• Published 23rd Oct 2015
  • 8,291 Views, 61 Comments

The Displaced - Pen Dragon

People have transformed into fictional characters and are transported to Equestria and turned to stone.

  • ...

Chapter Five

The Meeting Part Two

An hour had passed and most of The Displaced members of the legendary council had arrived in the meeting chamber. Lord Yasha sat atop a throne made of gold where Suicune and an elf with long golden hair and pink armor sat on opposite ends of the throne in similar thrones made of silver.

"Brother are you sure it's the right time to have this meeting? We still need more information on these ponies." The young elf said.

"We will Zelda, but this meeting is to alert the leaders of each Displaced sector of our situation. That is why Suicune and I have decided to call for this meeting." Yasha said with a genuine voice. Zelda only nodded even if she didn't like it.

Suicune only awaited for his sister to arrive as well as the other Displaced leaders. Now that he and the others were free from there stone prison all they had to do was find a way to return home. But there was also the matter of trust between him and Celestia. Ever since they both met he'd only cared about gaining her trust. It wasn't going to be easy, but with patience they could return to the life they had before.

He soon began thinking about what Celestia had said and wonder if he's making the right choices.

Why do I keep thinking of that stupid mare?

"Are you alright Suicune?" He soon turned to see Zelda above him with a comforting smile.

"I'm just....distracted, but I'm fine. Really." He said with a fake smile, but from the look on her face he knew he wasn't fooling anyone.

"Suicune I know it has something to do with your meeting with the princesses today. Or mainly Princess Celestia." Suicune only gawked at her when she said that.

"How do you know about that?" He asked.

"Your sister told me everything, before you and Yasha called this meeting." She informed him.

"Why am I not surprised? Of course she told you. She tells you everything." Suicune scuffed, only to cause Zelda to laugh.

"Because she trusts me to keep your secrets. Although I'm pretty sure this is why you called this meeting? Isn't it." She asked only for him to nod in response.

"I'm not so fond of this either, but we were going to have this meeting sooner or later. We have a chance to return to our old lives. Don't you want that?" He asked.

"Of course I do! But are you sure this will work?" She said.

"Still we need to earn the trust of Celestia and the other Princesses." He said with confidence.

"I'm surprised you remembered her name, usually it takes you a while to remember names of other people, or Pokemon in your case." She said with a smirk.

"What are you getting at Zelda?" He asked.

"What I mean is that you have a little crush on this Princess." She said causing him to blush in embarrassment.

"WHAT?!!!" He shouted. "I just met her today and her subjects only mentioned her name, a thousand times!!" He exaggerated a bit, but the thought of him and Celestia only disgusted him.

"I'm just teasing you, honestly you weren't like this four thousand years ago." Zelda said.

"It doesn't matter, besides she's not even....attractive."Suicune chocked down.

"I can tell when you're lying." Zelda said with a smirk.

"You know sometimes I wonder how is it that you're on this council?" He said, only to cause her to gasp.

"Suicune how dare you speak that way. Am I not worthy of such a position," She said with a sly grin.

"Alright I get it, let's just begin this meeting already? I am growing impatient of waiting for everyone!" Suicune said with growl. Yasha nodded in agreement whether all of the leaders were there or not they still continued as planned.

More than an hour has passed and agreements were made and most of the council members that attended agreed to the terms of watching over the ponies of the world and other inhabitants that reside as well. Suicune and Yasha were pleased with the results and both departed ways.

It's finally over and we're one step closer to returning home and I hope there won't be anymore problems along the way.

But as he was about to exit the Psychic link a familiar pony appeared in a flash of light, which surprised Suicune.

"So this is what you were hiding from us! I knew it you vile beast!" Celestia said with anger as her horn began to glow.

"How did you find me here? Only Displaced can enter this Realm?" Suicune asked as his eyes began to glow.

"Luna and I felt a disturbance within the dreamscape and I will not allow your evil plans to continue any further," She said as she fired a beam of magic only for a blue barrier to form around Suicune.

"You'll regret doing that Princess and just so you know your making a mistake by accusing us for treason against your people. I will give you one chance to surrender and explain to me what has gotten into you?" He said as blades of ice appeared from the ground, surrounding the princess of the sun.

"I refuse to surrender to the likes of you Suicune, as for why I do this? You kept valuable information about your world and refused to cooperate with me. I can not allow you to deceive us any further," She said as she summoned a golden spear and melted the the blades of ice.

"If it's a fight you want than it's a fight you'll get Princess of the Sun!!" He shouted as he shot an Ice beam at her, only for her to take flight at the last second.

Suicune soon created a block of ice and launched it at her. Celestia blasted it with her magic and she immediately dashed down like a hawk as she readied her spear to strike. Suicune evaded her spear as he created a sword made of ice and levitated it with his own Psychic powers and swung it at her.

Celestia managed to block it in time before it could hit her.

They're weapons clashed repeatedly as they both exchanged blows, neither of them giving in a inch as they kept fighting. To Celestia they both appeared to be equally matched in combat. But she didn't know was that Suicune was holding back his true power.

"Surrender Celestia!! You can't defeat me!!!" Suicune said as his sword clashed with her spear.

"NEVER!!!" She yelled with rage as she threw his weapon aside and blasted him with a beam of magic. Suicune roared out in pain as he fell to the ground, his chest was burnt and seared, but he would not yield to her incredible power.

She's a lot stronger than I thought, but this battle is far from over!

"It's time for you to surrender Suicune. You lost," Celestia said as she pointed her spear at Suicunes chest.

"I'm....not....finished yet," Suicune said as he grabbed the tip of her spear with his paw and snapped it in two. A blue aura began to surround his body, his eyes began to glow as a yellow beam appeared from his mouth. Before Celestia could react it was too late.

"HYPER BEAM!!!" He roared as a yellow energy beam shot from his mouth. Celestia braced herself for impact beam.

I guess this is it.

But just before the beam could hit her a blue beam of energy intercepted the attack, causing it to explode on impact injuring both Suicune and Celestia. Both were sent flying as they fell to the ground.

"Wha....what....happened?" Suicune asked as he tried to stand, but fell back to the ground. When he looked up he saw Yasha stand before him with a look of disappointment. "Lord....Yasha?!"

"What do you think your doing Suicune?" He asked.

"I....was attacked by that....wench!" Suicune said as he tried to stand again.

"I expected more from you Suicune....hmm.....you and I shall take her to the infirmary immediately and while were at that you can explain what has been going on?"

Celestia began to stir as she found herself in an infirmary, her chest was wrapped in bandages. She groaned from the pain as she tried to leave only to stop when a floating orb with a single eye entered the room.

"Ohh....I wouldn't do that if I were you. You have multiple injuries and it will take a few hours before your injuries have healed," It said to her. Celestia could only gawk at the strange machine.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm 031 Exuberant Witness, I'm the monitor of the third region of the Displaced and I'm in charge of the medical staff. Don't worry Princess Celestia it will only take a few hours before you can make a full recovery," She said to her.

"What happened?" Celestia asked.

"You were in the midst of battle with Lord Suicune and were knocked on conscious during the fight. I was surprised that you would even challenge Lord Suicune in battle. I have to say it's quite impressive," Exuberant said with a light giggle.

"Where's Lord Suicune?" Celestia asked.

"He is speaking with Lord Yasha about the incident. Why?"

"Lord Yasha?" Was all Celestia could ask.

"Oh yes....Lord Yasha saved you from Lord Suicune's attack. Both of them will speak to you shortly," Exuberant said as she left the room. It wasn't long until Yasha entered the room with Suicune who had bandages wrapped around his chest and one of his paws. She also noticed that he had an ice pack over his left eye.

"Greeting Princess Celestia, I am Lord Yasha of the Elder siblings. I must say that it's an honor to finally meet you," He said politely.

"The pleasure is all mine," Celestia said with a slight grin.

"It has come to my attention that you attacked Suicune? Am I correct?" He asked. Celestia could only nod in response as she watched Suicune scuff at her.

"You do know that you could have not only have harmed a respectable leader of the Displaced but could have declared war on us?" Celestia gasped at what Yasha had said.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean...."

"It is alright Celestia, you didn't know about our customs here with the Psychic link. Within the Displaced, we are divided in seven regions that has different rules. We may be the rulers, of this world, but the regions we created is to help those who have different skill sets and it what keeps us in line. It wasn't always like this, there was a time when we use to live side by side, but...." Yasha soon paused as memories from the past occurred.

"Never mind that....but anyways Suicune shouldn't have used that attack on you Celestia otherwise....it would have killed you," Yasha said with concern. They both turned towards Suicune who only stared at the wall in shame of his actions.

"Suicune?" Yasha called.

"Yes my lord?"

"Is there something you want to say to Celestia?" He said.

"I'm sorry,"

"What?" Celestia asked.

"I said I was sorry,"

"Please one more time Suicune?" She asked with a slight smirk.

"I said I was sorry alright! I didn't know my attack would.....I'm sorry okay and I'm sorry for not telling you everything. Please can you forgive me?!" Suicune shouted.

"Suicune I forgive you....but it should be me apologizing to you. I attacked you without thinking and I should have trusted you more and it was wrong for me to accuse you for something so stupid. Can you forgive me?" She asked as tears began to stream down her cheeks.

"I do forgive you Princess, but we need to begin to trust one another," Suicune stated and all Celestia could do was nod in agreement.

"Well it seems both of you have made up," Yasha said as he folded his arms.

"I guess...we have, but I still want to have time to just myself if that's alright with everyone?" Suicune asked.

"Very well, but you and Celestia shall be working together from now on," Yasha said, all Suicune could do was bow in response. "Good and as for you Celestia, Lord Suicune shall escort you home,"

Soon Yasha waved his hand and a blue aura surrounded Celestia as all of the pain she had disappeared in an instant.

"How?" Was all she could ask.

"He's the leader of the Displaced Princess, he can do pretty much anything with his kind of power," Suicune answered. It made sense to her and didn't bother to press the matter any further.

"I shall escort you home Princess,"

"Thank you Lord Suicune, but what should we tell the others though? Luna and Twilight won't be too thrilled about this world and my ponies will begin to panic about your people," She asked. Suicune began to ponder on the thought but began to smile.

"Don't worry over time they will come to except us, until than we should just do the best we can," Suicune said with a smile.

"Thank you Suicune for...escorting me home," She said with a bit embarrassment.

"Your welcome Princess,"

Beyond the very edge of the universe a Massive ship began to charge up an energy beam over a planet that was inhabited by a strange alien race, but one the beam was fully charged it struck the very surface and in an instant, the planet exploded. Leaving nothing but floating debris.

"Tell us master... where to next?"

"A Planet called Equestria... I think it's time for the inhabitants to know what it's like to live in a place... Of Ruin.

End of Book One.

Author's Note:

I feel so disappointed in this chapter. Please don't be mad at me, I know I could have done better but I just don't have the drive to make this story any longer. So this is the final chapter, and friend of mine will continue this in a story of his own. There will be alternative story to this and it shall be called....

The Displaced: New History

After a mysterious magic mishap, Celestia was transported into The world of The Displaced 3000 years into the past where she is younger? And she meets Suicune and all of the Displaced once again. She will see how it all began. But the longer she stays there the more she affects the timeline. But the real question is that will she want to go back to her time or stay with her new found friends.

It's something that I have been working on for a while and I hope you'll come to like it as much as this one.

Now for our newest Characters.

Princess Zelda

Exuberant Witness

Edit: There is your new ending guys, but it's not over yet! This is only book one! I'll be working hard with a few friends to make this next book an epic adventure. Hope you'll all look forward to the future :)

Comments ( 5 )

6725451 I decided to look back at this story and found this comment. I was wondering if you would like to continue this story? The world of the Displaced is a canvas that is endless and I think you could take it in another direction. Reply when you get this

7530605 I may, but right now my schedule is full and I have other projects planned. Maybe sometime in the future

Is the witness, supposed to be the oracle from halo?

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