• Published 23rd Oct 2015
  • 8,291 Views, 61 Comments

The Displaced - Pen Dragon

People have transformed into fictional characters and are transported to Equestria and turned to stone.

  • ...

Chapter Two

Author's Note:

Whelp here it is guys, hope you like it.

I really need an editor cause this isn't even good. Not one bit. Sorry to disappoint most of you, but this is the best I could do for this chapter and I know it's not an excuse but without an editor to help me this is the best I could do.

Hopefully my next chapter will be better. If anyone is interested in being my editor please PM

Also special guest star in this story as well as some other characters

Nathan Phoenix from Phoenix in Equestria


Unexpected Visitors Part Two

Suicune was not happy one bit, he gave them the simplest of orders and already they screwed up. Now he has to find them and get them out of whatever trouble they gotten themselves into. But on the bright side his sister managed to find an old friend of theirs as they were searching for the unknown energy source.

“Ah….Nathan Phoenix I’m glad to see a familiar face around here.” Suicune smiled as he shook the hand of a Silver and purple robot with a purple eye.

“It’s good to see you too boss.” Nathan said cheerfully.

“So tell us how are the kids doing?” Gardevoir asked as she leaned against Suicune.

“They are doing great actually, but we kinda have a problem.” He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

“What is the problem?” He asked as he facepalmed in irritation.

“It’s just that some of the others are tired and they need a place to rest but unfortunately some of them are being picky.” He stated as he folded his arms but Suicune just sighed in relief.

“Don’t worry about it, we got it covered my friend. There's an old castle not to far from here, you can take the other displaced there but keep them out of trouble. I already have enough to deal with right now.” Suicune said.

“You got it boss!” Nathan saluted as the mechanical being disappeared into the forest.

“Alright should we get going bro?” Gardevoir asked.

“Yes let's get going and hopefully the others aren’t in too much trouble.” Suicune said as his little sister hopped on his back once more and they were off to find their friends.

Only one question came to Fluttershy’s mind as she stared at the large Cat like bear creature holding an umbrella.

What kind of animal is it?

Fluttershy didn’t know what to do. It just sat next to her house staring out in the distance. She wasn’t afraid of it and felt that she should try to talk to it.

“Umm...excuse me, misterrr….bear?” She hesitated still not sure what it is exactly. The Creature looked at her with curiosity.

“Are you a bear?” She asked but in response it shook its head. She was about to ask it another question but was interrupted by a familiar voice.


“Huh Rainbow dash?” She asked.

“Look there's no time to talk we need…..” Rainbow stopped as she noticed the creature continue to stare off in the distance. “Uhh..what is that thing?” She asked.

“I don’t know? I never seen it before. It was just….there when I came out to feed my animal friends.” She answered.

“So you mean to tell me that it hasn’t moved from that spot at all?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes.” Fluttershy answered with a grin.

“Wait a minute we’re wasting time here, the town is under attack and we need you now!” Rainbow said as she grabbed Fluttershy

Celestia was starting to believe what Luna and Discord said was somewhat true as she sat upon her throne, listening to the tedious complaining of the nobles. She was currently listening to a noble who was trying to get her to lower a tax that was costing him precious money. She was just about to deny the nobles request, when…..


Dear Princess Celestia

Ponyville is under attack by monsters with strange magic. I believe they are coming from the Everfree forest. We need your help your help!


As Celestia finished reading the message her eyes widened in shock, and she quickly discarded it.

“Today’s court is dismissed for the day!” Celestia said as got up from her throne then, summoning her strength, she prepared a teleportation spell and as her horn began to glow she vanished from the throne room leaving the nobles and guards confused.

Meanwhile Luna just laid on her bed, bored out of her mind, hoping for something, anything to happen until….


“Luna we need to go Now!” Celestia shouted as she trotted back and forth.

“Why?” Was all Luna could ask.

“Ponyville is being invaded by monsters and Twilight needs us.”

Luna only smirked as she heard this news and Celestia knows what that means

“Then we shall confront these foul beasts and send them to the pits of Tartarus from once they came.” Luna said as she hopped off her bed. Celestia only rolled her eyes at her sister’s antics, but there was no time waste both Luna and Celestia prepared to leave Canterlot immediatly with only one thought on Celestia’s mind.

We’re coming Twilight

Twilight and Infernape were both in a showdown, glaring at each other. She finally managed to send a letter to Princess Celestia and only needed to do was buy time for her arrival.

Alright maybe a paralyzing spell should do the trick. Then I can put a magic seal on it and keep it from using it’s magic.

Without another thought her horn began to glow as she fired her spell only for Infernape to dodge it. Only for Twilight to try using a different by shooting multiple magic beams from her horn, but Infernape dodged most of them as a few beams made contact with him.

Damn this pony is persistent

Infernape thought it was time to go on the offencive as he took a deep breath and shot out a fire blast from his mouth but Twilight was quick and took flight into the air and shot another beam. Thinking quickly he immediately used his Mach Punch to deflect towards a building.

"Torterra we need to end this now!"

“I know that!” Torterra shouted back as he prepared to use his energy ball attack, but before he could do anything a yellow beam struck his energy ball causing it to explode, sending Torterra flying backwards and making a small crater in the ground.

YOU SHALL NOT HARM MY SUBJECTS!!!”Celestia shouted using the canterlot voice. Luna stood beside her as they both landed, ready to fight the invaders.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight said with relief.

“It’s good to see you Twilight, but for now leave this to us.” Celestia said as she focused her attention towards the both Infernape and Torterra.

“This is not good man.” Torterra said nervously.

“No kidding.” Infernape gulped as both of them began to back up.

Enough of this nonsense!!!

Soon everypony including Celestia and Luna were wondering where that voice was coming from. But soon a blue beast with diamond spots and a large a hexagonal cerulean crest on it’s head and a white bipedal creature with a lower body resembling a slim gown with a green underside, appeared before them.

“Suicune?!” Infernape said with surprise.

“You three couldn’t stay out of trouble could you? Wait where’s Lopunny?” Suicune asked with an irritated tone.

“Uhh?” Was all they could say.

“You idiots!” Gardevoir shouted in their minds. “How could you lose her?”

“Hey she just vanished when those ponies attacked us!” Infernape argued.

“Enough! We’ll just have to find her.” Suicune stated as they were about to walk off until a yellow barrier appeared in front of them.

“I don’t think so demon! You and your cohorts have a lot to answer for?” Celestia threatened, but Suicune did not take it lightly.

“How amusing I may not be as knowledgeable of this world like my sister is, but I can tell when I’m standing before royalty.” Suicune said. “But quite frankly I don’t have time for this, so if you would be so kind as to remove this barrier and we’ll be on our way.”

“That won’t be happening anytime soon creature. You shall pay for thy crimes that you have committed.” Luna stated with a deadly glare. But soon the rest of Twilight’s friends arrived on the scene with Lopunny by Rarity’s side.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, are we having a surprise visit from aliens!” Pinkie asked randomly.

“What in Celestia’s mane is that?!” Rarity pointed at Suicune.

“Suicune?” Was all Lopunny could say.

“Not now! We’ll talk about your punishments later!” Suicune said with anger. “Now where were we?”

“You were about to surrender for crimes you inflicted upon Ponyville.” Celestia answered.

“I don’t know what my fellow Displaced did to your town but I am will to take care of all the damages they caused if that will make you feel any better.” As soon his eyes began to glow and a wave of energy bursted from his body, spreading all across Ponyville, undoing all the damages done by Infernape and Torterra before collapsing to the ground. Gardevoir soon came to his side to help him to his feet.


“Of course brother.” Gardevoir answered.

Everypony was shocked by the power displayed by Suicune.

“What….What are you?” Celestia asked.

“Good question your Highness, but not the right one I’m afraid. The correct question would be. Who are you?” Suicune said with a sly grin.

“You dare mock us?” Luna said.

“And how are you talking without moving your mouth.” Twilight asked.

“First off I wasn’t mocking you and secondly my sister Gardevoir here is using her psychic powers to maintain a telepathic link within our minds.” Suicune answered.

“Hi” Gardevoir said cheerfully.

“I think it’s time you started answering some our questions if that’s okay with you.” Celestia asked politely.

“Very well, what is it you would like to know?”

“Firstly what was that spell you just casted?” She asked.

“Spell? I didn’t use any spell I used my powers to reverse the damages caused by my family. Although it does weaken me to some degree.” Suicune answered. “Perhaps it would be best to continue this elsewhere?”


“We can head to my castle. There’s plenty of space to talk there.” Twilight answered.

Soon everypony and Displaced began heading towards Princess Twilight’s Castle and learn more of their unexpected visitors.

End of chapter.