.” Suicune said as he placed a paw on his head. “I think I have a migraine.”

“Well at least I don’t need to use my telepathy for a while at least. Thank you Twilight.” Gardevoir said.

“It was my pleasure.”

“You never seize to amaze me Twilight. But now that has been taken cared of we still need to talk about some arrangements.” Celestia said.

“Arrangements?!” Suicune shouted as Celestia and Luna nodded.

“Sleeping arrangements to be exact.” Luna added.

“No we never agreed to any sleeping arrangements Princesses. I agreed to answer questions and that was it.” Suicune said as he glared at them.

“No but Luna and I have agreed that since all of your Displaced destroyed part of Ponyville you still need to be charged by law. Each of you will be staying with one of the Elements of Harmony so you can learn from them and help you adjust to our society.” Celestia said with a warming smile.

“Lopunny will be staying with Rarity.”


“Infernape shall stay with Pinkie Pie.”

“Oh please someone just kill me now?!” Infernape asked only for Pinkie Pie to appear next to him with a massive grin.

“Oh don’t worry I don’t bit, but this means you get to help me set up for The BIGGEST PARTY IN PONYVILLE EVER!!!” Pinkie Pie shouted with joy only for Infernape to go pale.

“Please can’t I be paired up with someone else.”Infernape begged, but they ignored him.

“Torterra shall be with Fluttershy.”

“I’m okay with that.”

“Oh...my!” Fluttershy said as she looked at the massive turtle before her with only one thought.

How’s he going to fit through my front door?

“Gardevoir shall remain with Twilight and Lord Suicune shall come with us to Canterlot so we may continue our discussion.” Celestia ended only for Suicune to stare at her with confusion and anger.

“Um Celestia are you sure it’s wise to let him stay with you in Canterlot? Based on what he’s told us he’s one of the most powerful of the Elder Siblings.” Twilight Whispered.

“That is the reason why Twilight it’s best if he’s under both Luna’s and my watch while you can keep track of the other Displaced. I still have my suspicions about our visitors.”

“Besides he won’t harm us.” Celestia said with a small grin as she turned to Suicune.

“You can’t be serious? We have duties Princess and if you still have trust issues I can promise you we mean you no harm.” Suicune said.

“I’m sorry but you still have to answer our questions and I see this as a way of negotiations for both your people and mine.” Celestia said.

“Hmm...well played Celestia, But I have few requests.” Suicune stated.

“And what are they pray tell?” Luna asked.

“First it involves me. I can’t leave the Displaced unattended so I’ll stay with you but you’ll have to let me travel to the Everfree to attend my fellow Displaced. Also I want my sister to remain with me during our stay?” Suicune asked.

“Anything else?” Celestia asked.

“That is all I ask for?”

“No!” Gardevoir shouted as she her face was flushed red with anger.

“What do you mean No?” Suicune asked.

“I have always wanted to come here to Ponyville and meet Twilight and the gang. You will not take this opportunity from me!” Gardevoir shouted

“No Gardevoir!” Suicune shouted back.


“No means No and that’s final!” Suicune said, but his little sister always has plan up her sleeves.

“Please~”She said as she used her secret move called attract. Suicune tried to resist but failed.

“Of course you can I would do anything for my little sister.” He said with a massive grin but soon broke free.

“What just happened?” Suicune asked.

“Umm….I do believe thee agreed to let her stay with Twilight.” Luna answered.

“Grrr….let’s just go! before I do something I might regret.”

“Before we leave I want to talk to my to my fellow Displaced.” Suicune said.

“Alright?” Celestia said unsure whether to trust him.

Alright listen when the others go to bed to night we’ll immediately enter The Psychic link. Until then just relax and and don’t let the others find out about this okay?


With all said and done Suicune, Celestia and Luna were soon teleported leaving the remaining four Displaced in the hooves of The Elements of Harmony. They all soon left to their homes taking their newests guest with them.

“Well I guess it’s just you and me Twilight. So what are we going to do?” Gardevoir asked.

“Well I guess we could have dinner, after I explain to Spike about our newest house guest.” Twilight said.

“What I don’t get is why couldn’t we all just spend the night? I mean look at this place it’s big enough to fit an entire town in here.” Gardevoir said. After hearing that Twilight face hoofed.

“Why didn’t I think about that?” She muttered to herself. “Oh well I guess I should show you to your room.”

“Thanks for letting us stay, Twilight all of us appreciate it.” Gardevoir said with a comforting smile, Twilight could do nothing but smile back.

“If you need anything just holler okay?”

“Sure!” Gardevoir said.

Hopefully things don’t go wrong here like it did a thousand years ago.

End of Chapter.

Author's Note:

Welp here's the next chapter. Next one will take a while to make so enjoy and please comment. Also make sure to hit that like button.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: