• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 2,657 Views, 10 Comments

Falling In - OneOverTwo

What if the Human Twilight Sparkle had defeated Sunset Shimmer?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Princess Twilight Sparkle relaxed around her castle.

“So what exactly are we doing about Starlight Glimmer?” said Spike.

“Well the important thing is just to make sure she doesn’t cause trouble anymore,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “but let’s talk about that later, Spike, right now I just want to take a break and relax after all that time travel trouble.”

“Uh, Twilight?” said Spike as he looked out a window.

“What is it, Spike?” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Spike pointed out the window at a widening tear in the fabric of space that seemed to have plenty of things falling from it. Including what appeared to be creatures of some sort.

“OH COME ON!” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Something was in the process of falling from the sky. That something was something called humans. One of these humans happened to be named Scootaloo. She always wondered what flying would be like and found that she was now free falling completely against her will to be very insulting.

“AAAAAaaaaaaaaa- OOF!” said Scootaloo as she landed.

Scootaloo’s landing hurt, sure, but it was much softer than what she was expecting; Scootaloo survived her fall.

“Oooo, my butt,” said Scootaloo as she rubbed her hindside.

Scootaloo took in her surroundings. What appeared to be thatched roofed cottages were everywhere. Around her creatures that looked vaguely pony like scattered away. One of these ponies approached her, however.

The pony was tiny, with a light brown mane, an almost white coat, glasses, a tiara, and she was flying.

“Hey there! Hey there!” said the pony, hovering at about a level that kept her face level with Scootaloo’s, “You look super duper weird! What are you?”

Scootaloo stared at the flying pony for a minute.

“Hello?” said the tiny pony, “Is there anything in there?”

“Whuh?” said Scootaloo, “Oh right! Human, I’m a human.”

“Wow, I never heard of that!” said the pony.

“Nevermind what I am, what the heck are you?” said Scootaloo.

“Pegasus pony!” said the pony.

Scootaloo briefly wondered why she didn’t just say pegasus but then decided that if a mythical creature turned out to be real and could talk they would be the one who got to decide what the heck they were called.

“Where am I?” said Scootaloo as she stood up.

“Ponyville!” said the tiny pony.

“That’s a bit on the nose,” said Scootaloo.

“I didn’t name it,” said the tiny pony.

“Fair enough,” said Scootaloo, “Hey, I’m gonna go look for some of my friends.”

“There are more humans around here?” said the hovering pony.

“I hope so,” said Scootaloo.

Scootaloo felt that one person could help her in the impossible situation she found herself in. She was even magic so that was a plus.

“RAINBOW DASH!” said Scootaloo.

The tiny hovering pony by Scootaloo’s head wondered why the human was calling for Ponyville’s famous athlete, but decided to wait before she said anything.

“RAINBOW DASH!” said Scootaloo, “RAINBOW DASH!”

“Scootaloo?!” said a voice that sounded like Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash!” said Scootaloo a bit more excitedly.

“Scootaloo!” said Rainbow Dash as flew over from behind a house.

“RAINB- you’re not Rainbow Dash,” said Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash took one look at the human and decided one thing immediately.

“Come on, kid, this is definitely a Twilight problem,” said Rainbow Dash.

Flash Sentry fell from the sky.

“Aw man! I broke my headphones!” said a voice behind him.

It seemed that he wasn’t alone in his situation because when he turned his head a Crystal Prep student, one of the students on the team opposite his in the friendship games, Lemon Zest had landed behind him herself. The two of them somehow managed to land in the relatively narrow space between two buildings. They had not yet been noticed by the any of the several ponies near them. They were lucky enough to have landed in an area that was dark and hard to see into.

“Dude! Are you seeing this?” said Lemon Zest, “These are biggest cats I’ve ever seen!”


“No wait, I think they might be really snub nosed horses or something actually,” said Lemon Zest.

“Er, yeah…” said Flash Sentry.

He looked out and observed the ponies walking about their business. Flash did his best to try and figure out where to go from here.

“Hey, Lemon Zest,” said Flash Sentry, hoping that he got her name right.

“Yeah?” said Lemon Zest.

“What do you think we should do?” said Flash Sentry.

“I think we should ask if there’s anyone who can fix my headphones,” said Lemon Zest.

“Uh, maybe,” said Flash Sentry right before resuming trying to figure out what to do on his own.

‘Maybe one of the horses can help us,’ thought Flash Sentry.

Flash Sentry waited until a pony walked near enough to talk to without causing too much of a ruckus. When a pink coated pony with a bright green mane passed by Flash stopped her by placing his hand on where he guessed her shoulder to be.

“Excuse me, m-”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” said the pony right before dramatically fainting.

Flash Sentry and Lemon Zest had gained plenty of attention from the plentiful amount ponies around them.

“Hm, lesson learned, dude,” said Lemon Zest to Flash Sentry, “Don’t touch ‘em ‘cause then they die.”

“The horror! The horror!” said the fallen pony.

“Oh, nevermind then,” said Lemon Zest, “touchin’s totally fine, I guess.”

The fallen pony ran away from them. The other ponies near by then had either also fled or had formed part of a cautious circle around the two of them. After some tense waiting, one of the ponies broke from that circle and approached the humans.

“Hello there, strange new creatures,” said the pony in a slow deliberate tone, “My name is Lyra Heartstrings.”

That caught Flash Sentry off guard.

“Lyra Heartstrings?” said Flash Sentry, “I have a friend with that name.”

Lyra was taken aback by that. She could only look at the two humans with confusion plastered on her face.

“Dude! I totally just realized something!” said Lemon Zest.

“Huh?” said Flash Sentry.

“We’re like aliens now!” said Lemon Zest, “Take me to your leader!”

“I don’t think-”

“I can do that!” said Lyra Heartstrings, “Follow me!”

“Ha!” Lemon Zest slapped Flash Sentry on the back, “I’m the mondo best alien!”

Flash Sentry sighed and followed Lyra and the other human.

Today was not Sunset Shimmer’s day. It was not her day at all in the slightest. She lied down on the ground and felt like she had been hit by a train.

Sunset Shimmer felt a hoof poke her cheek.

‘Hoof?’ thought Sunset Shimmer.

“E-excuse me,” said a yellow pony with a pink mane, “are you alright?”

“Fluttershy? Did you become a pony?” said Sunset Shimmer blearily.

“Oh, um,” said Fluttershy, “Well not become…”

Sunset Shimmer heard someone getting up quickly.

“Oh my gosh!” said a voice that sounded like Fluttershy’s, “You’re so cute!”

At that moment Fluttershy was practically tackled by Fluttershy and was promptly harrassed with petting as if she were a house cat.

“What’s your name you widdle schweetheart?” said the human Fluttershy.

The pony Fluttershy mumbled inaudibly and became very frightened.

Sunset Shimmer got up herself and checked her surroundings. She noticed that four more of her friends were behind her.

"Erg, my head is killing me," said Rainbow Dash.

"Ah feel mighty sore, but surprisingly less than I expected fallin' from the sky to feel like," said Applejack, "Everyone else alright?"

"I feel super!" said Pinkie Pie.

"I feel awful!" said Rarity, "My clothes are absolutely ruined!"

"Yup, everyone's fine," said Applejack.

"Hey Sunset! Did you know that you're still super shiny and stuff?" said Pinkie Pie.

"What?" said Sunset Shimmer.

It was then that Sunset Shimmer took a moment to look at herself. She still had the power borrowed from her friends surging through her. She guessed that her fight wasn't over yet.

"Fluttershy," said Sunset Shimmer.

"Yes?" Said the human Fluttershy.

"Er, pony Fluttershy," said Sunset Shimmer, "Can you take us to Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

"Twilight? Oh, you must be Twilight's Canterlot High friends," said the pony Fluttershy.

Fluttershy finally managed to escape the grip of her human counterpart, "Follow me."

Twilight was stressing out. It was frustrating enough that this was happening at all, but it was more frustrating given that she had only just finished going through time loops.

She could spot a small group of humans in the distance. There were three of them, a light green skinned girl with purple hair in twintails, a grey skinned boy in a green shirt, and a girl with curly orange hair and dorky glasses.

“From what I can see, we’ve landed in an empty field,” said the girl with glasses.

“Nah, this field isn’t empty, Scribble Dee, it’s full of life,” said the girl with purple hair, “like flowers and, uh, grass.”

“I think it’s suspicious, Starlight,” said the grey skinned boy.

‘STARLIGHT?!’ thought Princess Twilight Sparkle, ‘No, she looks completely different, it’s a coincidence.’

“I mean it’s really weird that what amounts to a supervillain dumps us into a peaceful meadow instead of a pit of spikes or something, right?” said the grey skinned boy.

“Indigo Wreath Indigo Wreath Indigo Wreath,” said Scribble Dee, “she wasn’t motivated by a want of wanton destruction. She was opening a hole into a world of magic while not caring about what happened to our homeworld. Tsk tsk, I thought that was clear.”

“Well excuse me for not exactly paying attention when the world was being destroyed,” said Indigo Wreath.

“Um, hello?” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

The three humans stopped what they were doing to look at what had just spoken to them. She seemed oddly familiar to them.

After a silence just long enough to be awkward, one of the humans responded back.

“We come in peace!” said Indigo Wreath.

Scribble Dee smacked him in the way that a friend would if you annoyed them.

“Come on, we’re like aliens now,” said Indigo Wreath, “I pretty much have to say that!”

“Aliens?” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “I guess you technically are aliens.”

“Oh hey Twilight, how ya doin’?” said Starlight.

“You recognize me?” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “Great, I can skip the part where I have to explain who I am. Follow me, please, I’ve been gathering others.”

With that Twilight turned around and walked back towards her castle, expecting the humans to follow.

“That’s Twilight?!” said Scribble Dee, “What happened to her?”

“Of course it’s Twilight,” said Starlight, “can’t you tell?”

“I’m not sure I believe it,” said Indigo Wreath.

“Heh, I’m sure that it’ll all become as clear to you as it is to me,” said Starlight, “Man, you heard what she said, let’s follow her.”

Several groups converged at Princess Twilight Sparkle’s castle including a group of humans that were already there because they had been gathered by Princess Twilight Sparkle earlier.

Princess Twilight Sparkle was very surprised to see Sunset Shimmer, or rather she was surprised to see her in the sky and about the power radiating off of her.

Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy drifted down to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Sunset Shimmer, you look… different,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “What’s happening?”

“I messed up big time, Twilight,” said Sunset Shimmer, “I failed everyone.”

“What?” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “What happened? I mean, I know that every human here fell from the sky, but I never really got the story since I was too busy rounding them all up.”

“Your human counterpart destroyed the world,” said Sunset Shimmer.

“WHAT?!” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, the pony Fluttershy, and the pony Rainbow Dash simultaneously.

“I tried to stop her. I tried to talk her out of it. I couldn’t get through to her. She wouldn’t listen. I couldn’t stop her. The world ripped apart and everyone fell into Equestria.”

“I did that?” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“No,” said Sunset Shimmer, “It was your counterpart.”

“I don’t know how to take this,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “The me from the other world destroyed it, why?”

“She messed with magic she didn’t understand,” said Sunset Shimmer, “Like I once did. The difference is someone was able to stop me.”

Princess Twilight Sparkle took another look at Sunset Shimmer’s current state. Twilight made sure to really look at what she saw. Sunset Shimmer’s shining horn and flaring wings showed significant purpose. Her friends’ power was still with her for a reason, they had to be.

“I think you still might stop her,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “maybe even undo what she’s done.”

Sunset Shimmer just looked down and away ashamed.