• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 12,278 Views, 259 Comments

Percy Jackson and The Forgotten World - Demi Pegasi

Percy Jackson has been transported to Equestria. What will happen when he meets the mane six?

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Chapter 1

Nothing ruins your day more than being sucked down a bright tunnel.

I am in this predicament as we speak. My name is Percy, Percy Jackson. Let me tell you, during my sixteen years of living in New York and my quests across the country, I’ve seen some pretty weird stuff; but this takes the cake. It started as a normal day, well as normal as it can get for me. You see I am not a normal human being. I am a demigod.

Yeah believe me, it was quite a shock for me too when I found out. The Greek Gods still exist and move from country to country that has the most influence for mortals; at this moment it is the U.S.A. Everything from the underworld to demigods fighting monsters still exists. They even brought Mount Olympus. Mount Olympus is disguised as the Empire State Building now. It is up to demigods, like me, to go on quests to help the Gods. My mother is a mortal and my father is Poseidon, the God of the Sea and Earth-Shaker.

As I said before, the day started pretty normal for me. It started just after I met my girlfriend after school; Annabeth.


I was waiting, not even five minutes, in central park when I see Annabeth in the corner of my eye.

“Hey Percy!” Annabeth yells as she makes her way towards me. Gods she is beautiful!

As she gets closer, I can clearly see her stormy gray eyes. Without even knowing her, you can clearly tell she is thinking of a thousand different possibilities whatever situation she is in. Her eyes are her best feature. She inherited them from her mother Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom.

“Been waiting long Seaweed Brain?” asked Annabeth.

Seaweed Brain, my pet name, given to me by Annabeth since the first time we met. It was one of those nicknames that you don’t really like or care about at first but then it grows on you.

“Not long. I just couldn’t wait to see you.”

“Me too, with school starting and my time needed to re-build Mount Olympus; I just wanted today to get here faster. Now it’s here and we have the whole day together.”

If only it could have stayed like this, but life for a demigod is never that simple. Right before we started walking, a rainbow started to shimmer out of the ground and showed us an image of a Cyclops.


“T-Tyson?” I said. Tyson is my half brother since Poseidon is the father of Cyclops.

“Hi Annabeth! How’s it going? I am fine! Working hard as the Cyclops Commander!”

“Tyson you surprised us! We were not expecting an Iris message from you.” I casually said holding back my annoyance.

“I was told to give you a message.”

“From who?”


Wow this was big. I never really get a message from my dad. I usually see him maybe once a year at Mount Olympus. If he was sending me a message it must be something important.

“What’s the message Tyson?

“Daddy needs your help with something.”

Oh man, my dad needs my help! This was really something.

“Okay Tyson what does dad need help with?”

“Daddy needs you too....”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Daddy needs your help with cleaning up his palace under the big water.”

And that is how you kill a climactic moment. It was not to go on a quest or to slay a monster, I was in charge of cleanup duty.

“All right big guy I’m on my way. I’ll see you soon.” I said holding back my disappointment.

As the image of my brother disappears I turn to look at Annabeth. I can’t tell what she is thinking. After waiting so long to see each other I have to go help my dad. It’s not that I don’t want to bring her with me, I just can’t. The pressure under the water is too much for any human besides me. As the son of Poseidon, I am able to withstand deeper pressure. Any time I touch water I feel the power of the water flow through me, giving me strength and protection.

“Annabeth...I’m sorry that had to happen. You know that if I could I would have said no.”

“Percy it’s okay. I have to go to Olympus anyway to finish the statues of Ares. Gods know what would happen if I don’t finish them to his liking.”

“Yeah, I’ll contact you as soon as I can.”

Annabeth gives me a quick kiss and says, “I’ll see you later Seaweed Brain.”

Even though she doesn’t show it, I know Annabeth is frustrated about what just happen. She is a strong girl and does not like to show herself being depressed. With one last hug, she turns around and starts walking towards the Empire State Building and I whistle for a cab and head to the docks.


Once I get to the docks I walk straight to the edge and dive into the water. I keep my clothes on for two reasons: one I do not want to look like a crazy teenager in New York, and two I can keep myself dry even in the water.

After fifteen minutes of swimming, I come upon some hippocampi -fish tailed horses- all prepared to take me to my dad’s under water palace. I place my hands around the neck of one of the hipocampi and they take off with immense speed. They must have had some special ability to instantly take me to the palace because not even a moment later I see my father’s palace.

Even though I was here once before, I did not get a chance to see the whole structure. It was one of the most breathtaking sights I’ve ever seen. Although parts of it were in rubble it was still amazing. But the rubble made me realize why I came; I had to clean up some of that rubble. It was another great chapter for the life of Percy Jackson.


Tyson met me at the entrance and almost squeezed me to death with his hug. While he can be a bit clumsy, he was still an awesome little brother, even if he is taller than me. After finally letting me go and getting back the air I lost, Tyson brought me inside and took me to see the head naiad in charge of the cleanup.

Tyson leads me to the main room of Poseidon’s Palace. Naiads and hipocampi are swimming in all directions while Cyclopes carry material around into one of the sixteen corridors surrounding the room. We walk to the center of the room where the head naiad is giving multiple instructions at once.

She takes one glance at me and said, “Hhhhhhmmmm...Ah yes, Percy Jackson, demigod son of Poseidon. You are assigned to the west wing of the palace. We could use your help there. We only want you to clean the west wing, nowhere else. Do I make myself clear?”

“Understood, can you point me in the right direction?”

She points to the second door from the left and quickly leaves to assign more cleaning jobs to other naiads. Tyson has to go back to the forge to continue his work of training new recruits for the Cyclops army. I tell him will see each other later. He gives me one last hug and runs off through one of the doors, making the ground shake as he runs.

It takes me a while to get to the west wing, but I eventually make it. The west wing is a complete mess. All the walls are cracked, every one of the pillars is knocked over and naiads and hipocampi are working frantically trying to fix everything. This was going to be a fun day.


Over five hours later I take a break. It was going slowly but we were making progress. While thinking about what I should clean up next, I noticed a glowing light in the door way I was next to. Since all demigods have ADHD to be hardwired for battle, I completely lose my focus on what I needed to do and became curious about the light. So I completely forgot what I had to do and followed the light.

As I walked into the room I noticed that the room was a lot smaller than any of the other rooms I’ve been in. Then I became aware of where the light came from. It was shining off a wall. The wall had some sort of mural painted on it. Even though the rest of the palace was wreck, the mural was lucky enough to survive for some reason.

The mural had several horses on it: some regular horses, some Unicorns, some Pegasus, and one horse in the middle with a Unicorn horn and Pegasus wings. I’ve never seen a horse like this one before. It was larger than the other horses and it looked regal, like it was a king or queen.

I don’t know why but I felt attracted to the mural. It was drawing me towards it. Now at this moment my mind was telling me to back off, get away from here and get back to work. But my body wouldn’t listen and I kept moving towards the mural. I placed one hand on the mural and the instant I touch it, the light became brighter.

I backed away as quickly as I could. The light was getting brighter and brighter. I had to close my eyes so I wouldn’t be blinded. Even though I could not see I could still hear. I heard something close behind me and another door opening in front of me. I had to take a chance and see what was happening. What I saw was the mural split in two, forming an opening. I look behind me to see that the door I came in through was gone. I look back to the divided mural and in its place was a tunnel. I could not tell if the tunnel was long or short, but it was emitting an unnatural light.

After the tunnel was completely opened my feet were slowly starting to slide towards it. Nothing was happening to the water around me but I was getting sucked in. The tunnel was like a high powered vacuum cleaner, and I was the dust.
With nothing to grip on to I went flying into the tunnel.


I do not know how long I was in the tunnel for. I lost all sense of time. It could have been five minutes or maybe a couple of hours; either way I was coming to the end of this tunnel. Coming closer to the end I noticed that I was not going to be entering a body of water. I was coming upon a forest. Not knowing how to stop myself, I brace for impact.

The impact was harder than I expected. The tunnel sent me flying towards the ground and I rolled straight into a tree. Getting the wind knocked out of you was an understatement for this situation. Thankfully the curse of Achilles softened the blow for me, or I would have been in a much worse state. For now I could only feel pain everywhere. I tried to stand up but it was just too much. All I could do was stay still and not move. The pain was becoming too much for me to handle. I was losing my sight, knowing I was going to black out soon. That’s when I heard the scream in front of me.

I was hoping for a human but did not see any. Through my out of focus eyes, I was able to make out a Pegasus. But this wasn’t your average Pegasus; for starters it had a yellow coat with a pink mane and tail. It had a much smaller stature then the Pegasus that I knew. It hooves were covering its face and it seemed to be shaking. Why was it shaking? At this point I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. Before I completely blacked out I heard more voices, but couldn’t make out all of the sentences.





“A new…..Let’s…..Party!”

“Not now Pinkie!........looks……bring it back!

All I could manage to make were six female voices before I was completely out cold.

~Author’s Note~

This is the first chapter of my very first fan fic. Please leave your comments below because I am new at this. I want to say that I needed to get rid of some of the information about Percy and his background because I do not own Percy Jackson. His rights belong to Rick Riordan. Until next chapter I hope you enjoy it! Also I am looking for any editors and artists who are familiar with the Percy Jackson series. I would like for this to be properly edited and would like an image for the story. A friend of mine edited it for me but he does not understand the story because he does not read the Percy Jackson series. Please send me a message if you want to. Thank you.