• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 12,270 Views, 259 Comments

Percy Jackson and The Forgotten World - Demi Pegasi

Percy Jackson has been transported to Equestria. What will happen when he meets the mane six?

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Chapter 5- Twilight Sparkle


“…So that’s why I’m able to control water and storms. My father, Poseidon, is god of the Sea and Storm-bringer.” Percy finished, drawing his long explanation to a close.

Three hours had passed since Percy started his explanation of why he had hydrokinesis, mainly because of constant interruptions from us. Princess Luna has already raised her moon but I still have so many unanswered questions. Why was Percy transported to Equestria? Why did he react when I mentioned Princess Celestia earlier? Did he know her? And why do I have this feeling that Percy is still hiding something? I’ll make a note to consult Applejack in order to confirm my suspicions.

Actually, scratch that. Applejack just took the thoughts right out of my head, and voiced them out.

“That’s mighty impressive Percy, but yer situation of bein’ here in Equestria has just become complicated.”

“How so?” Percy inquired.

“Well, we first thought you were nothin’ but a plain ol’ “human”, with no magical powers,” Stated Applejack, “But folks are gonna get mighty skittish if they knew ‘bout yer water bendin’ powers.”

Percy’s face showed that he was confused by Applejack’s statement.

“What’s the difference? Your whole world is filled with magic from what you told me. I don’t see how my powers over water…”

“That’s just it Percy;” I interrupted, “You’re hydrokinesis. You have control over an element that is very difficult to handle. It is very rare for a unicorn to even have a grasp of an element that has no shape. Even I have a hard time whenever I need to use magic that requires the use of water and air. Yet you have almost perfect control thanks to your father.”

“So I have a bit more control than most unicorns. What’s your point?” Percy huffed, still oblivious to the issue at hand.

“Our point is that your powers may be equal to that of an an Alicorn!” I blurted out in exasperation.

An eerie silence fell upon the room after my outburst. Most of my friends were staring at me with shocked expressions; Fluttershy was once again hiding behind Rainbow Dash. And Percy…Percy just stared at me with that calm expression, brushing off my outburst the way a boulder would part the waves. I was startled that he didn't even flinch at my yelling, as if he was used to it.

Eventually, he took a deep breath and simply said, “Then you’re going to have to explain the difference in power between Unicorns and Alicorns. “

I looked into his sea-green eyes and, felt a sense of peace wash over me. The depths of his eyes excluded a sense of security, and I felt that there was nothing to worry about anymore; but at the same time I felt the power in those eyes. The only other pony that gave me this feeling was Princess Celestia. I took one last look at my friends and they all nodded in agreement that I should tell Percy just how powerful Celestia is.

The problem was not telling Percy but how to tell him. There was so much to explain and so many questions that needed to be answered. It didn’t help that we were exhausted from meeting Percy and dealing with the fire.

“Percy as much as I would love to explain the variance in Unicorn and Alicorn magic, it’s been a long day and we are all exhausted.” I told him “Can we talk about this in the morning when we’re all more rested?”

“Sure. Now that you mention yet, it has been a rough day; and that’s saying something where I’m from!” Percy says with a chuckle.

“You can stay here for the night and eventually figure out where you can stay for the remainder…”

“Wait! How can I sleep here? It’s just a library.”

“While it is true that this is a library, it also doubles as my home. That way, I can fulfill my role as head librarian, while keeping up with the studies that Princess Celestia gives me. The second floor is where Spike and I sleep.”

“I guess that makes sense, although I don’t know why anybody would want to make their home a library though and who’s Spike?”

“Spike is my assistant. He’s in Canterlot now aiding the princess.”

“All right… Is there a guest bedroom?”

“Yes there is one. Once you go up the stairs, it’s down the hall, second door on your left. It may be a bit small due to it being design for a pony and not a human.”

“It’s fine; I've slept in places much worse than that. Thank you for your hospitality, and good night every…pony? Is that the right term here?”

With a wave of his hand, Percy slowly makes his way up the steps and down the hall to the guest bedroom. As soon as I heard the door close, I instantly created a sound bubble around the room. Sound can enter the bubble, but would not be able to escape, preventing anypony from eavesdropping

“All right sugarcube what’s the plan?” Applejack said.

“I don’t know. Before we knew he was a…demigod, I would have waited for Spike to return, since I thought Percy wouldn't pose a threat to Ponyville or Equestria.” I answered.

“By referring to Percy posing no threat t, I assume you’re referring to when we all thought Percy had no magical abilities. But since he told us about his powers, Percy is truly a force to be reckoned with.” Rarity said, continuing what I was suggesting.

“Yes, but his magic is not the most dangerous thing about him right now.” I replied.

My friends were all stunned by my comment.

“What are you talking about Twilight?! What could be more dangerous than his magic?! I mean he summoned a bucking thunderstorm! By himself! It would take at least 20 Pegasi to make a storm that size!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow it’s not what you know, but what you don’t know that is dangerous. Percy is hiding something from us.” I explained.

“Hiding something? What makes you say that?” Fluttershy asked, having finally emerged from behind Applejack.

“As we headed to Sugar Cube Corner Percy asked us what our cutie marks represent. When I explained what my cutie mark meant, his attitude changed. Then he became quiet after I mentioned Princess Celestia, and her duty as the ruler of Equestria.”

“Oh yeah! I remember that too.” Rainbow Dash said. “He was quiet for a couple of minutes until he blurted out ‘I remember now!’ Any ideas about why he said that?”

“I don’t know why, but I feel that it has something to do with Princess Celestia. That’s why I believe Percy is hiding something from us. This leads me to my question for Applejack. Could you sense whether Percy was lying? I asked.

“Well Ah wouldn't call it a sense. It’s more of a gut feeling, but Ah felt somethin’ different during Percy’s explanation ‘bout his power over water. Ah could tell by the way he talked that he was telling the truth. Either Percy’s a better liar than Discord, or that un’s been truthful from the beginning."

“So Percy isn't hiding anything?” Fluttershy asked.

“Ah didn't say that. All Ah said was his words were truthful. But when Ah looked into his eyes, they showed that he was hidin’ something, while telling us the truth at the same time.”

“So we know that Percy isn't telling us everything. The question is why?” Rarity asked.

I was about to say something but Pinkie interrupted me.

“Does it matter if he is keeping secrets!? Every pony keeps secrets. Life would super boring if no one kept secrets! What fun’s a surprise party if it isn't a surprise anyway? Besides he saved the Cake twins and Mrs. Cake. Percy wouldn't have done that if he was a Mister McMeaniepants!.”

“That may be so Pinkie.” Rarity argued. “But he has neglected to explain the impossible feat he performed when he escaped from the building.”

My eyes widened upon hearing that. Could it be that I had missed an important fact? “Rarity what do you mean. I thought Percy was able to escape thanks to hydrokinesis.”

“I didn't mean that his escape was impossible darling. I’m afraid you simply missed some key details.” She clarified, confirming my fears

“And those would be…?” Applejack asked raising her eyebrow slightly.

“That he escaped unscratched.” Rarity said coolly.

All of our eyes widen at Rarity’s revelation. Replaying the memories in my head, I realized that Rarity was right. Even though his shirt was charred and torn, Percy had escaped completely untouched by the flames.

But that’s impossible! Although Unicorns are able to conjure a barrier to protect themselves. Even the most skilled caster can only create a barrier that floats a hoof’s length from his fur. What it seems Percy has done is create thin protective barriers that can floats less than an inch just above his skin.

It seems Percy failed to mention that he could create shields along with his hydrokinesis. Which brings us back to the question of why? Why would Percy conceal this from us? What does he have to gain by hiding this from us? The answers won’t appear if I just continued repeating them to myself. I would have to take direct action.

“Girls, there is nothing we can really do right now besides repeating ourselves. I think it’s best if we leave this topic for tomorrow. In the meantime, we’ll keep an eye on Percy, since I don’t want to involve Princess Celestia unless absolutely necessary.” I announced.

They all nodded in approval, and I dispelled the soundproof barrier as my friends made their way out. The last one to leave was Applejack, who suddenly doubled back before she crossed the doorway.

“Hey Twi, Ah need to tell ya something.” Applejack whispers to me. “Ah didn't want to say this in front of the others, but when Ah was observing Percy eye’s for any lies, Ah felt something else.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ah felt power; an ocean of power hidden deep within Percy. What he did today didn't come close to what Percy can do if he went all out.”

“I know…I felt it to. But when I looked directly into Percy’s eyes, I felt something else… they shone with kindness and trust. It was a feeling I've only felt this feeling once in my lifetime.”

“Let me guess…Princess Celestia?”

“Exactly…the first time I met the Princess as a filly, my magic went rampant, flinging spells here and there. But when I looked into her eyes, I felt her immense power, but the same time, I knew that the Princess would support me, regardless of what my problem was. That was the exact feeling I got when I looked into Percy’s eyes.”

“Well shoot , looks like we got ourselves into another heap ‘o trouble.”

I chuckled. “Heh, Ponyville just wouldn't be the same without them.”

“I hear ya Twi. Well Ah better be off. Big Mac and Granny are probably worried sick about me. Ah’ll see ya tomorrow.”
“Goodnight Applejack.”

With one last look at Luna’s moon, I closed the door and made my way up the stairs. Too many thoughts were racing through my mind. As I passed by the guest room I caught a sight of Percy sleeping, his face was scrunched in an expression of utter despair. Percy was having a nightmare. And the look of his face, it was a horrible one.

For now it was time to sleep. Any plans and questions would be dealt with tomorrow.


It was quite strange. I almost never had dreams when I’m fretting over a problem. Even weirder is that I knew I was in a dream. I wondered what would happen in my dream. The only thing that was happening was…nothing. I was surrounded by darkness.

Next thing I knew the darkness was disappearing and I was in Princess Celestia’s throne room. But it was different. Most of the windows were shattered and the throne was shattered, turned into kindling by the collapsed roof. I was beginning think that this wasn't a dream, but a nightmare.

At that very moment the main doors opened and I saw the Princess’ walking in with my big brother, Captain Shining Armour.

“Our troops are being outnumbered by the enemy forces. Our defences may not last another week if they keep attacking.” My brother reported.

“We must keep them out as long as we can. Until they return, we must do what we can. Those seven brave souls are our only hope of survival against these creatures.” Princess Celestia said her voice tinged with concern.

Thinking I could communicate with them, I was about to ask what the hay was going on. But the darkness was flooding back and my brother and the Princess’ voices grew quieter and quieter. I tried to yell for them but no sound came from my mouth, total darkness engulfed me.


My eyelids sprang open as I sat up, breathing heavily. Sweat was rolling down my temples, and I could feel my heart thundering like a herd of stampeding buffalo. I knew it was only a dream, but parts of it felt too realistic. There was pressure that swelled in my chest every time I thought about it.

Trying to calm my rapidly beating heart, I glanced out of the window. Celestia’s sun was just peeking over the horizon; still too early to be awake. I slumped back onto my bed and was just about to drift back to sleep when a piercing noise yanked me back into the realm of the awakened.

It was a little filly’s scream coming from right outside my house.

Author's Note:

Here it is, the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy it. Thanks again MC BR0N3 for editing this story. We've both been pretty busy and I'm just lucky that he has the time to do this for me. Go check his story. Its only a few chapters buts quite good and will only get better.

Thanks for your comments, likes and faves. Until next chapter.