• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 2,657 Views, 10 Comments

Falling In - OneOverTwo

What if the Human Twilight Sparkle had defeated Sunset Shimmer?

  • ...

Chapter 5

Fluttershy, Tree Hugger, and Spike the dog entered Twilight’s castle.

“Twilight?” said Fluttershy, “Hello?”

Fluttershy decided to go to the map room. She was not expecting the alleged party.

“Oh my,” said Fluttershy, “There are a lot of them here.”

“Hmm, these creatures don’t look that happy,” said Tree Hugger, “Hey, this what your friend looks like?”

“Yup! Except the last time I saw her she had wings,” said Spike the dog, “None of these people have wings.”

“Hum,” said Tree Hugger.

“Hey Fluttershy!” said the pony Pinkie Pie.

“Hey Pinkie,” said Fluttershy, “are you throwing a party?”

“Yeah~, though I don’t think that it’s really going over well…” said Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie,” said Fluttershy.

“Hm?” said Pinkie Pie.

“I think that, um, maybe you should have waited a little bit before welcoming the humans since they’re probably still unable to get their minds off of their, um, home world and all…” said Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie became very silent for a moment. She looked back at the party and could see that Zipporwhill was the only one really enjoying herself as the filly was eating cake.

“I guess you’re right,” said Pinkie Pie, “I probably don’t really get what thinking your home was entirely destroyed feels like, but I probably should’ve known that the answer to it wasn’t a party…”

“It’s okay, Pinkie,” said Fluttershy.

“Yeah, I gotta go tell Pinkie Pie that she can stop trying to get everyone to cheer up today,” said Pinkie Pie before leaving to find herself.

“Ooh! Dog!” said Zipporwhill as she noticed and zoomed to Spike the dog.

Zipporwhill started petting him.

“Ahhh, that feels nice,” said Spike the dog.

“Oh my gosh, you talked,” said Zipporwhill, “Tell me your secrets.”

“I don’t have any secrets,” said Spike the dog, “I could tell you everything.”

“Yes,” said Zipporwhill.

“PINKIE PIE!” said the pony Pinkie Pie, “PINKIE PIE!”

“Yes Pinkie Pie?” said the human Pinkie Pie.

“You can stop trying to get people to enjoy the party,” said the pony Pinkie Pie.

“Oh thank goodness, let me tell you I was not succeeding at doing that,” said the human Pinkie Pie.

Spike came jogging in, “Pinkie and… Pinkie?”

“Yes?” said the Pinkies.

“I… for some reason I feel like I should be concerned for some reason,” said Spike.

“Aw don’t worry, Spike,” said the pony Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah, this party was a justified bust,” said the human Pinkie Pie.

“Though I don’t really want to just stop this party,” said the pony Pinkie Pie.

“But that’s probably fine since it’ll probably just peter out on its own,” said the human Pinkie Pie.

“Uh… sure,” said Spike, “Anyway, Twilight needs you two to join her right now.”

“Okie dokie lokie,” said both Pinkie Pies.

“Er, right, I’ve gotta go,” said Spike as he left.

“So, how ya enjoyin’ the party?” said the human Applejack.

“It’s… it’s awkward as all heck, AJ,” said Flash Sentry.

“That seems to be what should happen,” said the human Rarity.

“Oh my gosh, it’s that talking dog!” said the human Fluttershy right before rushing right over to him.

At that point Spike the dragon walked up to them.

“Hey human Applejack and Rarity,” said Spike, “Twilight needs you to see her.”

“Does she need to see Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer too?” said Applejack.

“Yeah, both Rainbows and Sunset,” said Spike, “both Fluttershies too.”

“Ah can go get Rainbows and Sunset,” said the human Applejack.

“And I’ll get the Fluttershies,” said the human Rarity.

“Thanks, now I just have to get Applejack and Rarity,” said Spike, “Um, the pony ones.”

Then they all scattered.

“I guess I’ll just stay here then…” said Flash Sentry.

Sweet Apple Acres was experiencing an average day.

“APPLEJACK!” said Spike.

The pony Applejack paused her applebucking, “Howdy Spike, what’s goin’ on?”

“Twilight needs you to meet with her right now,” said Spike, “come on!”

“So we’re gatherin’ everypony?” said the pony Applejack, “That ain’t a good sign.”

The two were outside Carousel Boutique. A pair of muffled voices were just hearable through the walls. The voices became more understandable as they entered the building.

“Gugh!” said a human with pink skin, blond hair, and freckles.

“Oh I do apologize, Ms.Taffy Shade, did I make it too tight?” said the pony Rarity, “I admit that I don’t have very much experience with bipedals.”

“IT’S… fine,” said Taffy Shade, out of breath.

“Ah see that your response ta seein’ a new creature is ta stuff it in a dress,” said the pony Applejack.

“Pff- Kh- Chuh,” said the pony Rarity, “You mock me now, but this ‘hyoomen’ will look fabulous once I figure out how to fit her in one.”

“That’s going to have to wait on that,” said Spike, “Twilight needs us right now.”

“And that’s what happened today,” said Spike the dog.

“That was super duper,” said Zipporwhill.

“TELL IT AGAIN!” said the human Fluttershy.

“Sure?” said Spike the dog.

the Human Fluttershy got ready and grabbed both Spike the dog and Zipporwhill the pegasus. Zipporwhill was very caught off guard. The pony Fluttershy hid behind Tree Hugger who seemed to just be standing calmly.

“So anyway, the first thing I remember is chasing a yellow ball…” said Spike the dog.

“There will be time for that later,” said the human Rarity as she sauntered over, “We need to go to Twilight.”

Three girls hung together precariously to the side of a screeching crystal train. They couldn’t hear each other whenever one of them tried speaking, they couldn’t even really hear themselves. They were moving so fast that they didn’t notice that they were no longer around freezing weather until they had travelled far outside the city they were escaping.

Whether it was because they noticed this or because it was because of fatigue, they let go.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata hit the ground and immediately started rolling uncontrollably. When they stopped they coughed from all of the dust they kicked up. The trio saw a desert town all around them. A fair but not long distance away they saw the train come to a stop and a large sign declaring ‘Welcome To Dodge Junction’.

“Oh that’s just FREAKING great!” said Aria right before releasing a hacking cough, “And I’m down a ponytail.”

“Blehg,” said Sonata as she spat out sand, “Now it feels too hot.”

“We’re in a desert, Sonata,” said Aria.

“It sure doesn’t taste like dessert,” said Sonata.

“DESERT, Sonata,” said Aria.

“Oh,” said Sonata, “I knew that.”

“Shush, you two,” said Adagio, “We should hide before anypony sees us.”

The three girls zoomed off to hide in between a building and a set of barrels.

“Now if we only had a way to hide ourselves,” said Adagio.

“What about using those tarp thingies over there,” said Sonata as she pointed at a set of clotheslines holding various sheets.

“Sonata that’s th- that’s actually not the worst idea,” said Aria.

“Hm, yes,” said Adagio, “Let’s grab something to cover ourselves and remove what’s recognizable from sight.”

Sunset Shimmer, Tree Hugger, both Rainbow Dashes, Fluttershies, Pinkie Pies, Applejacks, and Spikes joined Princess Twilight Sparkle in her room. Zipporwhill had decided to go home. In a short time it was decided that they would all go to Canterlot.

They were able to buy out an entire car of the Friendship Express and were quick to board it.

“Hey, are you sure that it’s okay for us to leave Starlight Glimmer alone right now?” said Spike the dragon.

“Bon Bon said that she’d make sure that Starlight Glimmer wouldn’t do anything bad and Lyra assured me that I should trust her on that,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “So we’ll at least take the chance.”

“So do all dogs talk where you’re from?” said Tree Hugger.

“Oh no,” said the human Fluttershy, “Spike there is the only one.”

“Groovy,” said Tree Hugger.

“Are you sure that Scootaloo will be alright?” said the human Rainbow Dash.

“I’m sure that she’ll be fine staying in Twilight’s castle,” said the pony Rainbow Dash.

“GUYS! Have you tried Equestrian rock candy! My teeth have never been more deliciously in pain!” said the human Pinkie Pie.

“Uh, Ah’ll pass on that,” said the human Applejack.

“Your loss,” said the pony Pinkie Pie.

“Ah don’t know if these humans can stomach something that has rocks as an ingredient.

“You guys eat rocks?!” said the human Rainbow Dash, “Man, Equestria is nuts.”

“Most of us don’t really go outta our way ta eat ‘em,” said the pony Applejack.

Sunset Shimmer suddenly started acting a bit less depressed and a bit more panicky.

“What’s the matter, Sunset Shimmer,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“I just realized that I’m going to see Princess Celestia again,” said Sunset Shimmer, gripping the sides of her head, “I am NOT ready to do that!”

“We’ll… we’ll help you deal with that,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Sunset let out a freaked out squeak.

Three girls were crawling around Dodge Junction, covered head to toe in long sheets. They made sure to keep anything that would identify them as human from sight. Only their eyes were visible and even then only barely. They crawled to seem more like ponies, but more importantly less like humans.

“This is incredibly uncomfortable, Adagio,” said Aria.

“Well get used to it,” said Adagio, “because we’re going to be like this for a while.”

“So now what?” said Sonata Dusk.

“What do you mean?” said Adagio.

“I mean do we stay in Equestria or do we try to get back to Earth or what?” said Sonata.

“Trying to get back to Earth would be difficult,” said Adagio, “We’re better off finding some place to hide for now.”

“We should probably get out of Dodge,” said Aria.

“I agree, and luckily I found a few bits lost in the laundry of the pony we pilfered these sheets from,” said Adagio, “With this we’ll be able to ride on the INSIDE of a train.”

“And those coins from that jar on the other side of that easily broken window will come in pretty handy too,” said Sonata.

“Ahem,” said Adagio, “all the more reason to leave this town.”

The Friendship Express pulled up to Canterlot. Its citizens gawked at the humans that exited it all the way to the castle. As soon as they reached it Princess Twilight Sparkle’s group was let inside. Standing at the throne were Princess Celestia, the human Lyra Heartstrings, the human Bon Bon, Sunny Flare, Crystal Lullaby, Minuette, and Moondancer.

Sunset Shimmer locked eyes with Princess Celestia for a moment, but quick as she could Sunset broke contact.

“Hello, Twilight,” said Princess Celestia.

“Hello Pr- Celestia,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle right before moving to show the humans at her side better, “My friends here can tell you what that thing that attacked you was.”

“Hm, your floating friend looks very interesting,” said Princess Celestia, “Who are you, my little… human?”

“Uhm… hello Priselestia,” said Sunset Shimmer in an uncomfortable sounding falsetto, “I am just-”

“Why are you talking like that, Sunset Shimmer?” said the human Pinkie Pie, “Are you sick?”

“Dang it, Pinkie,” said Sunset Shimmer, going back to her normal voice.

“Sunset- Sunset Shimmer?!” said Princess Celestia.

Princess Celestia flew close to her former student. They looked each other deep in the eyes.

“Is it you,” said Princess Celestia, tears beginning to flow down her face, “is it really you?”

Sunset Shimmer looked away, but near immediately placed her gaze back to her former mentor’s eyes.

“It’s me, Princess, it’s me,” said Sunset Shimmer, “And it’s my fault.”

Princess Celestia hugged Sunset Shimmer tightly, “How could any of this be your fault?”

Sunset Shimmer hesitantly returned Celestia’s hug, “The power you see in me was supposed to stop the human Twilight, but because of me it failed.”

“Wait… human Twilight?” said Princess Celestia.

“Oh, did we not mention that?” said Sunny Flare, her jacket was removed and somewhere unseen.

“I guess we were too busy gawking at everything,” said Lyra Heartstrings, “right?”

“Sunset… what happened?” said Princess Celestia, letting her hug loosen enough to look Sunset Shimmer in the face.

“The human Twilight she… that person was consumed by magic she didn’t understand,” said Sunset Shimmer, tears flowing, “I tried to snap her back to her senses, but I failed her and I failed the world.”

Princess Celestia tightened her hug again, “It’s alright, Sunset, we can still stop her.”

“But what about saving her?” said Sunset Shimmer.

Princess Celestia smiled. Then she flew back in front of the throne.

“So I suspect that the human Twilight is in Manehattan,” said Princess Celestia, “I can’t be sure, but that is where you should go next.”

“Will do, Princess,” said the pony Applejack.

“Excuse me,” said Moondancer.

“Hm?” said Princess Celestia.

“What should we do for these humans?” said Moondancer, “It’s not like they can be at say my house or anything.”

“There are a lot of humans staying at my castle right now,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle, “They’re welcome to stay there.”

“It’s likely that we have friends that are over there,” said the human Bon Bon, “We should probably go over there.”

“I guess…” said Sunny Flare.

“Now that that’s settled,” said the pony Pinkie Pie, “How’re we going to get to Manehattan?”

“Time is of the essence,” said Princess Celestia, “I can teleport all of you to the city, though it would be better to get some help powering the spell.”

“I still have all this power in me,” said Sunset Shimmer, “I can help.”

“Me too,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Very good,” said Princess Celestia, “gather around, my little ponies, and get ready to appear in Manehattan.”