• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 12,269 Views, 259 Comments

Percy Jackson and The Forgotten World - Demi Pegasi

Percy Jackson has been transported to Equestria. What will happen when he meets the mane six?

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Chapter 6- Twilight Sparkle

~Twilight Sparkle~

As fast as my body could go, I jumped out of my bed and ran towards my balcony. I leaned over the railing trying to pinpoint where the scream came from. It wasn't easy since it was still dark enough to conceal the filly and whatever scared her. I quickly used my magic to create a light orb to help my search.

I instantly spotted the filly, or should I say the three fillies. They were the famous Cutie Mark Crusaders of Ponyville. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo were always together when they are trying to find their special talent. They were backing away slowly from a Timber wolf that was gradually making its way towards them. I was puzzled not only at the thought of the C.M.C. up at this hour but also about the lone Timber wolf. A pack never comes near town, let alone a single wolf. They always stayed within the Everfree forest, or just along the border.

Questions needed to be answered later, the girls were in trouble. I sent a bolt of pure magic in front of the wolf to stop it from advancing and to give myself a chance to teleport myself in between the wolf and the girls.
The C.M.C shouted in unison “Twilight?!” out of shock and happiness.

The Timber wolf was shocked to see me, but it quickly regained its composure and started to advance again towards us. Another strange quirk for this wolf; usually wolves would be cautious and assess the situation before it moves closer to its prey.

Due to its strange behavior, I used a stunning spell to knock it out. For a quick second, right when the spell hit the wolf, its body changed. It looked larger, stronger than any normal timber wolf, and it wasn't made out of wood. It looked more like a dog than a wolf. It was only for a second, and it changed back to a normal timber wolf so I dismissed it as sleep hallucination from being tired.

I was breathing heavily. This could have been a lot worse if the C.M.C. wasn't near the library when the Timber wolf attacked them. I turn towards them to see if they were okay. They didn't seem to be hurt, just scared from being almost attacked.
“Now why were you three out at this hour? I don’t think Applejack, Rarity or your parents Scootaloo would approve of you three being up; especially on a school night!”

“We’re sorry Twilight, but Ah wanted to show the sunrise to Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo. This morning will be the one year anniversary of when we started the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” answered Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, we decided to celebrate our awesomeness by seeing the sunrise together! According to Apple Bloom it’s an amazing sight to see.” Scootaloo said next.

“It was just unfortunate that the Timber wolf came by. We were going around town trying to find the perfect…spot…when…TWILIGHT WATCH OUT!” screamed Sweetie Bell.

All three fillies’ eyes were widening in fear while looking behind me. It. was as if my whole world was slowing down as I turned my body. The Timber wolf was up and running straight for me. My instinct right away was to shield the C.M.C. I was trying to cast a shield spell as fast as I could but I knew well before that I wasn't going to make it in time.

Everything around me was going so slow, but my thoughts were moving at light speed. The whole day has been weird since Percy got here. First humans were never supposed to exist, then for an unfathomable reason, Percy appears and tells us that there is a whole world filled with humans. Next I found out that Percy is not truly human but apparently half human, half god. He’s able to harness the power of water with ease and somehow knows Princess Celestia.

And finally this Timber Wolf that’s about to jump at me. Not only does it have a strange behaviour, but it also was able to get back up after I shot my spell. It was my strongest stun spell that would keep any creature asleep for days. Why was a simple Timber wolf able to get up like it was nothing? It was as if the world I loved and knew was turning upside down.

With no time to cast the spell before impact, I close my eyes, hoping that the C.M.C. won’t get hurt and that I would sustain minimum damage before my spell is cast. Next thing I know, I felt no impact and my spell activates forming a bubble shield around the four of us.

“Hey Twilight, are you and the other three safe?” asked a familiar voice in front of me.

I instantly opened my eyes. Right before me was Percy, holding the Timber Wolf at bay with a shield. At the same time he was smirking, like it was the easiest thing for him to go hoof to hoof with the Timber wolf.

He pushes the wolf back and gets into what seems to be a fighting stance. Percy reaches for his pocket and takes out…A TINY BLUE STICK!? What good would come from that minuscule thing? It wouldn't even put a dent into the Timber wolf, let alone hurt it. What is Percy thinking at a time like this?

Percy starts to grin making me think he really does know what he is doing. He uses his thumb to uncap what appears to be the top of the blue stick and out of nowhere, the insignificant thing in Percy’s hand becomes a sword. I've only seen pictures of swords before. It’s rare for a soldier to use a sword; they would prefer a lance or spear for defending.

The wolf is startled by the appearance of the sword and becomes cautious. Percy notices and makes the first move by quickly charging his opponent. Percy tries to ram his shield but the Timber wolf evades him. Timber wolves are agile and use it to their advantage. With its speed, the Timber wolf swerves around Percy to attack his back. But Percy is also agile and rolls to his side, barely caught by the jaws of the Timber wolf.

Percy starts to mumble to himself after he gets back into his fighter stance. I only catch a few words like ‘smarter’ and ‘before.’ Has Percy fought Timber wolves before? Percy closes his eyes and shakes his head as if he is stopping himself from thinking too much. As Percy opens his eyes, you can see that he has a look of determination.

Percy taps the middle of his shield and it somehow shrinks into a watch. He notices the river that runs through town. Percy extends his arm towards the river and concentrates. To any other pony besides me, this would be strange. Instead of focusing on the Timber wolf, he focuses on the river. Any sane pony would focus on the Timber wolf. Yet I know for a fact this is how Percy begins to take control of water.

The water shoots out of the river and follows the direction of Percy’s hand. The Timber wolf was definitely not expecting that and was caught off guard. The water goes underneath the Timber wolf and blasts it into the sky; yet Percy isn't done with the Timber wolf. The water continues to push the wolf up into the air while dealing damage to its legs and stomach. While controlling the water, Percy slowly moves to where the wolf used to be. As soon as he gets into position, Percy releases his control over the water. The Timber wolf comes falling straight back and before I even realized what Percy was planning, the Timber wolf is impaled through the stomach by Percy’s sword.

I was dumbfounded by Percy’s action. Before I could even yell and rant at him, the Timber wolf’s body began to fade into golden dust. I was literally stuttering at what I just saw. As I was trying to come to terms with what happened, my shield bubble disappeared. Complete silence enveloped the area as I stared at Percy. The silence was broken by the loudest exclamation of joy ever.

“THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!” screamed Scootaloo. “You completely wrecked that wolf with your weapon and the water! The way you just calmly stood with your sword in the air, with an epic pose too, was totally incredible. You were almost as cool as Rainbow Dash!”

“What are you by the way?” asked Sweetie Bell. “We've never seen anything like you before.”

“Are there any more like you?” inquired Applebloom.

“Where did you get your weapon from? I've only ever seen lances used by the royal guards.”

“Why do you only have fur on top of your head?”

“What’s your name?”

“Are you male or female?”

Question after question, Percy was bombarded by the C.M.C. that surrounded him. If the situation wasn't so weird this would be funny to watch. Percy was having a hard time trying to keep up with the C.M.C. I just stood next to them still trying to come to terms with what just happened. First things first, I need to get Percy back into the library and the C.M.C. back home.

“Girls, I know you want to know everything about Percy but-“

“So your name is Percy?” said Applebloom interrupting me. “That’s a strange name you have there.”

“Is Percy short for something?” asked Sweetie Bell.

“Rainbow Dash has a little bit of a cooler name than you do.” Scootaloo commented.

I closed my eyes in frustration as the C.M.C. continued with their comments and questions. I don’t want the town to find out about Percy before I find out more about him. Also the citizens tend to overreact to these types of circumstances given the fact how often this town attracts trouble.

“Listen girls, I need to_”

“Hey, Twilight!”

Once again I was interrupted, but it wasn't from the C.M.C. I was startled for a second since the voice came from above me. As I looked up a Pegasi was flying towards me. I immediately knew it was Raindrops, one of the weather control ponies. It was too late to hide Percy; from the look on her face she was very interested about him. She landed gracefully in front of me while taking quick glances at Percy.

“Raindrops! Where did you come from?"

“Well I was getting the clouds set up for this morning; until I heard a filly screaming and saw a bright light above the library. So I came here to investigate. When I got here I saw the Timber wolf about to attack. Before I could swoop in and stop it…well…you saw what happened.”

Horseapples! She saw everything. How am I going to explain this to her?

“So, Twilight...who’s your new friend?” she asked trying to sound casual.

She went straight to the point. Why do they always go straight to the point? I needed to think of an excuse fast or else she’ll get suspicious.

“Uh, well you see, uhm…he is Princess Celestia’s guest!” I said quickly. This was going to be hard for me. I hated to lie to anyone unless it was for one of Pinkie Pie’s surprise birthday party. And being put on the spot was not helping.

Raindrops raised her eyebrow in confusion.

“Okay, so why is he here in Ponyville instead of Canterlot?”

“Well the princess wanted us to get acquainted and to learn from each other. Percy is considered very important from where he came from. So he’s going to be staying with me for a while.”

“That makes sense….but…what is he exactly?”

Double horseapples! That’s the one question I didn't want asked. Think Twilight think! What would be the most appropriate answer without revealing that Percy is a human/demigod? Before I was able to answer Raindrops, Percy is able to get away from the C.M.C and walks over.

“Hey, Twilight. Is she another one of your friends? Hi the name is Percy, Percy Jackson.” He said while extending his hand towards Raindrops.

Raindrops was a little hesitant at first but slowly raises her hoof and places it in Percy’s hand.

“Raindrops is the name. I’m sorry if this seems rude, but I just have to ask. What are you exactly? Ponyville has its fair share of strange visitors, but you’re the first one I've seen of your kind.”

I was panicking now trying to get Percy’s attention; trying to give him signals behind Raindrops to not tell her what he was. I don’t know if he was ignoring me or being just plain stupid, Percy did not notice me. I was even doing mini fireworks that don’t make sound! He was completely oblivious.

“I’m a human being. Twilight told me that you've heard of my kind before. All I can say is I’m not some monster like your myths say I am.” Percy said causally with a chuckle.

Raindrops slowly backed away from Percy, making sure not to make any sudden movements. Raindrop’s eyes focused on Percy; ready to react to any movement from him. Percy arched his eyebrow, clearly confused at the mood change from Raindrops. To be honest, I don’t blame her to act this way. Any pony would laugh at Percy for saying he was a human. They would have taken it as a joke; but Ponyville is different. After experiencing Nightmare Moon, the residents of Ponyville tend to believe the truth about old legends.

I warily approach Raindrops, afraid that any sudden movement will cause a reaction.

“Raindrops…please listen to me.”

My voice seemed to break her out of the trance she was in. She didn't let go of her eye contact with Percy, but I could tell she was fully aware that I was beside her.

“There is nothing to be afraid of. Percy isn't what the myths portray him as. He is friendly.”

Raindrops response was a weak chuckle. “That’s easy for you to say Twilight. Not everybody is the protégé to Princess Celestia and holder of the Element of Magic. You may believe he is okay, but that doesn't mean it’s the same for the rest of Ponyville.”

“Raindrops, I swear on Celestia’s name that you have nothing to worry about!”

Raindrops finally broke eye contact with Percy and looked straight into my eyes.

“I’m sorry Twilight, but I can’t take that chance. Trouble always seems to find you and your friends whenever something new comes to town.”

Before I could even retort, Raindrops takes off into the air and flies away. Could my day get any worse?


“Twilight please would you stop pacing! You've been doing it non-stop since we got back inside the library. You’re giving me a headache.”

Percy was trying to calm me down after Raindrops left. I tried to think of what I could have done to prevent this from happening. I should have checked to see if the Timber wolf was actually stunned, or taken the C.M.C. into the library before I started questioning them. While coming up with different scenarios of what will happen now, Percy finally got me into the library where I started to pace in a circle.

The C.M.C. came inside and just watched me pace. It got so boring to them that they feel asleep due to exhaustion from their meeting with the Timber wolf. Percy was sitting on one of the cushions that ponies use when they come to the library to read. His comment about getting a headache finally made me snap.

“Oh I’m so sorry you have a headache! It’s not like I have much to deal with at the moment!”

“Wow there Twilight,” Percy said with placing both his hands defensively in front of him. “I just meant you should stop, it’s not helping.”

“Oh like how you helped the situation when you came up to me and Raindrops?”

“Hey, I was trying to be friendly and introduce myself!”

“That doesn't mean you should just walk up to any pony nonchalantly and say ‘Hey, I’m a human being! Let’s be friends!’”

“I was thinking-“

“No Percy! You weren't thinking! Sweet Celestia you’re such a…such a seaweed brain!”

I immediately knew I said the wrong thing. His eyes grew dark and distant, like he was recalling a sad memory. He had a sudden interest for the floor and wouldn't meet my eye.

“Percy…I’m sorry for yelling. It’s just been a stressful day ever since you came.”

He just gave off a sad sigh as a response, still not making eye contact with me. I didn't know what to say. I could only think of one thing to say to him before I forget to do it.

“Percy…Thank you for protecting me and the fillies. If it wasn't for you that Timber wolf would've-“

“Timber wolf? What is a Timber wolf? That was a Hellhound I killed out there.” he stated seriously while looking straight at me.

“A Hell-what? Percy that was a Timber Wolf. They are native to the Everfree Forest. I saw it with my own eyes.”

Percy got up from the cushion and took a few steps forward. Realization came to his face. He face palmed and muttered, “The Mist.”

“I’m sorry, but what did you just say?”

“The Mist! It’s a power used by the gods to hide their world from mortals. It plants different ideas into mortals mind to convince them it was something different. There are however mortals that can see through the mist. They are considered ‘Clear-sighted mortals’ by the Gods and demigods.”

“What are you saying Percy? That the Timber wolf that you defeated wasn't actually a Timber Wolf, but something else?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying Twilight!”

Now I’m getting scared. I don’t know if I should believe Percy about this ‘mist’ stuff. However, it does explain the strange behaviour of the wolf. Not only that, but my mind wasn't playing a trick on me when I shot my stun spell at it. The more I thought about, the more convinced I was that Percy is right!

“Twilight, listen to me carefully. That is one of the weaker monster I fight back in my world.”

“Wait, that was one of the weaker monsters?! My spell hardly did anything to it and now you’re telling there are stronger ones back in your world?”

“Yes, and I’m afraid to say this but when there is one, there is usually more nearby.”

“If these monsters are so strong how were you able to defeat it?”

“With this.” He stated as he held up his sword.

With a closer look I can see that his sword is made out of some bronze material. This is odd due to the fact there is far better material to use than bronze. There also seems to be an engraving on the side of the sword. I couldn't make out what it was.

“Percy, what’s the engraving on the side of your sword?”

“It’s the name of the sword. The name is Anaklusmos, also known as-“


Percy’s eyes widen and I had a feeling so did mine. I just opened my mouth before I even realized I was going to say something. I didn't even think about it but for some reason I understood the name of Percy’s sword.

“Twilight how do you know-“

Suddenly there was a loud repetitive knock at the door interrupting Percy. Both of us were startled by unexpected knock.

“Twilight, are you in there? It’s the Mayor.”

I silently gesture Percy to hide. As he was finding a hiding spot I prepared myself for whatever the mayor wanted.
As I approach the door I hear some chattering outside telling me that the mayor is not alone. I open the door and I can see that there is a small group of ponies crowded around the door. There seems to be about 20 of them. Right up front with the Mayor was Raindrops. Oh how I wish this a group to come to the library; reading is so much fun. But alas they are here for a different reason.

“Hello Mayor, how can I help you today?”

“I’m sorry for coming so early but it has come to my attention that you have a…human living with you.”

“…Yes, I do.” No point in lying about it now.

“Twilight as the smartest pony I know, and the Princesses protégé, you know how dangerous humans can be from the stories!”

“The human is a threat to Ponyville and our children!”

It was Filthy Rich who spoke up. Of course he would be here with the crowd. As a business stallion he is often found with the Mayor making plans for his business and creating revenue for the town. He must have been with the Mayor when Raindrops arrived at town hall. Considering he is a father, he must have gathered up this crowd. I will admit this was admirable of him to help protect, not only his filly, but the entire town of Ponyville.

“I can assure you Rich that he will not cause harm to anypony.”

“As I said before Twilight, we can’t take that chance.” Raindrops said while stepping forward.

I look at the crowd seeing them all nod their heads in agreement.

“Ahhh…I understand, but please bear with me for a while. I plan on bringing Percy to Canterlot and seeing what Princess Celestia has to say. Please let me talk to him and explain the situation.”

Everypony was contemplating on if they should allow this. The mayor was the first to speak.

“All right Twilight. Go and talk with the human. I’m hoping no violence will be involved.”

“I hope so too Mayor. Just wait out here while I explain everything to Percy.”


“So let me get this straight. There is a group of ponies standing outside the library wanting me gone because they feel threatened by my presence. So, to avoid any conflict, you are taking me to see Princess Celestia and see what she says.”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying Percy.”

After I went back into the library, Percy was upstairs in my room waiting for me. It took a while to explain everything him. He tends to fidget and not pay attention at times. I thought he would be frightened in having to meet the Princess but he surprised me with a smile. A smile that looked mischievous but friendly at the same time.

“Sounds like a plan. I have a feeling once we meet your Princess, everything will be explained. So how do we get to the Princess?”

“Fairly simple actually! We have a train station in town and the train can take us to Canterlot in a few short hours.”

“That’s good. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can figure out what’s going on. Can you show me where the station is from here?”

“Yeah, I’ll show you from the balcony.”

From the balcony, we are able to see most of Ponyville. I point towards the train station, but Percy has his attention on something else. He seems nervous at what he sees and I don’t understand why. I follow his line of sight and I see a large figure coming over the bridge into Ponyville. It seems Iron Will has come back to Ponyville. Something is off though; he doesn't have his goat helpers with him. And he seems to be carrying a giant club with him.

Some Ponies were also crossing the bridge leaving Ponyville, not minding Iron Will. That is, they didn't mind him until he raised his club and swung down at them. He missed, but the ponies screamed and ran away. I don’t understand. Why would Iron Will attack for no reason?

“Twilight, get everybody as far away from that bridge as fast as possible.” Percy said to me.

“I don’t understand why Iron Will is doing this?”

“I don’t know who this Iron Will is, but that is most likely not him.”

“How can you tell?”

“Because this guy is an old friend from my world. It’s time for round 3 against the Minotaur.”

Author's Note:

Here you go everyone. The un-edited chapter six. Eventually I'll have the edited version up, but for now here is the full chapter. A friend of mine has asked his editor to check this chapter. So for those who offered to help edit I just want to say thank you. Even though I didn't choose any of you I still have another story that will need to be edited. So in the near future I may call upon your help. Thank you once again for reading my story and commenting, it means a lot.

-Demi Pegasi