• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 12,278 Views, 259 Comments

Percy Jackson and The Forgotten World - Demi Pegasi

Percy Jackson has been transported to Equestria. What will happen when he meets the mane six?

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Chapter 7- Rainbow Dash

~Rainbow Dash~

I thought it wasn't possible for Ponyville to get any weirder. Ever since Twilight arrived, the town has gotten more than its fair share of weirdos. Don’t get me wrong, Twilight is an awesome friend, in an egg-head kind of way. She just attracts trouble. I guess being taught by Princess Celestia would do that.

Still, since Twilight got here Ponyville has no doubt become cooler. If it wasn't for Twilight I wouldn't have all these awesome friends to hang with. Plus an added bonus to have a cheering squad when I get on to the Wonderbolts. All these adventures and fun with the girls have kept me on my hoofs and made me a better flyer. Gotta stay ahead since I’m still the best flyer in Equestria.

But Percy just takes the weirdness to a whole new level. When we all first met him, he gave me the vibe that he could be trouble. After talking to him, he seemed pretty chill. It was like he was used to this situation on a daily basis. All six of us deal with weirdness every so often, but not on a daily basis (Pinkie is the only exception).

Now at this point I was sure we could take Percy if needed, but after hearing his story and Applejack’s suspicion I was beginning to have some doubt. It was like Percy was a character from Daring Do. One second you think you know the pony, then ‘BAM!’ they've been hiding secrets. I don’t understand the whole demigod thing, but I do know that Percy is strong. It was strange but once he told us he was a demigod he felt different. Like something clicked in my head warning me. I didn't let the others know after I left. They probably would have thought I was going mental. All we could really do is wait for tomorrow and head to Canterlot. Hopefully the princess can help with our situation.

I flew straight towards my cloud home. I needed a good sleep and with a cloud home you are guaranteed the best night ever. The plump and softness of a cloud bed and pillow can knock out any pony and wake them up feeling 100% ready for the day. After what happened today it’s exactly what I needed.

When I entered my home, I noticed the time was half past twelve. Not caring I missed my dinner I made my way to my room. After entering I just fell onto my bed, instantly falling asleep ready for a peaceful night. Was I ever wrong.


I quickly open my eyes when I felt weightless. That didn't surprise me. What did surprise me was that I wasn't using my wings. I start to panic thinking I was falling. After a moment, I realize that I’m not falling, I’m just floating in the air. Regaining my composure I notice my surroundings for the first time. At first it looks like I am in the halls of Princess Celestia’s castle, but I start to notice some differences. The walls were decorated with shells for some reason. I’m guessing the princess wanted an underwater theme party.

I made my way down the hall, hoping I was near the throne room. From there I can at least make my out of the castle. It’s a maze inside the castle without Twilight or Celestia as a guide. Making my way through I started to somehow sense something different about where I was. It felt like I was in the Canterlot castle but it was different at the same time.

I brush off this sense thinking it’s not important. It has no effect on me so why worry about it? I had other important things to figure out. One is finding my way through this castle. I couldn’t make head or tails of where I was and there seemed to be no guards to help.

After what felt like hours of walking, it looked like I made it to the doors of the throne room. I was about to enter when an argument came from behind the doors. At first I thought it was Celestia arguing with one of the nobles. From what Twilight told us some nobles just kept complaining with Celestia no matter what her decision is. The problem was, the noble wasn’t arguing with Princess Celestia. The dude was arguing with another dude.

“Your Majesty! We must close all entrances! Until we can gather up our forces and counter attack, our enemies will be able attack our city!”

“As I said before we cannot close everything! One entrance must remain open! I am expecting an important visitor.”

“Why is this one visitor so important? Surely this visitor will wait considering our situation.”

“The reason why it is so important is because my visitor is a human.”

From what I could tell everypony in the throne went silent after the so called king finished his sentence. I was even stunned to hear that he was expecting a human. Because of the shock I wasn’t able to listen on the rest of the conversation. Everything was slowly turning dark and sounds were becoming distant except for one voice.

“HEY! Rainbow Dash! Wake up!”

Wake up?

“I need your help! Wake UP!


“Come on Rainbow! Wake up!”

“Wazza? Who’s calling?” I said after I bolted up from my bed.
“It’s me, ya feather-brain. Applejack!”

I fly towards my window and look straight down to see Applejack. She had a panicked look on her face. A panicked Applejack meant trouble in Ponyville. I jumped out my window and flew straight down.

“What’s wrong A.J?”

“Trouble! Down by the old stone bridge! Iron Will seems to be on some kind of rampage!”

“Say no more A.J. Lets take down that muscle head!”


A.J and I made our way to the stone bridge. Once we got there no pony was there but there was a trail of damage leading into town. Whatever Iron Will has it was making big indents in the grounds, creating holes in the bridge and smashing trees in half. Fluttershy isn’t going to like that.

We followed the path of destruction into town. A.J and I stared at each other and gave a slight nod to each other. The message was clear. We have to get to Iron Will fast before somepony gets hurt.

We sped around a corner and saw Iron Will by the town well about to swing his weapon down on Snips and Snail. Those two were too horror struck to move. Without hesitation I instantly went and hit the weapon out of Iron Will’s hand. Turns out his weapon was this giant wooden club with some spikes around the top. While I took care of the weapon A.J went for his legs, hoping to knock the big guy down.

He wasn’t expecting us so I easily knocked the club out of his hand, but he didn’t even flinch when A.J used her hind legs to kick some sense into him. Iron Will should have gone down from that. I’ve seen A.J take down trees bigger and stronger then him with those legs of hers. Iron Will just seemed annoyed now and focused his attention on us.

“Snips! Snails! Get out of here! Don’t just sit there! Run!” I yelled.

They still seem dazed but they were able to listen to me and got away. That's one worry down. Now A.J and I can focus on Iron Will. I land next to A.J. I can see it on her face that she’s mad that her kick didn't take down Iron Will. She doesn't boast about them but A.J is proud about her leg strength.

“Rainbow, we have to come up with a plan. It seems brute force won’t work this time.”

“What do you suggest then?”

“Ah need you to keep him distracted with your speed. Keep Iron Will busy till Ah get the rope from the well to make a lasso.”

“No problem A.J! Equestria’s fastest flyer at your service!”

“And Rainbow..”


“Be careful. Iron Will is different. He’s acting strangely.”

“No worries A.J. Iron Will will never catch me. Hey! Beef for brains! Think you can catch me?”

I fly straight up to Iron Will’s face and gave him a nice good raspberry to the face. He bellows in rage and takes a wild swing to hit me. I dodge easily and fly just out of reach from him. He takes my bait and starts to follow me to try and catch me. I can see A.J make her way to the well. I keep my distance while every so often I fly fast around him. He just can’t keep up with me. That is until he started to pick up the pace.

His swings were going faster making it harder for me to dodge. I fly away cause it was becoming too difficult to keep dodging in such a close vicinity as Iron Will. I’m a far away enough that he can’t hit yet I still have his attention. He stops swinging and takes a good look at me. It doesn’t look like he’s given up but he’s stop advancing towards me. My eyes widen as I see Iron Will take one step back and charge towards me. Horse feathers was he fast! I just got out of the way just in time for him to crash into one of the buildings.

My heart was racing. I have never seen anypony go that fast on two legs. Where did that burst of speed come from? I look towards the building in time to see Iron Will come out. Once again he sets up for his charge. I’m ready for him this time knowing what he was going to do. I dodge to the left only to realize that the has his arm out ready to grab me. I couldn’t get away in time. In one sweeping motion with his charge, Iron WIll has finally caught me.

I struggle against his grip, but his grip was too tight. There was nothing I could do now that he caught me. I was beginning to panic.

“A.J! Now would be a good time to have that lasso ready!”

“Don’t worry Rainbow Dash! Ah’m right here!”

I saw the lasso go over one of Iron Will’s horns. A.J starts to pull making Iron Will lose his balance. His grip loosens allowing me to escape. I break free and ram straight into his chest helping A.J take him to the ground. He starts to fall letting out one final roar before hitting the ground. As quick as A.J can go, she has Iron Will tied up.

“Way to go A.J! We took him down!”

“Hopefully we can finally talk some sense into him or at least get him back to normal. Ah still don’t understand why Iron Will would go on a rampage?”

“Beats me.” I say as I shrug. I could never understand how Iron Will thinks.

A.J and I discuss what we should do with Iron Will. As we come up with ideas we both hear the snapping of ropes. We’re both shocked still from the sound. We both slowly turn to see Iron Will getting up. The rope on the ground having apparently snapped. Iron Will once again takes one step back, getting ready to charge. A.J and I both try to dodge out of the way, but we both know it is too late. We weren’t ready for his charge, never considering he could attack again.

I was waiting for the impact to hit, expecting it to hurt a lot. But it never came. I look over to see Iron Will has stopped. He’s grunting in frustration, looking down at his hooves. What I saw surprised me. A stream of water formed around Iron Will’s leg. I didn’t understand why Iron Will was having trouble with just water. His leg should be able to go right through it. I was paying so much attention to the water that I almost didn’t hear me name being shouted at me.

“Rainbow Dash! Applejack! Are you two ok?”

I look around in confusion to see who was calling me. My eyes locked onto Twilight running towards me.

“Twilight? Where did you come from?”

“I just arrived! Thank Celestia too that we made it or else you and Applejack would have been seriously hurt!”

Did Twilight just say we? As if she was reading my mind, Twilight nods her head and points in the direction of Iron Will. It seems he was free from that water and was starting to throw punches at somepony. But it wasn’t somepony Iron Will was fighting. Hay, it wasn’t even a pony! It was Percy Jackson fighting the big guy!

It was unreal. Percy had this look of rage on his face as fought Iron Will. Percy was able to block all of Iron Will’s punches and avoid getting grabbed. Iron Will almost seemed hesitant to attack at some points as Percy kept his weapon ready to strike. Thank Celestia I read Daring Do or else I would be wondering what Percy’s weapon was. It was used in only one of the books, but I knew how deadly a sword could be if used properly.
“All right Percy! Lets take Iron Will Down!” I yelled, ready to get back into the action.

Before I could move, Twilight’s magic covers my entire body preventing me from moving.

“Hey! What? Twilight! What are you doing?”

“Stopping you!”

“Why? Percy needs our help against Iron Will!”

Twilight slowly shakes her head. “He doesn’t need our help. We would only be getting in the way. And that’s not Iron Will.”

Applejack made her way over to us as Twilight was talking.

“Twi, what do you mean that’s not Iron Will?” A.J asked.

“I think it will be better if Percy explains everything after he finishes off that monster.” Twilight says slowly while looking at Percy fight.

A.J and I both stare at each other in confusion. All of a sudden we hear Iron Will roar in pain. We turn to see Iron WIll on the ground. It seems Percy finally got him. A.J and I were cheering that Percy was winning. But we stopped as we saw Percy stand over Iron Will. In one swift motion, Percy impales Iron Will right through the chest. A.J and I were stunned. Percy just killed Iron Will! Iron Will’s body stops moving. I can’t believe Percy would do that! Iron Will didn’t deserve to die.

I was about to yell at Percy. Call him a monster. The legends about humans were true...until Iron Will’s body started to disappear. His body turned into some golden sand, leaving no trace of a body. Twilight finally releases her magic on me. I’m too shocked and confused to even move. Percy finally makes his way towards.

“Rainbow Dash. Applejack. Glad to see you are both safe.” Percy says as he puts some cap on top of his sword. The sword shrinks and becomes something blue and small.

A.J and I both stare at him, unsure of what to say to him.

“It seems you have a lot of question to ask me. But let me reassure that wasn’t your friend Iron Will. That was a monster and an old enemy of mine. If didn’t do what I just did, it would just keeping moving. Destroying everything and killing innocent lives.”

I still didn’t know what to say. Why was killing the only option? If that wasn’t Iron Will then who was it? So many questions and uncertainty was going through my head.
“I think it will be best to explain everything back at your library Twilight. Seems like I gave your friends a heart attack. Which is strange for me considering my friend Nico is one that usually gives out heart attacks.” Percy says as he chuckles to himself at the last sentence.

“Better get your other three friends to. It’ll be better to explain to everyone at once instead of multiple times. My throat just wouldn’t be able to keep up with all that talking.” Percy says to Twilight as he starts to head in the direction of the library.

First that weird dream and then this whole Iron Will craziness! Today couldn’t get any weirder then it is already….

Could it?

Author's Note:

Oh joyous days have come! Finally able to put up this whole chapter. I was in and out of a funk for this chapter but I finally finished it. This was one difficult chapter for me for some reason. I wanted to transition to a point in the story on this chapter but it just wasn't working for me. So I decided to make more chapter leading up to the transition point. It won't be long. Most likely a chapter or two to get to the point I want. Till then, I hope you guys like the little cliff hanger and foreshadowing I left you with. As always: comment, criticize to help me improve, share the story with all of your friends and thank you so much for the support! It's because of all of the support that I love doing this and continue! Until next time guys

Demi P.